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The Ottawa Daily Republic from Ottawa, Kansas • Page 4

Ottawa, Kansas
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:0 Stock Full, Complete and Fresh. Niagria Fruits a Specialty YOU WILL FIND THE QUALITY OF GOODS, AND PRICES EMINENTLY SATISFACTORY. FTJRM ITU EE! WHOLESALE BUY OF THE MANUFACTURERS, ottleial iMper orme County. VI Cfluesday Afternoon, narcb SO. LOCAL ITEJIS.

Don't forget, you have a bad cough or cold to try Syrup of Tar and Hoar hound, J5 and r0 per bottle at Esta-brook's fitf Put in your garden truck now. Mr. Bixler continues to be very ill. ilr. Almon Baldwin is about the same to-day, though somewhat more cheerful.

An elegant line of fine shoes for gentlemen at W. A. Westover Hltf Another beautiful day, and fair evidence that spring lias at last opened, ana old winter driven to his ho'e. A complete line of cook stoves in all He different styles sizes, at mwf-tf Forbes. There were thirteen states in the original union, Christ and his disciples were thirteen, and thirteen makes a baker's dozen.

Jia main hi boots and shoes, all styles, at. tf W. A. estovek Go's. No man can be a good judge of the reading tastts of the domstic circles of his reader, who is not himself a mem ber of one.

Full line Ladies' -Common Sense' Shoes just received at Cit MlI.NEll'S. The. hip pocket is a very bad place in which to carry a handkerchief in Texas. Folks don't like to see a fellow reaching around there. Only two dollars tor one dozen Photos and one Cabinet, at the little gallery round the comer.

dwtf Mr. Henry Branson, who has been very sick for some days, is reported better today. We hope to see him at his usual place of business soon. California Apricots at jwtf Ottawa (Ikoceky. Sam Harriett has resigned the Presidency of the "Koon Klub," and will now devote his attention to the duties of committeeman from the Third ward.

FourSultana cigars for 25 cents at, Acker's old Palace Drug Store. There is a great difficulty iu fiuding capable men tor the positions of Justices. How would Frank Wilkinson do for one of them. If he would tak it, is thoroughly unobjectionable. Latest styles in shoes, something new, at W.

A. Westover LVs. 42tf We hope ihe convention will give the Pelice Judgeship and Justices offices to worthy attorneys, who by their kLOW-ledge of the law, can intelligently discharge the duties of the office. The finest dried peaches in Ottawa, at tl Wtf Otta.AVA (iKOCERY. Hanway of Lane, received an order this week for a car load of the celebrated Coraline marble to be shipped to Chicago.

This is probaDly only a forerunner of larger shipment. California Bartlett Pears at Ottawa Grocery. Last Sunday, a happy wedding occurred at "Shindig Bend," Peoria township, presided over by Squire Seymour, who giyes us the item Mr. Lewis Nyheisei was married to Miss Abigal Whitney. Ladies call and get a pair of the "Com-mn Sense" shoes, at 'iuy Milner's.

24 Farms and City Property ior sale by w2 Jviix Dysert. Squire Patten and Mr. 11. C. Ashwill mopped in yesterday, and entertained the Itr.ri iii.K Ax force pleasantly for a half hour or so.

These gentlemen are among our most prompt subscribers. Lightcolors are being worn now, more than the once standard blue and dark by gentlemen. Ring Smith have a large stock of the very latest style piece goods, and of the best quality. Photos two dollars per do.en. at the little gallery round the corner.

dwtf It is about time that the circular fit nd was out with his annual tivada on ridden and '-thievisl officials." We'll feel sort ot lonesome unless we get a little light literature of this sort. L. W. Hostetter, of Franklin township, sold lit head of cattle fed on his own farm to S. ll.Carmean.

of Lawrence, to be delivered in May at five dollars per hundred, they will weigh oyer 16,000 pounds, and are as tinea lot ot cattle for the number as ever went ont of this part of the country. Something new, Finnan Haddies at dwtf Ottawa Grocery. or Phots, go io me nttle gallery round the corner. dwtf Per. Noah Bixlerls s'owly hut surely sinking away, and no hopes are entertained of his recovery.

