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The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee • 13

Knoxville, Tennessee
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iggggjggflt ri- Joe Williams Says: Team to Open Series With Beckley Nine These Boys Form Nucleus for Stair Vocational Grid Team IfLV Wj ftzw LUBRICATION Is an Impsrtant fiats in piece ura ysu ft aut af drlvif ynur car and in the eafety and scan emy ef ita aparatian Wa lu-bricata avary aar like wc wauld aur awn Word Courage Too Loosely Used in Sports It Doesn't Belong in Net and Golf Games Budge is High Hat Ky '-iH WYLIE AUTO CO sr Elizabethton Shaded 3-2 In Title Game Homer a Does Trick v- 80S Cumberland 2- Williams 1 MEW YORK Sept Tennis observations think the word courage is too loosely used In this sport When Baron Gottfried Von Cramm the non-Nazi German came from he lost the first two to beat Bobby Riggs 19 year old sand letter from California Friday there was much emotional gushing about the qualities of sheer fortitude "Boy there's a game guy for you" exclaimed a gentleman who might well have been making the keynote speech of the day at Forest Hills where the National championships were in what the reactionaries call progress He went on to say he had never seen anything like it not for raw open-bleeding courage anyway Of course the quality of courage is susceptible to several Interpretations All of us are familiar with mental courage as die tinguished from biceps bravery I doubt that either is properly applicable to such comparatively placid games as tennis or golf I rather think these games arq more on the nerve control side Perhaps that's what the Baron had when he remained unperturbed and calmly confident in a crisis and fought his way back to enter the finals against Mr Donald Budge the American today We used to be able to reler to Budge casually and chummlly as the red headed rooster torchy eagle beak and the manly flame of wholesome but that was before he went to England and retrieved the Davis Cup The young man has suddenly become very superior You talk to his secretary now The white flannels have got him That usually happens when you change too quickly from overalls So It is now Mr Donald Budge Spwlal Ta Tha Xm-VatlaH PENNINGTON GAP Va Sept The Lee Bears of Pennington Gsp returned home tonight with the chsmplonship of the Appilach lan League and prepared for an-other title series with Beckley Va champions of the Mountain State League which is to open here Sunday Tha Bears captured the Appalachian flag in Elizabethton yesterday by winning the fifth and final game of the series 3-2 The victory climaxed a remarkable comeback for the Pennington boys making three straight wins after dropping the first two games of the series Games at Night The series with Beckley will be a seven-game affair All of the games at Beckley will be played at night Barker's home run with LuJack on first proved to be the winning run for the Bears It came In the fifth Inning Betsy followed with one run In the fifth but that ended the scoring for the day The veteran Red Welker started on the mound for the Bears and did a neat Job of holding the Betsy nine in check King the losing pitcher suffered a few bad breaks but turned in a good performance Arthur Manager Harris and Herndon collected two hits each out of four times at bat to aid the Bears' attack Lee centerfielder hit two safeties for Elizabethton Box score: Aiisnir i ik Siilt 4 i i i i Arthur 4 1 4 4 silts M-Creekey i Krhrwikc 4 4 1 4 4 'n" 4 I German Noblo Won Notable Vieto GETTING back to the Baron He put up a fine fight ai able victory And am probably making a seven star final bore 'feu 'AA' -Tv 'jir'i O' Vi of myself prattling about the finer shadings of the word courage But happen to remember when Max Baer the prize fighter took about fifty vigorous clouts around the head from Joe Louis who at that time was hitting harder than Dempsey ever hit just as hard and when Baer finally sat down and said Tve got enough" the customers gave him the Syracuse sneer and called him a cowardly bum on rye bread Well all I want to say is that I never saw anybody knocked out by a tennis ball though it may have been done and I will have to confess that I have seen William Tilden the second miss a shot at a critical moment and go walking around the court beating his bosom and seemingly suffering In a manner that made you feel there ought to be a law to protect people against the brutality of tennis So maybe it was courage the Baron had at that It may even have been the red badge of courage you read so much about Boron Lifted His Gome a Few Notches and Won A FTER the match talked with Mr Al Laney who has in some un-accountable manner been betrayed from a normal life into the business of exporting tennis matches seems