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The Bismarck Tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota • Page 1

Bismarck, North Dakota
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DAKOTA. FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17. 1909. PRICE FIVE w. nnir flllS UN Mil Attendedf Banquet, Ball Ciamc, Made and Reviewed Tliousmuljpf Children Very.

I i LEDGES.WQJJJLD^BEJJARRI OF HIS ADMINISTRATION LAUDED vHE WORKING MEN FOR THEIR STAND POOR MAJJ 'STAND- EQUAL.CHANCE^WITH RICH I THE WORKS OF THlTDERART- MENT OF'JUSTICE. Chicago. Sept. 16. Speaking with tho masn moct Ing In Orchestra hall tonight, Taft Joclared that no question before fht American people today is more 1m- po-tant than tho Improvement of tho of Justices and an- rojnced his Intention of-recommcnd- ils 5 Of a commission to lake up question at the lawn delay IB federal courts, Tic president said ho hoped that Lt of this sci fc also as a guide sUUi ufjjis 3tAtes In Dieting remedial legislation.

T'-p president, at the cndj'of A'' ha receptions inJ i i received an uproarious viliCa liu rtMdioa UlXUualrA to onlv-apetcli i xi iv in Chicago" "Uecalfing that woimtii it was In this same hall, during the campaign of a jcar a'gcTLLal. Uu fuv.ud an audience of more than 1,806 work. Ing men and made one of the crucial addresses of his candidacy, the president nssured bis hearers that he had not forgotten his campaign promises and the platform declarations Of his part of his spccch-to- tho tfabljju. of labor and said ho Intended to rocom- mend to congress- hi? first mes- snro legislation to CRT I)' nt form no to lnjur that no Injunctlpns Or restraining or- kltould be- issued without except where Irreparable Injury rosult from delay In which case ipccdv should be granted declared anew hr. lief Iirorganized and "Congrats 10 lill II! 1 3AtLIMGER IS VINDICATED IN 13 STAND 1AKSN IN I HE ALASKA COAL LAND CASfS INCIDENT WILL 3E CONSIDERED.

AS' CLOSED ACTION ACCORDIN TO AN ORDER ISSUED BY THE Alaskd No explanation wan ottered for the peremptory dismissal of GLivN, li a i been sialod ai iltv pai LitiviiL callx tliiy miiL foilnal order In ease probablv would be Issued In two With the removal of Glavls, tho long jjeridlng controversy Is now regarded closed Incident as officials of the Interior department are concerned Ballingcr who is suffering i an attaok of bronchitis was not at his office today, but It was stated for him that he would have no further comment to make upon the case Commissioner Dennett, of -the general land ofllcc expressed him self as highly gratified over tho de- Vi il.ig on, Sept. 16 Glavls, 4Ju field dhlsioii of the gen- i i office i headquarters! nt tittli was dismissed tOn telegraph by of tho Interior Balllnger 'ir li inson. chief of tho field di? of the general land ofllco at Oregon, hah been placed in i charge of the Seattle di- oti Th a removal of Glavls urordance i authority Balltnger In a letter i who in ''i- the dismissal vindicated HKI and other officials of the depirtment of charges clslon of the president vindicating rn-'M acrMnst them by ninvVs In ilpportmpnt Afllrlnlg nnd declaVed "'iti-'tion i tho that It was the natural conclusion to iitn group of coal land cases In bo drawn from the matter. KllllliM I KIN IS lilVliN York, Sept. 16 When Her- 1.

secretarj' and i of the Peary Arctic club, to his home In Brooklyn! toilav from ho oinil unopened on his desk a nura- or cablefirams of congiatqlatlons 0 Peary, among which iielglnmr hhii In care- "Peary, Interna- polar commlssjon addresses 't consratiiintlons their (Slhued) "Cagol, Nor- and I hp wot of royal flelgian observatory Lf LcCXinte ig-dlrector. -apt- the first magnitude. is. ho said, to Peary clajms of the highest qualified bod experts in the world Tho International polar commission was In Mav, 190S, bj delegates of 121 nations who 'met In Brus to -constitute International me'rital authority, but its members are geographers and scientists of the first rank. Brldguian, as a staunch supporter of tho Integrity of Pcnry'a claim, very happy to the stafJip of Hs approval the com- orK.

of the Duke of polar la- president of Interua- polar commission: Dr. N. Otto Xordenskjold Is its vice president, ln i has led a Swedish, expedition In- the Antarctic, whil, TxjColnte ftt weight of t6.9-nam«« behind t. the polntod Dr. Cook, while at Copenhagen, received" telegrams from Brussels and Invitations ts lec- trfre there, but Brldgman wng Insistent tonight that none of tnjm.

