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The True Democrat from York, Pennsylvania • 3

The True Democrati
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TRUE DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY JULY 24, 1806. iPuMir and matr fairs. loiiorrat. The Boys iu Blue. The Boys in Blue will hold a pic-nic on the 9th of August next.

Eminent speakers from abroad are invited to be present, and deliver addresses on the oocassion. Hotels. JONES HOUSE, Corner of Market Square aud Market St HARRISBURG, PA. Xrpt Rotirrs. OTICE- The kw, partnership of l' EVANS A MAlER has been dissolved by mutual consent.

The undersigned will still remain in the same office for the present, and attend severally to any professional business in which they may be employed. JOHN EVANS, mar27-if JOHN L. MAYER. A Iliiek und Watchmaker, N- Geo, second house above railroad, York. Pa.

lie pairs in superior style all kinds of fine and other Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, at moderate rates. Work warranted. jyl7-3m D. Tebbbtts Physiologic a.1 IIxir Rbqs-erator. The wonderful popularity of this Preparation is unprecedented.

It is becoming the standard article over everything of the kind, and I is the only unobjectionable Hair Preparation in I use: without it no toilet is complete; if once used it never will be dispensed with. It positively restores White. Gray, or faded Hair, to its original color, lustre and beauty. It often produces a new growth of beautiful Hair on bald heads, and always stops its falling off. It frees the head from all dandruff, itohing TUESDAY, July 24th, 1866.

3TAITD BY THE FLAG! CHARLES H. SIAKN, Proprietor. Messrs. Alexander Auctioneers, sold on Saturday last, farm in lork township, belonging to Mr. Gates J.

Weiaer, containing 56 acres, for $6, 0(H). Purchaser Mrs. Reicbly. YTrILL be pleased to Bee bis York county friends when in the city. mar-7(feb7 )tf Sudden Death.

Mr. Charles Lightner, of and humor. tn. brightest banner that float on the gale, Flag of the country of Washington, hail Bed are thy stripe with the blood of the brave. Bright are thy stars as the sun on the wave rapt in thy fold are the hopes of the Free.

Banner of Washington blessings on thee A Farm at Private Sale. IHE underrigned, intending to move West, will sell at private sale bis FARM, containing 58 Acres, more or less, situate iu Touewago township, Y'ork county, near Quickels Mill, on the road leading from the State road to the Bull road, 8 milns from Y'ork, adjoiuiug lauds of John Brillinger, Henry Schaf-ner, aud others. The improvements thereon erected are a good DWELLING HOUSE. Jtii Stone Barn, Hug Stable, There is a never-failing Spring of water near the House, a fine Apple Orchard, and 290 Peach Trees, all in good thriving oonditioB, on the premises. The land is in good order, having been reeent-y well limed, and is under good fencing, and considered one of the best farms in this section of the State for fruit growing.

40 acres are an der cultivation, and the balance is first-rate tim berlaud. Any person wishing to view the above proper ty can do so by calling on the undbrsigned resid' ing thereon. 72fSale positive. If not sold before August 4, 1S68, it wU! then be sold at public sale on that day. jel2 2m DANIEL JACOBY.

ril AKE NOTICE. The Farmers I Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Dover, Couewago, Newberry and East and West Manchester townships, gives notice that a large number the Policies of said Company will soon expire; and if the members wish them renewed they shall call on tbe Secretary, or on some agent of said Company, on or before the expiration of their policies. S. M. EISEXHART, Secretary.

N. B. All correspondence must be addressed to York P. 0. The Secretarys office is 6 mites urta of ork.

jy 1 7 st Notice. York, July 2, 1866. We have this day associated with us Samuel Small, in ibe Hardware, Grocery, Milling and Grain business. The business will still be continued in the name of P. A.


LATIMER SMALL. julylO-tf Hanover Items. We learn from the Cit-ixen that on the 7th Mrs. Eve Winebreu-ner, of that place, broke ber arm by failing on the pavement. Mr.

Emanuel Diller, ol Me- Sborrystown, Adams county, had a leg broken recently, by falling through a bay-oft of his ham. -Mr. Philip White, residing in Dover was attacked with a hemorrhage of the lungs on the 11th and almost instantly expired -A small child of Mr. Eden of Cudo- rus tp-. was drowned a week or two since, by tailing upon its face in a pool of water.

Madame Stephensou. By an adverti e-ment in another column it will be seen that Madame Stephenson the celebrated female doc-tress, will be at the Washington House in this borough on Thursday next, and will be ready to wait upon all those suffering from chronic and other diseases, who may fuvor ber with a call, She comes here highly recommended, and presents a number of strong certificates of remarkable cures effected without the use of medicine. Her terms are such as to commend her to the favorable consideration of all classes of the community, and she guarantees relict, no matter what the ailment may be. Give her a fair and impartial trial. Has no dirty, sticky sediment, or unpleasant odor.

It is neat, does not soil the finest fabric or skin. As a dressing, it is unrivaled, delightful. No other preparation hu-. either the merit, or opularity, wherever it goes. Every bottle warranted.

For sale by C. A. Morris No. 3 East Market York, Pa. mar20-6o.

Manchester township, was found dead in his bed yesterday morning. He had been to Sabbath School in the neighborhood, on the afternoon previous, and complained of not feeling very well after his return home. No serious consequences, however, were apprehended. He retired at the usual hour and died quietly and peacefully some time during the night. He was well aud favorably known in this borough.

Still Improving. Our popular druggist, Ue. W. Neff', in West Main Street opposite the Post Office, is still improving and uddiug to his large aud well seleclad stock of fancy soaps, cf French, English and American manufacture, and now has on hand the best stock ever offered for sale in our borough. His choice extracts, hair nils, hair and tooth brushes, cannot be excelled anywhere, and are deserving the special attention of our eitiz ns.

He also keeps cou itantly for sale the latest and most approved preparations for the hair, for coloring aud promoting its growth, and rendering it glossy and beautiful. Friend Neff is deserving of a liberal patronage for bis untiring business enterprise and for thus catering to the public wants, comforts anJ necessities. VOTICE. -The style of the firm of a WELLS, RIDDLE A will be changed the 1st day of July to A. A J.

E. WELLS. The above firm has on hand, as usual, a veryex-ensive assoriment of all kinds of WHIPS, which they offer to the trade at prices which will give satisfaction. Pittsburg, June 25, 1866 -jy2-tf DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. aV Letters of administration on the Estate of Lean der Weigel, late of West Manchester York deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in the same place.

All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated to JOHN NEIMAN, Admr. WASHINGTON HOUSE, EAST MARKET STREET, YORK, PA. T. A. TRUMBO Proprietor.

THIS well knowu and popular establishment has been recently refurnished and is conducted as a first class hotel, being prepared to accommodate visitors from the cities and elsewhere in a style that cannot be excelled. Its location being in the central and principal thoroughfare of York, and possessing all the comforts and appliances of a well arranged house, renders it one ul the most desirable stopping places in this part of tbe State. The delicacies of the season are always supplied on the table, and the bar contains the choicest liquors, cigars, to be had. Guests wishing to leave in trains departing late at night or early in the morning, will be promptly called in time to meet them. A I cl 170, 172, 174 A 176 Urrenn ich a (One square west of Broadway,) Between CtMuituudl tU Bowery N.

York, JOHN PATTEN, Proprietor. Hla Pacific Hotel is well and widely kuown to the travelling public. The location especially suitable to merchants and business men it is in close proximity to the business part of the City- is on the highway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacifiic has liberal accommodation lor over 300 guosts it is well furnised and posesaes every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectful and the table is generously provided'th every delicacy of tho season.

The subscriber, who. for the past few years, has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends to identify himself thoroughly with the intererts oi his With long experience as a hotel -keeper, he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain tho favorable reputation of the Pacific Hotel, ep. ly JOHN PATTEN, Jr. UMBEll LI MBEK LUMBER BEIDLEK A STONER, Wholesale and Retail kale ns in Limber, WRIGHTS VILLE1 1A. HAVE on hand and offer for sale at lowest market rates, a choice stock of seasoned White Pine Plank and Boards, Hemlock Boards, Joist, Scantling, and Fencing Boards.

