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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 2

Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BYTrmTBLBORAPH PRINTING CO FRIDAY OCT. 20. to die several times, yet I am spared to tell how 1 was saved," writes Mrs. A. A.

Stowe, 237 N. 4th San Jose. Cal. "I had valvular heart trouble so severe that I was pronounced 'gone' two different times. The valves of my heart failed to work properly, and circulation was so sluggish that the slightest exertion produced fainting.

'There is no hope' said my physician, so 1 decided to try Dr. Miles' Fieart Cure and the result I consider miraculous. I am satisfied it saved my life." OK. MILES' Henri Cure sold by all druRRists on Ruarantce first bottle benefits or money tmck. Book on heart and nerves sent free.

Dr. Medical Company, Elkhart. Ind, THK British garrison nt Vryburg, or the border of the Trnnsvnl, evacuated the town, nnd It was soon aftorwart's occupied by the Boers. There are no doubt greatly exaggerated, to the effect that 1,500 Boers were slain at Mnfeklng by coming In contact with dynamite mines, purl of Ihe defense of the plnce. THK prosecution ngalnst old mnn Jester rf stcd Its case yesterday.

ter's attornejs nt once announce! that they would make no defense They evidently thlnit that sympathy for the man on account of age ant feebleness will be more effectual us defense than any other course. FROM the noise that Billy Brynn has made about plutocrats and tJiuHI-mll- would not be supposed that he would have anything to do with the tribe. Ho Is, however, traveling through Ohio with one of them, Johr R. McLean, who besides being the Democratic candidate for Governor of tbatrKato, Is worth froti) fifteen to twenty millions, and a more unscrupulous man In the use of his money does not exist anywhere. TEMPLE THEATRE.

2-BIG OCT. 21-22. SATURDAY and SUNDAY. Tho OrlBlna! Irish Comodtnn, ft. 11 BARNEY FERGUSON, In bin Coraoiiy Biiconnn, "McCarthy's Mishaps." Supportnd by MARGUERITE FERGUSON, Tho Clover Comndlonno, And strong company.

The longest Laugh of the Season More now fpalurnn, Sweet Blnuem, Dainty DnnnorB than yon have over seen with one company.) No Irnisfl In pilcoB, A Dollar Show for only 25, 35C and 500. Beats now on sale Cor both nlKhlB. Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 23-24. Direct from Grand Opero llouso, Ht.Lonlfl J.Duko Murray anil Howard I-onn England'a Latest Dramatic Success An Original Drama In flvo Acts Entitled LONDON LIFE A Story of Hymathy and Mirth.

A Revelation In Hoa lum. A Grand Hconlo Production. Reproducing IXmdon's FamounThoroiighfaros: Fleet Street, Piccadilly, The Thames Embankment, London's Famous Pawn Shop. Tho CoBtonnoncors' ChorlBtorn Tho Nowshoy Nlghtlngalea, Tho Gardner llro h'irs. An Excellent Company of Artists.

Bring the Children to Baby Primrose, Little'Master Martie and Little Dick Gardner, Greatoet Dancer. Soc, 3SC, and 250, A Guaranteed production. KoaU on Hitle. SKNATOII McLnurln, of Houth Oaro Una, Senator Morgan, of Alabama, and ifX-Gov. S.

J. Hogg, of Texas, al! Southern Democrats, are strongly In favor of retaining the Philippines Hogg Is the mann who killed Judge Van Wyck'a boom for President at the Tammany Fourth of July celebration by mentioning Bryan's name. There is a very strong sentiment among Democrats In favor of retain Ing the Philippines, notwithstanding Hilly Bryan's opposition. HEAR CARL In hlu address before tho anti-Imperialist mooting In Chicago, this week, asked for an armlnllce In the I'hllllplnoo, coupled with a proposition that "PresI dont" Agulnaldo be allowed to form a government If lie can, and that the United States prevent foreign nations from Interfering with "President Agnlnaldo's charitable work. In other words, the United Btatof wll stand guard while '-President" Agnl- naldo conquers the rebellions tribes and brings them to his standard.

