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Albuquerque Citizen from Albuquerque, New Mexico • Page 2

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i PAGE TWO. ALBUQUERQUE EVENING CITIZEN. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1906. THE EVENING CITIZEN Xe Citizen PublUhlnj Compaaj OffUfcJ Paper Bernalillo County ui City of Albuquerque. trm Dli.iUk...

Urprt City eat Cty ClmlillM. Tk LirrMl Ntw CmMn. lirywt WiHm krnm Clrtlti- rtON! oo tw Karb! kr rr hi wlnm Mil. MiUt Dully by Ctrrlcr, 60c per month Tn IwiM Cmm wOl bm Scltrand to th. Mr tk tow rata niH par wwfc.

(w BMath. wfcaa BMntklr. Mnrtlilig litei Mtdi tun Mpllcitlon WW mmJm hnt kv Mtlfrk turn i 1ty th. pr. Xk WM uv4 naiitnw ahraM to addrauad Taa VrrJf PuBijamiie ConruT.

Drafts, mii and azpraM mht eHr at to pajtbla to to rdr mt th. Vvtomarta I A3 Colorado IS MARINES ENRAGED AT ODD FUNERAL MARCH Washington, D. C. May 31 Captain of Marines, Hiram I. Bearss, against, whem tie peculiar complaint lias been made that he insulted the memory of the dead tiy causing the land to play "Always in the the funeral of C.

W. J. Lawrence, a private, is a DePauw, (Ind.) college graduate, and was admitted to the United States marine service as a second lieutenant, by special act ot congress, on account of his youth. He Boon distinguished himself in CAPTAIN HIRAM I. BEARSS.

the Boxer uprising in China and on the Island of fiamar, in the x'nlnp- pines. it was for an exploit in lead-tag this men up a steep cliff in a bat tle that he the title of captain. hub Home is in Peru, Ind. He obtained a military training at the Northfleld, (Vt.) military acad emy, and has (been considered a man of culture and of great, popularity, both among hid men and lis civilian friends. According to iprlviate letters there -was almost a mutiny at ithe funeral of Lawrence, at Olangapo.

P. over ue bands music. Lawrence had fceen drowned in a creek -while on shore duty, although two warrant lot fleers from the battleanlp Wisconsin, tried to save him. One of these nearly lost his own hfe. One private has -written a piece of poetry reflecting the resentment of the men at the unhappy selection of a funeral march.

SIXTEEN HUNDRED VOTES WERE CAST RETURNS OF DEMOCRATIC PRI MARIES IN EDDY COUNTY- FIRST HELD THIS YEAR IN NEW MEXICO. At the democratic primaries held recently in Eddy county, 1.000 votes were cast. Cartel) ad cant almost 600 rates, Artesia over 400, Dayton about 100. Lawtkood 130, Hope 110, Monu ment 90, Queen 65, Malaga 40, Gray Bend 3m, Hudson 15 and Reynold 10. The following -was the vote for the candidates: For Police Judge Ananias Oreen, 1.647.

For Probate Clerk W. L. IVjIk) C89; W. R. Owen, 891.

For Sheriff J. I). Christopher. 888 M. C.

Uxewart, 70fi. For Assessor Hubert K. ran, 350; J. L. Emerson, 500; Jibn O.

Mo-Keen, M9. For Treasurer W. J. Bar r.f9 W. 11.

Merchant, 1,027. For Superintendent of Schools M. P. Kerr, 1,543. For Commissioner of District No.

1 A. C. Heard, 774; Samuel R. Smith, 87. For CunimiKsioner lMslriet No.

2 George Wilcox, tiX4; 01 rge p. Cleveland. 31. For Surveyor U. A.

'yuieyer, Joseph Cunningham, l.two. MAY INCREASE FORCE The American LumUr company is contemplating the advlsabilny of putting on a full nigut force at the mills, and In preparation lor this move, which it id thought will im practicable, have sent east for skilled mill vm, the Increase in skill! men, who canm le obtained here, being wade iicar by the increase in the general force. It ias'been announced that in a bort time the mills wtxmW be working both a full day and night crew, Wtk-h would double the preatnt force men, as well as doubling the out-4ut of the mills, and also increase the frcu at work In the woodd at Ketner in the Zunl mountains. "Mychljd was burned terribly about lw face, neck and chuxt. I upplied Dr.

