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The Standard from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada • 4

The Standardi
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

xIHS AILY 'V ive BigrSpecials LOCAL IT JEMS i Cn) Put up in Sprinkler Top ORh at dU! 4 do nw 59 St Paul Street i ai It! I H''l Hardware tlx upwards Mr Paul St ot Watts in shape oi basket ot fiuit A HIGHLY BRILLIANT SCENE COLO KILLS THE GEKM 30 Henry (Continued rom Pago 1) Heads all 0ple cttArt 1 onth RIDDIR ORR HOME MADE BREAD SEVERAL Bwuwnksr tk Ixck 11 WtlUnt Oaaxl im sireot is iw all Itnns only tour weeks to that ntral school Mo Nd Ko Oil 1 ny un Mr Inver bostes ai tto Want Ada uji A S30 here Hod 231 St Paul Street Opposite lnrt Methodist Church Bx Cf Lara prices 130 Bx Disslon Hand Saws Carpenter Tools K1 Nicholson Hon esatractsrw ti BullOrs of the TAILORING CARPETS I Cleaning Laying n1 Altering 1 1 101 zieui Bald No Price savings of a very unusual nature tion tshiih ate covering sluwlv fo lx: sure ancy Glassware Photographic Supplies1 Careful Watch Repairing 52 Welliiigtim St Plain and main ent al 4 kinds Estimate furnished Muni N1 Yrrn Hack No Ko indulge in lunch they will attend Show the guests Sewage Pollutes Welland Canal MISSES LINTER 13 'Wellington' Street' Ladies Tailoring and Cloakmaking Leave Your Order Early There waa no morning session Court street school today' and scholars of rooms No 1 and 4 Offiea A Plaatng Mill Cwhsm George sad Edmuad Straatai TELEPHONB iety The heat op wnh tin morning when Io the buikling to room So 4 under water while room floor was laid Tie a ixl llh did I hl less they The damaged cd uu ii To Go To The EMPIRE TA I LORI NG Co SUITS to SUIT EVERYBODY Carlisle BroU Co Corner Cathwlaa A Edmund PO Box 808 St Cathartoee A MASONBy A PHIQKWOBK New Tapestry Carpets Methodist church Sunday mo iling Hint i 'iuing 1 1 Associated Press Lyons Jr Sept I mic rrrwl Switches 98c up Pompadors SI 50 up jfjr Kvaryttilna tn the Tletr Line Shampooing Manicuring acial Massage A LEACH SON 90 92 St Paul street Says 1 here Are in the Arctic R'givn Limited 26 Queen Street St Catharines Everybody Wantf It Get It At We Refer To Reliability no 4fmJ a THE LAND MAN 415 Kaneax A'' va TOPEKA KANSAS Bakery and Lunch Parlors Neff 1 2 St at Thonei 420 Wo liivllf your luspecthui of our ront Door Sets Inside Dnor Sets and Hing All New Patterns Ct mV light grey trtld confs check 1'all In thcse dayH of riinin and pliltcr it is well to iMjleCt hotlbe that has recognized stability st yrtu Is sure tton in it You don't buv watches and jewel hwv uury day hence wire Won on Wvliiiiii Iv ibiirmn EAKTHQPAKES AT SANTIAGO THLRSDAY ITciS Despatch) Chili Scut 1 Several mrthouakcH occurred to day tx twe this ta 1 the eruption a Chilian volcano of th" Hii Bio River bed woe made dry by the upheaval of the land it month orbtn died Sask tile inti rment Ham Monduv I Mhsut nrl bei'ti bl! uni 1 1 vl holein inumluii! Ilte al 1 i cud Brussels Carpets With Borders fa Mat ch best on our list and good money can bo made out of it Agents will have over BOO acres of choice stock to draw upon Everything we ship is guaran teed Apply in full particulars in writ ing or person to PELHAKI NURSERY CO Oooderham Butldlna Toronto Out TIWAY SEPT 11 V05 all Carpets with Stair Carpets to Match WHY NOT Have That Soiled Suit Steam Cleaned And Pressed? Suit Pressing a Specialty Cembelford Co