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The True Democrat from York, Pennsylvania • 3

The True Democrati
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TRUE DEMOCRAT TUESDAY JAN. 29, 1807. 2rpl Uotirrs. roads and i-npedittg travel both by siteam and other vv flit (True Bmiecnt. Jtrttf PI B.

1C SALE. ON Saturday, February 1 fi, lsliC, the uiuLersigned, administrator the estate of ignc Iubtir r.ud Privatf $alrs. Public Sale. ON -Saturday, February 16 1867, the subscriber will sell at public sate. 0 his the VT OTIOE We have thi day asso-Xl eiated with JEREMIAH CARL, in the Banking buaiuefis.

The business will be conducted iu the name of WElsKR, SON CARL. CHARLES WE1SF.R. janl Zm CHARLES S. WEISER. Largp Hogs.

The Gettysburg Compiler furnishes an aeeotrut of the slaughier of a hog in that borough recently, that weighed five hundred and sixty pounds ami whic it pronounces the largest of the season. This is not so. Benj. Kauffman, of Spring Garden in tins county, slaughtered one last week that weighed five hundred aad ninety -eight pounds. So that York is thus far ahead of Adams iu that TUESDAY, January 29, IS67.

STAND BY i YEAO-! The VI eat her. Tbe eubw now oove the ground tp the Uupth uf qighJ or ton inches, and the sle.ghing is th belt we h6re had iu this latitude for many years. The air remain? at a moderate temperature which adds greatly to tut enjoyment of the owners of fast nags, and our country cousins who visit oar borough either on business or ple.umre. he lie id? are handsomely covered over, although tlv drifts akmg'tb feu ces are somewhat high, thus securiug the grain crops from injury and adding to our prospects of a fine harvest the coming seasuu. are in present, iu tbe midst ol tiae, ohu, mod-eeate and delightful winter weather.

premises, in Hellam York aboit half a mile west Krcuti ftreok church, the following peioual projiterty, viz: 2 Horses, Cows, 1 Wagon, ffour-ineh tread.) 1 Spring Waguu, Threshing MacKIne and burse power, Grain Fan, eura sheller, cutting box. plows aud cultivators, stone truck, wogou harness, Ac. Alo, beds, tables, chairs. Ac- lot potattms, and a number of other articles not mentioned. Sale to commence at 12 oclock M.

Terms at safe. S. ENG' K. Tin report that Uoternor Cartia hud ptirchiteud a dwelling house in Lancaster city, and into titled removing there with the view of Bfe'oiuiug Thud ileus Stevens sue cursor in the House of Representatives of the Ttikeil Slates, is entirely unfounded, hi over nor Curtin returns again to his old home in UeUeftm us, Centre oounty, where he ill no doubt spend the remainder ol ids days aiuoup: his old friends and ad mirers Thy present Mlai. Gen.

John W. Geary, has taken possession ol he xecutive mansion at Harrialmrs, will be fixed institution for tome time to come ut the Suite capital. 'atharine Koeheuaur, widow, late of Dover deed, by order ot (ho Orphans Court of rk Couirty. it! utTor at public sale at 2 oclock P. at (he public bise of Charles Uuderwood, ia the borough of York, the real estate of said deceased, co sistiug of her righ', title and interest in and to a coruin two-story W-ather-boarded IwelHng HOUSE, and abut a -re quarter ot an acre of land, on whicb it is built, situate in said township, on a public road leading from Dover to Liverpool, adjoining land? of John L.

Mayer, Esq. Terms cash. Attendance will be given by SAML KOCHENAl'R, jau2y-ts Adinr, Hail brightest banner that floats i flag of the country of Washington. nai Ked arc tb.v etripea with thelood ol the brave Bright are thy Ur a the sun on the wave rapt iu thy fold are the hope of the Free, Banner of a-hiugiun bleseiug on thee Mr. Dorwart Readings.

Benjamin K. Dorwart, of Lancaster, read through an interesting and select programme on Wednesday evening last, in the presence of small but in-: tclligent audience, at Washington Hall. The I entertain meat was one of a purely intellectual I character, and was warmly appreciated and ap- plauded by those who heard it, but tLe sliqi audience operated as a damper both upon the tpcaker and his hearers, and many of the best pieces rendered, consequently lost one half of. I iheir real interest. Mr, Dorwart has devoted several years to close and carpful study, and now ranks among the most accomplished readers aud elocutionists in the country, and the indifferent reception he met with here is owing to a want of taste among our people for that which is useful, beautiful and instructive.

There is a negro uiinisirel party advertised to hold forth shortly iu the same hall, and we have no doubt it will be crowded to its utmost capacity, particularly if there are any gutta percha rings and Peter Funk 'jewelry to be distributed al ike cud the dee, A DM I I8TK ATORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration on tbe 'state of John W. late of Fairview York deceased, have been granted to the uudursigneu residing in Newberrv AH person? indebted te said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them jan 1 5 -6t DA VI LA I RD A dm V. Xbmimstk vroRS ot jTjv Letters of adininistratbn on the eratc John Bookman, decd, late of Windaor York county, have beeu granted to the uudet residing in the same township. All person? indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, and those having claim? to present them to JOHN R.

WILKINSON. janl5-6t Administrator. Public Sale. Connecticut Politics. New Haven, Jan.

21. The Connecticut State Republican Convert tireo has liumina ted Gen. Joseph li. llawlev for Governor, and Gliver II. Perry, of Fuirfiehi, for Lieut.

Governor. In the afternoon sesMOu the Conv ention nominated Win. J. Elmer, Secretary ol State, and Henry G. Fiurtor, Treasuser.

General O. S. Perry re-ported a piatlorm ol eleven resolutions, which were adopted. 1st congratulates the people ou the result ot the full elections 2d declares the jusfi -f the proposed ooostitutional amend ment the Hd declares in favor ot impartial suffrage the 4th advises a tariff to protect American industry aud productions; the uth favors a riigd eoonetny iu the expenditures td the State the ffth aiivises legislation fur the relief of orkingmen the Tth favors the more strict enforchiuent of the salula lory law concerning the employment ot children in the factories the 8th declares the malignant spirit of the late Democratic convention in its attempt to renew the' civil conflict, and its sanction of treasonable utterances deserve the condemnation every lover of the Union the lGth pays a tribute to the Union soldiers and sailors who have served in the army aud navy during the lute rebellion the 11th the nomination. After speeches Iroin General Pery and Mon.

J. F. Trumbull, the convention ad jonrned siue die. Samuel Hekfelein6kk, of Meehan icsburg, Cumberland county, is our authorized Agent to collect subscriptions to the True Deuqrat. Ills receipts will be duly acknowledged by us.

Thursday, February 21st, 1807, ut)lir and ynntc alrs. LX)U SALE. The Couuters, Shclviug, I Drawers and 1 Thf lev Bridge. The ice bridge whhh now spans the Susquehanna river between Columbia and rights ville, still continues to be a saf thoroughfare for the people of Y'ork aud Lancaster counties. Uuuureus of teams and sleighs are constantly crossing, and travellers south and east, and east aud south, are accommodated in large sleighs ut reasonable prices, and conveyed with their baggage from shore to shore.

How loug this will continue must depend entirely upon the weather, but as spring advances this ice bridge v. i i Jcutly be abandoned as unsafe, aud perhaps, broken up altogether. Iu the meautime, we trust, our Legislature will act promptly upon the appli lions now before it, to have the new bridge constructed at as early a day as possible. CLUB RATES TO THE DEMOCRAT! lireat laductmfiits to Subscribers ALI ABjLI PKEJill KS 1111 I $rpartmfr4. pied as a Clothing Store by Samuel Oswald.

Also a first rate Herrings lire proof Safe. janilM- UH ARLES- WE1SER. Grow ing Old. It is said that time itself is grow iug lose itself iu the boundless expanse of eternity. The years roll round rapidlvmd generation after generation passes away, and forgotten or treated as a talc oft told.

Men are born iuto the world, grow up to youth and maturity, and old age with sure marches, soon ovettakeb them. We look fur them again, and we find the new made grave with its simple headstone, the bereaved clad iu lie habiliments of mourniug. and foiroo.og iiknids moving slowly about the streets. Alt things are passiug lapidly away, men aud wuun are grow iug old, and now forms and faoeo will soon occupy the ptaeea they now fill. the undersigued will sell at his residence pringgarden York ucar Diehl's mill, about 1)) miles rroui York, the following personal property: 5 Horses, Cows aud Young Cattle.

Hogs, two Wagons, one broad and one narrow tread, 1 one horse Wagon, Corn Flauter, Hay Ladders, Threshing Machine. Winnowing Mill, Shaker, Cutting Box, Flows, aud Harrows, Log. Cow and Fifth Chains, Horse Gears, Rakes, Forks, aud many other Farmiug Utensils, too numerous to mention. Sale to commenee at 9 oelock A. when attendance will be given and terms made known by ELIAS' EBERT.

jaul-ts B. Auc'r. A Desirable Farm for Sale. 4 FARM of TO acres, iu Fawn E- York count for sale, chkai. Address reapply to ROBERT PALETHORP.

jan22 fit3 6U3 Walnut Phiiada. Take Notice! Term lashil Subscribers will please remit tbeir subscriptions to the True Democrat The Printer is at heavy expense in making a well-filled, lurge aiicd newspaper like ours. To keep it up we must have money. The amount to each subscriber is small, aud is as easily paid at the beginning as at the end ol the year. Dont forge the riutcr, ami he will be better able to keep up with the improvements of the times and lull' sustain the character of his journal.

are enclosing to ail our subscribers their bil which we hope will receive prompt attentiuu. tf Testamentary on the estate of Eliialeth Lutz, late of Hopewell Y'urk County, decd have been granted to the undersigned residing iu the same twp. All person? haying daims said are requested to make immediate payment, and thqse having claims to present them daly authenticated. to JOHN BREN NEMAN. janS-6i Executor.

