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The Knoxville News-Sentinel du lieu suivant : Knoxville, Tennessee • 16

Knoxville, Tennessee
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to-' 6 ww qi 'j' 1 -Sy I vfc'w-taAfe i -y-v 4 in i Vilt 7 TustdayW IQISI riVl Pan 16 Ths laowMa iwri-SsntinsI Tax Cut Sought on Of WIATNI8 8UIIAU MSICAIT TOMSAMISV bfSM TV 4 Old Site BOWLCTG MBS LACRA Stocks'Gainin 'i TORECAST FDR TENNESSEE: Mostly etouiy i mth Mah la to a Wadataday wltt la aftaraaoa' and apnadbw lata mid portion at Mtld 40 Mean 30 S3 Normal 41 DtflcMacy for ataats Id data 113 Dafleiaary for year la data 111 xoTi -arr- 4X0 P- 34 1: a to 8X0 at 30 3:30 a Pti 33 0:30 38 8:30 a 37 04 4X0 a ah to ah 33 3X0 A ah to 0:30 A 4 0X0 A ah 10:30 A 11 7:30 A ah to 11:30 A 33 3:30 A to HUNLEY A- 7 pain aid 1103 Armatrong Avtat aad away at General llaapMal at ado as Monday Survivor: daughters Mlau Maggie Huntey of XauavUlt Mm i Liddla Mathews Mis Many Jobaroa af Dayton Ohio: eons John af Marias brt Lanas at HelateU Thaodara Oane nelly Roeooe and Exes an af Kaoavtlle Swaany Hunley at Plata i 3S grandcnUdrea: IS great grandchllriva FUntral aervten pa fimiaH Hinton 1 Street Mteabm Rev Waa RumeO Rev Earl Setutre afUriatbig Irtarmaat Na tional Cemetery Tha body will ha turnad to llw man Ipa- Urn My-1 aaU'a fea chargs McCCLLEY DONALD 7 dted Oak daily Monday morning eremite Rids HoepKaL The rortdenea Is NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Manine Han SS HM Erie list at New York (tecta fur-Dieted by A Matt Praetor aaS Paine Farrago! Haiti member ef Stack 5-7181 Open High Ctar Aina Os A 85 OS asm awMieai ana iue loan Admiral aadw SO SOU 30 Allegheny Mret 1 Slit SOU AlUa Chalmtra CSV 45 Ut Amq-kaA Air Uaea 33 33 AM Cas 43 44 am can a rare Aanr Enka Corgi 43 43 Amar Ma Cam- '4 Am R4 St4 Ban CW 33 33 31 44 44 44 SS 34 sn iis is 31 1S 3B 41 3ft 34 14 134 334 334 33 ST Sl ss ns Ftw Declines Noted iil-fp'l -i' Indivldual-lssues I Se'-Ky-i- Advance Post $2 xga 76 Ifa af Jot BawUax paxaad away at the ham af tar aoa Route City- Prtisaaa Road 4:15 a PuMral 3 aL Wcdaaaday at Woodlaad Anau JVhnittve Chunk Eldar Harold Tlptoa afflriatlag XattriMirt la llalea Cnattary oa MayaarrtvUlt Highway GraadaaM will aaru ax paUbtarare 71i body la at the harm of tar aoa en PaUeaua Boat Roberta JMrtuaiy ehaiiA CAEanCHAEL LaBOT xga 46 died at 13 boob Monday at tot Badm Preebyterixx HoapitaL Yh fa lly beam I at 9000 Laurel Avhuia Ht paving contractor and a aakamaa at Baas Mo tor Ca Surviving: wila Mrs Caril Han-darilgM CaraUcnatl broUtar Gordon ChimlrtidaL Lax Vagaa Nevada: alatan Mia Irani NawrklA: Mre Joba-aaa Wlhnlmtaa Vtawral Ip a Wadamday at Bamr'a Chapel Bar Wy-maa Wood offldatliig Interment la Mount OUro Ctmatary Pallbrarera: Robert Bean Wlltatt Andcreon Raymond lowftt Tenpopatureo and Claud FOR CAST 'v JtVv For 34 haun endlns at addnlsIH XO aty Tax Commission which failed to meet yestntUy because at no business canceled Ita meeting today because at the and agreed tentatively to reconvene tomorrow at 1 It was disclaecd' meanwhile that owners of Cherokee Textile Mills and at the site of old George'i Department Store on Gay Street at Wall Avenue have filed appeals frith the commit- on --'A -i The McGhee 'estate which owns two portions of tos old property