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The Kingston Daily News from Kingston, Kingston, Ontario, Canada • 1

Kingston, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rv v. PRICE 2 CENTS. VOL. XXXIX-XO. 270.


I THE WORK OF THETOD: DISASTROUS CYCLONE IN TRANSATLANTIC ADVICES I A CASE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA IN LONDON. IMinb'hUb-ii fa. eflhtaaite. mr BaMaM aan air'w iww, ironp ten: and Miro Eva Pal laid, Naterilta, nil stalled slightly ro-burt. It i-parted tot the wean of one the aaidratiCed ie W.

H. Grady end tot twwetomare Hra P. Item and bar 15 year eld boy. It also reported to Mem af Hra. A.C.We!b rt Hartford ta Mist I a- ma SS.

i uarsrT I i Nth. fiWi JAM IBA phb ui wn oidiiuui, rmi: WASTia A HAD UUNDBI5B Ml Apdf AN TO COOK VON ABOUT 55 Apply a (hie oSM- Thtproporttiovto flvwruTly imptoio IbieaDdijnidi ww ton Bttloferor among tkoN vhowonU to mart benefited and who amt therefore bemort depended upoe to do the work iij Oe eonby peopft. Tet the agitation which is bring gnerally carried an an orer the United Btatee Ukriy to toar fruit. The comparatively tow men whoeee toe aeceroity Cor action, and are wining to do their ehara toward bringing good roads about, win not, yon nay to am, labor in vain. Thrir efforts win probably remit in Choice MiyfaKewToAitotolnPleM.

in Ohio, in Indiana, fat Ulinoia, in northern liiehlgan, in Minnesota, in Maaachnaetts and in California of or two great thoroughfares which win to under the control of the state in moet hatanws, ander eontrol of private oor-poratione in otter ceaee. The agitetors are mostly working on an ingmdoae theory. They flgnm that if they eaa rnenpsee the conetrnctioa of one or two good broken atone thorongh-- I tons through the mini districts ths in- I FEDERAL WAREHOUSE DRY GOODS tTQT A I fares through the ran MB1L loanoa; Ang. O-A amllia las tom I Wdltam Karphy and Uwarl Hilkr. to hn by enaeaf Aatafht rteissa.

I nT kj. 1 -j. School af In- Hotert Thigh, a onat trimmer igaddd ha fad I ftartry, ware aharead with amwaKfav Mkt febltotti S-mtod hjgtagata mffm beam. Ta-1 gallty. The masteMi fa badly hart day he 1 mrried to a kgMekaetke LvmMBBHinritojBm eaeaf Adatte (om wmadjamwaA Fradaiick Graft, a ire to doek wanrtag a aaitam ad the United llhw Tons, Aag, IK.

Than le ae doabt, Btatmarmy, Yates cabim The IMIam that wahremattoHoyalHotaL Girt! following rkssiy aa tha I dowe for days. Hamid to had -p-f last aad Bla. hnf I the Uaited Btatee army tor IS yearn, to Ugtert political impurtanea. It i. to take I Biehaid Hewn end Walter mw.liMhn charm af Although dmrllnd aa rtriefiy private ths I weytahhery.

They an aemmd ad tfmhia idihljpeiitWfm RhmAT.llcI Horn will he facilitated by tbepmamefl Bollock, (topi toKtag of Saxony, Chaacsller Von ChprivL I hisriepdanghtar, nmsadid far a wrek. Coast Kalaoky aad Coast WiUna Iamtoof all remarks to tha aontnry Mr. tothomatfaraftha Ewt Ihw throe was yntotfey lied to the ,11 1 roWACT. WH 1 tags Wiwsksd aad lissr Uawa -srt Wnuaeasan Fa, Aag Sl At 5 rtkek thta aftenooa the mort tvrihle cyeteas that thta dry. It earns ap to river.

From what point it originated ia not now known. Ik saddaoaaro of Hamming wm awn of ite mort awfrtfmtnraa Th hmreuewaro nnWnek a night, th wiad btaw with mart frightful vsiucity, whais rows at teem wvwhlown down. Following this handrsdsofhoarod ware anroofad, partially Mows osr or eoaiptateiy danrotishodvadTirorm than -tion at dsath arm rent apaa a orukro paopia. How aauiy were kUtad ta knows atthtatima, Laras dtafirtal in mraralrtto Horn of to dty ore fas absolute rate and the annwaatai rdilldren arete to rtrayyta aad tntaging baafe in rtmdnte4tas my. Tha daroaga wttl mack kaadredaof Molten.

trataa aad loeomdiw at tofl Iowa oror aad owTwira into city, atoctrie light, telephone aad tetagraph, iadowa. Tbodovartattaatato baeompared with nothing te to marenry of to oldart tar habjUaL Eroaybody te rejoictag that an Aim hare yrt foUowod, for tig rtrert nr Impaarobta with tram and follw baOdiap and tooogtamoonid art bo drawn, threoih- A OIMERAL RIBTAKT. Atilli IJRU1 JAKYAAE lomr. tOOS ISLAND FkRK I Park. NX lots Dasher to Mis SisisinMlhwflSni SaSM? SS5bS SL iTootToNBAMIS BIREEP.

iaiwedlete FOB BALM OB TO BUT. iiM lak imn a mtamm awlk from A I Haas. I pKS I A I I I haMtanta. by driving noon then, wffl 1 to ands to ajpeoiati their adTantages and the result wiU to a revolution of popular feeling in favor of good oonntry roads 8aid one of ths enthneiaKta who Hrae near Utica, N. I spend on an PROMPT I swage nearly twenty-tour horns a week in walking tor reform in the oonntry made of this etstei Why, do yon know that within twenty-five miles of the beautiful city of Utica there are public roads over which it is dangerous to dxivt an onUnair UiHtdr comtnict- PLAIN FIGURES-r either.

