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The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas • Page 4

Leavenworth, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

189i THE LEAYEKWORTH TIMES: TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER I 1 away from Christ. Do not worship or IT IS AGREED. r4 i A prav to a Deing away on, out reuuso rr. i in Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U.

S. Gov't Report t.hnfc Christ la here with us. an ever nrpnon Saviour in everv hour of im "Up need. If we pay attention to the little temptations we shall not have v-a tn rontend with the erreat." Mitt JWfc-- Vt-v-r -'TU --vJ 1 BUT THE CONTRACT PROPER FOR Tnesdftv evenlncr the subiect win De THE BRIDGE 19 NOT SIGNED. "Christ on Trial," and the speaker nartienlarv invites the doubters to ail i ii ra RADWAK'S come out and hear the trial.

'A hU 31 CITY NEWS. THE BRID5E TH0D5H IS ASSURED. 1EADY RELIEF. What a Rush. Re- Thursday is Thanksgiving.

member the poor. ABSOLSJTSD FURS Wear a Rothschild overcoat and be It Will Take Much Longer, However, The Cheapest'and Best Medicine for Family Use in the World. as well dressed as any man. to Build It Than It Should Hava Wm. Wissler was 51 years of age yesterday.

So say the German Post. to! Restaurant keepers are always ready steak a man when he has money. Dona The People Who are Interested do not Like so Much Delay at Such a Tlma John Shannon, charged with aiding Sore Throat. Colds, Coughs, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Inflammation. Congestions, Influenza, U.

8 Convict Porter to eBcape, has The World Is Better for It. I l-- Vv LA. nr. uw WSO tMCdr CLAI been bound over to the U. S.

court. till $QUz'xpl ustott The world ia hetter because of such a rem.,..,i nrMthinsr. cured and Will Cly has been called in and will edy as Ballard's Snow Liniment, because this- article relieves it of much pain and misery, and we are thus enabled to eniov iia mis LW4-1 i dit if-fVcir; Only a few more of the complete his sentence in the county Wliivii prevented by PERSONAL. F.

E. Hunt is in St. Louis. Hon. Alex.

Caldwell has returned from the east. Hon. McCown Hunt was in St. Louis yesterday. Dr.

T. C. Craig of Easton is registered at the National. N. A.

Bid well of Roch ester, N. was registered at the Continental yesterday. P. B. Parker, assistant passenger After six months of needless delay jail from which he escaped before the afelitrjs keep.

brighter side. It positively cures all forms I of Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Headache, Sick Headache. Lame Back, all sores and wounds.

Cuts. Sprains, Bruises, Stiff Joints, Contracted Muscles. Poison. KniDtions. Corns.

election. the contract for the new steel bridge islet. The Union Bridge works of Radway's Ready Reliei Mr. John Loar who was injured by 1 -hiTV ri sTt t7 $2.98 Dress Patterns left. All of our Imported Nov beioe thrown from a load of hay New York doing the superstructure Weak Back.

and ail pain, and all inflama-tion on men or beast. Its the best because its the most Beware of all 4' AiK night before last is still in a very bad and the Missouri Valley Bridge com condition. 9 it, a vUtiP. Tnflamma- LOU I ni of tlie white Liniments which may be palmed otf I on you for Ballard's Snow Liniment. There is none like it, Soldbyilehl

Fifth and Delaware streets. pany building the approaches and substructure. Contractor Murphy and seven men l.iu.w. V- pita elties at sweeping reduc agent of the M. K.

T. was in the city yesterday. 4 fatiirrh. Ill Miirnut. loKK 'liiils.

ie The news seems to be positive, al were engaged yosterday in nzing up the road bed for the pneumatic street railway. l.ill nins. Fruot biU-s. Nervousness. plumbers should always be Jokes Rbout well leadtd.

though Mr. Tullock's clerks have had tions. The Dress Goods Ex-Warden John Smith came up from Columbus yesterday and for awhile visited old friends. Reports at a late hour were to the no news retarding it from Mr. Tul- effect that Mr.

W. II. Ralston was "tion of ihe MM to the part'r rt here the li ili I tr or pam ex-w. will ti" ryinfort. U. Kelief the onlr will innlanlly HtD Do You Know It? A common Couch is the most daneerone lock, who is in St. Louis. barely alive and that he could not The delay was needless, and has thing in the world to neglect; a slight hack department crowded every survive much longer. ing Co'igli is also very dangerous, as it al caused much ill feeling and disap ways leads to Bronchitis and Consumptions On account of the rally last even SOCIETY NOTES. Miss Mattie Shortriduc.

of Potter, is tLe Hint of Mis Jessie Cleavenger. Whitfield Diehl, of Kansas Ci'y, arrived here a few days' since on visit to htr nointment to our people, who had day. Bargain for every hoped to have the new bridge com uon neglect tnetn. in felecung a remedy for Coughs. Colds and Bronchitis, be sur-and get one that is not full of Opium and one that wiil not produce Constipation, Ballard's Horehouud Syrup does not consti ing the free lecture at Central Business college will be continued this and to morrow evenings.

