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The Belleville News-Democrat from Belleville, Illinois • 8

Belleville, Illinois
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THURSDAY JULY '25 PAGE EIGHT VICTORY OVER INDIANS TO BOOST STAGS' BASEBALL STOCK BELLEVILLE DAILY NEWS-DEMOCRAT Veteran Root No 1 Reason for Great Showing of Cubs Veteran Has Won His Last 5 Games Slugging of Klein and Dcmaree Also Helped GREGORY plav He" TO GET MOUND ASSIGNMENT IN NIGHT CONTEST JUEN IS IN FORM AND OF MEN HOLD LOOP LEAD Pitcher Allows Only Four Hits in Beating American Legion 8 to 0 In Comeback Goofy Dean Says Dizzy Is Just A "Big Lunkhead" Amarillo Texas July Another of those Dean boys popped up today to an nounce with the usual becoming modesty of the clan that Cousin Dizzy was just a big lunkhead who doesn't know how pitch The newest Dean christened John and nicknamed "Goofy" also is a pitcher He Is with the Amarillo Shamrocks and Manager Bob Winkler says a couple of American League teams want him "He's got the stuff too" Winkler said "but I'm not going to sell him unless get enough money to build a new This newest Dean is 20 He had a tryout with the St Louis Browns last spring developed a sore arm and came back home "I will be up in the majors one of these days" "Goofy" volunteered "Then will show those cousins of mins how to pitch" Chicago 111 July 23 (UP) Two veterans and a youngster have put Chicago's rampageous Cubs back lr the pennant race almost overnight Three weeks ago the Cubs were trailing the league-leading Giants by 10 games Today they were only two and one-half games behind the Tcrrymen and only a half game behind the second-place Cardinals The Cubs have won 15 out of 18 games since they opened their present home stand July 10 They whipped the Giants four straight and have won four out of five in the current Brooklyn series What STANDINGS Knights of Columbus Turner Baers American Legion Kaysing Drugs Service Clubs Turner No 2 Chevrolets Optimists I 1 2 4 fi 6 6 7 7 0 7 5 4 3 2 2 The second-place Turner Baers had little trouble in downing thel IB FRANKLIN TEAMS VICTORS IN SOFTY LOOP Senior and Junior Teams Win in Recreational Project Circuit STANDING OF LEAGUES Senior Division Won Lost Henry Raab 1 0 Jefferson 1 0 Franklin 1 1 0 Roosevelt 0 1 High School 0 1 Washington ft 1 Bellevue 0 0 Junior Division Won Lost Roosevelt 1 Franklin i Henry Raab High School 0 Bellevue 0 Washington fl Jefferson 0 The inter-school softball league of the Belleville Recreational Project under the direction of Elmer Hirth began activities yesterday afternoon at theh various school grounds Both the senior and Junior aggregations of the Franklin School came out victorious in their contests with the Township High School group The seniors won 6 to 2 and the juniors 14 to 3 The Henry Raab seniors eked out a 2-to-l victory over the Roosevelt team in a 10-inning battle on the Roosevelt School diamond It was a pitching duel between Arbo-gast of Henry Raab and Juncker of Roosevelt each having allowed but five hits The Henry Raab Juniors lost 11 to 5 in their tilt with the Roosevelt juniors The senior box scores and the tallcnd Optimists 11 to 4 at Hough houHn- Ficld in one of the Business Men's I i responsible for their I League tilts played yesterday-eve- The No 1 njn comeback of Charley Root a vet' Hitting honors for the Baers Uran of 12 were divided among Daesch Man- He has won five gwnes tie and Fflugmacher each poling during the home stay Jour of three safeties Wolf starred for his victories were the Optimists with a homcrun and pitching relief The fifth was reg a double In three trips to the plate I Litered yesterday when he held Box Score Brooklyn scoreless for eight Innings and won the opener of a doublehoadcr 9 to 3 The second veteran to play an The Turner Baers will play the Acker Stars at 6 Friday evening In Smithton The difference in ages of the CHARLIE ROOT Riggs "Old Hoss" Stephenson who was one of the mainstays of the Chicago Cubs during their pennant-winning days will be seen in action at the Belleville Athletic Field tomorrow night when his team the Indianapolis Indians plays the Griesedieck Stags players became evident In the tilt I important part in the winning between the American Legion and streak is Chuck Klein the expen-the leading Knights of Columbus sive outfielder who apparently has The younger Knights administered shaken off a disastrous batting an 8 to 0 setback to the ex-service slump men on the Township High School During the home stand Klein