They an the main thorongh-farea In one of the most prosperous and richeet agricultural regions in the world. And jet for the biggest part of tboyaar theee roads are in a frightful condition. A rain will make them almost impassable from nmd; in dry seasone the wagons have to to dragged through six Daring this hot waatbm eave Uma and wagon turn MM dragged throngn tlx "oBtoCnriidiltofamMr enongi to mffocate a person. I amt of HIsHoiinemfc Aren't thoy repaired occasionally? mtiom Yea, of conns they are, and therein liae ths greatest aggravation. It'i an actual toot that the roads are not made better by the eo called repain, but are really Load after load of gravel.

dned Intothriroenter bythe ferm- 0Ziila an who are working out their taxee I tr and damped ther And than it toysQmrityiajiiAlIewimanwminHim-ngly heap of Mttle atones aad soil, I H(o, ymtarday and Uthoosh to did not whtoh is mUom leveled by anything bnt visit Dwdarn Park hasew enoegh to ths streets tomato him Mash tor TO- traffic. It not only makes the roads i 1 wsaesrais h.Ua la Tha total doath Ism ro for fa nmvtnlnod ta ji. Wear man ara known to have boon ktttad ta to Hamrd win rape irorha. A boom in Beottrtmrt oaeuptad by minora who had just returaad from work fatt ia aad three of to tamatm ware ktttad. -Tha hugs stack rt to Hytto mill foil an a man aad tww horaaa, and att ware ktttad.

A Wtta eoiorad glri waa kjltad by a tatttag building in South Main afreet Two man suffered death by to falltag rt. porta Bteg-mairh hrswaay aad a thW'tacwtfid ton aunafotethrongh to almost oomptatedsm htioa of I Brown's kandaam hrfck boata' ms block ta Bart Market aTrart. Throe era undoubtedly or 15 otbeca killed. Beporta ara coming eoaatautly to that rtbel ta inqxnsibta togtro nammor partieutara Many poor people haro anffrood hsavy kreroond it wttl ba meoto before all todaawgaeaa faanptiraA Ota hundred Ua roofsrs karo bare, tslegtagdud far, aad balldtag msohenles of all kinds eaa find ptoyoront hero for wnka to oocm, it ta already known that fully, 900 (roiMtags ham bam blown down otfaorwim damaged. Many of to structures won tamandrt great valoa.

Ia addition to to targe taffid tags hundreds rt eitlasli hat snffirad loAm ranaing from 5500 to HOOOL Tho Wlllp4 rtaft ton bourn wm blown dortn and to I faastoppad. Thvw are 91 man in to mlna, 1 bo? it ta hoped toy haa begot oat aafoly. Rsporta oomo from Hugar Notoh. a mining I town throe mile front hare, that to fertrno- 1 tion rt property tatorribta, and that 15 par- I obb mn At Faraoas ami MUlbrook, foar mttro hors, ooalbraakarata all diraetioae ban hpm mart or lev damaged and the number rt ktttad will roach UL Mayor Button tonight ivuod aprodapm---. thta catting on niombere of to OtkBegiintgt toaeeeniUoat to armoey eariy tomvfow moratag to aid ta to polios eoperyielpe'rt.

to city. Healeo roqueated all wortannwv to report to him for rimtiing up the dfbrta Tha wlrrn are working ao badly that-dt-torr impoaaiUo to gat anything off. Tbsmti- mhted lov at midnight ia 5500 although ie may swash Mghsr irnsAnFfenf" la great A terrible rainstorm srt ta sbuttiy after to oyakxte end drenched to itpmid proproty ta to track of tte-ajetaa At: midnight to rein 'arm 'poortag down' in tor-, rant i IT MAY BE MURDER. ny or FROM 15 TO 20 PEOPLE KILLED ON THE OLD COLONY ROAD, Vmfc-HHw Kara Brwvnar, Am. Ml A hepp.urd to the Vineyard Cdoay road at Quiary a aftroaoua.

Tha Main tartaathaetter ride rt The flirt pameacro coach IsR aathawwhrt, the laliro having toppled evro. Tha rt in (e the teata. Tha tan taeteatiy killed and tha staasr fatally tatand. Aa far Iroraod 9 wore killed and about to injured. Tha tatter wore far the greater part tejorad by meaptag steam, having been (rightfully maided.

Tha Urtury Are eaUad to the am qrtckly pondbta, aad shrofij aftemriie the ire The dead aad injured wm removed bom the Miine, the tatter being tehen into private kJ tbs Qidacy HnepWnl The of the eerideat tamer the mroe rt the frightful Wootmten dimeter rt The train wm due in Bortro at 11 pm, aad non lend of flvn errtx parlor nod paa-eiigrr cure, areally fully loaded. It ally ram at tha rote rt 40 nUm aa hour at tbiepuhiL WiUAm PmaeRy, ahonmbulUro of Bae-ha, umapaamgrotathefoarthearof the la It mein this car, he myi, tot i of ths cneaaltim uuemiuiL Tha bain nuuiiiig thnaqch Quinsy at the ruts of Ml Kiln aa boor. When mar PlvM death Bride ie raubUug asnad folic wud hr aa a wlul crash. Tha three forward cere hireuad and left the track. Tbs fourth kept lbs re ill aad awspt sight ntang apua ths bstetea taeomotive, wktah lay tails way, forcing itself right on top gf R.

Tha sbaok wasterrifle, aad it seeumt to if droroaptotart lathe air. When tha ear oatbeeugtaeit whiried suddenly nr, tho occupants betug thrown viaisntly Thabotltag atoani earns into the ear in dan doude from the loeomottro beeweth. enekling end ahnort enflbaeting the pet trteitiad hhUM UlMlB tht dWC of the ear a hole wm torn ta the bottom of it, through which many of the 40 or All pie were taken out Mr. Itaedlr thinks sta or mron pereooe wore killed end about 95 lightly injured. William FeansUy mid: "Thirty meonda after tho ear etraefc I would hero given 91000 far a drink of any kind bom whisky to tor.

