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The York Daily from York, Pennsylvania • Page 1

The York Dailyi
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SIM TO Pi l.M 'V si ill 9th Year- Vol. 272) YORK, PA. TUESDAY FKITEM1IKK 2 179. HPTae DAILY kM the UirMl elraaJa Auction this Afternoon and Zysnlnf. As will be seen a'asabere, D.

Gosinao, agast, will sail at auotion, at 2 and 7 p. a large stock of dry goods, novlots, grocer lbs cornar of Fhilada'pbia and Faun streets. 8 adTertisament. flower, picking ur a little heie and a little tiieri; let Lmiian Industry iu.itae tb bm a-id bring its col'ected industry whore it will bo appreciated. nih a place in ofiet-ed at tbo first exhibition of "Tbe York Coanty Horticultural and IudcsUial Asso-cia'ioj, opeo day night, September 17, Hand 11, WD.

Titoci-Ess rbaacadOfr. Tbe oil painting "Love by Moonlight," waa last evening drawn at tbe Laurel engine bens. Tt lucky number was 237, Claia aod wss opposits the name of J. N. Kamft, who donated it to tbe Laurel Fire Co.

Miss Annie Rescberd drew tbe nnm-ber from tie wheel. Don't You Forget Yon can alway get mild, ntb, CREAMDALE, OF WEISER, from tbi, lima (01 (U. aia-va kok fur bia aia ou lbs (heate all lie THE CHEAPEST STOiiii Hoard of ehoal Control. The regular monthly meeting ot tbe Board if School Control, was beid last night, at Ibe llih School boildiog. Dr.

M. J. McKmnnn, President, called tbe meeting to order at 7 p. in. Tbe fuel committee reported that tie school buildings Lai been supplied with tbeir quota of coal, and ondsr tbe new at-rangeuietit it would require li'J ton less iur tba ecsuini jesr.

i be repair committees of tbe North acd South Wards, reported thai tbe school buildings lo tbeir seveial wards io good condition. Tbe corumittce of repa'rs of tie Fen Waid waa authorized to a room in the southeas ero portion of the town as soon aa possible for tbe accotunioJatiou of tbe scholars living in tbat portion of tbe (own and tbey order a meeting to be call-td to bear tbeir rrpart. Tbe notes doe st tbs York County National lUck were ordered to be renewed for ISO days and ao older granted for tie dis-coont. Tbe fillowiog reeoVioDs oflered by Mr. Dngan were unanimously adopted: A'ettlirit, Ibat tbe borough SapetinteD-dent be requited by tbe Hoard of School Control to report all inefficient teachers at each rrgnlsr meeting.

Kttoh td, That ro text books shall be used 10 any school in Yolk borough si boo I district, excepting those tbat are ordered by the Board of Control. Prof. Shelley presented the following report: York, Snt. To the Hon. Board of School Cvnt'oi Gextlcmen: Tbe total enrollment io tbe publio schools at dismissal, thia afternoon, is lrJ In view 0' the large execs ef pupils in No.

1 and G7, 1 suggest tbe immediate opening of a primary school. All tbe rjoms, except tbe Colored school, were visited, and tbea regular promotions were made. Very Respectfallv Submitted, W. II. Shellkt.

The Board adjourned to meet at the call of tbe chairman of tbe Sooth Ward repair committee to bear their report, and for tbs transaction of general bnsineea. Tbe Finance co nmittee having approved tbe follo-ving bi lie, ou motion oiders wete gianted for tbe samt: GoS Fry, $59 43 hn tiaoie, 5 2 'lick oitoiul ler,, 45 0 ilrx. VcKincy, lry fM Xigant, 25 00 C'taa. Sh. 3 ilr.