This IB statesmanship according to Hchurz, TUB Illinois Supreme Court has given the trusts a body blow. Yes terday the court set aside a deed for the sale of a sugar plant In Peorla to the American Glucose company. The court ordered the Circuit Court of Peorla county to Inane the necessary papers to carry out its decree. The court held that foreign corporations were amenable to Illinois State laws, and that, nnder the law of 1891 the purchase of the Peorla plant by the American Glucose company was illegal and void, This I will enable the Illinois State authorities to strike the trusts hard and often. SALE.

STATE OP ILLINOIS, Madison county, City ot Alton. In the City Court of Alton, Soptomoor torm A.D., 1890. TUfl Alton Oormanla Build-1 iDg and Loan Aseoolatlon I Ot Alton, llHnoln I In Chancery. BUI T8. to foroolOBO tnort- MlnsL gavo V8.LlllleBrook8and I Brooks Lnoy Brooke.

KAIHEH WIUIKI-M, of Germany, notwithstanding the Anglo-phobia fover now raging In his realm, will soon visit his grandmother, Queen Victoria. It la supposed that grandson Willie la going to cross tho channel to make his peace with grandma, tho old lady never having quit? forgiven him for sending a telegram Jof congratulation to Ooru Paul two years ago on some matters in which grandma and the Boor President differed. Grandma administered such a rebuke to grandson Willie at that time as to have been a salutary lesson to the young chap ever since. IM CLEAN Carpets, Clothes AND WITH H. and You can always get it at 110 West Third Street.

'PUONK NO. 110. UPPER ALTON. Social and Personal -Muilcal tventi-Sur- veying for the New Stieet Improvements. I Pabllo notice In hereby glvon, that, In nurau- tnoe of made and entered by aald court la entitled cause, on the 21th day of October, A.

1869, Levl D. In Chancery of the said City Court ot Alton, Illinois, win, on SATURDAY, THK TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. 1890, at thoJiour o( 10 o'clock In tlie forenoon, at the north front door of the City Hall building In tho ally of Alton, county of Madleon and Bute on Illinois, Boll at public auction, to the hlguoat and beat bidder, (or caah, all and singular, tho following described premlBOH nnd real estate In decree mentioned, situated In the county Ot Madlnon and State of Illinois, or BO much thereof ai shall bo euniolont to satisfy aald dot All of. lot numbered twenty-two (22) In block number twenty-four (24) and BOVCD and half foot off of tho south xldo of lot number eleven (1U In block lumber twenly-nvo (26)1 said lot No. 11 adjoining mild lot No.

23, ill In 0. M. Adams' addition to tho city of Alton, In tbo county ot Madison and State of 1111- Upon tbo compliance ot tho purchaser with til the terms of sale; and upon the approval by the court of the Master's report of Bale heroin, the undenlgncd will deliver to tho purchaser oertlUoato ot purchase antltllng such purchaser to ft deed ftt tho expiration of nfteou months unleas redemption bo sooner mado of said prop 21th ot i D. In Chancery of tho city court of Alton 'Illlnoli Notice is Hereby Given 'To oil perions lotorofllod, that the City Council iy the oltyof Alton, In Madison county, and 7V', State Of ininolfl, having ordered that Washlng- it's' ton Mreet bo paved and Improved from tho MUhourb line of Jioiza street northoauterly along laid Washington street to the olty llmlls, the ordinance tor the same being on ale In tho Office of the City Work ot tho ol'y ot 'ton, and having applied to the County Court ot ill Utidlion county. In the Btatj ot Illinois, for an MlaMnuntot tnecostti of said Improvement jaooordlng to beneHta, and an assessment thore- of having boen made and returned to said Court, We flnal hearing theroon will be bad on the FX DAY OF OCTOBER, A.