TO TOUAI OOXlS'i The uiiuer- igned will sell at pubHe sale. the SJOth February, IrtBT, about 2 south of New uiuberhma, ubout 1HOO POUNDS OF LEAF TOBACCO, juula lui ADAM BILLET. Private Sale. rilHE subscriber offers at privu Is ACRES OF PATENTED LA PATENTED The True Democrat" can uow boast of nearly three thousand and yet it is less than three years sinoe it was first issued from the press. Its has uuparaieltod by any other paoer ever started iu Southern Renn-sylvwuia.

There are however, thousand? wbo have not subscribed for it in this county and elsewhere, und as an inducement for them to do so without delay, we offer the following pre imam? which will be found valuable and attract ive. Our object induing this is to ex rend it? until it embraces within its list as us my subscribers, as any other paper in the Stare. Alt thut ia necessary for persous to know aud appreciate the value of uur payer, is to get hold of it and read it, and it will poou become indis pensablc to themselves and their families. It is conceded to be one of the best family jwpera now betofe the public. All obscene and advertisements, are excluded from its columns, its outside selections are usually ol a high moral and literary tone, its public! and editorial department is ably agricultural and educational columns are of mfimte advantage ti the turiuPf and geuoral reader, auu locally it will compare luvorably with any other paper in the country.

As uu iudueomeut to clubs as well single subscribers, we offer the following premiums itriv Admlisnucuts. A NTi.l). On nr before Marcli TORTIIEilN CK.NTUAL BONUS. We offer tr sale a limited amount of BON DS of the 1st, I8t7, a DWELLING HOUSE, for which fcl sire, centra Ely local ot medium a liberal rent will be paid. Addr Box 35, York, Pa.

P. jau 2D XBCUTORS NOTICE. letters Testamentary on the Etate of Abraham Mumper, late of Carrol t.wp., York county, hav been granted to the undersigned residing in the same township. AU persons indebted to said estate art requested in make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them to A. L.

MUMPER. JACOB MUM HER. dee 2 6 fit Kxrs. hiUiiklrs Hotel. Tho advertisement of R-L.

Kunkle. proprietor of the fine hotel ou the cor. of North George and Philadelphia streets, will be found in the advertising columns of to-day? paper. This hotel has been fitted up in the most approved style, and is ire.w one of the best in our borough. The house aud stabling are both large ami commodious, aud tbeir convenience to our principal business aces renders them particularly desirable tor persons visiting our bor--ugh.

Mr. Kuuklea table is with the ho ices product of our market, aud the cut ployees of the establish meat are kina, courteous and gentleman y. The manner in which this tine hotel is kept, commends it to the i -uage of our peiqde. NORTH NUN CENTRAL HO. 1 lo se Rond? bear six per cent, interest, payable semi-annually in Philadelphia, FREE FHOM ALL STATE TAX, id arc euiipou bonds, iu amounts of $5fiU and Olfoe ich.

Applv to UM lfi-tt 1 A. A S. SMALL. QCRlVKNiXG AM, Our Public Sale Bills. It w.ill be seen by referring to the Register oT Sales in the True that there is a large demand upon our job office, for our attracts Illustrated Sale Dills.

It is a recognised fact that since the existence ol the True Democrat, prinking office, great improvements have been made in the art of printing in this section. These improvements have proved pleasing, as weil as profitable, to the public, and taking into consideration the faot that the True Democrat" is read weekly by not less than 15,000 readers, aud all sales are registered, every person ill see the great benefit resulting from having tbeir aud printing dne at our offiov ate sale, LAND, situ-ted in Warrington township. York county, a bout 5 miles south east of Dillsburg, adjoining Mt. Zion Church. There about Fob acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation it having been repeatedly limed during the Jasr ten years.

There is also an orchard ofCt.ic,e Fruit Trees of all kinds on the premises. The improvements are a o-stoiy WEATHER- -A BOARDED DWELLING HOUSE, a largcj Brick Bank Barn, IV ash House, Spring House, aud ther necessary out buildings. There is a never-failing Spring near the door, and a number of springs on the farm. For further particulars call on the subscriber, who resides or the same. Also 12 Acres of thrifty Chestnut Timber Land, situated in South Middleton township, Cumberland county.

jjSl-tf WM. BKiTZKL. L'orreetiou. There seems to be some misunderstanding between Sheriff Engles aud the Zcigle Guards, the military cumpauy which was on its way to the inauguration at Harrisburg, the day of the prize fight at Goldsboro. The Sheriff met the company first at the depot in this- borough, aud there stated to them that he was determined if possible to put a stop to the fight, aua might have occasion to call on them.

The services of the company were immediately tendered, and with a view of meeting the emergency one of the members was despatched to procure eighty rouuds of ammunition to be used if on the occasion. When the train with the company, and Sheriff Engles and his posse arrived at Goldsboro, the latter left the train to reoounoiter the position, but before the Sheriff ret urned, the cars in which were the Zeigie Guards moved oft' in the direction of Harrisburg. The Sheriff did not request the company when the cars arrived at Goldsboro' to assist in in slopping thedight, but inteuded to do so, and was prevented in the manner already stated. We, make this correction cheerfully in justice to the Zeigie Guards, who were ready to serve tftc Sheriff in breaking qp the fight, and who afterwards expressed themselves disappointed in not being culled upon. Nor do we think the Sheriff to blame in the lens i for not calling on them offic ially, as the conductor of the train would not wait long enough to enable him to ascertain hether the services of the military were really weccssary.

The undersigned wuubt respectfully intorui the public that be is prepared, at short notice, a to all calls (or Surveying Lauds. Roads, and to dra and ali kinds of histrn tuants of Writing und im auecs, ii ueut-uess and accuracy. Address JOHN W. GRAHAM, Logan ville, York Pa. 7XECCTOR NOTICE.

Letter Death ut Will An instance of this kind, which may also be termed voluntary trance, is quoted by Mrs. Crowe, iu her Nightside of Doctor Chevnc, the Scottish physician, Uu died in 1742, relates the case of Col. Town? hend, who could to all appearance die whenever he pleased: hi? heart ceased to beat, there wqs no perceptible respiration, and his whole fraUe became cold and rigid as death itself the features being shrunk and colorless, and tbe eye glazed ftud ghastly, lie would continue in this slate tor several hours, aud then gradually re vive; but the revival does not appear to have been an effort of will, or rather, wo are not informed whether it as so ir not. The Doctor who attended the Colonel, states that his patient paid, he could die or expire when he pleased and yet, by an effort, or somehow, he could cuiue to Isle Hgaiu. He performed the expert -mint in the presence of threw medical men one of whom kept his baud on his heart, another held his wrist, and the third placed a looking-glass before his lips and they found that nil, traces of respiration and pulsation gradually ceased, insomuch that alter consulting ah mt his condition for some time, they were leaving tho room, persuaded that he was really dead when signs of life appeared, and he slowly revived.

He did not die while repeating the experiment, has been sometimes asserted. l'UHdl SALE. Tljursday, February 1867, subscriber will sell at public sale, at bis residence, 3 miles from York, on tho Dullastown i. his large stock of Houses, 1 Colt, Cow ats and Bkkkiiino Sow, textra stork.) Al-Fnrniing Implements of any kind you can .0, all which arc nearly new Also, a lot ol Household and Kitchen Fumiture.i Saic to commence at Iff A. M.

Terms at sale. jaii'22 5i A. AIRER. min Kaller, late of Shrewsbury township. York minty, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned.

All person? indebted to said etute arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims present them to J. V. 11 OSH OUR, Glen Rock. dec2fi-6t's Executors. AicMIMSTKAK ItS NOTICE.

Letters of Administration ou the Estate ol Levi Yeuus, late of York deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing iu the same place. All person indebted to said estate a re requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated to an fit A 11 -S TZ A dm r. Public Sale. lriday, February 8tb, I '67, the TO SINGLE srnst RIMERS. The True Democrat together with any of the billowing leading Muguzines or newspapers, lojr one year, cash iu advance.

Tbe Tiue DeiuoiTat aud Harper's 25 The i rue Dmucrutud Harper's illustrated Meekly The True Democrat and Atlantic Muuimy. The True Democrat aud Youug Folks Ai I i The True Democrat and Godeys Ladies The True Democrat and Deuioreste Book 4 Fashion Tbe True Democrat aud Petersons Maga- LX)Ii SALK OH KENT 1 hat large iwo-and-H hall Story TAVERN ROUSE, ItUsrrUaarous. jglCAltli. SODA. Dost New Castle, ro nipt ness.

