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Vernon News from Vernon, British Columbia, Canada • 2

Vernon Newsi
Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iFammpsim: Carswell, Ltd Johnston Ltiv Shingle, Sah and Door, Coast Finish, Turnings Pa raid Roofing, vi.o 'Hearty Iflfl mm am srarfelag at th Bluebell mine on Kootenay Laka. Ora wee first dug ont of this mine by Had son 'Bay mra la. iHiu-'v. t''-' LtoUL flcaadratt of th Osnadiac Field Artillery and Lteut. MacDonald, Mratheona Horse, wore received by tbo King i at Buckingham Falae.

Thursday aad decorated with the Military Xhrosa Whoa th Alberta Election Art I hater th Legislature to oonridor alterations grouting the francbla to woman, eve more tor -couching amend monte will be considered. The entire question of voting quail flea tlow may bo taken np, with a view toward th establishment of regulations that will prevent Illiterates and undesirables b- Quick Dslhsij Guaranteed Althea will In future art oa tho geu-oral rapNoaatatlva of tee Caned) Government with tho Pomlalpg treope at tbo ftenL A 1 taMtaW A "A seml-ofltelal statement issued la Berlin daelarao that after oaenlry tea German admiralty contradicts i statement of tho British Admiralty aad "It can bow. bo otatod that no German submarine won nopenrihte tar'the attack a tho Hooporiaa." It Is' estimated that tjte currant wur exp racer of pll tbo principal belligerents te ITMMJH a day, or nearly IIMMN an hour, day aad night. Ban-days aad holidays. This means ILHMMN a month and.

over a year, Austria, Germany and Russia have concluded an ngraoment under whld the American Bed Croee will fee authorised send twenty-Sve physicians and flfty au race to Buoria and Mharia to ton tor Gorman and Austrian prisoners of war. Tho greater, part of tho Red Croee worker have bora heretofore in Germany and Austria. Indy Drummond now boo tbo nqmoe of IHi Canadian prisoner of war In the Hate of thoee who receive fortnightly percale of food. Bbe asserts that all parcels reach the men via Bora, and that some tav even been returned In rases where th man to whom they were addressed tad bora seat te England before tee parcels arrived. The war hospital donated by Ontario to the Imperial Government will fee located at Orpington, In tho County of Mont Hon.

Dr. Pyne, who want to England to -make arrangement, I tensed building la th place nomad. Aceoring to tbt Inform at Ion give the press by. Premier Ha ret, the property Is IT acre in extent sad th building will accommodate X14X patten te ns well aa a number of nurses A Canadian aviator named Haye was killed at Hartley, oa the Northumberland crasL tact week. He mdo an ascent, and after dying for some time was observed to tall, Tbo maoblaa struck the ground with considerable torso and Immediately tarot Into flames Subsequently tee charred remains of tea unfortunate airman 'were recovered from the taming debris Th flight was Kaye' flret In England.

Prices of many drugs have Increased enormously since tbo beginning of tho war. Potassium permanganate, which formerly cost II cento a pound lu now par pound. 1 Custer oil has doubled In price, and liver oil which was formerly X1.TI per gallon 1 now li.M par xallou. wholesale. Sulphate of atropla fonnerlf flJI per oa la now fll per ox.

Mercury formerly crate per pound te now sailing at IX. 11 per powl Pbeuaeratlne has Increased from tl.ll a pounds to fl pound. Tha postal authorities announce that a fraud order has bora issued against. Norman Barclay, Argyll House, Kensington High Street, London, England. This man has boon forwarding te.

Canada literature of a fortune tolling description. Letters are not to- bo forwarded to th above add rasa neither are money order th ta mode payable to Norman Barclay, A fraud order has been issued against Captain Walter Rand' of Boston, Moss, on tha ground that ho has been using the malls tor fraudulent purposes A preliminary, court nt Tokyo; has found K. Hayashlda, secretary of tha lower house of parliament and four members and thirteen former members guilty ef bribery In connection with on attempt te Indneo the opposition to support tho army MIL All tho convlet-' ed men wore remanded for trlnL The court found that Viscount Kan take Oura. former minister of tho Interior tad bonded -MAM yea (Ilf.tM) to K. Hayashlda to bribe tha opposition.