Aso, Worked Weatherboardiug and F'luoring, Plastering Lath. Shingles, Siding, and Window Sash. All kinds of Timber for building purposes furnished to purchasers, and forwarded to any point on the line of railroad or canal, at short notice. jyl0-3t riMIE CELEBRATED GLEN ROCK I I II A The undersigned residing at Glen Rock, is the manufacturer of an article of Ice Cream which is superior to any now in the market, and cannot bo excelled for excellence and flavor, by any iu the world. He is now furnishing it for Burnums Hotel, tbe Gilmore House, and tho Fuuutuin Hotel, in Baltimore city, aud the National House, und Washington House, in York.

He is prepared to furnish private families, pk nic parties, and festi-to order, and with a view of aecuimnodat-the citizens of York with, an article far superior to any they cad purchuso here, he ha established an Agency in York, so that ersous leaving their orders at Adams Express office, can be supplied three times a day, by tbe mail train at 12 o'clock 6.45 1M und 10.30 P.M. 11 EN RY EISER. Valuable Farm at Private Sale sale township on the road leading from the Carlisle road to tin Canal road, about one mile from Weiglestowi. and about mites from Dover, containing 73 ACRES, more or loss, udjoining lands uf John Feiser, George Fewer, Henry I)ar-on, and Jacob Rupert, on which arc erect- JrA ed a two-story BRICK ELLIN Ji31 110L8E, with Basement, Wash House, buoa House, Brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, und other outbuildings. There is a fine Apple Orchard on the premises, containing a large variety of choice Fruit, together with great variety of Peach, lfear, Pium aud Apricot trees, now bearing fruit for tbe first time.

Also, a great variety of very choice Grapes. There is a weil of water with pump iu it neat the house, a spring of water near the barn, aud a small stream of water passing through thi farm. About 3 acres are Timberland, and about 10 acres of Meadow. The balance is cleared, has been limed, is well fenced, and in good farming order. The buildings are all new and substantial, and in good repair.

Any person wishing to view the premises, will call on Reuben Rnhauser, residing ou the same, and for further information apply to jel9-3ui EDWARD DA RON. PXECrTOKS NOTICE. Letters JCjTestamcntary on the estate of Abraham Dror-baugh, late of Newberry township, York county, decM. have been granted to the uiftlersigned residing in the same place. AH persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them to IURAM DRORBAUGH, Exr.

toXECUTORS NOTICE. Letters JLj Testameutary on tbe Estate of Daniel R. Weiser, late oi' the borough of York, have hem granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them to Dr. II.

K. WEISER, Seven Valley; J. D. SCHAlX York; jj3-6t E. C.

BENDER, York. fteparttanit. OUR CAMPA1G CLV US. We recently offered Club rates to six month subscribers, which was quite liberally responded to. To accommodate those who are not yet subscribers to our paper, we offer the True Democrat from now until a ter the election, or three months from the time of subscribing, as follows 1 Copy, in advance 10 0 40 1O0 The importance of the campaign should stiinu-ate the Union Party to place the True Democrat in the hands of every friend of our great and free country and the principles of the Republican Union party.

We have a Governor to elect in October next, and every voter should rend for himself and learn the true issues involved in the contest. The Rebellion has just been crushed in the field, bat the enemy is yet at work in our midst. Union men must keep sentinels on the watch tower of our liberties. Let us be vigilant be active our cause is Just. Additions to the Clubs may be made at any time between this and the election, at the same rate, Money can be forwarded by mail, uen copies scut free, AddreV HIRAM YOUNG, Publisher, jyl7tf York, Penn'a.

The Boys in Blue. The Rooi of the Boys in Blue," in Rupps building, Centre Square, York, are open every night. very true soldier in York county, desirouspreserx ingin future the rescued liberties oi our Nation by endorsing the cteeifoji el Maj. Gen. John W.

Geary, aud pi icing the administration of public affairs in the hand of true Union patriots, are earnestly invited to sign their names to the Con stitution, and thereby beooine members of the Boys ir Blue organisation. The regular meetings are held on Iriday evenings each week. For Sake. 25 Shares Emerpri Gold and Silver Mining Stock. For further particulai inquire at this office.

tf Appeared Last Green corn, cau-teloupcs and tomatoes appeared in our markets last week. They should be used with caution. By an advertisement in to-doy's paper it will be seen that Madauie Stephenson, the celebrated Naturalputhic Physician, 11 be at the Washington House, in this place, on Thursday next, the 26th inst. Premium Pictures. Now is the time to get the best premium pictures to be had in Y'ork.

Call at C. E. Wallin's premium sky light gallery, over King Klinefelters hardware store, South Goergc street, where you are sure to get perfect satisfaction, in all kinds of weather. It Refreshing1. On last Wednesday afternoon, we were favored with a most delightful and re-frahing ahoffer of rain, which had the effect ot Prof.

J. B. Andrews, of Philadelphia, is visiting our town for the purpose of giving instruction in his new, short and simple methods of Calculation, including short methods of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Divisiou, and their application to Interest, Percentage. Discount, Banking and Partial Payments. have been instructed in Prof.

Andrews concise and beautiful system of calculation, and we mm', say that we regard it as far superior to the old system. We take great pleasure, therefore, in recommending him to, any who may need his professional services. He are authorised to say that the Professor gives instruction to Ladie und Teachers at a reduced fee, and to voundett, soldiers free of charge. His rooms are at Mrs. Suttons, on George where he may be found at any time when not professionally engaged.

ASouii, Sleep. An incident of rather an amusing chuiaotcr occurred on Saturday morn ing last. A farmer who resides some eight mile lrom our borough, aud who is iu the habit of attendidg market, left home with hie usual load ol provisions, and after arriving in town, stopped at his accustomed place at the curb stone. In a short time after, ono of our housekeepers stepped up and inquired of him what ho would take for his chicken. My chicken said the astonished countryman, I have no chicken, Why you have, said the housekeeper, there it is sitting on the pole ol the wagon.

Upon looking to ascertain the fact, it was discovered that a line, plump chicken, which the funner at once recognized as belonging to him, was quietly perched, ith its head under its wing, sound asleep on the pole of the wagon, where it had evidently gono to roost the night before, and was entirely unconscious of its transit over eight miles of rough and muddy roads. It was sold for thirty conts, and his doubtless ero this ceased to be a chicken, ut least so far as tangible outward appearances are concerned. The sleep was a sound but fatal one to the old hen. IWistrUanrous. iiVEUTlNG Has enlarged many a small business: lias revived many a dull business; lias saved many a failing business: Has created many a new business.

TRY IT! To Consumptives. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to ihake known tt his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing aud using the same, which they will find a CW? for Cousuption, Asthma Bronchi ts, 'ouyhs, Cold, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, and he 'topes every suf-HicrwiU try his remedy, as it will cost them i thing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address.

Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings New York. ja2-ly Eclectic Pills, The claims for this valued Family Pill arc beyond that of any other in use. A test of them ill not only prove this, but the greater error of Griping, which has heretofore been called Character.

Tbe Eclectic Pills ne'er require over two, and seldom but one for the dose, act on the bow-els without the slightest griping, a poinWf the greatest importance, particularly in CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. For which take a Single Pill every or every other night. They never produce debility, and Cuje In digestion. Dyspepsia, Ilea' Ache, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Piles, Worms. Loss of.

or Impurities of ibe Blood, L' of Appetite, and all Derangements of Bowels or Stomach. Sold ly all Wholesale and Retnil Dealer? in Medicine, a 25 cents per Bottle. JOHN L. HUNNKWELL, Proprietor, Practical Chemist. 9 Commercial Wharf.

Boston. Physicians or Dealers supplied in Bulk. Formula und full Testimonial to this Great Aloiue Development, also the celebrated Alterative Lux-ves from the Formulas of Dr Haskell and Davies, sent on demand. juuc 5-10m Ayeub Alik Cure, for tbe speedy euro of lntcnniltcnt Fever, or Fiver and Ague, Ji tout Fever, va Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache or Bilious Headache, vnd Bilious JP-V-rcr. indeed ftr the i hole da orig inating in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic co unit ies.

Fever and Ague is not the only oonsequence of the miasmatic posou. A great variety of disorders from its irritati in malarious districts, among which are Neuralgia, Illunma tism, (lout, Jeadiuhe, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh Asthma, Fufouitiou, Painful Ajtcdloh (j the Spleen, Hysterics, Fain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and anrtment of the Stomach, ull of which, when originating in this Cure expels the poison from the Wood, and thus cures them all alike. Ii is not only the most effectual remedy ever discovered lor this class of complaints, but it is the cheapest and moreover is perfectly safe. No hurm cun arise from its use, and the patient when cured is left as healthy as if he had ne' er lmd the disease. Can this be said uy other cure for Chills and Fever? of this, and its importance to those afflicted with the complaint cannot be over estimated.

