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The Bellingham Herald from Bellingham, Washington • 4

Bellingham, Washington
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A4 The Bellingham Herald Friday December 25 1987 Northwest iiiii i if- I Labor shies away from Senate endorsement and choosing one over the other has been difficult for some labor groups Labor councils In Snohomish Kitsap and Pierce counties also have opted not to endorse State labor council President Larry Kenney also says no endorsement is likely to emerge from the conferencce Bonker and Lowry have nearly lndentical pro-labor vote records Bundles of bills Ministries get anonymous $25000 SEATTLE (AP) A shoe box full of $25000 in cash in bundles of $100 and $20 bills arrived by mail at a Christian radio station with an unsigned note of Christmas cheer "To help the children of the KCMS Christinas Fund Please divide equally among the six ministries Merry Christmas Ho Ho the note said The money arrived by priority mail on Wednesday and will be distributed equally among Emerald City Outreach Ministries Yesler Terrace Neighborhood Foundation Point Man Ministries World Concern Union Gospel Missions and Crista Camps for children a station official said The groups help disadvantaged children in Seattle and other parts of the world said Chuck Lee associate general manager of KCMS and a companion station KLYN-FM in Lynden Where did the cash come from? "We have no clue Nothing at all" Lee said The box was wrapped in brown paper and the KCMS was also used for the return address he said The note was signed with only a simple drawing of a smiling face listeners previously had sent $5000 to the fund and $700 was received on Thursday he said they hope to rally support among other Eastern Washington labor organizations The Spokane County Central Labor Council voted Tuesday night to make no endorsement despite appearances by both candidates While the Tri-City council won't decide its official position until Jan 4 Newman predicts it will follow suit Members of the Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council and the Southeastern Washington Building and Construction Trades Council voted last month for no endorsement Jim Watts president of Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers Local 1-369 in Richland recently wrote to Tri-City union officials "The election of Mike Lowry or Don Bonker to the United States Senate would be the beginning of the end of any progressive nuclear growth at Hanford" it says have openly advocated the shutdown of Hanford as one of their political goals Labor in Southeastern Washington can no longer afford to have their name associated with candidates that call for the demise of our members' KENNEWICK (AP) Tri-City union leaders say they probably won't endorse either Mike Lowry or Don Bonker for a US Senate seat because both congressmen oppose restart of the Reactor and conversion of an unfinished reactor to plutonium production Those stances Tri-City unions say ultimately will cost their members jobs so the best response is no endorsement Lowry and Bonker both Democrats have been campaigning hard for union support in the race to become the Democratic candidate for Sen Dan Evans' seat have been used and abused here by politicians who want to use us for their own political advantage" Harold Newman business manager for Laborers International Union Local 348 in Pasco said Wednesday intend to be kicked around Newman secretary-treasurer of the Benton-Franklin Counties Central Labor Council said Tri-City unions are ready to vote "no when delegates to a state labor council conference meet Jan 7 At the same time Newman said After Christinas Sale off Dinnerware Spode 25 off Dinnerware 25 off Lenox Holiday 25 off Best-selling games hark from Renton firm WWU graduate The Bellingham Herald Friday December 25 1987 Volume 98 Number 359 The Bellingham Herald people-to-people telephone directory Christmas Hallmark 50 off Gift Wrap Boxed Cards Party Goods Decorations Ornaments Christmas Linens 50 off Runners Tablecloths Napkins Potholders Terry Towels Aprons Nutcrackers 25 off AH Other Christmas Merchandise 50 off UllENClRICkSONS 406 First Ml Vernon 122 Holly Bellingham 336-5755 647-0700 computer system which was launched in Japan in 1983 The company itself originally a manufacturer of game cards invented many of the most popular video games Including Donkey Kong beginnings are more homespun Rob Angel president of Picti on-ary Inc waited on tables at a Seattle restaurant until Pictlonary took off as a national phenomenon Pietionary hit the market in 1985 made a strong showing in 1986 and became a major attraction this year Unit sales total close to 