M.lDtr, 8 33 hi: S'iriter, libor, 1 10 (ieo. Glwtff, piinticjf, 19 lieo. A Ditnlti, coal, 45 03 I'iitcourl, HO Mra Umrer, labor, 16 0 tjtuu, puutiDK, 6 50 Ga-, 2 H7 Stewart blank book, 6 05 Mra. Ko-ria, I.l.or, 12 (ID Et-drio, veo'iUtiog loom, 00 (iarter, iriiiUou 3 00 Nori in, 3 00 Haoimil, 3 00 Mi'ler, 3 00 Hear Gint-e, 3 00 W. llnnMrSooa.

toal, 45 00 Hii la, repiim, 11 IK) B-owo St Mnyaor, cos), 25 00 Hub-rt rrpaiis, 55 Scott, coal, 45(0 (iinter, labor, 10 CO lJjwel, lepulrs, 7 Cbta. (llfi'Der. rrpxirs, 16 00 A'er. Walkor, Ubor, 1 HSuitll, rejaini, 1 Anrle Mi ler, labor, 10 (Ml Dielcb. weithiog oal, 15 00 Jacob Ha, sand.

4 HO U'o. (i'reas, coal, 45 00 Bnli iu ji. a tM Mra H'ediiik, lakr, 13 00 11 Lai iua Snt', coal, 51 10 CroDeowett, 00 Seiacr, rt-pairii, 21 10 Mrs. Mi'Intyre, labor, 14 50 Annie ill Her, 14 00 Mra. He.lri.-k, 13 dO Sliellenbercor, labor, 10 00 Koiria, 12 00 H.

Hammill, 15 11. Youoe, pilntlDjr, 5 46 Total, 74S 11 lot of ur aewapapar publlahe4 la York Count and MORB YUAN THSEJB TIKES theelrealatioB of any daily paper la York, and the only dally paper la Southern Pennsylvania that reoedve reealerlythe Associated Praas llspatchee by TaUeraph. MAILS ARK1VK AND CU)SK AH FOLLOWS: XAOS A a UTS, kfiiu Closi. rosrrOrr's A. U.

r. m. A.M.I P. M. -I- Haw Tork 'S SO 11 55 Pbtladai'a 5 80 11 55 Haluiaore 'ft SO iOO 4 f0 4 1115, II 15! 7.30 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 31 400 oj 4 OO a 4.o 4 CO Waablal'a SO 10.45 7 3u 3 rtUabarc jft.SKI" 5.30 'J 0C0 ho 5 30 11 55 11 15 Oilamtua WttkU' 11.15 II 1M IIUOTW S0 1155 7 30 7.30 I rUbar W.

Mm boola tarrad "to llu DtUabarf Hovar, a a ITb Taoataav' 6.C0 400 10 43 10 00 a 8 8.16 1 30 1 11 5 IMHJj 13 00 13 00 oo 400 10.00 ta Ku an 11.00! a Toaaday, bandar aa4 Saturday. Offiea aoura. 0 A. at to 7.80 P. at, Oflioa ayaa aa eaaday Ina 8.10 A tSatarday.

at. to 9.S0 A. Mall atoaa aa laaiay at 6 P. U. JOSATHAJf JI330F.

P. )fnr AlTertl sasaU and aetnase HoUom Hot If. ABC 1 100 A Xcw Tay. Kotioa Laural. Faaily llakoty.

Pla ale Laaial. MetlB(-Cnloa. Mrttlnf.Beara. aated 4 or 5 Boys. Waa tad Tfcraa Boj Letters TaataasatiUry.

Par Real A larre Boom. Real ItUta at Publlo 81 Par Heat 3 Brick Boat. J. A. Dempwolf, AicbiUct.

Kta! EaUte at Prima Rale. Wanted Tea Segar Maketa. Pot 8al Handaoae Cuaadalirr. Cheap aa tba Cbaar eat-J. W.

Backisibam's. BPUNTBB3. Over two tboniand residents of Harris-nrg attended a pic-nio on ratoidsy. Sooio neo we hko camela they keep their "backe op" all tba time. The ctrpeoUr ebop of William Sheafor at liirytTille, destroyed bf fire oa Saturday, laTolTiog a aeriona loea.

Dr. McCoah, of Prioceton, preaebed at Ilatrlibnrg on Sunday to a large oogregi tioo. Felt bonoeta and roatd bate will worn aaio tbia fall, ootwitbatandirf tba euj-ealioa that tbey vert 'oaing favor laat jear. Uit. Fanoie gbelleuberger, of Harriiburg, died Tary onexpeotedly on Satorday, while Vieitiog If r.