unapologetic about it and he didn't mention the Baron's courage once He Just said the Barra was a better all around player and figured to win and did win and so what? Mr Laney pointed out that in the first set when Riggs looked as if he was going to blast the German noble right out of the stadium the Baron just the same was playing well enough to be within a point of winning four games To Mr Lanejr this was a tip off that all the Baron had to do in the succeeding sets was to lift his game a few notches and he was in Getting the Boll Over Net Is Essential ALL of this was not visible to the naked eye of your correspondent A (it is only at tennis tournaments where everybody wears panties that your correspondent goes in for nudism in any form) From where your correspondent sat which was mostly in the grill it looked as if the Baron was having one hell of a time getting the ball over the net your correspondent knows this much about tennis: If you do not get the ball over the net or do not ring the cane you do not win the cupie doll or the stuffed wire haired terrier Xawe-Kentlnel Plinlnerapha Using these seven boys es a nucleus Coach Hobo Thayer hopes to turn out a strong football team at Stair Vocational High School this fall At top left passing is Earl Edmonds of N-S Golden Gloves fame Top renter is Ferrell (Larry Kelley) Daniels end At top right is shown Alex White brother of the once famous Sheency White The four linemen shown at the bottom are the first suing guards and tackles Left to right they are: Jack Loy tackle Dewey Kirby guard Maurice Harbison guard and Alonzo Shoopman tackle Drive out today for our special Sunday Halo Lunch Put The Shine Back Have ll polished to Ita original gloss ORIVI IN AT ONCK CECIL McPherson SERVICE STATION fM Hrnlay at Cumb Dial S-Mta Car Caliad Fee Call Kaylor For exact duplicate parta ana aervico on all maka radioa ONE DAY SERVICE Come and see our new line of Erlnrude and Elto outboard motors and boats KAYLOR Radio Boat Co MM Dial 3-Z471 MODERN CARDIOLOGY By A HENDERSON Of Medical Arts Drug Co- Inc Heart disease has Increased during the past fifteen years due to fast living There are two kinds of heart disease That which results from infection sometimes traceable to scarlet fever diptheria infected tonsils or bid teeth The second is called "Coronary disease" the name meaning nothing to the average person is a "plugging of the nerve vessels that supply the heart with blood" Happily there Is always reason to hope for complete recovery Attacks are intermittent and at times it disappears See a doctor occasionally and follow his advice about emergency medicines and where to secure them This ta the 4th ef a eerie ef Editorial Advertieament appearing In this papar each Sunday iCopyrlfht) Vv Dr Chiunlcy Defends Cup Will Be Out To Continue Shooting Supremacy at Knox Club Dr I Chumley will be out to continue his skeet ahooting supremacy today at the regular weekly practire shoot at the Knoxville Rod and Gun club Firing begins at 1:30 Dr Chumley has topped all other club members at skeet for the past severs Iwecks Joe Kimsey is also expected to be on hand to defend the 16-yard trophy won by him last Sunday trophy will be at stake Walker club secretary said that visiting shooters are welcome to attend today'a event Major Loop Leaders Br rire Pr) Be Ml ejt Jftaw flak Am Ilf Ml 3M SIwte-K-k Card 133 113 I 3:4 Harrnen CM 1 JI jt Bavr Pirafva 111 i 43 Gehrlc Vaeki33 a 131 177 Jit Mem Rlai asnKsr Pen R4 Boa Tork Tiaera Rue Betted le I1'! Teekee in k- 1 Dicker Tiekers 333 viw Gchrmtar Tivt Prttakle till iaH Bilker Tltvra Karl Davis Returns To Lyric Mat Friday 4 fit rvl 1 SL a McEvcrs Eleven Meets State Specie I The Keef-Sealleel DAVIDSON Sept When Coach Gene McEver springs hia new and dazzling Big Apple against Doc Newton's State Wolf-pack in the (reensboro stadium next Saturday night football fans will see some fancy steps that may make them forget old Masse Newton's famous secret antihuddle signals that State College has crowed about so lustily of late The gate at Richardson fielt are locked tightly these days and no one knows Just what the former Tennessee All-American halfback has up his sleeves Alternate-captain Teeny Lf-ferty will start in his back position for the Wildcats while as yet Captain Bailey Williams remains a doubtful one His in jured ankle stiU gives him a great deal of trouble Dave Warden who last week was forced to undergo the knife definitely will not play against the Wolfpack I comfort and beauty when you call a Villianous Matman Matched Against Danny O'Connor in Main Bout ot American Legion Card Wrestle Royal Winner Vies With Babe Zaharias Earl Daria one of the most hated villains in the wrestling game will return to Knoxville Friday night to meet Dan O'Connor Irish star in the headliner