So sure is it to cure the Fever aud Ague, that it may be truthfully said to a certain remedy. One Dealer complains that it is not a good medicino to sell, be-cau80 one bottle cures a whole neighborhood. Prepared by J. C. AYER A Lowell, and sold by C.

A. MORR York. Pa. dmtijsnnntfs. NOTICE! TIiIn linos not ullisli obseeno Medical Ad vert KciuciiIm al any price.

Yc design making it an acceptable ami iiMciu I Family A GENUINE hRTICLE Pure Old Rye 7hiskey. PURU, unadulterated article, warranted as represented also, choice article of PRUNE BRANDY, constantly on hand, and fei sale at the Dist illery of he subscriber, in Springfield township, York county. His OLD YE WHISKEY, he will ell by the barrel at prevailing prices. is thoroughly and unadulterated, known as Double Whiskey, made in copper stills. Prompt attention will be given to orders, or tetters of inquiry.

Address, JOHN S. FOUST, jcUi-tf Glen Rock, York Pa. 'lr ANTED. apprentice to the Printing business. Apply at this office, immediately.

mpyld-tf DVEKTISE IN THE Xjl OCR AT, if you want to secure now customers. Everybody roads it, and it is the very best advertising medium in tfeutbern Pennsylvania, because it has an immense circulation. Real Estate at Public Sale. ON Saturday, tbe 4th day of August, 1866, tho undersigned, administrator of the estate of Jacob Flicker, late of Warrington township, Ybrk county, deceased, will sell at public sale, on the premises, about I mile south-east of Rosavillc. near the roai leading from York to Carlisle, the following real estate, to wit: No.

1 A TRACT OF LAND, situate in sai township, containing 91 acres, more or less, about 20 acres of which are woodland. Tbe improvements thereon are a LOG DWELL-dfeA ING HOUSE, ajarge new Bank Barn, uml-Io" jp alf neoessary outbuildings. There is on the promises a fine Orchard of Choice Fruit Trees, and two wells of water, one near the house, the other at the barn. No. 2 A TRACT OF LAND, containing 22 acres more or less, 4 acres ol whieh are wood land.

Tho land is all under good fencing and in a high state of cultivation. This tract adjoint No. 1, and they will be Id separate or together. No. 3 A TRACT OF CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND, situate in Dover township, about 1 mile from Kunkels Mill, and near Rollers Schuol House, containing 7 acres, Sale to commence at 1 oclock, P.

when attendance will be given and terms made known by 2.BM. B. ELICKER, Admr. de bonis non with tho will annexed. jyl0-3t Shillito A Landes, Aucrs.

SOEGO SYETJP MACHINERY. ANY person ffish to commence boiling Surjro Syrup. wuuU do well to call on tha undersigned, who has tried the Pan and Mill, and knows they will give satisfaction. The best Pun in use is the Cook Pun, of which there are twice as many in use in York County, as any other, and the same can be said of the mill. On tl and see, or send for circular.

mar29-6m CHAS. H. NEFF. Carriage Builder North Beaver Sc toUESH TURNIP SEED. We offer a supply of fresh Seed, for planting during July and August, embracing 8 VARIETIES OB TURNIP, 5 do RUTA BAGA.

Price, 10 cts, per $1 25 per pound. Druggists, Storekeepers and Dealers supplied in papers for retailing, at wholesale price-. Parties ordering by mail, with remittance, will receive seed promptly, free of postage. EDWD. J.

EVANS A 0. jc26-8t Y'ork, Penn. TALI ABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SAL.U. Tho undersigned, executors of the estate of the late William Jones, oiie at Private Sate the twu story fTSpft 11 I II 0 jiiB with large two story Back Building, situated on the north-east comer of George aud Philadelphia streets York, tho lot running east to an alley, on the corner of which fronting on Philadelphia street is a two-story WEATilER-BOARBED HOUSE. Also The two story BRICK HOUSE, fronting on George adjoining the above property.

For terms, apply on the premises, to the heirs of the late Wui. Jones. DAVID THOMAS. SAMUEL R. JONES, DAVID A.

JONES, iuay22-tf Executors. F.OW HANDLE TIMBER For which the highest price will be given iu exchanged for guaranteed Agricultural Implements, at Farquhars Agricultural Works. North George near tho depot, York, jcl0 t.f 0T10E. Persons who recently con- i i tributed towards a Soldiers Home, through Rev. Mr.

A tk ip son, for tho support of Soldiers and Sailors disabled in tho last war, are hereby informed that, as the enterprise has been abandoned, the money has been returned. Contributors can have the amount of their subscription, less the expenses, refunded by calling at the Frirst National Bank. Those who do not call before the first day of October, will be considered as having given their couseut that their donations shall go to the support of the Childrens Home of this county. jylO-tf SfeCouuty papers please copy. IE GREAT AMERICAN CHOL- ERA REMEDY For the Cure of CHOLERA, DIARRHEA, CHOLIC, CRAMP, a PAIN in the Stomach and Bowels, Painful Menstruation, Ac.

Prepared and sold by C. II. BRESSLER, M. York, Pa. and also sold by C.

A. Morris A Co. mny29-3m Our Sanctum. We are now writing from our new sanctum, and can assure our readers that wc feel much relieved from the cares, anxieties, labors and annoyances by which we have been afflicted since the commencement of April last. The work of constructing and reconstructing, which it has been our lot to supervise since wc left oar tdd atahHahmaut, luu -oto H.

Bressler, M. MENTIS A The Heat. Within the recollection of the oldest inhabitant, the weather has not been so warm as it was during last week. On Saturday the 14th the heat came upon us like an avalanche. commencing at an early hour iu the morniug and continuing during the day.

At uuon ti thermometer stood at 100 iu the shade. On Sunday there was no falling off in the heat, but it continued about the same as on Saturday. Mouday and Tuesday however, took everything down which has ever been known in this latitude. At the hottest time during the day ou Tuesday, tire thermometer rose to 104 in the shade, und at cue place where there was a slight radiation of heat from a brick wall it rose to 103. Wh the thermometer was placed in the sun, the mercury rose iu a short time to 132.

Probably the same degree of heat has never been experienced in Turk, und when on Tuesday evening a fine breeze sprung up, and Wednesday morning dawned upon us comparatively comfortable, every one seemed to thank God for the pliant and agreeable change. 31. E. Sunday School Teachers Institute. The Carlisle District M.

E. Sunday School Touchers Institute, under the direction of Rev. J. H. Vincen General Agent of the Sunday School Union, will bo held at the First Methodist Episcopal Church, in this place, cum motiving to-day, (Tuesdny,) and continue for two days.

The following is the programme of exercises f- First Seas ion Tuesday, A. At. Devotional Services. Conducted by Rev. S.

II. C. Smith. Special subjects of prayer: The Teachers of the Sunday School who lack earnest piety Our unconverted scholars; The homes of the Church where there is no family al ar. 9.30-19.40.

Serial Questions: 1. Why should the Sunday School Teacher receive a general preparatory training for his work? 2. What should this preparatory course of training comprise 3. Why does an educated Sunday School I eacbcr need special preparation lor each lesson? 4. What shall we do to deepen tho convictions of our Sunday School Teachers on this subject of general and special preparation, and to improve the quality and spirit of teaching among us 10.40-11.

Some account of the Sunday School Teachers Institute. Sunday School Singing. 11.15-12. How does tho Sunday School contribute to the in tellectual strength of the Church? Address by Rev. B.

II. Clever. Followed by remarks. Second Tuesday, P. M.

2.30-3. Devotional. Subject for conversation and prayer: The spiritual objects of the Sunday School. Test Questions. 3.

30-3. 50. Geographical Exorcises. The Bible Lands. 3 Serial Questions: 1.

How can Teachers save time lYoui Becular labors for tho weekly preparation of Sunday School lessons? 2. What plan do you adopt for the study of a Scripture lesson 4.30-5.10. Address on method of Bible Study-with reference to Sunday School teaching. Third Sent ion Tuesday evening, 7.30-8.30. The Childrens Church, with, a sermon to tho little ones.

