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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATUHDAT EVENIKQ OAKLAND TO APRIL 14 10OCF and Mrred with ftit1nU-hed ability OARBlAN CIVIL ENGINEER IF YOU SEE "SPOTS IS CALLED You Need Hy Treatment for the Eyes and Nerves Career Which Was Crpwned With Success and Dlscinction Is Brought to a Close. O. We. M. D.

The New Vision We arc" selling more KryptoK Invisible Bifocals every day The results obtained from this glass arc so remarkable as to pay well for the me expended in learning about them It has special qualities, special advantages, sptcjal benefits to be found in no other glass. Special Otir large business in Central California needs a special store to look after it. We have installed a completely equipped store and manufactory at ,2015 Mariposa FRESNO. Please tell your friends. Chinn-Beretta Optical Co.

4C6 Thirteenth street, Oakland. for a number year. Mapa af thla city mad fey him In tha early day till mirrir la the arehlrea of the pity aa office and dlaplay a aktll which la not excelled by englneere who have had the advantagee of the' protrreaa which haa been made In the atuiy of eatvtl engineering In the whtch have pureed alnce the mapa aero mada. Theae mementoea are of Inestimable alue becauae of their accuracy and. when referred to.

howadaya, by engineer. It la with the confidence that they are the beat authority etUattt upon the pointa which they are eup-poaed to cover. Hnndreda of the addlttona and tracts which, from time to time, have ben opened Flthlii or without tho city Um-ita were aurveyed by Mr. Hon Imati. and the 'rorrectneaa of the line haa never been questioned.

It la no exaggeration to any that of. thla apodal line of work. Mr. Boardman did three t1me much aa did any other men In hla prpfeaaion In thla city. COUNTY SURVEYOR.

From a trusted ofTlcial of the city. Mr. Itoardman became Hurveyor of Alameda county, a pualtlon which no waa particularly qualified to 1111. by re a -on of hla apeclal tra.Miig famll-; larlty with the people, the county anJ thh1tory of the Spanish land gnnta whleh. even now.

play an Important part In the title to property tni-county. ASSESSOR. From the ponltlor of county surveyor Mr. Hoardman moved to that of As- i aeeeetaaaa aaaaeaae ,1: rK (Wit if7 man, woman uA In Callfontlt to set "the benefit of njr great dJcveyrhjr wonderful Abeorptlon Treatment. Nearly ail oae heart trouble, and etotnacb, llrrr and kidney truu-te art da ta vut4 vitality.

Thla wmi4 -rltaHty generally occur through defective eyea. Hath rM often abow no 'stgia OX weak-" rte and fir no wtslni vnttl rata or terrible disease mim. Iong-elghted eye ara the rnoet dlfflrvlt to d-al with. because th long-aigbt4 person believe hla eyea tu etrung. Ha ran not be made to' that lo-ig-tnghtednese la -a defective, conditio and wasteful of rerrua energy that should ta th ht-ttrt.

atornach. liver, kidneys and boweJa Only an am1natln can prove tha condition of 'your eyea I examine them, frw. WA.RNINO Doiu't expect trat arjr oth-r treatment than mine will car yon or si" you relief I am th mlr specialist who treat tha eye la theilr true relationship to the nervous system. I aa neither drug nor surgery. t- r-i at once.

IX jro cannot call write fur consultation blank and fro booklet. H'rurx. a. m. to I p.

m. Every eveurg, 7 to I. Sunday. 10 to l. Pcwc Main I JO.

CEO. D. RICH, ft OHP. Dn N. ftpeciajtet Eye-, Ear, No, Throat and Nrroua System.