Mur reader? will reeolleot about a week since, we noticed the destruction of the machine shop of Mr. Henry Bay tor, corner of King street and tbe railroad, in this borough and we stated that tbe to? was fully covered by iusuranee. We have since learned, however, that Mr. tors will lie considerably over and above the amount insured but all that was ered by insurance was promptly adjusted on Monday last, by James A. Lowery, ut of the Home Co.

of New Haven, and T. K. hite, their agent at tot? plane. It must certainly be pleasant fir those who have bee unfortunate, to have tlreir losses adjusted ho. fi gentlemanly agent us Mr.

Lowery. We con-grutuhito tbe Home in hming the rerviues ol ut-h fan Sn.iela! iguble agent. He a thorough business man, a arfeot. Tout toman and a scholar. lyXKCr'i'Oiiri Lett, 1 Testamentary on the estate uf Jacob Cru- N.

(Jeo. York, la. ap3-tf uowiiy, decd. guud rdeidiag 3 75 4 In ed by Mr. John Myers, cor.

of X. Jeorge street anil tire Kail -road, in the bor-jjll ugh uf York. If it is not sold before 'hrto'mus, it will then be lor rent. This prop-itv ia in a splendid business locality, and would uake an excellent stand for almost any kind of Four DWELLING HOUSES, in South Beaver street, fur sale or rent. near tho Eleven FRAME RENT.

Two ctmmmni' a i Rttotus on the first flour uf a houaein Nrth George street, near the railroad, suitable for en office, at(re, tailoring, or other business estab lishmeut. For particulars, apply at this office. uu late of York Jor-uigh, York have been granted to tiie iimor. in the same piaee. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make -immediate payment, and those hav iug cl aim a to present them to jan2y fit GEO.

II. MALSil, Exr: 4 6(1 undersigned will sell at public sale, on the farm of Jacob Huber, in lldlam York about 4 miles west of Wrightsville, and 1 mile south of Puff's store, the following property 4 Draught Horses, 1 yearling Colt, 5 Milch Cows, two of which will he fresh by time of sale: 1 Heifer, 1 Fat Steer. 2 Bulls. 4 Shouts, 4 Sheep, 2 tour horse agotis, and I one horse Wagon, Wagon lied, 2 2 set of Hay Ladders, Kid ing Saddle, Wagon Saddle, fi sets of Harness, 4 srt- ly Nets, Collars, Bridies. Halters, Threshing Machine aud horse power, Graiu Rake, Reaper and Mower, Grain Fan, Plows, Harrows, corn planter, cutting box.

grain cradles, scythes, wheelbarrow, jack screw, double and single trees, log and cow chains, traces, rakes, forks, grain shovel, maul and wedges, grindstone. Ac. Also, one coal and wood stove aud pipe, iron kcitie, kitchen cupboard, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to eomuieneucc at 9 o'clock, A. M.

Terms at sale. DANIEL LIENS, janfi Attorney for Henry Liens. cut und New York Longer, ie. rq. itomoerut und Literary t'oin- pjiifm Tk.u a ue Democrat ami Leslie Illust rated yMktflj i.wu.u Tbe True Democrat and New York lude- pendeut The Tree Democrat and the Methodist 1 lie True Democrat and The Amendxu Ag rent.

For In rt her parti nov2li-tf uiaC? inquire of JOHN TRUETT, N. Geo. near railroad. THOUGHT IRON GAS, STEAM AND WATER PIPES. The Anrt.ra Iron Company at Lebanon.

are prepared manufacture all kinds of Wrought Iron Tube for Gas. Steam and Water, warranted equal any tho market. All orders left with K. (. Siuy-ser.

at Variety Iron Works, York, will rc-neive prompt attention. uov2(l-3in D.MINTSTKA iOliS NOTICE. jelters of Administralion ou tho estate of John L. Jacobs, date of Paradise township, deed, have been ranted to the undersigned. Ali persons to said estate tue rtojues-ted to make lmmediato payment, and those having claims to present tb lit JOSEPH S.

RECK. lWadtoo, JlWPH HAN rz, Dover, tn2fi 8i A. lurr's. Public Sale. Tuo-day, Fubruny 111, IStiT, tbe Days of Appeal lor IHtn, The following the Days of Appeal to be held ut the Coin -mi stunners office, in the borough of York, where persons interested can attend aud tve mistakes corrected in the last assessment, and.

also the military curuUmviit for Irtii. Why it is these important advertisement? to tbe tax payers of York county, are not published in bur paper, with a circulation equal to three of the favored journals, where they must pay three FUii'EH instead of ONE to reach the same number of readers, cannot divine, miles? it is to money uselessly the very reverse of which is the duty of the Commissioners, provided they regar 1 their oath of office instead of follow ing the dictates of their political leaders. und CodoruK, North Codorus, Manlieim. VN undersigned will sell at puMic sale the u. Public Sale.

February IS, 1807, the oods Sorgo Factory for Sale. Ull subscriber offers fur sale his m-JL. tire Sorg'i Apparatus, con sisfing a Uu. 4 so W. IU.HI I YOST A 1) EH UFF, House, ign and OiiiMiiMirtnl PAINTERS, Centre Sqi ARE.

York, Pksxrvi.vania. 1 TLDING, Lettering und Frescoing, done in the best manner, and at low rate. Photoora CHS colored in an urtistic uiauner, at below city prices. how Cards made to order, at Philadelphia prive. Rooms, over Spahr's store.

jaufl-tf G' at Butt's mill, iu Washington the road leading to Dillehurg, about I east uf Berlin, near Eiaenhart'a tavern, the wing personal property, viz: Hurses, I Cows. 1 Bull, 5 head of Young Cattle, 2 four-iursc Wagons. I one-horse Wa'gon. 1 Top Buggy, 4 set? Horse Gears and Fly Nets, Threshing Machine and horse power, Winnowing Mill, corn planter, hay ladders, log and cow plows, harrows, corn folks, slrevelH, rakes ami forks, grain drill, eulti at or. llukes pateut.

and a variety of other rticle? too numerous to mention. 8olo ti commence at lit oclock, A. M. Terms ut sale. FETEB El SEN ART.

jau22 ts: Wm. T. Williams Son, Aue'rs. VDXOK ILL. a.

No. 4 CDiK'S EV. IU BATOR. together Cool-ers, Ae. The whole Machinery is In complete running aud wil.

be sold on reasoiudde terms For further pai lieulars, apply K. B. GOOD, Munohestcr, York Pa. Abel, Itouuilitdd, Duv id A. V.

Jr. Cupp. Uellogg, William Risen hart, Lev i Haines, William Hail; Asa Kistur, Julius Kauffman, lien KiHgi fit. Keves, Goo. W.

M'-ycr. 11. Myers, Charles Miller. Goo. Me Until, W.

A. Mt tael, Jonathan ieholus, John S. Gl irk, JuSejdl liter, Edmond ipp, Heury Heater, Julius imiu, 0. cire in, G. W.

Jacob Cjprenklo, Eli Suiid Adaui Vclrick, El wood Public Sale- Monduy, February IS, IS1) 7 dersigned will sel premises where he uow township, York county, In K. Loucks, adjoining Z. north from the borough personal property 7 Horses, 8 Cows. 1 Bull, 3 Heifers, 2 Young Steers. 2 Breeding Sow? iuul Figs, Wagons, 2 of which are four-horse wagons, and 1 heavy two horse a oue horse Wagon.

I Rocka-wav and I Tlr shing Machine and Power, 1 Me, Conn i Rraper and Mower, I Wire Gram Rake, 1 V. iunoving Mill, 1 Corn Planter, 1 Corn Sheller, 1 orn fodder Cutter, Huy Ladders, lug, cow and fifth plows and harrows, 2 new coru forks, cutting bench, rake-B, -forks, an I shovels, one grind atone, 2 sad dies, nearly new, ti sets horse gears, fly nets, i dozen grain bags, one dozen of which are new. and many other articles too numerous to mention. At the same time and place will he sold, Household and Kitehen Furniture, such as beds and chairs, 1 cooking stove and pipe, and carpets by the yard, aud quite a variety of other articles not mentioned. Sale to commence at 9 oclock A.

when attendance will be given and terms made known by janS-tsj .1. M. ETTJNGER. For the True Handsome l'lfsent-s. JACK OU all fiizes, neatly an 1 expedit executed at thaoflido of the True iOUfily Shrewsbury townships and Shrewsbury Borough, on Tuesday, February it.b, lJSti7.

Springfield, Hopewell, Fawn, arid Deaehbottom townships, and Loganvillo and Stew arts! own Borough, uu 'Wednesday, February 6th, 1:57. Chancefuid town skips, Glen Rock Ro rough. Lower Chaiieeiord un i iori townships, Dkljus Borough, Windsor and West Maulmim townships, on Thursday, February 7th, IS 7. Heidelberg township, Hanover Bormigb, 1ur-adise, Jackson, and West Manchester townships, on Friday, February 8th, 1867- Dover Borough, Dover, Couewugo, Washington, Wurrington, and Carrol toWSt-Lips, on 7dou February 11th, 1867. Franklin, Monaghan, und Fairview Lew isberry and Dillburg Boroughs, New berry township, Goldsboro, Borough, and Spriuggarelen township, on Tuesday, February 1867.

Hcllam, Lower Windsor, and Manchester townships, Wrighteville Borough, and 1st Ward, York Borough, on Wedne.relay, February 180.7. 2nd Ward, 3rd Ward, 1th Ward, und 5tb Ward, York Borough, ou Thursday, Fabruary th, 1867. York. Pa. Wo have the largest aud latest style of cuts for the purpose, together with neat and suitable borders to correspond.

