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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ducted in this city one of the larg est private hospitals In California. It 1 wis burned, however, and was never None Left in Calgary Household LKingston Merchants Fear Com rebuilt. Dr. Woolsey retiring gradually Crisis Not Yet Reached in Flood Dangers in Valley of Ohio. panies Will Not Pay to Tell of Terrible Tragedy.

from active practice after his hospital Their Policies. At the opening of the Board of Su i J. A. Munro, the successful auctioneer, has again demonstrated his knowledge of real estate values and ability to convince his many auditors that properties placed with him for sale are good values. On last Saturday' Mr.

Munro sold a lot, 65x125, at No. 1363 Castro street. Oakland, 'or $9700, which was appraised at $4500. This valuable piece was sold to Strelckam of Vallejo. A valuable lot on Derby street, west of Telegraph, in Berkeley, appraised at $800 was sold at auction In the well.

Kir a 111.. Jan. 21. A state KINGSTON. Jan.

21. The banks ment of conditions prevailing here was mnHc hv Mavnr Krats this morning. He fina nersons have fled from pervisors this morning, when, the clerk concluded the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Supervisor Rowe rose to correct the record of the vote on the bills ordered paid, at the session; adjoining the town of Hayward, It will be necessary to come in on my land with base of slope and also will destroy two of my cherry for which I think I. ought to be recompensed, the boulevard being so much higher than my property; therefore I.

expect the county to build a driveway leading Into my place. 'Hoping the board will take this matter under consideration, I remain, etc." Referred, OBJECTIONS TO CERTAIN BILLS. the lown. All residents whose horn are still tenable are occupying the upper stories and business Is at a standstill. "At 9 o'clock this morning the stage iiHin river rohed 48 raid CALGARY, Aloerta, Jan.

tragedy, the full details of which probably never wiH be known, has wiped out the entire family of Edward Ferdinand, proprietor of a tannery here. The police, on breaking into the house, found Ferdinand dead in bed, the dead body of a r.ewly Infant at his side, while the dead body of Mrs. Ferdinand lay on the floor noar the bed. In another bed were two young boys, still alive, but so badly frozen that they vied while being taken to tJLe hospital. The supposition is that the family was overcome- by coal gas; that the wife, recovering sufficiently to 'H.

D. Rowe," he said, "votes aye have resumed payments, but no attempt has yet been made to restart business. The car service has been resumed from the northern boundary of the city to St. Andrews. It is expected a newspaper will be issued today.

The financial loss by the earthquake and fire is now estimated at Merchants fear 'that the insurance companies will not pay losses because of the earthquake clause in the policies. on all claims audited by him. H. D. known Munro auction parlors, for $1700.

These two pieces "belonged to an estate, and they should be sufficient the Mayor. "I believe the levee which protects the city from the river will hold intimation to those desiring to close out estates to place the property with until the stage reacnea oo figure is rerded, we cannot: tell what will happen no Shawneetown. It is impossible to say -now Just when the crisis will be eached. It is also Impossible now to make any estimate of the loss. tnis sdtcessful auctioneer.

attempt to adjust the pipes, gave prema a 1 When it came to ihe payment of bills, Mr. Rowe said: "In order to vote intelligently on this subject I will have to hear the bills read separately." He said there were some bills in the batch ture birtn to a child ana aiea. A Hard Lot was destroyed. He was for many years the surgeon of the Southern, Pacific Railroad, and founded and conducted for a number of years a -free clinic Dr. Woolsey was noted fori the tenacity of his friendship and the Jn-tenacitT his friendships and the in-ment made him an earnest champion and an equally vigorous and active antagonist.

His controversies were numerous and often acrimonious, though Dr. Woolsey for all his brusque ways and saltiness of speech was a man of warm heart and generous Impulses. But he scented battle like a warhorse, and loved the excitement of the fray. He frequently wrote biting articles for the press, discussing local affairs. Of late years his temper has been toned down, and he forgot and forgave old enmities.

AN ARDENT DEMOCRAT. Dr. Woolsey was an ardent Demo 7 of troubles to contend with, spring fror' a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, leas you awaken them to their proj Rowe votes No on all claims not audited by him," and he desired to have the record of the board make that showing. President Mitchell The record does make that showing. PIEDMONT BALLOT.