Fourth .1. J. 9 9. 10- Open ill" 9.109.30. Illustration id Sunday School Organization and Order.

9.30-10. Bible Study. Luke xv: 17 24. The Prodigals Return. Reports and criticisms from Teachers and taught.

Also, short answers, in writing, to the following questions: How shall tie secure the attention of every Scholar in tire Sunday School class, during the whole time devoted to Bible Study 10.46-11. Intermission and Singing. The Blackboard in Sunday School. 11. 20-1 1.45.

Specimen Lesson to a class of children. Business. Fifth JSmion Wednesday. .4. 2.30-240.

Opening Services. 2.40-3. Serial Question. Of what advantage to the Bible scholar is the study of Snored Geography? 2. How shall we teach this and kindred topics so as not to interfere with the spiritual object of the Sunday School Geographical Exercises.

1. The Geography and History of Palestine. 2. The journey? of Jesus before his baptism. 3.30-3.56.

The Palestine Class Described. 3.65-4 35. Infant Classes. Address and illy st rations. 4 The Question Drawer Opened.

length been brought to a close, and we breathe freely once more under the ussurance that from henceforth bur business will not be interrupted, nor our active relations with our numerous friends and patrons interfered with or suspended. Wc are now quietly seated in our new sanctum, surreunded by well filled shelves of choice books both for Bale aDd for reference, and wo flatter ourselves, that from henceforward we will be able to cater more effectually to the intellectual appetites ol our patrons, whether it be through the columns of the True Democrat, or by disposing to them such-standard works as they may desire to select for their library. With the exception of a few finishing touches, our new establishment is entively completed, and we will always give our friends a cordial welcome when they call at. the new book store and publication office iu East Main Street, next door to the Ginder House. Takes pleasure in announcing that he is prepared to administer Nitrous Oxide Gas by which means he is enabled to extract teeth ithout PAW.

Dr. II. takes this opportunity of reminding tho public tout he is regular Doctor of Medicine, being a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia, thereby being tho better qualified to administer the Gas. Price lor extracting a single tooth, $2.00, for each additional roe $1.00. lie continues to practice Dentistry in all its branches, at his rooms in the Ginder House, entrance by way -of the Court House steps.

Persons who desire to take the Nitrous Oxide Gas, will please give nt least ono days notice, may 15 (feb27 tf) ff-E GOODS REMINGTON SONS, MANUFACTURERS of REVOLVERS, RIFLES, MUSKETS AND CARBINES, For tbe U. S. Service. Also, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, Rf.peating Pistols, RIFLE CANES, REVOLVING RtFLEs, Riflo and Shot Gun Barrels and Gun Materials. Sold by Gun dealers and the Trade generally.

In these days of House-breaking and Robin every House, Store, Bank and Office should have one of REMINGTONS REVOLVERS. Circulars containing cuts ana description of our Arms will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON A SONS, Ilion, N. Y.

MOORE A NICHOLS, Agent-, mayl5-4m 40 Courtlnnd Now York. Immense Gift Distribution AT LANCASTER CITY', PENN'A, for the of the USM STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, I. WORTH OF MAGNIFI- $10.00 nesday, June 27th. 1806, on the road between Margaretta Furnace W'rightsville, a bag containing valuable Clothing and some Bookg. The bag was marked Lewis Deist, Co lumbia, Pa.

Any person returning said bag to this ofljee or to the office of the York Couuty Etar, at W'rightsville, will receive the above reward. jy24-lt Ufa Adi'frtismruts. Public Sale. ON Saturday, August 18, 18GG, the undersigned will sell at public sale, on the premises, his homestead situated in Spring-garden tuwnship, York oouoty. containing FIVE ACRES, more or less, on the road leading from Y'ork to the Codurus Furnace, about 1 miles fropi York, near Brilliugers Mill, adjoining lands of John Knaub, Jacob Miller and others.

The improvements are a one-and-a-half ArA story DWELLING HOUSE, Bam, HogJjj'iM Pen, Corn Crib. Smoke House, aud Blacksmith Shop, Ac. The land is in a good state of cultivation and well fenced. There is a well of water near the door, and an Orchard of Choice Fruit, such as Apples, Pears, Peaches, Cherries, Grapes, on the premises. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P.

when attendance will be given and terms made known by HENRY STEIN, (of Daniel.) jy24-ts B. Clemens Aucr. 4 ULT I ON 8 ALE" oY HOSPHAL BUILDINGS. Office Cuief Quartermaster M. M.

Dep't, Baltimore, July 18, It 66. Will be sold at York, on WEDNESDAY, August 1st, 1866, at 11 oWoek, A. on the premises, the following described Buildings and Lumber, comprising the United States General Hospital at York, viz: One Chapel, 200 feet by 28 feet. Twu Wards, cueh 375 feet by 20 feet. One Ward, 4U9 feet by 20 feet.

One Mess Room, 400 feet by 20 feet. Oue Ward, 374 feet by 20 feet. One, Ward, 178 feet by 20 feet. One Ward, 818 feet by 20 feet. Four Wards, each 100 feet by 16 feet.

One Wash House, 48 feet by 20 feet, Oue Dead House. 48 feet by 20 feet. Oue Laundry, 133 leet by 24 feet. One Kitchen and Bakery, 57 feet by 23 feet. Oue Commissary aud Laundry, 100 feet by 25 feet.

One Matron's Room, 46 by 26 feet. One Guard House and Stable, 119 feet by 20 feet. One Carpenters Shop, 100 feet by 18 feet. OueSjnk, 26 feet by 26 feet. One Sink, 40 feet by 14 feet.

Board Walks, 3,500 feet. Board Fence, 1,4 0 loot by 12 feet. Twenty-eight Tent Fluor, each 28 feet by feet. The total comprising about 359,080 feet Lum 109,521 feet Seautliug and 27,300 Shingles. users will be allowed ten days in the real of the property, alter whieh tbe Government will be no longer responsible and the watchman will be withdrawn.

Terms cash, in Government funds, on tbe day of sale. iv order qf the Commissary General. G. W. BRADLEY, Col.

and Chief Quartermaster M. M. D. j24-ts jxcursion Season for 1866. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS TO Tourists, Travelers and Treasure Seekers, Excursiom Tickets at Reduced Prices! FROM YORK.

via Elmira, Seneca Lake, Rochester, Niugara Falls, Lake Ontario, River St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec, Saguenay River, Riviere Du Lmp, Fulls of Monmoren-ci, White Mountains, Saratoga Springs, West Point, Newport, Lake Champlain, G.eorgeand Meniphretnugog, Adirondack MuuitainSj Cats kill Mountains, Albany Hudson River, Long Island Sound, Fall River, Glenns Fab-, Now York, Philadelphia, Ac. Tickets t.ood until November 1, lfSGO, with privilege of stopping over on route. 28 DIFFERENT ROUTES. No- 1.

(Form 37.) Yolk to Nf.w Yolk City, via Elmira, Cap an -(lingua Lake, Seneca Lake, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, NiugHru Falls, Royal Mail Line of Steamer, or Grand Trunk Railway ufCanada, to Montreal and Quebec Ruil Quebec to Sher-brouk Stage to Lake Mem plirem agog Steamer Newport, (Sullivan County, N. Rail to Wells River Junction Kail to Littleton Stage to Profile House and Crawford House, (White Mountains to Littleton Stage and Kail to Concord Rail, to Nashau, Boston, Worcester, New London, Sloningtdn and Providence Fall River to Newport and Long Island Sound to New York City. (Faro from New York, $6.56.) $55.00 No. 2. (Form 36.) Y'olk to New York City, via Elmira, Canandaigua Lake, Seneca Lake, Geneva.

Rochester, Buffalo, Niagra Falls; Rail or Lake to Montreal to Quebec, White Mountains Stage from Gorham to Glen House, Cruwtonl House, ami Profile llou.c; Rail, to Littleton, Concord, Nnshau, Boston, Worcester, Providence, Long Island Sound to New York. (Fare from New Y'ork, $6.55.) No. 3, (Form 28.) Y'okk to Saratoga Springs, via Elmira, Canandaigua Lake, Scncca, Lake, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto to Montreal, by Water or Rail, Gorham, Glen House, Cruw-ford House, Profile House, (White Mountains,) Littleton, Burlington, Fort Ticonderoga, Lake George and Lake Champlain, Moreau, Saratoga Springs. $51.40 No, 4. (Form 35.) ork to Boston, via Eluiira, Canendaigua Lake, Seneca Lake, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo.

Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal, House's Pouit, Pfonle House, Crawford House, White Mountains, Littleton, Concord, Nashua, Lowell, Boston. (Fare from Boston by Rail, $13.55 Stea mer, $15.06.) $17,00 No. 5. (Form 29.) York to Boston, via Ehnira, Canandaigua Lake, Scncca Lake, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal, Rouses Poin', Lake Champlain, Steamers to White llall, R. to Saratoga Springs, Rutland, Bellows Falls, Fitchburg and Boston.

(Fare from Boston by Rail, $13.35: Steamer, $15.00.) No. 6. (Form 34.) Youk to Boston, via Elmira, Canandaigua Lake, Seneca Lake, Ge eva, Rochester, Buffalo, iagara Fulls, Toronto, Montreal, Rouses Point, Lake Champlain to Fort Ticonderoga, Lake George, Moreau, Saratoga Springs, Albany and Hudson River to New. York, by Water to Boston. $11.85.

No. 7. (Form 29.) York to New York City, via Elmira, Canandaigua Lake, Seneca Lake, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto to Montreal by Lake, and llivcr, or all Rail, Rouses Pouit, Fort Ticonderoga, Lake Chauiplaiu, Lake George, Albany, Hudson River to New York. (Fare from New York, $6.55.) No. 8.

(Form 26.) York to Nkw York City, via Elmira, Canandaigua Lake, Seneca Luke, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal Quebec, Gorham, (White Mountains,) Portland, Boston, Worcester, New London, Providence, Ston-ington, Newport, Long Island Sound to New York. (Fare from New Y'ork, $8.55.) $10.00 No, 9. (Form 27.) York to New York City, same as No. 1 to Montreal, thence Rail to Rouses Point, Lake Champlain to White llall, Rail to Albany and Hudson River to New Y'ork. (Fare from New York, $6.55.

No. 10. (Form 18.) Y'ork to Saratoga Springs, same as No. 3 to Montreal, thence fy Kail, Lake and Stage to Rousfs Point, Fort Ticonderoga, Lake George, Moreau and Saratoga Springs. $33.40 No.

11. (Form 19.) York to New York City, via Elmira, Canandaigua Lake, Seneca Lake, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Montreal, Rouses Point, Lake hamplaiu, Fort Ticonderoga, Lake George, Moreau, Albany, Hudson lliuer R. R. to New York. (Fare from New Y'ork, $6.55.) $37,90 No.

12. (Form 12.) Y'ork to Boston, same a3 No. 4 to Montreal, thence by Grand Trunk Railway, to St. Johns, Burlington. Bellows Falls, Fitchburg and Boston.

(-Fare from Boston by Rail, Steamer, $15.00.) $32.00 No. 13. Montreal to Quebec and return to Montreal, by Hail or Water, No. Ut. (Form 10.) York to Porteanp, via Elmira, Canandaigua Lake, Seneca Lake, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Ningurn Falls, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Gorham, (White Mountains,) Portland.

$33.00 AND FOURTEEN OTHER TICKETS COMPRISING DIFFERENT ROUTES XND DESTINATIONS. These trips embracing as they do, alternate Rail, Lake, River and Stage Transportation, also presenting tbe unusual feature in Excursion Tickets of passing but once through tho same place or over the same ground, thereby affording to Travellers the opportunity of viewing new scenery aud new objects of interest all the time, and keeping up during the entire trip an interest which no other, section of our country can awaken or satisfy, commend themselvesas among the best and most complete of any Excursions ever gotten up here or elsewhere. Rates of fere this season from $3 per Ticket less than herctolore with additional attractions.1 Tickets Good until November 1, 18GG. And are available by the Grand Trunli Railway or Royal Mail Line of Steamers between TORONTO and QUEBEC. Meals and State Rooms are included on R.oyal Mail Line of Steamers between Toronto and Montreal.

This is the only line on LAKE ONTARIO and RIVER ST. LAWRENCE, by wbfeb Passengers can retain their State Rooms through the entire trip and pass the THOUSAND ISLANDS and RAPIDS of ST. LAWRENCE by Daylight. American Money Taken at Par for Tickets, Sud arrangenjc have been made with the Proprietors of the Principal Hotels at Toronto, Montreal and Quebec, to take American Money at Par, charging New Y'ork Hotel prices, 32- For tickets, further infermatior, please apply to or address T. W.

BELT. Agent. Northern Central Railway York, Pa. jy2A-lm Pure Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stuffs JjjUNE PERFUMERY, SOArS AXD POMADES, AYERS CHERRY PECTORAL, Low A Sons Genuine English SOAPS, Halls Sicilian Hair Ilcncwer, Mujuviro, a new and tine Perfume, Fine Pomades, Powders and Haif Oils, TcbbetB Hair Regenerator, Hootlands German Bitters, Pure Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stuffs, English Tooth Brushes and Soaps, Lubins Genuine French Perfumes, Colgates Fine Toilet Soaps, Chcvu-r liers Life for the Hair, Ac. Genuine Patent Medicines.

For sale bv GEO. W. NEFF, Practical Druggist, No. 11 West Main street, jano5-3ui York, Penna. TO TIIE LADIES, GEORGE II.

REED GO. TVTOTICK TO CREDITORS. Credi- tor? of Stephen I. Cooper before the 9th day of April, I860, will file thetr claims duly authenticated with Ilcnry D. Farnandis, my Attorney, in Bel-Air, Harford or with me, before the 15th day of August, 18(56.

LEVI COOPER, Trustee. jy24 3t Peach Bottom, York Pa. ANK STOCK AT ITALIC SALK, ON SATURDAY EVENING, July 28th, 1866, will be sold al the Auction Ro of Alexander McCandless, in Temperance Hall. North George street. York.

ONE HUNDRED SHARES YORK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK STOCK. Sale to commence at 74 o'clock. Term? at sole. ALEXANDER McCA BLESS, jy24-It Auctioneers. $5,000 PioNics.

Pic nics arc all the rage at the present time in our borough, and the young folks and some which are not quite so young, seem to enjoy themselves amazingly. Every day we sec companies of ladies and gentlemen wending their way to some cool, shady place in the country to escape the dnst and heat of the town, and drink in the pure and reviving air and pure water which are so abundant in our favored county To-day the employees of the N. C. It. K.

will hold a grand pic-nic in Miller's woods, about live miles east of our borough, where we expect ourselves to bo present, and at which we and many others anticipate having a glorious and happy t'yue. The tickets arc put at the low price of one dollar, which will pay for the round trip for a gentleman and lady. As this pic-nic is intended for the special beuetit of the employee1, of this road, we think it will bo largely attended. There are no more faithful and efficient men in our community, and they deserve to be liberally patronized. Everybody should go to Millers woods to-day.

There will be a rare treat in reserve for them. Greatly Reduced Prices HAVING just laid in large assort-ment of DRY GOODS, and other in ods in our line, at prices much lower than for so.toe years past, I am thus enabled to sell them cheaf -er than heretofore, and would call the attentioi of buyers to our large assortment of new Cloths, Cassimers, and Mens and Boy's Wear. "Also A large and well selected line of Ladies Dress Goods. Sheetings, Shirtings, Checks, Tickings, Ac. A large assortment of new Carpets, at from 45 cts.

to Brussels at $1.90, at many intermediate prices, and qualities ingrain, super ingrain and Ve nitian Queensware, Groceries, and Feathers, at lowest rafts. Thankful for past favors, we invito a continuation ot public patronage1, at No 4 East Market York, Pa. ap24-tf 11. KRABEIi. I Bread and Cracker Bakery, No.

45 North George Street, YORK, PENN'A. The undersigned having rocontly refitted and greatly improved his BREAD AND CRACKER BAKERY, by the addition of now machinery, is now prepared to supply the community with ji superior article of SUGAR. WATER, BOSTON, and SODA CRACKERS, BREAD, and CAKES of all kinds. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him he hopes by strict i.ttention to business and a desire to please all, to merit, a continuRiico of the same. JOHN T.

RIFKER, No. 45 North George Street. Y'okk, Pa. DMINISTRATORS OT I 0 E. i Letters of administration on the estate of James H.

