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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 5

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY EVENING OAKLAND'S WATER IS HEALTHY nYlMK HfiMKIWR STflRY KILLED 111 1 1FF Series nf Racterioloffical TesttS nnicnnrn Tells of Her Buggy Ride San' Francisco Blacksmith ruiGurdru Prove That It Is Unusually Free From Impurities. Gardner Focnd Room With Gas A 'f. I- St Convicted of the Murder of a Cattle-; man. Was Weary of Viili Insurance Man. AL th.

Board of Health had eon- th COO bacteria. Only five a Escaping. the presence or over ouu "H5f above 600. Feb. 16.


Merman SAtf FRANCISCO, Feb. 16. Dr. Gard "Is not the presence of baxtej riain-dlspemsable to the healthfuln sa of water?" was aaked. i ner, a physician of Madera, whe icently; Herxog, who owned a blacksmith shop at 791 Bryant street, committed suicide by Str ckton Man and His has been acting as a substitute tor DS.

Bo wen, convicted of the murder of W. Stephenson, the Washoe. cattleman, in this city, was today sentenced to life Dashiell. the prosecuting witness in the fcaae of J. B.

Price," whom she charges with breach of promise to marry, spent all. of yeBterday.on the witness-stand WHEN IT IS DEADLf. D. B. Todd, the owner of a drugs tare lit 1100 Railroad avenue was found iia a.

"Of replied Dr. usbau back room of the store this mornii hanging himself some time last ntgnt. His dead body was found this morning suspended to a rope whch he had tied to his door knob and passed through the transom. It was evident i that "he had fastened the rope around hla neck and eluded, the regular buslm?" or me meeting last night. President Adama asked Dr.

Pauline Nusbaumer, bacteriologist of the board. "What about the TpuKar Nusbaumer'gave a brief account of the tests recently made for bacteria In milk and othef foods, and remarked that the last three fatiet test showed number of bacUtU In the water above the ordinary. NORMAL NUMBER. Five hundred is retarded th normal number of bncterla In perfectly i fc-rlng from gas Wn-; -it there were no bacteria In and' the greater part of that time shej was the target for Attorney Lecompfce anion is critical, dui ne may reco ijr. av Two Daughters Are Dead.

rm red, is thought that the gas was truned o'dentally Just before the doctor I a. water It would be deadly." TV keep a continuous -ecord testa fdr barteala In the wat er for jumped off a chair. He was despondent 1 Davj8 for the defense who plied because he had been nounea 10 mov. last night. with questions as to her relations -wf A Price.

The entire affair was'tiv ce(J from the time that she first nse imprisonment by Judge Lawlor of- the Superior Court, DAUGHTER OF GHAS. HUSBAND IS DEAD There is inconsolable grief in ihe' real flence of Leroy SUsbee, 1361 Sixth avenue, because a few' days death baa paid two visits there, first taking away an infant child and today depriving the home of the wife And mother, Mrs. Evelyn SUsbee (nee Husband). purpose of keeping Informed i aa to its condlt6nr said Dr. E.

Ewer. Health Officer of the city. "We have done this ever alnce the iippearance defendant until after their retar tft Marysville. kt. and the tell EDITOR DEAD ISJCHILDREH ARE 1 INJURED i I1VBIVII taken alnce the banning of laat June l.

istj 4 TBe courtroom was crowow and it cf typhoid here early last Summer, so I STOCKTON, li'ebv 13. tmmedlateW after partaking of meat cut from ham which )i now being examined by the city chemist, Barneti his wifs and two daughters, living at S3 Kasl was necessary for the under tn usually showed the presence 01 tlat it we nna myuimi than that number In the water, falling tne axer we can hafe the evil cor- rected I haw had several talks with close and lock the doors fr keep out the crowdte hat thronge to Yuba City, the county seat of utter CountVt When the, court opened low at one ume akn on the iirst street, were lasen vioienuy im 1 this mornmg. xne ena was not unex- A near tbi faW hvn rirtm ari last inrra iri. hwuch Tth. th and 11th of February showed mitigate the effect, of the bereavement.