John Doagltea, ia Chaoctbrd, York eo. Uerremaioa were taken to liar xiaborg yesterday. LOCAL INTELUOB3I OK. Mora Lara-a Tobaooo. Ur.

Jacob Eajsmiogar of Uotew igo upsrU a tobavso leaf oo kta form, 'iJ iaohea 14 tnAka arid. S. 8' Celebration. Tba New rrdiua Sunday Sabool will hold a celebration on Son Jay next, about mile North of LOfjauBTille. Tba Keobanlcal Toy waa ohanoad ofi laat eveoiug at Sponaler'a aegaritort; the lacky oomber wu 8, and was Leld by Mrs.

Vm. Cbambeia. AaslB-amant. HogbR. WbiUfield and wife, of Peach-bottom township, bare made a Yolantary aasigDment ef tbeir real nd personal property to William F.

Ramsey, of the aame laoc, for the benetit of eraditora. Coot TbeCoart oonrened yeaterday morning, ktd tranaasted a large amount of enrrent baalneaa Judges Fisher and Vioke on the seneh. The oonrt adjourned to next Thar a day morning at 10 o'clock. Juyenfle Baaa BalL The Little Bock and West End B. B.

Cltiba blayed a fame at the school house in West York, which resulted In fnor of the farmer by a soore of. 33 to 21. Time of game, three boars. Sown the Bay. The next exoarsioo from York will be the inedown the Biy on Saturday, Sapt 6th.

rVe need but refer our raiders to the ad-rertisement in order to get op an Interest in this eLttfpnse. Thia excursion will no denbt be largely patronized. AnctlaaTa-dajr. lngnstQS Sonneman, assignee of folomon Kabn, will commence to sell at auction his peraonal property, this morning at nine, and this afternaon at 2 and 7 o'clock. There ia a great rariety of goods to be sold, and these tales will no doubt attract considera ble attention.

Sse advertisement. Election of Offioera. At the recent eleotion of tbe stockholders of tba Harrisbnrg and Potomac railroad, the ollowinz oflicers were chosen Daniel Y. Abl, president; directors, Danie! All, John Moore, Joshua Hunt, Asbury Derland, C. W.

Ahl, LswU Helkes, J. J. Doll, Capt. W. Eiohelberger, Jacob Bowman; secretary and treasurer, B.

H. Middleten. Biff Tobacco. Mr. H.

L. Stonrr, of HelUm township, reports that be hta a ha'f acre ol tobacco tba Iravte ol which will average 42 Inches long and 25 Inches wide. A nnm-ber of picked gret sise bare been rspoitrd, but Ills is tba best average jer acre that we have yet beard of In Yoik county. OiwaJd Book Store. By referring to ir advertising columoa will be found tba advertisement of Mr.

Jobu B. Oswald, who offaia a larg stock of school books, school supplies and a full assortment ot aUti nary and fancy gwds, such as are sild la book stores. Tbe 0wld Book Store is decidedly thssmior establishment, and ia well known throughout the entire coaaty and needs no recointusndation at oor bands. Woodsn Locomotive. Among tbe articlea of attraction at tbe fork Coaoty Horticaltural Eibibltioo, will be a looomotive oonsixnoted entirely of wood.

It ia ia complete working order and qqIio a novel pieoe of mechanism and far as we know, the only wooden looomo tive ever constructed. It wss built by Mr. Nosh Hsrshey, ef Jackson township, Yoik and ia 9 feet long, 19 inches high and 14 incbaa wide Happening of lha Goctkfaa, Tbe Gcetbean Literary Society rc-opened last night under tba moat favorable ana. pioea. After the general routine of business waa gone tbroagb, the cftlcers, E.

A. Frey, U. W. Mon'orf, and Oliver Weiser, addressed tbe meeting, after which the S.r-geaot-at Arms, J. M.

Wsfgle, feneiously treated tbe society to a choice selection of fruit, tor which tba society tendered their thanka. Laurel Pla Me. Aa will be aeeu by advertisement elsewhere, tbe Laurel Bjjs will have a grand plo nio te Eprlogwood, on the P. B. Railway, next Saturday.