Thomas' Heotj-ic OjI. Tho pain ceased and the child sank into a rextful dee." Mrs. Nancy M. Haiinoni, lluin-fcurg, N. Y.

fc X-X-X -X-X-X 1 TERRITORIAL TOPICS x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- GETS TWENTY YEARS 1 FOR DASTARDLY ASS A I In iho fllirtrlct mnrt at. Tnw Judge John R. McFio granted a change of venue to Manuel Romero, inuicrra ir the murder of Kwtovan Sanches at Panasco lo the fall term at fianita Fe. ti Vincent CallegoB to twenty years In lhe penitent iary for rape. HEALTH SEEKER TAKES HIS OWN LIFE IN ART tolfl n.nnra irni voune health seeker who came to Artesia several months ago from IXmglas.

com- i nil1te fuicide at Jiat piaco oy carbolic acid, no was niv mnannTlt1tn ATlit WajV With- out friends or money. His mother at Douglas was nouneu. BACHARACHS HAVE RETURNED FROM EU HU" t. Mr ami Mrs Simon Bacharach have returned to their home in I-iaa Vega, after an absence of ntx months In Oormnny. Tho trip was under-of the latter 8 hlih, and she comes ack after ner sojourn abroad, greatly improi.

They upent most. tueir time at Wois Baden, wkicn is ne oi famoiiH curative spring resort) and wintering places in "Europe. RESIGNATION OF TEACHERS ACCEPTED. rv a lit pro. teacher of TnaLh- ematlcs; Miss Mareth Fnrro, teacher of music; Miases Oarrick, Mc-Crickett and Hugunln, teachers in the normal school at Las Vegas, recently tendered tbeir resignations, which were accepted.

These teachers are the ones -who ome time ago fharrpB ftffninsi President Vert, nn.i tn annivinir for re-election made thfir applications conditional upon i i tin the resignation or tne presiuem. no i.i nnt resiim. Several of the Tacan- cles have aJready been filled. LEGG FALLS OFF POLE; INJURIES NOT SERIOUS George Iegg of Iis Vegas fell twenty-five fe from a pole of the Las Vegas Light Power company on the plaza across the Oallinas, says ithe Optic. He sustained painmi sprains to both ankles and his ion wriwt.

which are not considered seri ous. He was working on a "trouble call" -when the cross arm broke off. The accident was due to an old cross arm which, pulled off the pole on w'hich Legg was working. That the result of his f.i'l did not terminate more seriously excited comment from those "who witnessed it. Legg was married to Miss Lizzie, formerly employed in the Optic bindery, a short time ago.

PLUMBER AT SANTA FE FELL FROM CHURCH ROOF Wlhlle at work on the roof of the Presbyterian church at Santa Fe, about noon Tuesday, Samuel Failer, a plumber employed at the McKenzie hardware store, fell from tlie roof to the ground, a distance of alout thirty feet, andi received Bevere injuries. He alighted on his feet, but the shock threw him to the ground, where he remained until assistance arrived. His feet were terribly bruised and they are swollen to twice their normal size. He also suffered a nervous ehock. Failer said the fall was due to the slipping of a board which had been lightly tacked to the roof.

A curious fatality seems to attach to Failer in his work. He has leen severely injured a number of times in a similar manner, but has always recovered. MRS. SARAH MURPHY IS AGAIN A BRIDE. News has been received in Phoenix of the marriage at Log Angeles last week of Mrs.

Sarah Murphy, formerly of Phoenix. tl Arthur Pike, of San Francisco. Mrs. Murphy is well known in Phoenix. She was the first wife of former Governor N.

O. Murphy, and up to the time of separation was a resident of Arizona, and is well known in the territory. The groom, wlile not known in Phoenix, is prominent in tie Golden Gate city. He is a large hardware dealer. Mrs.

Pike, as Miss Nellie Banghart, married former Governor Murphy twenty-five years ago in Prescott, and obtained a divorce from him about two years ago. After the separation she took up her residence in Los Angeled, and It has been said she was studying to fit herself for a career nn the stage. She met her present, husband aliout a year before the marriage. Mrs. Pike'g father was one of the pioneer citizens of Yavapai county.

She has one sister, Mrs. E. W. WelU, of Presco't. WILL ORGANIZE NATIONAL BANK AT TAOS.