407, 409, 411 Jamei Flood Building. San Francisco it: I 1.. i i LAYMA1ICE TELLS OF DEALINGS fOntifroed from Pag 11 Money, not eheke" -Money. "Tou lool II eouri tr.lo check only Ir. this sir." yU 'IH with "Yon Ma -tour flesllrg with the Ite.tSfJr tfndicte In No.

air." eeaeor of Oakland; Township. Thl Kit an honor conferred upon him ry T'l'hment, thev no more m.m In the cy Oaklnnd. Hv never the fiupervlaora of Alameda count by i miked of what hlnm. lf ha-l reason of hla equitable knowing, of at "th lm.k of a.1-omi,l).hm..nt of property values anil the esteem I Th-re In demeanor a geniality-which he waa held (by the commu.rftyV' Bo well Indeed did he discharge of ethers an1 to make him. Indeed.

1 mit Wf-Jpome wherever hultip- called age In the and' 1 get no show In the I might a power nt sl' go Lack home a fid p. "'k "I wiitthl not In CrnicH or In the I niocrHtjc patty i I did tn-ll. ve thiit I'mo-rac will tittinilv triumph In national It was after midnight when the speech vim- tlnlhd. and Towne's retponne wis to one of the hist THE LATE WILLIAM a-e-e-eaa After 12 yeara of life, durlr.r the reater lart ahlch he had attained a auccea lr. aeveral Unea of duty, pro-feaaWmal and commercial In which ha er.eaae-1.

W.lilam Fayette Doardmaa. i Wttn- trade a 1 iar it Ion of I a ma 1 i- frg tiir fnd aall Ul ri a -r fr. flf'r ht 1 lll ei.glneer. formerly rlty engineer i atudlouti reaearch In engineering. IHir-t Oakland, an-l of the mot Ing that period he waa In the employ wllely kr.oi-n men of i lwe In this of hla brother.

Edrln L. Doardman, 4 rrrtcl i that 1 l'g 'Jrra -1 ilf)'-fT: l'l ll htf t.veii.--; 11 a r. an BY FAYETTE BOARDMAN. TT.ere waa alao latklng the oj. port unity to embrace a commercial life.

He accordingly went to Ickport, New Tork. a here he event twer yeara If Inlustrloua efTort In a atore an1 1n who aa at the time In the dryoo'l" bu'llie-a. It at Iyvkport that hla 'leatr- to ome an engineer wi atltnuUtei to an unua jal degree by worka which men In the profeaalon had wrought In the vicinity. After leaving Iam kport. he moved to South Egremont.

where he formed partnership li the mercantile business with Norman K. Bills. remained rhere till 147. IN CALIFORNIA. The nih of adventurous spirits to California In lt and lill attracted the attentmn of young Boardman and In one of the earliest of the throng of Argonauts which came by devious vaye to this coast was found Mr.

In MCI. with the earning of the mercantile life in Maafattueetts. Mr. Boardman. Hoard man.

eatabllshed a hardware atore In Han Francisco and thl bul-nes engroed hi attention un'll 1S. IN OAKLAND. In the meantime, however, by men of private applhatlon and professional tutelage, he had mastered and graduated In the profession of and. -hen he moved from Han ranclaco to Oakland, which he I did In the last mentioned year. It was wlh the purpose of en'erlng upon the1 active practice of hla scle-itlfJe calling He continued to follow that profe.

ion un'll HI, when he retired from active business, EARLY ENGINEERINO. rmring that period, embracing more than -two--ore year, ho tltrll engineer wasfmore lit the nibtlc eye and private and pubile esteem than Mr. Hoard -man. It was a time when there were -heavy demand for the service of en gineers. In the locating of line to claim or properties which, at times.

decided the fortune of the ontesf ant and. at others, averted tha murder or assseeinatton of rival claimant to a disputed tract. It waa a lime, also. tha na'tlvg roughness of tha country had to be overcome In the desire to adapt It to the occupahy of people and- when engineering froblems of difficulty had ta be solv ed with little or no delay. HUNDRED.

OF CASES. In hundreds of cases of this kind, Mr. Boardman figured and tha recital of even' a tithe of them, at thla time, would be Impossible. Mr. Boardman was the arbiter In many of them and hla Integrity was not less appreciated than bla scfentlfk knowledge.

