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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 25

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 OAKLAND TRiBJLJNE FEERUARY6, 1910. 25 VI ALAMEDA COUNTY -AN; CITIES 2 NEARB ALLENDALE Predict Postcard Day Will Be Greatest of Tag Day Successes Giraiii TO QPEFI CLOVERQALE FAIR Talented Musician and Composer Plans European Tour for Study BE BIG SHOP TOWN I fmhurst School Kids Train for Marathon i By Long Sprint Daily to Mayor McCarthy Scheduled Preside and Speak on San Francisco Day. Corporations Said to Be Seeking Land There to Build Their Plants. As the. of tho fair at C.over-in the oranro ir.cre.asc3 and SANTA" ROSA.

Feb. draws near for -the op eighteenth citrus dale tho interest taken city of Sonoma coutuv AIJ.KNT'AI.'E. Feb. According to Rtortes proing amonp the resident but which lis of the various compar.ips ronorrifd to give eny Information, All. mlule.

a portion of Oakland's newly anne-d suburbs. Is to be turned Into a shopi town where the car shops of the, Oakland Traction Com- fiany and the Key Kout-j system are to be ocated. It also declared that tro Southern KI.MHUKST, lVb. 5. The lara-tlkm craze, evidently hroulit to this Tieiaity by the recent endurance clash between Donmilo IMetri and Jofimij- Ifajc-i, has inaded 1 anil as a result school children of this vicinity are becoming Jons distance negotiators.

Kvery tlay daring morning: of Uie I'lmlnirst fvH-iitctl midway between East Fourteenth street ail the boulevard on 8entie, ran be seen trallinir almiir in a drawn otrt be iMt' ii' mi imiiii i' ii 1 1 1 ii ni iii iib mi I t'i i i -s 1 8 f- Pacific place whri Buburhin 1. be repaired 1 nil 1. I' 1. a shop at that if stock used 6n the new now built. will ired for.

It is said that have already -r that vicl- -s. but still the enthusiasm Is shared here and all. over the for this "year it will be more than ever a county exposition. The. oranyes In the Val.i of -Clover vvera never liner or of golden hue, and in oonsquonea will make a proud show, of fniit.

fahioia'd Into many effective di'sis-ns. Tb "Fair hsocia-tion offered a nunr.n'-r of premiums anli tuera as usual, "to" a great araoant of roo t-aa tiered rivalry, while secrecy In belntr maintained as to the that tl exhibitors will adopL Secretary Charles F. Jfuinbert of the Fair association yesterday that tb date there arc at feast twenty mora new exhibits for the cuiiiirijr exposition, than were i-tst year. The new hum lossiljUity for di; 1 i and di-corath n. The GoyJri.or 'will I'puii ths fair on the of l'bruary .11 a.

On San For tills rct-the cuparies i not wish rufclfe. PROPrP.TV. the three cuired a-iarcer fon. ft l. rr.

th AC The Kf.v a lai R. K. for m-'r-'. a f-- aero c- from l.e R.fll I cany has rue 1 Tri-rUon lar: 1 i.j Allenilale l.s tee Southern i i ho large shops. an -J the Oakland recently.

T': I 'ac ifV a v.o":. Tor f. Ira- i -i. li 1 'V for l.i.-ul a 1 1. McCarthy Th-j cirt zens of cities will 1'ay, Mayor V.

11. will be asked to att -rd mil iieoplo hop San Francisco ar.d iie bay ifent of It on I I Philips, that p- rt ir.n R'l three roirpa-. I sincere. Howev r.tlon ther.r v. v1 ir Mecca on San show their Interest make Clnvi rdale Francisco 1'ay.

and In a I Mon t- plans." fair held in this sec- nly the rti3 State. in the WANT MORE LAND, fpv thev have 1 1 Other rri been approa- tween the school iiiu'i lie arid baeU The dis-tan-; is uli'H-t i half milt, couiil-hiyr bolii hips. (riris. as vicll jt bojs, cotiijieic in the distance iiiMful, and oriii.i to the new order til' things, jsarucijKtUim in the ivce is cunipalsOi-jH Tlie iimoiation is. due to the idas of lrol'.