Opposite Grand Central Telephone S4 185 Si Vaal St ect WALKER ABBS RET A OLE DRUGGISTS QUERN STREET The Rittenhouse display the cut an' Gun Metal Calf Buttou Lace and style College cut and Blucher Inksater Bros Ageftts for HuylePs amous Chocolates and Newbro's Herpiclde or Sale by owler Co VN UGribin uhat you Have eiysh prtf nil anw I YOU WANT TO BUYev kind of busmen or teal att any wMr at atty plice wntn ran your is quirxiueuts I can rave ttinni'y Si Paul xtrevt pavement nearly ta1 eaet Court I pith Band it tie tural exhibit iui to iight mdrrow Bazaar is the place Tcr ancy Goods of all hinds XI have jut choice fine of Indian Grass Novelties consisting of inc Boxes Handkerchief Boxes llalr Receiver Trinket Holder It wilt pay you to inspect the stock Picture raming a Specialty young man from nt the wood! up i au ripurn ib is rt lau Here are fruits us it is the Ixst bread made in tho city Wo try to make it so Oakers Ht mphill St ragrant Delicious Bread If you urn not sutisfiod with the Bread you ore using ring up 490 ai wo wdl send yon some of WRIGHTS BREAD Santiago haviiitr naiiUh'd themselves that unltrco ft! Kliitli him the nitimj off towri ev New all Style Shoes La Shoe Blucher at 2 50 8 00 and 3 50 Shoes Button nt 3W feet upon tall of large Milh i Sit I 0 TV from the center to the table corners The school children haw a splen did exhibit of aster" which fills a large table Strange to say tho Uioro pooriy ward schools We buy ami sell ail kinds Of sec ond hand goods McGuire 4 Co aistf The big flower fruit and vegetable Min is on lit tne inies a treat if von Krom 0 to I morning is the time school children at exhibition onls 5 vejtj being charg cd jor admission during those hours luscious ch will In given to rirdd on leaving Every boy LUMBER Would ell tho BttontloB of bolltUro and tho pablfe gnwaBy Vo tha largo and wl atbek of Bulldtnj Tlmtxu loor La Biding Rough and Draoood Iuniber Ith and Khinglea fadlt oat to order on ehorwot nottea A large dlmanelon planor aHoMo tha iarallUoa for dressing lumber tp to equate Un styles rub 400 and and 300 2 50 womens Dong Kid Laco awl Bluch opr' styles put and kid tips 125 1Z50 1 "5 Special Value Work mg Shoes nil sohd and solid nt 125 Lotl and and Shoe for all Dong Kd mi Bx Ct LAO1 and Girls voteef down a plan the presetit str't car tuunictpaVcar N'icholas Empresa wailed down the Gulf uf Mr axui street hi Griuitbiui vritiitf Mi Maly NIor OLD RAGS AND IRON WANTED Vrtf lald tor Old iron A iiMAla lUUIA Mid P8p a tiwlll per you to tend me potr vs eard for prices belorw hu a tir AU wdere prompt I 5 attended to BEIGE! S3 Geneva Bt '74 saujd Table Cloth 1 12x try quality lcudi'nd pun hr i Ubly ilvth ctcuu Mil hleaUi out well tn cite nd bo inch a doth that will em brvjt Aatisfasbuc splendid dvsigtu regular 52 Os on I saja Saturday I qM'mnjf dlsphtJtJinf fall I milbiietv Me p'uai I ha yrti I 7c htnnetaWlta I 15 CS extra dri I si I 3V achcx ide I gular yd JSaturdsy TZOx! i I HAIR COOPS lute that tlv neoirle of hiu xrry nKH Ur ft tv I 111 4 1 a a a Sovereign (onml (h( rwl al its mouth ho come Oi'Tj gnd nuudar Of I tk 4 It 2 1 rl commit te at Pott biought to uanttrg 1 inn vor and Jn tl'6 anorninm the ifort icullm'nl of the city Here they will each receive a MHiituir the shape ot a basket of fi uit in the hixxiuls 1'ort Dalhotisiu nnu Saturday Special Bargains I 1 I Two Doors rom Pot Ofllco ni queen Streev Tbou 00 trkirfs In