I thought I rtxmld suBooatu. Ths dsatodwdhq; steam satered tho anrin fe ctuudefrum lbs looomutiro bailor. It filled did not all the Ia my opinion mtioue fajurim would hero brau the wuret to report but for thorn deathly fumeu lieu ud womea were gasping about mo they tried to shriek and shout, and they become weaker and weaker as tha steam filled thsir or fast through ths broken windows, trying ta vain to got a breath of bush air. It eama though 8 or 10 died light there before There were 4(1 or 50 peemugers fa the all seemed wounded more or tort, 95 at lseet eerioueiy. I row thorn vying for help and I did what I could.

I mw to fleeh burned from man and womea tha eurrod (team enveloped thorn, and I hand them groaning ta their death struggle! as ths scald lug fumes bacamebottro and denser. The eights I mw end the euundi I heard will sever go from memory. "Finally I readied the bole la the bottom of tho ear and ta eome way Vawtad out. AU about was wrack and ruta. Tha gars from tha other cere bed fee hardly ga hared themrolvro together and wroe not to be seen.

Bat over eaa from bordering the railway track won 10 or 90 men, and it eromed to me 1UQ, watching die rain and powariea from fright and astonishment screamed, shouted end swore at tom hot toy would not naira, and to mors leaned to more helplero they became, Th I hate to call tom that mw mo rim bum my perilous position, mw ms tsar at boards to ear bottom with all my might, mw ma pull helptam bom to interior of to shaming ears, row me caught beneath a tailing bar of bun and unable to extricate myself to aid others and they refuted to sid na Ido notkaow whether they were fools or cowards, but they reosivtdatouDdand thorough enistag bom Igot out of the oar btrt I oould and did whet I wm abte to do ta atrirting otora Ths following twrtro doni bodim wore taken from the wreck: Mb Ououtt Allbx, Philadelphia. Maa Mill B. Phrut, egsd TO, Louie-vffla Ky. P. J.Jobksox, Hontjv-llro, Yt Joss Ktax, South jatou, firemen of train.

Pour women. Two men. Two cfatldrenoua a boy of 1L The following died during to afternoon and craning: xa A. CL Wills. Hertford, Roua, a daughter of H.

JL Welch of Watervilta, CSonn. Aucx Pxxxxllt. Cathaxux Fxixxllt. The tart named two were daughters of Mia O. Feuually of Luulsvilla The follnwlux ere totally injarsd: Haa a Fxkksllt, Louiavilta, wito rt to cashier of to Citterns National Bank of Louisville, eoalded over bq whole body.

a M. Carr, Cleveland, maids whole body, not axpseted to hrajm tag. 1 CL Railbt rt Dorchrotar, formerly proprtatorrt Ths Boston Hvald, soalded ta toes and handa Tha following htally injured: Hra Martha K. Chase, Rauta Rosa, hot and kft arm burned. Rev.

T. M. Dimmick, Loe Angslaa, boa, arm and hip scalded. Hie wife bed hro too and hands eoalded and anffarad a compound traeture of both bonmrtto left kg. Mra Georga F.

Welch of Ctarotand, Pildod, condition eriticaL HaraoHamylamm Welch, tooa anna kndnaok Mail Hra P. A. Addiaou rt Chahea, tom aad anna burned and thipha bruirod. Mra Andrew Fowler, Charlestown, spin' njurad and bad ereldsl. Hro daughter, lira Oarage U.

Buow, tone tad hands and led. Mra Mary F. Snow. Charlestown, tore end tends badly traliled oudTntemel iiijuriea Mra A. Alifaxt, laniiavilk-.

toes end Usd and.o-ui -uuisd frneture of left thigh, oouilition crlii-uL ChpL W. K. Ail. Tamisyillr. hands cabled.

J. C. Piwn. Teen- rr. w-i-lilril R.

P. Beneon, Pullman eondacter, right aide of toes cut aad mr amriy ton effL W. Edwards, judge ta afaanoroy, Lauta-vllta, wrista enk Gan. N. Walea, Boston, flngar broken.

Fauartly, agad Louiavilta, bowta, arms and tags homed. tads Hndllaiar, Port Wayne, face, aide and hmk boraida Both Blackburn, Lowell, Kata, fast, aide ud hindi buffeX Mra McHaita, IM Wayne, eompeund baotnra rt the aom and knm aprataad. Lney, negro maid rt the Ptonelly'a, badly turned. Engtaev Bebooefc, wrirt brokm find heed and tags B. T.

Needham, Mra B. Needham and Hra. J. Brown, Lawrence; Hia A P. Boat of Somerville; Dr.

F. B. Warner of Canandaigua, N.Y.; Memo Paruham rt "bi M- Mia Jiis: on-comfortable to rids over, bnt it make them absolutely 'dangerous. Anybody, no matter how good a driver to may be, is apt to to overturned by it and perhaps have his neck broken on eome dark night No me will drive oa it until increased baffio at the aides haa rendered them im-pemable. I have known one of theee long, irregular mountains of gravel to lay on a much traveled road, occupying the center of the thoroughfare and practically unmarked by wheels, for two months.

And the number of loads of hay, eta, which I have known to have been npaet by such attempts at repairing I couldn't oonnt on my fingers and toes. Tha root of the opposition to rood improvement in tha rural districts, ao cording to toy theory, ties right hero. The farmer aero that if tha oonntry roads were to be macadamised or telford bed he would have to pay hie road taxee in moesy instead of Mcrldng them out' I dMt know bewmany states have adopt- edttis podeng plan of working ont road taxes, bnt I presume it ia general believe that it has done ths famnen more real damage in this state than all the atonns that over were known hero pat together. The tiling that the form-; er won't believe that if the roads in his county were good his farm would be I enough more profitableeo that hecould afford to pay his road taxes in money a dosen times over if neoomary. And yet it's oe plain ae the uom on his face that If the roada were good his horses could pull I man over tom, and that if each horse oonld pull more ha wouldnt have to keep ro many honoe, and if he had fewer horses he would need tower men to cars for them.