This world n-it so bitter, But smile cud make it sweet." Boarding and Day School FOK LADIES. MR. Mrs. 11, O. Irim will open a Select S- huol for Young Ladi, on Monday, February Ith, at their residenue in 1hiladelphia street, near Duke.

A Primary Department will be connected with the Institution, under the special charge of Mrs. Prince. Particular attention given to the religious, us well ns mental culture of the pupils. Tbe Scholastic Year will bo divided into two sessions of five months each, beginning on the 1st of September and February, respectively, leaving July and August for vacation. For term? apply to tbe Principals.

Register of Sales. The following is a Register of Sales advert wed in this paper, and lor which bills were printed at this office Personal property of Z. S. Shaw, Dallastowc, Feb, 8, Personal property of A. Fairer, York Feb.

7th. Personal property of Henry Illouse, Windsor Feb. 5. Personal property of Daniel Liens, Helium Feb. Personal property of Peter S.

Heuiikl, West Manchester Feb. 12. Personal property of A bm, Fisher, in Newberry 12. personal popertyof W. L.

Shaw, Chfluceford Feb. 13. Personal property ot Michael NeimAn, Lower Windsor Feb. 15. Real and personal property of A.

A J. li Wells, Wollsville, Feb. 15. Personal property of S. Fugle, Helium Feb.

lfi. House and lot of Catharine Koohenour, Dover Feb. 16. Personal property of David Fnlkenstein, Springticld Feb. Is.

Personal property of M. Eiliuger. Manchester Feb. IS. Personal property of Peter Eisenhdrt, Washington eb.

lfi. Tract of land and personal property of Sainl. May, Warrinjton leb. 1 9, Personal property of, near New Cumberland, Fob. 20.

Personul property of Jonas Rupert. Dover Feb. fiO. Personal property of David Colgan, Fawi p. Feb.

20. Persouul property of Henry D. Strine, Newberry Feb. 21. Personal property ot Geo.

0. Deck, Paradise Feb. 21. Personal property of Eiias Ebert, Springgur-den Feb. 21.

Farm and personal property of llenj. Keller, Shrewsbury Feb. 21. Personal property of Geo. H.

Leber, York Feb. 22. Personal property of Jonathan Wolfrom, Jack-son Feb. 22. Personal property of Solomon Gentzlcr, Washington Feb.

215. Personal property of Conrad Roger, Springfield Feb. 2J. Personal property qf John Keller, Windsor eb. 26.

Personal property of A. M. Hunter, Wcllsville, Fell. 26. Personal property of 0.

A A. Jacobs, Paradise Feb. 27. Personal property of John Rich ton betger, Fairview Feb. 27.

Personal property of Ellen Bills ct, Concwago Feb. 2.s. Personal property of Peter Seiflert, ailing ton Feb. 26. Personal properly of Mrro.

Rums, W. Manchester March 1. Personal property of Goo. Flarel, Shrewsbury March 1. Personal property of John Ki ter, Goldsboro, March 1st nnd 2d.

Personal property of Daniel St ruyer. W. Man Chester March 2. Personal property of Win. Williams, Hcllam tp.

March 2. Personal property of Peter food, Fairview March 4. Personal property of John W. Graliam.Spring-field March fi. Personal property of Joshua Dixon, Feitzland, March 8.

Personal property of Win. Patten. Warring-ton March 7. Personal property of John Detter. M'asliing-ton March 7.

Personal property of Abraham Wosthafer, in Strincstown. March 7. Personal property of John Crow, Latimofe Adams March th Personal property of John Hinkle, Franklin March 1 1. Personal property of John Hinkle. Franklin March II.

Personal property of David Fink, Newberry March 12. Personal property of Samuel Dare, Newberry March 12. Personal property of John W. Leas, dee'd, in Fain tow March 15. Hotel property, York, by John Truett, at pri vate sale.

Store Bland, Goldsboro, by Isaac Friizer, at private sale. Sorgo Factory of E. II. Good, Manchester, at. private sale.

ods of H. Kraber, York, at pri- Store (i Will be sold at public sale, on the premises of David Fttlkehstein, decd, iu Springlield York near Glatfelter'? Sraiion on the N. C. Railway, about 7 miles from 1 oik, the following rcffsonal property: Draught liorsi's, 2 splendid Marcs, Milch and Yuuhg ai Lie, Shouts, .3 four-horse (broad and narpiw tread,) I one-horse Wgoii, wagon box and hay ladders, 1 Tnresh hiiie and horse power, Grain Drill, Graun Rake, Grain tan, ptows, banows, cultivators, double and single tre es, log, filth and halter drains, wagon harness, saddles, bridles, tra ces, haliers, Ac. Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, too numerous to uiention.

bale to commence at 1(1 A. M. Term? at sale. THOMAS GRAY, ANDW. MYERS, Admrs.

jan22-ts -Cl men? A Goodling, Auct'rs. PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, S. E. Cor. of George and Phiiada.

YORK, IMLNN A. Robert L. Ki Proprietor. Public Sale. one copy of the paper for one ycur tree charge.

For ht new with $16 cash, at our advance rales, vre tender a premium of book of the value of 1.75. and a oopy of the True Democrat lor pne year, free ot charge. For fui new subscriber. with $2(1 cash, our advanced rates, a book ol the value of $2.50, and a copy of the True Democrat for on year, free of charge. For hr in new subscribers, with $24 cash, a book valued at $3, and a copy of the True Democrat tor one year, free of charge.

For jiftien new subscribers, with $30 cah, ime Foleys gold pen and holder, valued at $5, and a py of the True Democrat for one year, free of charge. eighteen new subscribers, with $315 cash, one Foleys gold pen and holder of the value of 5.75, and a copy of tbe Tree Democrat for one year, free ol charge, together with a book or any other urtiele in our book store valued at $2. For tirentu new subscribers, with 41 cash, a Family Bible, valued at $1(1, and a copy of the True Democrat" for one year, free ot charge. For Lmify -toe new subscribers, with $50 cash, an illustrati quarto Websters or orcester's Dictionary, of the value of 4 12, with a copy ot the Trie Democrat for one year, free of charge. Fur fitji new subscribers, with the cash.

($100,) one Stereoscope, with 5fi select views, valued at $28. and a copy ol the True Deuio-crG fr one year, Free ol charge. Fur nirhj new subscribers, with the cash, ($120,) books to be. selected by the party from our own shel ve? of the value of $35, and a copy of the True Democrat tor one year, free of charge. For ernifitic new subscribers, with the cash, $15(1 UU, books to be "selected by the party from our shelves of the value ot $4-5 UU, and a copy ol the True Democrat" for one year, tree of charge.

For eighty-jive new subscribers, with the cash, $170 fiU, one Florence Sewing Machine of tin value of $63 00, and a copy ot the True Deni ncrat" for one year, free of charge. For one hundred new subscribers, with tin cash, $2U0 OU, one Florence Sewing Machine of the value of $75 0, and a copy of the "True Deinuofat for one year, free of charge. If any of the aouve named premiums do not Cuittbe parties who will interest themselves in getting up clubs for our paper, they can select any other article of the same value in our store, which would furnish an opportunity to teachers, Bn boa'll schools individuals, families and ussoei ations to accumulate-a library of choice books in ery short time, aud without paying the cash for it. HIRAM YOUNG. Publisher ahd Proprietor.

yAliLY YORK CABKAGK SLED. Tuesday, February 12th, 1 807, Tl we is perhap nothing more grateful to the heart of a minister or teacher, Bran soifae evidence on the part of Ins people or pupils I tbeir approbation and esteem. It is like an oasis in a or a shower upon tin parched land. It toils him, in the midst of many discouragements, that there arc yet those who hive him and appreciate bis labors; and he thanks God and takes mmrage to go oh. These remarks were suggested by a recent conversation with the Rev.

J. Y. Oowhick, in which be spoke of the liberality of the ladies of of tils Hopewell and Sfewartstown. The former recently prosen led him with a magnificent Study Gown, which lie. described as very handsome and computed of rich costly materials and the latter gve him $4b in green backs with which In purchase hii overcoat.

The liberality of these ladles towards their pastor is very eummondalde anil might bo followed by the ladies of other churches with good results. Little cords of this kind draw very closely together the hearts of past, rand people. J. A. M.

I'iltrewkiry, Jan. 23, 18)7. fPHK subscriber takes pleasure iu in-I forming bis friends and the public generally, that ho still continues to keep this well knowu staud, and ha put if. in complete order for the accommodation of the public, lie has extensive st a 1. 1 no for the accommodation of Drovers and Dealers.

jeafirtCharges moderate, fcs?" The Berlin Stage leaves this house every (Saturday; JanU-ly Public Sale. Just received, large supply of fresh seed of above, which we are prepared to furnish iu large or small quantity. Storekeepers supplied lowest wholesale rates. We also offer A Larue and Complete Assortment ON Tuesday, February 12, 1 807, tbe undersigned will sel sell at public sale, at hi? Haines Patent Safety Bridle rjlin: Mot Comm.etg and Kei.ia- Bmiole in Existence the undersigned will sell at his residence' in West Manchester York about 1 mile from York, on the road loading from York to Carlisle, on the form belonging to John H. Small, the following personal property 8 head of heavy Draft Horses, 6 Milk Cows.