hud come officially from the International Polar commission and hat the message dated Sept's, and made public today tho n.afscienUflc. tlon of the discovery. ojt polo nccorded to either by the world wide body of recognized auth. on anbjest. Intcd tho niQiement "That set their like flint doctrines of soclallsui." -Taking up the next subject of courts" the" president Asserted earnest emphasis -that The administration of criminal law today, ip a nf rlylllyfltlon Ashamed of the fact as might wpll De, he declared that the poor man has noJt npw 1 equal opportunity with the rich litigant and said it was Jiis purpose IO uo what tic could to place the poor man on a IjJUll IOOl) jl'U.

nL frequently cheers. Inteirupted with Sept. President Taft i a stav of 12 h-ouss la'ChlcA- icdai vvitU mto-the- luni. piogiaM of-entertainlng that waits him on western anil sou them itmeai) perlucl weatner erovviN that fairly fought to a fiHmpse ot rypcu limited, sct- a high marK of enthusiastic welcojruc i the president seemed deeply to appreciate From the moment lie stepped ou the rear platform of lils private car. at Hie tcmporaiy stattoilVon the outskirts of the city, he retired tonight on board flie train which will taue him Milwaukee- tomorrow morning, the president's Jouiuey Ings, more over streets and parkways led him through of- rniises of hjimanlty that kopl 'open vvith the greatest difficult) on the part of the Beginning i an automobile trip In review of 150,000 school children four 7 deep on either side of the park boulevards, tfie president's day as with Incident.

Ho attended and spoke 'briefly at the luncheon of fho Cummerelal Clnb, ex- plaUs Im- beautlficatlonTlFChl cago. aftemlNJ tno-i regular national league base ball game between Chicago's champion c-jbs, and the famous NeWYork giants, dined nt Hamilton Club at Congress hotel, jnadn a notable address to a mass meeting In Orchestra hall this as a final, attended for a few minutes the ball of the Amerl can Bankers Association at the auditorium. At groirods this afternoon, the president saw his big gcst liAll i Thefp i J30.QOO people In tho stinrts (Continued on Pago 8 A 1101 BALL liAIHE AT HIlUllFlflllA i ONE HUNDRED POLICEMAN ARE PLACED ON THE GROUNDS FOR THE --PRO i EC i ION" OF "THE- GREAT COBB. PhliAdelphia. Sept.

16. Philadelphia toduy defeated" Detroit In tho Is -considered to be tho crucial series of four contests (Oi tfrc Auiuilcan League pennant by 16 t. Although showers fell before and during the play nearly 26,000 persons saw tho game, with the players sur- by-a hutfdred policemen who had been ge'nt to the, grounds id $r8-' trouble nnd to protect rlgrft Amuvc vT LiO liJ KETCIlEUk LANCrortD FIGHT ID OFF AS A' RESULT KETCHELi. HAS LEFT FOR THE COAST TO PREPARE FOR JOHNSON FIGHT is (-- BANKfcKS OF ATION HE- FUSE TO O.VER POS- TALS SAVINGS BANK OR 5UAR ANTY'OF DEPOSITS Chtevo. -til.

id. VUICV 16. The. -ten round bout between Rtnnt 9 mldai- Champion, and wns rals6d totn defense' of th- rangford, the negro pugilist, which plan In (he wm scheduled lor tomoirow nlghLati slohs-of--Uie Athletic club here, was I elation convention, nor was there a off tho result, word ntWrcd In of ho of tho interference of Governor I Hughes. District Attorney Jerome I 0 0 1 tC nBtlonil ban klir and It Is believed In for lft 1 and In sporting circles that the decision of lKtn wer scored by nollop to insist unon ofrict I 'he 'blod banhrrx who ilu- letter of the law means thejitqpplng' narcatly of "ono mind In.

opposing fhp two remedies offered for the relief of financial conditions. Without Of dissenting vp(ce the nom, committee of-thd association ot all fighting In Nqw York City for some, tlnwto'come. There is no posslblllt of arrangements being made to hold tho Ketch- received' threatening letters because of his having spiked Baker of Philadelphia during tho recent series bo- fwppn these teams at Detroit jTbc only incident vvlneh Interference of th? police was when was aecurcd-of-maklng-an oblectfonaj jonmrk to MnVphy ns tho latter passed the bench, Murphy i bm.k hli as If strike -Tones, a 7 nolleeman prevented jlovvb from'brlnglng blood" Tnc resulted In a pitchers i battle bctwcon. Summers, I In latter did thp liottor i Plank received pcr- Fi-rnrs Potroit loal. the game Plank got out of several tight situations by masterly pitching In the third inning Detroit filled tho uftsus on and a baser ou balls with one out.