BIO UNDERTAKING. One of the greateat of tha earlier undertakings of Mr. Boardman was a re-surrey of the city of Ban Fran Cisco, which was accomplUhed during the years between 1414 and 11(1. etlll another giant undertaking wa the locgtlrg et the Una of tie Central Pacific Railroad Company from tha summit of tha Sierra Nevada Mountains to Truck. These and other achievements brought Mr.

Boardman th attention of people In thla rlty and coutny and opened to him the way to places of preferment and trust. breams city oruir of Oakland. MATH i yu rar'y )n th Mr i '1 ran'? nllv." "la i-r t-n -t i- lri. ti -in ji i fnT "Th 1' -r (nil 'ji 1 jr ff I'fii vna ll I '-'l rry li the if it t.iM "1 lort't kf orr.a:i rKT'ir- i i "'I'l I' am- f--r that "Il I rrty nt Ml-r i ka Hi.klm Ht In rife d'- T. i "111 c.irry fly re eliel prior eett 4 I 'tej, sir" How Hh.

I I know- areat many, you tarried areater rt 'Tl ItuMi thht the refit tie 4. til a rtlon of the. HI l-ef Itotey is r. "fr (let tran- ftln In a 1 i With tie ti ilk I HflM. tour coiopi'iy ehe.

't 1 ifiai a tt t. bjf sail-, i hi pel hod In-line, ltween Mc- tneri.eT It- Lirnjin he ,11 ve It k- rerl.f.ed l-e-t In, fh ifne I "Too hke ljf Jf ll ave irem erllfle I i t.arg' I up lrt Mr. II -et l-'it I i -v. hi I oj J4r. I tven' rirlei.

Tt.4t Was l'tM y. l-he to re Mr, lli- i. on Use motiey? Thla broacit a sharp ob)ertika from Dell, who contended the quetlonwa lrrWar.t and ta the nature rt a on hie cltenta Leyraance finally salt he did m.t think It necee-ary to hare Fyirena' rhecka certified. Dld yoa erer notify John II. Clancy ttat Hsrer.a had lall ytu ar.y rr.oryT" I A of l-ttr whlrh paaedfje-te-n W.

J. Laytrar.ce ard John H-flanry l'irir, the mmthe March, Ar1l anl May were read. "I p- tell Hun'r that money at elht ir cent la better than land, il r.t ut the I2')' r.ti 't "fn Hver.a mt t'eJuM ir cent." rnt-1 JJ Erierriey. "Ml te.l! earlairr Hell. It a my time." ai 1M T-l tetlf tit Mr ft II, tt raneaj i i I r'- r)-1'li Mr i l.

"11 u- i I I it -ta an-l I r-'j stit tkrf- fif cj! i r- h're' M- fit -rney. nl the It 'I t.t lArmf Te--)v-d flret autti'fis-'ti'-n vale In Marrh. i.rvl r-reto II Sit lirn In W-ttT to i I'iitif t- id tn- roeiec II-. I v. that tlm formally laid tie -H t- fcr a i rOrpetle i I II i it.

l'n. 'y-M rte rTh'ma- Ut'f id l1" the m-ttr tef-re lli in. tv. a trol I Irn the fT't rt i w. 0 ftl.

Vl li rH He Jtil wHh N. 'Ail th i lrr-: -rt IslmH Hei: mre p'piy- "T'-ur t.i re-t-r sr ftin-te and "TI i ime mi. y-ur qteljn. v- -i mo j.tii tliem tn the rijeturd J.x. W.iYI Hel irif tf en a-C' urned tlil I 19 IO TlIT flT I l-l I Al I llr LLLJ I fLL Ul BOLD THEFT "nifoed Ir-m Page If a 1 from hl'b aaket at 2 J' Se-l i this rrv.rr nn McCarthy, lie t.k-h th C'ty IIIL whey he 1 ly.