It te. tailored that Viscount Oura will not be prosecuted. Orders te recruit mere mm tar the reinforcements' draft to be sent by tho (X R. to luoraoM the strength of tha Canadian Oversee Railway Coaatrae-tlon Corps have been received nt Vancouver by General gupertateadoA F. W.

Peters. A quote of XX man te now randy te leave for tbo mobilisation centre In tho oooL The man required for thte branch have te bo experienced railway workers and have to. pass th regular military tasL The mlnumi height la fixed at five foot eight laches which Is coacidcrably in enema of the regular requirements, Capt H. Niven, ef the Prince Patricia's who has taw awarded tha Military Crow for conspicuous bravary has had spaatacolar military career. He Joined th Princess Pats In Calgary a private and so distinguished himself under fire tut ho wan given a commission.

In cno of th rights all hi superior officer were killed, and he took command of the regiment a position retained for a considerable time. Niven bar been through tho whole of th heavv righting in which tho Princess Pats have taken part, was once wounded, and was given D. B. O. He is a son of Dr.

J. g. Silvan of London, Ontario. wwmim Premier Norris haa announced that If a majority ef tho voters of tho province approve the prohibition of the rate of liquor when the referendum Is submitted to thorn next Harsh, no now licensee nor renewals ef present Hem-era-will be granted by th Manitoba government when Meanses automat-eelly expire on May XI next' A' can ef Liberal members ef the legislature derided that the referendum should be held la March Instead of December ef this year. The premier made it plaid thatthe later date would not entail tha continuance of tho sale of Uqoor I Manitoba post tho and of the present license year if tha elector deride maka th previne "dry" Th military expert of th London Time.

Colonel Repington, telle th Germs ns soma of th things that will happen to then, who the enter their winter campaign In Their armies will waste rapidly by exposure and disease, Grant masses ef Coasecks are forming, who; when the anew arrive wlU begin te worry them, In Russia vast taste of soldiers are preparing te renew tho war, sad In every anted hnd neutral country all avallnblo factories are working day and night to supply the iqnnIUoa that Russia da The wort offers th Gorman eo tatter prospect, eve-, war they able te add million me te th LIM.ttt now on that front. After immense losses, rack they would assuredly rafter, they would enable to pursue their campaign either oust or west with my hope of success CoL Repin gto convey the Impression that th lavs Ion of Poland represented Germany' supreme effort, and that failure to destroy th Button army Inevitably brings In Ite train failure "Toronto' exhibition dosed with attendance- reaching Net million fair yet but near- It. The umber of people 'passing the tern tiles was ahead of loot A bulletin Issued by tho Xnterna-tioaal Institute of' Agriculture gays the-crepe of cereals In Italy thin year In the northern section exceeds by 114,144,144 quintals the average crop of tbo teat dve Commanders of Gorman submarines have boea givan strict order, tt ha bee learned satboritatlvdy, that In ease of doubt as te the Intentions ef llnore they are to take tha oafs oonrae aad permit tbo ship te escape rather than run tho slightest risk of error, Tho German whs swore falsely that ha saw four guar on tha Lusitania when aha sailed from Hew York oa her teat trip has been gives an eighteen months' prison term by a United States federal Judge for his contributions te Berlin's stock of perjured testimony. The Colonial Secretary announces the following among other gifts to tho 'aircraft flotilla of tho British Grain Company, Montreal, gua mounted biplane costing IIH; Major Leonard, St. Catharines, Ont, bl.

plane costing 1441; Province of Nova Scotia, gua mounted biplane costing XXM. For smuggling tetters Into Holland, German court martial at Aatworp has sentenced three Belgian cl tisane te death and Xt others to hard tabor In prison for terms ranging from 11 months to ten yaars, according te the Echo Beige. The men condemned to death wore Police Commleelonar Alexia, Joseph Baeckelmanq an architect and Alexander Freak, merchant. The Immigration Agorae tor the year ending March II, 111, show a total of IS 4, Til immigrants tar tho Dominion against during the previous year. Of these British Columbia against IT.CCI a year ago, Japanese Immigration amounted te and Chinese 1,11.