The occasion will be made lively and cheerful throughout, and promises to be an immense aflair. The btst tferder will be preserted, and all who will participate in tbia exoarsioo can rest assur ad that they will be well protected and an ecjojall time. JonraaJlatte. The Lancaster ftUUiainctr. an indepen dent Democratlo daily journal, publishai in that city, has come out ia a full ne dress, from tbe Oral line of tbe paper to tbe hsU Tbe yestetdaj'a edition is replete with original, general and local infoimalior, and ahowa more than ordinary ability in ila conduct.

W. U. Ilentzs', Exq is a man o' untiring energy and ability, and ia appreciated, and accounted one of tbe best Jouraalista in the State. Dropped ibe Dalllre. A csrtatn man, well-known in lore, yesterday morning, as be wsa coming down south Beaver street, attempted to pocket the Daily at aeveral residences ihst at Mr.

William Small's and at the next plsee, Mrs. Sirabei'a. The party, who waa recognised, la hereby warned, and if he attempts it again, he will be called on to answer for the aare at tbe proper place. Ha dropped the papera after be was called on to do ao. 1 Tba Bicycles.

Yesterday the bicyole fever reached fever heat. S. B. Ileigea, isosived ilia iron horas, and it la truly a beautiful piece of ineohaniam. Tbe bioyole wai tried by a member of the bar in the Court House pat.

sage, but the saddle not being eeourelj f.stened, and alipped, brought the young lawyer Ion ieembat a ember of limes. There are now four of tbiss exhilirating machines in York, and more are coming. How this new move will affect the horse marke. et4 increase the revenue of the coroner, will be ascertained bereaiter. The Collegiate lastltato.

This institution opened yesterday mort-int coder the meet favorable auspioea. Quite a number of visitors wsre pressnl, and nearly all tba resident truateea. vr-Nilea opened tbe exercises with a yery appropriate prayer, after which interesting addrssses were delivered by President Mo-Dougall, Samcel Small, Dr. J. W.

Kerr, J. M.Brown, Ber. Davenport, and gradn ates Muer and Bear. Thia institution is rapidly gaining in publio favor, and is exerting a very wholesome inflasnce in this oimmanlty and snrronndiog coontiy. DIED COLiMiS Onj the 1st in tbia borough, Mra Louise Colemau, wife ef Henry Coleman, aged 40 jeare and 5 numbs.

The fnneral will leave the house at to o'olock, tc-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, and proceed to Union Cemetery, where the romsins will be ioteired, after which tbe faneral cortege will proceed lo St. John's Lutheraa church, west King atreet, wbeie memorial aeis lees will be held, Relatives and ftieada invited to attend. Miei-KT Sxle O.i S.taruay, September 13, at ore o'clock, S'jeritl Peeling wi.l sell at the Court lIou, the following real ea'aU: The real esta'e if Samuel 8el a tract of land, eta' Fametoa lo rh-ewbry taiuiug fifty aort-a, pnnxral inproveiurnta. So. 2, a traolvflmd located it tte in( Ijhb lap, th' aces.

No. 3, a trct cf laud tear h-ewhai borough, ooutliuing of cltiird la.d. Por Plo Nice. chicken is a rice constituent of a pic-nic, or in fact, any other lunch. Cut up a young fowl and put in a kettle, with ols cctlie-cop ot cold wa'er.

Spiinkle with alt and pepper, and cover closely cook till Under, tbea pick the meat from the boces and chop into bits the sizj of a pea and pack io qaartbiwl. Thicken with flour the liquid remaining in the kettle, aod poor over tbe chicken put a oo it wbile warm, and a beavy weight on the plate. It is necessary that the fowl be cooked io but little water, else it will not jelly. Cut for sandwiches tbe day after it is made. An ounce of prevention is better than a ponn tofcure.

A dose of Dr. Bull's Baby Sjrnp will a-sist jour Baby in teething, aod prevent it from being attacked by Colic or other diseases with hich Babies sutler. Scholars and Parents Take Notice. All school supplies, including schoo' W.

BjekinghamV, opposite High School Building. Cheap as the cheapest. o(ic. There has besn considerable ccmplaict niaJe recently of a number ef young men and bojs congregating on tbe steps of tbe Yoik National Bank, reiily to the annoy snce cf pansers-by as well as tbe cccupants of the building. They are hereby warned that nnitss they desist from loatiaj; at this place, other means will be resorted to to abate the nuisance.