i. oiiysicil to iionl. I luiiul is an admirer u' DuMtiJn aau cry youth- le able l. Herniate tle MtilallnKi lUslance without drawing ion iiui'y h'ay bi eaihs. His -sj-siean.

liow -t'U'f, compels evn Ijapil jl' lite li p.uticipaic in the jaiiut b'tweeii the boulevard and the school and back during the ilioi-n hii; 'ifcreiitioii time, tloes not stimdittc how fast they shall o. yount'sters ith a siiottuite of IHH-C'ssary ctn'ry to i-itu the distance are iermntcj to negotiate the course ai a walk. They itiut, liow-eier, travel the I'litnil course during ilic; "It will develop their power and their who.c bodies in better says i'imnd. jivery yoensler shoitl.d l- uble to rial the distance without Inuil'li-. youngsters are not able to tl: bo 1 Iierinit liKin to walk over the cotii'se, but must cover it in some The walk will benefit them immensely and pretty soon they will also be aide to run.

Who knows but- Hint the may tt.m out an equal to the yreat lorando'. son: day one of them will." VACAVILLE 1 on tho subject of selling h'-lilincs b-- represen co. porat i 'i5. Miip.i-.ifs KScd to the orporations' pi ins their real cstet tives of the -cials of tl.i know nothing rci ri inn- Ah-n if i rot deny- that shops b-- therf. ZE SAN LEAPJDRO! I rOR OAKLAND POSTAL CARDS.

TVO sax -Albert I-eal End TIortTey count rren left Monday for where thcyj have p- brine: thousands of dollars into PhB city An. encen ravins- siirn, the off tela Ms con- CiT' .1 Mis t'fttleman. -who iif-st of Mm, ra hn. been 1h fiarsb4 re siderL is the enthusiastic interest I taken in Post Card Hav bv the women (if Oak Post Card "Davis destined to be the greatest of "'tis day' successes. Definite assurances of the enthusiastic support of the rank and tile of Oakland citizenship have 'been made to the Cham in San Jr4i W'cdnes- to horj land.

Kverv iav brines scores. com The A'aca Willey Telephnnei Association has lien Cig.icized wan i. J. Chi. president; 'Oj ir.

Chubb, slilent, and John Caughy, ard treasurer. Tln'Si thiv with S. Watts and T. I-. Gates, form the.

boaii'l directors. Thj iire extends up the valley to tho Vermilion rani nuw and vvir be continued to Wi.i'lam Itljipsy'S' -ii to M.r. Uhl's upper raiu h. 4 The annual meetlri of the Ambers of tho Flat is Club was he'd at tho clu'o rooms Saturday night. Tho annual reports of tlie officers shewed- th organisation to be in a more flourishi'ig- condition than ever before, officers, were elected as follows: President, Ralph vl W.

IT. K-V--wards: secretary, II. II. Piatt; treasurer, Howard Fisher. About a hundred Odd Fellows and Rebekahs made the trip to Dixon last night by Fjvecial train.

They were the guests (if the pixon. members of the order at a joint installation of the lodirs of that town. It was a thoroughly enjoyed oooesieri arid soi-yod to terrlent closely the ties -that iiind the mem bers of th's great fraternal society. There will be r. business meet in? of" th members 'of the Paptist church at that edifice next Sunday at CoM-nk, 1 following tho Kpiscopal unica ions to headquarters In esrard to Hie and' these, inviiriahly brine -ffers t-f -assistance in making event a record one.

A' i "r-'o" r.nrt!n ran-b waj sold this 1-, S-m andro and is lie soon s'jh -livid into acre Str.i'b of Francis, visited, in ti r.l.l!.ly. 1 PATRIOTIC WOMEN ARE kland nep," said a projninent -Chatnber of Coiiimeree. wester Is rd ay, ver seen. i.i Mrs. Joseph- tfiij; frcin -r'la idarcta re-tfnir weddlns negative or re the.

most patriotic I have This spirit is not merely a passive one but active and I'ublic are fol-ipeiitly yy wo-Ui matters pertaininp Ito the MRS. EDITH SIMONDS, musician and composer, who will I go to Europe. Armer Plioto. enthusiastic lowed ir. men and in pinoflr? of the of of nt the fori club was on sday.

afi-'Jr spending ber of Com me roo officials and it is now estimated that the million-mark will be reached on February 12. Notwithstanding the fact that all the fraternal organizations. women's clubs and other societies willf and send larpe hatches of tne the' Chaminr of Comnu ree officials count Ueon the ene.r it publie to run the tipmrerf to tho hltrh record f-r da v. Th.e general sentiment prevails tliat every man, woman and child in Oakland should buy and send at b-ast the set of two cards which cost but a nickel. The averaf will easily- rim up to half a dozen if not more, the officials believe.

