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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 13

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
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Decatur. Illinois. Friday. 9. 1979 rer ati id ij rrn ai n- 1 Mayors claim CRAWFORD'S NUTRITION Let's Get Acquainted intimidation by Israel 10 Ovi? All Merchandise Choice of: Vitamins, Minerals, Foods, Cosmetics Books Fri.

Sat. Only Hours: 9-6 Spring Creek Plaza 747 W. Pershing AYS Phone 877-6466 Friday 9-8 Saturday 9-5 CofTWfof Pershing PAYMENT NABLUS, Occupied West Bank (AP) Mayors of four Palestinian towns claimed on Thursday that Israel is trying to drive them from office because they oppose plans for autonomy in the West Bank of the Jordan River under the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. One of the mayors Basaam Shakaa of Nablus, largest town in the West Bank felt he was in such danger that he summoned his town council and other leaders in the area to declare sup- port for him. No deportation order was issued.

But Israel radio reported Thursday that a secret Cabinet committee was considering deporting Shakaa, or removing him from office, because he reportedly said in a private conversation he identified with Palestinian guerrillas who killed 34 Israelis last year in the worst-ever terrorist attack in Israel. The conversation was held Tuesday with Maj. Gen. Danni Matt, coordinator of Israel's activities in the West Bank. Matt told Israeli reporters Shakaa had said he identified with Palestinians.

"Their aim is to get the mayors who are against autonomy and remove them from office," said Kerim Khalaf, mayor of Ramallah. "Then they can impose autonomy," added Khalaf, who came to Nablus to support Shakaa along with 7. mayors from other nearby towns. Get in on the action with this Symphonic RPE-5001C 8-track cartridges directly from the radio, record player or live from microphones. Features also include AMFM stereo receiver, multi-play automatic turntable, 8-track playerrecorder, 2 microphones and 2 full range loudspeakers.

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