Torohlo a ly I'OIIW back fun'll i the fact that no are there 1 he 1 1 the cold cliniaiu kills the germs that i nt the hair oil I at th" root Livut Perry who went to the Arctic regions given the same I evid llcrpicid" ha the whlp ehxd is old riimnte Il killn the genii that eals he har olf at the roots nixl the bn I grows Lt rnK itlt i the iiibL nan reimdy built upon pi mill ie mg the germ man vis 1 hair oil Its phenomenal feale demon 1 straff's the iforrecl njs of tho "tcalp gonrt theory Sold by hading drug gists Semi 1c in stamps for snm Ti Heruicide Co Ih'troti Midi Walker Abbs special agents Daniel Company died in ranco Tho Colorado State convention Democrats endorsed Bryan for Presidency Seattle dupl icato system by Enifieror lovanrlrH itHauid on the Imperial yacht A stoams hii tiefVio? from Belfast to Canada was inaugurated ester day by the IL Im eke Erie It is reported that (Jerald Kirwin a weH kncwn raws is lost Tdmibkammg "RIOT COMORT If ACTS QVICKlA Cools and Soothes Aching! Tired and Burning eeL' a Comfort sprinkled Into tins Shoes doe the work beM in Canada Go ami antiot in vl Patriarch li mauna in size and beauty An ai tractive exhibit is on by Mr Sangsber a model garden mz" fur feet tn dx which contains a tmy green housfj flUcd with plants ter raced lawn paths and art I st beds of folinge plants and flowers Inken all in all the exhibition is much lar ger than was anticipated end is a mdit tft iha society the city and Hpr mt ms i ih Board ofHealth and Ceinuiwiaii made 'a tru up Hi" WeHami Caimi from Thorold to Port on Thurs day Weller the canal sujatrin verv kindly placing 'be launch "Geiierai" at their very careful sur Stvp into owler A 1 i kt i ur iv asi scrip Mr Galater Smith 83 St Paul Street Telenhone 434 Issuer of Marriage Licenses I EMPIRE TAILORING GO lhTc as I lOCh UMUVHUW VK in4 i atmrt for the originally came 1 he flat car loadh htrt cult ural I of exhi bit rd as The ttiwabens 4 i ti zvte i a to this city tomorrow wll be nut lit 1 i Montebello Park te ndent motor 3 I Aftrr vy of Thu whole it found that tliere was no RcvveJtuge drawled into tiny portion of the canal The drainage of the town of Welland all emptied into the Wellnnd River It is iniposMible for Welland to empty uni sewerage iiitr the canal without the uw of pumps It was thought that some lit tie sewerage might possibly empty into tfti1 canal nt Port but reri a I A 4aa iv tiiiritiii ainrinxt anv sewerage being emptied ai zf whtr sun Velvet Carpets With Borders to Match ho Klondike testify to native bald heads evtdimce is that Topical OS'uO Torcnujby City McCIelUml 7 Jj Or the ctock thi tn ore tn Higbee: Lowest 7 a hol nd 1 1 uflei noon and night ten pions this aiternoon lomoriou nmrnmg Patent Colt Blucher laios nd stylea College cut 350 uhd Ladies: ViJld Shoos Du Button awl Himber styles College cut 250 3 00 and 50 Shoes The Klud That Wear Shoes sizes 1 to prices 125 to "ghoes site 11 to 13 prices 100 to 150 lattle Shoes sires 8 to 10j' prices 100 to 135 New all Shoes for Jleu Bx Cf unci Vici Kai Rlnher and Lgux leather lined ami solid ter Iwvl and Men's Mule Skin Dongola Kid Blucher stylps to I Special Value (G IV Xaptes Sept 14 tarrying suiree of holy iinaes in their ranks and stopping i frequent bv the roadsWe to pray for deliverance from the prevailing earth quakes long procession of panic stricken Secilians are marching from their home I toward the 1 whole