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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNE SEPTEMBER 24, 19C5. 3 JEALOUSY EHDS PROPHET DDIH1E HE SMS PRETTY VJOLmn -MS HlStJ li DIKE GIVES SI 00 OOrCLEM STflflTLiWG ALLEGnTIOWSIKTHEGURHEECnSE John J. Marcovich and His Wife Declares He -Will Return to Assists Suit to Determine Police Are. Working Hard to' Are Separated by the Court. Triumph Oyer His Enemies.

Whether Uniforms May Be Worn at Entertainments. Try and Find the Murderer MONDAY EVENING, mm MYSTERY IS OYSTER BAY. SepL4 24. President CHICAGO. Sept.

24. John Alexander Roosevelt has contributed 2100 to be Dowie today bade farewell to about used by Rear Admiral Thomas In a NEW YORK, Sept 24. Up to aa i early hour today the police had made) practically no progress tn unravelling; the mystery surrounding, the finding of portions of the body of ev murdered? two hundred Zionists, the remnant of Insane Jealousy and constant bickering on tha part of his wife Is understood to be the cause of John J. Marco-, jvlch, proprietor of the Gas Kitchen, leaving her oa March 25, 1804, and thus tarnishing the woman with grounds tor a divorce. Judge Orden.

In the 8a- legal suit instituted recenUy at New his numerous adherents. He on port, R. to determine whether or not a man. may be excluded from a public October start for Mexico, where he man In a pit at West Thirty-sixth street and Eleventh avenue. The trunk i hopes to re grain his but there nouse or entertainment because he wears the uniform ot tQe nlted States army or navy.

President Roosevelt todav mail a nubllo pertor Court thli morning, granted Mrs. of -the man was mutilated as waa that Marcovich her final decree, the Inter are very few even of his most ardent followers who believe' that he will ever 7L the following letter which he has sent to 1 orQuldensuppe, the victim of the no-: torlous murder of nine years ago; the forearms and lower parts of the leg locutory decision having- been handed 'down July X905. iiear Acmirai Thomas: reach there alive. OT8TER BAY. 8eDt 84 Dear JLdi.

A mere shadow ot the once fiery were recovered, but diligent search The Marcovlches were married at Napa, July SI, 1835. They resided at Of the npis-itMtrYiftnil fntljuf tn mvbI "Prophet," Dowie was today carried the head or the thighs. The Place mlral Thomas: I inclose $100 to be. used in that suit whlch thanks to you, has been so wisely undertaken test, the legality of excluding any man from any public place ot entertainment because he into the spacious parlors of Ehlloh ,17 1 Twenty-fourth street, and It waa Si! where portions of the body were found -i there that the trouble started. Through I House by his two giant negro attend- ants, and In weak, trembling tones said Is near the river and the believe that the head was thrown The only clue which furnished any i to his assembled friends wears the united States uniform.

I feel that it Is the duty of every good citizen to endeavor in. every shate and wav to 1 am going- away, but I will return make it plain that he regards the unl- results yesterday was the gunny sack upon which was printed the name 2L 1 ur attorney, a. ij. it tick, sne commenced the action for legal separation 4 June 22, 1905, and petitioned the court for permission to resume her. maiden name, Agnes Toomey.

She stated that she was S3 years ot age. and that she again to triumph over my enemies. K. Mano." It was found that -Mano. am a sick man, but the sickness is not who died several weeks aro.

had beenn of the body. I am suffering- from a an Importer ot nuts at No. 47 Wash-' lngton street In the heart of the Sy-j 'believed her husband deserted her for broken heart. My wife and eon have 'another woman. I left me and are the only ones who rlan and Armenian colony.