School Bags at H. C. Adams Get your Geographies changed at H. C. Adams Fchool Books at reduced prices at H.

C. Adams Record Your Deedn. It is astonishing to un, to ste how many there are who buy valuable properties and then negl ct to record tbeir deeds, lha law provides tbat ail deeds shall be recorded within six months alter their da'e, and if this is not doce they Bhall be void or agaioat a subqueot purchaser lor value. Some old lind some day, whin it is too late, that he has lost all his property by keeping his de-ds locked ud at borne in order to save a record fee. This is certainly a ilse uoiiou ot economy.

The law provides a method to pratecttitks, acd wl not avuil youiselvcsof it, to save trouble a expanse A word to tho wise issullicient. law-JLd COPY BOOKS, fciiswonn's iceversibie Copy Books, for sale, at. ntrodmlory pikes, at DeininKr's near the Iron Bridge. septl-at, GE0GRAPJ1IES Mitchell's Geographies for sale and txchange at Doininger'e, near Iron Bridge. THB STABLES OF MR.

BuSKXR Proprietor of the New York Ledger, is built and kept on the most improved and modern plan, both pa regards ventilation, light, warmth, etc. Mr. Bonner's taste for horses is well kne wn. The gentleman in charge of this ralnable ible was Mr. Robs.

By the use of QUetf Liniment Iodide Ammonia, ha removed ringbones and bunches tbat had resisted all other treatment. Send for circular, giving iuji instructions, to Dr. Giles, 451 Sixth Avenue, N.Y For sale by Dr. N. H.

Shearer Co. Tnalsiie 5centa 03t2tf A farewell blessing. Be not deceive Dr. Coxa's Wild Chnrrv and u-inbil. best medicine in the world lorcoughs, cold tl Block Crepe Veils, Crepe and Bombazine imiiqjicgs ana ui.ick Laces reoovsted equal to new.

Mrs. 0. Davis, West Kiug "wwi, uoar renn. Jo-tf Bupp's Plaster cures Rheumatism, bone felon, ttc 25 cts. per box Trial boxes 5 it.

VM 1. II omo ay unto us. uarc. juniij-ti Chaw Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tabao 00. novlo-ly.

Cimphor MHiia the best liniment for aohes cu pins. i-noe cents, com oy Dale Hani. ebl3-79-ly Use Rapp'a Plaster for Burns and Sore breasrs. junl3-ti Ice Colt. Soda Water from Porcelain lined fountain.

All syrups made from the lruit, 5 cents a glass. West Jfe.Ni Drug tore, mayl3 tf No. 307 West Market St. The Phoenix rectoral will ctre your censa. Price 25 ceo to.

Sold by Dale Hart PiC-MC HATS. Mrs n. F. Thomas, No. 10 North Beaver street, Ufs received uu assortment of the uewett s'yles i.f Pio-t-ic Hits.

Call at onea ar.d nite yonr 3ogl4tf if you winti a koid fresh lager, go to Uoedel'a' Heauuoaftera ard be not de ceived. niay3-tf Insa'ancs Company Election. Atatueelidg of tbe Motual Insurance Company, held Sept. Itt, (yesterday,) tbe following pertooa were elected manage: of said eompaiy Jscob Alsx. I Frey, Willismll.

ITntlv Rirara IT 7.iirlAr WillismA. Wilt, Francis C. I'olack, Dav.d Jameson, George W- Wsnrx, Mstihew Ty ler, w. Latnuer email, uvu t- email John ll.bmsll. Boaavllla Cams UeetlxiaT.

Tl camp meeting, under tbe auspices of tbe Evscgdicsl Aesociatioo, near Rose-ville, ia low In full and succesalnl opera, lion. There are 41 tents, and a Urge tabernacle in front of tbe preacbet'a stand, in which the audiecce ait during service. I'reeloibg Elder Catc hers baa charge of tbe camp. It ia estimated that over five thousand persons were present on Sunday, and everything passed eff pletsantly. atratt Hallway Hrttlag.