10., J6W, rMHOOn thereafter as the business of the will permit, All persons desiring may file okjuotlons In ourt before aald day, and may appear on ng and make Uiulr dpfcnHO. irtlier Htatcd tliat tho aeeoas- Jmproveinant IB payable in IIvo tnnual IneUllraonUi: tho firm matullinonl Is payable January ill next after oonflr- of tha assoBBuiont, and tho second one year thereafter, and no tn an- until alfaro paid, oaoh of uald Install- after tbo flrnt, bearing In ereut at tho 9 par oant per annum. jS SlARLBl'aTsCHI UETER VIlAnullid ot Bpeolal Amcsumonu. SeatOe nod Tfl, Pot. and 10.

Return rratM to Puget Bound. 1 to llmiti, routM.ito. ureli.inu UvUIni' no Curl trltlcltm or Lincoln and Mo Hlnley. Carl Soburz IB now engaged in fiercely denouncing Preuiden McKinley. Us donounoos tbo war in the Philippines ae MoKlnloy's war.

His venomous tongue baa wagged against every President freely for forty years. No, there was one exception, that of President Hayes, who had provided Bohurz with a good fat berth in the cabinet. In the darkest days of the war Soburis denounced Lincoln as in competent), unlit for the high offloe he held, and for having appointed Democrats to command divisions of the army. Sohurz in November, 1602 wrote a letter to President Lincoln, uttering the bitterest and most malignant of his complaints. The President replied.

Below Is the first paragraph of Mr. Lincoln's reply, which would have crushed any other man bat the waspish Sohurz: WASHINGTON, D. Nov. 24,1882. Bir: I have just received and read your letter ot the 20th.

The purport of It is that we lost the late elections, and the administration is falling because tho war is unsuccessful, and that I must not Hatter myself that I am not justly to blame it. 1 certainly know that if the war falls the admlulatratiou falls, and that I will bo blamed for It, whether 1 de- servo it or not. And I ought tn be blamed if I could do better. You think 1 could do better, therefore you blame mo already. 1 iiilnk 1 could not do better, therefore 1 blame you for blaming me.

1 understand you now to he willing to accept the help of men who ttru not liepublioans provided they have "heart In It. Agreed. I want no others. But wh it to be the judge of hearts, or a "heart in it." III muac discard own judgment and take youra I mus" also take that of others, aud by the time I should reject nil 1 should advised to reject, I should have nan left, Republicans or others, not evei yourself, far be assured, my dear sir there are men who have "ueart In it' that think you art) performing you part as poorly as you think I am per forming mine. A.

LINCOLN. For forty yeara Sebum has been i fault-Under, grumbler uud scold. No one Is right but himself. lie has been in bvery party, and generally with tho one that paid the highest) for bis services, Uedenounced Lincoln; lie abused Grant; he spoke for Hayes at for each address, and was made Secretary of tho Interior. Ho was for Cleveland la IBM, in 1888, and In 1802.

Be left the Demoorats in 1800 and spoke for sound money to much for each address. MoKlnloy did not appoint him to oilloe, aud today his tongue is going as freely ost UoKIuley as it) did 83 Mies Alice Swlaher entertained a few of her friends very delightfully last evening. The evening was spent In a pleasant way and a dainty luncheon was served. Those present were Miss Qenevieve Webstar, Mr. Tom White, Miss Dora Messenger, Mr.

Oarey Haynoe, Misa Marie Wood, Mr. Abbott Sherwood, Prof. Meyer. Miss Edith Louise Pratt, formerly a vocal tenoher In Shnrtleff College, is now in Europe studying vocal music. Helen Gilbert will favor the Alpha Zeta literary soolety with a reading at their meeting this evening.

Dr. Burnap and Herman Moore were hunting squirrels about Dorsey Station yesterday. Mrc. Mary Harrison IB etlll very III at the homo of Mrs. Tltoheual.

Mrs. J. A. Large hut returned from her visit to Bethalto. Miss Bchlelds came In last evening and this morning departed for her home In Kansas.

Mr. 0. B. Johnson is spending a few days in town. Boone Allen.

ot Texas, Id visiting bis father here. The African Baptist church will have song service Sunday afternoon, 8. Burdlok, director. The W. M.