FLINT, Feb. 16. Seven school Mr. manager 01. waier company, on the subject smd he has' always manifested a willingness to was placed on, the w' itness stand by he grief or the husband is snarea in ae of Deputy Treasurer Charle usband and wife.

28 Wayne avenue. children were injured, three perhaps fatally, when a freight train erashed into a courjt above the normal. In one the count was as high as 1200. because' the deceased was thefr eldest me pruunS nuwr Jey ghe tm meeting the yoar daughter. Mrs.

Silsbee was a native of adopt any sUgvstlon coming from ths board relative jta removing impurities from the water- He his repeatedly assured me that the company would a wagon in which thirteen children, were being driven across the trapks here-today. I 1 Price, at a danc flIo A SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1' fc 3H5Sry Gerald, a well known newspa perman, is dead at the age of 76 ye surs. was a founder of the tmlfa'Bee with' its present proprietor; TdWierrd Rosewater.

During the ear' ty 'Ws "he was associated with Henry Gmtsfg Jr. on the Evening Post. He isrc 'BtiCted a number of Irish and Cath on various parts of 1 Jye'oast. S3an Francisco, out has resiaea nere sines 1890, and had not yet reached her twen but the water had stood longer than Usual. The recent rslns washing aedl-ment Into the reservoirs would to aome extent account for the Increase.

But agreeing to go ft rM- tieth year. The funeral will take place, in all probability, Saturday next. Interment will be in Mountain View dead. Mrs. Barnett Is still In cohvtils Biohs and will probably die, and Mrs.

Martley, the nurse, Is also in a pirecar; ious condition. tt Was not UAtil bdth giris were dead and Barnet was dying that ptomaine poisoning' was suspected and treatment for that trouble begun with the womenu One of the gicls died on. Saturday, the' other Burnett died early this hiorrting at the Emergency Hospital. him. They staff' i.

do anything In its power to keep the vwi. O.A1.VJ. iiav etvu WILL RUN MAIN TO for many mOr water and healthy; thinking that they were 011 1.1m rr fn The watershed of Xk Chabo re MRS passed thrv a smaU country POINT RICHMOND quires some treatment, biit it has been WETHERBEE SERIOUSLY ILi; ana after gr; lns a short dl9tance asked very much improved pt late. The LICENSE IS' MO a man The Syndicate Watsr Company an i way to Wheatland, who members of the board have goj ie over VVHTDLE FAMlL Ei2ED8 FHtJITVALSJ, Feb. 15.

Mrs. Henry told them that they were sixteen myes Saturday after iunch liie whole without a more extended scries of tests It could not be determined that there waa anything seriously wrong with the water. ATTENTION CALLED. After aome Informal discussion, some member of the board suggested that perhaps It would be advisable to call the attention of the Contra Costa Watr Company to the matter, and Secretary Planer was accordingly di Wetherbee, residing at the corner; of nounced Wednesday that it. intended to immediately lay a twelve-Inch, main fwnn 1 -V I East Fourteenth street aid fruitvale Jir "nation.

Price was famlly cbnVuisions de- from Richmond to th Clancy ranch avenue has been suffering for two weeks" com itlve stranger in the eotlhtrvX -1-' i. twice during! the last few months with a view ascertaining actual conditions ani pointing I out i steps necessary to ie taken to ps vent contamination, I "It is true that there more bac ana i 1 with severe hemorrhages of the nasal on San Pablo WASHINGTON, Feb. Rr The marriage license of Miss Alice Tfcoosevelt and Nicholas Longworthi was Ssued by the ".0. vycic ou 1 vnune oauaTflters. No lfleA ST ttoUOnlnr arteries and has been confined to her The Clancy ranch Is 'involved In far Jt of way eald( 'jt a ftell bed for nearly a weak, but waa sufficient I clerk of the court today i p.

m. ly recovered today to be out of bed and about a dosen lawsuits, and the syn- shame for you to bring me out IS expected to be out of doors In a few dicate Company as been temporarily nw -days. rected to address a communication to CHRISTIAN SC ENTIST enjoined from further operations on This is the first attack of this nature teria in the water at th -esent time than there should be, bMt hey do not appear to be of the kind angerous to Manager McOary entered the minds ot the family and home remedies were resorted to at first. Then a doctor was called in and treated the ehlldre nfor indigestion. By this time the whole family was seriously in.

and in spite of all that Was done for her. one of the children died that night. Still there Was ho mention of poison. The Mrs. Wetherbee has had in though The witness then told of their ng back to Pleasant Grove, d.hd of Price's attempts to get another horse it.