is seeking en assessment cut on one from 258000 to 140000 and on the other from 94500 to 55000 On another portion owned by the Haynes estate a cut from 218000 to 110000 it asked The old building has been vacant ainee Rich's opened Its new department stars The notice of appeal by Oiero-kee which recently moved to Seviervllle did not set out any peeiflo request for a reduction These appeals are among eight or 10 which the commission will consider tomorrow weather Per awns to data Par year la data for month to 144 144 130 Lto Atlantic RtfMng Allan rwc Ce far year ta DajjtejMey £1 COPRIfSf K8WIAWA6NIR Bainr Fred ST HeodariigM And men on Avan CtaptraUoa -B Mooneet 4X4 A It 441 A ah briar 1X4 Sunrtaa tomorrow 7:43 tush yesterday tala auming Jarkaaavllla Xansns CHy XaoxvUlt Lot Annies Louisville Memphis WIATHCR FOTOCAS? OISilhw veiSloot ISTIIISTiMTWSimmSS KEEP HEATER HANDY Cold weather will continue to cover the Eastern States tonight and tomorrow while there will be somewhat milder weather in the West There will be snow flurries in Northern New England and near the Great Lakes It will be mostly cloudy in the South and up through the Plains States Snow will be scattered over parts of the Central and Northern Plains and up through tha Rockies and the Gre Basin 34 34 -33 43 43 43 BOH 30 10 13 130 1M 131 T3 T2 110 40 30 30 30 30 33 33 33 30 30 30 30 30 30 C8EW MBS 76 died at tar hams CUntaa Rente 9 Sunday boob Survivor: huuband William rtrpmn James Chew Wichita Kao FUMnl Thureday ipa Pleasant View Bnyltat Church Rev Dean and Rev Ray Itarhannaa officiating inter-la (tarii cemetery Tha body will to tha noma Wednaaday Martin's Clinton la AihtvUta Atlanta mniashan BaMwM BalU Oil la Beadla Aviatkm Burtiattoa Mllla BathlaiMM atari Baring Avlntiaa Oa Barden Ca Bars-Waraw Brins Ml -BttadMf( Oa Barrfi A4 Machine Bristol CtatUnooffft Chleaao Clnrinaotl MlnA-tt Paul New Orieens Now York Pboaala ntiabursh Raltlsh Rlehmond on Praariaea Brattle SC -Tan Wad ampa (aahinftnn BT 10 Sl ST 10 04 30 Cl ST 10 34 T4 01 Duhitk a Route gunrirere: prevail Mr and Mia Jamcn Hubert KcOdlcy brathen Ronald Edward and Larry Eu eat graadparentA Mite MaCUlcy Mr and Mia Joba Reach aS af CUntaa 6 Funeral 1:30 Wrrtnm at Crnntrtaro Baptlrt Chmvk La VWIcUa Interment In Fond Ctanaterji The body will be returned to the horn Tueeday treeing Martla'A CTInton 1 ehargA ROSE MRS ANNA-are 47 of dll Matenta Court died at 11:39 Sunday at KnaavSlo Gen ml Hospital Survivor: mottar Mra Mary Baldwtn daughter Mre Mary Ethel Hleto: brother Jehu Baldwta ale ten Mre Rebecca Hat bench Mia Mary Jo Fooc half -slater Mia Breals Bald win all pf KmmvUle also three grand -children The body wee removed to Wearer Ptoitial Ham funeral aarvtoM will be held at 10 A Wednesday at Weaver! CTiaptL Interment Glenweed Cemetery The fandty wM rectlre fritnto from 74 Tueeday SNODGRASS 'i age 81 2847 Linden AreJ pa mi away at Generol Hnepltal 7: a aL Monday Hn was a mmbtr of CTiapcI Methodist Churc6 and a meartcr af IOOF so Cram RoadA Survl vore: three daughten Mre Bertha tedth Mre HareTLawtoa Mia Ida Ntb Knoxville boa Robert Snodgrem OMTTrtea 14 graadehUdrea is sreat-gmndcMIdrm Funeral taivtam wte be held at 9:30 aL Wbdnndap et Clapp'd Chapel Metbodtat OmrelLlte TaMri Itev Hermaa Kolttr officiating Interment In Clapp' Chapel