A. cadets look quite pretty in their new uniforms, wnloh arrived yesterday. James Kelsey, of Bethalto, was in town today. Mrs. Hart has returned to her home In Chicago, after making an extended visit with her brother, Ed.

Badley. Mr. Fred Leonard, of St. Louia, is visiting here. Mr.

Harry Brown, of Columbus, has come to attend the W. M. A. Mrs. Winchester, after visiting her brother, Mr.

Ed. Badley, has returned bo her homo in Bunker Hill. The Ladles Aid held a very Interest- Ing session with Mrs. Bunker, yesterday. Plans for a church fair were discussed.

Qeo. Dlxon began the survey authorized by the town council, today. Mrs. Ed. Klehl, of Melville, is DK relatives here.

Mrs. John Leverett will spend Saturday afternoon at the library in Alon, Issuing tickets to associate mem- iers of the Domiaant Ninth Chorus. Mrs. 0. B.

Rohland is very busy ro- tearslng the professional quartette for the first Dominant Ninth Concert, 1'h(- flvpmiw ntintml eort per pupil for In tlir CUIcngo high is It Is itntwl tlio extension of flm naf.K iHlnnil roml from (Jowrk- to Slbloy, will lie followed liy nn extension or the llurllUKtoti, Cednr Hnpltls nml Northern from Sioux Tnlls westward Into South DnUoln. Hohert nnd Mnrln Chatham Imvo enlned their suit In the Han Mftteo rotmty, superior court, to hn con- Hldereil the children of the Intn pnpltnl- 1st, Holier) Mills. The nrimml incclliiB of the Ohio Vnl- ley Improvement nssoclntlon convened nt Louisville. In report to the ivnr deportment IlrlKiidler (lenernl Thomas M.

Anderson, eoimnrtmlliiff Hie department of the Inkes, siiys I'ort Bherldnn, In KOIH! condlUoii, Imt In opinion loo expensive for pnrrlson, I'rlies fnnhlurwblo London tnurntits nru Inerenshm gradually. Yellow fever reports: At Key West, seventeen cnncs; DO new c.nses, no denllis HI New orlrnnsj Mlninl, Ix-eri placed mide.r tjnnrnnttiw. Oscnr J'Jverhnrdt, musician, shot Ills wife ill-art nt New Orleans nnd fn? MII.V shot himself, Tim fmiious Innd OOHO, which hits been Iti I town Blnce 1805. hns been bv (ho lown supremo court In fnvor of Uforijn It. I'l-nrHons nnd his bmlher, I).

I'enrRons. tin- Illinois mllllonnlro. Klectrlclly Is HiiRKi'Hlt-rt ns substl- for the guillotine In Krnnce. "Bob Peter to Paul." That la what they do who take ntlmnlantu for weak nervei, Hood's Sarsauarllla gives true nerve strength. Hay Wanted! Proposals will be received by the City Clerk for twelve tons of No.

1 bay for the Fire Department. Bids to be left with City Olertr, and be opened at 2 p. ra. Oct. 21at.

L. FAHKIO, Chairman of Fire Dep't Com, WORST KIM OF CAM. WE WILL TEll YOlTif VOl) Will BE- IIEVE IT. The Experience of Well Known Persons Ought Sorely to be Convincing. We ask you to rend tho following statement from a well known citizen of Ottawa because he Buffered from one of the worst kinds of cases of backache and kidney disorders and was cured by Ihe use of Morrow's Kld-ne-olds.