Supervisor Rowe introduced a resolution to cover a defect which occurred in the form of the ballot to be used at the Piedmont incorporation election. He said that in the blank space provided for the expression of the voter's wish on the proposal of incorporation, the two words "For" and "against" were Inadvertently omitted, ection with Dr. King's New Life F. the pieasantest and most efiecttve which he could not eonstotently vote for. During the reading the bills of Scully Bros, and Ferguson for laor and repairs were objected to by Rowe for the reason "that the repairs were not authorized by the board and were for amounts in excess of what they cltis and tone up the system.

25a 0 ifsiudcs corner of Seventh, and Washington, oor ner or Twelfth. DUNLAP GRADUATES WITH HIGHEST HONORS it being left to the voter to supply the words in writing. The new form of ballot offered supplied what had been previously omitted, and the voter could express his preference by using the stamp in the space opposite "for incorporation," or In that opposite "against OAKLAND'S MOST POPULAR STORE 8 Sun (Fauna In the announcements of those success-- fully examined for admission to the bar by the Court of Appeals, the njnnes of. would be if the work had been let out by" contract, and also exceeded the amount which can be lawfully spent without authorization of the board. Supervisor Bridge Who authorized the work.

to toe done? i The- Clerk J. M. Kelly. Mr. Kelly Mr.

President, I desire to ask the county expert to give this board a list: of all orders given for work done, on the county roads during the past fiscal year. Mr. Mitchell Will you be able to; do it, Mr. Expert? Incorporation." Boutwell tuniap or weraeiey, ana is. k.

Roberts, the Oakland who crat, and was for many years In close President Mitchell I. don't know passed upon his fourth trial, nas been confused. Dunlap is a recent graduate in law of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. who, upon his first examination, took the highest honors of th ludlctal test. He Is also a gradu how that resolution may affect the proceedings already taken.

It may invalidate all that has been done by us. I would like to hear from the lawyers representing the Piedmonters. 8. E. COR.

THIRTEENTH AND WASHINGTON. County Expert If I have nothing else to do. Mr. Dunn, representing the advo ate' of the University of Mr. Rowe You want the report to cover each road district, I suppose, Mr.

Kelly? cates of incorporation, assured the board that the adoption of the resolution would not put the previous action taken by the board in Jeopardy. It was Mr. Kelly Yes, each road district deemed necessary to avoid the possi separately. No objection being offered the coun bility of mistakes been made by the TEA There is a deal of comfoit and refreshment cheer and positive joy in a timely cup ty expert was directed to prepare the voter In writing in the blank space how he voted. report and submit it at the next meet in-g.

Mr. Rowe did not think It would af Mr. Mitchell objected to being held fect the previous proceedings In any respect. He moved the adoption of personal and political affiliation vith party leaders like William D. English, W.

W. Foote, Frank J. Moffltt and M. F. Tarpey.

He turned Republican a few years ago, however, casting his first Republican vote for his old professional friend and political enemy, George C. Pardee. But he took little interest in partisan politics of late years, voting principally as personal predilection dictated. GREAT TRAVELER. Dr.

Woolsey was a great traveler and several years ago made a tour of Japan, China and the Philippines. He had an ambition, never to travel all over the world, staying in each country long enough to study the diseases peculiar to the climate and conditions of each, and the pursuits and social habits of the people, together with the remedies found most efficacious. His object was to write all day Monday to do the work which Che finance committee should do on the resolution and Mr. Bridge second ed it. The resolution was unanimously adopted.

some other day. Mr. Bridge, chairman of the com mlttee, asked what was the custom. Mr. Mitchell1 They have been meet ing on Saturday, and I would suggest, Mr.

Bridge, that you call your commit MONDAY, 11:30 A. M.At ihe present writing Our Big Sale of Laces, Trimmings and Muslin Underwear (adver-iisedrXh the papers) has crowded these departments. By Evening many tines will be sold out and iust so many lines will be added for tomorrow's selling. Great Reductions in Laces Great Reductions in Trimminr Good Clean IWustin Underwear at Special Prices -IP -r-i- i 1 JITa--------H-Sa-Ti- Our Great Suit Sale Surprised Everybody ATHENS PARLOR 195, N. 8.

Q. Members of Athens Parlor 195, N. S. G. W.

You are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late brother, J. J. Burke, tomorrow, Tuesday, at 9:30 o'clock A. St. Patrick's Church, 10th, between Campbell and Peralta, West Oakland.

