The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • 25
- Publication:
- The Commercial Appeali
- Location:
- Memphis, Tennessee
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 25
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL crp5 MEMPHIS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3 1991 I'JEATHEn pitcher may findj ticket to bullpen NATIONAL FORECAST ligh Temperatures and Precipitation for 1 pm September 3 1991 Chicks 5 Birmingham 0 THE FACTS Tlra Chicks broke open a dose gome by aooring tour rune In the oixth Inning WHb two out Joo VMeSo rtrakod a two-run tingle 1 1 m-M -M -M BnO nUgn WSRMP TOWOWOO Wnn TWO run homer Ns fourth of the aeeoon A Hght rain delayed the atari of game by 41 minute problem with Since being moved to the bullpen Corbin has added a slider a pitch he said he hasn't thrown since high school He is throwing mostly fastballs and sliders in relief As a starter he threw a fastball curve and changeup In two relief appearances covering four innings Corbin has given up one run and struck put three "His Slider has been good" Cox said "It has been encouraging" Cox said Corbin will have to cut down on his walks to continue to progress in the Royals system Corbin also leads the team in walks with 87 CMpko pitching coach Mike Alvarez said if the Royals are se-rious about Corbin becoming a short reliever Corbin will have to change his approach needs to be meaner Alvarez said mean he hap to look meaner he Just has to become meaner within i Alvarez said Corbin has the ability to he a major league starter think he has the arm and the Alvarez said just needs to gain more experience ii he has a fastball a chin-geup and a slider would be his third Alvarez said i Cox said Corbin be starter but he Just has to gain better command" Cox said he was impressed by turnaround In the sep- I 8 Chtcfcn Plowed Into a aprt art because of an Injury to MOca Poofd Chlcka raBovor Stove 8Nfflott (11-5) got the victory by pitching (Iva ahutout Inning Ha atnick out alx and gavo up two hits bo alngta LOVuMnOBr rBW TtODOni rSRGUSQ 8hiffMt and addad three hldaea Bkinlngham lo 30-41 Tonight Blr-rt Tkn McCarvar 8tadkjm Boo sear piaolaw as D4 -make for the last two weeks of the season" Corbin on the 40-man roster this spring is in his sixth year of professional baseball and hasn't pitched any higher than Class AA except for one start in the playoffs at Class AAA Omaha last season don't try to think about whether this was done to get me to the major leagues" he said leagues as long It was a surprise when ild me but I the big there they told me have a Boston NY Timno Now Sorvtoo oy 83m pe 78mpo 1451 po sompo 84m pc 83moy 8781 oy 82m oy 7185 88m oy 94mioy 8871 to 83m pe 5W55 SOmoy asm to asm to 7464 pe 78S3pe Timoy 7357 oy 92m oy 8381 rtf sampe asmpe 34m pc simpe 7753 oy 9186 oy 887310 1072 to 8184 oy hot Simpe 8252 pe 829810 80mpo sompe sompe 8372 pe 9372po 84m pc 7887 ssmio asm ioa7i pe loompe 837210 8871 cy sampe sampe aam 38m