2 Durham Bulls ami a lot of Young Cattle, 2 Breeding Sows, 4 8heep, 1 Wagon Bed, 4 Wagons, 1 broad and 1 narrow tread, 1 one horse Wagon and 1 Spring Wagon and harness, Rock-away and harness, 2 Reapers and Mowers, (I ot Heflheins' pateut, which ia new, and the other Whituacks patent,) Corn Planter and Sheller, 1 Grain and Guano Drill, 2 sets o'' Hay Ladders, 1 one-horse Rake, Threshing Machine, Shaker and Horse Power, W.nuowing Mill, Cutting Box, I Wheelbarrow, 1 Dung Hook, 3 Long Blows, 3 Plows, 3 Corn Hooks, 3 forge Cultivator, Log, Cow and Fifth Chains, 8 sets of Horse Gears, 8 Flyi ets, Rakes and Forks, and many other Fnrmmg uteuslia too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at fi o'clock, A. M. Terms at sale. WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS, all of which we rAUEFtiLLT ti nt, and w.vruan to grow, if properly treated.

Priced Catalogues to be hud on application. KDWD. J. EVANS 00,, jai)8 2m N. Geo.

York, Pa. the Star of Wriglitovilic Items. Friday last: deuce in Fairview York about 2i les from New Cumberland, on the road lead ing from New Cumberland to Lewisberry, and 1 mile li'tiui I be Cross Road? school house1, the following personal property 7 Work Horses, all young and well broken to harness; 1 pair No. I leaders, drive single or double; 2 Jennies, it toad; 7 Cows, -loud of which are fresh milk: 4 Fat Hogs, lfi ine pure Chester county breed; 2 Wagons, 1 spring wagon, buggy, sulky, threshing machine, clover sheller, plows, harrows, hay ladders, forks, rakes, horse double and sing harness, saddles, hulter, log and cow drains, side saddle, bags, cloverseed hulter, and a general variety ot farming utensils. Also, corn, rye, oats aud potatoes by the bushel, hay by the ton, Ac.

Also, a lot of Household and kitchen furniture, consisting of beds, bed-sieads, cauirs, tables, cook and tcu-plute stoves, spinning wheel, barrels, Ac. Sale to commence at It) a. in. Terms at sale. jan22-t? ABRAHAM FISHER.

Reading Rail Road. 1 COSTS ESS HAN A OT 1 1 lilt. is SIMPLICITY IT 'E LF. No one can fail acknowledging its superior advantages. It has no teudenoy to balk tbe horse, needs no surging, but a steady pull on the lines will control the most, vicious animal.

It needs no extra lines, but the mitten bridle can be converted into a prteut Safety Bridle, in five minutes. Tho article required lor Single Bridles for safe, Price, $5. Territorial Rights also for om Address J. V. HAINES.

jan20 tf Laneastcr, Pa. V7 INTER Arrangement, Dee. 1, 00. Great Trunk Line from tho North West The ice bridge act permanent Mt that pli A protracted meetiug in the M. E.

Church, commenced on Su udfly of lust week. The smoke house of Mr. John Detw-iler, on the Susquehanna canal, 6 mile? below Wrights-v i lie, and one or two other small buildings adjacent, together with quantity of meat were dist roved by tire, on Tuesday night. A new passenger ear, superior finish, from the manufactory of the N. C.

Railway, in York, was placed on the Wrighteville road on Wed liesday last. A colored man named Barton, was committed the County jail from Wrightsville, for forgery, Tuesday last. 0 A 6 libJiLA A Wholesale and Retail Dealers in for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephratu, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg lr New as follow: At 3 Off, 8.1 fi and 9.35 a in; and 2.10 anil 9. 00 connecting with aimtlar trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving ar New Ymk at 5.t)l) and 10.10 a ana 4.40, 5.20 ani 10.25 in.

Sleeping cais accompanying the 3.00 a nnd 9.01) trains ithout charge. Leave Harrisburg tor Reading, Potts ville, Tamaqua, Miners villo, Ashland, J'ine Grove. Alleutown and Pbiladelphni, at 8.1 aiui 2.10 and 4.10 stpiing at Lebanon and ALSO Ox Sati nnAV, Fjsukcauy 16, tb' lowing personal property: 3 Beds and Tables, Chairs, re-aus, Kitchen Cupboard, Cooking fctovo am: Bijm. Clock, 1U0 yards of Imported Carpets. Also, Tubs, Stands, and a large variety of bouse hold and kitchen fornilure, and 40 grain bags, cow chains, halters, to commence at 12 o'clock, M.

rui? at sale by PETEK B. EIN DEL. janih-ts Markley, A Auets. Tobacco, Segars. Snuff, Public Sale.

Wednesday, February 20, 187, 0 Xukin Medicine to cure dtoeunes ocea hi nwl by a deficiency of Iron in the Mood, with'iut restoring it to the system, is like trying to repair a building when the foundation is gone. The Peruvian Syrup (a prrotoiide of iron) supplies this deficien cy and bailds up an iron constitution. -Froi Snectittor of Hanover Items Thursday last uiukinu principal way stations; the 4.10 Cottage ilili College. The first five months' session at Cottage 11 ill College closed uu Tuesday morning last, and the students left for their homes to enjoy a two weeks vacation. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the we and he almost impassable condition of the roads, yf'e attended the examination ou Monday, aud ware not only pleased, but delighted with thos.

r-cists. The regularity of the programme was somewhat broken by the absence of Professor Lucian II. Hammond, who was confined to his bouse by severe indisposition, 1 ut his place was tilled in a highly creditable manner by Rev. 1). the principal of the institution.

The students were thoroughly examined iu all the branches iu which they had been instructed during the term, and acquitted themselves iu a handsome and salislaclory manner. The exercises were commenced on Friday morning, and brought to a close on Monday evening, after which a splendid oyster supper was served up in the dining saloon under the auspices of the. Rev, Jac Erh, the steward aud father of the institution. After supper there was a delightful family gathering in tho large parlor, and the enuring was passed iu social con versation, and the rendition of music, vocal and instrumental. Bishop Glossbrcnner of Virginia, and the Rev.

Mr. Slanghte of Ohio, were on their way to the United Brethren Conference at West Fairview, in Cumberland county, were present as guests, and a pressing invitation having been extended to us, we could not resist the temptation to participate on tho interesting occasion. It was one of the most pleasant evening? we ever spent iu our life. The students were gey and happy at the prospect of a visit to their homes and friends, and pleased with the privilege of con-eying to their own firesides the testimony of the high character of tbe institution, and the almost unprecedented success which has attended its labors during the past five mouths. Cottage Hill College, is now under the super vision of a board of accomplished educators, male and female, and sustains a reputation interior to no similar institution of learning in' tbe Country.

All the branches embraced in the regular eullugiate course are taught there, and the discipline enforced by the teachers, although regarded as somewhat strict in its character, is nevertheless calculated to exercise a wholesome, moral influence over the minds of the students, and result in the mutual good of both male and female. The latter occupy one wing of the building, and the former the other, and are kept strictly separate and apart, except whfen at their meals, or at recitations. This discipline is both si-ary and proper, and as both departments arc under tbe general control of the principal, and the special supervision of male and ieuiale instructors, it is thoroughly aud effectually enforced. There is no school that is more admirably governed than this. It is in truth, so fur as the temporal and spiritual wants of the students rtffTncerned, a well regulated, Christian family, here mind and heart are alike cared for and the soul is directed into those higher and holier aspirations which look beyond the present and lentre only around the throne of Goff, Cottage llill College, has only been in exis-lence for a period of eight months, and yet, with iu that short period, over one bund rod studepts have been admitted into it.

No one thus far, we believe, has been expelled for any cause whatever, and the students seem to vie with each other in tbeir observance of the rules and regulations of the institution. The female department is under the direction of Mrs. Sarah J. Merkel, wile of Rrof. D.

R. Merkel, a lady of the mo-t estimable qualities of mind and heart, and who; is justly loved and esteemed by those who are placed inker charge. Her husband, Profit D. R. Merkel, presides as instructor of music, vocal aud instrumental, a science in which he lms had enlarged experience, and acquired marked and wonderful proficiency.

During the session which has just ended, he has beeu singularly successful with hi? classes in this department. He is assisted by Miss Fannie Coon, who is also a must accomplished teacher of music, apd is held iu just and high estimation by tho students. Rev. D. Eberly, who is tbe principal of the instil t'Ution, is a gentleman of varied and extensive learning, a clergyman of marked ability, and a universal favorite.

He tills tbe place of professor of history, mental moral science, and the German language. Lucian H. Hammond, whose absence at tbe college commencement we have at eady noticed, is professor of mathematics, and the Greek aud Latin languages, a. position which he fills with great credit to himself and the College. Mias A.

D. Thoburn, has charge of tbe cla ses in tbe French language, and the natu-lai sciences, and is a lady of superior quificatious and uuivcrsally beloved and respected by the students. Under the watchful and generous care of the faculty, tbisColb ge in the short period of its cx-i istencc, has already Required a wide and extended reputation, and has been crowned with success almost unprecedented in tbe history of learning. Its influence fur good, is broadly felt in tiie community, and the citizens of York can look across the narrow stream which separates it from the borough, "with feelings of honest pride and satisfaction. Its location is the beautiful imaginable, on the banks of our classic and healthful Oodorug, overlooking a country which for richnes? and fertility is almost unequalled, surrounded by trees and shrubbery, which a Bhcnstone might Ijave envied, and where innumerable birds of varied plumage, seek shelter and habitation in tbe spring anld summer, making the air voeal with their an rivalled melody The Stewardship of the institution, ba? been assigned to the Rev.

