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People's Advocate from York, Pennsylvania • 2

People's Advocatei
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

m. yg a t- uhBtie glaaa tif of the 'jnOat motfldJ i raMiii hbfcVfra wwil keea-ds-h legs, of GfaidahofOugh; on the York jm.bwand njfOBdwaiaoaivvJ dated toliuiI'loiit- The newa frota the. fhuiabe 'io jiptMfe forehl to dto allitM'; bit Mrihiag (' jiHtr 'thriewr; HuNtir yasernis to wlre.hii 'i efreri typninf tMeeMkwiM. hema4ty-rid I dreofXis rmt, atwaTempiMance mra, yMrtttrespoafieni inplpl ktafc't to extremea. TbeMain Law piigcft''v-1 is! to plnnge infojextremes qt prised it the exient of hsayat takao jitemf A iVm no.inJw of 'dlun faam 'l Olfeikh if maniA nf iLd tink vat nln." And Ptjri af tb i Mtkhif rrti MnJh Mltlii Mtefcsw liiijtoai.wtthlhs ro(iatioe oftto Ksfefr sissrtjr hi tfcsirJUrhli fefL I wth to keep awayftoat I w'j 'itf liM old'ilUmber.

Moaft.Sir tbcop OwSm( Ut OljHnnkera cornplalrly broker dpwBr-r li )raiid tbMihdjjtiuU rgiio but tbrdt rhggiNkttb yfikomiibattoa; Mr. Tk Gcscffe Mr. Kiitt, of Codorpi. bjnitiel tv CS'Mambqf. irbo qriig to tmcenijni so iou aly.

Mt uida two yetraago ta makn room for Mr. Vil-Jigma, of TA Prttt, anti Mr; Herbert, of Fawn, attain ezrlteiotwV thbr Dinactilii.Mtt.Bbdalliic. ceed, lb four icttn of Yori county, including that of Senator Haldrman, teill be nri -for 1 CttaerUtt.df Llehiel" for. IJijiiied State S.rnatOf. Btrf.if lha Jtckfi ahali if cr rd, Ve yentnre to predict liiat it will not hie.

tbroegb-aqy ei-iraoidinaiy eaPrtidba ott the part of Jt GttHte. ireeementoot eyety k'md, oot aot its aVoT of extreme in any thug I -1 Now.ydur ebrreajmndaot should YmruP'-P leases! r.bW jf fooM hvhsa' UMm 1 a( jr jfow tliMM'k ta.MpNfMlfi tab MW reiC am in favor of extreme remH-. 'jSife die ia til Iretne cae, eAcepi'-tbtt of Intern Tbat woatd define positioNoxactly Bus of JLai ii 0. iriiAri js. ihc et' feeeltSM.UM fostcrt? )m i of Ihrtr Wksraaa'knri tKobadfroralls eairijj Mbiwkrkbfifv joraikYtibwa.

qad rig qrit rtrrtd hut Itilb ffMir.fba.tS tha, Tempersnee Beform and, com-. qoently, scything'. i nog Grimblert-t to he 'done i eprreapood- ji ent say, Be trirejtij, gentleiaen.Jww must not go few ra fhi kusiDeaa we mast 0t piritigq onto extreme and fail; we avoid, eatfe.irie j-'I not to fovto of extreme in any thieg M--No indeed. he ajr, wpmot in sort to the most stringent measure once; we" will taw ofot! arid there ta an each word as fail I Here art men who bring diseased -Ineat to market ami our Vftiaen eat, and are pnrsoued by dozen they are'reniOn'atialrd wither but it ta -useless you shell interfere with right to tiell wht thry please; and other hehi them by saytog, yon hall but interfere With our right to buy end eat what Now what does your correspondent in? he ay, We must nut he hasty this thing it ta a free country a Prohibito-' ry Law on this subject (r'lnbi be antt-' Republican We nusl not go to extreme? No. But he PrahihU this monstrous business at once; it is an extreme case we must bevo ta extrema remedy.

But here ia the cry of fire in Our street. A house' is in flame. The lower story is consumed the stair ere nn fir end your eurrerpondente son ia in the-chamber of the burning uncon scioda of hia danger. Your or-, reioiMlent comes to, the scene end aa -he see the great engine rushing rip, with ita noble" hand of firemen, prepared with hose and cold water to play upon the flame, does he cry stop, gentlemen, for merrys rake, rtop he not so fast; you'll destroy every thing by thie mad -rushing into extremes? Or does he urge on the speed of the brave cold-water men. and continue to do ao until hi ion.

ta life. overrarihy Tha The ri k-. i. ''fV 3wv Sff 3T A lrJ tf I 4a A-: -Gi -Vf genlle)nen who- hay thus, been almost Unkoi mously presented to the peoples eendidalcs-for he LegisIalUre, have' served One teseinn aud their. One teseinn public and official art, upon which they ought to snefined ny fail, areuell kndulli Tliry are opposed to Prohibition.