If jon ore In the least way troubled with a weak back or disordered kidneys, use Morrow's Kld-ne-olds; thoy cure every time. Ileve what John Hnrdlon, who Is a tailor by occupation, has to say: "I have been a reoldent of Ottawa for over 2fl years. ft Is no secret among my friends that I have had fearful trouble with my back; my condition baa been no serious at times that 1 have not been able to sov on account of the troublesome pain In the small of my back tn the region of the kidneys. I have been treated for this trouble, but the best I got out of It was only a few years relief, until I got a box of Morrow's Kid-ne-oids and used them just us directed, and today I stand a well strong man." It is our aim to help the sick and for that reason we publish the statements of people in different parts of tbo country who have used Kid-ne-' olds for backache, sleeplessness, nervousness and urinary troubles, that the afflicted may know that there is a remedy that will cure such ailments. Morrow'sKld-ne-olda will positively cure, a trial convinces.

Kid-no olds are put up in wooden boxes which contain enough for about two weeks' treatment and sell at BO? at 8. H. drug store. Descriptive booklet mailed upon request by John Morrow Ohem- lits, Springfield, ohjo, THE WINNER. To Cure La Grippe in Two Days take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.

All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. W. Drove's signature IB on each box. 25c. The most stubborn cases of bronchitis succumb to Ballard's flore- hound Syrup.

Price 25 and 50 cents For sale by E. Marsh and 8. H. Wyes Chamberlain's Ready-for-nse buckwheat (lour Is always standard, ask your grocer for it, It Saved Hrr Life. Miss Mamie Smith.

Middleeboro, writes: My little slstor bad the croup very bad. I gave her several doses of Foley's Uoney and Tar and she was instantly relieved. It saved her sale by E. Marsh and 8. H.

Wyss. Illtf uinviitor (luHtroyoil. New UnglniKl Inui.tlVi 1 I'lrviilor, Nllnatml nl Koi'ly- nlntli nl red anil llunimi MVIMIIIC, KIs (hill, was'il hy liiv early in Ilic iniiniliiK. Tin- Is Tlir a niiiipanillvcly new unc. wan I he jirnpi'i'ly of Uixier it Hooper.

It liml iv eniwclty (if 150 ears ilay. There bushels of wheat in (ho Btnielnrtt. These Is more catarrh in this action of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional creatmenc.

Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaepoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.

They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHUNKY Toledo, O.

Sold by druggists, Hall's Family Pills are the best. Aonrcand RHEUMATISM rollovod tin lilies' Narvo I'liuUira. oaaaoa. tho tor sick Inclines pld Ilvor, and cure heartache, JtiunUIco, tlon, eta. They ure In- vulualilu to prevent cold or braik up fovor.

Mllil, certain, ttioy nro worthy. your Purely vvftulnble, they rim he tiiken li.v rlillilren or delicate women. JVIi e. nlnll medicine deulern or by mull nT I'. J.

jlool) A Lowell. MHHH. No. 416. AN ORDINANCE JONTITL1S1) An Ordinance to Annex Certain Territory to the City of Alton.

GUI' SIIAMItOCK. pi'tiiicHi in liy not less Hum lecul vulerx ri'NlilliiK In Ihe leiTllor.v lierelmiller tle- HiTlheil anil nlHii NlKiieil liv Hie uf mil K-MN thiin three-l'iiiit'lliH In value of I lie prop, erly In Hitlil letTllnr.v IIIIH been III'I-HI-IIUM to Hie I'lly'nl'Alton, In Hie of MilillMin anil Nluleiir HllnolH, iiravlni; Iliul the xalil I'liy u-iiuld iituii'X lliuNiilil Tenltory Inxalil nt' Allnu; unil, wltereiiH the Haiti territory IH eolll JKUOIIH lo natil ('II of A I ton, anil IH not I'inliriieeil the nnills thereor, therefore, lie II onlalncil hy thel'llyI'oiiiiellorAllon: St-ellim I. 'I'linl the fulimvlliK ileiiertlnul territory ami real eHtate, lo-wll: lleuliiiilnit al Ihu north-went enruer of Hecilon IS, TmuiKlilp .1, ruiiKUU, W. Thlnl I'. theliee eiiHl itloni.