The Chinese Immigration Is only about Id per coat of tho previous year, aad the aqiount dropped la head tax la over two million dollars, Capt Theodore Roberta, the well known Canadian author mud peat has been appointed assistant Canadian eye witness with Mr Max Alikina. Capt Robert enlisted with th Canadian troop aa sooa as th war broke out bring attached te the llth Battalion at Valcartler. Tho llth was left at the base when' tha First contingent we farmed, so that he did not participate In th tattle of Lengemarrk. Hie brother, Charles Roberts, tho port and nature writer and la also oa active service with Kitcheners army, The tad Canadies division, which ha now arrived I France aad which will sooa take Its place with tha veteran contingent, tee Royal Canadian Dragoons the Btratbconaa and Princess Pat, on tho battlefroat. te representative In Its composition of tho whole country.

According to reports of Its work white' training; It will bo tho aqual of any Canada haa eat over faff will ns doubt live up to the splendid record sot by Its predecessors lu tho field. The division te under tho command of Gen. Tamar V.C, 0 who did ouch- splendid service Jn flouth Africa. a A thrilling tale of ship wrack and rescue In the shoe Is of Bermuda le by survlvora oa tbo steamer Polish hi Id who arrived at Halifax lost week on the mall steamer Caudtera. Members of tho company of tho ill-fated Iolloksblelda told of tbo wracking of their craft on the treacherous roofs nt Elba Beach, Bermuda on September and the loan of.

their gallant skipper. Captain oBoth. la the giant eombera that swept tha vessel. The which drove their vessel ot her doom, wee the moat violent and prolonged eneceerien ef galas recorded In Bermuda waters In the Inst II years. The Dominion Government tan now advisement the appointment of a resident governor In tho vast northern tract now known ns tbo Northwest Territories, 'A suggestion embodying this important departure In administering the affaire of tha territories was forwarded short time ego to Mr Robet Borden by A.

McKle, who recently returned from on extensive tour of the north country. At this time; the territories comprising about one third of the area of Canada, are governed by commissioner at Ottawa and by Indian agents resident In the The Indian agency has Its knee at Fort Smith, a mile and a half north of the Alberta boundary Una, If conditions are such that Mr Robert Borden can absent himself from the capital for a few weeks it is be lieved that, la October or November be will address a series of moating In tho four western provinces. These tb erings will bo la aid of recruiting and other patriotic objects and Ms addressee will be strictly confined te these subjects. It was Mr Hobart's intention to have visited these pro vlecee this rammer, hat state consideration called him-to London. It Is thought unlikely ttaf' more then two mootings will bo hold In each province and these will probably be In Winnipeg and Brandon in Manitoba.

Begins and Baakatoou in flaakatehewas, Calgary and Edmonton In Alberta, and Victoria aad Vancouver In British Columbia. These eight meetings and the time required to make Journey would Inks about two ww-a nil, that tho Premier could absent himaalf from the capital at ono James J. Hill, tee famous railroad man. just, celebrated bin-- seventy-seventh birthday. He won born oa farm aear Guelph, Out, educated at the Rockwood Academy.

"Jim" Hill la one of the railroad men Canada has Mat to tbo United gtetea In exchange tor many we have secured from south of tho border. A a a young man H1U went te St. Paul, Minn, where he engaged lu the steamship buslaesq. He early saw the possibilities of railroad development la tee west and in 1IT1 he organised a syndicate which secured control of tho BL Paul and Pad fie Ry, tho aacaritlaa ef whleh ware largely hold In Holland. In this work ho became associated with tbo lata Lord Btnthcoaa, Imrd Mount Step hen and Mr.

R. B. Angus Mr. Hill is regarded as on of the greatest railroad author, itles ln the world, and In addition, te boon gtudant of eeenomlo and Industrial conditions. 4A a matter of tart, uslnass man In the United Btatae carries greater weight than tela former Canadian.

tT. Tar and Building Papers, etc. 1 Neponset Products, Wallboard and. Battens in' Oak and Cream Colors. MiU-At Kalaaulfca'Lake 1 1101 should hare ikeaght weal already Sava eobered the nuet fatuous -'I hm drivan by the jeopardy of ay aatHre land, So aound a note of have done eo' In the confldent belief that.

If It eaeeeede In rousing a la time to vat forth all oar length, we aball win. Xf for any reaaon Call, It will bo a aorry com fort to 'be able, later on. to taunt arlth their mtatakee thoee who now abuse me for calling attention to the coming storm before It evrawbrimg the land, and because I ntrlva to Induce my countrymen to prepare In time for Its onslaught." WANTS B. C. TO BE REPRESENTED Hon, June A.