oy asm io sampe 78 SO 84m oy losmpe warn pc ED E3 hkw uw ALTEWMIWa 8HAOH) NO CLEAR BMM HOW AREM OF COMMON TEMPBU1URE FORECASTS FOR US M- SsT rm 'Akron-Canton rW 8046 9832 po 8792 pc 9149 cy 8287 pc 7381 3283 oy 8874 3850 8388 op 887310 8847 iy 9198 7855 7350 iy 34m pe 8784 po 8180 pc 3388 pc 7851 pc 7387 to 8735 po 8781 po arm po 8140 iy amts 8372 8154 po 8388 ti 8173 po 311 7358 cy 9071 pc 84848 8788 iy aompe 887141 818441 78m 18 9173 ti 8143 iy 9174 oy 907518 77m 4l sompe 87m pc 7380 cy 5847 ih 84m pc TSmpe 83moy 887410 oompe asm po 8071 to 8851 lr 8484 po 73m oh 78m po 88m po 1788 po 83m po 83m po 7848 po 7382 oy MbuqiMqw 11ttw 6344- Altontn 7 78m-11 Atlantic 7244- 778 V- Baton Rouge 8774-jM am- ivns 8B78- Mm 8348- 725V 3143- Burtnglon VT 724V Christ8C 8872 CMnWV S886t ChrtOtlNC 8165- iCMdnoogi 83 mw -Chnn 3SS7- Chkago 8382- a6ah iCtoMtond Kwi -ColunDuOH 3751- Concord NH 733 MA Worth 887 DwtontBoHh 85748 84m- DmIMmo 8SS7- tMhFl 917 DoM 32Sw DuUh 773 DMntagm 907V BRIN 838 7 VS 83649 867 13 Brand RnpidiS44w Oram Boy B4S0- Bnmood 917 he 744 Honohdu Hourton 91743 73m Oh 328710 82m po 887210 8873 po 8052 po 8181 oy 92m to 8089 cy 7248 po 9071 to asmpe 8842 po 7845 oy 8371 cy 73m po 7457 po 917310 B4S8PC 9075 oy 907510 MORI INFORMATION: atagac: 71 onNOAA 757-847 Wmthwr 24 hour (My wonthor radio: 19275- ond half CUSTOM PAPENING ShMtrqdt NhJti AUHKTaOrt 1 AGCO PR0C6SSK0 GDfCwrMbP OTIIS 847 1881- 917 8071- 9072- 584 86m- 1007 82m-18 8877- 1375-J7 778 asm- 919 887 19 74m- 7855- 788 86m-118 775 rs 084 815 8667 cy 9838 oy 9071 II aompe 9072 8848 843810 948400 10178pe asm oh asma sompe aam pc 82m pc 808610 788410 BS71 po sompe 88m to 9180 iy 9150 oy 91SSpe 88m po 9699 pe aempo aosi 10582 pe 5456 7848 oy asmoy 79m 21 82m pe 907210 907210 5849 8395 po 858400 KBTSpc 88m oy 8em 9071 10 aam pe 937410 78m pe 7854 pe asmpe sompe 8874 82m po 83m po 84rn oy ism to 84m oy 9171 pc lUSrw simio sompe 9558 i mmm FLURRIES ICE FOG MULCH Okl EmSOrawl rHnn UXMCOJIBEST mjaw-1641 rick MEMPHIS FORECAST By Phil Stukenborg Tlta Commarclrt Appeal Memphis Chicks righthander Archie Corbin a starter most of the season has made two appearances in relief the past two weeks He Is scheduled to make his third tonight His fourth could come In a Kansas City uniform no one In the Chicks organization Is confirming that Corbin will finish this season in the mqor leagues he Is expected to join the Royals after the season ends Wednesday The Chicks play the Birmingham Barons tonight and Wednesday night to close their Southern League season Memphis beat the Barons 5-0 -Monday night before 1190 at Tim McCarver Stadium Corbin who possesses a 90-mph fastball Is 84 with a 440 earned run average and has struck out a team-record 163 in 155 innings He recovered from a 1-6 first-half start to win seven of nine second-half decisions manager Jeff Cox said he was Informed by Bob Heg-man Royals director of scouting and player development to move Corbin into the bull when the Chicks were oh the