By order D. O. HOWIE, PresL E. F. GARRISON.

Secy. tee together on some day except the day of the board meeting. COUNTY SURVEYOR'S REPORT. County Surveyor Haviland reported that the Ransome Construction Company have excavated to date (January 19), under their contract with Alameda county, dated September 19, 1904, for the construction of county road No. 3358: 137,441 cubic yards at 36c.

125,065 cubic yards previously allowed at 36c 45,023.40 Supervisor Bridge Well, I' will call the committee together hereafter In ac cordance with the past custom. Thetollls finally objected, to by Rowe were as follows; Gas Consumers' As soclatlon, ditto. Scully for labor. ditto, 12,376 cubic yards at 36c. Less 25 per cent.

John Ferguson, labor, paints and other 4,455.36 1,113.84 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY materials, $201.50. a medical encyclopedia, giving the causes of disease and the practiced by the best thought of) the All of these bills were approved by Supervisor Kelly, and in the case of the Ferguson and Gas- Consumers' age. His plans were never carried; out, Association bills. Supervisor Bridge FURNISHED room to gentleman; use of bah; $7.50 per month. 674 31st St.

as a chairman of the finance com though he had collected a large qjjian mittee signed his approval also. tlty of material for his proposed work. Of late years he suffered much from HO OLD STOCK ALL NEW SUITS The motion was then submitted for the approval of the rest of the bills in the bunch, andi postpone action on those bills to which objection had been WANTED Board ana loom In private family, by youug man. Box 780, Tribune. WANTED Five salesladies; references required; gobd salary and steady employment; come prepared to begin work at once.

Room 1194 23rd ave. Amount due this 18th month es- mate 3,341.52 Total amount of work done on gald contract, $197,893.28. Total amount paid, including this estimate. 3183,266.83. RAILROAD AVENUE.

G. Baldwin, H. F. Thorp, E. F.

Van Alstine, R. Cords E. R. Thomas, W. C.

Allen, H. Von Duren F. Behrmann, J. L. Dumontier, J.

Motler, Charles Emmling, A. Frantzen, J. H. Goodrich, Barbara Bremer, Charles Elfle, Pierre Escoffier. Louis Pfunt rheumatism, and withdrew himself raised by Mr.

Rowe. largely from active life. He was aeon All voted aye, except Mr. Bridge, CHIMNEYS and fnantlts built and re who asked to be excused from voting on the ground that the bills were con tracted before he was a 'member of paired by uoiden contractors; brick and concrete work a specialty; Estimates furnished. 8J 14th st Telephone Oakland 7729.

the board. John Schmitt, Fred -Von Duren, S. Pel- COLLECTING FEES. FURNISHED front room for two gentle stant theatergoer, however, and was generally to be seen near the front when anything good was on the boards. WEALTHY MAN.

Dr. Woolsey died a wealthy man, his estate being valued' at 'between three and four hundred thousand dollars. It men. 775 Santa Clara Alameda. letievl, C.

E. Brown represented "that railroad avenue, between San Leandro The following communication was read FOR SALE Good riding or driving road and the old county road, is a from District Attorney Brown relative to the right of a county officer or employe to collect any compensation except his horse. Apply VC" P. O. Box 455, oak-land.

This Sale Will Be Extended For Another Week Every Suit must Go lloto Again the Prices $85.00 Suits Now Selling at $42.50 $70.00 Suits Now Selling at 035. OO $60.00 Suits Now Selling at $30.00 $50.00 Suits Now Selling at 025.00 $40.00 Suits Now Selling at 020. OO $35.00 Suits Now Selling at 017.50 street feet wide, fully sewered and has been accepted as a street by regular salary for services rendered ths J50.00 Fine HRht surrey at 1401 6th ave. county: the county of Alameda: that it is one ELEGANT sunny- rooms, select family. "Gentlemen: Replying to your request of the main thoroughfares leading for an opinion under the following reso- hotel; convenient to trains; references.