the Neellon Hue between HeetloiiM 7 anil IK, Mill llnkH lo the eiml Hlile uf a eoiin- ly mild, Ihe unlit point lielnif Hill llnkH iil'tlie'i Herllou I'orner between Hoetlon 7 unit IX, llietiee Kinilli itloiiK the eiml Hlile of tmltl eomil.v nuullMI woHl nlotiu (lie enHl. Hlile uCrmltl roml IWfi MnliH In the nni'lli nlile of the Milton roml, thein-e miiilh sir 1 eaul ahuiK Hie north Hlile nfiiilil Alllinn roail Jtm feet, thenee reel In the Houlh line of the rltjht of of the ('. A It. It. unil llui norlh-eiiKt eorner of the Simularil till lanil, Ihenee Niinlh iilmii; (lie eaHl Mm 1 of the Hlaihlaril iill luiiil KI7 feet tu the Himili- eiiHt eorner tif nalil land, tlienre went Ihe Hiilith line of Hahl Hluiiilliril III! Com- IIIIII.V'H hinil 117 feel lo Ihe eiml line of eoiinly roail, Ihenee Hiinlh nliinu 'Halil eiiHl line of Ihe ronnly roail to mark In Ihe norlli-u'eHl- aloiiK llwi north hank of milil lllver al low waler mark to Ihe tlnuofKeellon IH.

T. Alt. Tlilrd I 1 (lie Hume heliiK Ilie euut hounilrv line nflhe preHenl IlinlU ol'lhe Clly of Alton, Ihenee nurlli on Nithl wont line of Heel Ion IK, to pliu'e of hruliinliiH; MlUullril In the C'liinly ol'Maillson, nfovenalil, he unnexeil to the (')ty uf Alton, In the Coiinly ol Alaillmin unil Millie uf llllnolH, In iieeonlaneti wllh the he- lltlun of uwnei'tt Illvil III IhuUllleti of the Oily clerk. I'UHUCil In Ihe I'oiinell thU lUtli day of A. IWIl.

Apiirovmt liy the Mayor of tho Clly uf Alun Illh (lay urtlelohur, A. II4W. W. VOUNll, Mayor, JHKAI-I J'ATUICK tUty t-'lei'k. roil HATI IIUAY AMI (loil'l boil Aliun.

gift on rarth, a perfect HATUHDAV'S Oriinwa. Ilollcil Uiiu'lct. C'rviv. liluiDiiii. Mariniilaittf.

Coffee. SUNDAY'S DINNKlt. Poait HIUl o( Heef. Yurkuhlri! Hplnarli. Torn.

Haliul. I'K 1 (Icuyuro C'lu'cse. llrowu Dreuil uud Iliiller. Turllnli "1 I'lueoim. Tomato KaUil.

Ollvea. Halml. llruwn Ilivud will, Chwiw (Cunnnenlicrt), Iliteulii. Dry Bwcot lluller. nilAlll)KI(OII) OP and truu tho I.IUI'OMI an l( (or numlliiK ami waurn with wit mul pepper.

1'ut llu'ia a linking urouiid them Homo vca) and hako lln'in; then, when done, drain anil cut Into con- vcnlcnt plxeii. When the itoek IN eiO.I. Bklin nr7 the fat and pour Into a udd the tvlilto ot an cw and hull (III In redmed to a Jelly. Ilia iilK'txia on a dink, cut the Julljr into ormitou and place II around Iliein and (far- nUli with a Irw of water creiu ami lervo. 'I'lioniiiH II.

Ileeil, fornirr KpiMilji'i 1 of coiiKi'MK, IIIIN lieen ailinltloil to I hi' bur ol' New York. Ho liiluinln lo ivuliU' In New York oltv uoruuiuoiitlv. f'urinur Muniara lied KiilU, Oct. Ul), l''nuiU 10. Iliilioork, it riil'iuor reslillnc mile, uud ii luilf u'i'hl of town, immli'ivil lilx u-lt'o mul llii'i'd MOMS uud Ilien committed mil(fide nlioiil 'J o'clock In tin! nl'teniooil.