CHILDREN TO AID. The public school children are demon-strntinjr their youthful patriotism and civic pride in pleilecs of co-operation, and corps of bovs are being- formed to sell the little- "bo on Post Card Hay. 1 levies pretty girls and younsr' society matrons will 'also lend their beauty and persuasive powers to swell the total of the sales on the crreat event. Tn all the lnndi'isf ri i 1 rn Ti' is- l-nr-ihet'i '1 ---ks ith her of the City they are ever) ready with sympathetic, and practical sapport. Tho progress lye spirit is infectious and rover more so when by v'onicn.

If women ever secure their famous "rights" then Oakland women r.EnKnr.ET, Feb. 5. Mrs. F-dith oped Sirnonds. ti.

talented musician anil com- pati ps.r. wl.ce borne has been th scene- of under the direction masters, if the prS' She oas won oonsid: musical critics of the Buro-nt plans work rable- attention and coinposors Hivwati! Fister Mrs. r.n retuiiied I MARYSVILLE will be the erst to vote, and nroneti-lv so her playing and her oi'iRinal siii'n. K-c tVrwids of PI' -m 1-ere on "rkHv visit el trooi both 1 con: pi No trade annuoricenient has been so musical Catherines during the months, is to pn abroad, some time beifre the closo of the year to ftuiiy. Sliuonils l.s the wifo of Ray M.

Slnionds. a prominent younar business ia in of San Frnnicsco: She in the composer of; the Incl.lental music to Charles for they are most competent, class, in the country. "When the Cost Card Ia.y w-a 1 fin i a to i MfVs 'Viola P.lelby was in city last everdne: visiting friends from her borne at Wheatland. as a ftrst were the date of Mrs.

It Is understood. however, pretty homo 'n Arch street. spoken of in the press, the womem I (U pai tin e. that tho Supervisior Morrison was in ion. of the first to express their Intent joininar heartily in tho affair, and' every wlil be jLdvpn up at least the trio abroad will be Keeier i poetic-Li fairy playp, prouticu i last hv the St'liiio Club of this city.

1 ten'porurilv. us dav brings suggestions of the moss of some duration. Much regret ii beinc tb-al and heh.r'el kind from them 1 A nnm' -er of be y. folks froi i h' re 1 mh1" it Stoidav f-v ulnar Ir th- T. P.

S. liail. Mr. Tr. r.raumil!e.

ac -ornf by 'his brofher who is b'-r en a Kislt tb fist, took tr'p to' T.irJ to Visir- the navy yard rn Tu-5dv. T. Brtimer. who several years In has ri tirr 'd San lj-andro for p. sort visit' once you g-t tne women on vouf sld-.

count expressed over the 1s-- to the lo: but with this the oonrau.iation for. tl.o -fortunato ai has also Bet several of poems to mosi'-. Ar.Mi:ln her friends. Rrra. Plmonds ilrv-loped a remarkable plft for ro.

-lodv. and her tal-nt- is to be devl- Mrs. L. mother, Mrs. Kletz i( of Oakland, has been vlsltlntr her for a few clays.

W. II. Keil'e was inspecting his ranch, which ho purchased a short time asro from Alva Slurlry, on Wednesday. lie is scon to make extensive repairs on iiis iicy purchase. Mr.

Mrs. Blade's of Sai tamento, is with them for a hhort visit. C. Miller ha.s sold all of his hens and chickens. At pres-nt here Is rpilta a poorl deal of buildiuq- peine; on in the vailey and in tiw RpriiiK it Is expected there will be r.o- less than bfty new houses up on t'ae dileront tracts that have been subdivided rnu sold.