562 8th st. is mainly in Oakland real estate. What from Frultvale In the country tribu lutiojrTrom your honorable body: FINE large, sunny south bay and "Resolved, That the District Attorney of Alameda county be requested to in- tary to the Redwood road, and is, therefore, the avenue of Ingress and egress for considerable traffic in either side window; hot and cold water; big closets; bath. 760 10th st. foim this board, in writing, as to whether or not any person under salary employed WANTED Intelligent girl to assist la direction; that both frontages of the said Redwood road avenue are numer by this board, or other county otllciai.

disposition he made of his property is known only to his attorney, Sam Bell McKee, who drew his will prior to his last visit to the Hawaiian Islands, and will probably have charge of it in pro can legally draw money from the county tieasury for extra work of any kind. A COUPLE without children can gel ously built up with the homes of the undersigned; that the roadway of the said Railroad avenue is now In bad "Under, the county government act no county officer can receive any compensation other than that fixed for all ser board and room In a modern home; all conveniences; private family; references required. Box 4623. condition and full of holes, and is. bate.

$25.00, $30.00 Suits Now Selling vices of any kind or aescrlption ren WANTED 35 or 4u-fdbt lot near Kef therefore, dangerous and detrimental to travel both on foot and by vehicle." Dr. Woolsey leaves two brothers and dered by him. Section 4071 Political Code, fetate of California; Humboldt Route; owners only. Box B. SOU, Tribune.

The petitioners, therefore, asked that county vs. Stern. 136 Cal. 63. County of a sister, residing at Egypt, near Ro ficers are held to be such officers as are the avenue be macadamized with rock.

WHY GO AWAY TO "COLLEGE" created by legislative act; McDoniel vs. Chester, New York, but no He was married in this city to Helen Mc- to study shorthand and bookkeeping when we will make a first-class book- Wba county. i cal. 44. Referred to Supervisor Bridge.

DUMBARTON RECLAMATION. The hearing of the petition of the "Therefore, I must advise you that no keener or stenorraoner Of you In six person holding an office created by legis months, at your own home at an aver lative act, and whose salary is paid by Glllvray many years ago, but the couple soon s. and were divorced. Dumbarton Company for an election of age cost to you or less man per cent per day: Including all supplies? Addresf the county, can receive any extra compensation for services rendered the three trustees for the Dumbarton reclamation district went over for hearing untlUnext Monday. MK.

BOX oioo, xnouna. Mrs. (Woolsey was living somewhere in county. ENTRIES FAR TOMORROW "However, inasmuch as the words FOR SALE Corner, 100x90; $2000; neal the East at last pecial 40th st. Key Route; Urove DlocKl no agents.

Box 6148. Sinap 'salary' and 'compensation' are held to be anonymous, and, also, inasmuch as there is a clear distinction between an Job JR. and Lorenzo are the names FOR SALF. Two-Btory, 8-room house; office created by the legislative act and of DtJ Woolsey's brothers. His sister NEW MAPS FILED.

The clerk was authorized by resolv-tlon to endorse on a map of Map No. 1, of the Monte Vista Terrace, submitted by George H. Derrick and George H. Howell, the non-acceptance of the roads, alleys, or highways as a contract made with a party to render modern; elevated; near Key Koutej $6500; terms; no Box 6147, Tribune. is nar.

id Martha. services to the county in ainerent ways. Consequently, in order for me to advise Dr. Woolsey was a membe- of Live you as to any particular person serving WANTED Large China Cabinet; musl be In good condition; call Phone Oakland 5068. offered by said rriap the county other than as to a person holding an office created by legislative act.

It would be necessary for me to know the capacity In which the person The same course was adopted In re Oak Lodge, F. and A. Oakland Lodge, 171, B. P. O.

and of the Athenian club. In hls prime he was TO LET One furnished room to gentle man In quiet home. 674 31st st. gard to a map of Athens Park, submit is serving the county and the exact data of the case. Kespectfullv submitted.

exceedingly fond of club life, but prac "EVERETT J. BROWN, WANTED A good boy about 17 yearl of age to carry Tribune route; one lng near business district preferred. Apply at once to Superintendent oi Carriers. "District Attorney." tically escnewed it of late years, His Mr. Rowe said he supposed, from his understanding of the IVislrict Attorney's opinion, that a county employe or of principal recreation was riding horse back and attending the theater.

I FIRST RACE Five furlongs; purse; three-year-olds: 371 'Huerfano 109 364 Coco 109 391 Karolyi 106 264 Sam McGibben 105 361 Al Lindlev 106 300 Burning Bush ,..104 (336) Ray Brunett Williams entry. SECOND RACE Six furlongs four-year-olds and up: 879 M. A. PoweU U2 36t Royal White 109 378 Greenove 109 378 Nettle Hicks 107 392 Carey 102 378 Dr. Scharff 109 386 'George P.