A meeting of some ef those interested in tbe York Pssseoger Railway wss hsld In the Court House, lest evening. C. E. Lewis was eleoted chairman, and J. 0.

Leber waa electel Secretary. Remarks ware made by W. 11. We'sb, Prof. S.

B. Heiges, Frank Qeise, Q. W. Ueiges, and X. D.

Zisgler, esq'rs. A route waa adopted running from lbs depot, aoutb on Dake to Fhilsdslphij, west oa Philadelphia to George, south on George to the borough line, esst on Market itree'. to Queen street. A contractor will he asked to psss ovsr the roote aod estimate eosr. Each shareholder aball pay twenty-five eenta on each share to pay neceesiry expenses.

Jacob A Wilt was elected Tressu-rer to receive tbe twenty-lire cents to be collected on each abate, at bis place of business. Fashion Ntes for ths Ladles. Nothing is doeuial p.eltier for roflks than Breton lace. us tints have a tendency to make tbe faoe look pale. A black ailk trmmed np brightly is use.

lul for the autumn. Brilliantly tinted chintzes rage at tbe lashionable watering places. A blue dinnel niouatah dress is enhanced by a wido canvass belt. Fan sbsped brooches, elaborately enameled with flowers ia in style. A Pjrij letter st ttei tint In Ji isbmere shawls, lorg and short, are rcpsarirg once more.

Ia New Orleans the rasbionable foot covering for ladies Is the sandal. It is a real sandal, for it is described as a "shoo" with a set of lattice bar acroes it. Of course it is ridiculed and objected to. Tbey asy that with it "the most immaculate stocking, titer ten minutes' walk, is bound to look questionable," and that its eflect is to crip- h'a lha nraft Tl name to the stylish walk induced by the sandal, and call it the "Chinese hobble." Ho Doubt a True Statement. A writer in tbe AWantit Xtntkly for Sen- tember, speaking of the neglect cf the Lnglish Iadcuics in our American colleges.

says "I venture to assert that tbe journey men printers ot our land wtite more tlantlv and gran.matically, on tbe average; than tbe aeniors in our ci lieges and ine lamentable neglect to teach and thoroughly drill, on the really practical orancues or education, in out Liglec insti-tot lore of learning-, in this country, is nearly aa prominent new as waa fitty years ago. Tbe dreamy, imaginative, imoractioal ideas of real life which are incnlcated Uto tbe minds ot students in many schools and colleges, are as repugnant to those who understand (he practical duties of actual life now, as they were to that veteran Journalist Horace a ley. who need all tbe iorce of bia inimitable logic and trenchant pen, to prove bat are the real necessity ef for hither class educational iatitntioos. A department of ccuimon aenae, general and practical Information won'd be of more valce iban any other. Important to Votars.

The next eleo ion ia Pennsylvania will be held on Tueadsy, Nov. 4tb. Voters most be assessed acd registered two months precedirg tbs election, tba i on or before Thursday, Sept. 4. Totera who bave not paid a atate or oounty tax within two years next preceding the election, (except such as ire between the sgca of twenty -ore and twenty two years) must pay such one month preceding the election, that is, on or before Saturday, 0 t.

4. Failure to pay tax in aeasoa deprive the voter of the privilege ofsuOrage. If an elector have paid atate or coanty tax within two years next preceding the eleotion, or if he be between the ages of twenty-one and tenty-two years, he can aeenre his vote by making proper proofs to ibe eleotion brard by his own affidavit and that of a qualified voter of his prsomct, though he be not registered, but the neglect of registration raayaase bin much trouble. A. to boy HOSIERY Gloves, Underwear, Corseu, Ruchings or Fine Goods, is at E.

M. ROMAN'S, 4 E. Market Street. Agent for Demorcst's Ileliabla Patterns. rarltf Special BargaiLs IN A new lot ot Ladies' and Gent'a all Limn Handkerchiefs, from six to fifty a piece, AT D.