diamond The Legionnaires mis- has hit 333 pounded out six home-cued 11 times Juen limited the runs to raise his season's total to Pacific Coast batting campion last year who has proved that all he needed to make good was a chance to play regularly In the outfield In the short space of two weeks the youngster has raised his bat ting average from 265 to 340 and has knocked in 19 runs 18 and batted in 17 runs Reason No 3 is Frank Demaree My Big Moment When Big Steve Stephensons Team Won 13-12 With 10 Runs In Ninth ST LOUIS MUST a TAKE 2 GAMES TODAYTOGRAB LEAD Even Break Will Keep Cardinals Gaines Behind Leaders Detroit Out of First by Eyelash New York July (UP) Baseball drama extended today all the way from New York to St Louis with Gotham's two first-place major league clubs the Giants and battling desperately to stove off challenges of the Cardinals and Tigers The last day of the series found the Giants and Yankees clinging to first place but It was possible for last World Series rivals the Cards and 'Tigers to gain the lead by nightfall The position was the more secure They were a game and a half in front After seeing their lead melt away as a result of a six-game losing streak thp- Giants have turned on the CardinaisQ and knocked them back to second place with two defeats The Cardinals must sweep double-header to gain the National League lead An even break will send the Giants home a game and a half ahead A clean sweep will halt temporarily the Cardinals pennant rush Lead of 0004 of a Point On the outcome of the single game between the Yankees and Tigers hangs the American League lead The Yankees held 0004 of a percentage point lead over the Tigers as they began game Mickey Cochrane twice in succession has came up with winning pitchers Vic Sorrell and Alvin Crowder Today he gambled again on Eldon Auker the underhand pitcher who hasn't beaten the Yankees this year Joe choice to retain first place for the Yanks was Johnny Broaca Behind the heroic hurting of Crowder the Tigers yesterday battled up to almost even terms with the Yanks by scoring a 4-0 triumph Jo-Jo homer on the fourth ban pitched the first circuit clout of his major league career was enough to decide the game but the Tigers added three more runs off Red Ruffing for good measure Hubbell Tames Cards Cart Hubbell stepped into the breach for the Giants and out-pitch- ed Dizzy Dean to give New York a 4-2 triumph over St Louis The Giants put on a decisive four run rally in the seventh inning Ott singled and Leiber doubled Pepper Martin threw roller into right field his fifth error in two and Ott and Leiber scored Danning walked Hubbell and Joe Moore singled and two more runs came in The threatening spectre of the Cubs crept nearer the two leaders wehn Charlie Grimm's team won its second straight double-header from Brooklyn 9-3 and 7-6 The last game went 11 Innings and the Cubs had to score two runs In the ninth to tie the count Then Jimmy homer won the game in the eleventh Billy Jurges double with the bases loaded and Chuck eighteenth homer with a man on base were vital punches in the first game Klein drove in the tying run in the second game Bucs Win Seventh Straight Pittsburgh ran its winning streak to seven straight by defeatoing the Philies twice 8-6 and 4-0 Paul Waner drove in three runs In the first game and Woody eJnsen hit a homer in each game Xt Emmet Nelson won his thins straight major league game by pitching the Reds to a 5-4 victory over the Braves in a night game Cleveland regained fourth place in the American League by winning twice from Washington 10-6 and 13-8 The Browns defeated the Red Sox 6-3 and dropped Joe Cronin's team Into the second division Legionnaires to four hits gave no free trips and struck out eight batters The Turner No 2 team dug their way out of the-eellar by edging out the McKinley Chevrolets 7 to 6 In a five-inning thriller played at Jefferson School Field The Chev rolets had staged a four-run rally in the fifth Inning when the downpour began and left them holding the bag The Turners had socked Ettling for half dozen bingles to drive in five runs in the first inning With the -Kaysing Drugs at a disadvantage without their regular hurler Nollhoff the Service Clubs easily defeated them 6 to 2 In Swansea The Service men scored -ireC runs in the fourth Inning to pull away from the Drugs A triple by Harold Smith 0TALL0NL00P CHAMPS PLAY Shiloh Girls Will Oppose Pepsi-Colas in White Rose Major League The first-half champions of the O'Fallon girls' softball league the