A few tiBct.01, which bad been on th market, have tii'ii taken off and will be hdd until tho Key Ron to' comes through here, which by all prohabilUIca vvili be nct J. il. Ilowfil left for Santa Rosa last Monday, where he will -remain for a few ddys mn business. Tin heavy wind.5 on Tuesday blew bnvn a house on, Stanton No. 1.

Mr. StSjin had the froi.t all in are) the sTtSs nearly ooan'td up when th-- wind and blew It all to pieces. csneeiall' Onkland wrine-n. vou may terrav from Sutter. r.

Hapcood. mayor of Timbuctoo, was in: town yesterday afternoon. Gus Moose of San Francisco "was in this city" VoVtorda v. F. G.

Iiw. of Nevada City was in town vestorday. "'William Hooking; was a visitor to this city yesterd i.y. U. A.

Priest was In this city yesterday from San Francisco. A. the pioneer merchant of on your plans succeedlnsri It will be observed that affairs they themselves arrange and are invariably suc- stores iino oil loo win no on sale, as well as on the ferryboats and at jibe Chamber of Commerce. There will be no cs-iice on Post Card Hay. and it is not nicinated by the officials that t-i -wa 1 unus-ial deg-ree." i which- are to be sent In quirtes for literature are eessfu! to The boo! answer Ptinted on in de.itb a few months JP il'-rn Woodmen of America will te four new members this fvbnintr.

ri there be any attempt on tne part of to avoid the personal responsibility which win be placed on eaeh n.lte; Th inlt1; Mr Vom-'ra i- tb finest or book pa tier and Tvill Ksklmos. be Id Rive bis experience amonpf tle Indiana and miners In that rilory. A first class ontertain-irnission in and 15 -ents Will i the Town Hail, Friday even- nee Vdiss irul ms. AV. A.

R'uriRfre Isome i Marysville, was stricken'with paralysis at beautifully illustrated with, liani one of them to do hts share in the great i V'-nm-i A'elninsrer) hav colors gone to house-Ill 3 Fourteerih i kerjiiu In Oakland at street. Fe'iruary Ij-th. his home mi street tn this city jester--dayjs This is not the first time Mr. Mmz lias been 1 1 rck eri Ho is well alona; 4n years, but ills condition Is not considered SeT-jo'Jia.

photographs. The cover is in live and mo.if artistic In desicn- and ar merit. Trotters, will be sent with giving- the specific information ak l.v the writer. mge-these for campaign. TO EXPLOIT THE CITY.

Post Card Hay presents the opportunity to the rank and file of Oakland citizens luriivr af City Clerk C. M. was taken down vvi 5av and his horn" tine. Fd. Watklns.

a Pan lyatfiro, has 1 the pist two weeks quairtanees. K. F.1?r,r and the K-tes re si I.fand." Cnlri'l 9. V. i'lL Mr.

Fotb.ger of Castro Vallev babeen coi t' lcd to his bed ith pleurisy for fast 14 days and is still very ill. LORENZO SAN (to participate In the work of exploiting; Fune-ntel of Herkoley Is visltlnt; l-Mu-l'IP. the the city in the Fast and in Huropo ilithoi-to the merchants an1 Chamber of borne the crreat expense of the ca and will continue to -oir ci la iv cert in ra -u. rs.

f.r nd friends In I lav ward. Fd lor-Us tine and is milking a hp, -self. Horn and dauphters. MIses I Kil.i Hoi moved into their new two storv home on Castro I do so. but on February 12 every Oak 1 on we mily r-jove, iito llaywarl avenue, k.

Thf ir former W'niier -ke ar tb ir new rei Jerc V.V-dn---sd-xy of this Fmma an ban s- ime irk alone, and even a dozen i land'fr may help the good at trifline expense, for RUSSELL CITY boost riostals cost but 30 cents. Mrs. bv -e occ I cards, if carefully sent, however, may All.ert. Ieal and M'jlter "Warren, both men of tills Iwive decided to see the world and left Tuesday mornlii? a 1 1 a i cr expedition. II.

Usn'ii-Tjcr entertained the Five Hundred, club Tuct'-lnv. ev-ninjr at 'ni houi. near I- iwde-rvllle. Miss 1 etttk who has been tTr of Mrs.