road in Jacksoni Cox said it appeared to him that Corbin would be promoted from Class AA Memphis to Kansas City but has not been mentioned to me whether he is going up or not It is a decision deny trying to get Joyner Scrippa Howard Nam Sanrtca OAKLAND The Los Angeles Times reported in its Sunday editions that a source in the California Angels organization said the counterpart Wally Joyner "As far as I know that's not true" said A's manager Tony LaRussa adding that if the team was haring discussions about a deal of that magnitude or any deal for that matter he certainly would have been consulted by general manager Sandy Al-derson Aldfflffn IhpH tn rciiHBMit on the trade rumor Sunday saying that was a policy he always adhered to Asked if he could comment on La denial of any knowledge of a possible raid for trade the think that declined' saying speaks for itself" McGwire heard the rumors cerned and appeared uncon- Fnuk Blackman la a reporter for the San Francisco Examiner NOW SCRV1NO LUNCH 1 1 AM to I PM DINNER 5 PM lo 12 AM Treal youndf triradi or cUentl to NataaUe Mlcrtlaa of Uw 1 rw 1 Br Sot-Up Between 11 AM 7 PM Tin ADWSSION WITH BUeiMKM CABD itMtwrenI Ylrf 1 1 MIS WHICHMTBR 1814488 Now Open Bdended Houra 1 1 etw-g en HTWIW 7TM nr loot awnMU OHM mrf I ugly am Win a Trip lo LAS VEGAS A $500 Spending Motwy Defails at Clubs Visit Our Total Nude Club 2532 Wrtklno only Nude 18 end up Bar In Memphis atJuliia touiUa flMMiawm tlfnlaiMMa rinMI WwlfB ITOmniV lM I Free Admloolon OH Suolnoao Card MEMPHIS SOUTH 1S40 Braoka Rd (901) 332-0244 MEMPHIS NORTH 2832 WnlUnn (001) 368-8642 MEMPHIS EAST 777 White Staten (901) 882-4618 i MEMPHIS TODAY 0 I i WSikTmoKtnmiin FimhI rail (er TmC? IHiMiCT PHimMlli 14hT in vc Dfw Jlucfcfbjr AAAKOOf SOVKlk Flat Itefi Hef Tar' ekiwAiAn piHinnHU aaa mn wiottwivts dintii DuaWiWiifc OUANMITElb YmjxMrRHHt Hn tSSnivnHw oSbSurtn 745-5471 4584550 fwnitf pv ChnNif kw naes $wL Roots Atty HM0N 77-fi1d TrtX t8 NOePW Nw IWfwH To iSinKil Jui5i3jil rs4 rtmair vmt Ml cMmnwvi MH- MovlmCo for ncowfi offorooMo 1 or ofc MOVING: 1 or Ok R1iotopLMnEofy Pm jgMWMiuil oaW ne Fro mart wtm rev nS RB'RQOP-RlOEtri AE EhoiQE iiSFc rononfc rw-nmwt im tAHDY LAHjFQRO Rooftop E3Loio Dial 529-2700 114 lr-Wa Llit 130 Freaarlj RAIN SHOWERS SNOW Partly clou tod 88 55cdy 72 73 88 90 83 II 88 88 77 88 85 84 90 84 84 75 73 57 840 82 88 78 rtedy 81 70 75 88 48 77 72 75 43 48 55 450 Naa MOmur ItniwUr CO 3 1 daptis sta hpta MONDAY'S MEMPHIS LOG Temp rti Time Tranp iV 78 35 I P- 82 77 82 4 pm 88 61 74 97 2 78 82 3pm J9 86 63 18pm 78 82 90 54 RoMOvo humid lorn 4 am am am 18 am Muwgydmwndi digraodty to 185 75 ralntd non i Jm 1-Sopt 1 3615 In 094 In rtnw nomnL toll pm Tod: Mm 05 atom the WMtom hofhon to nbout to eel Brtum to 27 ohovo ttw outheut hortan ud w8l vtolhto moot of the mn Vmuw and ora low on the wtom hortan to th pro-down toMght Mm I 8 high VOnu to th Hflhf K- hln light to 5rMgh to tho lifl 2 high Margomra' Hpe 0 tltitud lo on ttw hortan 90 to dine