Cwnetery IOOF In charge- at cemetery Fallbaai--X Brady drtA Chartte Baylem Baylem JrJoba Thamn-Marria Walker Honorary paUbtar-H EeteA BayictA Uoyd Hodge Arthur Johnson an menrture at IOOF Tha family witt rectlre trtanda at Mynatt'e 7 to 10 A TUca SUFFRIDGE MRS ABTRUB patted away 17 65 Saturday at ter iieme 1504 Eleanor Street Swvlete 9 134 134 333 Inti rails Jackaon Capital Ale Liam Celaaeaa Oara Chaaaaeaka A i Clnyaier Ciimaa Maly Ca Cbea-CUa Cois-Palni-Paet Oa Cat Pari A Iran Caiinakin Gta CaMMirtlal Sotvant Oarriar Carp CKiea Banriea I Fhuuirt OanVtlaa Engla'ns Cam Pradaeta Conaaildated U3I Caatiatalal Cea CWitiaaatal Molars Ciana and Ca ctotu-wnmi Dean A Co Dauslaa Alrrraft Dear Chtatfeal Culver Heads Clearing House KnoxvID Clearing House Association has elected Robert A Culver its 1956 president succeeding Claude Myers Mr $59421339 Paid for State Burley Public Records Convertible and Industrial Bands Up Jamta Braafltri em Moqu Stmt (nan Ratty Jo BiusftaM 00 30 33 33 44 70 70 47 0 34 37 83 01 01 30 10 10 34 a a 42 37 ST 30 30 SO 10 34 33 31 33 37 Divorce Suit Filed asalMt Mi Oaytor DOCGHTY MBS IDAIE 6 1718 Nktarwm puaed an Hand 4:45 a ba at tar hams She wu rtar member of Lincoln Part: Meth-d Chure6 aha did practical mining Knonvlllt for acverel years Sur- daughters Mrs Chartaa Gratr MTO Loutao Durham aon Ben Douriity taottare Mart Callony aU of jtaasvlllc Canoway of Oor-tan Ky Hugh Calloway of Loudon grandchildren Mrs Jack Brady of Chicago Harold Doughty of Clinton Bob Xriughty af New York Ben Doughty It Chartaa Durham both of Xaoa-vlU: acres great-grandchildren aewral and ncphtwA runeral ay Rot Chapel Rev Mrivin and Rev TM Witt official Maaonle Cwnetery cant pa body lumaba at Boat -whare the tamlly wra receive Irtenda Tueaday aad Wednaaday 7 tagpni LAY GHABUE- 31 yarned away at hla hams LIX trig WX Monday at 8:30 a He waa a member at ML Eager Baptlt CRurt Surrivora: daughten falu Hattta Lay Liberty Hill -lire Artrte humata Knoxville tans Lamar aad Burt Liberty Hill ceils Wart burn Woodrow Corryton: 30 grandchildren sradt-vandehUrtran Scrvleta A Wednaaday at Barter1 Chapel Church Ren Lay Shaitan Vtriin Booker and Lewis Givea officiating Interment la Liberty HUI Cemetery The body ta at tha horns Maynard-vlllc hi charge Oaylor Chattanooga Hairi Htaklt Dutch afainst Charlie Hinkle Mildred McConnell DtIva against Harold By I NEW YORK Jaa Tha baud mail kat was fractionally higher today with convartlbiaa and todwtria way Trading wax aulrt TTanaury ohllgatlana war quirt id to tha wvar-tha ceunf marktL AuatruHaa climbed tau sluggish foreign Valley Roa6 110 RWararia 9U 3U 334 77 30 77 17 Eutnu Tfariak Xiaa AutoUto rest pert Tmh PM Dept Start 07 Suit Filed in Chancery Court Wlnatou and Into 6 Kdae against John Kttao aeritlng to daclara a Chaneary Court daersa later arflntud tar Cwrt of Appsata daclarad tad an fnuri Estates Probated MM Lsuam Roattgar of 4713 Gwtoflrid Driva whs dted Dae 35 latt all bar aatat valued in aw of 116-006 to Mr tawhuri Pludrlek 6 Roatt-gar Ht euallflad na txaculor af tha aatalA Charlay A marina of 3318 Exit Vbw Avchua dted Nov 16 OpMIta WllaoA 3335 Eut Vina uunlifltd aaad-muuauatru of tha approrimlriy fSOUO Mr driver Central Startrlt Gaaaral Pnoda Oaaarml Matart Gen Part Cement OIBrtto Bat Raaar Onat Nartheia