News from Taos is 1" the effect that ttie organization of a national bank, to be located in the county ceat of Taos county. Is in progress, and tlm it will soon be an accomplished fact. Anumg the promoters of tile plan are C. N. Biackwell, president of the First National bank of Raton, and 8.

Floersheim Springer merchants. There will also be several Taos siibbcriiK-rs, among th-m the mercantile firms of liond. Gusdorf McCarty. and William M. Adair; Dr.

T. P. Martin will likely take stock and so will Alexander Gusdorf. The panels are now being prepared an 1 -will be sent to Washington very shortly. The laiik will Mfcrt under very auspices as a financial institutions of the kind in northern N-w Mexico has been greatly needed for years and as will i a profitable from the start.

THE ARIZONA CAT I LE GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. (i. L. secretary of the Arizona Cattle Growers' association. sa 'hat the territorial association now has a membership of 4bo, and is grow.

rapidly, fays toe Tombstone Pros-wcti: r. Th association was formed a little ovt I two years and is liiakir.g a very satisfactory growth. The association has nothing In common with the BHiiitary association, and is rorn-Isd entirely of breeders and growers of cattle. The bject of the association is to further the cattle In dustry along all possitnc lines. "Thre are several imjiortaiit matters confronting the cattle growers of the southwest," says Mr.

Coffte, "the inosi important of which are freight and the leasing of public lands, ft may not be known generally, iven by cattlemen, that fr. ight rates have gradually increased for the as ten years, and unless the Strcknien gel together and fight for their right, they will continue Jo increase. There K0Ot0K4 FOR YOUR GOOD Prvron who have pre-pcrlptKins filled at our store need have no fear of substitution, of which so much Is now K'ing written. For wotW we use only the finest drugs Bnd chemicals manufactured, and use exactly wfoa tlie physician directs. So many precautions are takeu by that a mistake Is practically Impossible.

ALVARADO PHARMACY H. BRIGCS it Prop'rt. First and CoM Avt. Beth Phones 0040K404K4K4 SEEK A RELIABLE DENTIST Full Set of Teeth Gold Crowns $6.00 II Gold Filling 91.50 Up 1 Painless Extracting 50c ALL WORK ABSOLUTELY GUAR ANTEED. 1 B.

F. COPP. ROOM 12, N. T. ARMIJO BUILDING Is no reason to doubt that a bill will soon pass congress providing for the leasing of all public domain, and it would 'be wise for those who are so deeply interested in the matter to adopt a concerted plan of action to protect their business.

This can only be done through an organized effort on the, part of those most deeply Interested." COURT DECIDES TERRITORY HAS RIGHT TO TAX WELLS. The 400 owners of artesian wells of Eddy and Chaves counties wlio were Jointly fighting the artesian well act of February 22, 1905, attacking the constitutionality of the law, lost their case by a decision handed down by William H. Pope, justice of the supreme court, and Judge of the fifth judicial district court, territory of New Mexico. The validity of the law taxing artesian wells to defray the expenses of inspection and supervision was upheld on the ground that such was a valid exercise of the police power of the territory. Some well owners claim that the special tax of per year on artesian well is "legalized robbery" and the case will be fought to the supreme court of tie United States.

Eminent lawyers have been retained by the Artesian Well Owners' association. Tho territory was represented by James M. Hervey. This Beats Kamagl's System. I have a corn plow that you can raise the gangs at the end without tutching tie leavers or sloping, and can start in the same manner.

It has crank and 'bard balance frame, stagered spokes and hard oiler. It is made of malabie iron and steel. It Is a class by itseit and it would pay yu to see it $27.00. Haviland (O.) New Era. Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of Torture.

For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Maseey, of 3322 Clinton Minneapolis, was tortured by sciatica. The pain and suffering which he endured during this time is beyond comprehension.

Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Chamberlain's Palm Balm. One application of that liniment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less than one bottle has effected a permanent cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent bottle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain. For sale by all druggists. The Horrid Thing.

"What a lovely Ijonnet Mrs. Olding-ton has. And so becoming'" 'Ys, becoming so." Mrs. Bambini, at her parlors. No 209 West Railroad avenue, Is pre pared to give thorough scalp treat ment, do hair dressing, treat corns bunions and ingrowing nails.