Why, there would be a mving in a thoneand wayv, letting axUel to toottot Htowonid be more beva-1 ble in to oonntry if communication b-1 tween different parti were mode easy. I "And ton again rappees he wants to sell his farm eome time? Do yon sup- pom tot a sensihle man will pay as mnchforafarm that separated fhnn I tha rib and to markets by five miles of mud and misery as he would if thoee smoothly paved with five miles were When the engtae jumped to track it erelieekwent 13 fart high buried. Upon one rife to by to angtae and ware etiwirlied tor 100 tart hnide tiro track. The fniveenrt peromgro coach. Na 388, left the rails and ito teremnef trucks ewrovtd to tha kft aad plnagnl diagnuelly through to Tha ear fra eu lta an to aagtaai The kwro farnard porHon arm ten to pirn and of the paw te the nor ear, wroro fa were thrown Info the rear lime, fwro which II deed bodtaa were taken eel Ths amsping steam -and wnohe bom tha gtaa iastently Ailed to tmrja that thorn wttb-te eoold sroaothing.

Tho forward care wars forced aver aaoa tiro outward-bound track, eompisteiy bteefeiagtraflic, aadapto8p.aa no train hod pawed to wreak. The three leer peeernner aneehm tod taaro to track and to oempanh mind arty slight Making ip nrgrane of Quincy nt to wnek Twauty-flro from Boatou ntao went to Quincy on apadrt train. AU that baman riUO oonld neeompUah arm dooo to aooto tho lost boon of ths dyfcq; aad quirt ths pais of tha tajured. A 8 MASH-UP ON THE MIDLAND. Inland.

OB1LLU, Ang. IE A amasb-up occurred ymtarday on to Midland Railway, Mod lnha, 8)4 mike bom Orillia. Thor ia a ateap grade bare, aad a qwrial freight from Midland was anahta to climb the grade and fadit the train fat two, leaving part standi ag on the track. -The mail train from Midland datod around to eorra, the anginero not maing or not paying attention to to itaganen. Baaing eoUiakm taavitahta to angtaoro jumped and wm aeroraly Injured.

The Are- to hie port ead neaped unhurt, Th rear oar of the freight moosted the looo-motlra, damaging the amoketterk, bell and front rtangtaa, Tho injured are: Jamas Deans, Midland, driver, ont on heed, brmrt end arm aeriouely. Charin Hallory, Oabawa, eat oa tag and Hra Miens, ant an band aad (sou Ths front truck of to peaaiapr engine wm Availed. A wrecking gang from OrUUd wmvntap and to track wm etaarod at mkbrfgjbt COLU8ION AT GRAVENHUR8T. A Way Freight Maas lata a Gmval Trala Tha flaad, Kasape Iajary. GaavxnuxaT, Aug 18.

As a waj freight attaehad to angina Ma 571, drira Arthur Bona, wm coming from to no it onlUdsd with a graroi train an tha main Una ta tho north and of the town. The graroi trail wm being hacked down by engine SSL drinr W. GunpbalL Tww flat care and a usboom were dsrailsd, ths two flats also being thrown off the traok and ona and of tha eaboom baiug amaahad. Engine 071 mounted the other ona, breaking end damaging the fronts of both, aho partly ds-railtag tiro tsmlro of (M8l Nobody wm hurt all tbs trata bauds aud navvlsa jumping after having done all they oould to prevent th A MEXICAN MUTINY. Moliltara Min Thotar Commanding Oflaer Mxxioo, Aim; 19.

One at the mart ma mtfonal evaota tot has taken vpiomta tha military garrisou hen occurred lata hat night ta to Santiago 7-altfaaolo ward, whom Hvantatn aoidtara, actiug ag patrol for to city custom house, dwarfed ta body after killing their 1 tan ten cut They flirt itrack him aa to head with the stock ofagun, and ton shot him aad stabbed him fln timv ta to fees with a bayoneL Tha amenta wm headed iqra eergaenl, who formed to men into line and marched to the asarart dty gate. Undro same pretext toy gottokeaMr and guard to allow tom to Ones outdita tlisy fired upon to Tho minister of war end to genleon enrnmender want peraonePy to to oene of to murder end ordered a detachment of to Baoond Cavalry in lmreuit, and it ta mid tot torn of to demrtora have been captured. Ona ndiliar was kft behind by to ho wma not arouied in tima to be a witnam of to bloody affair, but was the one to cwnmunlnate to none of to desertion to police hmdquartor Me Beinnge to MUbrook, Oat, Innarau, DL, Aog. IB. Harry Hamilton shot himself through to heart this and died instantly.

He wm porter and worhod ta to 81 Jamrt Hotel, Denver, and bed been employed ta the Palm Hotel lure for He was discharged throe week ego, He owns bgok looking for work today. He bed bean drinking. Patting to obtain am-ploymant he started for Iltchllald, a oountry Ha had two valliro, and after vidttag reran! mloona left tom temporarily with a rtorakmpw. Than ha stepped into aa allay aad put abuttal through hia haarL Ha mid toaoompartafowndautm bafon that ha had consumption, that tbs girt ha had loved had gooe back on him and that ho did not iratoliva, Hia ratatlroa arc not know hart, but Hra in Milbrook, Onl, and to body will bo taut na Bread Oreags Ladgo, Bf. Joan, N.BL, Ang IE Ths Grand Orangs Lodge of Britiau North Amvtoa too-mally opsoad lte flirt annual roeaido feta afternoon at 9 oMock, Mart Worshipful Grand Harter Walloon presiding.

smm upiiiiny' orrram momm. Mo Talks tg ntui Ottawa, Aug IB. Geo. 8ir Fred Uid-dtatou left for England today. A local nncMonovorontedn Senmtaon by demaadimi paymaat of a 155 tall; to Gonorai, how-W, mtWtad him wife a aback, whloh wm promptly maihad good by to local manager rt to Bank of ypntroal, who was nmonz to pwd of friends at to station to bid thu GflMffcl goo4 byi.