PM Gnylwuad Oandyear Kabber Oair Mobl la A Chla Gulf OU Carp Si added 1 at ana time at Among caiwcrtlbtaA Colorado Yurt A hua 4a added 1 artat at 136 Central Dynamics 3a aavancad at 107 tea af point each wan ngtatarad Amtrlean Tataphana 3a Bathlattam rt 3a Dow Gam- 3a Ralls gentrally wart mb6 Mllwau-taa Road Ba and Ntw York Central da mwad up minor fraction write Chin A North Western 4a tart a I amount Ntw avtu 4a and 4a lost acfc at 38 and 70 rctpcctlvrty In mw Bnanclng unairwrttan 1416006000 of llUnoia toU-R aeccptad daHvary af tha leant 1 Inc tram tha state toU-road Courts autta had driayad coaamnmatlan of tha dart Mm rTPcnnrtly af Gtora Poraaa A Oa principal underwriter al6Tti tata a leas bard road tart wa finally marts K1 A Wadneeday Rote Chapel Dr Ram-are Folia rd officiating Interment Ina-hunt Pallbearare John aad Ralpb Wlteon Hobart ColllnA Jaere Fretity CX A Burchfield Curtis Smith Honorary pallbearers will he members of her Sunday School Clem and member at Grace Council Na 41 Daughter at America Tha body will remain at Roto Chapel where the family will receive friend from 7 to Tuesday night WALLACE SAMUEL L-' ape 76 of Harrtman Route Start A Monday at the family home after NEW YORK Jin 24 In i hup rcvenal of recent trend stocks moved higher on Increased turnover today yf'rJ Individual gailns In tiie leading groups ranged to more than 2 points and there were few declines of any size Steel shares featured paced by Bethlehem with a gain of 2 to 35414 Youngstown Sheet A Tube lip 1 to 86 Steel up 1 to 54 Republic higher at 44 and Oucible higher at 48 Chrysler recovered 1 to 37 and General Motors' rose to 44 on active trading Demand appeared (or aircrafts with Glenn Martin up 1 to 35 North American Aviation a point to 80 Douglas 1 to S3 United to 66 and Boeing to 72 Southern Is Stead-Out In rails Southern Railway stood out with a' gain of 3 points to 104 on a belated opening' Santa Fe selling ex-divi-dend gained to 138-New York Central a point to 40 Illinois Central 1 to 80 and Baltimon ft Ohio to 44 Selling on the heels of weak- ness in Chrysler yesterday smacked the market down but it resisted strongly and made a good recovery from its lows dedine eras toe fifth fat toe last six sessions it was noted that each fall has been less severe than the one preced- ing There was further comfort 'given to the bullish element WsR Street by toe strength and duration of yesterday's rally from toe lows Tickers IU Behind The market opened mixed am then started ahead tat the first hour In the midst of that sell-j faigi began to gather speed in Chrysler which had announced new layoffs and production cuts -fThen toe entire market became involved in the selling in toe second hour with Chrysler off 4 points at its worst Hie list as a whole was off 1 to 3 points I- Shortly after toe start of toe third hour trading increaaed fat Intensity and the ticker feu behind fat reporting transactions The leg lasted about 10 minutes It was during this period that the selling spent Itself and buyers took command Price recovery was widespread" Thera was ai- other buying flurry that helped improve prices in toe fifth hour AP Average Dowa' The Associated Presa average of 60 stocks was down 60 cents at 817160 It was off IU0 Friday The industrial component was off 120 