Mr. Bixler is also dying with cancer of the breast. So fearful and intense is her suffering, that she cftntufc sleep until nature is completely worn out, and her system prostrated. She is so low that she cannot attend her iyitig husband, and the angel of death is almost in possession of the household. All who have learned of it.

pronounce the new partnership between Stacher Nolan a good arrangement. They will carry a tine line of piece goods, and guarantee the best styles. 52tf The best place in tne cuy to get cigars is at Acker's, old Palace drag store, tf Next to Heller.thr'Austrian Conjuror" is the greatest prestidigitator living. Zamloch, since Heller's death has ne rival. Wherever he goes he creates wonder and astonishment by his mysterious performances.

In addition to his remarkable exhibition, he gives away hundreds of dollars worth of presents, and his shows are always well patronired. ne vill begin a three evening enragement, in the Opera House to-night. If you want a strictly first-class Mixed Paint, buy Lewis Co's. The paint is used and recommended bv Bullene, Ah OfSChiSla City Times of yesterday, may be read with interest by persons who are in the habit of using colored handker chiefs: A few days since Newton Frye, barber at Frank's shop, purchased a silk handkerchiof, which was composed of the colors of dark brown and old gold. Some dirt getting into his eyes, he used the handkerchief to wipe them.

Shortly afterwards they became inflamed, and grew rapidly worst, till yesterday was almost totally blind. Becoming very much alarmed at the state of matters, ne weat to Dr. Kimberlin, of Kansas City, who on examination stated that the eyes were poisoned from dye off the handkerchief, and it was extremely doubtful if he ever re covered hi3 sight. Last night he was suffering intense pain and unable to see. Mr.

Frye was yerv popular amongst the Wyandotte citizens.who sympathize with him in his misfor tune, and wish hiaspeedy The following postal card has been handed us for publication. It is with the view of calling the cemmis sioners attention to the matter. Topkka. March 2d, 1S81. FniEXDSPAKK.s: The bill author izing the commissioners to appropri ate money to build a bridge at theC O.

Judson crossing passed the senate -day, and will become a law as soon as published the statute book. Yours, C. P.CnoiTH. G. S.

Holt is applying paint and whitewash, and slicking up his store room generally, for the reception of the large stock of goods which Charley Crane is now buying east, and has begun to ship, Fijst invoice receiv- ed to-dav. The sociable of the Congregational church will be neld at Mr. Mr. Geo. Brown's on Main street, to-night.

Everybody invited. Mr. and Mrs. Brown's well known hospitality is a guarantee for a pleasant evening. BURDETTE.

Tickets for liis lecture en ii be had at Clark SJro. Saturday morning, Aprl.2t!. at 8 o'clock, at wuicla lime the Hoard will he clear. The grand final wind up of the Terpsichorian Club will be held on Friday evening. April 15.

The season will be linished with a calico ball. That's what the ladief Avill wear, (lentlemen's dress will depend upon the weather, but it's not probable that it will be warm enough for two shilling summer suits. It is generally conceeded that Sam Smith, as the local representative of the old established Grm of Ring Smith, has never spared trouble or expense to satisfy the needs of the community, lie has now employed Mr. II. Bereman, a cutter of cultivated taste and long experience, to preside over their manufacturing department.

One cannot tell the difference in style between suits made by him, those from the hands of the best cutting designers of the cities. A man dressed in one of his costumes fecan at home and well dressed in any society. tf The audience was very small at the Opera House last night, but the performance was huge. Miss Palmer i3 a bright, active, vivacious actress, full of fun, and in her element, in such a play as "Boarding School." W'- laughed till our sides ached at the many ridiculous situations constantly occurring. At this office, a live boy for carrier One who suits can get a permanent job.