country in the region of Palermo has Iwn thrown into state ot great niarrn uui ccmtiniiiiqce of the shocks and there has general exodus from all the vil toWH rds the cnasi Pilgrim aln'itdy uulTerih troui wfliit of food and a berious famine is thmUtmvd i Holier is being hurried forward by the Tha Uuh fiinr Afrsnr rnntr ROiAi Cigar? CgaTHtes and iittwco International UrilonShop 11Q hairs opp Postoffice YOUNG I4THUAHI AN WAS HIK 13 tE Special to Standards is rrnnn Kliinis aged 25 years umnwriud a Lithuarinn ywtrlav was cutivictod of murder in tbu bonoiul dugrtsit be fore Just he Robsmt at tlw Sept em ber trm of th Supreme Cottrt He was wnlimcciti to life imprisonment 'at Aubtiru prison Tho crfni? nr which mivius wum convict art was that of ahcioting and killing Mary A Bromski a house 1 keeper for a gang of Lithuarian on June last Afte tho murder Klanis stole loA in cash and a quantity of jewelry wuicn found in tne room oi am vimm made his escape going dim Rochd'r and thence to Bopton Heu arrstod fn the latter city at a Polish weddmg wher he nan iwc wuted a vrtmn of the stolen gems to the brwle The defence made by attorneys for the prisoner was inSanity i I CAN SEZLL Your Real Estate or Business No Matter Where Located llLK AnJ Tl I flit llrtA 4 miu idv tor cull in nil part ot he Unit or early this morning A the com it Mii" wait Write Unfay de 1 lather fuming it thought rrlhniL' uLal YOU WU ft DU gl' iwCrSSATV Ci 1 at UN Which isroi hot aw 'ai' flowers plants and hr: all 4 i4 i 111 Iimi I a I I rl onlorT nt' I the uiax the janitor went open up he found toCVCl al inches of 1 pie other low llQOd'd nearly as en rooms No 2 not g't such a drisachiug lower ort Liit never the chd not escape scot fre" ami ruilhig are slightly glop luoidvntttlly turn to tho raus 1 boihday Th dumber soon on tno pot ami niu watr turm i cm smx Kg nz bcmi an i cWou 4 a I A 4 iM rak luik through our line 4ay at all IheM Gumk kuitlngx 73e ean de Sole Silk 40c 1 piece black i'eau de Sole Silk for waists dresses etc regulnr 75c yil Saturday 49c $100 Black Moreen Skirts 70c ne lot laities black moreen mvlorskirts mnik' with ihvp void ed floimo' reijiriur $100 each Saturday 79c $750 Litdies' Outs 9300 I 3 length hi phuu ami cloths mad1' in the newMl and "inter all sites a cont enstly worth It Jl pay you to inxis tlgatu this utter On sale Saturday nV each $51'0 No Kc Wo 15 diiy z' fo as MoiL 5 rttty rW Buti'liiy MUkq Ho 17 Toroutv jlX807 pan aJl WELL New Carpets also made and laid CHAS EVE 5 Ya tea Street 1 (lox 254 8t Catharines a a4 aa awri itrynu jk om pt Lace and Blurher 100 and 1 ChtWran'a Dong Kid anti Tlx Cf Loco and Bhicher 7i5c to 123 credit to the society th' rdy the entire district Among I he visit ors broufiht ix th nYhUutinn ftTft' of I be of the Department ot Agricul ture ture Toronto 0 Jams Deputy flow Minister of Mr Santh iuld ford gardener for Albnght the i in their own aource of supply pointed After a very pb trip the VCStjgllt UrlH Hi Un eVVUiUg i VU ply liail very numii cue Btmvrr Dams supply iy escaping he large ainonnt of farm Imxl drainagv which calm' down by that supply fm could beat th rum awfuttv pnnni ot mvs he nt' bixuntn world Ail dd ellows mini 'he Diiiriet No should 1 Boys hate MVU Brain I plays airfield's sme of tho schools weie very al Ba tardy in makmg their entries it be tfjing twelve befoie word of its is the spot fortmr intended exhibit was received