Shiloh lassies will take on one of the leading teams in the Major League the Pepsi-Colas in the first game at 7:30 tonight at White Rose park In the other tilt the undefeated Budwcisers will meet George Town Talks The Talks were the second in line for the champions of the first half 3 LEX'S STANDINGS Budweiscrs 3 0 Castelli and Born 2 1 Gaerdncrs 2 Town Talks 2 Belleville Cabs 1 75 Club WW0 Jess Doyle Is Alo Fresh for Game With American Association's Second Place Aggregation John Rain for the fifteenth time this season gained a decision over Messrs Meyer Hoffman and Company last night as he knocked out the scheduled game between the Griesedieck Stags and the Gaybrook Ark Tigers at the Belleville Athletic Field It was the third time that the two teams have tried to play and then found old John standing there with a stop sign But this time old John may have done Messrs Meyer Hoffman and Company a favor instead of an injury He may have placed the stags in a position to defeat the Indianapolis Indians the American Association's second-place club when they come here tomorrow night by saving against the Stags' will their star hurlcr for the contest Doyle Ready for Indians Big Jess Doyle who hasn't lost a game this season while running up six victories was "down" for last night's game and inasmuch as it was cancelled he'll be as fresh as a daisy when the Indians roll into town And Doyle fresh isn't a pitcher to pass over lightly That means that Big Jess will he ready to step in there if things don't go just right with William "Ham" Gregory Granite City's chief contribution to the national pastime who has been named the starter by Manager "Red" Hoffman But ought to get along all right for the steel worker seemingly is at his best against the better dubs Hoffman Is all set to defeat Indianapolis got a little "revenging" to do at the expense and he believes that tomorrow night will be the proper time no secret that has never got over the sliced con- tract Indianapolis offered him a couple of years ago and caused his withdrawal from organized base- ball Too he believes that a victory over such a great team as the Indians will enhance the prestige Many Ex-Major Leaguers The Indians are practically a team of former major leaguers There is hardly a man on the squad who hasn't been In the big show at one time or the other Johnny Cooney the een-terfielder of the team He was with the Boston Braves for seven yearsand Is still a great baseball player "Old Hoss" Stephenson whose great hitting made the Chicago Cubs pennant winners several seasons back Is another Few who follow baseball will forget "Jumbo Jim" Elliot the giant southpaw who hurled for the Philadelphia Phillies for so many yean with the Indians and going so good that many predict he will return to the majors next season Hoffman says that the Indians have too of the greatest receivers in baseball In Riddle and Sprinz both former major leaguers That will give the Belleville fans an opportunity to compare own Johnny White with two of the best In the minors The Indians are managed by Wade Killefer me of the most famous of minor league managers who has been mentioned numerous times for major league jobs The team will arrive at the Hotel Belleville at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifty-fourth in a series of stories telling of the thrills in the lives of Belleville baseball players past and present WHO JOE STEPHENSON Former star first baseman married and resides at 110 Blast Lincoln street assistant superintendent Prudential Life Insurance Company played with Crows Chicopee Kan 1908-09-10 Troy I1L 1911 Edwardsvllle Trolley League 1912-13 Reissens Belleville 1914 Belleville 1915-16-17-18-19-20 Packards 1921-22-23-24 "Well it looks like the great was the only extra-base hit poled I going to take it on the by the Kajfaings Parrcs and I chin commented soft spoken Braunersreuther hit triples for the Herman Schotte the barber as he Service Clubs The box scores: NEW YORK ABR a 5 0 2 5 AE 0 0 Cemeka A Borutta la 4 Rieken If a Boer 4 King rs J2 Snyder rf A Corwingat cf A 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 4 OPTIMISTS 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 10 TURNER BAERS ABRHPOAE Moore If Critz 2b Terry lb Ott rf Leiber cf Jackson 3b Banning Bartell ss Hubbell Totals 4 3 GIRLS' STANDINGS Pepsi-Colas 1 Parkway Inn 1 Berthas 1 White Rose Pals 1 Fox Drugs 0 Shiloh 0 Ucbersteins Sally's Shoes 0 A4 4 7 27 CARDINALS ABR a AE Martin 3b 4 112 2 1 Rothrock rf 4 Whitehead 2b 3 0 1 