HrtmlpAL, Aog IS. Gsu. Uiddtaton mih to roirrew mprstea; on to Allan litter tiur-dirthfi for UwpcoL In on interview a Herald reporter he mid: "Yes, rm leaving Cknada. Yon don't eany rap forma, nor I for yon. The cause rt my hrtty dsparturs is that I wth to put my son la BandhuraL "Aa to Qayter Raed I duut care to my auythlpg tot will danugaany manta th-aym lot pubiio, torafure I will withhold myoptaida.

My removal wm caurod by to Gororn-maut, and I hold than to btama, although tha Opporttiou poshed them. Ibsy could not oarry a vote of emonrajMiworar. I torenw tbs whok troubte atto Uma to Urauiuer for motion arm introduood Into Huuae. "I don't tael prepared to state my fjt-m QUEBEC CABINET CHANGES. ehtdeon AppetatoJ Altormay-Gmaral and Inagoltar Pravlaelal aearetary.

Moitual, Aug 1R A Frovtactal Cabinet meeting took place hen today, at which Hen- Mavra Herotar, Langriiro, Rubldoux andTuraotte ware prsronk Ur, Botddonx wm eppotated Attorney-Geaerel, Mr. Lange-Uro Provtaolel Baeretry and Ur. Turaotta prothooetary. Hit Turootto wm immediately ataOsd at Iaadsa hy- Toa1u Aa Artvy tarnsd. Lonon, Ont, Ang.

UL Last availing' John McDonald of 950 William -atrart iq fy with two frigpfe whik walking homnwmrd ta Pieoadttlyrtnrt wore mat by crowd rt six mw, who. aamnltod McDonald raoaived a torero blow on to bom, which ernaaod one of to qrtarim br -ridm breaking hia naan Hie hamppnioaa -cmi-risd Uia home and a doctor waimm-j The tajured man bled prafnatly aU night Tho doctor plugged to nootrtt, bnt twioa to blood woaksnod him ro that at 9 this afternoon than wm aoaroaly any hop of Ua recovery. If third plugging ta found' naoaanuy to man's death will eartainiy Chart at Appeal a aram rfeaHadaon, fanaar, of tuwaahip, agaiaat Nathaaial defeated eavUdata, whohw already patt-Uoaad agaiaat tha retan of Mr. Hadaoa, tha The that arte forth the aeoal grnoarta of bribery, eorruptiow, Weatiag, ata. The origiaal part-Non againrt Mr.

Hadeaa wm Had aa Jaly AadaervadAuLaad omitting vaatog Pantoja ths wompatitim would to to withia the leqaired IS daya Hmitadby ths atatatafar tha flliagof tha A FAR-REACHING STRIKE. That la tha Ahead af tha Naw You, Ang. iB. Up to 1 orioek toil aftroaoonMimn, Mweaaiy aodBargaaut had not arrived hate aad it it anppoaad they are ia Albany la eaafannm with Gananl Maa-agwTDooay of thsCSantral road. If, ma bwvof the United Order of Ball way Employee theysilsrattaB of railroed soipioym woald havaaegrievaam agriart the Ctotral, aad the matter weald have to be fought oat between the Knlftate of Labor and tha railroad.

Mr. Powdsriy Irft tho to Ckod Hotel early this mondac aad hm am returnid. He tsmppaesd to be in coafermm with local labor lmdera, ITask AUm of Thtrytown applied far warit this momiag aaa motion head on the nad end namt to tha Btotyfitth rtrsrt yard StWMmtqm herabyrtrlkenend beaten withia an iach of hie Ufa, He wm mt back, to Terrytows. Tha foUawiag fa forwarded by rsquart: A rtatmunt kae been amt to Albany aad Nwlinssf this road that I axpra tadUtormm tUe moraiog aa towhethro the ilrnnm in our employ went out on a strike or not apd that I alidad that I tod plmy of mm to fill their plaom. Thera is not a word of truth ia the rtatement end I would thank you to inesrt'thio denial in your aean H.

WamnWhan, 51 VlewPImhimh lbs thteatamd troupoa tha Raw York had set ooourred up to midnight uitiL Durteg tha eftenoen: ths leedm wsniqeoUvu aad could not do say thing peeding ths arrival of Mmroa Borgsaatend Bwsiasy. At 5 oVdook this aveuiug thM two gmtleaen orttad srorrtly oa Yloa-Prssidtu ffifcb and had a eanfrowsm with Mat Webbaftarwarde said ho intimatel to torn his wlilHignsss to pate tha matter Bs HU Bugeant, that his disention not ipjtaMagaotdhs was fully appraelated. Wsbbmamdto my what had bam ths result of ths ooubreroa flwesmj end Bsr-t thm sdjaurnsd to ooafar with ths other drtsgetss over ths sttnetfaa. Tha ooufersoct of E. of id Chiefs Beigoant end Bwasngy at the BL Cloud Hotel lasted until hour thio ovaaing.

View Fnrident Webb ud Bupt Voorhls spent the night at ths Grand Osntnl depot awatoag davrtopmsnte. Ths ended toot pm. Ro rsechod end another meeting wiUbo ho Id ta naontag. Mmsra Fowdroiy, Haym, Holland, Wright, Sweeney, Hargeeat, Howard epdWilktamn wroe tha ooufrerea At midadgM to indtaattasn an that trike tar reaching ta lta HnnwiU be inaugurated ta the mnrnlng upon aU the reil-roeds ta the greet Vanderbilt ijsteoi. AUjlst, Aug.

IA Thera era no a votapmantata thsrttuettaof thostrikarsta this vicinity tonight roue Ceased by BOerow, Aug IA Tho Naw terra cotta wort at Rarer were to-day. WO.OOO. ATTEMPTED UXORICIDE- ultete late Ble WUe. Bnonmowa, Aog lR. White latest jerimfey ansraei'jwto Btater attempted to murdar his wif-.

He Ini three ehote at her. The flnt ballet stenak hro about the middle rt the etomaeb, below tobnmt, and gleariag artfe suterad her ngnt urmit, Theiseond buUetlsdmd Ira twmatheihtaendae aeer to feSrowt ad the third ballet wmtthtmteh The woKited woman thro grandad with hro would-be siayar. IntheSsTthe vulror wool off egata. tha A I this ttam paaring through na mar ths elbow, tedy wound. When ho wm shot ooat and rtrrtM ni rernedly towards the vlltagu.