E. ILGENFRITZ'i SO Herliet Strsot. EW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES KECE1VJED AT -Variety Shoe Store-219 George Street. THE CHEAPEST SHOE STORE IN YOBK. iinnnnn mm.

a 321 W. Market St antald mide 0Tiet "n(1 P9rfoct guar jyi-tr JWHTNISG R0D3. C. C. Kottcamp, Bottstown, is prepared to put new LIGHTNING RODS, uiddo on thoao already put oaiiwnat the company oharj; for aimilar" work.

alf his work ti be satisfactory. tVrsoEK bviue oU on thirb itlctinKs would do well to eiamiaetbe auo if thay are in order BOt- Try oar new No. 1 mss Mackeral, no head or tails, at McCLELT-AN GOT WALT'S. aug20-lw PATENT Fan and Fly-Chaser now rently ami marufaotured at the. Model Iron works.

I awire to infurra tbe public that I bave au invar tinn anperior to anything in use for Simplicity, Durability and Cheapens. Will give perfeot aatia-tartlon in all respects. It is double fanninir you from aU gidea. It is calculated for Hotel PininS Table, private families, ai wherever oool air ia needed. tiFor particulars call at Model Iron Works Went Philadelphia Street, between Beaver and Water atreeta, rear School building, i I atill continue ti Gun.

Lock and Clark-smith buaienaa, with additional machinery and practical hands. FREDERICK SNYDER, Toriat Proprietor. THIS PAPER AY bk FOUND ON ll.E AT UKO. P. iwa IVf-WRtlBIMI.

ll. i A y.TN: Clr7r7 a Month and expenses guaranteed I to Agents. Oatiitiree. SHAW CO. Augusta, Maine.

aug-ly i Ovmmfncing'thi (Tntsdsy) evening, September 2, at 7i o'clock, CF. Grocerief, Qucensware, -The will be sold at the South corner of Philadelphia and P- rn iar ell Helnrtnri anirtTnant rtf CuMn itA and Whltt Shi tiu, Cletb, Caah'mure, ruu'icgs u. tioi oiooi; uols. outtona or all kinds Men's, jLtdtea' JUissei and Ch liln-n'a iioae. In ri eat variety, c.

ileu'a fJoilcr Sniila mi a anl VAriAtv nf nl lim- rnttii tn. to Terwa at saie, by 1). GUSMAN, at. j. auuaiej, auuiioneor.

aepl at iiuu iw nenry KeuuiKer, tenant luiijtnei Jaira, in West Mancheater lownmiip, ivereuy nodflia tbe publio that j4 hot-ia now him that the owner can obtain the auuioial by calling lit it, and paying the damagas. Angl3-ltlan jr MM.9 I nnni DRUJ Hoiticultnral and Induatrial, No 4. Everybody expands, if not their minds, at least their travel, there must be some cause fori; but I can have no quarrel with any one so minded, whilst I too bave a alight minis in that direction; and weoften travel with do other object In view than Just too see a State or CouDty Fair but many of us have seen so many cattle ahowa, tbat we ct'en feel as if we would like to see something else. Within the past few years, Uorticnltnral Societies, are becoming more nnmerona, interesting and important, and they are striving to exert an influence on society, which is getting to be appreciated more generally by the people, aa ia seen in the nit-uy horticultural exhibitions and experimental catders, which are springing up aud increasing aunually, In a philosophical point of view these societies serve to attach our restless population to borne. "In horticulture lies the most powerful philtro that oiviiized man has yot found to attach him to one epot of earth; it transforms what was only a tame meadow and a bleak aspect, into an Edea of interest and delights.

It ates all the difference between 'Araby the and a pine barren. It gives a bit of soil too-itieignificsnt to find a plaoe in tbe geography of the eatth's surface, each an importance in the eyes cf its potijoesor, that he liids it more attractive than countless acres of unknown and unexplored territory. Whoever lives to see the text cycle of our race, will th6 great 'alleys of the West, tbe gardens of the world, and we shall watch with Interest the first development, in the busy of its active masses of tbat beautiful end quiet spirit, of tbe joint culture of the earth, and the heatt that is destined to give a toLe to the future char-aorer cf its octold millions." It ia a just relink, and wonly of all truth, tbat just as as a people becomes settled down, they icc'cao iQ intelligence, in love of hems, and manifest an interest in horticultural and industrial pursuits. Intelligent men and women, will find prcGtablo employment in this business around every large town and village, and tbey will cot only work, for purposes of their own, but to be useful to other, the bee visits every.

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