bunt and we kept laying them down until we won out 4 to "What was your biggest moment in baseball inquired Schotte 17-Inning Game "Oh I don't know unless it that time I sent the game between the B's and New Athens into the seventeenth inning" Stephenson replied never forget that game They had us down 3-1 as we entered the last half of the ninth With two out I singled and our pitcher with a three and nothing count on him hit a hamerun to tie the score We battled on for 17 innings before the game was called And the funny part of it all was that the very next Sunday we had to go 18 innings to beat the White Rose 3 to "Hear that Steve remarked Schotte as the pair turned toward the radio again out and the Cardinals lose 4 to 2 one time the game was over before the last man was out That game was over when the Giants got four runs off Dean in the seventh" Another "My Big Moment" Totals A4 6 7 Score by Innings: RHE Franklin 201 010 7 Twp High 000 000 4 Junior players: Franklin Lattman Hah-ner Lattman Woodrome Lattman Green Bova A Stumph JL Miller and Dennl son Township Falcetti Heller Harris Trinkler Gaubatz Sod am Sheehan March Sod am Agney Goodnic EL Woodrome hit two honere for Franklin Heller hit one for Township High HENRY RAAB Daesch If Fuchs Kissel 3b Tisch Jr rf Mantle rss Jung Sr rss Tisch Sr lb -Winkler cf 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Tennis Players To Meet Tonight Plans for the city tennis tournament which will start August 3 will be completed tonight at meeting of prospective contestants and the promoters in filling station on North Illinois street The meeting will begin at o'clock Medwick If Collins lb Davis Moore cf Durocher ss -J Dean aFrisch and a group of baseball fans via the radio the fourth game of the crucial series between the St Louis Cardinals and the New York Giants "The score's 4 to 2 and the Cards have only one more turn at "I know about you know a game isn't over until the last man is out" interposed a tall thin Individual with graying hair sitting nearby "Well you ought to know Steve" returned Schotte The tall thin man with greying-hair was none other than Joe Steve" Stephenson whose name always bobs up when Belleville's baseball greats of the past are discussed Gives An Example "Yes sir I ought to know Is said Stephenson you remember the time was play-ing with the Belleville B's against the A team out at North End Park No I think I do" Schotte let me tell you about continued Stephenson Neimeyer boy he was som pitcher in those had us down 12 to 2 when the ninth inning rolled around Most of the fans had left the stands and were already on their way home when we started We knocked Neimeyer out of the box Then they put in Gus Schopp and we kayoed him Finally in despera tion they stuck Hofmeist-er their second baseman on the mound and he had to take it as they had no more pitchers When the inning ended we had won the game 13 to 12 I tell you a ball game over until the last man is Couldn't Hit Baits "There was another time that 1 can recall now that the game wasn't over until the last man was out" continued "We were playing in Millstadt and they had Russell Baltz on the mound We couldn't do a thing with him Fflugmacher lss 4 Jung Jr 2b 4 Totals 45 11 16 27 7 5 Score by innings: Turner Baers 101 021 123 11 Optimists m011 010 4 GAME POSTPONED New York July (UP) The final game of the New York Yankees-Dctroit Tigers series scheduled for the Stadium today was postponed because of rain Totals -34 2 5 27 7 1 a-Batted for Dean in ninth Score by innings: Club 123458789 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 Cardinals 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 Summary: Two-base Leiber Collins Runs batted in Rothrock Hubbell Moore Medwick Stolen Martin Bases on Off Hubbell 2 off Dean 3 biruck By Hubbell 1 by Dean 2 Left on bases New York 6 Cardinals 7 Umpires Stork Barr and Rigler Time of 2:00:00 Staivdiiyfo CHEVROLETS AB Phillips lb 3 2 Stark 3b 3 0 Schmidt If 3 1 McKinley lss 3 1 Hebe ter res 3 0 McKinley 2b 2 0 Baer 3 0 Vernier rf 2 0 Hamper cf 2 1 Ettling 2 1 McMillen 2 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE TEDDYBEERSTO OPPOSE HIRTIIS Totals 28 6 TURNERS NO 2 AB Hemmer cf 4 10 0 Meckfessel If 4 Schmidt lb 3 CL Stierk 3 Bailey 3b 4 Pfingsten res 4 CL Lent lss 4 Nebgen 4 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Results NATIONAL LEAGUE New York 4 SL Louis 2 Chicago 9-7 Brooklyn 3-6 (second game 11 innings) Pittsburgh 8-4 Philadelphia 6-3 Cincinnati 5 Boston 4 (night