Admission free. pleted by July 1, 1892. As it now is the bridge will not be completed be imtu. It iusUiitly relieves ami soon turea Rheumatism, Neuralgia Sciatica, Headache, Toothache, Inflammation, Asthma, Influenza, Difficult Breathing. body.

mother, Mrs. Ueo. Unimethua, The Misses Vinnie Harvey and Fannie Graha-'i left Monday evening for New ork Joseph Olivia was held in a bond of pate, remember this. It is perfectly harmless for children, and it's the most soothing and healing Throat and Lung medicine in fore the close of '93. and may not be $50 yesterday to keep the peace until the next meeting of the District ami other points in tue tt to spena tno winter.

he world. It cures Consumption. Coughs. before July '94. Colds, Sore Throat.

Asthma. Whooping I One vears's delay is a great ioas to Uougn. t'roup. Bronchitis. Hoarseness, bore Court.

Joe. Qiorgetta became hid bondsman. Mi-s Maegie McCormick. daughter of Councilman John McCormick. is to be married Thanksgiving Day to Mr, Fred Lungs, tickling in the throat and great Leavenworth, which cannot be esti mated.

The pontoon bridge was al strengthens' th f.nngs after Pneumonia. Beila Is the comet that came in 1858 Sold by Meld ASchott Cor. Fifth and Dela Luntfeago, Swelling of the Joints, fcchroeder. Mrs, Otto Saner, for the past three months ware streets. Was rendered already twenty-five years ago and is daily repeated by a large multitude of customers that JOHN SECKLER'S Tie DdIi Oae Price Cliir.

Oilers more solid inducements to their customers and guarantees better made, better trimmed and better fitting ways in the way and an obstacle which had blocked every attempt to before the war, which began in 1861. In 1860 the locusts were thick in the Pains in Uacic, cnest, or Limbs. the guest of her parents, A'r. und- Ads. F.

Huetgen, left Monday eveniug for her home at Denver. A ship always' looms up" in tlie distance build the bridge, It is said the pon in a sea yarn. woods and each had a on its wings. Talk about spooks! toon has made nothing and every honorable man will rejoice that the lWlwivnlf I1ielisaCure for every llrui-ws. It was tho A Sound Hver Makes a Well Man.

The trial of John Donovan and E. obstructionist has not profited by the A 1,1 lill.U 1 4 Vv! A.4 rirsl aim is vuij with jaundice, sick headache, bad taste in delav. Ferguson who are charged with having demoralized a Brighton Joint, will Small, mou tn, loul breatn, coated tongue, oyppep- But now is not the time to growl AMUSEMENTS. Miss Katie Emmstt. MisB Katie Emmett is billed to appear here Thanksgiving afternoon and evening in a new play entitled "Kil-larney." It i3 from the peD of Con T.

Murphy and will be given with the take place before a jury in Justice sia. indigestion, not dry SKin. pain back and between the shoulders chills and frver. The bridge will now be built anctthat TJI3ST REMEDY TVnt Inntmtlr stops the excruciatinc pains. i.

ftntl run- cuitKeHt lull. Franks' court this morning at ten SUITS AND OVERCOATS BDoedilv. sc. It you have any of tiiese symptoms your liver is out of order, and your blood is o'clock. Of course the men who first made it ilieluims.

Btoniach. towels, or slowly being poisoned, because your liver noHBible to do thin work are Mr. Miss Helen, daughter of Mr. and does not act properly. Heroine will cure any disorder of the liver, stomach or bowels.

same company and accessories with i ri. A I.I.Y. ha u. lirown. or ine t.uriins'ion aim lur.

404 DELAWARE ST. a water. ill. in a few linn- which it was given in New York City lias no equal as a liver Medicine. Price nunl.

1.1.1 K. (A)il A Cnliy.lf i. Mrs. Al. Cadahan celebrated her 8th birthday last evening by entertaining a number of her young friends, Kimball, of the Rock Island railroad coinoanv.