Lougheed Will Recommend Step to Insure This Province Getting Share of War Vlctoris Ii Hon. James A. Lougheed, who haa come te the Pacific Coast' on this occasion mainly with the Idea of Inquiring Into tho grievances of British Columbia manufacturers la respect to the allotment of war orders la Canada, was yesterday afternoon, at the Em proas Hotel, waited upon by deputations representing the Maautee-turcre Association and the Board "of Trade. Prior te coming do Victoria tho Senator had, at Vancouver, 'received similar deputations and woe very familiar with arguments mode to him. Hie knowledge of the situation of this province In this tea pact was i scree eed through bin having acted aa Minister of Militia during absence of Major Oencral Hr Bam Hughes In At the meeting yesterday 11 was pointed out that thus ter this province hod not bad Its fair share of tho hurt-ncso growing out of tbo allotment of war contract! and It woo urged that a representative of tho Federal Government should bo appointed to reside In thio province.

Such a representative should Lave In bln possession standardised articles of equipment, so as to avoid the long delay which would ensue In getting samples from Ottawa. Senate" Louglieed, In reply, 'stated that he vat sending a report te tho Government on the representations which had boea made him both at Vancouver and Victoria. Ha wan anxious to see acme one lu British Columbia duly authorised by tho Government so as te afford facilities for tho manufacturers nod dealers la British Colombia being placed on aa equality with the East era manufacturers In securing a share of tho coatmcte. Complaint hod been made to him that British Columbia had not got a fair ahare ef the cob tracts awarded by the Shell Commlrafoa. In this connection ho desired to explain that this Commie (foe vna not controlled by.

the Federal Govera-nant; It morel assisted It with tho machinery of the Militia Department, which had experts with knowledge which was helpful. Bat the Federal Government la no way hoe te do with tho mutter of letting contracts or fixing price. The members of the Commission who assumed this vespwnslbtliiv were entirely Independent of tho Government aad the latter felt that It ought not te hove to suffer criticism brought about by any policy pursued by the Shell Conunle- Sir Blchard McBride yesterday received a letter from tbo secretary of tbo 8b Manufacturers' Association In Vancouver that they had boon much gratified with the result of the Interview with lion. James Longhead on the. question of war con tracts for British Columbia firms Tho Senator hod promised ro recommend that- the Govern meat gppclnt a representative in British Columbia for purchase of war supplies and bed added that this policy woe the result of statements mads te tho Dominion Government by Sir HUhevI BIG MUNITIONS SCANDAL ALLEGED London Paper Makes Statements Concerning Purchases Reflect-.

ing on Large Finn Connected Wtih Cabinet Member, London, Sept. IS Great prominence te given by the Globe today te what It describee aa "The scandal of sulphuric "la tha spring ef the year, ter reasons believed to bo good and sufficient, doubtless, but which wo hops will bo muds tbo subject of an Inquiry by tho House of Commons" says tbo Globe, "the Arm of Ydneent, Bona 6t Oa, remotely connected In a family sense with a member of tho cabinet, was commissi obed te bey largo quantities of sulphuric arid In America. Why no attempt was made to occurs arid la this country we will not stop te Inquire." The GWbe assarts that tha methods employed In tha shipment of tho arid wore so defective that hundreds of thousands of panada wore lost It te asserted the arid was forwarded la an Impure form of Iren drums -which even hod the arid beta pare would hove corroded and leaked. Xt te aald ships were damaged by escaping arid, which released noxious geese, endangering tha health of tho crown la one men according to thin newspaper, tho crew refused to laava port and tho arid was bald ap in York for two months. Two steamships have been damaged so badly that there was nothing to do but buy them at a coot of XM4.4M.

The Globa suggests two questions; Why wan tha arid not skipped Is tho proper vessels, and who bee made good te tha ownarq Tennant A Co, or tho govern meat? to a Now York bank. These in the two exxentiilx ia typewriter as almost any machine. with thix ii coupled ease of operation, simplicity of construction, complete equipment and all modern attachments you have all in one. embodies all these features in its construction, and stands out as the one machine Which is sure to satisfy the most fastidious a to the class of work produced, and can be adjusted to suit the touch desired by any operator. INVESTIGATE THE OLIVER BEFORE DECIDING LOUIS J.