HAMBLIN OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY I'IGHT, APF.IL 6. The lireat Araoaicaii Wit aul Humorist, ROBT, BURDETTE Known as the "Burlington Hawkeye Man," In liis Remarkable Lecture, "Rise anfl Fall oi the Moustache" Uriiler the Auspices ot the Enterprise Entertainment Course. Admission, 50 cants. Unserved soats, at Clark Bros, SJtimlar April 2nd, no extra charge. T2- NEW GOODS AT L0WPEICB3.

at MRS. IIAltLEY'N. Among the specialties are dress fringes, Misses Corsets, Spanish lace and ladies and Children's underwear. Something new in children's lace caps and collars, embroidered ties and ruch-ings. mch4 lm BE-I 1ER Til A a GOLD.

The Best Throat ana Iaug fled-lelne oi the Age Is Marsh Golden Balsam. "Xot ouo of the thousands who have used Marsh'- Golden Balsam in this city, has ever made a complaint that it did not do all claimed for it. KansasCityTimes. Your Golden Balsam is decidedly the best Throat and Lung medicine of the age. It has cured me of a bronchial af fection and a chronic cough after all other remedies failed.

T. J. Walker, Denver, Colorado. Afy friends and the doctors said I had consumption. I used Cod Liver Oil and various remedies without deriving any benefit Your Golden Balsam has cured rae.

I prize your medicine very highly. It is better than gold." H. L. Thomas, Dallas, Texas. Marsh's Golden Balsam is for sale by every druggist in Ottawa, and by prominent dealers everywhere.

Don't fail to try it. Large bottles cents and 1.00. 1 A GOOD TUBN OUT AND SPLENDID PEELIWG. Agreeable to call, the caucuses of the Republican party, met in the respective glazes of appointment last night, and proceeded to make the nominations for positions. In al: except the Fourth ward, the attendance was unusually large, and the best of feeling prevaled.

A glance at the following list of names. will convince any one that their work was well done. For the first time in our recoliection.nominations have been made, entirely unexceptionable, with every in dication that the city ticket to be nomina ted to-night, will give a general satisfaction. JfOMIXATIOXS COUXC'ILMES. 1st ward.C.

Heck. 2d J. L. Hawkins. 3d A.

J. Wightman, II. J. Smith 4th A. M.

Blair. SCHOOL BOARD. 1st ward, R. C. Campbell.

2d J. S. Cloud, J. C. Shomo.

3d P. Shir as. 4th Geo. T. Brown.

COMMITTEEMEN. lit ward, T. H. Starling. 2d B.

C. Jf cQuestioc. 3d S. H. Barnett.

4th No nomination. Delegations to cHy convention FIRST WARD. T. H. Starling, Frank Heck.R,C.Camp-bell, John Uross, Thos.

Johns. SECOND WARD. Rebt. Atkinson, D. Holaday, C.

B.Olin, H. Edgeworth, Frank Wilkinson, S. L. Patrick, M. Randall.

THIRD WARD. Dan'l Derord, 11. P. P. Harris, U.

C. Mechem, M. It. Culbertson, A. W.

Benson. FOURTH WARD. A. M. Blair.

L. C. Wesson. S. G.

Wil son. For iron, wood or chain pumps and pump repairing, go to Forres' dwtf-mwf School Laws. The following is an abstract of some of the laws passed at the last session of the Legislature Certificates issued by county boards shall be of three grades first, second and third, and shall continue in force respectfully two years, one year and six months. Conditions for first grade: Eighteen years of age, 12 months successful teaching, and ability to give instruction in orthography, reading, writing, English grammar and composition, geography, arithmetic, IT. S.

history, constitution of the U. S. book-keeping, physiology, elements of natural phylosophy, and a general average of 90 per cent. Second grade Seventeen years of age, 3 months teaching, proficiently in common branches and an average of 0 per cent. Third grade: Sivteen years of age, an average of 70 per cent, in common branches, and to be issued to the same person but once.