on the American Legion card at the Lyric theater Matchmaker Joe McDonald announced O'Comvoi Is quite a villain Stair Squad )pens Slate With Powell Vocational High Eleven Journeys for First Grid Battle Stair Vocational High School unrepresented on the gridiron in two years returns to the football wars Thursday Journeying to Powell Station to meet Coach A Haworth's eleven Coach Hairy (Hobo) Thsycr after working his Stair gridders daily for the past three weeks states that his team is rapidly taking shape However he points out that his team will be green and inexperienced end that he doesn't hope for a world-beater Picks StsrUng Team "The spirit of the squad is good" Thayer said "Of course we will drop a few early season games but think that by midseason I will be able to put a good club on the field" Powell will big favorite In Thursday's game Coach boys opened their season last Friday by taking a 7-to-0 decision from Sevierville High Reports are that they looked extremely good Captain Needham is the wheelhorse of the team The Stair mentor said Saturday that he has a tentative first string team lined up which he will start against Powell At ends will be Homer Anderson and Ferrell Daniels Alonzo Shoopman and Jack Ley tackles Dewey Kirby and Maurice Harbison guards Hugh Jones or Woody Smith centers: Earl Edmonds quarteiback: Alex White end Leon Burnett halves and Leon Burnett fullback Burnett Returna The return of Leon Burnett 175 pound halfback has heartened the squad Burnett has been In Ohio and it was feared that he would not be back The Stair eleven will be weak on reserves Thayer said The coach stated that It appeared that the eleven starters would have to play practically all of every ball game Wheat HI eh now playing man football caused the Stair schedule to be re-arranged The schedule es it now stands: Srt piiwfii at Powell S-pt rathollo Htak hero rCojnroIl) Or i Maryville ot Marjrvlllo Ort Hell Htak there Ort Karas Jrlllra pmdlnv Ort Clinton nr Chllkow pvn4ln Ort Whlta Plat (Rrplarlns Ctill hew) Kev I Srvlrrvlllr thora Nee Pprlaa Cltv there ffev la er Thaekislrlnt Tseng High reading Los Anceles I Ins Young Ball Club Bv WA Isvelpa LOS ANGELES Sept The Ios Angeles Angels nave one of the youngest teams in the history of Double A baseball The present local Pacific Coast League representative has five regulars only 21 years old or 'under Brash Youngster From Coast Wos Tough was a surprise none the less to see the Baron sweating aristocratically to stay in the tournament and I suspect one of the reasons he was looking so bad in the first two sets was that the brash youngster from the Coast was making him look bad by comparison Riggs was covering more ground than a December snow and he was making shots that would have made Annie Oakley throw down her old musket and shriek for a fierce barrage There was a lot of authentic suspeiue In the match Riggs looked as if he had sufficient ammunition to win And this was a surprise to the critical gentry They hidnt suspected he was as good as he looked And as long as he continued to look that good nobody could confidently string along with the Baron who was the money choice in the mutuels the books and the press box So the suspense grew Would Riggs be able to keep it and what would the Barra offer in rebuttal if anything? The Baron Woi the Better Player A It turned out the Baron was the better player He had more court is savvy more poise and more telling shots He took the third set a critical set for him well IH have to go expert on you now In the fourth set the count was two games apiece with the Baron serving (In tennis you know the advantage la all on your aide when you are serving) In the fifth game with the Baron serving Riggs won This looked like the vital break He had trumped the Barons ace at a dangerous stage and was out In front If he could hold this advantage he'd win the set and be in the finals But he didn't hold it In the next came the Baron cam back and broke through Riggs' service to even the set This discouraged the youngster He was through The Baron took the next three games and the set The following set was an anti climax as well as an anti-Riggs The match had been won and lost In the fifth end sixth games of the fourth set Well ask somebody who knows then smart guy! Taut a FIIZ A RETHTOSf AS Hada-at Ik 1 ftonian Ik a a a 4 4 rt 4 4 iMthan a 1 i a A prawn tC 4 a Lai hen Sk 4 a ftnark aa a Wir'd a a a 7 IT 14 1 11 ro a'k 1 1 anas a a 1 a a lass a 1 a a a a a a a ilia 1 a 1 a Totala IS 17 14 4 Fvr by limtafi: r-nalnrtna Gay 1a I Cimbrthian iaa aia Summary: Kuna tailed Harr la Rarhar I Hwrk Lm Twa baa Laibaa Rwk Harrla Hama Barker MrrlflcM (Cat aar Beniaa Latkaa aaw nnarr OVn'Vg Had aa T)ouhla plays i Harrla ta Halana ts Hndaa Is B-atnn Kaiaar In Lu-ack Lan an