BALL Sales Agent VERNON. B. Machine gad Rib bon stock. carried ia LJtowvcusr Finiwik cNgritigMgaBwetbeeti (tt fUBlMnrick rarivtoseTM ttadsNM ralnM and ftnw sty cfftyou 3811 deltarM of yoar order oa! Se nd your- 1 to-day' SYNOPSIS Of am mm bkuutioks COAL mining rights of the Dominion, 1 Saskatchewan and Albert. the Yukon Territory, the North- West Territories and in portion of tho Province of British Columbia, may bo leased for term of twenty-one Sun nt an annual rental of 11 an acre.

ot moro tbaa X.IIX scree will be leased to one applicant. Application for teas matt be mad -fey tha applicant In person to tho Agent or Bub-Agent of the district In which tha rights applied for or attested. In surveyed territory the tend must be described by sections, oy legal subdivisions of sections, end la unsurveyed territory th tract applied for -null be staked out by the applicant himself, Each application must be accompanied by fee of XX which will be re- 1 funded If the righto applied fra arc not avails hie, but not otherwise. A royalty etaU be paid on the moretantabl output of tho min at th tat of five cants Per ton. Tha person operating th mix furnish th Agent with sworn returns accounting for th tall quantity of msrchnntabl cool mined and pay IN royalty thereon.

If tha coal mining righto nr not bring opera ted, each re- -turns she aid he furnished at leaet one ft JTftftF Tbo lease will Include th coal mis- -Ing righto only, bat th lessee may ta permitted te purchase whatever available surface right may be considered nscooaary for the working of tbo mine tho nt ot I14.M sera. For tall informatisa application should ta otads te the Bscratary of the Dopnrtmont of the Interior. Ottawa, or to nay Agtat or Bub-Agent of Domln- W. W. COHY.

Deputy Minister ot th Interior. H.B. Unustbortsad puflllcatlon ot tbli advertisement will not ta arid tor. FIRE AIARH SYSTEM Cor, Coldstream and Eighth fit, Okanagan and Bully Bt -4 Mission BC and EUteon Bt. 1 Barnard Are and Clarke It -4 Bernard Ava.

and Mlerion flt Barnard Ava, aad Seventh K. (Neer Vernon Mows Offlcs) A Langill and Seventh EC tt jsn 8- 14 14 14 II 4 XI XI XT On alngl etroka after alarm: under control, or oaC Two quick atrvkaa sad on: Pin Fteuent TalUy flehabort Bt. Bernard and. Mara Ava. Barnard Ava.

and Eighth Bt -Eighth and Nrath Bt. Mara Avq, and North Bt Hupltal. Flra Polio Pleasant Valley Bond and Break glass door that eovora hM hoy, apon door, pull dowa hook gn lot gow OSee Career eed Railway Traefca, Ffcoas 172 a 1st mors with it. Is to know ssactly what to do. sad bow to do it.

You caaaot gat this practical kaowb ados bom a book. You hav gat it from tho who bate madeMeanasy raking poaltry through right arntboda. The help aad gaidaae ef aacb eaparts aresiraaroe la the Poaltry Courao of tho btacaatloaal Correapeadosee Schools. Krary phaas of asooaaafal poaltry raltlse la coasted a dear, crack practical way. Here am ravoral of lte eahkeft.

Iw It oatod lad mjtm eed aollylitidS i ST- to ate. Baaidaa dl this. the I C. S. to oaaoct-atad arirh the loiueal poaltry form ia Ihs world tho Kaaceca Poaltry Parw wharo ospotiwooto or ovary kiodatomada lor lbs bsoodt of tboss taking this Cooroa Writs today for hi particalars to WHOLE STRENGTH MUST BE EXERTED Lloyd George in Letter to Constituent Says Conscription Will Be Put in Force if Necessary, London.

Sept, XL Mr. David XJoyd Georg, Minister of Munition a. In a latter to oao of bis constituent. Isauod by tho official press bureau, makes an appeal to tbo public to giro tho Gov-oramout a fair cBaaca to doetdo tbo question of compulsory aravlc ant rdumtoa his view, that tho situation Is a serious one, which demaada that tbo country, must eusrt Its whole strength. Mr.