He left! xurm or tne united States army and navy Just as much when worn by an enlisted man as when worn by an officer, as a badge of honor and therefore entitling the wearer, so long as he behaves decently. There ls'no 0ner body of men in all our country than the enlisted men of the army and navy of the United States, and I cannot sufficiently express my indignation and contempt for any man who treats his uniform save with the respect to which It is entitled. If a Oeorg W. Reed, counsel for the de- I remain- falthfuL Zlon win become the a widow who a few cays ago sold out fendant, stated that after I greatest religious center In the his entire stock preparatory to- giving up the business. It was learned last'; leaving- his wife, went to live at the I with quivering- voice, he closed Elks' Club, and after a residence of I his short address by starting his favor night that Mano had a brother Jack, who had trouble with hie Syrian neigh- Its hymn, God Be "With Tou TITJ We jveral months moved to Brush street.

bors because, of some business deal in Meet Again between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. man misbehaves himself, then no matter what uniform he wears, he should be The closing- scene In the active life dealt with accordlnslv: but tha tue-t nt Flick sent a message through Reed to the asking him to return to the settlement of the estate. It -was said that Jack had gone Into" hiding tew days ago because of threats made against his life. Some of the Syrians declared that the description of the of this one-time acknowledged leader of a peculiar sect was pathetic In the wife, but he declined to do so, be- wearing-, the tThlted States uniform should be accepted ns presumptive evidence that the man who wears it is right: any discrimination against the. uniform extreme.

Women burled their faces in cause he claimed they could not get iff their bands and cobbed aloud, while body at the morgue talllled with that 'along together. Mrs. M. A. Scroeder, 1912 Broadway, testified is much more than presumptive evidence that the man discriminating- is all wrong.

of the missing man. tears' rolled down the cheeks of a ma The dead man was of foreign' ex sincerely yuure, -v joiity of the bronzed men. Dowie was traction, either an Italian, an Armenian THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Rear Admiral' Thomas la renorted tn carried to the head ot the stairs, where the wife's behalf, and the decree was accordingly granted. Marcovlch settled about 18000 on his wife when the suit or a Syrian.

he pronounced the apostolic blessing- Coroner's (Physician Weston. who be paying- half the expenses of a suit for $500 damages brought bv Chief Yeoman and thus ended his career In Zlon City. mm 3, terminated. -r. viewed i the body advanced, a theory that Impressed the police.

F. J. Bunsle against the Newport Amusement Company of Newport, on the ground that he was excluded from the oiace 'Trom the condition of the torso," he mm said. "I am sure that the murder waa ATLANTA NOW MOTHER FAILS committed after midnight and I also while in uniform. Bunsle is on duty at the training station at Newport.

The suit will not be tried until October or believe that three men disposed of thw remains, very probably the three each carried portion and meant to imps: 1 throw them all in the river, whlca is only few hundred yards away. "They got frightened probably and: one of them chucked the body into TOSH SON QUIETING DOWiJ 1 Mm. this hole. Another ran Into the freight yard and seeing a oar door open, flung his load Inside. The third kept ARTHQtJAKE AGAIN BLUED "3 Exact Number Killed in Riot Young Diamond Thief Is Sen-! on to the river and hurled the head mm May Not Be Known for Some Time.

tenced to Term, at Preston School. 1 far out Into water. "As to the cutting up of the body, I am to think that whoever attended to this part of the crime must have had, some knowledge anatomy. The work is not that of a mmmm Time Extended for the-Filing of ATLANTA. Sept.

24. At 8:30 Although his mother traveled across the continent to save her son from prison, her efforts proved futile, be- bungler. They are neatly and o'clock the city Quiet. The seven cut at the Joints, being so dlsartlcu teen companies of State militia are in Teachers Certificates Who Were Entitled to Them. Sill tmtMM XxtAm Uarrl, in tV.

flnn.HAi. lated that not a single bone was eve it Court this moraine- sentenced Albert complete control of the situation. Ail mmmm mi. I Johnson, the young diamond thief, to saloons are closed: for the day under scraped by the knife. I do not mean that the murderer was necessarily a surgeon.

A butcher might have done BERKELEY. Sept. 24. The State i three years' Imprisonment at the Pres- tne order of the mayor. Business has ton School of Industry, at lone, on a assumed normal conditions, thre street charge of grand larceny.