Jacob Erb, who is universally loved and esteemed by the students, for his eminent piety, constitutional kindnt6S of heart, and the parental care he exercises over tbeir temporal and spiritual wants. He is -familiarly known by them Uncle Erb. and he mani towards bis charge all the affection and solicitude of a generous and indulgent father. The College building will be greatly improved during the short vacation, by the introduction of furnaces and heaters, which will oommuuicate with all the rooms and thus add considerably to tbe comfort of the different apartments during the cold and inclement season of the year. Three acres ot land have been purchase by tbe proprietors ronting this structure which will be used in due time for purposes connected with the institution.

The vacation will continue until Tutesday next, when tbe third session will open without doubt, under the most favorable circom us are ail ju that waste town day, 12, KJtli, 1 4 at wijh law The of and of tbe and the the of to MARK! El): No. 18 South George Street, opposite the Old Lutheran Church, York, Fa. rilHK undersigned having purchased I and taken possession ot the entire Stock ot Benjamin Thomas, at the old stand above named, are prepared to supply the former customers oi the establishment and the ftublic generally, wit li alt the brands oflOBACOO, SEGARS ami SN UFF, at wholesale and retail. We respectfully solicit continuance of the former patronage of tho establishment, us ip. jvjl in, oux.puvter to miike it the inters su of dc.aief? g'etierutv deal with Ue.

Call and sec us betre purchasing. jun2U-tf R7 Marriages and desths will be published gratu. itously. When aeconrpanied by commentaries, whether pruse or petry, Hve cents per line will be charged payable iu advance. Mill and Farm for Sale.

I Ml subscriber offers his well tmwn Sorghum Mill and Farm ut private sale, in Shrewsbury York 3jf miles -rtheast of Shrewsbury. The farm contains about 44 acres of patented land, about fi acres is very thriving timber, and the balance has been repeatedly well limed, and is in a high state of cultivation, -And well watered by numerous springs, with a great van ety of choice fruit, such Apples, Pears, Quin ecs, Pltnns, Cherries. G'aprs. Cui rants, Ac. ith a tw story ilWELi.ING 'A will be sold at the residence of the subscriber, on the Turin of Philip Shreiner, in York about 5 mile? 1elow Bridgeport and 2 miles from New Cumberland, the following personal property.

to wit: 2 Draught Horses, 1 fresh Durham Cow, 8 Milk Cows, four of which are fresh; 3 Heifers, one oi which Durham, all with call: 1 Young Bull, 3 Young Cuttle, I Fnt Moor. 5 Sheep, 4 Wagons, (one plantation with bed, one with bows and cover, 1 two horse and 1 one-horse wagon,) threshing machine, seed drill, (Hubbard's.) hay plows, harrows, eultiva tors, wind mill, stogie aud double trees, spread 3 ol gears, saddles, bri lies, fly nets, corn sheller, rakes, forks, bay fork and fixtures, baiters, euw chains, 2tifi morticed posts, about 2.0(H) lb, of Leap Tobacco, to be sold in 4(d) corn brooms, ami many other articles not mentioned. Also. Household and Kjtehen Furniture, consisting in part of bedsteads, tables, cupboard, I small coal stove, une small ten-plate stove, Ac. Sale to euinmeiice at ID M.

Term? at pule, jug 5 ADAM BILLET. vate sale. Farm and Mill roprrty of Joseph B. Shrewsbury tw at private sale. Desirable farm in Fawn by R.

Dalotborp of at private sale. Store goods of Ford A Goldsboro at private sale. A greut scarcity of houses in the place for the accommodation of inwhanics an laboring men complain of. Fitly new houses, says that paper, would find ready tenant? in the spring. The Legislature has passed the bill granting charter tor a Savings in Litflestown.

During the pant week immeuseqiiantitie? of grain wn brought in. Wheat eoininands 2.40 to $.2.75 per bushel: Rye. $1.15: Corn. 85 'l cents. The market secure to be glutted with pork, wbiek sold as low $7 per cwt.

Several temperance meeting- were recently held in (hat place. Addre 'c- were delivered by Mr. F. D. Gage, arid pet were signed pruy-ing the Jjcgirta ure to do nwuy wilb the 1 ice in iog of saloons, Ac.

ijio Spcctatrir' Hanover wants a building association, a gas company, a water urn party, a cut-ton factory, a furnace, a publ had, und a little more pnblie spirit. connections for Philudelpbiu aud Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven aod Auburn, via Schuylkill Rnd Susquehanna railroad, louve Harrisburg ut 3.20 m. Rcluining: Leave New Y'ork at 9.00 ui, 12.00 noon and 5.i 0 und 8.00 Philadelphia at 8.15 a and 3.30 in.

Way pussebgci train leave? Philadelphia at 7.30 a in, re turning from Reading at fi.3U stopping at ull stations: Pottsville at 8.45 and 2.w in; Ashland fi 00 and 1 1.3: a and 1,05 ui; Tamauua at 9.45 a in, and 1 .00 and 8.56 m. Leave Pottsville for Jiaruieburg, via Scuuy I kill and Susquehanna railruud at 7.00 a Reading accommodation train Leaves Read ing at 6.30 a ui returning from Philadelphia at 4.30 iu. dumbia railroad trainB leave Reading at 7.00 a in, and ft 15 pm for Ephratu, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. Gu Sundays: Leave New York at pm. Philadelphia 8.00 a and 3.1a in, the 8.00 an train running oniy to Heading; P.44a ville a iu Harrisburg fi.55 a in, and Reading at 1.20 and 7.30 a ui for Harrisburg, and 11.22 a in for New York a 4.25 for Philadelphia.

Commutation, Mileage Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to aud from all points, ut re duced rates. Baggage checked through 80 pounds allowed each Passunger. G. A. NIC DDLS, jan22-U General Superintendent.

The Tribune Almanac, lor 1807 Just received, and for sale at Young's Book Store Price 2t) cents. tf i 10LDIEUS ATTENTION. All S.l- Oratorios and Cantatas. OKA () li 1 S. The Creation.

Haydn, cfo.b $2, boards, 1. 10, pap. $1.38, Messiah, Handel, cl. -52. VI $1,50, pa.

$1,38. Muses iu Egypt, 1 toxin nq $2.26. David, Neu-koinm, Mi Haul, cl. $2, bdfi pit. $1,38.

Eli, 'Cngta, el. $2.50, bds $2 pa. $1.75. a am an, C--'sfi, m. tl2.6ii, bMs $2 pu, $:.7..

Alt, ihiuai, Neuauiiiin, 2. 1'iuinoto God, Bristow, $2. .6. C.iNTA 1' AS. Hunt Runts', Mcndcls-eo'm, bu? tlfie, pa 50.

Hear my Fruytr, delssubn, 60. It; mu of Fraisc, Mendelsohn, $1 Miriams i riumph, ffchijticit, To. I rain Friends hip. Mozart, So, St. Cecelias Day Yau lfrec, ffi.Sl 2fa, pa.

fit. Morning, Kotos 5ll 8 to nn hiug, liaker, 38. Burning fhip, Baker, 85. Wiuter Evenings Eutertaiument, Ou 11, $1.25, pa $1. Transient and Eternal, Romberg 3s, Great Rebellion, Webster, $3.

Tbe abiu fur sale by all Dealers, and sent by mail, post paid. OLIVER DIT.80N A jan2fi tf 277 VViiahintrfon Tiusfoi The Columbia Bridge. Our Legislature Harrisburg, is at the present time, Hooded petitions from York, Lancaster, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, praying for the passage of requiring the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to rebuild the bridge across the Susquehanna river between Columbia and WrightsviHe. railroad company is resisting these pruye.r? the people and bringing all the weight of its immense power and influence to prevent the passage of any such law. The quarrel is strictly one of interest between tbe people on the.

one baud, who desire to have this great thoroughfare for trade and travel re-opened between the counties of York and Lancaster, and the railroad company, whose object is to perpetuate inonoply postpone thb work of reconstructing the bridge to un indefinite period of time. A meetiug of tbe town council of the borough Columbia, was held on the evening of the 18th at which General Joseph V. Fisher, one of fenators from Lancaster county, attended delivered an address. Some new points were presented by the General, in which we are orry to be compelled to differ with him, but whu-h are so palpably inconsistent with the stitution and laws of the Kioto, that we cannot give them our endorsement under any aspect of I ease whatever. The power to annul the charter of a Corporate body, tor nou user or uny other abuse of privilege, is so clearly defined by twenty-sixth section of tbe first article of our Flute CouBtitutmn, well aa the act of assembly i 85 5, that we arc somewhat surprised to hear any one declare that the Legislature is powerless pas? a law compelling the leg i lira ate and legal exercise its powers itud ditties.