Tim iWil NVIIH cuuiuiltttHl wltli a (Urn- lilo liiiri't'l Hliolgnii. In cadi CIIHO Hull- cock Ihu uuiiiKlo illrcclly nt HIM licail or ol' hlH wife and clilldi'cu, (ilowliiK their iiniliiM out, nud tlicu pliiccd tint KIIII lit hU inonlli mid dlx- Clmrgud II. Huhcuvk W(iM Women Would Sure- fy Try Plnkham's Motllolnelf Thoy Only Know, Says King TO HKS. riNKIIAU HO, "Iain sn grateful to you for what Lydia 13. Pinlchuni'H Vi-getablo Compound hns tlonu for me that I fvt'l though I nnmt toll about A yeiir ago I WIIH taken very sick.

Pootoracoulildo mo no good only to deiulen tho pain wliiuh I hail almost constantly, I got sumo of your Compound und toolc ono bottlo uud received betii'tlt from it at oncu. I liavu takun it evur slnco ami now Imvo no liucliiiohe, no pain in my side and my stouitieh unil bowels urn perfectly well. I can honestly Kay that tlieruta nothing It. If I could only tell every wonmti how much good your mudU'Iuo IIUH iloni) me, tlitiy would mi rely try Aiu'iu M.KlMO, ATTLKUOIIO, MASS. The way women trifle with health shows a degree of intlilYcrcnro that IB pUHttindortitandliig.

IlupplneNMan.iltme- fllllH'KH (K'lt'tlll oil phyiilc'iil iieilllli; does a good l)ibt'iiMMiiaken womun nui'votiH, Irritable und Kiuip' plsli. Tho very effort of nlllug women to bo gtXNl-nuliired initlu'H them uur- vons. Write to rfi. rinUhnm, she will help you to health und ItapplneHH, togi'tMrK. advlco.

Her utidross In Lynu, For One Week. For One Week. REALIZATION SALE Too nuch Hot Weather. Goods Not noving Fast Enough. OUR STOCK TOO LARGE, Must be Reduced, Here are Prices that Should do it.

Black Dress Goods. 44-ln Mohair Realization Price, 25o. 46 in Fancy Brocades, worth OOo yd, Realization Price, 4io. 40-ln Black Orepons, worth 60o yd, Realization Price, 42o. 40-in Mohair Oropon effect, worth 91-00 yd, Price, 80.

43-in Black Wool Orepon, worth 91,00 yd, Heallaatlon Price, 45-ln Black Orepons, worth 91.35, 91.350 yd. Realization Price, 800. 42 In Black Orepons, worth (M.SQ yd Realization Price, 44-ln Flue Black Urepons, worth 82 00 yd, Realisation price, 91.49. Underwear. Men's Fancy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, worth 09a, Realization Price OOo.

Men's extra fine Hygienic Wool Fleeced Shirts aud Drawers, sold erywhere for 91.00, Realisation Price, 89o. Flannels. 42 In. Amana Borders Skirting Flannels, worth OOc realliatlon price 40o yd. 30 In Amana Fancy Flannels for baby saoqnea and shirt-waists, worth 6Qc realization price 860 yd.

Towels. One lot of Huck fringed towels worth 7)vj'o, realisation price So. One lot of Huck linen towela worth I5o, price 9o. One lot ol fine Damask extra size towel worth 40c, realization price 25o each. Blankets.

76 pair, extra quality, large-size cotton-blankets, worth 69o pair, real- liation price 49c pair. 10 8 all-wool grey blankets worth 93, realization price 92. Flannelettes. 1000 yds. of Fine Flannelettes worth 3 realization price Miscellaneous.

Ladies' Flannelette Night Downs, 50o. Extra good fleece lined Hone lOo a pair. Pins, a papers for So. Rubber Hair Pins, lo each. Curling Irons, 60.

Wide Taffeta Silk Ribbons, extra quatlty, aBo a yard. Bralnard Armstrong's File Silks, a skeins for lOc. Extra quality unbleached muslin, Go. a yard. Realization Sale.