She gives massage treatment and man I cur ing. Mrs. Bambini's own preparation of complexion cream builds up the skin and improves the complexion, and is guaranteed not to be lnjurl ous. She also prepares a hair tonic that cures and prevents dandruff and hair falling out; restores life to dead hair; removes moles, warts and superfluous hair. Also a face powder, freckle cure and pimple cure and pile cure.

AH of these preparations are purely vegetable compounds. Have just added a vibrator machine for treatment of scalp, face end cure of wrinkles. It is also used for rheumatism, pains and massage. A letter written by John I. Rockefeller in 1K73, has been unearthed, in whic gentleman is sin-lied with a John's system never would have been successful, but for the jays.

As Urjan might say: "Another mistake of '73. KILLtmp COUGH and CURE the LUNC8 Dr. King's WITH Jew Discovery mfy nl III I I I FOR I 0UGHS and WOLDS nucnufiTiniu Price 0c Free Trial. Uoreat and iluicJat Cure lor fili THROAT ni LUNG TEOUB-J-E8, or WONi: BACK. rMMUSKUUaHDaWUBMM DO wantad.lnThS Evening Citizen.

It only costs One Cent Per Word Insertion und you tan rely upon It, as we have not failed before, that your money It not thrown away. We have alao rented hundrtdt of houeet by our want ade, as well aold nearly everything hay adver-tlaed through them. TFT VT tn Western Union Postal Tele- J.A.fci'fl tilfc jrrpn oraCe for an A. D. T.

messenger boy, and aend your ad with the caa to The Citizen office, or telephone dl-ect, or call, and the ad will appear according to your wish. WANTED. WAN TBI) A first-class cook at the Vondome hotl at once. WAN 1 1C1 A first-class lrmr, at Garrett's shaving jarlor, Socorro, N. M.

WANTED Woman to do general housework. Cadi at rtore of F. V. Trotler. WANTED Gentlemen's second-band clothing.

No. 615 South First street, eouth of viaduct. Send address and win can. K. j.

Sweeney, proprietor. WANT Ml Posit lkn mm wiL-L or assistant "bookkeeper. Under stand stnrgrophy and can famish typewriter. Address, A. this office.

WANTED Good men, ny number for roch work; southern Arizona; wages, 30c an hour; work guaranteed for three years. Inquire Abraham's Employment office, 120 Silver avenue, under Elite rooming house MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED Brunuh manager; I'M cash, weekly. Ldve at home. Experience unnecessary.

No canvass ing. Enclose stamp for particulars. Aluminum Hanger Chatfield, Minn. WANTED Good men, any number for rock work; southern Arizona; wages, 30c an hour; work guaranteed for three years. Inquire Abraham's Employment office, 120 Silver avenue, under Elite rooming house FOUND.

FOUND A -hunch of Yfllo keysT'Will be returned to owner at The Citizen olUce uin payment for this notice. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Three-room house In the Highlands, $12 per month. Ad dress, Highlands, Citizen office. FOR RENT Furnished rooms and rooms for light housekeeping.

413 South Third Btreet. FOR RENT Pleasant front rooms'Tor housekeeping. Rent reasonable. 524 West Railroad avenue. FOR REN i' A cool, pleasant front room on ground floor.

No sick peo ple need apply. 301 North Second street, opposite fire-station. FOR RENT Nice rurnlsneu rooms. with electric lights and bath, for light housekeeping and sleeping purposes. Inquire at corner of Railroad avenuo and Fourth street.

Over hardware store. FOR RENT Cottage flats of two to four rooms, nicely furnished for housekeeping, $10 and $12. Very cheap for the summer, or will board by the week or month very reasonable. Mrs. E.

K. Norris, 524 John street, east end of viaduct. FOR SALE, FOR SALE Jersey cow, 723 North Second street. FOR- SALE-Cbiei National range; used seven months. Gft8 East Iron avenue.

FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cows, at Kelly's, five and one-half miles south of city. FOH SXLE A handsome uardman piano, In fine condition and almost tew, at a bargain. For particulars, call at this office. FOR SALE A flrst-ciass, douuie-bar reled, 12-gauge shotgun; bran new never has been used; one of th best makes. Call at The Citizen ot flee for particulars.