McNear 104 878 The Missourian 104 385 Box Elder 109 ficer could not set up a claim for extra compensation' unless he was specially The time of the funeral has not yet ted by Jessie B. Hayes. PROTEST AGAINST A SALOON LICENSE. The following desired to have their names erased from the application of Fred Scott for a saloon license at Niles, on the ground that the matter was entirely misrepresented to them: M. Palmer and Bernard Enos.

The following protested against the granting of a saloon license to Fred Scott of Niles, "on the ground that his application does not contain the proper signers. We further assert that we constitute a part of the required num A LARGE furnished room; running wa. ter; bath; heat; all comforts. 1171 Alice st. Tel Oak 6978.

SUNNY furnished rooms; $2.50 per week) gentlemen employed near Key Route. 1231 San Pablo 1 employed to do tne worx Dy tne board. Mr. Hynes. who represented the Dis oeen niea.

jut. McKee has notified trict Attorney's office, said that it wap difficult to fully cover the resolution be cause there was no specific case cite! the relatives in the East, and will be on which a -opinion could COUPLE without children want board reasonable; close In and convenient to vvernea uy uieir wishes as to; the based. He said, however, that in th cars, box pub, -rripune. case of a District Attorney of Humboldt county who engaged In some litigation disposition of the remains. During his life Dr.

Woolsey frequently expressed Vv 100 Key Route 22d St. i for the county while in oirice, and con 376 Get Rich Quick 102 WANTED Services of experienced business manager; permanent monopoly and big money; should have several thousand dollars. Address Box 5166. Tribune. ber: Edward A.

Ellsworth, Mrs. Clara 37S The Reprobate i ducted it some time arier nls term expired, he put In a bill of over $7000 for Snyder, E. Chalmers. F. Rose, 385 Joe Goss ...109 the services rendered.

Mr. Rowe Well, I suppose he had been authorized to conduct the litigation by FOR SALE Two nice building lots at 3011 King Berkeley, near Ashby ave. See J. M. Hart, owner.

a desire that his body be cremated. Tea ia res: and coffee is Schilling's Best. "-engin FIV.E REVOLVERS the board. Mr. Hvnes No.

he had not been au thorized, but he collected the money, as I 12th near Oak 2 large sunny rooms, light housekeeping permitted week of month; adults. the court allowed It. No action was taken in the matter and Holmes, Joseph J. Silveria, Mary Murphy, M. Palmer, Barnard Enos.

The board named 10:30 a. m. next Monday as a time for hearing. John E. Goody, of 1300 Fruitvale avenue, to the.

board that "owing to the fact that the crossing of Orange Grove avenue and Twenty-fourth street, Frultvale, has been stopped up by the driftlhg earth down Orange Grove avenue, there is a pool of water In front of my property on the northeast corner of said streets. It is STOLEN BY BOYS 374 Frolic H2 236 I'm Joe 112 385 LilUtus 109 THIRD RACE Six furlongs; selling; three-year-olds and up: 339 Ismalllan 102 (330) Burnolette 105 339 Chief Wittman 104 9387 Pal i 105 382 Rolla 100 332 Hersain 105 (358)MiFtv's Pride S7fi T. 121 Tavora Iflf (382) Nonie Lucille 10 the board adjourned until next Monday. T- RUNAWAY YOUTH A show window In the store of Sam YOUNG woman of 1 years business experience, A- stenographer; thoroughly familiar with double entry bookkeeping and fully capable of doing any kind of clerical work; can come well recommended; salary $75 per month. Box 5163, Tribune.

ciegier at iue seventn street, West TAKEN IN CUSTODY Oakland, was broken early yesterday .30,0.00. ana nve revolvers stolen. The imeves, mree in numper, are believed AIA.MEDA, Jan. 21. Lej'd Lovell, 14 years of age.

was taken Into custody last J4250 Cash Will buy 7th at. corner, store and 5 rooms in rear 1st floor; pair fiats, 5 rooms on 2d floor; low rent of $75 month now, worth over $100 per month; price $6750, mortgage $2500. This Is a sacrifice; by spending $200 on improvements ought to bring over $9000, Owner. Phone Oakland 2539. not only very inconvenient, but is also dangerous, as there is water enough to drown a child If It should accidentally stumble into it-Referred to Supervisor Bridge.