Duties of county superintendent to visit each school once each term of six months, correcting any deficiency thac may exist in the government of the school, classification of pupils, or methods of instruction; to note the character and condition of th3 school house, furniture, apparatus and grounds and report in writing to the district Board, to examine the accounts and record books of the district officers, and aid in keeping them as required by law; to keep a record of tke name, age and postoffiee address of each candidate for a teaeher's certificate, with the number of weeks said candidate has taught, number of weeks he has attended a normal school or institute, to keep a register of the teachers employed in his name of of the district in which he is employed dates of opening and closing term, salary per month, grade of certificate and date of superintendent visit; to hold a public meeting in each school district of his county, at least once every year, for the purpose of discussing school questions and elevating the standard of education. I ask parents do not fail in attending these meetings. Everybody come. I will suggest that many of our teachers must be active and earnest in teaahing and preparation, or under the present system of grading they will be left out. Dear teachers lrt us be in earnest.thought-ful and achve, and give to the world useful lives.

11. F. Elms, County Supt. Mr. Nolan, who has formed a partnership with L.

N. Stacher, in the tailoring and cutting department, is a first-class workman, a tasty cutter, and a man whose work is well known and fully appreciated in Ottawn. ft List. or Letten Remaining and unclaimed in the Post-office at Ottawa, Kas. March 39, 1881 A Clark, Sallie Jones, Miller, Elizabeth Robb, Shade, Mrs Barbar Smith, Mrs Woods.

Persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that they are advertised, and give the date of this list. J. E. Bliss, P. M.

The most astonishing reduction made iu any class of goods within the last few years is that on clothing. he change still continues, and the magnificent new stock selected by Ring Smith, and now daily arriving, will be sold at amazingly low figures. tf Very fine line or candies, at Ottawa Grocery. tf LOST In this city Tuesday, March 2Mi, a promissory note given by Robt. Bald to Robt.

Howden. A.11 persons are warned against purchasing the said note. 3.Vdlt Rort. Howpex. HE HE'S A BARGAIN.

For sale a first-class house (6 rooms) in a superior location near central part of city. Will also trade good mares for span of mules, or will buy mules, and sell your spring suits, step into the new tailoring establishment, in rear of Siacher's store and see their fine line of piece goods. It will be well for you to see some of their new styles of suits. dtf CASH CAPITAL (kod Agents wanted in every County Call on or address. CHILDS TATE, District LAWREXCt, KAXSAS- 30-1 mo Missouri RAILWAY, Fassing through the most enterprising portions of Kansas and Missouri, the Beautiful Indian Territory and Texas, with a solid steel traek to and from the Un-on Depot in St.

Louis, Hannibal, Kansas City and St. Joseph, Atchison and Leavenworth, Texas.mak-ing close connections in these Depots with Railway Lines leading to all parts of the United States. Passengers wio purchase tickets overt he MISSOL Ii 1 PACIFC KAIL-WAY have No Change of Cars. AND DAILY TRAINS, BETWEEN" THE FOLLOWING CITIES: Kansas City and St. Louis, Leavenworth and St.

Louis, Atchison and St. Louis, St. Joseph and St. Lonis, Fort Scott and St. Louis, Fort Scott and Hannibal, Fort Scott and Kansas City.

Lmporia and St. Louis, Junction City and St. Louis, Denisou and St. Louis, Denison and Hannibal, Denisou and Kansas City, Sedalia and Omaha, Kansas City and Logini, -WITIl- EECLINING CHAIR CARS FREE. Besides IVE lines of Pullman Sleeping Cars, and handsome Day Coaches, with Toilet Rooms and the latest improvements, heated by pipes and thoroughly ventilated, carpeted, and with colored attendants.

The Has a Steel Track, the Miller Platform, and the improved Automatic Air Brake on all cars in its passenger trains, it is in every respect a First -laas Railway. For Maps, Time-tables and interesting reading matter concerning the Missouri Pacific Railway and its connections with other Lines, which will be mailed free, address F. CHANDLER, Gen'l Passenger Agent, JAS. D. BROWN, Ass't (len'l Passenger Agt.