licr.evor. was struck out for the second time, during the game and Crawford gave iJavis an easy grounder." Philadelphia scored enough runs to win the game In the fourth Inning Barry hal his grounder to'Moriarltv beaten out, but the latter threw wild to first and the runner reached second. On Collins bunt Jones first ell-Longford bout at any other time or plajcc. as Kctchcll tonight received namoI for president, Lewis Plcrson, a telegram summoning i to I of tor tho PaclUc CO.H to of Xcw York flnd fe pare for his fight with Johnson, Oc-1 tobor 12 F- of the First Na- Hoth Ivctcholl and Brltt, his tnana-; llonal uai "of ger expressed ugrct at-the Nom'nitlona t)( plnced bcfoic Of tlit i i I Ki I I tilt, eiuslllft SI OI lllu -J oven went so far an to say that he go-lnto th ring for ri free hnut If this was found to within the law. "and l.angford'H con Bent could Ou obtained tomorrow of secrelarhB of state bunk associations McFadden of" North Dakota, was elect-eil to- (In 1 board of control wild, tftifl a ft.nli.

ing Hnkor sacrificed. Colling to third and the Bush i DaTls out Detroit scored In tho sixth innl ij" Crawford drew four balls stole second and Dolhanty was hit .1 pitched ball made a groit i catch of fij but he threw wil3 I i to double hanty at first Crawford wirt to third i ZJir-STATK WEATHEIL Washington, Sept 1C North and South Li.ikota k-alr rida and Saturday, warmer Friday. Minnesota: Fair Friday and Satur- da, waruiur In woal potltonT light variable winds shifting to south in PJayets (u the pi, the nlted States) matter who or IOIM going to-too -WM fo Cubg fpr boll! played September 16 in Chicago be P.stldent III! is NOW IIH; KiiiiiBum: STATED THAT AMPLE PROVISION IS MADE FOR SONS, DAU.GHTER AND 8 3 I HE" LATE HARRTOlAN" FQHTDWF ESTIMATED AT BETWEEN SEVENTY-F1VE AND ONE HUNDRED MILLION (By Aisoci N'ew York, SepL 16 dred brief words, weighted each with $1,000000 and containing In their entirety last testa motit of II Harrlman hW widow. Avorell Hirrlmip, -on" of tho wealthiest women In the world It Is perhaps the briefest i on record for tlio disposal ot an estate of such magnitude All his property Is loft to Mrs Hirrlnnn Wall street estimates that Mrs Harrlman will Inherit In nnd 'during his llfo time. A hun- jj thc msasurea up to the tx Mrs -Hnrrfman orilinE to common ciitlmates Here, li tho woman In' Ihe world.

Hettli holdings have i I nt ritflfir of Mrs Frederick Courtliind I'cnflold, who was Ann Wclghtman of Philadelphia, at $80 000.000, nnd those of Mrs Ibisaell Sage at a Ilko amount's will Iff as H.irrlman. of A In t'hf state of New York, do publish and this as mv last personal proportv between J7j.000.OOQ and Hnr'rimun's pr.lvate will and testament, thai is Jo 1 fortune Is supposed to have dmIso haqnnath all ny gre.ater than this a real and personal of ov'ery kind there IB roTson t' that nature, to w'lft- Marv Har unmarried daughters, anil farol to bo rs absolutely and for- hlK marrtetl flailKht'T, nnhorf ever "Lnrt I rtn nominate anil np- point the name Mar Harrlman to lie "In witness I have here upon hind and 8th Livingston Gerry and his two William- Avcrell. and-RoIanrl. -a bo of 14 years, together i hfi stir vlvinjr-slstor, Mra Slmbns.

and other relatives, hav been stilistantlnllj provided for in gifts out of hanrl and. trust funds set aside Hanlman June, In the ear, HhliniMAN AUERHEN New York. Sept 1C The board of i bathing so long as the aldermen held IJfTfim post vacation session esterdaj and promptl got "seasonable" 'resolutions Alderman Golgan and Emoner were foremost In this respect, Mr Colgan dcniflndlng that the city establish a municipal bathing'pavilion aV-Qoney Mr Kmcncr inslntcd. Vitf the resolution rouie, that tho bathing be wlth.a -ong cloak or. 'coat while wearer is going to or from the surf.

i bathing suit -which much In evidence at Rockawaj Beach summer." said the'alderman, "was a sight to behold We never bcfijre saw such abbreviated attire down our way There wag too much limb display to suit our. people so they appealed to mo to have restrict ttons-addptcd-and ciifuiced by the hoard. "It's all right to wear nothing shields the view, but when jii' njld wjjmeq boldlj. dafh out of llH surf in it i tiil-iiudc uOmMtlvit BIH! a through our avenues and streets and from their homes i additional (ovtrlng their own people gasp and protest. "We aro used to most things dpwn at Hockftway, but to draw the line at the the undressed bathers" we lhall flaw insldi that or coats, used by the bathers to cover their forms TRI STATE WEATHER.

W-uhlngton. D. C. ScpL 16. Nortt ImkoIA Fair Friday aoJ Saturday; warmer Friday I Fair Friday and Saturday; waiuicr in writ portfon; light.

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