from axa yri lUif4Mk Ik i ho array oi jruiw ai onrl ichnwH numerous vnt litytXKJ tUIVf ter ieties of fragrant grapes ruddy lus cious peaches waxen nnl tempting plums An unusual exhibit in this class is two of lread iririt looking sumewliit like Immsimllv large green pine from tne litoraon gnrirv the Oid PERSON Alt I te ail nTrOS tby IN bU dt tnc "All 'arratemeui'1 aA ur terj Jddfellows' xc Mitif 'fjrohs rtf tins ei'y is rcinfo on WjdliesCuy friraxwpp large crowd will go AOtk Bvc' imct Toronto 'hi itulSul bo uf attewdanew 7tn Vi kmU? summoned tor iiujLii yrtrad Hastings has rvtmie destruction of a Licych belong pxmi a two it io mg a man iiamw r'omi dismisses! xulli Hl mu naUz a pro ecu inc laying Oi Ihc phalt ii Church Stre now in lull swing It a a ar 'id ihis norrum' NEW GRAND TRUNK TUI ErT ABLE East bound No 5 Buflalo Expreso 31 daily 8 New York 303 a ta daily I No 4 Naw York 519 a in daily Ntt Bvflaln Ex 930 iwu dally ex cept teuuoay Ip BulUIo Jfl8l ara i dally fl Accommodation IS ra cially except SutuLteyU 8 BiiBaJo Kxpyeea 239 daily 14 ButTalo daily iX Mail 7 03 CT: daily except Sunday 4 2 New York TSt pm dally WcwMuaJf 7 Cbkaxo EXm 1324 iun daily 11 auui except Bunday 8 New York Ek sfl17 a 043 a tn 4g 'Toronto Exsj34 pm dMly Chicago Ex 34 pley is the ciepe myrtle a niiti'rot 'India every tiny pmk iicpey Sing bloNsom is jierfect in beauty A lnu vph ndid lugonia from Mexico uiui varieties of the same plant AND IT OMERS AT fln uniwua) pink shade and large A BIG TREAT I n((j h(r) ((S tll( uBOuiu Kcrruirh vf hiff 'f h(Jrv jn Pll im tomp'in riihnvsa i r4nry of the Hamilton nf C(()rj Hn the chenille and former popnlm pas on fuzzv flowers in rwl OUT HS h' still anoUicr thing a ttnme ns hirgo as its leaves Ararcae Anthurium heart shaped Thesef Ui many but they Iller was given on gas coniHst cons iron stns Co Bn finan ap i 1 Slr Afler hfi widetire Magistrate Eiill'r for trial at of compeic iit jiu is'hcl ton s21 town House and Sign Painting Paper Hanging Graining 256 St Pau! St LmaHtaii 1 lic forv having stl I aihariH" 1 ixarinn for Cann for deliindant mg it he committed next court Pictures framed nt airfield Dr Jlooper will bo out of until Tuesday Sept 25th i a former lesideiit city died at Spartanburg He was th" son of tns ami Mrs Gnbric 1 lie leaves a wile two daugli it I rs ana iww swra Vacation Days A Kodak will iucreoae tho pleasure of tlw children vaca tion and is very inexpensive prices from fl 00 $200 and $000 All guaranteed to make good pictures Wallace The jeweler to the Armory Mr Catwron deserv es unmeasured praise for his gener osity in bringing this beautiful dis for he is not competing for a a a am 4 it nd fhmo should vist pnu nor oeeraeu his interest in the success of this exhibition Mid the prosperity ot Society Another extremely inu resimg fea ture whioh no one should miss is uieu in frAin the Do exnivH kku4 minion EXfieriumntji) station at Gnmsbx tud is in charge of Mr axslx xrt 4NH bi butf is riiitivMtvd and thobe wjin xvhicH shoiibl Is discarded The decora tei dinner prize oiler has brought forth some very pretty and1 dainty exhibits One ta ble is in red anl white the center piece being an epergue ontammg UIM from which A reliable resident agent for bt Catharines and vicinity for all andWinter jxfRmths to sell ruit Tries Small ruit Bushes 'Ornamental Shrubs Roses etc All supplies furnished free Terms gtri the vity Port Dalhousie