Yon ought to know that when suffering from any kidney trouble that a safe, sure remedy is Foley's Kidney Cure. Guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by Marsh and 8. H. Wyss, Oeo.

F. Earth. White's dream Vermifuge is a highly valuable preparation, the prompltude of its action, of clearing the system in a few hours of every worm. Price 25o. For sale by E.

Marsh and 8. H. Wyss. I'renldent hi Wnfllijngtnn Afrnm. Washington, Oct.

Mc- Klnlcy mid party ronched Washington at nearly nn hour hohlrnl Hchod- tfini'. owing to tlolay ou Uiq in tliv Jialliniiii'o luiint'l. A Frightful Blunder. Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bncklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it.

Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Beat pile cure on earth. Only a box. Cure gnaraiteid. Sold by E.

Marsh, druggist. What stops Tain Pills. Chamberlain's (Jougn Kemedy has saved the lives of thousands of cronpy children. It is also without an equal for colds and whooping cough. For sale by E.

Marsh and 8. H. Wyss, druggists. Dr.BulIs COUCH SYRUP Will cure Tonsilitis and Bronchitis. A spceiOc for incipient consumption.

Doses small. Price 25 cts. nt rail Opening Announcement! Our new store has been opened to the public and we invite every one to come to see us and to look at it. We have reached the point where we must expand and have done it in good style. Our new store Is full of new goods that have been bought for cash and are being sold at prices that are exactly what will please the customer.

Our New Departure is Shoes. We are selling the very best shoes and want to be given a trial. Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Clothing and everything else are of the very latent styles and prices. C.A.VANPRETER Nuuhwest Corner Second and Ridge sts. UNDERWEAR! F.C.CORSETS MAKE American Beauties.



R. EXCUKS1UN RATES. Via Big Pour Route. Indlanupalla and return 23 Roturn limit Dot. 21).

Down KAMI vlii the Big Tour thti route of tbo fumoiiH KnlckurlHiekur Bpaolal 1 (Irient Bervlco overolTorcd to toe and 8lde. ThrotiKli Blocpora from Ht. IxmlstoNow York and Bosten via Now York Central. ThroiiK'i aleopera to Wuhlngton. reaching all tho buultaaad pleasure roaorlaot Vlrulnla.

Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Ribbed Vests, Pants 25c 35c 50c Union Suits 25c, SO, 75,1.00, 1.35 and $1.75 Children's Vests and Pants, all sizes and prices. Children's Union Suits 25c Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers 39c extra 48c 41 $1,1,25 75c Boys' Fleece Lined 25c GLOBE DRY GOODS 208 West Third Street. fine wool" Australian wool FOR THE SEASON OF 1899. Via C. A.

Route. Illinois Cbrlatlun lindeavor Union, Oct. Ill to Kioui'ulon tickets to Hoekford und return Oct. IB, 21. limit Got.

aid. Annual Convention W. O. T. Bontllo, Wanli.Out 'JitoSi-Exot'i'Hlon tlokotn Bt to Huittlo and return on Get, ID.

II and 11, Ho- turn limit Nov. 10 Hhoneet und qulokeat to the I'acldo northwuHt. Did You the tlmo to Colorado baa bunn greatly reduced? You can leave Alton vlaC. A. ni.

dally and arrive Colorado hprlnga 10 46 a. m. and Dauvur 11,10 u. in. next day.

Only one night out, Pullman rato from City only (3.EO. Reduood ratea now for round trip. Itate Kxouralonb to tho Wosl and Bouth Oct. 8 and 17 One fare iilua J3 to poln'a in Arkanaa, Colorado, Florida, Oeorgli, Idaho, Indian Territory, uentuuky, I-oulnl ana, Mlnnoaota, Koutnwoetorn Mlinourl, Nebraska, New Moiloo, Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, leiau, UUU, wtnoonaln, Wyoming, Alabama, lioturn limit 11 doya, Kor apply to (J. 0.

Morris, Agent. The additions and improvement made in our line of Stoves will prove a to our many customers. H. L. FLOSS, Third Street, Opp, Belle..

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