Lease, deed, late of Washington have been granted to toe undersigned residing in tbe same place. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims t-o present them to jj24-6t SOLOMON GENTZLER, Admr Admin istr ators notice. Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jonathan Miller, late ol Carrol York county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Derry Dauphin co. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims topresont them dulv authenticated to JONAS MILLER, jy24 6t Derry Church, P. Pa.

1ST OF LETTERS remaining un- I claimed in the Post Office, at York, July 23rd, 1800r Officially published in the paper having the largest circulation. Persons whose names appear in this list idling for letters, will please state that they are advertised. ladies list. Miller, Mariah Saylor, J. Wambaugh, Elizabeth Weiglc, Carrie Clarke, J.

L. Hoffman, Lydia Kiler, Sarah Kincburv, E. F. reviving everything, and cooling the air to some extent. The extreme heat we had suffered with for days previous, made the unexpected visit particularly acceptable.

Under Hoof. We notice that some of the splendid private residences now going up in our borough arc under roof, and arc fast approaching completion. Their front and side views however, are still obstructed by the scaffolding, and as our description of them is intended to be faithful, we must defer our promised article a few weeks longer. An Eye to Business. T.

K. White, the active and efficient fire insurance ag nt of this borough, kept his eye closely fixed upon the Democratic delegation, who visited the convention at Reading, on Wednesday last. He in sured the lives of quite a number of them, and as no accidents' occurred along the line of travel, the Squire made quite a good thing oi it. Tlic Grape rop. The grape crop this season bids fair to bo unusually fine and abundant.

They arc now hanging in rich and healthy clusters, aud if our horticulturists sec to it that the destructive insects whieh usually infest the vines, are expelled in time after they have made their appearance, we will certainly have a large supply of this healthy and delicious fruit. Persons wishing rickets iu the gift enterprise connected with the Grand National Concert to be given Thursday, Augusts, 1866, for the benefit of the Soldiers and Sailors Na tional Orphans Home fund, should call soon, as the great demand has nearly exhausted the supply. Call on Win. Z. Knaub, Agent, at Adams Express Office.

fire broke out on last Friday night, in -the wash-house attached to the premises of Mr. John Fabs, wcBt of the Main street bridge. The wash-house was burned to the ground, but no other portion of Mr. Fairs property, we he Hove, materially injured. It is supposed to have originated from an oven in which baking had been done that day.

Our firemen arc entitled to much credit for their promptness in being on the spot, and the readiness with which the Haines were extinguished. Zicglc Guards. The recently orgunizod military company known as the Ziegle Guards of this borough, on Thursday last received their arms from Harrisburg. The officers elected have also been commissioned by the Governor, and in a Bbort time the company will be fully uui formed, and ready for drill and parade. This company is composed of some of the best young men in the borough, principally returned soldiers who have served their country during the rebellion, and will be the pride, as it certainly is one of the ornaments of fee town.

Brahma Pootras, Stand Clear. Wc were shown last week an egg laid by a common barn foul, raised on the farm of Mr. Ilcnry Neff, in Windsor township, which weighs a full quarter of a pound. The same hen has laid quite number of these eggs all of the same size, and what is most remarkable about them, they all have double yelks. Thus far she has thrown all the Brahma Pootras in the shade, and we trust she will be placed on exhibition at our coming Agricultural fair in October next.

She is a living curiosity. Man Drowned. A young man by the name of John Leib, aan of Daniel Leib, of Hope-well township, waB drowned on Sunday, the 15Jh in Mr. Benjamin Ebaughs dam. The young man seemed to be unusually fond of go ing into the water, and remaining a long time in it.

In this instance, not being able to swim, he ven tured beyond bis depth and was drowned. The event has cast a gloom over the neighborhood, the unfortunate young roan had a large circle Jpbf friends and acquaintances, who were much at tached to him. His mother and grandmother are almost inconsolable at their loss. Another Arrest. We learn from the York Press that a man named McGinnigas was arrested at Harrisburg and brought to the jail in this place, on Tuesday, charged with the murder of the Squibb famiy.

He is said to be resident of the vicinity of Harrisburg, and has confessed that he had murdered three persons, and that he expected to be hung fir the crime. Upon making this confession it was supposed that it was the Squibb family he alluded to, and be was accordingly arrested as being the perpetrator of the horrid deed. The confession was made on Monday, the day after the murder. SHENANDOAH VALLEY Farms, Mills, and Properties Of Almost Every Description FOR SALE. HEATER INDUCEMENTS were VJT never offered than now to invest in Farms in the Valley of the Shenandoah.

Send for a Catalogue containing information as to the prer-ent state of the Valley, description, prir. of farms, Ac. No. 7. 81 Acres of Limestone land, all fenced; 20 Acres in Timber, with House, Barn, Fruit, upon it.

$3 100, cash. No. 9. 230 Acres of first rate Limedone Land, all under good fence, with 50 acres of very fine timber. This farm lies upon the Opequan creek, is 2 miles from a R.

R. jiepot and 6 from Winchester. It has a email house, and stable, and outbuildings, and is well watered. The timber will almost pay for tbe farm. Price, $10,000, or a little over $12 per acre.

This is a good and cheap property. No. 10. 125 Acres of excellent Limestone land, all fenced, with 20 Acres in Timber; 1 mile from R. If.

Very cheap property. $35 per acre. No. 13. 200 Acres of excellent Limestone tend, lies upon the Opequan creek, 1 milo from If.

If. depot. Has a good House, Bank Barn, Outhouses, Orchard, and everything needed. 46 Acres in Timber. $55 per acre.

No. 14. 240 Acres of good Limestone land, all fence 1, 2 miles from dhpot. Has House and Outhouses, Orchard, Ac. 55 Acres in Timber.

$47 per acre. No. 21. 152 Acres of excellent land, limestone and creek bottom. Has House, and Outhouses, small Orchard, Ac.

Is under fence, and lies alongside of tbe R. It. and creek. A good prop prty. $6,600 (sixty-six hundred for all).

Easy terms. No. 25. 140 Acres close by No. 21, good Limestone land, Has House, Orehnrd, fences, Ac.

$4o per acre. Easy terms. No. 30. 375 Acres of the finest Limestone land, nil well fenced, (the outside fence being nearly all stone,) with a good Stone House, frame Barn, corn and smoke Houses, wngon shed, all in good order.

80 Acres are the finest Timber, walnut, oak, Ac. Distance of farm from nearest R. R. depot, eight mites. Tho farm is convenient to Church, School, Store, Ac.

Price, $60 per acre. No. 34. 514 Acres of excellent land, lying on the Shenandoah river, six miles from Ihe nearest It. If.

depot. The fences are all good. Eighty Acres are in Timber. There is upon the farm a good Log Dwelling-House, two good Frame Barns, corn anJ smoke houses, blacksmith shop, saw mill, grist mill, with very fine water power, Ac. The flour could formerly be taken to Haiti-, more for 25 cents per barrel.

Price $45 per acre. No. 35. 90 Acres of good land three-fourths of a mile from Winchester. Is very prettily situated.

$40 per acre. No. 39. 420 Acres of good Slate land, 40 Acres creek bottom. All under fence.

200 Acres cleared, nearly all in grass. Has good House, Burn, Outhouses, Orchards, small Grut and Saw Mill. Ac. $17 per acre. No.

40. 824 Acres of fine Limestone land, 3 miles from Winchester. Is finely situated, well watered, Ac. $35 per acre. No.

49. 243 Acres of first-rate Limestone land. 4 miles from Winchester by a goood road. 43 Acres in good Timber. This farm is all well fenced, has a fine large Brick Mansion House, Bank Barn, Brick Tenement House, large Frame Stable, double corn House, Brick Blacksmith Shop, and Carpenter Shop, Ice House, Carriage House, and a line Orchard of Fruit.

This farm is well watered It has a Limestone bottom of 65 Acres, which will cut at least 125 tons of liny. It is one of the finest farms in the Valley. $65 per acre. No. 50.

1241 Acres of good Slate land. 3J miles from Winchester. Is all well fenced, has 29 Acres of Timber, good House, Barn, Outhouses, and a fine lot of Fruit. About 1 acre is planted in Grapes. $3,500 (thirty-five hundred dollars.) No.

52. 80 Acres of good Slate land, 6 mites from Winchester. 25 Acres in Timber. Is well watered, has a good House, Stable, Workshop, Outhouses, and a Saw Mill which is now running. Also a fine young Orchard of about 2 acres.