XJoyd Qoorga "You sny. and say rlghUy. that tho aonnarnt ought la give tho aatlon a hsfklhs quootlaa of whothor tho moral ohUgatfdg-lf vry nblo-bodlod man to defend bln sosatry. nhould converted during 'this war idto. legal 1 obligation.

"Tho Oorornmont, I can nasuro you. It fully allvs to tho nocesnlty for giving a doflnlto They aro xmmla-Ing tho subject with a view to coming to tho right decision. Unduo delay might ho disastrous. Lot no avoid both. Tho issus In one 61 fact, not of prinolpls.

"If tho figures demonstrate that we can win through aad with, the. volun Iwy system. It would be folly to provoke a controversy In middle of a world war by attempts to substitute a totally different method. Oa tho other hand. If those figures demo net re to to ovary unprejudiced pareoa that the vol untary eyetem bee exhausted Its utility and nothing but Legal pressure can give aa tho armies necessary to defend the honor pf Orest Britain and -save Europe from the triumph of military dee pot Ism, I have not yet heard of tho man wh would resist compulsory flervlca.

Would Carry, sevens ry. Under those circumstances, the men who aa they weald offer resistance to this expedient, even If provoa to bo necessary to aave their country and the freedom of the world, hays not yet appeared fa tho arena, and If they do, predict that their pro tec tars will net ho found among tho worhiag classes. "It Is nil a question of ascertainable facta Why, thee, all this prematura Tbs determining tecta have not yet boon published. When they have been sifted aad made known, the advocates of oao view or tho other will etiraly Had that the whole eyeless of fervor end ferocity which they will than discover they ought to defend. let tho Government have a fair 1 -c banco to decide The opinions have formed aa tie the essential set toe are promoted' by the sincere persuasion that nothing but tho exertion of oar.

whole strength will enable ue to obtain victory, upon which eo much depends Having coma to that conclusion, I am bound to do ay heat to secure that effort without tho least regard to tbo effect my appeals may have upon my own political fortunes. "The issue la the gravest any country. hue ever bean celled upon to decide. Let It be settled In a spirit worthy of Its gravity. Danger Met Ignored withdrew nothing I hava said as to tho seriousness ef the position.

Naturally, I take a hopeful view of the prospects of th causa I am concerned In- bat know too wall that to Ignore dangers which yen can see wllb the naked eye. If yea look emend. In the mast fruitful source of disaster la ell affairs for months have called attention to tho dangers la tho present ter, Events Slone will prove whothor I have been unduly alarmed. Bo ter, I regret, they have Justified my apprehensions should Indeed, be traitor If I did not hope that the course of the war would prove I have over-estimated the worst evils but I have net written A gw lee, who has Just returned from Constantinople, writes te the Outtte Do Laueenno that there te gn electricity or candles te th Turkish rapt tel, and that conditions -of life there are almost in tolerable tar foreigners. He rays that MM workmen from th Krupp plant in Germany are idle oa account of lack of raw materials.

It 1s stated that there a probability of tha Priacea Pat regiment being united with the other Canadian troopa. Instead of being brigaded with British regiments an It te nt present Many of tho Canadians In tho regiment ora raid to deslro this change aad th fooling seems to bo stronger since the McGill company was sent over ns reinforcements. Tho growing popularity of among American sport enthusiasts I noted In the tart that sloven teams are entered la the California Toot ball League of flan Franelsco, which opeaed lte season last Saturday. The player of the 1X14-11 era sou war largely of British and tho teams are materially weakened through drafts for active service nt th front tbo Call fornla boy having responded to tho call In ftne atylc, Unless the pinna of tha apple growers in th United Btatae go wrong, millions of warriors on land and era. In Europe aad Ante, wlU ho euppllod with apple rations on or before Xmas.

Present hopes nr that at least 144-M barrel will be shipped for distribution among the armies. Oranges Probably wlU be Included lu the cargoes October It te National Apple Day and It te hoped that tbo shipment will be nude from New York oa that day. 1 That Captalu Frank Pott of Lethbridge, officer with th Tenth Bat-taUon, was treacherously murdered by a Wounded German In tbo Held of tattle at Yprea te now established by word from on of the soldiers who was with th Captain at tha famous charge. Captain Pott In th charge cam across a wounded Gorman, who asked him to spare his life, which fe did, but when th Captain turned to go th German shot Mm with rifle. Disastrous affects on American trade In th Far East aa a result of a continued shortage of freight tonnage on the Pacific are predicted in report, oa tho freight situation by Consul-General George E.