A. TALMAGE, Gen'l Manager, MO. dSotf ChicagoGrocery 69 Main OTTAWA, SANS. Keep as Large if not Larger Stock of STAPLE Fancy Groceries EVER KEPT IN" OTTAWA. Prices hot only as Low, but Lowe than any other house, and as we are fully Posted in buyinr and buy of First Hands and PAT SPOT CAS If, We propose to sell all goods Lower than Ever Before.

and as we handiejiothinx but FIRST-CLASS GOODS Highest Cash Price Paid for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE Baldwin Kibbee. OR, BUTTS' msPBisflRT 1217 it 12 H. 8A Street, ST. THE PhyticUat ehirfe of tfci and wtl kaowa Iaaii tutioa are regaUr graduatei is SBedicae mr.4 tarferr. Year of Kaairiian a the treatment CaraaUc Baian bare ataaa tactr aaiU aa4 aaaUty a aaach aapcrhar tfcat taa riinary aracuuooer, taal lacy tare acquired a aaltcaaJ reyatauaa Uresrh ft atnesl af rsaspiicated raaea.

jj I EX POSURE an a aatiu, Waaanaia, Wtrrt, Hrnaa rahi da, mM Iria rj Trakfa aa4 railllac ar HarraHal akaaa a Uaa tti-aat, akia ar aaata, trcaua wrta aaacaaa. aa aaimtii avac el plea, vithaat aaiar Meraary ar ataar fonaaaaa Haaiaiaaa. YOUNC men TL' i iaaftialiil iimJinii it iinil fenaf freaa kt cfaaaa ar tan aiaaai raaa or haauaai Uraaaaaa, taa naait af aalf-aaaaa la aaatfc ar cicaaa la autarad eeara, ara aanaaaaatly aarea. Taw aaa. aaaa proa ace liai Of taa fllawia( aauanwi, kwaakaa, tiaaiBcaa, acrraaaa, diaaacaa ml atfhf.

aaafk, gaitiaa. aauopatiaa. aaapaoaaaay, aaafaaiaa iaaaa, itanaa a aa eiety, aafcctiT aaiaarj, aeiaaJ ahaatia, iaaaataaay aa lea aaaatr vtnr, vkiekaaCt Ike aktiai t-r kaaaaaxa ar auiriaa. luffl-T- I fXE5 kl arkJeT fcae. Mraaaal aoaaiiuaiiaa a praiarraa.

Kt ia TXSI aa4 Ibtic-4- Laat aaeatMaa I aBaarcrad kr aakau aaaariaf traat. aa aaajl4 free to aay aodraaf aa appiicatiea. Cfamaa aaBeria Iraaa Raaav akU aaaa tfcalr aliaai, aa4 Warm naaiUiaf lm tkair UraatUaaw It la aa a araaa. errirt'T eaa aoaenai, a4 eaeai aa aatfrraaaal mmU Jttv AlHbla Ska) St. DISSOLUTION NOTICE.

The copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned is this day by mutual consent dissolved. Hanway Brothers will settle ail detts and make all collections. II an at il. AI. Waddle, Ottawa.

March 20, r.2d3 Pacifi Missouri Pacific Rv. AWAY EACH PERFORM-! ANCE. HAMBLffl OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 30th, 31st and April 1st. The Austrian Conjuror andWon-de "Worker of the Tcrld, And the only genuine exposer of Spirit-ulisrn. 150 costiy and elegant presents given away each performance.

Head Advance Courier) for particulars. Admission (3 envelopes) cts. Reserved Seats (4 envelopes) ets. Children (1 envelope) 25 cts. ELECTION PROCLAMATION.

Mayou's Office, Ottawa, Kansas, 3iaich 23, 1881. Notice is hereby given' that the next annual election in ihs city of county, Kansas, will he held on TUESDAY, APRIL 3881, to elect the following city and ward officers, to-wit Mayor, Police Judge, City Attorney, City Treasurer, Treasurer of the Board of education, two Justices of the Peace, and two Constables. One Councilman and one member of the Board of Education from each ward, for the full term, and one Councilman from the third ward, and one member of the Board of from the second ward to 11 1 1 vacancies. The polls will be open from o'clock a. m.

to 0 o'clock p. in. at thn following places: First ward, at corner 1st. Main streets. building formerly occupied bv W.