With a sfoefe rxireplion, they all -supported the principle ami measures of the Democratic paitjr, and fheseif. jjie exception to which We refer, ia the male of the Public Works. Metals. Eckert, arid WilaOn voted fur the Sale, and Mr. Sidle opposed it.

It is, we suppose, aa decided Anti-Prohibition iti and political partisans that they will be supported and oppoaed This article is already 'too long for the subject of it, and we a (lord a special. notice of only one other which baa given rise to a good deal of When Samuel Foiacht, as a candidate for 'the Sheriffalty, atmosl everybody laughed at him and now he haa been nettled by a decided majority of the Convention. We frequently hear per-aiios express surprise that our old friend received the nomination. But 'for pur pait, we can see nothing surprising in it. It is jut such nomina- tion i we would expect from (he Convention.

Men do not. gather grape from thorn, nor fig from thistles. Samuel Foracht haa more and haa always been a more Useful citiaen, than tViliiam II. Kurtz, has been twice uorninstrd by Democratic Con-venlion fur Congress What cause, then, is there for special wonder that the late Convention settled Mr, Forsrht far Sheriff? We beg Mr. Borscht's pardon for this comparison hut we ready do not know how we could place the justification uf his nomination in a stronger light.

Sammy seems to have a run of good lack. He gained hi lawsuit contrary to everybody's expectation and he ha now been nominated lor Sheriff contrary to every hedv's expectation. But he may discover that Fortune a fiukl goddesa. If defeated, lie will not he the first man licit wa rdn off the settled Denim raticickel by one of the rsn-lidates now in the field. It wnnld exh.iid thia article to too great a length to notice pitrii'-nlirlv life other nniniiiatinnn for county office-It is certain that the Cnnvtnnon was not guided in it clnice ty fitness and qualification uf candidates.

It ta doing, however ho more than jut-tire lo the rf Cunveniinn to Hi.t a ie.vii;? of eon, ior'fcr old pmI ntlice htiiitn- in iiieir proeeed Forich. iliHrey, and Stewaif have been trying in vain for many years to get ini r.iii'p; and it is rie-lilahla to the liutnaniiy and i h.Titsblrne, it not to Ihe discernment and sagacity, ol the Convention, that these men have at length been plated on the ticket. in 3LnnHoaU2odeeitfi mwhtchrepreaenMUia party'whiahl iitVjhpiiniy luia Mtther an i mpeu taa pqr uni Utet dovote.ujtatauh'afr;. our paper to a uotioi of tbeVeharacjerr-and proceed thaj Miwcralie County Con jn this pl0, lgat Ttjeday, and atdlled a fickH for ihe auppprt oi the party 1 the.uext Pctoher ejeciioo. Vv-V: It difficult.

Id kaep the rhjt pf all theBltle hotgbe. which hatre bean in -corpoiwted 'lb county aolely hjr the purpose of making vpjtee these Dem-. ocfalic Cpnvenliooa tinbuirubo-. jough ey (em 4p compare email tbHige wih great eeeme to furnih a unfair a repreaentatipn as tb eejdbratgd rdfr tenrbgh aytum of Euglatid, and -Gopyehtfon Oohahit eighlyiusteadof acveuty-jbtir deiegstea aa.trphad auppoaedr The moat noticeable abmit' tha Convention, ai regardi itageiteral char-acter and was tjVe oyer-wheitning majority the Barnburners; or, aa thcy.are'eametimea called, the Young Democracy, had in 1 This Conven- -tion. ha aatablUlwd lhe fact that the Barnburner' not only retain, their- premecy in the but that they have completely, routed, ihe Old Blinkers, who' scarcely made an expiring struggle in its proceedings.

The first and politically the moat im-phrtanf buaiqysa which engaged the ktr tentiohof the- Convention alter organising, waa the lelretioa of, a candidate Cor Congress. And io this the Yeung Democracy showed themselves not ou-f strong but The prevent incumbent, we understand, desired ere--nomination, not With view of being candidate, but-ns a compliment, and with the understanding that he would decline; end he had a string of resolutions drawn up, highly complimentary Of himaelf, aud 'approbatory of his ad- bon of rather, it uiuat hare been, if hia inaction in Congress, which he wanted -the Conveption to adopt. But thia chAip and empty compliment was refused. The Youug'Democracy are am' bitious. and will hare nothing to do with our say-nothing and do-nnthlng Member.

They repudiate him, end' refine to be held responsible for his inglorious, unhooored, and renownlesa official ca-. feer. After smmding lhe Delegates before the Convention met, nd'ascertaiii-ing that any attempt Kuitx would result in action ol the op-' poaite character, tlie proposition waa abandoned, and hie resolutions were' not offered, in the -Convention. J. Elii of Carlisle, was then nominated unanimously we.

believe fbtwCongres. Aa the other counties of the district are iu favor of Mr. Bonham, there ia no longer any doubl but that' he will be ihe candidate. Whether it i because he is really a superior man, or berauaa he ooly appears so from tlio ti iking contrast he presente to the present 'incumbent, we must confess that we are pleased that the choire of the tarty hn fallen on him. Jt ia certainly not on account of hi political principle.