ewriimd A doubted-up ttot had at trio's hngth ipono Stourcr Cnlgmmt Hgh Mr Duncan iM Tff nettot i nhyflfffrf ffy wyi NHtff sniiiHf Gnbrnort pimAhtitoneito 72dSga AIR QUALITY FIGURES UNAVAILABLE Because of the Labor Day holiday on Monday the air pollution index and allergy factors (pollen count and mold spores count) are not available for today's 115 FSHWHlCROfiSmB: HcNan 1400 ja Can Maaratatv TH4IM MNK-Faalar 50 Hlpinov 90 Per elou tonight with 30 percent chonoo thundsratonn Low In 70 Partly cloudy Wodnood with 40 percent chonoo thunriar-torm High now 90 Par cloudy Thuradoy-8al-untay Highs In 80 Lows In 80 EAST ARKANSAS: Moo Clou tod with 50 percent chenoe ttiundinhoim Hyi In 80s Moo dou torapd with 30 percent chance thundorahoworaL low 70 Moo dou with 40 percent chonoo of thundonhowora Wodno High now 00 Partly cloudy Thuraday-Satur-d Highs In 80 Lows in 60 WEST 98IXPoiounnytodwlth30- araatfwyS alMMlIuMAaaahMMa III AgO pinMmcniniMinunoMMOriwinyiwioir8ny ctoudy tonight wKh 20 psraont chonoo Blunder- AjuMa aiiaau uJi 1 eranne rm njr Burwiy TvepneBCNv win Ml percent chanca thundaratomw'Hlgh 90 Chanoa dtoworo Thundoy-Sahod Htgfw 80 Iowa 80 Nafaa HaaiM la Aar Caa MATLOCK 36S4IH wentnofiriy'! si- 120 kHI Hlftior 4M-WH REALTOR! 7S4W4 Aiew MtAuivaE WWfiHiiHiw Ca4 WjWNwSir AvSl I WV4M- Eta JoRn CaN PMrilU wyjftfct wWl rDSrppE niiZ tfrahiMi Mffci vrinfip Hd a AA IA kAAsJ ma EXPERT TREE REMOVAL MnOcn IrinjtaNlo MULCH 1 To Place BIAL UTAH Out of Town Rooltv IM-FwtLwOl Solo Rent SneyuMrir IN-NHHr WmM H-hIIt Exdiim llilAiUJum 4m mm ummd te nis vv Rootty Lma kwuroi Aroo SMWIngton IM-Aroo fRooo mSrtd OrTVIllO rm goHoo rN tOdROrick ikHM tLokotowE i MSortStfOovtoa i iVRototah 1 5HwrWwieek Aroo TMMUShorwooE -Aroo MCotoototT Vorkihkg MS-Aroo tVRIuor Ooks Wolmit Grovo MW ettiwr I CouHtrywooS- KW Aroo IM-Aroo wfk m-Aroo mi m-Aroo CwdemlolvmL i OwnROMOE Here Take Me m-aive irSicN mi lH-MiMIe Hmih Fir Me m-MeMH Heme Leri Itant Oaal lHaea far (ala tea 105 OuMM-Towe 5 asww- Warned A-TIIT oromof MUKSMOVIMO: UKS wook MOVIWit hi I wN Owica tt mm MOMOUIAL 7 A acran wSrfhSffM1 'ONTkkiVTii OaautifuC iotsl Nauataa AGMCULTUH OUTLOOK wraga Vh to one Inch tod Lowad ralotlva humidity 50 to 30 porcant Four to oavn hours wnki IMS 919 irn nHdl mono 11 tn 11 In tod Lowest rahthra humid 36 lo 30 per-cant 8lx hour ounrth TENNESSEE: Rakrfrt amount! overage In tod Lowad raiaftw humkhty 00 parcw Four to rti hours ninahln wtth TODAYS CLOUD COVER HY1 WEATHER FORUM ralM Ml miMy In Moln Portknd ra-I No wottrat month onr with 15 hnchatt btt-tor dim half of that coning with Hunlctn Boh Moonrtdto Molna 12 ncordid non 278 Inch of rata fra Jon though AudUot dlptd onfytheounmrof 1888 when 02 Inch tom tmo iMowrad During tha IT oontorad near Imbi Inch twte mu this yaor FOkecLAwl haarll waada 1 i mf ilntariaetlai Lavee Hal wi nuYnAPEirrt CaR Gary Eiwna ar EM I Otmna Iw PlRRSlbj oxoor 3 Jii MORTC 1st find mortfOfM Fo oefCSfhud listing! 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