I -m alrrp havlrg Keecj the M.ur. and his 'ory i I r'4 gt-e- jl!'e by the VeeH CaaMar DlrSeea K. aaNnar Tna. c-etiie MSMry A. Sutter B.

at. WaisH The, avatnar Careeal A I duties of this omce -nai ne was buoc- quently elected to the same position by the people, who were pleased to emphaalxe the dietjlnctlon which the official board of the county had conferred upon him. He could have held the office Indefinitely because no competitor could hope to succeed to the position while Boardman stood re-election. BACK TO THE TRANSIT- There waa a routine In the discharge! of the duties or Mie omce, noweier. which, at length, became Irksome to a temperament which found its greatest pleasure in meeting new -snfrlneer.

Ing difficulties, overcoming them and making nature in her most rugged creations subservient to the ue and comfort-J society. He accordingly became professionally Interested In the Inception of the move to establish a system for the supplying of water iio the city of Oak land. His knowledge was resorted to when the little laljie, which was the precursor of the greet dual water system of Oakland today, was formed by the late A. Chabot. i That lake, and thousands of peopl4 of this city are not aware of the farit.

Is located in the hilla at Temescal and la still, reiativel speaking, almost a great a factor in the system of today aa It was when Oakland was but a grow Ing village. SAN LEANDRO LAKE. It was Mr. Hoardnian who built tha lake of the Contra a Water Com-nanr'a svstem at Kan Ueandro. This alone would be fame enough for one man because.

with the auxlllarf means which are employed. In connection with It, to enjible the water to reach the patron of the company In this city and also In many of the principal towns of the jcounty, it Is considered one of the finest pieces of engineering of if kind In the country. WITH OAKLAND WATER CO. For years, subsequently to th achievement, Mr. Boardman remained before the public and hen W.

J. tlngee established what became known a the oik-lalnd Water Compa- merged with the Contra Water Company, the subH't of thl sketch waa eaibH on to aid In the The engtri'-er eas lhown a number of wV. at Alvsrado told to UeV wat. frrti thetrt In Oakland Theiej were pro "erne cooneewed with thl woik which were much more difficult than those ved lo bringing preelou fluid gravllr fn the bill of Tm-ecl to the sutrer. Mile erf pipe had to be laid, engine bad to be built r.a Installed, reetrvotr hd to be con-lrurtel.

water tud ti be made to climb up hill but every probb-m wa olved and eery obstacle aurmounted Th Oakland Water Company became a fact and th ewcmeetlrg ws rredMed to the guiding ft mind of Mr. IV-atdmain. IN THC COURTS. During all those buy years Mr. Board-man wa a frequent i peirst-nag In th eoui'ts ef the county He wa wanted tu an spert In Borne Inatancea and In cthera he was expected to explain to juries fscta which knew to have been Incorporated In the hltory of the ur-veys of thl city and county.

When ser-mg as expert, the monetary coneld-er-itl'n. how great soever it rr'mlsed to lie, dkl not enter Into bis consideration. When dlscueslng the i4uestlon aa to whether or not he shcwild act aa he first, like Boh Ingersoll. asked him-' self: -Which a tight He answered ihe oueetlon by allowing hi conscience to govern him In all cane in whl-h the court destre'1 the assistance of hla Information and skill. LOSS SUSTAINEO.

In the death of Mr. Boarrtnan. Oakland lose a man who. more than any other. Intimately astioclated with the men of ihe times, the history and th development A Oakland.

Indeed, no man of all the long list of pioneers of this city can be rebelled who haa excelled Mm In the number, extent. Importance and serviceability of hla official and professional Services to th dty ret Oakland, his home by adoption. His name will not eoon be forgotten. It -has long Ince gone Int-L history as that of a man tireless Ircejnergy. ekllled In hla pro-feaslon.

patriotic In hie fealty to hla home pliee. loyal to hi friend and without a stain upon the escutcheon of his private or public life. MODEST AND OINIAL. And yet. despite tha eohfldegea reposed la bits.

a4 to succese of him acoom- I njtn or wl.erc- he. ouKht. frlenlH. rent and sclunton after the toll of tli day. SURVIVORS.