The tidings of tbanooitiif wm onriwd to ths juv 8ilk rodatolsphoasmssssgefromthe'niUte put the oousteblM ou the alert Hewm qqMy "few to therow to darbies on kis rtjta The qmmleppmn to haro originated oror a mart trifling matter. -Whan Bteter cepe bom he commanded his wife to top erobgoa a ohUdh garment to do eome needtewart far him. Bhe repUed that aha wrnild do rota a moment, whsroupouhs flew flreeprt to revoivro aad attempted to merdw her. Hre Btater is nsttag oomfortablv. ths bUhto having I1 InflemmsWeu seta ta rtie wffl probably reoovro.

Rfeter fa iHU ta euetody. Qunaa Aogast 90 The Oonaail rt ths Board of Trade at its meeting ymtarday took into eoaslderatloa the qimtiow of the mttle trade aad deelded that it would be proper thing for tha Harbor Ooomle-doa to oflW a bonus to aooMataamahip to take ths talttaMra ia shipping live stosk Qoabea Tha Preridani of to Board, Tamar, ia tp meat to Harbor Ooomimioaen on to matter today. It appear that to Oonaail rt to Bond rt Trade ta ready to eeaiat ia this movement, bat bdtevaa tot to Harbor Oommtaeioa-re are to proper partlm to eaeuma the reeponeibility, sines to Oommimtou win largely benefit by the naw trade, should It effeotueUy established haraQeebee poe-ism exeeUeut fmeilitiM fordoing thta teem here, nod hM been frequsntij pointed oat, to greatest mortality amongst mttle shipped horn Montreal ocean oa to river, whloh would bo largely avoided if to skipping wm dona from InteuM heat ta reported throoghoet Austria. Thera k'ira bean many total rteoastroka Baiith will bo thelmdar ia tha Howe of lea periiantaat meete la Nosma-Mr. flnechm win a tori Item Nam to It i Pity that Lord Balitboiyc totbepobUs the Erriagtoa eorn ia tbs faaaiga oflea It would threw ferial light oa the erouhadnsaa aad parvar-1 Atyof theOladatoaiaa poller.Par auatto Hr.

Ol.iiatioaah carried aa a mrimof iatrigomwith ths Vatima. ths eb-fl of which wa to mean tha port of tha Irfah Oatholio optoophto far I tha Rrithk Gofonunoafc While the ht wooaoAoafriaodly to Ur. QhdldaA over-1 tom aad the qaid pro qao which ha whhsd mfeaoatabUahmsat of direct diplaamtia! teiatiom with tha Yattoaa aad tha enaHoa of a oompletaty equipped Catholic oniraraity fefejAhafaro tha acfaama matured 1 i btoopa aoaatad it aad mad aargaUe protaati agaiaat a The poadnea mnfortnaateljr cannot bo slveato I tha worU. tew it i. roata And ths som meats for Hamilton people aad deeent Toronto riettoia didst mstolt any more plaaaanL He heard aa aamoally strong fores of paUm bring ommoued to Dundom Park, and in tha sveaing saw erowda of draaton, vile-: moathsd yoaag man ia naiform (ring to ths statics to taka tha Inin for Toronto, Roma wars so drank that they eoeMat attempt to walk in regular files.

These are Mule from tha peats tor Hamilton has no mo tor the prod Dots of ths Hogtown sties. Bsaator Melanm was a sad spectator of tha disgreoeful soanm in Us groaada, et ha kept far (torn tha maddiag erowd. 1 No wonder, bow, that Arehbiehop Walsh wm stoned in the streets of Toronto, yha I mudsr is how to atoaped with his lifm 1 The satin poiiea fores was ow dotj from I noon oatil mldnlghL They my it was tha 1 I SoiediegraaJdbrqwMrSl I BMtiaa with 1L 1 I A mild fnoffsorivs young man mat I three of tha Toronto bandsmen in front of I the Royal Hotel Imt evening. The hood- lam, who wm on the ooteida of ths walk, jostled agaiaiLthe young men, and, when latter remonstrated, the hoodlas streak him in the mouth. I roogtoet erowd they have ever had I handle here.

Thom Toronto toughs, notwithstanding I I their anlforme, have ao non aonaeptioa I of tha priariplro of fane Onagataa than Thom baMU-axm were to tenor of to town bet evening. Swung rorrtomly to hands of many a onlfocmed inabriate, ttoy ware a eonttanal meaaoo to people an the Several of ths young gentlemen who earried tom plajfally the talagn pbftPf polMe OhisC MeXinnou It is my opinion that I ths earryisg of toes exm publla ahoeld I ta 'iriof dasgsrooe wmpeM tot are unlawful to eany. In ha tonds of men Uto torn fnatatha to several groggy bdividnala with ixm their hands jthey are abeolntaly dangsnraa bbmdaw Hallway tens p-i (T A wsil-known aMaen ta about to open a parlor. Tha Highland Gad eta aad Daughters rt I the Regiment wiU shortly visit Brantford. Ho mptaree have yet becamade-ia eou-aeettaa with to ourglary of Mr.

Howeils hoUiGuiionii The steamer Algerlaa, oa her trip to I Toronto, will go ap to Bay of Qnints, stopping at BaUeviUe, if req aired. The firemen's demonstration ta ia frtl 1 wing ta Watertown. Tha Timm eomss nll npozi The Brivstioaist Hindoos, who were here I some time ago, held meetlnge on Tamday ia Cleveland, and want ou to Chieego today. Hr. Keller, Btooem Oornere, again I looking for Ma oft-Uma erring wife.