railroads were down 40 cents and utilities were oft 10 VS-- The list was composed of 1183 individual issues of which 342 were higher and 606 lower Volume came to 2720000 shares highest of the month- On Friday tot total was 2430000 hares Brokers pointed out that the possibility of a decline in- automobile production toil year has been taken for granted There has been ample warning from -industry leaders on tost a The Chryslsr announcement however brought toil home with a Jolt it was felt Tna Capper Indaatnal Hi Oliver is president of the Tennessee Valley Bank Jo Anderson president of the Park National Bank wu named vice president and Luttrell wu re-elected sec taiy-treasurer and manager Retiring president Mr Myers is president of Fountain aty Bank Kentucky Leaf Prices Hold Firm NASHVILLE Jan 24 Virtually complete hurley sales for this season showed an avenge of 85488 a hundredweight some 88 above complete figures for the previous year The State Department of Agriculture said this season's auction's have totaled 104275352 pounds Growera have been paid 59421339382 Last year's sales were heavier and total money slightly higher The figures: 137647214 pounds for 867402748 and an average of 84887 Only three cleanup gales remain to complete this season Final auctions will be held tomorrow at Franklin and Columbia and the last sals win be held Thursday at Knoxville Sales to date by markets: Marital Paaada Maacy Acs Athens 13MBMS 7S1X04 15444 CWthast A3141B0 3416336 SATO ClarkavUli AB4SSU 3100353 3403 CMuaihia ASM7M 1306(00 3374 PayattariSo A35A303 1734 TBS B430 rranklla AUSJW4 XS34S31 3473 Gallatin 6494547 A730X70 8730 Gramavmt 14476133 6436146 3630 Hartarilto A8B30UO 6656030 3767 MlA Cliy 6336073 6715073 BASS NaacriUa llAWAM 7I3A1M 17X7 Morriatowa 4X30X73 365SW9 BA73 MIA aty A 031 833 115101 5673 ML Fkaiaat 1473334 834330 3008 Newport 40014m 3334835 SAW TaatwaH 6T76W4 6964407 WB1 Rnawmrilto B852MO 63W483 3333 Sparta 50T1XM X7M035 8600 Xpriny fieri 909R0M 1X1A47S 3605 Sweetwater 3016103 3036911 8675 Totals 104376833 $36431330 33603 Realty Transfen A and Mra a so 113 IIS 30 30 40 40 4h 43 a lingering lUnctA Ha was a retired farmer Survivor: James Kenneth and William Wtllaet deugttUre Mre Ann Jo IlirelA Mn Mlnalt on Mre Martha Browa and Mre Strange: 94 grandchildren ana great-grandchild Funeral mats inter Weaver's Talar 38 Ml Hsrvealar 38 laU Nlrkst T3 InU Tri A Tri Ca 30 lohaa MamWo Xaaaeeatt Ceppar 113 Kraafa (83) 30 Krarn (IH) 40 Kroeer 43 A Hp Libby Owma yard 73 Uadi A Mym 70 L-eew'a lad 10 Business Notes Me ri Mra Stanley Harold housA District 7 81X756 Bluhath Wataon and otharx ta Mr and Mn ScoU loL District 16006 Mr and Mn Pries ta I "8 Mra Ponald Pair houm Dta-tltct 6 37306 Hr- il Ita Chartaa Hewatt Mr and Mr Chartaa Riridar housA DUWct 6 17356 Mr and Mra Brtltx to Mr and rates ant Fifty Chicago Cash Grain CHICAGO Jaa wheat wax ataady ymtarrtay baak ataady reertpta 43 care Cam firm baala ataady to 1 hlghri beokfeiga 96000 kuahalt re-eripta ITS care Data wwa firm baata ataady: netlpu 43 ralpta 91 eoro ORTTUARTESl 8651 70 10 40 Ha ahkaare LOUISVILLE Ky Jan 24-The Kentucky burl ey tobacco market rolled along in the final wwk at daily sates today with prices holding firm st high levels Lexington traditionally the last market in Kentucky to clow