Mottram. Second ward, at W. T. I'ickrell's Implement store on Main street. Third ward, at Dr's Pierce and Me- chem's office, on stieet.

Fourth ward, at Ca mac's harness store, on Main street. A. YV. Bf.xso.v. 47dist Mavor.

A large proportion of children who die early are those whose brain development is unnsualli larje in comparison with the body. Yh is this? Simply because the functions of the body are too frail to supply the waste going on in the brain consequent npoa active intelligence. Fellows' Compound Syrup of Ilypophos-phites is so prepared that it imparts the vital principle directly to the brain, while it assists in developing a vigorous and robust bod Such as Consumption.Bronchitis,Asthma General Debility, Brain Exhaustion, Chronic Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, or LOSS OF NERVOUS POWER, Are positively cured by Fellows' Com pound Syrup of Ilypophophits. As phosphorus enters so largely into the animal economy, it becomes par excellence the best vehicle with which to associate the other vitalizing ingredients of healthy Blood, Nerve and Muscle. In Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphites are combined all the substances found necessary to insure robust health, and whereas it was invented with a view to supply every certainly has performed some wonderful cures.

Manchester, N. June 18, 1880. James 1. Fellows: Dear Sir 1 wish to acknowledge the great benefit I have received from the use of "Fellows, Compound Syrup of llypo-phosphites." 1 have been an invalid for nearly two years, with a bronchial affection that had become chronic. In the fall ot 1878 I had a physician eighty days in succession, besides the counsel of several others.

They gave me but little encouragement, some of them none. Last July 1 was advised to give your remedy atrial, I did so, and in less than one week there was a marked improvement for the better. 1 have continued its use trom that time until the present, improving all the time, and I can truthfully say 1 am more than a hundred per cent, better than when commenced its use. I have increased in weight about fifteen pounds, and my cough, which was fearful, has nearly disappeared. I believe had it not bean for your Syrup.

I should ere this hava been beyond the cares of life. Very truly yours, Albert Story. Do not be deceived by remedies bearing a similar name: no other preparation is a substitute for this, under any circumstances. nov hold hy I. Derord o.

SHERIFF'S SALE. I In the Fourth District court, in and for Franklm county, of Jvansa. M. TF.Sawf.r, vs. Log ax IIuxTixo.

BY Virtue of an execution to ma directed, issued' out of the district court for Lyon cou.i ty, Stte of Kaufas, I will on MONDAY, THE 18TH DAY OF APRIL, A. 1881, at 2 o'clock, p. of said day, at the front door of the court hfuse in Ottawa, county of Franklin, and State of Kansas, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest and best binder, for cash in hand, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: Lots 2, 4 and 6 in block (51), also lot 21 in block (0), in the city of Ottawa, situated in Franklin county. State of Kansas, taken as the property of the said Logan Hunting and appraised at SfiO.OO and to be sold to satisfy said execution. Given under mv hand at office in Otta wa, this Hith day of March, A.

D. 1881. Tnos. West-fall, Sheriff of Franklin Kas. w.

c. haktlet, the boss auc tioneer or OTTAWA. Farmers and others having stock for ale, will be pleased to learn that Ottawa now has a regular Kentucky horse and stock market This new business as pr-ided over by Mr. W.C. Hartley, the Bos Auctioneer of the West, a man who can sell whether his customers want to buy or not Every one having furniture, live stock or in fact anything to sell, should call en Mr.