Them we detest, and deprecate their ascendency as Ihe worst thing that Den befall the country. But we muet confess that we would rather have a -man in Congress who might do some harm, provided lie be a man of reiecl-able talents, than a man who could do no mischief, but Whose incompetency would reflect dishonor, on hi district. The preference will not, of course, stand the test of rigid reason but it gratifies that pride wbieh we all more or 'lev feel. Thia feeling of pride wijl be sat Mr. i.

no doubt, e-mail, of coniiderable ability, and, if. elected, will occupy respectable position in. Congress, then, too, he i lib sham nor hypocrite in politics and that command our respect; He is not one of those Democrats who, while they profess to be opposed- to banke and all other corporations, use -their utmost ex-, ertious to procure suets in and railroad speculate io corporation stocks, and avail thenuelves to the larg- -eat extent of bank facilities. Mr, Bonham i opposed ia practice as well a in principle to corporations, and haa thus foregone those rich benefit which Lo- cofoco politician generally know ao well bow io derive from those ebulles bodies. Hie opposition to tha estab-lishaienl of a bank In Carlisle, postponed the admission of hie claims to Coo.

greas for at least two yean. If, therefore, we must have a Locp-foco Congressman, wa would much rat liar 'ha should be auch a man' aa Mr. Bonham, than auch a man as Mr. Kurtz. But we apprehend that tha people of thia Congressional district art not reduced to aueh-a choice of evils.

Withy ia the district ire men who are at onco talented end sound in their principle men who ara opposed to the Nebraska outrage, and whose learning and falcate would command tar them a reapectabie position in Coagreae. Such a man wn hop will aooa he presented to lha voters of th district aa a candidate for Next in importance io a political point of view, wee the noouaaion of cndi-datee for th Stale Legislature. United $tote. Senator Jje elected Mat winter; the decision of the wbetbef the Demoereey of York County hi hnt rf jOwnCanetoi, fee tbit oCce, ersomemen of the Belt eian perhaps (BffBucK hiowelf. morning Rurauw ttfad tbe TurkUb Znd Frerich camp t- GinrgesOr end werw totaljy defeated WitV joskof S.WOkil--ld, and targe number dt pridnara-e-Tjie Kiiasian aie retrratitig by jorced triatdhn.

-They hid quitted Kataachi, and it was occupied by the Turk. Theevacuation ofWaUacbia A proclamation, bed. been; issued decljiring that iH aoiditre wbo'r. mined behind would 'considered as Th Busaian troopa wqra being coocentratad oo the.Sereth, Thockoiera waa ragiag with great ri- Nenreat ttidapKmii Ewkj'diero. Tht LoodoO Timet declacc pointedly that a force ot from 80, CQO to English; Frcnchy rind Turks will immediately invade endeavor to effect lodgement on- the heiglita that commanii Sebastopol.

From Asiftbwreported defeat -of the Turks by the Russian is confirmed. The Russians ante besieging Kars, Since tha 22d the blockade of the ports in the Gulf has been more vigor-ous, it not being possible that fcny vessel could enter or The Emperor of Russia, Archduke Constantine, end the Archduchess had narrow escape Irpm beiug eaptured by au English steamer near. Cronatadt. Ihe Whig County Convention which is to meet here, next Tuesday, should not act wisely, it will not be for want of advice from tlie.Lorufoco and Prohibitionists. Both these parties seem anxious to take the 'Whig under their guardianship, and are most disinterestedly presain iiieir edvtceon them 1t.i strange, bul the less mUrilor-lioua, that the Li'wfociM and Prohibitionist should feel such a great interest in the success of the Whigs.

We are sure that the Whigs feel as grateful for thia aa they ought to feel, 'Par Tkt Ft fit's 44riimu. Messbi. Editors It seems you hive correspondent who i exerting bnnrolf to bring odium upon the law which the friends of temperance and of their fellow-men are about to vote fora a Grand Protective Statute for Pennsylvania for all coming time. This corree pondent, whose signature ta i raid to be both aged and respectable but what object tn aged and reapectabie citizen can have in opporing so good law one that hu don so much for the physical, mental, and moral well-being of thousands in sever of tha States of our Union one that haa as yet done no injury to any and one that ii now called for and reyul for by thousand ol otir owjjeUow-citiaens in tl.iiu- State i mfstyy to (ny mind. It cannot be that hetlesire to coatikue and to perpetual Jortvtr, nut present system of almost indiscriminate and universal tufiiiii intoxicaliug drink his character would seem lo forbid this supposition I It cannot be that he wishes to keep open the seals from the the wln-key-barrel, and the- wine-cat and lo continue the outp'.