The truth is that the Legislature is the only tribunal which has jurieJvetidin in the premises, and it ran row pel this railroad company-to build this bridge or submit to the torleiture-of the charter privileges it holds by purchase from the ColumMu Bank and Bridge The Pennsylvania now fields by purchase, it only tire piers of -the old bridge which are still standing, but two miles the river surface, und no new charter could be granted au thorizing a utw company to coiis-truct a bridge any where within those limits, until aftet the old charter was legally annulled, i bov then, unless ie franchise? of the Perm-ylv la Railroad are first J. dared by the Legislature as forfeited, could a new company be chartered with tbe privilege of constructing a bridge within forty yard? of the old piers The great fear is that the efforts now being made by the people to feeure'u bridge over the Susquehanna river, between Columbia and Wrighteville, will be defeated in our Legislature this winter, and the subject te indefinitely postponed to the prejudice of the trade and travel interests of the community at large. The people will, in all probability, be toft by our at Harrisburg, to tho mercy of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which is determined, it seems, to have matters its own way. We are fully aware of the power and influence this corporation exercises in the Common ealth, und however humiliating it may appear, we have Borne reason to apprehend that for the present session, at least, the jmople may be unable to resist it. We will await patiently the action the Legislature may take on the petitions now before it.

The law may be defied, und the popular voice disregarded, and week-kneed representative? tremble in the presence of a vast monied iuflu-fluence and patronage, but v.e are nt without hope that the power of the people will yet be respected in holding to a just and fastlifu! discharge of duty, corporations which owe their rights and privileges to grants made by them under the broad seal of the Commonwealth. If our Legislators at Harrisburg, were taxed we are, extra for every ton of coal that we consume, and other articles of merchandise which we are required to use, in consequence of the want of a direct route to market they probably might feel more sensibly the importance of iin mediate action on this bridge question. But they evidently do not the wants of tbe oom-inunity as they should, oftetoe are laboring under some strange and unaoctyfo table hallucination of miDd which it is not in our power to explain. They have the power in tbeir own- hands to two to is Advertising a Profitable investment. Business men offering Goods for sale, should not fail to avail themselves of the columns of the True Democrat, Thousands will then learn where to purchase, and what to purchase.

Su: 'i Cumberland County Items. Condemn from the Volunteer of Thursday last HUlE, with basement, and eellent spring of water near the loir. Alsu, good spring House and Wash House, a go Bank Barn, Wagon Shed with corn crib, aud st ionary Threshing Machine an-d Folder 'Cutter driven by water power by means of rough' iron shafting attached the mill gearing, Carriage house, and other necessary outbuildings. The MILL is 25 feet by 50 feet and three stories high, tbe base mefit stone. It contains out gate or long saw, and three cireu lar Baiws, two Mbit saws, a turning lathe, a hominy mill and a sorghum mill, equal if not superior to any in the state.

The water power excellent. The above property is close to a.good school, aud is in a good neighborhood. Owing to my being physically disabled, I am obliged to retire from business, and offer tbe above property very low, for ca: ii. An Ituli, putable tittle guar ntced. For further pa ticular? call on the subscriber, or address JOSEPH fTy! YKE5, Khrew'sbury, York who reside? oh satm janl52t ers wno have served in tho Arn during (lie war, should have their U-seliatges Reordcd the Rccordcis diice of rk county, so that if they lose them they could always get a certified copy.

IXOR RENT. I ha to--tmy Hough mVELLINU York County Horticultural regular meeting of the York Co. Hort. Society will be held at the Union Engine House, North Geo. at 7 A.

Feb. 2,1807. A punctual attendance is requested. Fnwo J. Evans, Sec.

On the I7tb by Rev. 6. Dasher, Charles reerit, of Hopewell to Leah Secribt, Warriugton all of York Co. Ou the 22U at the brides residence, by (be same, Dr. A.

K. Nebinger to Belle C. r'bet tie, lotb of Lfwisoeiry, York Co. Dauphin Journal please oopy on tho tty R-v. Mr.

Buckingham, YaUle? jlton aud Emma Welker, both of this place. Da the tm by Rev. D. Zeirter, Benja-in h. lleindt'l and Eilcu J.

Alaiah, both of V. In (Ju the lfR-h at Cam bridge, ML, by Rev. B. W. Dougherty, Michael tsuiyser, of York, and Annie Etrongca, of former place.

On the 6th by Rev. W. K. Zeigler, Sam-uel E. Troiifa and Louisa M.

Thomas, both of Hanover. On fhe 1 ('tb by Rev. D. Rebring, Eli AlbrighUiU) Cariwiw W. Yiluesou, both of V.

twp. Ou the same day, by the same, Henry S. Rohrbacb, of Mauiieim, and Becker, of N. On the 13th by tbe Same, Michael T. Christ and Ftteanna Robrbach, both of Codorus.

Ou the BOth by Rev. (. j. Deininger. Geo, B.

Ness and Sarah Fcigley, both of Springfield twp. On the 1st bv the same, John Alexander, of W. Manchester, and Lavina rftougb, of Dover tfrp. Un the Baioe da) toy the same, Michael Joseph, of W. Manchester, ami Anna Jiuury, of N.

dorus twp. On the 19th by the same, Adam Stef fer, Concwiigu and Isarau Auu of Newberry twp. On the same day, by the same, Emanuel Kline-dinst and Christian Beck, both of N. Codorus. On the 24th by the same, Jeremiah M.

Fry and Henrietta Meiseiiheiter, both of Manchester twp. On the 24th by Ibe Rev, Abraham Kraus, Henry Young to Catharine 8 warlz, all of Frospect, York county, Fa. Henry and Catharine, Through this life'? tempe-stous oc-an, arc thick and danger? nigh 0, may constant pure devotion them safe to realm? on high. soutih-west corner of Main and Water in the borough of York, now occupied by Henry Brandt. The property is well adapted for a bearding house or for business purposes.

an 1 ti TVLL A CROLL. DRUGS! Thel uian that drew the Crosby Opera House, left Bt. Louis yesterday, on his way to Public Sale. Tuesday, Kebraury ttd, VuT undcrsignel'wm f-'eli at public sate, the February 14, SI Valentine's Day, A. B.

Ewing has been appointed Auctioneer of the borough of Carlisle, by Guv. Geafy. David B. Herman, ba? been admitted as an Attorney at the Carlisle Bar. The recent snow? have knocked the schedule of -the Cumberland Valley Railroad completely out of time.

The by roads are In some place? completely closed, arid farmer? have to shovel their way nnt, in spine instance? torn mile or so. A LodLC of Good Templars was organised at Jackson viileUCuiuberiaud county, recently, with flattering prospects. On Monday of last week a Monument Associ iition was organ ired iii Carlisle for the' purpese of erecting a monument to the deceased Soldiers of Cumberland county. Chas. Foulk, Henry Dixon, Jas.

H. Taylor, and A. R. Matoer, were found guilty of arson at the recent term of court, bentbuee deterred; motions entered for a new triL Carlisle Markets Jan. 23 Family fiyur, $12 75 buperfiDe $8 00; rye, $6 00; white wheat, $3 00; red, 90 12; corn, 75, 78: oats, 45c cloverseed, $7 25 timothy seed, $.

Ol), Butter. 25c; eggs, 25c lard, 12c tallow, 10c; soap, 9(al2c beeswi'x, 30c bacon hams, 14c, do. sides, 13e; white beans, $1 75 chickeus, pr pair, ofiafiOc; turkeys, to 3 00; ducks, pr pair, $1 IO; potatoes, 70uH0c: apples, $1 to 1.50.' SELLING OFF AT COST! Centre Square, over Jordan's store, to have his Photograph taken. Ho is determined to have the best of everything, and knows that Evans can't be beat anywhere. rpHE undt'T signed intending to discun-1 tinue the mercantile business, will eell with- At the New Book Ftnre.

near be Court House. Mehchaxtk supplied at a liberal discount. HIRAM YOUNG'. C. A.

MOitltlS Wholesale Retail Druggists At the Old Established Stand. No. E. Unrki't Strf York, Ia, ABGK and carefully selected stock of AMERICAN, FRENCH and ENGLISH DRUGS, CHEMICALS El IN ES, HA I Flesh and Cloth BRUSHES, DYE ST I l-T, FANCY ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, on the farm of John Emig, in Lower Windaor Yolk about 3 tulle? south of Wrightsville, mile Lorn the river and mile north ot Prosjujct, the following pcrsonaJ property: fi Young Mules, fi Milk Cattle, 2 Bulls, one ol which is Durham; 2 Breraiiug Ifows, fi Sboats, 2 Wagons, both broad tread, for four or six burse; 1 spring Wagon, for oue or two horses: Wagou Box, two-horse Sled, (5 acts of Harness, Threshing Machine aud hurse power, McCormick's ptolt raher Re. and Mower, Wire Gram Rake, iuuowing Midi, Com Planter, 2 pair Hay Ladders, Gram Drill, Coru Plow, 4 Long amt 2 Steel Prows, Cultivators, Harrows, Hay Elevator with rope and fixtures, Cutting Box, Double and Trees, Fifth, Cow and other Rakes, Forks, Dinner Bell, and a variety of other Farming Implements.

Kate to commence at 10 A. M. Terms at sale. jao2-ts JOHN KELLER. Tobacco, Segars, Ac.

Those of our readers who either use or deal in the above articles, are referred to the advertisement of Thomas Holland A who hlive purchased tbe well-known establishment of Benjamin 1 h'linas, in South George street, where they are prepared to supply all the old patrons of the place and the public generally, with a No. 1 article of everything in their line. Mattings and on ciotiis. Just received, a lull stock WTf GOWQl A MATTING. Also FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS, OIL SHADES.