3 million mostly this year Angel has said he and three ruminates Invented and played an informal version of the game for fun in Spokane in the early 1980s That was not long after Angel had graduated with a degree in business from Western Washington University Angel wrote down the rules and then forgot about them until he found them while unpacking after he moved to Seattle in 1984 Pictlonary is a charade-like drawing game that substitutes quick sketches for acting out words SEATTIE (AP) Two games from companies based in Washington top a major survey of the 10 best-selling toys this year The video entertainment game Nintendo and the board game Pic-tionary ranked No 1 and No 2 respectively of the hottest selling toys listed in the January edition of the Toy Hobby World The listing was based on a nationwide survey conducted in November Nintendo Is made by the Japanese company of that name whose UJS division Nintendo of America has its headquarters in Redmond Pictionery was developed by a Western Washington University graduate The Nintendo Entertainment System is a video game played on home television seta The company also produces video games for arcades A deluxe version of the game includes two games a light-sensing video gun for shooting 3-D Images on the screen and an interactive table-top robot that further brings the action of many games out into the room Video games remain extremely popular In Japan Nintendo was based on the company's family Information 676-2600 Toll-free county 384-0878 Circulation 676-2660 USA Today 676-2660 Newsroom 676-2620 Sports 676-2620 Sports (nightnumber) 676-2630 Accounting 676-2600 Classified advertising 676-2610 Ixical advertising 676-2600 Production 676-2600 The Bellini! ham Herald 1156 State St Belling ham WA 98225 Published dally by Federated PubllcaUona Inc a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gannett Co Inc Second claaa postage paid at Bellingham Washington Send address changes to the Bellingham Herald PO Bos 1277 Bellingham WA 98227 Suggested home delivery price by newspaper carrier daily and Sunday: f9tt per month by motor route: 1000 per month By mail in Whatcom Skagit and San Juan counties: one month 11315 three months $3725 six months $7050 one The publisher reserves the right to change subscription rates during the term of a subscription upon 30 days notice This notice may be by mall to the subscriber by notice contained In the newspaper itself or otherwise Subscription rate changes may be Implemented by changing the duration of the subscription If you missed your paper please call your newacarrier Herald or USA Today circulation office before 7 pm weekdays or before 10:30 am weekends Advertising Dir Gerry Rhea Circulation Dir Robert Buchheit Production Dir: Don Moen Controller: Ed Kok Personnel Mgr: Chet Young Promotion Mgr: Christine Zurline nv DUETOTHEHUGETINCREDIBIE TWO-MIUIOK-DOUAR INVENTORY AT ALSUM I BODE FURNITURE IN DOWNTOWN UNDENT OWNERS Bill BODE AND fJIM ALSUM HAVE AUTHORIZED A FANTASTIC STOREWIDE SALES EVENT FOR THEINEXT30 DAYSlHURRTtHURRrf PRICES WILL NEVER BE THIS LOW AGAIN! PUBLIC NOTICE STOREWIDE AUTHORIZED TEU-BD FURNITURE Sill THERE IS A GIGANTIC STOREWIDE TWO-MIILION-DOLIAR INVENT0RT REDUCTION SALE GOING ON RIGHT NOW ON THE PREMISES OF ALSUM BODE FURNITURE IN DOWNTOWN LYNDEN DUE TO THE TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF INVENTORY IN THE STORE AND WAREHOUSE THE OWNERS HAVE AUTHORIZED THIS SPECIAL SALES EVENT! REALIZING THAT PRICE SELLS FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES ALSUM BODE FURNITURE IS OFFERING SPECIALS ON EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE AND IN THE WAREHOUSE DUE TO THE EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE CROWD TURNOUT EXPECTED AND IN ORDER TO PROPERLY ASSIST EACH CUSTOMER PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THERE COULD BE A DELAY IN GETTING WAITED ON DUE TO THESE SPECIAL PRICES SPECIAL PRICE TAGS WILL BE DISPLAYED ON OVER TWO MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF INVENTORY IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE NORTHWEST THEN DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE FROM RIGHT NOW THROUGH THE MONTH OF JAN 1988 ON THE PREMISES AT ALSUM BODE FURNITURE IN DOWNTOWN LYNDEN Alsum Bode Furniture Carpet IGrandfather ClockslivStoreFInanclrig Due to the tremendoua mark-downs soma Items re U-haul MISS OUT ON THIS SPECIAL EVENT! WHERE: On the premises of Alsum Bode Furniture in Downtown Lynden fiLSUM BODE FURNITURE Appliances TV's Floor Covering Wood Stoves 303 Fiont Street Downtown lynden 354-2862 or 733-3199 gwy Open Saturday 9 pm WHEN: Started SAT DEC 26 9 AM i.

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