H. Onnsbei-K. the past to home In San Jose "'ed iu sday. Suith of Pen Francisco was a visitor lit toy. on Monday.

A larse nun. her of vo m-r folks from Hall. I A. a. Farln.

lical contractor. is frectincr two-story buildint? cr.nsir.tlntf cf a store pnd Hat for J. R. ftose. corner of Jones avenue and Fast Fourteenth street.

Klmhuist. stleet A. Is confined to Ids home whit a severe cold Hist riot Deputy Grand President Frank fair installed tho newly elected -officers of Wisteria 1'ririor of Native Sons Thursday fyenlnir. Tho comprises Curr, Knilftly. Fdward Manter, Aoam May and I 'J r.

I a drov. down in an automobile tlmnlap helr.K the b.a tiff eur). W. T. Kiuirhtiv The carpenters are nov- putting the linlshlnr touches on tlv Insonjic temple.

tho acted as vrand inarsiiaJ. A fine batiqiret here attended the dance si yen- by the A rranp--eiertt arbeine- niad.j for Mrs. M. Petersen and children of Cen-torvilie araV Jli.s. Carl of Irving-ton visit- wit relative here last week.

V'm. I.auton of Alaineda spent last Thursday at ti.e of her par-en's, and Mrs, Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. H.

Hemiingsen pnd son Melvin of H.iyward visiti ith thi llen-ingst -n faiiiilc -here on Sunday. Mr. of San Francisco Saturday and Sunday vvith Mr. and Mrs. Jorxen.

Henningsen. Air. and Airs. h. Hansen of San Francisco.

Miss Ohilsiensoi and George Chtistensen of Mt. Fden, Mrs. C. Skow a Hi I- Miss Gordv Christiansen were puests of Allss Hansen Sunday. Chester Peterson of Alameda visited with relatives here last Sunday.

Mr. Nebs tetsen and daughter Ruth will dedication cf th" new bui'dirT whleh a stay of ten days In which to appeal the case. A gang of convicts from San Qnentln are busily engaged bnildinp a boulevard from the east gate of th prison around the hill to Sch. itzen park. The teams aj-e furnished tho State prison and a rock crushed by Supervisor Thomas Furke.

The Piovnl Masons of San Rafael elected the following officers for the en suing year: High priest," C. P. Atter-hury; king. W. Frown; R.

II. treasurer. W. A. Ri.ce; secretary.

S. H. Olms.tead; captain of host. i -iLraS 4JI ii' CUM take place ip the near The arraignment of Peter iiree upon a chat ce of assault wtth a d-ajllv p- on took place in Flunk's court en Thursday mornlnar. The preliminary Ashland; Fand Saturday evening in the I.

T). JO. 1 S. ball. Mr.

ard Mrs. Josep. Forba Oarcia. re-turnid frotn th.epr this week. Th San i.e.iiu'lr.o Hank this work purchased the sixty acre F.

W. Mar'ln place-on the nd int? roa d. Miss Flizahoth Tychsen. after spenfl-inc: several weeks with her sister Mrs. Fud Worrell Ilayward returned l.m tids week.

Iotioived. Attomey Chadbciurne of San Francis-crk, vv ho vvith bis fcinlly bas been Lis home in tl.s Obermullor eotta?" on lower 'l'. street Ii tho Meek tract for the past tluee, years, is contemplating; the pun base of Mrs. W. H.

Kelsey's beautiful on upper Castro street. Mrs. Kelsey and daughter. Mltrs Marion Sfevenson. will depart for Manila in about three months.

where they will -M; -i. fon 1-Mvvln Notion Keisey. wiio holds very responsible position in the service. Tbey expect to remain an inderip.ite period. cxandnatloh was set for Tuesday 1H-Xf A spent Sunday visiting in Mr.

and Airs. morniner. Car! C. Tverson proceiy sit. re to Haywsrd avrnoe, fice.

In fine hnv a much bet' of Mi'! Valh-y at the Mtt'nv expects to throve his th" Htwes') luilldiner. opposltCi 'je postof-mod-Tn -store will er opportunity to dis- I i i .4 i C. Hansen; principal sojourner. A. F.