Anderson at Hoag-Kong, China, made public by tho bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. 1 The report Indicated that Japanese shipping Has wMch virtually control th Pacific trade will continue to discriminate la favor of Japanese shippers In apportioning space in steamers Mrs. ML Ross; ef McKay, died at the General Hospital, Vancouver, from the affects of burns received a taw days age; when her clothes caught Are white she was burning rubbish la the Her body has been sent to Aylmer, Ont, for burlaL Mrs, Roes; who- was aged thirty-five years; urge well known throughout tbo district as secretary of tho Central Park Poultry and Co-operative Association, and was pouter among poultry-keepers. She was a noted breeder of whits leghorns. Canadian maps of exploration available the department nt Ottawa make It evident that fltefaasaoa te In error In stating that ho was the flrqt white man to land whor ho did on Banka Land, on tha Island was visited by McClure In lilt.

In tha summer of 1MX Capt. Bornlor visited tha west elds pf Banks Land hnd couple of members of Ms party mode lengthy trip overland Presumably Btefsnsoon te not aware of this or tad forgotten It when he wrote the account of Ms trip; The CL P. R. through Mir. F.

W. Patera general superintendent of th B. C. division, has Informed Mr. B.

F. Green, M. for Kootenay, of tha com. puny's willingness to furnish a. rite for the government deck whleh th member haa bee urging th Dominion authorities te establish at Arrowhead I line with lte policy cf providing facilities on navigable wotera.

Tho only deep-water landing at present at Arrowhead te the CL P. wharf at that point A I Mr. J. Carter Smith, a well known and respected resident, of New Westminster for nearly thirty yean; died suddenly Thursday afternoon nnder peculiarly distressing- circumstances. He tad cst th grans on hi property at th corner of Klngsway and Wise road, Burnaby, and was burning It when th fir got away from him aad nnder tha anoeeuptad house -o th property, which It threatened to art sblase.

I trying to extinguish th flames, Mr. flmlth was stricken with heart foliar canned by the excitement and atraauenn exertion and by th The delegates attending the ISth annum convention of th Dominion Association of Chartered Accountants brought tbsfr doll bs rations to a Hose In Vancouver tent Thursday. Delegates wore present from Manitoba, Books tchowan. Ontario and Alberta. Tbo financial statement showed the aaeocintlra to be In a flourishing condition.

The officers elected were: President, o. J. Godfrey, Indian Heed; vico-prooMcnt, A. Richardson. Edmonton; eocrrtnry-troaourar, Thomas Grant, Regina.

The next convention will bo hold nt Bogina. Mr. Goo. Edwards; Toronto, put president, Wss presented with gold watch, Only the qbick arrival of tho liner Tmeaala and the cfftcionew 1 of tar Arc fighting apparatus protaMy prevented tho recant 1 fir aboard th Greek ataamer Athlaal in mid ocean from In another grant ocean tragedy. The Taceanla arrived la New- York teat weak with foar hundred passenger whleh (he raved from what loomed certain Both the Tns-raala's and tho cnptalng do-dared that tha Crook ship wss tha victim of Incan dairy.

-Everybody oa tho vessel wss rornod, though oao second class pasamgor dlsd of heart disease Induced hr tbo txritemoilL Officer Minted thrilling story of the kins at sag. WIG. DCWOLFY East Ship Bariwor, A "It la with great pteraure that I quit to tell jrou of tbo woaderfol benefit ban neehred fin taking Trui t-a-tins'. For yeanlwaaadreadfrl (offerer from Cnutifotiom tod Htmi-oekt, and I wag miienbie 1b omr? way. Nothing in tbo way of medial neg Mined 1 to help me.