This is a fair little place. $2,000 (two thousand.) No. 55. 242 Acres of good Slate land, 15 mites from Winchester. 80 Acres cleared.

Has a pretty good House, Stable, Orchard, Ac. Is well watered. $12 per acre. No. 00.

A good Farm of20fl acres of first-rate Limestone Land, 6 mites from Winchester, near the pike. 35 acres are in timber. It has a comfortable bouse, barn, and outhouses, spring, some fruit, and is all under fence. It is a very good property. Price, $17 per acre.

No. 59. A very fine iractof excellent Limestone Land, 6 miles from Winchester, and 1 from the nearest railroad depot. It has a good house, stable, and outbuildings generally, together with a tine apple orchard, and a variety of other fruit. A number of acres are in good timber.

The farm is all under fence. Price, $3000. No. 61'. 2674 Acres of the very best kind of Limestone Land.

It will give 35 bushels of heat to the acre without lime or manure. This farm is finely located on a turnpike leading from Winchester, is all newly fenced, (locust posts and chestnut rails,) has a new brick house, with 8 rooms, kitchen, stable. Ac. 35 acres are in good timber, (oak, Ac.) The farm is well watered, and is one mile from the Shenandoah river. It is a beautiful place.

Price, $80 per acre. No. 63. One of the best Mill properties in this Valley. There is a splendid supply of water, and the fall is 23 feet.

There are two Houses, a Corn and Piaster Mill, and tbe main Mill. Tbe water power is sufficient to run four pair of burrs constantly. The mill is now out of order and it will take a thousand dollars to repair it. Forty Acres of land go with the property $5,000 (five thousand.) This is a very cheap property, and if not sold soon will be withdrawn. Tens of thousands of bushels of wheat are grown within a few mites of this mill.

All inforation wanted will be furnished free by addressing W. H. BECK, Real Estate Agent, and Atty at Law, je26-lm Winchester, Va. Patented October F7, 1866. 1 11 npiIE constant demand we have had it tor LIQUID DYES has induced us to put up a complete line of 40 SHADES, ALL LIQUIDS, which will recommend themselves to every one who has ever used Liquid Dyes for Brilliancy of Color, Simplicity of Use, Certainty of Satisfaction, Ecosomy of Time, Freedom from all Dust or Dirt.

Mordant and Dyes Combined in One Preparation. The only Dyes of the kind ever invented for Silk, Woolen and Feather that will give a perfect color requiring only 5 to 30 minutes, according Lu shade. Full directions for use, aud Certificates from eminent Chemists with each package. Samples actually dyed with each of the colors on silk aud woolen, may be seen and the Dyes obtained at all stores, for 25 cents. p.

If you desire to insure satisfactory colors, in the shortest time, with tbe least trouble, inquire for REED'S LJJjCJD YES, and take no other, ns they are the only Reliable Colors. GEO. H. HEED A Manufacturers, 568, 570 A 572 Commercial Boston. C.

A. MORRIS A Wholesale Agents. Also for sale by Druggists everywhere. jy3-ly The Weather. -The following carefully kept tabic, which wo clip from the Philadelphia Inquirer" of Wednesday last, will show the condition of the weather in that city, during the months of June, July aud August, commencing with the year 182-1 and ending in 1866.

At no time during this period was there a greater degree of heat experienced than on the 17th the exception of the 18th of July, 18.56, when the mercury rose to 102. It seems Grange, yet it ig nevertheless true, that in York, Allentown and several other places in the State, the heat was greater bn that memorable Tuesday than in Philadelphia, and wc can account.for it upon no other principle than that that city is situated between two rivers, and is consequently relieved to some extent by the refreshing influences which must necessarily arise' from their waters. At the same time that the thermometer stood in Philadelphia at 1014 on Tuesday last, it was 104 in our borough und Allentown, and in some ol' our rural districts in the county and in other parts of the State, the mercury went up to even a higher figure than that. The tabic which we publish below will be interesting to our readers, and we therefore give it as taken from the Inquirer: THE HOTTEST DAYS FOR FORTY YEARS. The appended figures arc the ratings at noon, when the thermometer reached 95 degrees in our city Loucks, Eliza gentlemen's' list.

On the 17th while two young ladle-, Miss Stone and Miss Maddox, were bathing in tlx river at Great Falls, N. 11., they ventured beyond their depth and were drowned. The mother ofMiss Mudibix, in attempting to save them, wns also The bodies were all recovered after being in the water about four hours. Three brothers, named Mead, elderly farmers, were suffocated in a well, in the presence of their families, in West Chester county, N. on Tuesday.

The Fenian prisoners of tbe schooner Annie McKenzie have bcenl'ully convicted for trial by the Court of Queens Bcucb, sitting in September. Geo. Francis Train has been appointed a delegate from Nebraska to the Ph.ladc-lphia Convention. The Free Masons of Brooklyn, N. are about to build marble hall 200 feet front and 110 feet deep.

Ilcnry W. Henry Geo. Bernard B. B. Able, Benjamin Bell, James Ciodfclter, Charles Dolman, Frederick Dellinger.

John W. Deiningcr, Jacob Gibbs, Aaron Gross, J. M. Ilershcy, JaB. Harline, A.

Horwitz, Theo. B. Huven, Alex. Kleindinst, Jeremiah Kinzcr, R. E.

JONATHAN JESSOP, Kihard, Rudy Kauffman, Klink, Lewis Kopp, Geo. Lenhart, Manning, McCann. Otks, John Robinson, J. Snell, A. Thorp, W.

J. Wants, John rentzei, A. away without regard to value, for ONE DOLLAR EACH No Blanks Each Certificate secures a Present. LOOK AT TIIE LIST OF GIFTS. The lieautitul Horse Union I From Copeland A Clines, for riding and driving, valued ut $200.

1 Handsome Trotting Buggy, valued at 1 Set Carriage Harness, on exhibition at Haberbushs, valued at 60.00 1 Magnificent Sewing Machine, on exhibition art H. L. A E. J. Halims, valued at Tff.OO 5 Handsome Dress Patterns, from $.

to $20 A Large Lit of Photograph Albums, from $1 to $30 MUSICAL. 1 Magnificent, Melodeon from Stcin-batiser A valued at 150.00 1 Splendid Guitar, valued at 30.00 1 at 20.00 1 Imported Violin, valued at 75,00 A lot of Violins, each valued at 10.00 HOUSEHOLD STOCK. 1 Elegant Set Cottage Furniture, valued at 100.00 1 Elegant Set of Cottage Furniture, valued at 60.00 1 Elegant Set of Cottage Furniture, valued at 76.00 1 Lot of Washstands, each valued at 10,00 1 Lot of Cane Seat Chairs, (sets,) valued at 25.00 1 Lot of Rocking Chairs, each valued at 7.50 Sofas, Lounges. ench Valued at $5 to 10 I Largo Lot of Britannia And Tinware, valued at 300.00 A Lot of Fine Engravings, valued at 60.00 JEWELRY. Splendid Gold Watches, each valued at from $50 to $100.00 Splendid Silver Watches, each valued at 25.00 1 Large Lot of Watch and Guard Chains, each 1 Large Lot of Watch Chains, each valued at from 25c to 40 Sets LadieB Jewelry, each valued at from 5.00 to 25.1 1 Largo Lot of Silver plated Butter Knives and Spoons, sets valued at from 2.5 0 to 5.00 I Lot Gents Breast Pins, each valued at 3.00 1 Large Lot Gold Pens and Silver Holders, each 3.00 FOE THE LADIES.

A Large Quantity of Ladies Auricles, such as Kid Gloves, Parasols, Perfu rnery, Pomades, Fine Handkerchiefs, Veils, Fans, Dress Patterns, varying in value from $1.00 to 25.00 MISCELLANEOUS, Also, a laage lot of Miscellaneous Articles, varying in value from 25c. to $20.00 Every part of this enterprise will be conducted with Honesty, Fairness, and in Good Fath. Everything Advertised will be Given Away The Distribution will Take Place a it FULTON HALL, LANCASTER CITY, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 6. Commencing at 8 oclock P. M.