To them and their roads, miu rnlfillitt. in August. Among the company are and Delaware streets. rniiiit'liv. li.i.rM.lirn,.ll'rvoilies-.

such well known artists as George pleei.h wn M-k headache. littrrhuB.t.CollC, intrriiMl ImillS. wno had a happy time. The party Boniface, Frazer Coulter, Harry the people or heaven worm are unaer greater obligations than to all others. For Men, Boy's and Children than the whole combination of Competitors.

We have Men's and Boy's Overcoats for $2.50 HIGH GRADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS has always been our specialty. Our Overcoat we sell for $20, $23 and $25 are the Cream CO AND FEED YARD tasted from 6 to 8 o'clock. Malara in it Various Forms one main reason ior me xiuniDgion Leighton, Hubert S. Sackett, Thadde-us "Shine, Robert McNair, James I am now fully prepared to fill orders for Cured asd Prevented. The Art League exhibit attracts cohI, wood or feed by waaon load, car lots or Tuohey Thome, Annie Haine3, many visitors every day.

It is a quantity desired. I have been in the taking hold of the matter was the fact that the manufacturers and merchants of Leaven worth have been large business for rawir years and will at all times place where the mind may feast for Tlirwi not a rnnerliai ejit in the world wilirire i-ver iin.l Atiue ami ull other Oil 'ons. and other fevrs si.h-d T. Quickly as Kadwuyn Eliza Hudpon and Little Kate Eenne-teau. It is certainly the best company acciimmodaie my customers with the best patrons, and given them large lines of and cheapest, in the market.

at hours upon that which is beautiful a3 nature makes things beautiful. To that has ever appeared this coun my old stand Sio. 732 Cherokee street. freight. Ile.idr Kehef the rmtient seized try in an Irish play and that fact alone art lovers there are many things K.

not only rures Tno buildine ot tne onae win aia ANDHE GALENp. iuitil exposed to ma- iih A una. mil it iwu ought to bring a crowded house. these roads immensely and will do take 20 to Iiipial iwiix'in will, every mop in rerv niori in there that to not only attract but hold attention. Everyone who loves art should see the exhibit.

,1, i.f Readr Relief ill water, and more for the material interests of "The Calley Slave." Great Western stoves at Leavenworth than all other enter fny a i rai ker. hefore ouir out, tlity uruvent attacks. The following were the only cases nrises of the past ten vears. It was Reyburn Gird's. A large house greeted the Spooner company in the opera house Jast of High Grade Clothing.

Our Boy's Suits for $2.90, $4.50, $5 50, $6 75, $7.50, $9.00 and $10.00 are greatly admired Skates are presented with every Boy's Suit of $5.00. Our Silverware premiums are also greatly admired and appreciated. Join the throng and grasp the bargains which are offered solely and only at JOHN SECKLER'S THE ONLY ONE PRICE CLOTHIER, S. W. Corner Delaware Fifth Streets.

50 Cents cer Bottle. Sli 67 Druggists. sorely needed by the railroads, and night and the "Galley blave" was much more neeaea Dy ine Dusmess Builders. Attention. 607 Cherokee in the police court yesteaday morning: Geo.

Goodell, petit larceny, discharged. It was proved that ho did not steal an air brake from the Santa men of Leavenwerth and the farmers presented in a manner tbat pleased everyone present. To-night "Uncle Wonderful Prices AT Murray's Fair, This week. In mil-inery. immense asnnt-mfnt: trimmed hals from 95c up; unrim-niKl fur felt hnts from loo up.

Kid Ifloves. Fosters- Street. Julius Meincte has removed into his new ryrayiTaviTa" Ja of Platte county. Now, if Mr. Larle will build his road without delay, Josh Whitcomb" will be the attraction.

In tbis piece Edna May Spooner appears to good advantage store, o07 Cherokee street, directly opposite his old stand Builders in buying harawa-e of any kiud should consult ilr. i(eincke Sarsapariliian l'e, but fennd it; Samuel Jenkins, drunk, fined Nancy Hoy disturbing tho peace and discharging firearms continued to November 22. As forecasted in The Times about a making a grand oval belt line, north and south from Ft. Leavenworth to the penitentiary and east and west as "Tof." lor prices betore purchasing. He carries the latest stock of hardware of all kinds ia this city and gives special attention to the Resolyent.

at 50c a pair. from the river to the bills west, acircle which would accommodate manufac needs and wants 01 contractors. Ills new Sunday. store ia ouy unerotee street. THE GREAT BLOOD fURlFIER.

A fair audience saw Anderson's play "Kidnapped," Sanday ight and went away well pleased uth'the tures without end, and when the line is built, bring the manufactures here with their thousands of workmen, Reyburn Gird can sell For the Care of Chronic Disease. you a cheap stove or a Np. 4i IV.oiiiiiiiiUni Wrniful.i. ITnrkinz. entertaintment.