Jbirkheim; P.ova! Arch' captain, A. I J. master 3 vail, J. B. Da'vM-j son: piasltr 2 vail.

N. Tloyen mas-I tor 1 fatf, F. I. Crisp. I Alfonso ATiller and John Clark of Fan Rafael have announced themselves as are sprndinp the week' home.

-'Alr. Fdgar Faintej Alar. da spent the vvee Clean Up of the Season Mr. Fmorev of i rmai HAYVVARDS el: end at their Ala! hi. st ti phu e.

1 LIVERMORE ii unt Ins q'mrters on the Aliss i turibiA- -y 1 A meetlns? hell Frihiy, candidates for tlie nomination of su if the Queens of Avilon January at 4 p. m. in i This will POSITIVELY be ouf LAST sale of Fall Suits, as the reductions we have just on our already IM- ob and. Miss Mabe! Francisco guests Mis. J.

J. Gif Hvinuton of cjn of. W. He. Kaibatrr.

uid e. I arrived last to make C. C. Waud pl-iv his goods. The Oakland TrarMon Cimjintiv has started a rjerm of und-'r di'-ceti of Foreman J.

to ehdrsinsf the larpe feed wires to the opposite side of the street. Tins is b--in done to avoid the trees as much as possible. A kitchen shower was n-ii rei! Mr. Jaws F. ATonte'.

and brld---elect. Miss F'ta, Midden, at the home on Friday venlni- of last week. The 'lift inclj led tho members of tne courl $nd many others. Guild l.tW Jlrs. the tnetilbois of of Invited i Francisco and I on A sttaet thl Mr.

Mrs PENSELY REDUCER PRICES will force a speedy closins and Smwlav. vv It.h frien Js in Hav A ph4i.c:'iu"f tat of iends took plaee at the boine of Mr. and Airs. C. Carls.

Satuioay evening in honor of the host's birthday. The "Silent Workers" last month's; meeting at the homo of Mrs. Ilni MeCov. The r-xt mcctinp will lake place at the of Miss ,1. Petersen.

Julia Cbristl-inser. returned iiem- on Wedjiesday from the ontirely recov'cred from the ope: a lion. AVillford will entertain the T.0'3 club and a num-uosts from Oakland. San at ber cosy lvon-e i afti rnoon. Tarp -f Coyote, Santx v.

from Spu it 1. lmnii" vv 1 1 her and uil'e. il. W. .1.

Imson soent pervisor at tie; Democratic primaries' in August. '4 -1 Alis. A. Du Poise, aid her daughters, th" Alisses Hannah and Kmily are at p-icscut at IVaslilnirton. where they are being- entertained extensively by rela- 'tiers.

They hae been decidedly missed i at 1 -cal social fun ions. i Ti annual -eting of the local cham- ber of oom.iiorcc will be held at the i ball ATinday evening-. It. is un- out of the balance of our stock. the of the first .11, ii: CO.

the KUf-sts of we. vimM, ir in 'n I-i Kv. G. ii. Wilkes end of i Clara county, have ben laa.llj vvi'l de-l on a visit to and other FORMERLY iaiives in Indiana Otto and I.ouie Pauls on" of San rap Street dent M.

.1. (Jjreiu Mrs. F. V. Webb of Alameda has visiting uarents.

Mr. ami Mis. been Geo. SO -rstood that sev eral important matters will be discussed. Mr.

and Mrs. A. Ibrm'. Cnpt -tin MrGrt -enr is havin? bis cellar: cemented by Contractor F. T-arkin.

llnvworl Rebekah Iodg-o is constantly i; and great etitliusiasm prevails, A drill te-tra has been organize-1. The team will take an important part at the Tvlshes It to be stated It Is rot in the streets "jr do nne o. in tne streets or e. k. on their hunt-wee 1--.

this week front spent the past is spending a oisio enjoyed an outir.g-ir.p preserves here last John Alio son returned San Joaquin where he week. Annie Asmussen few iluvs In Oakland. law nil to Mrs. Marlon Royn -Ids en ber return to York al'ier two kind of work rk without A first set- dot eon without Hi st now TO i "af WOODLAND TO veeks' visit with n-'rl paa-rts, I r. and W.