In consequence of our inability to secure a settlement iroin our agents, and lrom the fact that we have not sold enough tickets to insure the Company against loss, we have been compelled to postpone the distribution until the above date. TICKETS EACH, Sent to any address on receipt of $1, or 11 Tickets for $10. Tickets for sate at ihe Companys Office, Mish-lers New Building, south-east angle of Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. when practicable, order Tickets by mail, as it will be impossible to secure Agents in every locality. Agents wanted everywhere to sell Tickets, to whom a liberal peT centage will be allowed.

The Gifts were all purchased in Lancaster, and can be seen every day, J. F. DOWNEY, Genl Agt, Box 307, Lancaster P. O. pgr Tickets for sale in York County, at the following places: H.

C. SMYSER, -General Agent for York County, at Hiram Young's Book Store, ork. Pa. THOMAS WILSON. Wrightsville, York Co.

AMOS LEE, Slate Mill, York Co. W. W. DIETZ. Heflam P.

0., York Co. A. F. GEESE1', DalJastown. W.

H. SUTLER, Union Post Office. SHANKS A SKELTON. L. Chancebr BEN J.

OWENS, Me Call Ferry. M. MARRIED: Marriages and deatba will be published grata tiouKly WbeD accompanied by commentaries, when prose or poetry, five cents per line will be charged-payable in advance. On the 15th by-Rev. M.

F. Pfabler, Daniel Hollerbush and Miss Elizabeth Paup, both of Y'ork county. In Wrightsvi le, on the 17th by Rev. J. M.

Lantz, assisted by Rev. J. Lane, Prof. II. A.

Curran, of Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, and Miss Sallie daughter of George Harris, of the former place. At Underwoods hotel, in this place, on tbe 19th by Rev. JiC, Smith, Mr. Elias Beard and Kate esel, both of Newberry tp. fi HAND NATIONAL CONCERT! 1 1 For.

TnE benefit of the Soldiers and Sailors National Orphans Home Fund, Under the auspices of the Soldiers and Sailors Union, Washington, D. at GliOVF.irS THEATRE, On THURSDAY EVENING, Aug. 2, 1866. 300,000 Tickets will be sold at $1.00 each. 75,000 Presents Awarded, pg- VALUED AT $25 0,0 0 $25,000 of the Profits to be gi ven to the Soldiers and Sailors National Orphan Home Fund, $2,500 to the Washington Male and Female Orphan Asylum, the balance, after deducting expenses, to be paid to the Treasurer of the SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' UNION of Washington, D.

C. MANAGING DIRECTORS Major H. A. llall, President or the Soldiers and Sailors Union; Col. Chas.

E. Gapehart, Maj. M. II. Alberger, William S.

Morse, J. B. Hutchinson, Treasurer, (Cashier National Bank of the Metropolis.) All orders for tickets must be addressed to WM. S. MORSE, Secretary Soldiers and Sailors ational Concert, Washington, I).

Or W. Z. KNAUB, At the Adams Express Office, Agent for York County, Pa. REFER, BY PERMISSION, TO Major General Winfield S. Hancock, U.

S. A. General Robert C. Schenk, Ohio. General Halbert E.

Paine, M. Wisconsin. General John II. Ketch am. M.

New York. General James G. Blunt, Kansas. General J. N.

Hedrick, Iowa. General D. C. MeCallam. District Columbia.

General O. V. Dayton, New Y'ork. Hon. Thomas W.

Ferry, M. Michigan. Hon. George Lawrence. M.

Pennsylvania. D. C. Forney, District Columbia. Maj.

J. E. Doughty, New York. Hon. Richard allaeh.

Mayor, Washington, D.C. Hon. Win. D. Kelley, M.

Pennsylvania. Hon. Kelian V. Whaley, M. West Virginia.

Hon. Ebon C. Irgersoll, M. Illinois. Hoc, Henry C.

Doming, M. Connecticut. Hon. A. H.

Lafiin, M. New Y'ork. Don. Leonard Myerp, M. Pennsylvania.

Hon. William A. Newall, M. 0., New Jersey. Hon.

George W. Julian, M. 0., Indiana. Hon. Stephen F.

Wilson, M. CM Pennsylvania. Hon. J. B.

Grinnel, M. luwa. Maj. G. M.

Van Burcn, New York. jy3-4t JEW SKIRT FOR 186G-7. The Great Invention of the Age IN HOOP SKIRTS. J. W.

BRADLEYS New Patent Duplex Elliptic (or Double) Spring Skirt, This Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like Single Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful Shape more than twice as long as any Single Spring Skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great- comfort and pleasure to aDy Lady wearing tbe Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as tbe Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady having enjoyed the Pleasure, Comfort and Great Convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense their use. For Children Misses oung Ladies they are superior to all others.

fhe Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the Single yarn covering whieh is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent ibe covering from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone aps, which they are constantly to when in use. All are made of tbe new and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer tbe most graceful and perfect shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest and most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt evet made. Wests, Bradley A Carey, Proprietors of the Invention, and Sole Manufacturers, 97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Iicade Streets, New York. For Sale in all first-clas.

Stores in this nity, and throagboirt the United States and Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and tbe West Indies. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. may 29-Jm DIED: On the 12th in Dover township, Philip White, aged about 75 years. OnYbe I2lh in this borough, Chas. Mea-ter, aged 6 month's.

On the 14th ah this borough, Daniel Cra-ver, aged 77 years 2 months and 18 days. On the 16th in this borough, Geo. Horn, aged 75 years 3 months and 10 days. On Wednesday, the 18th Edmund, son of Pbiueas Palmer, aged about 15 years. MADAME STEPHENSON, PRACTICAL NAT IIALP AT 11 IC PHYSICIAN, IOR Sale and Natural Treatment of iscases and Infirmities, will be at tbe Washington House, York, on Thursday, the of July, 1866.

No medicines given! No surgical operations performed Chronic Hisses cared SEVENTH No humbug-bom with Natural Curative Powers. Consultation Free. Terms Payable during first visit, and no charges will bo made for services thereafter, except in special cases. Those who are not able to pay are treated free of charge. Office Hours.

From 9 to 12, a. and 2 to 4 p. in. Read tbe following certificates of cures performed in Lancaster: Lancaster, June 2Gth, 18GG. This is to certify that I went to Mrs.

Stephenson with a very bad ease of Inflammatory Rheumatism in my hand? and shoulders, so that I could not get my hands to my bead, and was entirely relieved in a very few minutes. I am a resident of Lancaster city. If this will be of any benefit to any one I freely give my testimony. JANE RHODEN. Lancabtf.r, July 10, 1866.

This is to certify that Sarah ing came under my care a lew weekB ago, and had the fits almost every day, and sometimes two and three times a day. We nut her under tbe treatment of Madam Stephfnson since which time tbe fits have disappeared. I can recommend Mrs. S.s treatment to the afflicted. PHILIP GINDER, Merchant.

Mrs. Ftefhensox This is to certify that I went to you six days since with very s.jre and inflamed eyes, having been very bad for six or seven years. They were so bad that I could not use them at all a great deal of tbe time. I have received but two treatments, and my eyes are nearly well and improving. Respectfully yours, MARY SAWYER, For further certificates jy21-lt l)rriat totirrs.

pis- T11E MASON HAMLIN CABINTE OKGAN8, forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music. $80 to $000 each. Fifty-Ore Gold or Silvf.r Mf.dals, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Cata'ogues free. Address, MASON A AMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New York.

sep5-ly Strange, but True. Every young lady and gentleman in tbe United States can hear something very much tc their advantage by return mail (free of barge.) by addre sing the undersigned. Those Laving fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this caru. All others will please a idress their obedient servant, THOS. F.

CHAPMAN, jaa2-ly 831 Broadway, New York. Horae, Sweet Home. The familiar air of Home Sweet Home, was played coming up George street from the rail road, by the band which accompanied the Johnson and Clymer delegation to Reading, on Wednesday last. The tune was somewhat significant, and we have no doubt that the faithful who on tbe -occasion visited the city among the were more delighted on their return they were on their arrival. Reading was doubtless benefitted pecuniarily on the occassion I the hotels pi restaurants, we are told, did a spirited business, but whether Heister Clymers prospects for the Gubernatorial ch Jr were improved or not, remains to be seem tohas.

Weiser Son, Bankers, opposite the Court House, York, buv Gold, Silver, and Compound Interest Notes; and pell 7-30 and 5-20 Government Loan. Interest allowed on Deposits. For 12 months, 5 per cent, per annum, 6 4 3 3 Revenue Stomps constantly on hand. Ieb20-ly 1841-July 14.

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