tiring of 'lie vials of wrath rind horror upon an afflict ed community until more drunkard are manufactured and more maniac are made anil more of our neighbor destroy themselves he mania a putu, or the knife, or the pistol bringing pove ly. distress, and ruin, upon families without number, multiplying ti, awl group of the Jirokenhearted, and can ing the mourner to gn about streets What then does be wish? Wnat result can he be aiming at? He want Theerw," Houtet of A'a-tertaiatarnl," and Timelier Hornet;" but the Protective Anti-Liquor Law which we are Jo have, date not aim at the detL action of theta koutti by no means else we would join yoUr correspondent in opposing it. It only aim to make Ibiwe House atili more teully th Hemet of travellers, by taking away Iiieir evil element, the rate ed liquor At tha bar, rind ao reiidrring them quiet, orderly, end Homelike, where men tony refresh himself in' peace, pay honorably for hi comforts, and then go hia way rejoicing sober maul That Jlita will be the case under the new Protective we see at once; and then rDwdy 'Tavrrtu will he turned into retpecteht Taverns guanthomt Taverns wiil ba turned m'o Peaceful ffnw; the mat temptation to quarreiiiug ip'd fighting end jatl, breaking end welling and riot, wi'l liten be gone; end we shall have' Tavern-liko the three Taverns" near Rum to. which we can aod a friend: and go ourselves, without danger Of insult from tha drunken loafer about the doer. Many an honest Landlord haa Mid to me, ihat hr waa ready for the Prohibitory for all be had to do was lo drop the.

profit-on the whiskey, end make it op on tha board! Yes, and they would arer than make it up in thia. may, and Tavern-' mere Maine, Michigan, nod Maa-aacbuMstU are now coining money in thie way. No danger of the Taotrm tufftriag only those that are really grag-thopt womd suffer tbo rest Would find their account to taking to hungry men to eat, 'n air ad of thirsty fishes to drink; ted then should have Trotth lend Hamer that worn worthy of the name! Although seems so determined 16 put fifuar into all the teverne in order to make them comfortable Hornet (or the people, yet he hira-aelf ta evidently well aware of lb iai- inity of indactog them to deal out this quad rain, for he conferee to it, and ays, ft mast ba admitted 'that many of those Tavern beemari an' to; ary to their neighborhood, by becoming gefi- ltog afere for tharaT. fiend of tfieTdrep I to raesi mfd iadalgt dteptr and dteptr in 'the woful bsbttaof uitoxkstiori.1: Yes. i Uii.2.",.

iJif'-li: rSr. roasoviiMoji OFNaRTHUMBXRLANO. S.i J.iyjw ForCajial CQMwssiairtft; GEORGE-IXARSIE OKiltKGKiSliFT; u-: Jf 1 FOR iaoat OF RE flOPRRMECOtJRT DAXJIEtJil.i8yspR. REMOVAt. TEce nsonrs ijmKUR Mb- ibj.

OiSi hgti 1en yemdiieri io ib SXORtUrLQfNG. cntraaco Whig couhty At meeting ef the ig. County Committee, held Anguat 4th, the' ibiidtriog ruofutioo arm lb Whig of thetceeral Wknta, BoToUh nod Townahip in York County, be requeeted Ip meet at tbeir reepeclire placer of Mdirig alqctioM an tbe'Mtbdny of AWN), nod elrct two Italegatrafnim each itia-iiiot ldaemikitgtin which ahnll aMctnt York oo Tmeeday the fftb day of Augnat nekt at 11 o'clock A- la rial ermine the propriety of fCHlingd.rauilty ticket tar the guppori of the people at the etaainf Uclober eleclioa. RF-Said flecliooe ahali be hehl.ia (lit Ton-' ahtpabetyreen the houra of and 5 o'clock P.M.,' and in the Ward and Bnraughe.belireea the boon and It a 'clock P. AI W.

d. ROLAND, Chairman, JeairNGaniiTaon, i a- WSIOWAED MSETIHGS. The VV'bige of ibe- Nofib Ward ol the Bqrougb. of York, will- mcirt et the public. house of ChaHea ipu Saturday erenihg next, the 2Sth betweeu the hour oi aiz and eight oclock, for the peipoee of electing the Whig County' Convention, to meet on the 29th inet.

The -Whig or -the South Ward will meet for the name purpoae ai the tame time, at the Beaolution Engine Houae. The Vhige of the Went Ward will meet at the 'public house of Capt. John Myrra, at Ihe came lime and for the same purKe. gWe are compelled to defer until neat the publication of the communication of -our correspondent We have bceo requeated to announce that the Sunday, evening cervices in St. John' Church, will until further notice commence at a quarter before eix o'clock.

TQW5 ABB C0B5TY MATTEBS. Episcopal Obdimatiq.v.- Dirtne service may be expected at St. Jolm'a Church, in thia place tlii morning, commencing at half-pact ten o'clock, on which occasion the III. Bev. Alonxo Bishop of the Diocese, Brill, admit Dr.

John C. Eccleaton, of Maryland, to the Order of Deacons in the Episcopal Church. Tux' Pt'ibic Schools. The following at the names of the teacbei or the Public Scjiool of York Borough for the current year. The i-cRool will be opened-on the first Monday of Septem her.