IxAv tei Aiui rifiriii i 1 We consider this agency oneyf the the exhibition A voting man wnnu ruling uu wheel to th scene of the supposed fire at th" Pure loud cunning fac tory Thursdav imihL ran into one of the iron lovenirgs of the gas com pftny the curticr (hwa and ttl Paui Htiwts on I huiil'! I hnrmttrhfiire 1 1 ife 1 i I JnHlv in iitnti wx iv tipart from these licml decorations die was munime'l TlnjinonH has ripe pineapples Smoke Kimber ley Diamond 5c People living along Burlington a 1 iteH aV i 41 Heach wen wme iiwumv appnmemi a gang naches CVIL it rm r4kzvv ateM4 a ooriiMl mx 1 Ua4 fanner liviutf near Bronte anmhrTvTrwiT 14fcl41 tslHU all Good assortment all struck urouml white and green the centerpiece winter Suiti and Overcoat haVe W1 i of JHe Ws and inRS nt I isMerably annoyec by the operation llcIXntls fr the ef (ientleinen's rt'jnnatcd of horse thieves and ti reward of ta)( vaw larg( piik $230 has tKni oiei eo it is s' av trs with cinnamon vines running jfor the capture ot any oi uw ern highway nun Svstm day a faun 'r near Bronte was made poorer by a man and her foal Whim ho learn ed of the roblrory lie notttieo ine CoH iatl institute is enuntv constable and several people Hwl iu along the Bench asked watch (()r th)f by it9 display i i ivxrdiieet nn! a fzvw 1 im i ntHvs vuu i to good headway to ar errttou nchooH aso huve finu dts tho raiWt New pictures at Picture framing zaar 1'5 James street rA'IlIC 114'4 clrpr the entire stock A riewes It in the are bvtiva T's te' full lux dav as tnc resuu uf all oMhe hool being flooded net nrt thTnit lw roirh this morning As the cold i jming wa wiMuisu i test the healing appair I TAIT H0D01N6 ainting sad Decorating Estimate urntshad Prlc RlgM Box 3S9 11 DuOerta St 88 Edmaad Bt BURLEIGH DONNELLY Of fl 81 St Paul st Them Sol mg I Mur Vtrnn aged months taut daughter of I hormis Welch di 'thms'la Horn mtennent took I Rex aii Morn: I ziuies ni grave sol'' I fir Maclean dentist 75 street i My how Co and uak a 'is the new untchtmik'T for owler A and thinks no mure of siauuiug nickel than a farmer does of buy a yoke of oxen owler A Co At 11m uglllnr meeting of Empire i i' Thursnav iiteht uw Tmmbiis oi St I'a Lodg iil them a visit and were prt iiisl ith a et cf offic irs regalia Ahl Pay Past 'Irnnd mnik tlw presentation Vice (hand LTysler re ceived the regain' MBIC AND MiWERN AT THE ARMORY A BIG IREAl' 14ie futlvral oi Mnngnrette Walton took place (rum the iiimily ntmknce Hamilton st one road lo the Ixuih Rev James Webb condui't ed the Mrrvm nt lh Ihhim1 ami gmxeto le Itrm Havens I Iud er Norman Spitke Charles actod as Iwareis JltblC ARMORY 'Hie RvV so I ex mi nee tor in charge liHu circuit i Louth ami Grant II pleach the imm the ami are onlv IvW serve Io give an ulna of the extent of Air tiunei exhibit A fact which adds greatly to tie pleasure of those who 1 vinxv thf exhibit is that each plant A ix 14 iv 'rxfiiv nntl lliillULA ItUULilJU nrmuiy iu go I so that everyone may know at what i i morrow ls looking and from what country lock toim to ii IIW The flat car load Pilgrims Pray or Deliverance ii 1 I I J1 I I I Xi (UVh "'I i 3 'l'r'rz i I I Hh 1 Hi a a iAa te WtyKf tSHW iwg4RiTM i jr i I 9 I ijz bHq a Hr: i 1 Hi fc A 1' TT i i 1 1: K4X 900'' i xJt VSTL ng 8'sith Mx vs dropped "dead tr up vi1 ia 9 9 9 ft 99 9 9'9 wwr dr iJi vvT oi J' 1 efc w7 3 Vm 11 i'.

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