Johnson had car service has been resumed. the Board, of Education has extended he the Detective Petroslno, who Is one oq the many police officers assigned the CVe after an Investigation eald: 1 pleaded guilty and fought to be placed schools are open as usual and public on probation, but the evidence given confidence Is being restored under the tme for the filing of teacher certi- fcates by those" who wefs entitled by bis sorrowing- parent denied him his energetic measures taken oy tne au do not think the murder: -wael niifaM.i-iVii.iiri)nmii wv-vitvs-fea under the regulations of last year from LILLIAN KELLER. GU RNEE; whom millionaire says is not his wife. August 1 to December 1. This action which enables those who were recom liberty.

thorities, city, county and State, to Mrs, Johnson admitted that Albert maintain order. No further trouble Is i has been In trouble In New York for anticipated. Ten bodies of 'those petit larceny and had been placed on killed In connection Wit hthe riots of probation, which privilege he violated. Saturday night have been prepared for extenuaUon for his acts the mother burial: It is reported on seemingly that the youth had been struck Rood authority that several bodies a stone behind the ear when a have been taken away for. burial, and mended for (high school certificates at Stanford end Jast.

year, and mWs Xomplaint Filed and a 1 Restraihing Order Has Been prearranged for in disposing of the body the murderer picked, up as wrappings whatever came his handrkj table cover and a mantel cover. ft "The brutality of -the crime Indl-j eates that there was, a strong motive, such as jealousy or Tevenge rather thaa! robbery." YOUTH WHO STOLE who failed tot file their recommenda "boy and that she believed the injury! it is equally probable some deaths tions before 'August to secure their certificates without further university work, which would be required of them had Impaired his reason. have not been reported to the police or other authorities. The exact number dead may net be kno wn for several MEDIATORS ONCE under the new regulations which were taken by the Board Friday, and1" Sat Placed on Record 16 Prevent Husband From Disposing of His Properly. "OUR SIDE WILL CONTEND THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO LEGAL MARRIAQE AT ALL.

I WILL HAVE' NOTHING. FURTHER TO SAY'' IN THE CASE." STATEMENT MADE BY ATTORNEY GEORGE cays. MORE FAIL TO MEET Various startling rumors of trouble For stealing a canvas covering front the Schmidt Lithograph Company at have been brought to the newspaper offices, but nine-tenths of these have been proved absolutely without foun HAVANA, Sept 24. The first meet- Professor Dresslar said this mornr Intr: "This action was taken because the earthquake threw everything awry in both preventing some Fifth and Adeline streets, 14-year-old Joseph Frates was arrested Saturday W. HAIGHT, COUN8EL FOR GEORGE IN NAM AN GURNEE IN HIS DIVORCE ACTION- AGAINST HIS dation and in other cases marvelous lng ot the American mediators with lthe insurgents and Liberal committee, -called for this moraine, was again afternoon and charged with --petit lar BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WIFE, LILLIAN I8VIN KELLER GURNEE.

exaggeration was shown. students at Stanford from finishing ceny. This morning he was given a severe lecture-by Judge Smith-and The Stfcte infantry will, be kept on postponed on account ot the Illness ot their work and preventing all from Everything now points to a bitter Interested society, from the Atlantic to The entire city Pelayo. Garcia, one of the conspiracy duty for some time. told to return to his home and go tot view which she granted a TRIBUNE representative last -evening the regal Is being patrdUed, The passing- of last graduating until September, while at school.

1 the Pacific coas'ts. prisoners, who had been added to the committee. The meeting probably will The lad stated' that, he had been work night without serious trouble Is con fight to the" end between the wealthy, young New porker, George H. Gurnee, and his fair bride of less than a month," sidered a hopeful sign. ing in a box factory and earned $8 a week, which he turned over to his par The local situation at noon seems 'upon the attitude of the commlttse at the University of California the' term was suddenly broken," preventing committees from rproperly notifying their students and advising them with reference to their certification.

Now that the time limit has been' extended, all more favorable than at any time since ents. He also stated that other members of the family were working, and Attorney Asa Mendenhall, repre the first conference. Judge Smith told him that he had better senting the defendant, returned from Heavy rains are prevailing and the Insurgents are Inclined to seek the Saturday. The authorities have dismissed and sent home all outsUeeqlll- go to school. The passing: or sentence was-continued for a month.

ot the armistice during the con- tia companies, except those belonging i. graduates from the University of California and Stanford university who to the Fifth regiment. Martinez yesterday afternoon, having filed the wife's cross complaint and having obtained a restraining order forbidding the plaintiff to' of ot the peace negotiations. ASKS FOR LETTERS beauty made it plain that she dreaded further notoriety and expressed the sole wish that the divorce would come to a speedy termination eo that she could leave Oakland forever and join hef mother; In New York, It has been a source of surprise her that her husband has remained in the background, although she takes his retirement as an admission that her grounds are based on fact. Mrs.