S. Tavlor. I T.ouis Siepr-r and wife a nd vt r. doipn amo-rman meetii next I r.iirsi.ay evening vvnen three of most popular younc peoplo join tho-order. of Oakland were 1 i 1 lerinis F.

Jr visit in. Br with adie Xellsen of Allss 1 a A11- Airs. J. Greeley in San Fn arrivals Wednesday. Filory and wife a iis isc.

1 Magi with the Miss Klila left 1 Alis. -Jai nil Ib-es etiii-nei last Tlinrs-i day alter six visit v. ith her derson Sunday. en their return to Modesto. H.

M. I'l and daughter, linsr 'his permission. There jhas I much proniir cuous di 'rtbnut streets In the p-it, which m-V-p s. it difficult to them in I lorp-r shape. Jttr.

Gareia's tesidenee is If 2 Hide f-tret. T'io Hayward Jmirn'l in its rTucsda Vs Issue advocatfS a Foiirtii of oele-brath at that city 'this vnar. ivard has not reb-bra4 for a number IPv. McCli lian. irmer pastor of the rioa.

Presbyterian church, deliv- rrcd a most interesting lecture on his re- ATis 1 vester-I dauphte-, tit Pacific Grove. Miss Tiieiesa Walker cf -Sa-n I'ran- Fav. returned from Sacramento p. i in the Presbyterian to ur. ri II Airs.

A. S. A'lon came up from Francisco and is the guest Air and Mrs. Thos Asmussen enter-laliied some friends last Wedr.esdav in honor of the la tpf's birthday. Those p-esent wore: Alls.

J. Asmussen of Mr? and Airs. F. Rhus of Mt Fden. Mr.

aj, I Mrs. J. C. With. Mr.

and Mrs. N. Neilsen and Airs. -an of chi.rch. Miss 'Aura Hin-cn.

who San Frsmoiseo is vlsitinrt is a nurse p. her mother. F. Stevens and family. Miss l.ucy Sehnegass, Aliss Clara I if vears and it is th turn now' AI.

Hansen and Alavor Alorich came over lrom lnlo' our Airs. -'V-ould how what thy can lp cis .) spending a few works visit itiK her mo' hi r. Airs. I. Harry AbGlasran Wa tsonville, a former l.ivi'ruiin' boy.

was isiting his I brother. John AtcGl.ishan. find f.irr.iiy at- Testa week. J.uin iiry is home this week frym Kostoii, been employed by h's i-nch- tne f-bur-leng i Robt.

Mel 'onal I aim sou Arthur were ever from Mill Valley this week visiting P. Christi nsen. Jiiel Christian. ATrs. it.

Ai-dersen and children. Air. Carl Clfrk of 1 s'eriiay. Among the arrivals op the 11 o'clock. this week.

T.ivermore visited wld rd. Air. Clark used to vleorpo Asmusseii, th.e Hansen and eon Ferry. Air. and Airs.

I fra uds i.lV vv he I'm loyed by train yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Hanson and chlidren. -Charlie Anderse No Extra Charge for Credit Nothing Off for Cash NO WOMAN who find any use for a tailored suit can possibly AFFORD TO MISS this sale.

i Kiilm and Aliss Nellie Alar-key. I and Ray White of Oakland. i phiutbep. nel'bl oring- a decide to jceb brate. San Fcandro will 1-e rlcht toithe front In efferlne; them assistnnce Oil last Saturday motninp.

Mrs. Myrtle M. Jones, who ha-s lieen residiftf In Sail I lrrt fir ont or s6. Piled an Air. and Mis.

Luo in left for Palo Ato and San Jose yesterday and may SAN RAFAEL The taxpayers citizens of an -art Ion divorce npaJnst her! husband, I Knizy W. Jones, who Is at pip-sent re- si.ii ktiin. 1 hev were rnarrie.l i f-iddit: at S17-50 to S65.Q0 Suite Now A. SJ Jones returned from Mexico a we. nro "after rn absence of nearly four months.

Allss V't'la Geandrot has given up her position vvith and vv ill aeept ti pesltlo.i In Oa.klRJrd. J. H. Howell sport the week end In 1 iliss Hotly returned home -from her visit to hr iuiel" and family in Nibs. I Air.