Tbea finally tried Frult-a-ting god tbo effect wag plendid. After taking one box, Itrl Hit wo mom gad I am deeply thankful to ban relief finns than (tokening Hr. MARTHA XMEWOLFE. FBUIT-A-TIVE8, the medicine made bom fruit Julees, haa relieved mow gufferw from Htoio ckrs, Sutt-diom, Stomotk, Liver, Kidney mod Stim TVemUet Uom eayetker medicine. SOe.

a box, 6 for $2.60, trial gist, SSd. At all dealera or ent oa receipt of priee by Fruit-o-tiveg Limited, Ottawa. PROSECUTION OF WAR WITHOUT RESERVATION Trades and Labor Congreii Pledge Support of Organized Labor in Canada Until Victorious Peace, i' Vancouver, XL After four hours of debate, which at times be-sxtromoly test night's of the Dominion Trades and Labor Congress pledged the support of organised tabor In Canada for 'tho prosecution of tha war without 'reservation nntil victorious peace te secured. The disc melon arosover the question of adopting ArtlcteX of tbo 're-prat of the executive council of that body, which contain thte paragraph: existing condition It ta-oomra the duty of tho tabor world to rendor every assistance possible to th Allies of Great and fra no In Canada, more especially to the Empire of which form' a part. In a mighty endeavor to secure early aad final victory for th couse of freedom aad democracy." On motion of Delegate Ruaaoll of Winnipeg, seconded by.

Delegate Me-Cutchoon of Winnipeg, it was proposed to amend Article by eliminating th foregoing After more than a score of representatives of various unions from aU parte of Canada had. upokoa on tho amendment It was defeated by a vote of XX to IXI aad with th amendment disposed of 'the entire section wan adopted by the rams vote. Much of the opposition to the aentl-, monte quoted cam from representative of tho Vancouver Island miners, who Utterly nccnllod the Government for Ite alleged injustice to the min workora. Among, those who a poke with extrema hut In opposing th en-doraatlon of the Empire in the conflict Delegate Guthrie of Ladysmith, Footer of Nanshso, Peebles of Calgary, Naylor of Cumberland, and MoCnteh-All disclaimed entertaining pro-Gorman sentiments, but they worn passionately opposed to backlog np tbo Empire ,1 what they declared to bo merely a clash between grant capitalistic Interest. Bom of them spoke I slurring terms of the men who have gone and arc going to the front, and their remark la ram Instance seemed to Impress oom of tha delegates as bordering on disloyalty, for there wore frequent choruses of dissent and In ono instance there was a cry of homo." Pledge FoU flopport.

-The report was ably supported fey former City Comptroller James Simp-aon of Toronto; who cited Kier Hurdle, Jowett Ramsay McDonald and other British labor Isadora In arglng upon tho delegate th necessity of plodglng their fullest support toward th successful termination of the war. Bee-retary-Treseurcr Draper, Vico President Fred Bancroft. Delegate Watchman. who te president of tho Federation, of Labor, Delegate Lodge, Delegate Day of Victoria, and number of other ate spoke feelingly In advocation ot th patriotic sentiment of th report. When the previous moved and tbs question came te vote there was much wrangling aa te the manner of recording tho sentiment of tha those la opposition do.

mending a. roll cnlL In the end, hoar-over, It was determined by. rising vote with the result above noted end tha name pf those In opposition, by their own request, wars entered In the minutes. GERMANYS HOPE LIES IN REVOLT Army Exha ua ted la Looking to Rirnian Domestic Trouble for Help. Petrogrsd.

Sept IS-Prlnce Eugene Troubetakoy made nr. Important speech nt th Moscow conference of Zemotovs and Municipal Councils "At the present moment" he said, "thte Zemetavo conference te tbo most authoritative Institution In Ruaata. If the conference wore te content itself with pausing resolution It would merely striking blow In the Mr. If wo thuo fulfil ear daty es dt leone stall have right to ray 'new le no time. for strikes end revolu-tloat "The German army Is exhausted, Ita only hope la In revolution here, bat that te not dad moot not taw "However audacious our- proposal may be they should be mad with absolute Discord do not and must not exist, The sending of deputation te tho highest authority Is the aourse I recommend.

Ri Mill stand on. hoc own feet." The city of Toronto has been aue-eooefal In securing loan In Now York, The teens, which te tor X1.MMM, te In the form of notes te ran nine months The terms are oa the baste of I per without warrant In facte known te tho coat, per annum. The notes ware sold awwe, imr mnaaiaaie A.

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