"Gurnee Is the step-daughter of Horaca. Klelnhaus, who was found dead, in bath, tub In the Lenox hotel. MARRIAGE LICEN8ES. The foliowir.a- marriage licenses' have; This leaves, one full -regiment In charge, excepting that guards have been issued: William T. Wilson, 33, and Lollta A.

Bruck, SI, both of San Fran are duly, recommended end wish to secure high school certificates should make sure to do so before December. This should be done by all who wish ON SISTER'S ESTATE been posted at the hardware stores to his vast holdings or draw money from Attorney Halght refuses to discuss the merits of the case from his client's standpoint, taking refuge In 'the' statement that the matter will be threshed out in court He did, however, declare that the plaintiff would put in the defense that there was no marriage. Regarding Mr. Gurnee' whereabouts the lawyer said he was in the dark, as Mr. Gurnee only communicates with him by telephone.

1' There were'rumors of a compromise during the early days of. the proceedings, this disposition seems to have fallen through because both, attorneys unite In saying- that the suit has resolved-Itself into a contest to the bitter end. v. Alone i and among the youthful bride bemoans the sad fate cisco; De Forest Reichland, 33, Los An protect them from possible raids for geles, and emuy M. stetson, 33, uaKiand: Rosanna Conntll hat petitioned the! firearms and ammunition.

The sale of Anthony W. Joseph, 24, and Kate L. the Crocker-Wool worth National bank. San Francisco, or the Central bank, Oakland, where It -is understood he, is a depositor. to teach this year and also by those who wish to teach in the future.

i. Superior court for letters ot admlnlt-l firearms and 'ammunition been Soran. 22, both of Oakland; John A. tratlon upon the estate or cer taie sis- i oraerea stopped, au tne saioons nave Horn, 43, and Matilda Kronquest, 33, both of Oakland; Albert mid 26. Salem, and Hattte E2.

Bern- ter Marie ConheU, who died In this I been closed until further' orders. 4, i WOMAN ARRESTED. Gurnee has been Ited to appear In Buffalo, about a year and "a half ago. Btein, 22, Memphis, Jao R. Netto, olty September 14.

The petition shows the Superior court of Contra Costa Grace Murphy' was arrested yesterday zi. ana inaoeue tnra, is, potn oi uaK- CLEVELAND that the deceased died intestate, leav county next Monday and whew" cause at 864 Broadway on a charge of vagrancy. The woman appeared in department one land; William F. Judeon, 32, and Minnie Basmussen, 26, both of Oakland Albert WASHINGTON, Sept 24. It was why he should not pay his wife $500 He was one of the most prominent clothing1 merchants In America, and his brother, is.

now; in the Bison City carrying--on his business. Gurnee it appears," Is a' Yale grad ing real and personal property valued at 37237. and that the heirs are the this mornlnsr and of the police court per month pending the prosecution of F. Harnett, zz. ana ieua Ktcnardson, 30, Her trial was set Her trial was set pleaded not guilty.

leaded not guilty. both of oaiuana: jame b. itnigtit, 2L. reported to the navy department today that the. cruiser Cleveland had sailed from Havana- for Cienfuegos to re the action and $1000, counsel tees, or October 2.

It is claimed by the po-ice that the defendant has been leading lice petitioner and her sister, Margaret Connell, -both residing at 12 6 West and L. Dorothy Barth, 18, both of Stock that must keep her on this coast for These are the latest developments in uate and waa a classmate of a number ton. a dissolute life. inforce the Marietta at that port. the sensational suit, which has already at least several weeks.1 In an inter of the most noted men of Old E1L Twelfth street, city.

1 EWD1G0TT TO SIX KILLED LOSER BY EARTHQUAKE IBS AS HAS HER BRIl 1 PUT UP FIGHT RETURN If A COLLISION Lady So Upset That She Lef: rhirty-Year-Old Woman Has 1 Prisoner Will Be Given Every Will Devote Entire Attention Fast Passenger Trairi Crashes J. Mallch Offers $100 Reward for Amount is Two Cents Higher on Fat Wallet Under Mattress Disappeared and Police Are Looking for Her. Into a Freight Train. of Her Bed. Opportunity to "Prove His Innocence.