Rsal Estat. consuming every ton of coal for motive power that is mined here, we mav richtlv hope lor brighter and lr I'o'ukIi I 'unr niilH A ifi-eU'in-i. Uleedinu STOP'I'I STOP I stove for fair prices and th I.iiiiK". lift." awoilniK. jnmors, Iiui.m.

i. The toiiowmg transfers or real es home made. better time. week ago. Judge Ca'dwell has been aked by Nevman Erb to issue an order for the sale of the Wyandotte road, and the sale has been ordered, to meet a mortgage of 3J millions, in favor of the Farmers' Loan and Trust company.

Jay Gould and Russell Sage own 1,915 shares in the road. Suppose "Beila," the comet, that has been seen for several weeks, should drop near enough to touch the earth, how long would it take for it to do so, considering tho rotary motion of the earth and its progress along its 0 bit? If it did strike the earth what would be the atmospheric result? tate have been filed for record in the on 1 1 ilM-n tlie.iirx.iiarilhin Resfilver.t rial nil rMiie.lil sveiitM in tin; of rliri'iiir. tn'rofiilons, cixiiititiii iomil nml xkin 'lime the essence of all our hopes, and we trust no more delays will RIGHT HERE AND READ. Wall Paper, office of J. K.

Creighton, register of 4i'Kf. but is the only punitive curu for 1.MM1 actual rmmt of manufacturer's samples of ladies Mifte8nd baby's lovely hoods 111 new ttyle at 60c on the dollar. Turkey red percsles at 10c a yard. Lhi drt-n's white merino underwear Wc np iuldreu ad Wuol scarlet uudcrweur up. -adiesall wool regular made cashmere hose at 25c.

Immense variety of ladies aid children; wo il and silk mittens Bargains in co ton flannel from 4'cup In clothii department we offer good' Quality men blue denim overalls at 35c. All woji tilling Mississippi jans pants at. II 25. Men's heavy gray merino shirts and draw-- WALL PAPER Large stock of rewslyle'i now in luree sr" Uctipns at 5. 8.

10 12. 15, 20 25 cent roll. Borders to match at snd 3 cents yard, ab ut one-half regular prices. Our double store is crowded wilh bargains. 506 50S Delaware i-treet.

north between Fifth and tilth Streets. vall Paner. the best seleetpd nnd most deeds: varied stock in the rity at lowest possible Kidney and Bladder Complaints occur. With tbis disposition on the part of those whom our peopio bave so liberally aided, Leavenworth will C. J.

Burdett and wife to T. flrVfl.diaetejJr' psey. stoi pasof water. prices, tall and examine it. We lead all others in quality, style and value.

Ko dealer can approach us in price. Breese, lot 11 and 6 1 10 acres in the noon regain the prestige wnicu 4 ot tbe nw i of section 15, town tnrontipetiey nr ue, r.rixlil oi-eaie, ii-uuiiurM. nl in ail ee hero there are tru ili po-its, or the is thick. has well nigh last. LEf ACtJ5, 100 Main street.

ship 12, range 2, $500; C. Av Daven At a late hour lasi eyemng It was r. in icil Willi Jl the port to Sophia Zsyler, 43 acres in sec hi ih n( ull eirv. threaos like win: ai'K. anybody know it? Would it Remember the only line to Des Moinps.

Ux-e i a irk, l-ilinui npper- 'illnili uppei tion 28, township 12, range 21, 1,075, ascertained tbat the contract proper to tbe bridge has not been siguel but that there J-a verbal understand Marehalltown. Dulmaiie. Ht. Paul and LADIES DOSGOLA KID BUTTON SHOES. Pat.

Leather Tip or Plaia. be felt? tiiii.eUuxi wnen Heitl.BUtf wh aiuentul whit'- caeo is the celebrated Maple Leaf route. V28 Wiere a prickli1 d. burnn ir lU'iiiilion 1 Old Bob" a horse whose aee is Delaware street. Harbough Co.

to Nancv S. Murray, lots 2 to 9, block 3fi, Lin wood, $600; E. Whitset to Nancy S. Murray; ji'n i -iiu Hi w.iter. ami Mini in Ibe ing that it will be cubmitted for signatures in a few days.

past remembrance, and who has been a pet in the Felix lamily, died yester-d at the PVH4 homestead corner of lots to DiocK i' Linwood, 5ai2. Patronize home indus try. Buy a Great Western stove of Reyburn Gird. men ena Pottawatomie itveibt cr Tho Warcjrobe of a WellrDressed Cospel Services. At the Christian church, Sunday MaH.

lock jaw. He had recently been shod and a nail bad been driven into the night, the Rev. R. II Sawyer com PRICE $2.00. A well-dressed man does not require Watch and jewelry repairing at Kirk- so much an extensive as a varied ham's.