game) AMERICAN LEAGUE SL Louis 6 Boston Detroit 4 New York 0 Cleveland 10-13: Washington At Philadelphia post- Chicago at 0 and when the seventh Inning rolled around we were trailing 3 to He had us looking so bad that some of our rooters had left the park "Then someone told us that Rus- i sell field a bunt Begin ning the seventh I led off with a Andy Schmidt rf 4 Red Kress Fired But Reinstated Shortly After Washington July 25 (UP) "Hey Red you're wanted in the front Ralph (Red) Kress veteran of seven major league campaigns stuck his glove into his pocket and trudged up the stairs to the office" of the Washington Senators He was handed his release and a oneway ticket to Chattanooga a farm Kress returned to the dressing room tossed his uniform into a corner and went home to break the news to his wife and their little girL Lila Lu that he wasn't a big leaguer any more As he sat discussing the dismal future the telephone rang "Red" had been called again "Mr Griffith (Czrk Griffith owner of the Senators) wants you to hurry right back" Buddy Mjrer had been banished from a doubleheadcr with the Indians and Cecil Travis had been injured The Senators needed an Infielder Kress rushed to the park donned his old uniform and went out and made four straight bits Griffith asked for that ticket to Chattanooga back BIIDGEVANRYN ALLISON NAMED Lineup That Has Beaten Germany Will Be Used In Challenge Round Wimbledon England July 25 (UP) Joseph a Wear non-playing captain of the American Davis Cup today named Donald Budge! of California: Sidney Wood of' New York Wilmer Allison of! Texas and Johnny Van Ryn of Philadelphia as the squad from which a team win be chosen to! meet England In the challenge round beginning Saturday Wear may use Budge and Allison in singles and Allison and Van Ryn in the doubles as he did against Germany in the Interzone final: or he may use Wood In one of the singles If Wool Is named for amgles he onicutiediy wSI be given Allison's post for Budge w-th two victories against Germany practically clinched'a singles berth England also named Its team today Englani will use Fred Perry and Bunny Austin in singles and the new team cf XX Tudcey and Pat Hughes in the doubles Totals Score by innings: Turners 500 20 7 Chevrolet! 100 7 7 Totals 40 1 5 RHE Hy Raab 010 000 000 5 3 Roosevelt 100 000 5 3 Junior players: Henry Berald Georgians Day GoepferL Trutman OIL Hess Seib Hughes and Baling Roosevelt Daubach Sterns Helfrich Podlesnick Platzkoest-er Lugge Moeser EL Helfrich Buechler and Lugge KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS poned rain Half Champs in Belle-Clair Loop Tilt Softball competition In the Belle-Clair League will be resumed tonight at Belleville Athletic Held with the Nats Mayers meeting the SL Louis Dairies in the first game 'the Saeger Kandy Kids opposing the Penney girls in the second and the undefeated Teddy Been playing the Hirth Kol Masters in the night cap The Teddy Beers were frightened by the SL Louis Dairies in their game on Monday nighL The Beers won 5 to The Hirth Plumbers were the nearest rivals of the Beers in the first round and may give them some trouble tonight AB 4120 GamesToday LEGION A Fischer Finney lb Panto cf two 4 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 4 totion win begin at 7 a half hour earlier The schedule for tonight's games: Signal Hill vs Latter Day Saints First Trinity vs SL and First Baptists vs Christ Church The First Baptists the only undefeated team In the league may be given some stiff competition by defeated close en- AB Brueggeman 3b 3 0 0 0 A Schilling 2b 0 1 Vernier cf Schilling lb 2 Fellner If OjV Fellner lss 4 1 Prindafcto res Juen 0 Taylor rf 2 2 Totals 1 KL of CL -27 0 4 Legion Holms 2b Radcsaeyer lss Alberts If Thoms 3b PUb Mueller rf -I Schlueter rss Bevirt NATIONAL LEAGUE New York at SL Louis games Philadelphia at Pittsburgh Boston at Cincinnati Brooklyn at Chicago AMERICAN LEAGUE SL Louis at Boston Chicago at Philadelphia Detroit at New York Cleveland at Washington TITLE GUZ RAINED OUT The game between the Church and the Shiloh Holy Name the tying teams for font honors in the championship of the first half of the OTaQon Softball League season was rained out last night It probably will be played Inext Wednesday 36 8 Earlier Games Because of the lateness of the hour after three games have been played the Church Leazu comce-1 counter on Monday nighL the Christians The Christ Church team the SL Pauls In a -000 001 -000 000 Total.

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