AsrM HVrf. Fttmle High School Mias Ann' Love. N'oi Mir Harriet Barnitg. 3. Mary E.

Tyler, and Mia Iaebella Poll. No. 4. klita Bebecca Welahana, and Miaa Lydia Love. Af High School AVilliim Kraber-; No.

S. Jamea M. Kppley. 3. George M- Euinger- Word.

Fi molt High School Mies Hannah Townsend. No. S. Miaa Kate Hay. 3.

Sallie Towneeud- 4. Caroline Gatlggher. 5. Amends Fahe. '6.

Bebecca Crver, 7. Ellen Mehough. Malt High ichoolI. G. Kaii.

No. S. J. N. Taylor.

3. Botomoo Meyers. 4. Daniel Klinelelter. Colored Sckoof William Woods.

Thi Puncratic Couxtt Coxyui-Tiax. The Democratic County Cqo cut ton which aMembled in thia place on Tueeday last brought together a very large- number! the. of democratic party- The following ticket ia the result of their laboia. CooferM were appointed, end instructed to. vote fur J.

Ellis Bonham, Esq.of Carlisle, for Congrepa, whose uotniaaiion is now certain, Cemberteod. county having already declared ia hta faor. JtumMtfJiaab lL Sidle, Carrol; V. C. 8.

Eckert, Hanover Joseph Wilson, Wrights villa. AkanJSamael Foracht, Boroagh. JAWlmoliijp-Df. Henry G. Bussey, Loganyille.

FrguitrHeaig KiY BorOugb. Recorder WiUiara Task, BorMigh. Ckrlt of tht Count joaeph O- Stew-ar( lower Ckaacefcrd. "Cvftouttitiw'y Dwhl, Maiteohellcr, "Jy 'i: Borough, '0fecftbwkKilluui SdiaM, BeimigU Vvhfim4olH S. Xeack, York towo- -j-.

jj re wiih tJwifcoyM A4jifiyW.twp MuMfsod 'eighty rf kit tart ssl of Iti 'sueststsir; YUrti put swap: Wsolp taja- iftssm RwofMyMllw'MuabofitMbl to other Wyjn, Trip rsqsimjif liviSf ''wwoJtorfwUtivoJ uuuist dasrisju; staging swl htwsiling ttasciiSof horn, rfnx1! niuirkti, ijpM; od tenwiiii the womom Wwuii kj bewlLw biMbrtt: Ibvai-. Mini witk Wulb 'Ond; klOod. Their Vielrar Wfrr IsireM ilonf it ilfc kaim puced Ihraogt) ibtUUmlu, Tlw oxoralibofM-'flNif' -t (brik Moa)i) while tlMTKtiaoi Ipok bo.Md MderO with OpWhy. lVp wen tad fe- OilUer wilhUie Utrifira .10 ehow' terror, ortafoutiiil Uiill we DOt Mil thoulil ho Utalr hudi WrM'. fiTetrSoppea ydd ttwo Eeed Mor who MMitedta fit IbOgreve won hderted jo Aliye, in anliir ta iulit la 4i ioi or eofeetiijl jr rf Ikr icne.

0poa Iboj detlh of KnS hraiherfaiarlhooiuid eirfiui WM.ibut MfriCetd. TiMo emonaleh ire oftta rvput-. ed. NMl 'hhidni (liuh'ernl et teery rvhcondl. tipoO )he dtalb of Kibc of Athiatee.i tMrOl menurrrtelwi laee, iu whwb (beio nil bo uo cewpiiiiuD of tbr.yuliiiii- y.

wil-. MMrfl petidir sr tlie moil iipUiiC Bfcijr ctbocciirVar itokle, wwriictdw tac it ho oUfod lb Kite. jtoadi ond'ikdllt (orwtd tbo ornoownMof Uwir proceioii, HuixlmU wtto fioid en! On ttruwin idd etrewiag blood of. lb ridiiow wti widelrd ib rul bind pun, wbb erwuoreUUef Mil.ioiiail outler, fretb wild jtaliidf ta.coibpMe powortalllMt, At.lbiMfWtooMihd Mvoowwinof bWchtiy oo4 iteuler occur. Tli ktnf'e ekeeutioon troverM lbe eily, kiiliox oil they nwt.