Bhe ta supposed to bo boot Looghborougfa I Him Ismta Ataxander, to aloeatloatat who dslightod a Kingston aadtenM some tima ago, gave kae antertaiamrot at Port Arthur last weak with great suaesss. The kalf-mfla mm between Mssara Martin and Hooper will eome off ia to park on Friday, nth insi, at 7 oeioek. Tha medal to be preeeuted by Hr. 0. L.Baeele ou exhibition In hie window.

It is a silver bar with star-shaped psndaat, euitably la-ttHfrffl, The four man who stols A. I. HoKtaley's mare, referred to la another rotama, alio burglar lead T. G. Bterkr rmldeaeeaad attempted to break Into P.

Youngs atom, but wan driven off. They stole CL Chapman's wsgoq, hitehad to mare to it aad departed. Tha village rt Bummaxvilta, Po, wm annihilated by a aydono yesterday. No parMoatam. Two tarn eta eoavieta were baraad to death test light ta a bouM on to tarmof H.

i. H1U aear Waahlngtoa, UJL Hill had a tease rt tha eouvtete. a at be MoDonaldhaa mads an ante mortem state-Ha knows who to man an tomorrow it ia expaotad tot toy trill, ba nndsrnmst do sot faMgas yoorsaivas bom aton to atom, bat sot imonay aad i I by going fron 1 1 dlrset to tha than ere bargains offarsd of a vary mriptioa. Have joat opened aavacal mam of goods, sad eaa safety any that wa aaa give batter bargriaa than any other Dry Goods Home taaeitj. GUI aad to aoavinesd.

I -Federal Warehouse- 114 Tho following are a few af oar many I berg alas READ! READ! UdW Ooiowd BOM, 06b pair I Ladles' Haadtorehfefs, 6 toe Ml LadiaF Bibbed Vmts, Ida pair Ladlto Oashmsn (fins) SSa. pair LadW Ifele Otovea radaeto to 10a pair I wm I Ladfea1 JOd Giovss, I Psetory Ootton, (Hmvy) XSa. pair I ta yard I 4a yard 10a yard 19a yard 14a yard Whits Oottoo, (good) 5a yard 5a yard jia. Heavy Oxford Bhlrting, 14n Tibli fc, Oottou, Towelling (para linen) Ginghams, from Bath Towels, Oottonedm, 10a yard Stripe Tiennelettm, IJta yard Linen Towelta, 9a pair Hmvy Portiere Omtatau, $L7g pair Art Mmilna, from 10a yard Good Tweeds, from 95a yard I Cretans, from 9a yard Prints, formal prise, 5a, now 4)(a yard Batew Prints, 10a yard Prints, (Itot color) ta yard I Preuah Bateros, foe lta yard Cheeked Martins, from 5a yard Stripe Bienne tots, at 4a yard agliah Drem Ginghams, Bjf a yard Baoteh togtoma, f)a yard AU Wool Dima Goode, from 10a yard All-Wool Henriettas, bom 50a yard OaU and AU Bomaanto xemino tho goods at half priaa la at to pbdbbal WABBHOUBB. PBBNOH DBBBB BOBBB.

BENCH DB188 BOBBB. PBKOH DBBBB BOBBB. PBBNOH DBBBB BOBBB. PBBNOH DBBBB BOBBB. A splendid 'assortment of Pieaeh Dram aU eolore, eelUng at $4.75, original prfaa.


BNOLIBH DBBBB OINGHAMB. ENGLUH DBBBB GINGHAMS. have just neat rod a larga stoak of Bngiieh -Dram Ginghams, which wiU be oU at 5a yard. PRINTS, PBIBTB, PRINTS PRINTS, PBINT8, PRINTS PBIBTB, PBIBTB, PBIBTB PBIBTB, PBIBTB, PBIBTB PRINTS, PBINTB, PBUfXS A lam amortmant of Prints, (feat eolora) Bayard. PBDBBAL WABBHOUBB 114 Ktagaton.

UMBBBLLAB. UHBBILLA8. UMBBBLLAB. Prepare fee a rainy day by baying aa Umbrella. range rt prism from 95a" to at the PBDBBAL WABBHOUBB.

Urown balbbigan hobb. BROWN BALBBIGAN HOBB. COLORED OOTTON HOBB COLORED OOTTON HOBB Ootored Ootton Horn, from la pair; Brown Balbrigon Horn, jnet to hand! paatal line direst from maker, selling at 17a pais, Bee them at to PBDBBAL WABBHOUBB. Ohsapest store in to rity for Dry and etrletly one prim for ell. Federal Warcbcose Colomn.

I 1 I JTQK tALI OM JtmaUJtlA A'ffifSKS'-SSSSSBSs; tend 4 p.m. KDriCAb IMNTKPCTIOM. li iw y. WILdON WILL BNCiSTN A WMisUrtofertwSrTi to, Applj to ia Ualoa TB A NEW ilia. eOLP mepaluntui earns poptle ia Uma Enuair.

gmsdfarMnslml i toTttoSSWua SSITtSSfSdHaaoeorts PtoM. rI Sanum. Trims aad pankalam to tod Marta Moca, OCX tooahauaafc architecture. wwm, AgCRTfEOT.EICEi linUUM KEWLANDR. ABCHTTEOT Ain) -wdragrtm EaUamoolSuartreM, rto wSwodtea.

DR WHRLLB T. PUNMEUk NUWjBMKn fa lie. AHm Moffilttviay. Ottau 9W Aria smsiteMh MrototoMa ml IA). im M.D, ( M.

pertottine rtteededta i MoTETT, JX, OIL, NN8. A. ihgmi ih WeiiiiifiB ffiLtBodpoBurt WH! uSrtyoMroMit to liaUm- ntt, Trteplu Na MA We 1 OteftSSri PriSme I trt'Pertiaaiar sttentinn peal to a MaMBhSfegai am. fleterdm romlnalteMgeteete- AoBtomB it anUAaJSrSB uttf I HoteL Merer to Joaa ytolendiiowarteaneoitiatee. w.

bhAHNOM MA-BASmrKMMTO. JtrK-ore? aiagetera- 1 Smiths smith a lyon, bo, rtOjMI Uaterio eteew a P. Burn HENRY T. SHIHLEY. B.A., Street, fcarth door below I TINANC1AL AMD COMMERCIAL.

pSTdZhtanrt altoewdeaeaRSBtda ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN. IN ORDER CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES. YTR8NT0H CIII A. DA9, AegMI etroPabuet tree! thrift. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS iniHMBK SdafThunelerh of seeh eroud merttaalhumdav AuaustT teWsai M.

it Marbiro. me MASONIC MEETING. I I I I I I 1 I I WON WITH THE PRINCE88 HELP. 'S Friaen rsraroaa-Uhlroay Mertad to Bstaa Farliaauat. r-; DxnoR, Aug.