Hereafter to Isthmian Canal Arrest of Man Who Took' Account of the. Influx of His Valuables. People, The stirring' days following With her mind thousrht to be some MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 24. Six are CHICAGO, Sept 24.

If Paul. Stens WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. -Rear-Ad- earthquake so upset Mrs. Kate Wattsi what deranged.

Miss Jennie Sewell, thirty of axe. has left the home of Mrs. land' desires when' he 1 eaves the A pickpocket operated yesterday A tax; rate of 3L28 wm probably afternoon on one of the ferry boats of by the aty Council at its ad- Hnnthrn Partita Comoanv which JIr1' meeting this evening. This is the Southern Facmo company wnicn kt Auditor Breed in his steamer Prins Adelbert in New York, he miral Endlcott, chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department, reported dead and more than a score injured In rear-end collision on the Minneapolis St. Louis railroad today at New Prague, Minn, The south' Osborn at 1302 Seventh street, where she has been' and the police have may commence habeas corpus proceeds wIU retire from that office upon reach lngs.

States Attorney Healy said today, dock at the oaxiana moie ana secured a 1 estimate, which was considered last I good haul, from one of his victims. J. I Thursday night in committee meeting now been asKea to locate ner wuere-a bouts. Miss 8ewell disappeared' several days ago and her relatives cannot account for her It is feared that she bound passenger -train leaving Minne lng the statutory age, sixty-two years, M.nnh 'nmin en vun of, on I by the members or the Council. apolis at 9:30 ml.

crashed into Ndvember 26, in order to devote his en msv be lost or has met wun an accident. I The amount la two cei.t higher than was crossing the bay on his way to this fo vr. naat. oinr th. m- tire service thereafter to the Isthmian freight train which was "on a' siding, splintering the first cars on the former after being informed of the sighting of the steamer off Fire Island: "We are not in the kidnaping business and' will give Stensland all the opportunity he wishes to proves his Innocence." Frank Dimmett has been reported missing from his home at 611 Octavla street, 8 tin Dimmett is thirty years city.

He was Jostled, about In the creased funds heeded to conduct the city. Canal Commission, of which he Is a 1 thrnnv which crowded the front deck of I iroverrment, consequent to the large mi and derailing the entire train. Both of age. He left his home mysteriously IT believes that ha wis people Into this city since last on September it. The locat ponce have member.

EACH SLAP COST I April. of 918 1 Pine-street that she forgot large sum of money she had placed un- der the mattress of one of the beds in her home. Last Saturday she recalled! leaving the money under the mattress i and went in searcfi of It. The purse! and money were gone and Mrs. Watts reported the disappearance to the police.

Mrs. Watts placed the purse, con-j taming 3109 in coin, under the mat-, tress on, April 22 last, She did not think of it again, until Saturday, when she- discovered the money had been taken. LUCK WAS WITH THE CARPENTER been asked to locate mm. engine crews were r- SHE LOST HER or ms vaiuaoies at mat time. 1 When Auditor Breed compiled his es and eo reported the matter to the Oak- I tlmate he found it neceesary to cut down THIEVES.

ROB A 'mrA nnltra. I the estimates of the heads of the de The States Attorney sent a message "to A Sslstant States Attorney Blnn, wh6 Is now in New York awaiting the arrival of the Prins Adelbert, directing him to afford Stensland opportunity to seek the aid of the courts of New York or New I Dartments many thousands of dollat- FILLED SUIT CASE i HERU DOLLAR One dollar tor" each slap she gave her neighbor, MrsT Josephine Lucas, was SALOONKEEPER xne prcupocurw in coin, TnU evenmg the CouncU w. in aU Ja gold ring- and a note for 2100 on the I probability, reanange some of the funds WhDe Biddell of- 323 A bold burglary was committed Sat Jersey, If he to. do the sentence imposed on Mrs. Laura urday night in the saloon of Herman A- tug carrying' cnaries I stnns, a Seaboard Bank of San Francisco, from fas compiled- by Auditor Breed, In order Malloh's The victim of the secure enough money to pay for the 1 twenty three new policemen and two bold thief has offered a reward of 2100 Btectlres.