FOR SALE A seven-room bouse, newly painted, all modern conveniences, with six lots, trees and shrubbery. A snap to any one looking for a home. C. M. Wilkinson, Wool Scouring mills.

FOR SALE My general merchandise business located four miles from Helen. A rare chance for some one to step Into a nice money-aiaking business. Will bear full investigation. Good reason for selling. Call on or address, Chus.

Mann, Publitos, N. Mex. FOR SALEGenerai merchandise store, with saloon in connection. Cr tn paying business. Established for sixteen years.

Store, 25x50 feet. Warehouse, 15x60 feet. Stock will invoice about $2,500. This Btock is all new and clean. Retison for going out of business.

Address, Mrs. .1. Weiner. Sandoval. N.

M. FOR SALE A large ninrrcauUle business, enjoying a most excellent trade, and controlling business for a large scope of country; or will sell half. Can engage in the sheep ami cattle business; also gristmill. Good bargain for some energetic nmu with from to $8,000 to invest. Call at The Citizen office particulars.

FOR SALE Stock and timber ranch; about THO acres fenced; 30 tead of cattle, .1 horses; wagons, tools and farming implements. Two 4-room houses, lrfirn, and large corral. Only two TMicg from railroad. Adjoining government reservation. Plenty of wa'-r.

Price. $4,500. Easy terms. N. lVarh, real estate dealers, 212 tWst Gold avenue.

FOR SALE Two sets 01 soelvlng, nim ty feet long; two sixteen-foot counters; one thirty-foot counter, fall at F. F. Trotter's. ft liayard, N. M-.

May 26, Scaled pnosals in triplicate for furnishing material and constructing I Kiiii-y here will be received -i a. Juno 14. and then information furnished on it. S. reserves the right to aee.

pi en- reject any or all pro-l er any part thereof En- containing ehoultl teiorsed, for Dairy ''tlbitrir." and addressed to Capt. S. Qnir. I'oiM usU harsh physics. Tlx ri.ic-jtion weakens the bowels, lead to jchro-ir constitpation.

Get They operate easily, tone euro constipation. 1 TiVCC r- KirAJ HOC A KJ fl 1 1 nroAinf lUmtcuT nui 'JUNE 1. PAY THIS MONTH. YOU WANT HELP OF ANY KIND? If so, we can sr core tt for yog by a small PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS. Money Co Loan On Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Horses Wagons and other Chattels; also on SALARIES AND WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS, as low at 10.00 and as high ag $200.00.

Loans are quickly and strictly private. Time: 7 month to one year given. Goods remain In your possession. Our rate are reasonable. Call and see nt be fore borrowing.

THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. Steamship tickets to and from all parts of the world. Booms and 4, Grant Bldg. Sit West Railroad Ave. PRIVATE OFFICES.

Open Evenings. Two Lots, Corner cf Silver and Edith. CORNER $1,000 INSiOE 800 Best Location in the City. PORTERF1ELD COMPANY. (Incorporated.) 110 West Gold Avenue.

Notarial work and conveyancing. PROFESSIONAL CARDS LAWYERS. Bernard 8. Rodey. ATTORN EY-AT-L A W.

Albuquerue N. M. Prompt attention given to all business pertaining to the profession Will practice in all courts of the territory and befote the United State land office. Ira M. Bona.

ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 32 street N. Washington, D. C. Pensions, lands, patents, copyrights, caveats letter patents, trade marks, claims.

R. W. t). Bryan. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.

Albuqner que, N. M. Office, First National Bank building. E. W.

Dobson. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Crom well block, Albuquerque, N. M. DENTISTS.

DR. J. E. KRAFT, Dental Surgeon. Rooms 15 and 16, Grant block, over the Golden Rule Dry Goods company.

Both 'phones. Appointments made by mall. Edmund J. Alger. D.

D. 8. No. 808 Railroad avenue. Office hours, 8:30 a.

to 12:30 p. 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m.

Teiepncme 4z. ap polntments made by mall. PHYSICIANS. DR. R.

L. Office, 6-8, N. T. Armljo Bldg. Tuberculosis treated with High-Frequency Electrical Current and Germicide.

Treatments given each day from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Trained nurse In attendance.

Both 'phones OK. W. G. SHADRACH, Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Occullst and Aurlst for Santa Fe coas lines.

Office, West Railroad avenue. Hour: 9 to 12 a. m. and 1-30 to 5 p. m- UNDERTAKER.