Edward A. Chapin of Hayward informed the Board that "In maJci ng a fill on the boulevard in front of my property, located on San Lorenzo creek 10 oe youtns residing in me neighborhood. Policeman J. J. Fenton aqd Detectives Kyle and McSorley arrested two young men yesterday who answered the description given by Clegler and' they are being held at the police station pending an investigation.

A number of other thefts have been reported to the police. John Carbery, connected with Mme. Coin's laundry on Franklin street, reports that thieves broke into his stable Saturday night and Will Worth 11000. Part Cash Lot, 25x122, one block from th and Ban Pablo; street work, sidewalks and sewer done. This ia cheap: don't overlook it.

Phone Oakland 2339. night. The boy lives ixs Angeies with his parents but ran away from home over three months ago. He told the police that since that time he lived with a married brother in San Francisco but vesterdav thought he would take a trip to this aide of the bay. When taken into custody the boy had a mandolin under his arm.

He said it belonged to a companion who but lately shipped to go to sea. The boy told the-police he was going to sea and asked to be let go. He was placed under the protection of Detective Brown and later may be turned over to the Juvenile court officer. HORSE AND SADDLE STOLEN FROM BARN Iiortly THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. aa, bath and laundry; private entrance.

1371 8th st. 1 369 Mograve S85 Lugano SI FOURTH RACE5 Six and one-half furlongs; The Promenade Handicap; three-year-olds and up: 38t Collector' Jessup i 109 389 Escantado 98 Joe Coyne- 109 3S1 Hector -102 FIFTH RACE One. inile, fifty yards; selling; fouryear-olds and up: 2PJ San Reme .105 363 Swagger i. 107 393 Lone Waif .107 870 Sir Carter- 107 875 Potrero Grande ......98 S80 Jim Pendergast ....102 362 Tarrigan .103 SIXTH' RACE One mile; purse; three-year-olds and upi (377) Fulletta ...109 381 Jocund 114 (359)Rubric ..114 340 Hugh McGowan 353 Ramus .109 889 Ocean Shore 9 3i3 Boloman -Howell entry. L- The tea and coffee you drink have a good deal to do with your standards of tastes Schilling's Bes WESTERN ADDITION An unfurnished modern, sunny, 10-room house; unobstructed marine view: beet references given and required.

Address Mrs. C. 2563 Washington San Francisco. FOR SALE A No. 1 cook stove.

188 Howard st. stole two bridles and a buggy A quantity of tools were stolen i from J. A McCarl. of 623 Telegraph avenue, and also from James Wilson, of 859 Milton street. Wilson's tools were left by him at 212 San Pablo and taken from there.

Burchaell Crowley, of 131S roadway, report that thieves entered a new house at ISO Franklin street Saturday night, and stole a quantity of lead pipe and fittings. The. room of C. StoW in a lodging house at Seventh and Washington streets was entered, and two quilts, razor, several pillows and wearing apparel valued at $45 were Heavy coarse net gorgeously I em-" broldered with gold thread in Egyptian fashion is made in wide bands which 'lire inset most effectively in cloth. Catarrh "Whether it is of the nose, throat, stomach, bowels, or more delicate organs, catarrh Is always debilitating and should never fall of attention.

It is a discharge from the mucous membrane when kept In a state of inflammation by an Impure, commonly scrofulous, condition of the blood. Hood's Sarsparailla Cures all forms of catarrh, radically and permanently It removes the cause and overcomes all the effects. Get Hood's. Address OWNER, i -9 US Broadway, Oaklaiid WANTED in San Francisco or Oakland Well furnished office of 1 or 2 rooms for 60 days, more or less. Address Bo 1 6164, Tribune.

ALAMEDA. Jan. a.TT. S. Troili reported to the police this morning that a horse and a saddle had been stolen from the barn at the.

rear of his grocery store on Park street. 'Ta horse and saddle disappeared lastnight. A- P. Is at 2500 San Jese- avenue, reported the loss of a tool box filled with his implements of trade. Some of the tools were marked with iBitial FOUND An Kagle watch charm.

Inquire 467 40th st. Shoe atore. i ROOM and board with home comforts. 2314 Channlng way, Berkeley. For gen-.

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