Ceshv pays of tbe "Old Bob's" death was a source of much, grief to the family. menced a series or meetings to continue indefinitely. At this initial service the speaker made a most favorable Impression There nothing of pmaliwl the bin un aioiitf tilt lious. Kidney Troubles. Athins.

Ohio. I I woiml write you a i tell yon whMt ni.fIerfui work your rr aai'ic iliian Keix.l vent done fur me. biX tveeks nio 1 could not iiiojtii wil.lnni' the 'eiii'it 1'iiln with disease ni thii l.Jnevs. I i.ivi' trieit every kiml i liniiiient und dif-1 er.Mit n.M'liciiies. aud had luy doctor U) PI-l'-le rilie: hut iidiliiuc uid any b'm1 until lri -1 yo ir Kiwi.

lit. I to threa batlle und Jnt sent for tlire more. lour 1'ills are a tin 1 nl I have miiinieinl-d them to over a hundred all sav they IiiihkI Ihein he the ket I'll a that they Trtoik. MRS rO.M HAKDON. TOM UAUDUN.

iard Master. A tht lis. C. le w. imm wmn to a mm state, wardrobe.

He needs a different coa turne for every season and every oc Silverware, floral Worcester wares and fine tiii just the thirg for a wedding The Burlington company commenced yesterday to survev the present, at A. Kirk nana s. PBEPAMIIS. the startling sensational eituer in his manner, or in the subjects E9 he casion; but if what he has chosen be simple, rather than striking, be may main line of its road to where it presents them, lie is a very pieaoani wear the samo clothes aB often as he es well as a forcible and interesting You will pay $2 50 for the same Shoe elsewhere. DRECHSEL GRAIESKE, 425 Cherokee Street.

Philadelphia Block. Mail orders promptly filled. will strike the approach of the new bridge. It will be about 2,000 feet long. Tho company has also surveyed a line for a storage road 2,000 likes, as long as they are fresh and speaker, presenting his points clearly and with evident good tasto.

His Diamonds. Diamonds at Kirkham's. Wedding presents at Kirkham's. BREWSTER'S PRICES. appropriate to the season and the ob snbiect was "Little Things" and often I I I ject.

There are four kinds of coats RidawHy I am taking which he must have a morning coat, referring to the command of Chrlao to "Gather np the fragments that nothing should be lost," after the feeding thn fi li Ixitt'e of ynir Reil vent-ai-i am trmvi'ii irreat Iwiietit from i' when all oth- a frocK coat, a dress coat and an over coat. He may have as many of each of the multitude, the speaker said: "We do not alwavs pay tho requisite nieiiu 'inea fnil-'t. ami my kulney ar re-turnintitoa hiulihy condition. nd would rwo-mi iii ml it to ail suilerinif from any Jl3- 19 pounds Granulated sugar, 1.00 All brands package coffee, Condensed mince meat, 3 pgckagts 5 of these as ho may think fit, or his pockettook may permit. Au econom tnw wlwitever rniu llieir ktilueys, attention to the little and seemingly inslcniticint thinzs else we should ragic mil? 3 cans, 50c! ical man piay get along very well Ri-pe liny ors, C.

Wll.Lll T.S. I'laUi Xcb. imouth tr. Wew York grapes per basket, 30c with four rr.OrnicK eoata and make lewar failures and more suc feet long and 200 feet wide. The work of both mads will be completed in about twenty days.

The ladies of Leavenworth Circle, G. A. from the south part of the city will meet Wodneeday evening at iiulse's drug stove, corner Fiftb Olive, nnd from the north part of the city will meet at Rees McLain's drug Fifth and Miami, at 7 o'clock sharp, where tbsy will find conveyances to carry them to the reception at the Soldiers' Home. Thomas Cloud aged 47 years died at his lntely purchased home at No. 531 Kiowa fcU'eetlast nieht at 11:30 o'clock DIABETES.

ono of each of tho otherp cesses. Man is a conceited being, lie wants to do some great thing, to New Dill pickles per dozen, 15c Home made apple butter, 8jc Buttterine per pound, ic TjniA vi. Mfi A MAR KED 1 liivrt used all away country" Dr. R.v'away-fVar go into some lar rather than ia his yi'ur r'inedu wii grcit own, attend to tine: and tli'J wt I found your rmi vi'iit. it cured me of iteB after the every day -duties of life, we should rememoor that all great mpn wew uerncan K.raut per gallon, 25c Vanilia and Lemon extract per bottle, 5c Curtice peas per can, 15c Curtice fine stringkss beans per can aos three piiy.iciik'i had given mo UD.