which it was recommended Bell Blaln this morning by Police Judge West Adams street, Los Angeles, was stadlng en the corner of Sixteenth street and San Pablo avenue Saturday night, a suit. case containing wocsarfs Schoenfelder, 1786 Seventh street, West representative of the Illinois State's at torney and Joseph Klnnier, a Chi Samuels. Oakland. The thief rthleves gained cago detective, met the Prins Adelbert -for the arrest of the pickpocket. I by the committee last Thursday night.

1 theft wss skillfully cernetrated. should be allowed Chief of Police Wilson. wearing apparel was stolen from her. entrance to the i place crawling The two women live in the vicinity of Twenty-second and Market streets, and they get Into a quarrel over their chil on her arrival at the quarantine sta Miss Biddell was waiting for a car at the time, as she was way to through a transom over; rear door. tion with the Intention of transferring TuTby theVckr ATVh AND IN The till' was broken open and $134.20 Stensland from the ship to the rail the Sixteenth-street depot The thief stole the suit case while the young la coin was stolen.

Two checks tha the robbery. Malloh was on the way to NEED OF MONEY the home of his mend, u. Greeser of lady went out on the street to see if her car was coming. The theft has dren. Mrs.

Blaln's son alleged that the Lucas boy had stolen his wheeL The two mothers took sides to the case and it is stated that blows were etruck. Mrs. Blaln Is alleged to have slapped Mrs. Lucas in the face twice and -her Central-hank of Oakland, amounting to 197.75,. were taken during the burglary.

Schoenfelder reported hia 271 Sixth street. I While in an intoxicated condition Sat 1 1. I urday night Frank a husky la NEW YORK. Sent. 24.

The steamer I borer from San Francisco, asked every been reported to the police. LAST VISIT TO SAM DIEGO. Luck was with Nathaniel W. Hatch, a refugee carpenter, this, morning, when he stepped on a faulty cornice of the building in course of construction at Sixty-seventh andl Mabel streets and was precipitated sixteen feet to the ground below. Instead of receiving a broken neck he only sustained a dislocated ankle, which was set at the1 receiving hospital, where he waa promptly taken.

Hatch was then eent to his tent home at Tenth' and Fallon streets. He Is employed by Aides Prina on which Paul Clone along- the street for some loss to the police yesterday. REAL ESTATE DEALER DIES. SAN DIKGO, Sept 24. The Hawaiian fine this morning, therefore, was $2.

-ft- road station in Jersey City, where he would be; placed on board a train for Chicago, i' ir.y--3 i-'-y 'ify Theodore Stensland, son of the former banker, was also In this tug. Before leaving for the quarantine station Theodore Stensland said: "If my -father was kidnapped from Morocco or not properly arrested there, I shall fight extradition from New Jersey to Illinois. I shall first demand of Assistant State's Attorney Harry Olsen permission to talk with my father, both as his son and his Stensland. the fugitive Chicago bank I 4 a wAhtitet tKa TTnl-. SAN DIEGO.

Sept. 24. Simon Deta PITTSBURG, Sept 24. The body of utodr and charged with drunkenness and ted States, was sighted southeast of ThJ mTmnrA to- mater, aired 78 years, formerly of Chi Frank Riona. an Italian, aged.

34 yea American liner fifty-five days out from New York. began discharging this morning. This is her last visit here as on her return to-New York she will be kept tm the run' from that city to Ccatsacoalcos on the Mexican coast, the Castem terminus of the new Tehuante- Fire Island at 11:30 a. m. today.

The lleo thl- mernlne; and steamer is expected to reach quaran plead guilty to both charges against him. cago, died yesterday after a short illness. He came to this city last winter from Chicago, where he was a prosperous real estate agent and a prominent Ma- Ann. terday, was found this morning lying In the street. There was' a seven-Inch belief the police that the crime was 1 tin station about o'clock and her Me was sentenced to six days in the city prison on the drunk charge and sixty dock in Iloboken about 4 o'clock this and Company, pec a "black murder.

lafurnooa days for. being a vagrant..

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