The Hetpltliwi reitii over the lend. Tbo" luug.dariof (h Woody ilurtulio, looked on eagerly dMteed in hi cbail with 1 king of Dahomey pater the approarhee lo bia reeiilenee anil ornamenla llte fialUeuient of Me palaeewUli ihAakuih of Ida viotima and Ibe grdai JiUcti Haiiagry hai ita epread liuiba lalen with bnain earraraea and linbe. There the went of ehaatity 'la no die Ihe pteyia we emplo) eil aa Milder, Diierery, ay Honaan, are her no tin. The caaeof.Quaqne, gieenby our author, bowhdW raiaiatke lupr of editing a nalton aliegeuenliia by the ion of African to lb ChrMflaa rmnirtry. In'fiily year' retidenra at Cap he gaihed over not one of bU aHiAMymejiv and dying.

tUnwed bit rpult-deiM reppaed jn hit fitidu, and not io Chrialian rite. Welt Brecham re- a HMrk that. Ibe caw of till imlirMnal furnuhea dialler tbr icrire rortideralioii ou the part nf thoae who arc anxiou Io promote Ilia eulight, awnl and of Ariica The pirlare gieo above ia aaloouiy ooeiand abowa that there la no hope' of Ibe ntgyoeaof Africa eeietgiug of IhedMeivee, or even by Con-. euiil tatercouiae with einliiMd nation from 1 herb i into tiviUaatiou. Honan to Sr.

Philip Schiff Tbo ftlbwfn Oorirr, Inna, the Ger, Be. Meweiagrr. of tfno I9th wn ifiaiiveileiitly mitlaid. other wm il wouhl onuirt hare eppeeiv ed fer lheaaibrartion of the liarned Theologian many fntnd and admirer. learn from the "lVutacha Kirelien-frrandw tbl the Thatogitl Faculty, of lb U-Jtieeriily af Berlin baa uiiinhaouafy ronrnred on Rer.

Pr.Scbafty Ibe rill Doctor llfotuim deeerticaeie propter rrd it row He. Tbia i mark ofatietioetiM wIiirb felja to tbeiolof bltfiK, Thefilie.iaeeoCecrtdiMrce- ly euce ia Uo ytwe. 11 i well dCaeieed i and Iboae whocoufernd it, know flow Mdiafinguiab meii, liateum that tbu bad Urn a ptaaawa dining With lha aud paaed of ftomiai ko wkkb oteaaioa the Piipta MinUter WeNiaMMi Coeat Aleenriehya.theMiaie-ter eaa Maaaaw, Ueuleaaat Genaial epo CeN laeht Dr. KramataChCr, aad atber djatjaguMiad peraMmgei urar -i Rgrourrion At the ra-y aiaWentafaar going to prek aa ekpraaa ba arrired Irem'liwcity of Fietarm, the farmer cayltai af the dppaail Mata af Tam anti pa, to theeCmtlMi tbart badbeea a aneceeafal aut-break ia that city; in arbicb takoted yonag lawyer aimed Jaee.da ia Garaabad aeeWama th aaHirn Itatiaoad thm, and, ft tha bead af fee bombed wee, prtrlihari himaelf Oerereoe fro km. if the lute.

her aatpeceitlp penet Bern her to glee hi pailieotir, beteoo-AdeoUy lipl ta hoeo ImpartaBl. dewa-to ra-: i1 coid io oor aeaV Tbo ieoderef thigaweemeoi tbeaamitaha wmlnra abortlioM andewad rhh GohemaMM jdartua ailerthe baoUhomot 'of tbo eehbrolid ierrieh Cantaaaa. tep--Veoaoted mCheral, falcated aad eoamgeona. The Palriata efTawtlpae hek apea Mm aad hi bee Utile haad aa tlic aaeleat acoend whirh they aet I fiQj fit tVir appraaeMag egbrip to regain llmir leat tihertiee Bromiioiltr JUme Hass Bit Cocanua-Tha Lauitaa Tiawa, ia a raeaat artiek Ibe propose Mae. ailiooal fcalital, mi jjRow it paaiihla ta i.

hfa (riilmetaAaek tfttem fltia Ftaeeb) that la naldy (hay ara qat gaatla af lha EagtaA aw-. rUambatafabatak af frmai tttrfbtarf tom oftbe ptoveimenls that.bevabeeii.Btada there. Afewyeara ago the site of Goldsho-rough waa khown a tbu lied Mill," arid tothe traveler oDfheturridkitdid nbt present rifipurtshinfappearance-; was then pufeh jtaed by, ri company of! which. Small Waa atid atjll is the leeding mehtber, and (hetotre laid A number, of neat bouses hqve hern latge hqtei, in whose, ytyle of ircbitectUr we recognito dhe te of the pirdrietor; But the house -ere irisuffiejenf ibr the aecommation of of tU. find el houses will be put meet the increasing demand, merchant mill ha been bulU by the Messls.

Small, into which ell the tat improvements, in mil) maehinery hav been' introduced. It is the water of the Blue Moselle1 a new name given to Fishing Creek, in which the traveled lote of the founder of Ibe town-will be perceived. It it, however, in the lumber business that should think that Galdiho'Ough ta. destined to make the greatest The superior latMfhgon the banka of the river, end tb railway facili tie for sending rawed lumber tothe laiye citiei, point it out a a place peculiirljf adapted for aiwmille. Mr.