1 tec.te.l a cvin't- I i my urine in two J'Oti nfler th lirt dosrt. nad tli i ties curct Your rien.l. THrt. O. PAliK.

have bad an humble origin, 'ine i it. nrinfipn OIQ nOu Iiavo mo It fcas been suggested by some good authorities that a gentleman's drees in the present day should not cost him more than the tenth part of his income on an average. However that may ba, it is quite certain that an American gentleman, owing to the simple routine of hia daily life, 13 not obliged tw paes most of his time in changing his coat through the day. Ilia soft-roll sack suit for business hours. An elegant silk lined overcoat is a frequent addition in cur climate, when occasion of consumption.

Ha no family immonsfl flt thfl Start, but all CvirtJcp lima beans per can, 15c Curtice peaches, sliced for of thr.m started at tlio bottom. out ins wiie, wno id a Bister to Mrs. James Seymour, formerly of this city. cream, per can, 30c DUGTION IN Br. iniiTt Eesalfsat A r'neiy rompofi 'd of inxredients ex-VfrdinHiy properties rusential to purify, heal, repair and Invigorate the The great discoveries vera mace Curtice Bros blue Label peas per 1 be decerned was ror many years a from little starting points.

Steam, that mighty agent of a modern civil 25c guard at the state penitentiary and can, Curtice Bros brokeu down and waited b(xly. Uuiclc. extra strawberries pliaHft'it afe and in iU treat-pivfitand cu'e. Sold by all druggists. Una was generally liked by his companions, lie wag a member of the order of Knights of Pytbiaa and of ization, was discovered by the sioging of the tea kettle.

Electricity that newer yet, undeveloped agent D.illm a Bottle 20c the Lansing lodge. 1 CLOAKS AND DRESS GOODS per can, Curtice ttrawtferrie? per san, Curtice extra red raspberries per can. Curtice Bros. preserved raspberries per can. The fire department was called to of man was brought to our Knowledge through the simple kite.

All the great discoverers hav paid at deniands it, to this costume. A soft-roty 'double-breasted frock suit is donned for the afternoon promenade, for receptions, matinees, weddings, calls, or the afternoon tea. Although the cutaway coat has of late been 20c S. L. North's residence Sunday morn ing at 10 minutes to 9 o'clock to pre Prepare for Thanksgiving and the cold weather by buying your underwear at CALLAHAN EARLY.

The KNOX is the lead-ing style this winter. We are the sole agents here. tention to the insignificant things and thus developed the world's 20c AT vent a fire which might have started in a partition wall where a stove pipe w'urtis preserved blackberries a PSLL8. very miC IZ. a.3 a coac to be worn in place of the "Prince Albert," The little failure to bring reinioree-ments brought Napoleon a Waterloo.

20c per can, ran tnrougn ana connected itu I drum, ou the other side) The pipe Curtice Bios red Antwerps per can, 20c It is doubtful whether the custom (Jod has always used tne nnmoie Curtice Bros sliced pineapples per as lie did wnen ue cnose me uuep- The Great Liver Remedy. FRANK can, 2SC SCOTTS bad become overheated and set fire to the inside of the wail and waB getting good headway in the attio when the will obtain long for the purposes mentioned. The cutaway i3 hardly formal enough for occasions of cere Curries Grated pineapples per Irfeft Vurtative. Soothing Aperients. herd youth David to sit noon the hrone of bis mighty nation.

Christ also selected humble fisherman to do can, o0C At WiMMiut rani. Alwuys Kcliahl oad Natural in Their Operation mony, and no matter how well made smoke betrayed its presence. The damage will not exceed $60. The it may be, or how elegant the mate Curtice new jams per can, 25c Curtice whole tomatoes per tnntelrsi. elegant'y coated with rial of which it is composed, it is so building is insured for $2,000.

nrri'l sum. purge. Tguiiite. Mirily, tieHiise, his work. Christ, Himself came humbly, not with pomp and conquest as he was expected to come when he said.