Mr noanlraan lia left an ample tale and the rich herllng of an unu1-li'd niime to four son, I.U wife haliK lied some ear ago. The son are 1-rank W. ltoanlman of Banta Vni "harle T. Itirdmn of Portland. Hoardman.

ps.ying teller of the Pnl'm Hiili.s Hank of thin city, and riirttd Hoardman," deputy County of county, who la aNo it ofJ thl rlty. 'I'he funer.ll will take nine n.ti Xf day morning at 11 ocloek from the r-- niS 'Srove interment mill lie in Xl'iutitaln titreit. lew. HIS KISSES COST Contlr.uer' From Fiige to impresa a kisson the lips' of "the dusky maiden. andnally Mucceeded.

He did not thj-rf know of what he claims Is tha deceit of his Inamorata, Uut Paya that whlfe he was happy In the bliss-of the young woman's so- mie was looking forward to future necessities and had deftly slipped her hand Into his trouser hip pocket and extracted therefrom the wallet, fat with bllia MONEY IS GONE. He says he did not miss tha purse at once, but after he left the -house he felt for his money and it was gone. He thought that it must hHve dropped out ef his jacket in some way, and aa it wis late did not return that night, exffftlng that It. would be as safe as though he had had It in his own pos- session. The nekt morn ins.

bright and early, however. knocked at the door of Ml ks Hplkes' home, but she had gone. Hhe had left t.o word for him or any Intimation of whether she had found his wallet or when aha would return. PRETTY EXPENSIVE. The ht-rried and un.i ountabfe dls-appearafxe of Ihe woman set Or) -coll to thinking, and then he remembered the sioi.n kle of the night before.

They soured, when he thought they ost him 22 f.o, and he went to the poibe and told hi tale of woe, A "arrant waa sworn to for b-er arrest, end a arch began, to locate her. hbh finally wa successful The mcmey, however, had bmg since been pent; that Is, If It can be shownjhat Miss Hplkes ever got the waJiet. and firlscoU has little hia of being reimbursed for his loss, snd must rest content with the punish-rrent that may be rneted out to her. and the reernbranea- of the klses. Continued From rage our prosperity to notto a pollry When men refused to open th mint, tfod opened the ATTACK ROOStVILT.

Then Mr. Towns attacked president Rosevelt. "I am going to take vou Into my eon-IWence thl much," aald the Speaker, "by telling you that I am going back to Washington with the avowed purine of exposing President Koovelt. 1 the greatest promlaer and- the smallest performer sln-e th days of Judas Is-earlot. He filched hla rat legislation program from a national Democ-ratlo p.etorm.

and baa now laid mn on bla own bill; he sends for legislators and Uctures them like boy. I "And hie' tools consider them for a tr.rnute. They are a Speaker and a de. aerate House. Nowaday there a re three atepa In national legislation-getting tha permlMlon of 'Uncle Joe' to In- "Jrouuoa gvtau aoa St-cturins its ps- ill DEAR PRESIDENT tiHsts on tin- projjrnm.

tell IIpk ftort fin 1 cuff or in tie S' hll- A most wonderful fmedy for bronchial afiecti is. Free from opiu In boscs only. Tf.c cilice lite oner cl Tiiursk-j Next time I nut offer of a BAKKHAJJ. 8CIT im.l I'M' witli a i. no pufchatM', I v.

ill Just iy In a carlond of snlia and cups I loom-v' It talks about race l. Wb. hIhk hf-. we have MioukIi klil- lo re in UiikhiTid nd Al.inied.t cfiurty who wunt worth of and SIMT and C. I' fr-- lo k.L i the wlieilx nf run iiiy cSIng for tin- neat century.

In-w tjicy did come after Talk about eating thliiK up. -why my It wns awful Kvery time i- kid out playing iiam bull and h-: bus oti a blue suit, trlfim-ed In whlJV, Tc-nu count otj IiIh btng a iul nm of Ifcsseriiaii'N. Mo jmi want to look- for fbe Blue Hull. Tin are mlxlity pretty suit5, now I cati t. II yon, mi snide affair, If, there are any left aft.

tofilgirt'. you can ti them ibis liberal offer I'i down arid the balance--never and yu get the whole bual. ii: In boys' clothe. WIU.IK, at C. 3.