announced yesterday it will continue daily suctions this week Four sates will be held next week with Tueaday being an off day After that only a clean-up sale on Feb 8 will be held Six centers held auctions yex terday The State Department of Agriculture said they sold 1472 648 pounds for 87233115 an aw erage of 35924 per 100 pound THE LOOK" in the 1956 Zenith line at television and radio products waa shown today at Graybar Electric Ox Inc 500 Henley Street to East Tennessee distributors for Zenith products Dealers throughout Eut Tennessee frill have the new products on display this week end to 34 S3 73 70 10 40 33 37 33 84 3 43 3 43 to 43 43 Claeiiftart Dlp lay Mark Trwke Gira Martin ManhaS FlrM Mathteann ch Oa Miami capper Mnataamary Ward 32 84 03 43 S2 43 43 08 43 Mary iy Owm B1T fti mout I9)ia id-113) (rs (fiSSS1 1 -if1) 10S 103 Mn Harman Met 6 316156 Moor to Mr and Mn ABrir-tauiA Dtatriet 1 35006 dN N- Manh truatoa to Mr and Mta Jack A Rutledge houae Dtatriet Suits Filed in Federal Court Paulina Bhaip Dana Latham Lilly rtlha Unda McClain and Georgia Haynao va Danrc Freight Llnta Inr aaklng 356000 (16000 each) for qu-rtaa auffarod la a traffic aecldcnL A Mount aad A Mount a half of himself and other hair at law af Mn Anna Belle Mount deceased va Southern Railway Ua aaldag Judgment of 816000 tor pmftarty damaga and personal Injury and 50000 lot death wUa Bankruptcy Petitions Filed DawaoA 9830 Borlght DtIva mi wnrker to Kf fii tl 5-J 3 1 ISI 4: Jf! kit 'S 3S ut k' i- 1 -S 'Vi iW 5l I a t- 4 -i jf NEW YORK PBODOCH NEW YORK Jen Maine Katalrilna to llw 140-50 Maine pedal trades 50 lbs 145-50 Calif loac while Na IB 635-50: 00 lbs 375 long Island aabbten 50 Rw 05-135 Na BO Rn 33X0: Katahdlna and rhlpa IbA S5-L33 otlwr fradea 135-40 Idaho Ruaaria SO lha 00-35 Maho varloua alaea 690-73 Idaho Ruaarta 5 16 bast 83 10 16 bast 88-00 Nebraska Red BIIm 80 IIa Na 1A and Na IB 50-75 Floridaa 50 lla Rad BIIm Na 1A and No IB X90-636 SWEET POTATOES New Jersey atddm 150-600 New Jersey white 1T5-35 New Jeraey medluia 1 35-50 Housebreaking Attempt Charged Elbert Row KH2 Saufli Broadway hu been bound to the grand Jury from Sessions Court on charge at attempted house-breaking Alien Roberts 1013 EdgehiU Place testified yesterday that he discovered Row st the kitchen window of the Roberta home July 5 end thst he shot Row with shotgun when hs lunged st him Row said he wu Just passing through a lot near the Roberts home thst Mr Roberts shot him in the back A felonious assault charge nought by Row against Mr Roberts is set for Friday hi aty Court 39 33 33 4 33 40 39 8 03 34 Sl 13 31 15 7 30 33 33 44 7 Kelso Oil Suit Back in Court The old Kelso Oil Co lawsuit is back fai Chancery Court again Mrs and Mrs Winston Kelso yesterday sued John Kelso brother of Winston seeking to et aside a 6776L28 Judgement awarded John in 1953 and later affirmed by Court of Appeals John Kelso was Indicted Dee 2 on seven counts of swearing falsely to matters In the first suit The brothers ended their oil company partnership in 1946 when John add his interest to a third party John had sued charging that he had been while he wu in the Army and his brother wu handling the business nstiR ill Id Chen Magna capper Net Blemtt Nit-Cesk Rrstatar Nat Oaky Pradueta National fljfwm National DtaUliara