Isaac Fraser we the first to avail himself of the advantages of the place' for this business. He built a steam sawmill on the hank of the. river, from which he drew the timber immediately to hta mill. le has been followed by company wku must have invested large capital jn steam sawmill on gigantic scale. To see the operations in tin mill, from tha rawing of ship decking, in which the larges.t-loga are cut into plank by a gang of raw io single paanga through the mill, to the slitting of laths, ia alone worth a visit to the place.

Evidently large amount of capital and enterprise is employed in the improvement at Goldsborough and (lie sucres which has attended the undertaking there.i well merited. IV regret that we forgot to inquire for the lot, for the purchase of which the President of one of our corperations has been negotiating with tha Proprietors of the village, in order to give the wmiessurance of a responsible President in these troublous times of Schuy-lerism. We will attend, to rt, on our next visit iu the meantime we beg hie pardon for our forgetfulness. toployTOepj Iff. theiown, and more is will be' put up uext aummer to AlarA ETTDDEH ft MELANCHOLY DEATH.

Last Wednesday afternoon, Mr, James F. Smith, ol VV rightsville, in this county, in company with Mrs. Levergood, or the ame place, left tligir homes for Baltimore, where they arrived in the evening, and were united in marriage. After breakfaat on Thursday' morning, Mr. Smith went to Smiih'a wharf to transact some buniiKia, wheie he waa 's'l'ilten with an epileptic or apoplectic atrobe, and after lying a couple of hijurs in stale of Unconsciousness, died at about a quarter before twelve.

Siich i a abort history of a man for I.1 a day it embraeei hi departure fioin home on a wedding excur-ion, with the feelings, no doubt, which usually attend such joynu- uccasion hi marrisgi and hie death. It tearhes anulher leon on the uncertainty of life, tlm disappointment of hope, and the iostabi.ity of alt earthly things; and adds another solemn warning on (lie necessity of being always prepared for he we successfully engaged in business as i merchant. He wa a man of strict business habits, end unobtrusive in hie manners, and always bore the character of unimpeachable integrity. He waa the brother of Robert W. Smith, one of the Editor of The Wrigkttvillt Star, ind of Mr.

Samuel M. Smith, merchant of Wrightsville. He was ia the 48th year of hta age, aetl leaves to survive him a eon by i previoui marriage, about seven years old. While Mr. Smith was lying in state of insensibility, he waa seen and recognised by Mr.

John A. Filbert, formerly of tniplace, who remained with him until he died, end kindly took charge of him after hie death. TAXFEBXHO WXXH JVXOES. This criminal practice hu been earned to eo intolerable extent in thia county. Witb-Grend Jurors especially hoc it been ranch practiced thea a (opting Justice at it very source.

It will perhapri not tie given rip aulil esampte shall he wake ofrqofte corrupt offender. We understand tkal at Ibe approaching Sessions, tb Coart will bn requested to ask the Giand Jurors on their oaths to state whether they have been spoken to out of door about tbo merits of any iadictareat which ta tobo brought them; rind if oo, by 'Thie may tried In deseioperents. naff mskn it know how scrisea ofirnen it in to attempt la m-fiurincri Jarermhea iont of 41m Jury ho. -if I 1 1 Your correspondent iney hose been ill, during hi lung life. Hi fife may base bees in danger.

What thea was hia request of his attending physician Thai he would the gentle remedies That he would resort to nothing energetic? That he would in no turn of. hi disesse resort lo extreme measure for hi safety I trow not 1 But ri he might be extreme danger, ha wouM pray that extreme wisdom might be giv- eo to his physician, and that he might qut only be extremely cautious, but extremely energetic, in all be did for hta restoration. Now, in all these cases, ml in all extreme-' case, yaur correspondent is in fsvur of extreme measure audit is only when-tire come to -Hie extrema di-ease of intempermneo. of wbieh men are dying daily, that he object to an extreme remedy it ia' only wheji our children and our-qeigb- -hor are Lurnipg up in thn tire of intoqi-(terance tlist he deprecate excitement and husle to delive. them it ta only when our fellow-ciiiv-n.

are systematically poisoned hv 'coAo, uut by dun-nj but by liuridreu und thousand, that he warns us sy'uist enacting Prohibitory law it it i only when our sons r- awePnwed up al( around us. in tne v. of lutoxicslion, that lie think it horrid' tn check hgTh iu those who are druwing them into the by I IV I) ut shall we ray cf ucb principles, Says your cot respondent, We must have spirituous purposes true, pt true, we mart have them for various purpose, arid we can have them fur varin- purpose under the Maine l.iw, just freely a have them now The Maine Law eay expressly, tlrnt we may have liquors for Medicinal proposes, and for Chemical -purposes, and for. Mechanical purposes, and for Sacrameutal for what other purp'Os your sober and cautioua can went' or can wish others Ft have I hem, is more than. I can understand.