HKKHl'M ANH. Our Glaooco, llko our ado, aro all over town aro you wearing them, CI1AS. IT WOOD Optomelrlut nd Manufacturing Optician 1153 WASHINGTON 8T- Irn. 'JTh Winking Kyt." Ihe J.Llewellwyn Company PAINTERS aiti DECORATORS Dealers In Fsrslgn and Demaatla Wall Papers J1S25 BROADWAY Opposlts Peetofftc Phon OaktaM 11ut. San Pranolssa-'MO Suttr St 9 or nr.

.1 I l'y ar. 1 ha at length been Th erl ame "10 o'clock thia mornsr.g a'- th- family re Men e. 1 JU aft' an lUne, a hl-h ha eter1el over a limited i-erlod. i when the age and active care of the ie -eaeed are taken into account. SUDDEN ANNOUNCEMENT.

The fact that Mr. Hoard man waa 111 waa knomn orsly to intimate frten The new a of hi demise ul 1 amity. jj! therefore, cause eurpri-H? among. hundreds of former friend and ao- Ute of the decease 1 who had hoped that, deajite hla adranrel age. Mr.

Boardman might fce spared, to er.jpoy In peace and i'ilet. and In an honorable oil ag the reward of years of assiduity, abili-y and up-rlghnea wht'h had characterized life quiet, Aa It waa. however, in the modest and re'lrlng manner peculiar to Mr Boardmart. It may be said the elolng year tere passed In tranquility' and ease, aa preparatory to the gradual transition to the other state EARLY LIFE. William Payette Boardman was born In F-Hsnury.

Connecticut. September H. 124 He was the son of a farmer and rec eived auch an education In the school aa fall to Jthelot of a 11 h1le working at home upon hu fathera farm he reached the age of siiteen ear. he waa at hi own requet. to go out In the world to make a living for hi ma Sf.

He felt thai the life of a tiller 'f the aoi. honorable a It wa. a not the life to tA-loved him. DUAL-ASPIRATION. Hi earnest a-nbltloti waa to lm-rTt a civil fg1n-r there wa aleo a minor aspiration entertained by him and that waa to a c-re-ful man of There aere no mean within his rea-h on h- farm at Fhefflell to take up the study to become an engineer.

MILK DIET Geed As Bettee. A roefniant In a thriving Interior towti writes: "I can recommend Ora-e-Nut f'd to all. whether well or sick, as a 1 -reversal jf or f.r a cure of many aliment Tor atout six years I waa unable to le In the t're much of the time. I -it suffering from gastritis and constipation, which confined me to the ue furt of the time and at last put me to bed and kept me there for al-met a year I ran down In weight frotn lie to IS ound. trying to live on a milk diet.

But I could seldom retain that, nor anything elee at any amarunt. on my stctmach. The doctors finally gave me op; then a frlehd advised me to change my food and ue and f'ostum Food Coffee. 1 followed hla advice and watched result. "I commenced to get well at once, and In the first eight months 1 gained about forty pounds The gastritis and ccmtlpatton left me In a very short time, and In the six yeara that have followed I have enjoyed tha beat of health and attend regularly rh my bulnea I tat Orape-Nuta every day.

and uau41y make my entire breakfast off of a few teaspoonfula of It and a cup or two of Postum Food Coffee." Name given by Postum Battle lrek. Mich. There's a reason. Read tha little book. "Tha Road to la package.

CArrTAI. ANO tURS.Ul Um.OOOM CIPOSITS $4,620,330.20 Owisara WM. a HINSMAW, CMAS. T. ROOOtPH.

A. M. CM AM IS). Wa. O.

Maeaw CMa. T. ee'eip-i R. M. w.

Meaa, M. King Taea. O. Inter aai aa Savteg Oeaeaita, Caramarctal and Savings Dak inc union oavinss DanR1 Broadway tThlrhenm OAK A I.

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