Cbarh a pdpular younr man of Valley end crack Landing, Stanislaus iounty. In! at Crows deride to locate in one of those places. Charles Yiokerson and Lyman Fddv to "Woodland yesterday as passengers on the Capay valley auto stas-e. Airs. E.

Foffenherger and Airs. C. Harlan went to 'San Frftncisco yesterday rnorninp to remain with Air. and Airs. S.

C. Heaner until they leave on their lor.p Sunday. j. Goodman of New- Vork Is 'spending a few days in this city. Goodman, came out to San Francisco sev eral months, ago to settle a large estate in that city.

He Is very much pleased vvith California. lnl. Cruelty and dosertirn March of if action. Aliiiioiirl to the tlie cans' 7 S7.5 to S2 month is juaKed for. old-time Air.

and Airs. Harry Osvv ill and lit 1 son are over frtuu San Ramon this weeek on a visit. Verda end Vdrna Ivrs. riradu-ated Providence Hospital. Oakland, last wffk as trained nurses and are this week visiting; their sister.

Miss Alerta Ives. The p. department has rejected the bills on January 1 for carcyiii' the mails T.iveriuore Tesla fur the f-nir years begriming July 1. and has j'or bids to March 1. the ether evidently being- too high.

Tuesday Fob 22 Fasketball psinc and soH-ial dance under auspices of Company I. at Sweeney opera house. CASTRO VALLEY tm eint of rcssmaa library mall- Th-ouyh th ouftesv of i. Jos- 11. Knovvla'ud the pnbi has been placed upon the reg lnr list to rerelve weekly th Official soot of tne Alan-la National intarun, ifr'i has lolr.ed th- irine and is now sta ELMIRA Gazette of the P.

S. Fatem Ansepno arc elated over the recent sJe of Fa fT.S.odO road and sewer lionos. K. Rollins and Company ere the purchasers. 1.

J. K. Armbresy. the tillage blacksmith at I urkspifr. has fallen heir to a large fortune- throuq-h the ath of an uncle in ICurope.

Miss Esther A. Arund' 11. the well known singer of San Rafael is now In Paris-studying music with Jean do th-? famous- sinarer end teacher. Miss Alundell cabled friends hero "saying that at the time the great flood she was living in Rue Chate aubriond, near the famous Champs Klysee and, a in tills district the grourd is high, it was not effected by flood. City Attorney Joseph J.

Hawkins of San Rafael was fined by Judge Van Nop rand of San Fram-bsco in tbe Garden Theater caso. Hawkins was given H. Ennor of Suisnrj was in town Airs. Sunda This contains a compl -to list of all design patmts granted the week. Illustrations of trademarks ublisaed, list of prints and la.1x.-ls reglstjitJ.

etc. It "is. a me vab'abb- docu.ier!;t and. a rem Alon Chester Hcv has returned tana. Airs.

A. MeOdlous-h was in tioned at Alare Isbuid. Th ()dd Fellows conferred the second degree on rot her Hans Heninpscn Mon-day evening. Airs. Cov imr.

ighter of ir esteemed and 1 'ic time resident, T-lr. J. C. Alr-I'f in i .1, was taken to the Fnbiola hospital Febrtrtrv 1- She had been this hospital some seven years nui. Mrs Cnwiii'- has been in a broken condition of health for some toe Vaoavllle T'- I JX 1VI J.

T. Stanton was in Oakland on business. the other day. T. H.

Ferry has returned from San fine addition to the Hie-nry. A i-tt opti. lecture i' tbe auspifes of the I will to j' Vi'-Cn by Rev. M. A.

Chrt.ensen. of. Ula b- has retirr.el home after i Francisco. Air. and Airs.

F. T.osee have gone to ToeiPS absent for several, weeks. Ie't-sie Huyijcu of San Francisco is. a guest of J-Ir. and Airs.

K. V. K.eitli. her husband Oakland, a former missionary xo awskh. i havinu taken care of Fenicia.

Allss Dora Higrelns returned from Oak land today. views ana Do 1 thro ual ii a serious illness which termi- It will of Hi fine.

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