Auto, 'phone 316. Colo. Red 115. A. BORDERS, Commercial Club Building.

Black and white hearse, $5. ARCHITECTS. F. W. Spencer and V.

O. Walling ford, rooms 46 47, Barnett building Albuquerque. N. M. Both 'phones.

LAND MATTERS. H. W. 8. Otero, United States Court Commissioner, 703 West Silver avenue.

Will attend to matters before the land office CIVIL ENGINEER. J. R. Farwell, Room 23. N.

T. Armljo Building. NOTARY PUBLIC. Trios. K.

D. Mfddleon, Office with W. B. Childers, 117 Wt Gold avenue. VETERNINARIAN.

Dr. F. L. Schneider. Office, 424 North Second- street.

Phones 311; Black 35. Residence 'phone. 747. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. A.

L. Morgan. The INDEPENDENT CONTRAC TOR AND BUILDER. Estimates are cheerfully furnished; Job work solicited. Automatic 'phone, 724; shop at 911 North Second street, Albuquerque, N.

M. BEAUTY CULTURE. Mrs. M. Helena Leonard.

Graduate of Parisian Institute. Late of New York City. The latest scientific appliance and up to date methods for treating the face, hair and scalp, complexion steaming and bleaching, manicuring and shampooing. Electrolytic Automatic Water Massage; Electric Six-Minute Hair Dryer; Radio Bell, one of the lat-st scientific discoveries in the treatment of the skin by colored light rays and beat. SUITE 3.1 and 3fi, HARNETT Auto 'phone 726.

SHAMPOOING AND MASSAGE, Shampooing and facial massage; will five treatment at home or ut office. Room lit, Wile hotel. Mrs. M. 1 Preen, CiUzeu Want uds brtug rvtulU.

BANK INSTITUTIONS MONTEZUMA TRUST CO. ALBUQUERQUE Capital and surplus, sioo.coo INTEREST ALLOWED With Ample Means and Extends to Depositors every proper Accommodation, and Solicits New Accounts Capital, $150,000.00. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS SOLOMON LUNA, President; W. S. Strickler, V.

P. and Cashier; J. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier; Wm. Mcintosh, J.

C. Baldridge, Solomon Luna, A. M. Biackwell, George Arnot, O. E.


JOSHUA 8. RATNOLDa mm, President M. W. FLOURNOY Tree President FRANK McKKH Cashier R. A.

FROST Assistant Cashier H. F. RAYNOLiDS Director V. DEPOSITORY. Authorhsed Capital Paid Up Capital, Surplus and Depository for Atchison, Topeka YOUR ACCOUNT IS WELCOME iState National BamK ALBUQUERQUE, N.

M. We want your banking business, whether your account be large or small, and offer in return for same every attention and business courtesy, the account will warrant. We take every precaution to guard the interests or our depositors. Our bank Is equipped with every necessary facility for SAFETY, and all business entrusted to its care receives the PERSONAL attention of one of Its officers. U.



HUBBS. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "OLD RBLIABLE" B. WHOLESALE GROCER Flour, Grain Carries the Largest and Most Exclusive Stock ot Staple Groceries in the Southwest. FARM AND FREIGHT WAGONS RAILl DAD AVENUE eT. C.

BAX.DRIDGE NATIVE AND CHICAGO LUMBER SHERMAN-WILLIAMS PAINT- more, tooKg wwi, wears longest, most economise, full measure. FIRST STREET AND COAL AVE. GROSS, KELLY INC. Wholesale Grocers Wool, Hide and Pelt Dealers ALBUQUERQUE AND LAS VEGAS GROSS, KELLY INC. NEW MEXICO ON SAYINGS DEPOSITS Unsurpassed Facilities.




Provisions ALBUQUERUE. N. X. 4 SAVE TROUBLE AND EXPENSE, As well as sickness and possibly of life, by having defective plumbing taken out and tip to date sanitary plumbing put into your home. We'll fit you up a model bath room, with gas heating attachment for hot water, at a reasonable cost.

We carry the finest line of gard hose in the city. Standard Heating Plumbing Co. Auto phone, 671. Red 284. BUILDING PAPER Always In stock.

Plaster, Lime, Cement, Paint, Class, Sash Doors, Etc. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. 0 i.

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