"If I be lifted up (upon the ami ktreiigllien. Riidwav's Bills for the can, I2lc pronouncedly "smart" in toue that it Congressman Harris was a euest at iru ol all ilmoriiers ot the stotiiiicn, uiver. See them before you purchase elsewhere. Home-Hade Candies atOIaneV, Curtice b'ua label catsup per cannot ever be aa appropriate a gar the National hotel last nicht. A re ii' Klitney.

r. rf rvous iMHeawen. can, 30c cross I shall draw all men to rae," it lie la Piolie. I onuiPBllon. osil veiiesM, mm- itl.lll Hl'llOllMI fl'VtT 111- J.

looked very little as ir it would 6ver porter, during a convereatjon, asked him what he thought was the real eaue of such a sweeping change in ment ior entertainments where there are many beautifully dressed women as its dignified rival, tho "Prince Al- IaiIiiu i.f thA II iweW. Piled, mid all G. BREWSTER, bo fulfilled. Only a handful of dis temnveiutnt if the Viawrn. unly vi'g coutaininK uu mercury.

roliticB. 'I would like to replv." he heartened followers who all alcng had looked to see them establish an oert." or tne evening the "clawhammer" is, quite naturally, the only other change in the list of his coats 419 and 421 Cherokee St. Branch 5th Ave. and Spruce. earthlv kingdom and who were now niicral.

or deleterious l'me ii ceii-B ptr box. bold by all dru" IVrfect etion will be aeomvlishd by I'llli. doing Su H-'ucI-Hche. l'TU' i) Foul a oniucli. BillioUH- Raid laughing "as Mr.

Carter did in his first interview on the subject. He said it was because the people had becomo tired ofbeinsr contented un readv to believe it all ended. Now which a man makes. As fortunes we may see coming, ine captain vary more than position, it wiil take a much smaller proportion of a man's of the Svrian hosts with that dread TRADE der the Republican rule. My idea is that it was caused by an underlv iner win titi uvoi'iea ami inn iooi mat in rin cuuiril.ule iln nou'ishing Properties THERE IS NO DECEPTION In This Advertisement disease no physician could heal heard it of tho natural wt'iteofthe THE FINEST LINE MARK up port income lor the item of dress if hia fortune is large than il it be but a moderate one.

Richard Sprince. the fash t.r tli irom tne little jewicn maiuser feeling 'among the people that they had not had enough of an opportunity to povern themselves." Mr. Harris vant of a great prophet tn Israel and with great preperation DYSPEPSIA. ionable tailor, is well known as a con The Only First-Class Laundry 1 OF noisseur in men's suitincs. To be willlsave this mornintr for Tooeka to wijling to do and pay any properly dressed is as great a thing have a conference with Mr, Lie ln.

UADWAY TTM.8 are cure for thii emiiul.iiiit. iey retort sfrength to k'iiiu nnd ennh'e it tn perrriil iu it ton lit' yiuit(ini4 1 4 livnueusi thintr, apts out to visit him. He was greatly disappointed at the ridiculous na to be well dregsed. aud Mr. message oi mat propnet r.e uau cuuie Sunday night there was consider ilmuppeur.

aii't wil tli, -in the linni itvof so far to see. Tne tning ne was com In Leavenworth i.s THE BELL STEAM LAONDRY, 511 Cherokee St. able of a racket near Second and Mar th to ciiiirad di-wMine. lake the Nciiirdii'g the directions and FANCY FURNITURE Springe's advice as to the smartest and most proper styles in men's wear is well worth having. CHRISTMAS.

manded wan so little, so innignificant ulivrr" what we ny in rnl a-idlrue ket streets. Nancy Hoy and her husband had a family sauabble and Hov that it was only aftsr ho had been urg remiectln diet, A few cjtrncti from the ed by a servant that he obeyed and is innnr eite" ar" rontinuallv recievum. as his custom, is ran from his spouse IT. A. t', MiddlehriMiic.

Oa "I cured. It was a simple thing but the 502 Shawnee street, 208 Fifth Street. ai'tthetii ii niy practice and luuulyiu pre- promise of God was behind it. What who is the "man of the While rnnnine he said comethinsr she CANDY: To enlarge the market for our candies we will send from now lsr'iv loan oiner i nis. T.

A. Itrj. "I would God commands we must perform or we W'thiXit them, hey are something did not like when she fired two shots at him both misslnar. He ran to po until Christmas a sasnpla pail of our may not expect the reward. Paul din ITf U'lllir llioulil liuve, Montieth, tcr Creek, Ind not Gtand upon his dignity and refuse very oess mixed cream candy to any Suitable for a WEDDING or BIRTHDAY GIFT can be found at S.