baa- Pan- nlnjKM Oay Elliaharkan 7 Buna an Waikar 4 Kina drlka Walkar 1 Knit I Hira a-f Waikar 4 ta 4 l-S: Kallr ta I -I Wlantaf pitahar Waikar Powall sad ZtakML Tima haura Old Wcstbury in Polo Win Team Turns in Smashing 16-3 Victory to Gain Semi-Finals By HENRY SUPER Tnltad Crm Staff Cormpandant WESTBURY Sept 11-Old Westbury's purple-shir ted riders swept into the semi-final of the United States Open Polo championships today with a smashing 16-3 victory over one of the most decisive triumphs ever scored In the 36-year history of the tournament With a capacity crowd of 5000 Jammed Into Hitchcock field hard by the famed Roosevelt Speedway the 31-goal Westbuiy four used power and more power to subdue a team that was whipped cold five minutes after the game began Old Westbury co-favored at 3-1 with Argentina's famed Sen Jose riders qualified to meat Templeton in Wednesday's semifinal Templeton drew first round bye Tomorrow San Jose feces Aurora The winner of the match meets Green tree champions for the last two years In a semifinal on Thursday The survivors favorites are San Jose and Old play for the title next Sunday ECONOMICAL HITTING Rudy York sensational rookie slugger drove in 83 runs with his first 90 hits tamer" said McDonald "He has beaten Cowboy Liuttrall and other mean matmen here When Davis wired that he would like to return here this wreck the first man I thought of as his opponent was O'Connor The Irishman declared that he was glad to get a shot at Karl here This should be one of the most entertaining matches seen in a long time" McDonald is bringing the Wright brothers Rube and Jim back Friday night Rube who won the "wrestle royal" Friday night when he beat rcie Schuh two quick falls wil tangle with Babe Zaharias who is considered the most improved wrestler in the game The fur should fly in this brawl since Rube 240-pounCrr In quite capable of taking care of himself against the nnigh Greek It will be the semifinal Jim Wright who teamed with Rube In helping hia brother win the "wrestle royal" will be pitted against Bog Wagner In the opener Wagner was disqualified in his match with Wright Friday night and Jim is anxious to get another chance at him McDonald stated Ladies' night will be observed again Service latter being being the first Cumberland Valley Conference tussle Aside from these formidable opponents Hazard Danville and Middlesboro spotted as the favor-ites In loop competition this season will furnish Coach Meadors with plenty of wronry Other teams against which Corbin will be conceded an even break are Barbour-ville Benham and Lynch Cummins and Holman two lads who showed fight and courage last season will probably be starters In the ball-carrying personnel according to Coach Meadors Plugging up the holes In the line will present a headache Sproles a 229-pounder may atart at one tackle but the guards and one end still remain a problem Corbin Eleven Is Problem New Coach Must Form Team With Only 7 Letter-men Shrill The Kr-Srttal CORBIN Ky Sept Facing the loss of a coach who has Siloted them to four conference ties during the past eight years and an even dozen lettermen Corbin High School's Redhounda make their debut here Friday night under the bulbs at Legion Park against the Jacksboro Temu eleven Only seven lettermen remain as a foundation upon which the new mentor Ted Meadors must construct a combination to compare with the past record of the teams trained on tha gridiron of thla city The aurvivors are Ernie Prewitt halfback A rile XJoyd halfback Charlie Bill Walker and Bobble Root tackles Roscoe Cummins guard Larry Ramsey center and Willard Ellison end Following Jacksboro comes three not-at-all breathers in Somerset Lexington and Pineville the "DIAL: Wisconsin To Be Without Captain Sr SEA Snrtr MADISON Wis Sept The University of Wisconsin football team will have no regular captain for the first time since 1891 when the sport was adopted here Instead Coach Harry Stuhldre-her will name a leader before each game and the regulars will elect an honorary captain at the end of the season 2 1189" YELLOW CAB Our ARROW Gordon Shirt is a winner on seven separata counts: ARROW the slerleit collar on any shirt the favorite young man's fabric 1 the Mitoga form it tha neatest shirt design ever developed it is Sanforized-Shrunk a new shirt if one ever shrinks IS Correct either in plain or button-down collar enjoy the beautyand comfort of new cars and appreciate the courteous service you get when you Bent RADIATORS 7 a da) -hi day-out bargain at 2 STREET FLOOR con bo rebuilt ond repaired to look and work like new ones Get our prieo first Estimate free! Dial 3-5151 Pryor Brown Transfer Co QUALITY BODY CO COCKRUM LUMBER CO MARKET AT CHURCH Ill Tin Near Corner Central tt II Sf 4.

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