PICTURE CORD A SS LS. I TI A JND TR! -M i (J S. 1) A 51 A KS of all R-T AIN FIXTURES, DOOR MATS, Cornice? and Curtain Bands, liaesocks, all of which will he sold cheap, tor cash, at GILBERTHOKPS, 19 Main Y'orh. P.u oT the v'erv best, quality. FRBSlf, ft re.

and ger-uin-, and will be sold at the very lowest figures. Cologne Water. Extracts) Jlair Dyes, ilair Renewers. flair Oftsy Fancy So- in great variety. Public Sale.

Thursday, February 21, 18t7, the DIElb: Long experience and perfect knowledge of Drug business, gives us great advanteje in purchasing, and enables us to compete wi fi wbole sale houses in the cities. tjj REWARD! Stolen, on Tues- day night, December 11, my handsome Dark BAY MARE, ill hand? high, 6 years old, with foal, long, round built, hollow backed, carries high head, worked under the saddle, has a white star on forehead size of half a dollar, and her right bind foot below pastern joint is speiffiied with white. An old government saddle an 1 bridle were also stolen. Oue hundred dollars will be given for recovery of ffiare, and fifty dollar? for conviction of thief. JAMES MrfiERIlY, near Woodsborough, 311.

Dog Fight. Quite an excitement was raised in market on Saturday morning Inst, by a dog fight came off between two large New Foumkids. hich tossed each othertobout in the snow forVveral minutes, when they were finally separated by the owners. But little blood was spilt and no damage done to either of the combatants, but tbe canine tussle drew a considerable crowd to the spot, and excited much amusement. Since the brutal affair at Goldsboro, it seems, every thing around us has grown more Lancaster News.

Condensed from the Evening Express. Fire. The three story brick, building occupied uh a printing office by Stuart A. Wylie, of the "Inquirer newspaper. on tbe alley between North Queen and' Duke street? and East King and Off ange streets, took fire ut '-about 3 oclock on the uibrnhig of the 2i)th and the building and contents were entirely destroyed.

The building con teined a steam engine, a power printing and several hand presses, a large quantity of newspaper and job type, besides a large lot of printing paper. The loss of Mr. Wylie is twelve thousand dollars, insurance eight thous and. The budding belonged Vj Tboiaas E. Franklin, Esq.

out reserve ut cost his entire stock of 1KY GOODS, QUEENS and GLASSWARE. GROCERIES. HATS. CAPS, CARPETING OI.L CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, between this and April. 1867.

A large line of Cloths, Cassi i ers, Satinets. Jeans, siik and silk velvet Vestings, aiid Mens Wear generally; Ladies Dress (foods, large variety: Silks, French Mere-utos, Coburgs. Alpacas, fi-4 wool Delaines, Pacific and Manchester Delaines, Prints, Raulston and other Domestic Ginghams, Swiss, Book-muslin, Cambric, Nettings, Laces, Glove-. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Collars, Veils, Trimmings, Ribbons, Ttereads and Sewing Silk of all kinds. Machine Silks, Threads, Ac.

liuuse Furnishing Goods: Tickings, Checks, Table Lioen, Cotton Table Diapers, Muslins, bleached and unbleached; eot-ton stripes, blankets, coverlets, counterpart ev, table rover? and cloths, Ac. fcbaker and wool Flannel; white, red, yellow, grey and other Flannels; Doeskin and Canton Flannels. Carpets, Oil, Floor and Table. Cfotbs: three ply IngFain. Venittan.

Hemp Linen, and Rag Oarpoting; Dr mr gating Hugs, Ac. The largest assortment of Queens aud Glassware in York, of latest styles and qualities. Looking Hia? 3, Hats and Caps, Nubie? and Scarfs. Umbrellas Silk, water-proof and Scotch Gingham, American Gingham, and Cotton Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas, Parasols, Ac. Tailors Trimmings, Bindings, Buttons, Sewings, Ac.

Groceries Coffee, white and brown Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Rice, Spices, Ac. Wholesale dealer? will find it to their interest to call and select from the above stock at city prices. The public generally are invited to cail and examine tbis large stock of goods suited to their wants, as they will have a rare oppuriuni-ty of buying goods at city prices. Tbe undersigned avails himself of this occasion to tender his thanks to his customers and the public generally, for their jmtronage extended to him over twenty years, for which he will ever feel grateful. IBtore Room, No.

4 East Market south side, between the Market and Court House, York, Pa, jato8-tf HENRY KRABER. On the lfi.h in W. Manchester Mrs. Margaret Wolf, widow of Peter Wolt, aged 81 years, 2 month? and 15 On the 21st at the Alms House, Mrs. cinda Yocum, Widow of the late Wm Yocum, aged about fit) years.

Oil the lltb in Dover. Elizabeth, wife of Adam Yessler, aged 2fi years 4 mouths and 22 day Ob the 17th in this borough, Daniel Craumer, aged about 74 years. Oh the 6th in Hanover, Marcus Wortz, Droogists, Pnrsir.iANs and Mkri havts of Y'ork and adjoining counties, will find it to their interest to give us a trial before sending tbeir orders to the city. We guarrntee satisfaction, both in price ami quality. COAL OIL.

Dealer- and consumers can always be supplied with tbe very Or nt Cwd OH in tbe market, and at lowest market rates. We have a large and convenient place for storing Oil in quantity. Not being exposed to the wea ther, there is no loss from leakage. undersigned executor of Benjamin Keller, late of Shrewsbury tp. dee'd, will sell at public gale, at the late residrnce sail deceas'd, on the road leading from Seitslaud to Shrewsbury, about one mile east of the former place, the following property.

No. 1 A TftACT OF LAND, containing lfi Acres, adjoining lands ol John K. Miller, Decker, Michael E-rlich, Henry J. King, and others. The improvements are a two-eto- r-A ry LOG DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Bank Barn, oaw Mill, Bark and Lath Min, good water power, good fruit on tbe place, with a spring of running water near tbe house.

Nil 2 Contains about 7 Acres of excellent Land, situate on the road leading from N. Seitz mill to Shrewsbury, adjoining lands of F. Wm. Lentz, Chas. King and Wm.

Keller. No improvements on this tract. At (he same and place will be sold the fng personal uie Colt, 2 years HU FISHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ileal Kstate Aent and Conveyancer, YORK, IA. PebonR wishing to sell or purchae real estate, will find it to their advantage tfivcalj on the undersigned. Properties for Sale or Rent, will be duly registered and advertised freest charrje, unless a sale or lease is effected.

Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, neatly and correctly drawn. Searches for Liens, with official certifies es of same procured (if desired,) and Titles duly examined. By pursuing tbis the iy afe caurec both purchasers aDd vendor? may save trouble and expense of litigation, much of which grows out. of the present loose and careless mode of pftoaiug titles to lands. H.

L. FISHER, nov. 27-1 Office over ordana Store. The Martyrs of Liberty. A.

11. Chase, editor-in-chief of tbe True Democrat, will deliver his beautiful historical lecture on the Martyrs of Liberty, at New Cumberland, on Saturday evening next. The proceed? will be ipriated to the benefit of the Ladies Mite of that borough, under whose auppice re was gotten up. Tbe citizens of New may expect a rich intellectual occasion, Mr. Chase has but few no superiors in the State as an ac-writer and speaker.

He will doubted by a large aud appreciative audi- aged 8fi years and 12 days. I On the 11th in Codorus township, Rach- Jaeob (Jraybill, farmer of West Earl I Levi Mayer, aged 4 years, fi township, died at hi3 residence on the 8 day. 1 r.i. nri.u .1 On the lith in rhis borough, Jacob Cra- mornuiK of the 20th id the 91st year mr 61 years. lie was born tbe bouse in 0n the 1st in Cone ago Sarah 7 pi which he died aud resided there all his ZeUrfaw, aged 2fl years.

3 months and 30 days. compel a reconsCffuction of the Colombia bridge, Ufe time On the ffih insfo in Heilam, Geo. by forfeiting tbe old charter aud granting a new A heavy snow ftorna set in on the evening of the 20th inst. and continued falling, with brief intervals, during the night. The wind was high and the snow drifted to an unusual height, blocking up the Holler, aged 1 0 years, I raohth and 10 days.

0.n tbe 13th iasL, in Manchester, Albert, ton Geo. and Lydia Hively, aged 1 month and 1 dw. Ualite 2it at Indianapolis, Eliza- both, wife of Samuel Rider, lorraerly of Logan- villa,) aged 28 years, 5 months and 2 days. LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, GAS LAMP SHADES. A very large assortment, and at the lowest Dealers can at all time? be supplied in any quantity, as cheap as they can get (hem in the cities.

Thankful to our numerous friends and customers for the very liberal patronage extended to ub, we ask a continuance of the same and to thjse who have not been dealing with us. we would ask but a trial to convince them that it will be to their intere st to deal with us. C. A. MORRIS A CO.

old; 1 Horee Colt, 1 Cow, 1 Iloifer, 1 Sueep, 1 Homonv Machine, Platform Scales, Grain Fan, set harness, 2 hives of trees, wheelbarrow, one-trf horse wagon. segars, broad axe, grain era-' 1 die, scythe, Sale to commvuocal IG A. M. leTuis at sale, JJOSHOUK Exr. jan2fi ts SamI Seitz, Aucr..

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