19. A dsapatch wertrod today announom that Mam Oarsman-J Chinny, who manrkd Him Ctare Ward a -taw month ago, haa bam sleeted M'rlit inentfrom hie district by large majority. Ths district ta which to Prince rrrtijne haa repraewted ta Pariiamant by to f'. Oiipoaitiou furqseriylO men, Yrfacm '1'. took on active interest oempelgp end perttafpeted to a dagrea hltorto antirely known ta to Hatuay rt Baldtah pUtioa.

Bhe eooooipeuied her hnahand thnNigjioat to district and wm' raoeivad -with gnat honors aTerywlprei KNIFED IN A DRUNKEN ROW. Walter GaUe eg Tllbary TowasZiln teaks kV jT. i L. y-y rt i ti.1; ij 0 4 ft V- we broken (tone or even traversed by good dirt roads? Well, I guess Take tocaasL.of New Jersey, for There are many miles of Telfonl road in tot state and what do to farmers say of it? Why, they my that it haa increased to profits of their farms by 25 percent, and they say that it haa in-creaeed to cash value at toir farma by Mperoent, and they say that it haa made life on a farm plcaesnt instead of irksome. I Cholera Spreading.

'Ipropoeato kogp hammering away Mijam, Aog. IA A death from ahoiere lkA haa oeeurred ou a Britteh eteamro at Ha- Hay be it wiu be my pocketbook and may be It will be the wrtl of intolerance I and nonsense which eo many otherwise with six Baglish engineers, awaiting the arrival of the Government's Alert, wfaish to to aonvey tha party on a raise around tha Labrador eoaat The gmtlemen will be asoom pentad by Hr. L. P. Petard, Ughthoues keeper of Point Dce-monta, a piowear of to Labrador regtoa Hr.

Petard strongly assstta that hawiU dsmoostrate tha possibility at bnUdlag a raUway one to Labrador to to ANantta eon! Tha steamship Alsrt ia axpeated hen to-morrow nigbL Whdsob, Aug, 19u fleadayelght, during a drankaa altsroatloa ta to Mlddlifruvl ill, Tilbury Township, Walter Gable FTank Dimond ta to right tag, a 1 ariuue wound. Constable Llndmy tried to arrert Gabla but to latter aaoapsd. Lindmy, howeror, ought him yesterday aad brought him to Windsor. Thta naming Hegtatrafa Baristtrsmendsd toprisaoro for sight days. Tho Fsniasolar Watxxloo, Aog.

19. Ths town to rapidly filling up with strangers Uk to 10th Pduln- -utar Basngarfort. The main atrart gorgsooaly decorated, mtaetao to rink in which all to ooniteirta will take plaon- it io expacted that fully peopls pro wit. sensible men have built around them- elvea I hope and believe tot it win be to latter." There ere a good many men Hka to man quoted, end thrir word aad acta will lean their lmprumion. Isaao B.

Pojiarra prominent New Yorker, (mart! to officers rt to New York State Roads Improvement smoci stipe, and an rt to League at American men, ispropKing a book on roada improvement He wlU have it published and copyrighted, and give to League of American Wheelmen to privilege rt distributing ee many ooptaa ae toy ehooeefrea Afterward it will be placed op eda Li It ha will deal with the snb-I ject In a common eenee way, avoiding technicalities and making everything I As Mr. Potter is a tensible man and a good writer his book will be inter-1 acting and to to point OuvAuan, Ohio, Ang. 9O0Thera was a daeparate battte ou Monday at Oouttaantel lOramtag, Fatnam Oounty, between am-Ipioyemrt the Oloror Leaf Bell road aad tha village author! tisa Beroral persoue were kart, bat sous erloaaly. Ths rlotere were flaafiy repulsed. Aa eoe aad a ram had a dmpente fight near Port a tow days aga the mgle attempted to oarry off a lamb, whaa the ram wrot to its reeeua The bird wo esTsraij tajured by a blow from the ram's heed, eud it wm killed by to farmM who wm ettraeted to to spot.

Tho Oethoita Otab rt New York to to haveartabhooM to land, DO, will eouteia a library rt 50r 000 voiumea The dab hoe 490 members, A Rmetau Imparl) Okies, Joet imed, taereeem the Impod doty oa sagar. Crawfords graanMy batter to flna mpo-A da igraanwy I U. A Msads CUM la. WxiHixoron, trsaeuryfe- pertnunt this afttenoda iaanad a dreukr providing for to immediate redemption at lSOQPdkQvr owl baadt at 51.0414.' AluVnioas'CTtylialaC akilTij, A e. III.

Mra, Mary Brown, -i aldorly woman from Eimita, tvl to dty kinking for bar daughter, who dk- V. appeared from horns mronl days aga Hra Brown'i daughter ia IM year old aad mir-i I NAWmtb-CWasgn 5rrt gag Ffltebmr 4( kiean ammd gama, 1R FHMiugi; Bate Now York 1 AKsauua-Columhm A Brortfra at Look A octet re 14 gwvsaa1 NswTotkA Bote -(, inooklya Ml Tho Folate Blight Iprsadlag. Dmhia, Ang. 90. The potato dtaMeola" praadmg with rapidity.

Ia tha aoathara portion of Ooonty Dowa and In aU parts of Armagh tha blight ha aesumad aorioua proportions. I. 11 Great big bananae. J. Crawford..

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