Can it be ihat be wants them as daily baser- ge? Op that he wishes' others to us them as a beverage Onof The-very thought is treason. Why then, in. tho name of mercy and religion, why if does not want liquora for coratnoo'drink. ta bn so dreadfully opposed to tbo ins taw, which allows them for every other purpose 1 Our friend rays bn "is not opposed to progress but after rsadisg hie two articles, I era of the deliberate opinion that hie progress ha been progress in the wrong direction for several yesrs Both hia article show 'that, all the progress he is in favor of in lbs temperance cause, is progress backward, toward tha barroom and brawhonae rf 'His ideas of progress remind ran cf the snti-teinpetDce talk o( another of. our aged- and respectable citisena iq thn Rey.

Mr. Lochnisn'a Lecture Room o' few years ego. r. Thera wee nn virion without temptation, hn raid, and them-, (ora hn wanted the temptation of thn Liquor arid Beer Houses, to try 'ead strength th virtu o( the peopfe.nnd, for hi perl, be we in bvor of going hark to tna good old limes that preceded th Tempermece panie, when rum-eel-, fine vii ia the bends of Christian and Tausrn keeping waa a EetpccfnMi Butintatl Editors, -wn on. nueb.

progress aa this; have had'tao ranch rfit already, lira aristocracy of rumsei-ling hria had its sdvors' long enough in onr commnnily wn now. intend to advocate tb repuhlicaatafli rf Ike righto nf tb -Thn people keen misted by pretended temperance long enough we now intend to onr own Lew which' wRI protect, end which attar Will efr fcrtnlfy protect ourself ci aadnnr chifo 1 JwraM 1" .7, JUSTICE. 'K TIPPLING AT THE BAX. Under the title nf Bubbles of Bal The Potriot- i publishing 4 series uf article which in a and easy rf hUBfc "wBdeft in Wrightavilta, where tha messenger of death. Mr.

Smith wss a native of Lancaster county, but for the last twenty-one years ifyla expose end ridicule some of dip follies and vice uf that city. The following remark are just aa applicable here ao in Baltimore.1 There can be no sadder and more melancholy spectacle than a group of young men of respectable appearance, Standing round a bar, drinking, aqd showing ia their whole behavior an utter celloueaes to the heme which the act ought to makri them feeL Lt oi ak leltotlts war apoatbat orfi-aas, dcvnliu, aad ahaadnaM hskit, poaaliar it lhtbsr. bate seen, oiltMf Ktw Vrk, Bottan, or tlwn in Him Xoalharn (hill, aad bar rima lifpirrt. r- Ml orb to frvqwat SMoag W- do not speck, sow, at tint driakvra, eattad Htt tew. out of the imoMdi ataaiialccaf ttaat- -trip -lib base ay idaa oi the ataoaat of liquor tbit aa Aiaaricaa patta-ana-deem it accrstarr to diiak ia tbc course eflhadsy.

Let us ace: a ftiak beta bmk-fiiat two drink between breokbat aad slevea tlicki bur Soria, (aadoltte eifM or 1 driak all amuad. betwtea laock cad diaacr. IflSrre wioe at diautrr, (wbieh I gritiag too expensive lor Ikeie eccuewiWil tHser.) oar gsalbHMo at least take a iacaf bnrif sad water, altacaatuqt. awrely I pa to dicaa-tisa. After this, tan or bar men driak bo-tor Ita liwc.

nil thca aut to a staq party, (weatba waddled drink we aaiucaHy a-krid af pay into tbesaeiety bf wawra.) ard thea brandy and water, UWfaw. aatH aridaidkt. Ttl way apnrar to lha auhiiialed a eisqsarated pictuie: but it is aa that every bshiiw-b! kwkeeper ip Britiwese eaa aUr-t. It reelly woaWmu. With Hch habit and puciica a gw suu( an, ebal octet eel lo irpdusd lor Re htan CoL, Thome Sappiogtoo hoe sold hta mtetwel The Frederick Jbrold John C-OCNvai Eq4 Sheriff otfih cm ty-i The editorial depart teJel will iu the future lie eMuctcd by J.A.Lyuch.

Eaq-V ri taleeted member uf Ibe Eroder ick P't'4 -1 I Y- -t (pNfVuaar MAUB Li Wn-Thaie iQr-lhmu Mali adCaaBm geag-Aapa ah v.fcaarftaa haijma fcatwya ia lha M-Lauia imt V- athar peagariy was lajufa. Tha aaptaam CsqitafOMa haa dsafilhat mohiitmjXjoor fo jomoi by lha iaat tAlMataml g-Jahtqt, iabhm, hashsao pel amtar lalwUwt, by lha Cammaaar af Me laaaiiaa. fttem af Bbaaghar. phabaa laaaa ay. l-.

I f-DateJFH- Gaaaml ts- bmhaaayfhir'fmkaaiC amf It meat indeed bo admitted! Too cop. respoedeet keow fseta" ooeogh endev thie head cf iqjery to neigh-burhootta rf tbo riceses meetings' rf those food, of lhodtop of the drink' r- i Hmiaahaf thsAf-R- Anpy T' VI hip. s.v- ft i ia-i 'a I. Jfr b'V rfJU" 0 s. 1 -'i, i-.

A. eef-.

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