Central Ort and Narthwaat Mar Amar AtrlaUea Nor Partite Norfolk A Wntaro OMa OH Slats st Pan Amtrieaa Air 10 Paramount 31 PtUs-Plata (Raw Y3 1 Ptnaty Ca 07 Prpri-Cria 30 RR 33 33 PMIIIp Morris 44 PMlUpri PatroiauM 1 Pitta Screw 7 Pidlmaa CA US Pan OO 30 Chartaa Pftyar 40 Radio Carp of Amar "43 RepuMIrna Start 44 Renal! Drus 0 Metals 80 1 NRW YORK COTTON FDTL'RES Bp A Marta led Plata NEW YORK Jan Colton future Gorian Jumba 136 YAMS-- North Carolina XSAdBO umbos 900-35 Laulataim fancy Ms 00-50 Ntw Jeraay X50-606 LIVE POULTRY Quirt TuTktyi 80-51 fowl! 36-33 30 8 91 30 to 80 71 03 34 1 13 81 73 03 30 33 44 "7 03 33 40 44 0 30 31 to 31 44 33 a 04 19 89 MONUMENTS Ye Yen SpeeMeattaaa lit Setae greet On of The Largeet Manufacturers Quality MowuMote to TwmcettA WHOLESALE A RETAIL MONUMENT COMPANY ewe Rmartnay to 4-104 Middling spot 3613N off 16 Nominal IbBP QSHB Xg2gg Raynolda Tab Rabrrtihcw Mini Royal MeBtt 40 43 10 81 to to 43 33 43 82 53 to Bank Clearings Bank dearingi today 2151437 Yesterday 3117939 capnnattaa 38-40 yulleta 88-84 All varieties 35-46 nucAoo raoDixE HTcAGoTTan LIVE POULTRY Market waak an cayonettaa and young stnek steady to firm on hens Id trucka USDA prices: HEAVY 34-toe lb light haw 14-19 hroOara or frym under 4 Ita 33-33: aid ranitara 14 15: eapnn-rtlas under 4 Ita 94-96 war 4 Ita to-Ni hen turkayt 86 BUTTER 73974 lha: ataudyi 48 and 93 aeora STS lb: 88 More 36 38 amrr 93 Outota: 80 aeon 58 88 man S8U 39898 cases easy White largr ntraa and ml cad tarya extras 44 doa madluma 40 atamtarda 41 currant nrelpta 38 dlrtlaa 31 checha 86 Market Indexes By rmied Perm NEW YORK Jsa 34-Following are Btamiard A Poor! rtoalng alack Indexes (1938 average equals 700): SO 30 30 80 Xnda Rails Utils Starka Yesterday 4SSX2 0843 12951 S463I1 Week ana 47680 10100 13691 67610 Month SCO 48688 10438 13158 38134 Year ago 38633 9045 13499 39308 1955-58 High 48648 10633 13638 39658 1853X8 Low 35633 8733 13348 37457 Grains Hold in Narrow Range Waat Ad Department epea to Ids Deadline for daily paper II a same day at pnblica-tkm noon gatarday for Sunday editions Dial SOUL (OoaedaU day Snaday) 0 at" Lead 43 Boars-Roebuck 13 BUnmena Mnetalr Oil 83 Seamy Vacuum Bouthsru CA 10 Southern Par Reu Uwta Sperry Carp Studritakar -Van Camp jr Mat 816 OH at Ini M6 OU nf Htawart-Warner Sanrny OU Stone A Wcbatar Swift and 06 ChL SL Paul A PM 0 94 0 10 90 40 135 30 33 83 47 93 CHtCAGa As 31 CMW SMad in ip af Trada today Altar 9 OFFICES TO BETTER SERVE YOU opantne ataady the tnailut taanaaa Tatar I It atasaS a madarata rated tha ahaam rtflart-af hwiaaaaS bo demand la vlaw af caM waalhw hi the STOP 103 101 35 94 0 0 10 18 90 90 40 143 144 30 30 33 33 33 33 47 47 93 93 Carp 47 47 46 Tea Gal 80 SO 30 Texas CA 110 110 117 Timken II 04 04 tote Cm ros 93 93 United Air 33 30 Union carbide 104 106 104 United March A Mis- IS IS 17 Untan OU Calif 53 33 83 Union Parifle 115 173 173 United Aircraft 44 5 45 Pipe A Yriy 98 94 33 Rubber 31 51 30 Start Pf6 1W 1W 141 White Motors 37 Warner BmA 13 13 Wheriiac Start 44 41 87 37 37 90 90 90 Waotwerth 41 40 48 Ydunsatana SAT Zenith Radio lto 131 Ymtantay'a Sales BavM Tennessee Valley Bank Offices NOW Serving You As ONE! efro Bslasw your present policy pirw Opm Manta 300 May 300 SS IS! 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