Hartley, at Kiler's livery stable, on WMt Second strt. 18w4 fZ, CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE I KIDNEYS STOMACH AND dtfu Pj( I General debilityI 9IV 7 constipation; Vk LgjSI ST.LOUIS AND KANSAS Iiese Bitters are not an intoxicating: lieveracre, but a AND RETAIL pleasant to the taste JPrlce, $1.00 per BottUx A Hint. W.a;-J. 3Dr lllnrofrri. VTKOKM St.VIX Woi-fcs upt.O'231t.

iTiec, 'i-tiufcrirU ia. Ijomsstic CiucliiUii. Pi Peter Henderson's COMBINED CATALOGUE OF rr WM be Mailed Free to all who apply Letter. Our Experimental Ground? In TOhlch we test our Vegetable and Flower Seeds are moil complete; and onr Greenhouea for Plant (covering 3 acre In clas) are the largest In America PETER HEIIDERSOH I CO. 35 Cortlandt Street, New YorJr.

I will snail a copy of my New Book "KEGICAL COMMON SENSE," TREE, to key penon mho milmJZJ)iZT ceiul hi nam and pest-oHice avduiaa, auiaiaJL in sum pi to pay poslax. To any one enfferin? wffh ASTHMA. CATARPai, SOKE 1HROAV. cr BRONCHITIS, the Information In th a hot cjI frreat value and it may in the providence ol i itve Tnnv tusfnl lira. Arc, P2.X.B.

WOLFE, 143 Smith'. STOVE FIFE SHELF MID UTENSIL AUE.XT8 tTA-KTElO tot I most convenieiit artici btrr to koieheep-i. Diel gte.tfT "ness than ever. sr- in 13 i In 8 dsrt, atiottr-j 27 ia I day. IWixlr ririebl Free lo i-'' taawcal addxe-a.

i.KMJEPKr..( (lawlouad, Ui art. PL'ULICATIOX NOTICE. In the District Court of Franklin County Kansas. riLLIAM GRIFFITH will tak notice that he has been sued in the above named court by C. C.

Mee-! cheni, whose petition he must appear and aaswer or or before the 29th day lot April. 1881, or said petition will be taken as true and plaintiffs title to the northeast quarter of section nine (0), township eighteen (IS), range nineteen (19), rranklin county, Kansas, quieted as against said defendant, and he barred from all right or interest therein. II. C. Meechem, d41-4w Plaintiff's Aity.

Check a cough or cold at once, and uge ad old reliable remedy, such as Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup. Price 2." cents lsrg size. ceuts. 0qb fr8J Pledlcliie of real merit, and For Sale by all Druggists.

FOREST MILL' ELEVATOR Franklin County Water Power DEALERS IN GRAB AND Castor Bears Also Manufartiirers of FLOUR. FEED JfEAL Our Storage and Elevavor I t- ins large, we are prepared to handle all kinds of Grain with dispatch. Stompe i charges are lc for first month and lc per bushel for each subsviuent month orpart thereof. We are preiared at all times to make bids, and fanners aul others naving Grain to dispose of, will do well to us before selling. ZHniEAED LAIEB.

Al. 1st. MASON i Iient Paid two-aud-a AND years by one. TT A urTTUT I'st Cabinet or Parlor nAMiiiJN Organ in the Wirld; HRPAMQ winners of Inchest dis-UlivJrLLiO. I tinction at every world's fair for thirteen years.

toSSOO and upward. Also for easy pajiiients S5 iSnth or 67 a quarter and or Catalogues free. Slason Hamln Organ i 'o 154 Tremont SU Boston; 4 East 14th (Union Sq-iare) New York 230 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. TEACHERS udents UkVaaa.WAV. fl0O or oo month during VACATION.

For ill particulars. aJ-5rrsi, 7. CMrCrRET A St. Mo. Moores -Emery and Meyer Brothers of Kansas and every gallon is guaran- teed.

We have also a cheaper mixed House for Rent, and a Farm for Sal paint that for some uses will give satis- ciIEAP, or exchange for Ottawa prop-faction. Our line of H'hite Lead, Oils, I erIy, Call soon. Colors, Ac, is ciy and we Robert Atkixsox. would like to have. all who propose paint- in this sprint call and see us.

Before giving a positive order for 32dd d5tts3 18 w4 FORBES Co. Co to the little Gallery round the corner wherf you can get one dozen Photos and one Cabinet for two dollars, and one doz. cabinets and one a by 10 picture for four 'dollars. dwtf.

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