SIMMOND'S, lice headquarters and with protruding eyes told his story. A detach 1 le'iev pi lite lus pen paved by your to use the rope and basket to escape ROHFLING Established 1S58. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Agents fcr Miami Powder Company. Cor. Third and Cherokee Sts.

from the mob. We are none of us so fiieiliclnc. lltvelonv fteeil Uir.Tllig Willi 1 vlii riii n.l liver address on receipt of 1.00 (2 cents stamps taken and express charges paid. Only one pail sent to one person, and all orders must be made on ment or nonce was sent out and Nancv humble that Ood will not use in the II. A.

urr. I. E'c-ubi-i. AU.t Tt great work of the redemption of the spent the night In the calaboose. At the trial yesterday morning her hus- Soia, later? Scda Water! tt'j, ah 9 ild, it's delicious.

All lilm I lnv" ever useii. J. Vf. PiU County, or before December 20th, if you want world. He has placed upon us all THIRD DELAWARE Sts.

fla- work to tlo though it may be but to get your candy in time tor Christ WCLFF.KCHLER. II. WcLFEKUHLEB, VC imw Uegu iiting riu worth 111 guld. l'hey will never tm out of HIT boll." Alic. Ohaver.

Mt. 8'orrn W.Va.: I ao styles daintily served at small. The rich man puts into the mas, btate your nearest express Dana attempted to give his testimony and she bounced him again and gave hira a sound thrashing before the police bad time to interfere She will shipping point. Please show pail of box perhaps one hundred dollars and pnxiiivcly noy t-iat liadwny'i aro the best does it so hard that it may rinnr. wmle 1 111 I ever had for PysocpM canay to your mends and neighbors.

Arlrlrnna Ttth Pinpv flivnv rrv haye the charge of assault and battery 1 the widow has only ber mite, but with Dr. I). llUKiien. NichohiKViile. tise mm the ni In ln ir ii nivl pronounce tueiu 702 Chouteau Ave.

St. Louis, Mp. it tne blessing ot God to answer ior now, xne uovs live in the house with Mrs Bass whose hus with. iiit doubt the he.t in uv. I 1 11 I I .1 Tav for it is a gift from 55! i iKiilfj Rub the Qumi Well band stabbed John Hawkins last fall.

IT. lirilll'H W'Miri, i u-'cd them for over 't wenty yt-am and an unseinsn heart and was liuvcr ft I -d wit'i them in iluna. all she could do and Christ said wirn 'in ty wnen tney become spongy or detached from the, ner-ksof thn twil .1. 1 1 I I IT VM. tS? The oldest house in the Missouri Valley Established 1857 TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM she had dona more than all the rest Let thei'i bleed fre-ly and so recover their 'in, "wi.

le lllllllll -Kil I IT, IVIlll. 317.. "The never fni togivu ntlftioa" and HILSCHER'S FOUNTAIN, 329 Delaware Street. We serve Ices; and Mineral Water of all kinds- Special Sodas: Phos Ferrorifc, Wild Cherry Ph osphate, Orange Cr ashed Violets, Hire's Root Beer Moxie, etc Call and try sootething and the eafter yo uwi'lbe glad to walk eeveial blocVs to get the same kind gain. Dora't for get the place, 329 Delaware itreet.

Effectually yet gontly, when costive We shall be happy indeed if at the en Ulhem 'ft IhiiiiIv nem-llT. tone ana n-uitn. nils' 13 the best remedial aKni for distnaed gtj'nis tmd We Imv ceived thou.inWof ptich tcsti- or bilious or when the blood is im end it can be said of us, "He has done wbat he could." Satan also uses the IP a. 8 Iff i 5 uioniul- ntid other nre 'tendilr in ftr3T lueiu. ifji nut iri 11, Worthlnston Company, pure or elagjisb, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken little things, we could meet great to oaroujea Uiiiy, wbicu in ltneii.a Positive Proof.

rf rfil worth and merit. wrongs or great temptations and con U.4nV tsJf i iflhli tne Kidneys and liver to a healthy 747 Pr a war, New Announce for imm-diate puoUcatioii as No. 41 in theirin-ternationalTibraryi Beyond Atonement. By Marie von Ebner-Kchenbanli. Translated bv Mary A.

Robinson. Illustrated with r-S Wholesale dsa'er in Whisky, and Importer of "Wiries Xiiciiaore 3x9 West Fifth Street Kansas City, M. BistUlery, Sixth activity, without irritating or weak quer It is the insignificant things that do the harm. The firet glass is called harmless, but it so often iiR. V.

ADWAT dt CO. Wrra Xew York wU wad Wok of aJtio avina- them, to dispel hpadftnVifin. ening On ntnn InlA civ, I a lirft I nl a rm ma means rum Leavsnwsrihi Kansas. pnotottravures, voi. 12 mo.

ciom. 25: pa per. wuv luiv mi am vnw wuiuq vi ivvciB tSj iUJ ox JMgv..

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