A motion to dissolve the injunction will be heard before Judge Wells The talk was quite informal," aald she was formerly subjected to them, Mrs. Wetherbee has been free from nr. Knshsumer this morning, "and not DENIES (CHARGES Dr. V. Shannon.

ie Christian Sci- health. However, it if a ecessary to be on our giiard and Hnt estigate the hemorrhages for two or three days, but has been kept in in order to alow the of Contra" Costa County on Friday of next week. The Contra Costa Company has. a of arj excess of bacteria and cause et-tlst who treated re. Rowland, fur-; particularly Important.

Since the sixth of last June I have, under ifff tructlons from the board, made special tests of the water coming though other giri continued to get Worse and nlyhed the following tatement te THE: ilf, I stated to that if ty jhold should eliminate it Mr. McQary deed, recooded sottKlme ago, to ssv jn- died in strong convulsions yesterday, i Despite the fact that the sbdden seiz TRIBUNE: 'When I was asked t- undertake It should 7 oe shown that arteries 10 neai. A In an argument with a woman the best a man can get is the worst of It. A A detailed description of some complexions would make a highly colored story. trreak out an ro anve back to Marysville, but he was unsuccessful.

They found that it would be necessary ij spend the night In Pleasant Grove and the witness asserted that she consented remain with him only after Price had agreed to marry her. She admitted, however, that she knew that the love he had for her was not sincere. And later in the cross-examination she admitted that her intention to prosecute Price sprung into existence when she learned that he was to, be married. ss Dashiell then testified that on the return to Marysville next day Price told Rowland's case she 1 md been eivon ud ure befell the Whole family at the same time, the mysterious epidemic was the wates contained ta 3 many bac by drug physicians as and had been out or the hoi ise but once ia treated as gastritis until this morriing, sir months, being pt fro mher own the faucet Into this office, keeping -a record of the number 0f bacteria found at each. Two samples are tested ajt a time, to guard against mistake.

As you see. the tests have usually shown the presence of less than 500 bacteria irother lunerai teria, company wouJ be liable to criticism; bit, as I si Jd before, Mr. McGary 'hasjalways dii played a readi wnen ine aeatn or snocKea tne She made several trl tn mv nffln community. Questions' began to be asked, and Coroner tSbuthwbrth was re ninths of the-, dancy 'tract, and 'has pending It to condemn the ther A fiew darys ago. the Syndicate Company reccaded a deed from Wid kham Havens and A.

Souza, purporting to convey dam site on the tj -act to the -corpol-ardoaJ' 'Immediately, there-after the Oaotra Costa began sufjt to set aside the conveyance's being void and made contrary to law and the ness to Toeejt suggestions in a proper anc to ban Tancis 10 during first week of my treatme: at a wdays later took the boat Eureka, where she remained sevesraj weeks. 1 gaining quested to act in the matter. He Un epOrit. I sorry to see undue im In the water. Here Is the record ana listed the services bf several experts, and twenty-two pounds.

an(i pronouncing herself a well woman on her return. portance given to this matter, for I the cause of death was at once pro am sure wei can arrajige about keep you can see for yourself." THE RECORD. The record tfhowed that out of the' thirty-five tests made since June. 6. "About three mcra? 1S ago she called on me again.

Th 1 tatement that she had been under met3r treatment up to three months agl' alse. Alsa she has nounced to be poisoning. Hr ing the: water free from impurity ner mat he could not marry her because he was engaged to a girl in Salt Lake City. Attorney Davis theh took up the transcript of her testimony, given at the. preliminary examination, and asked her to explain certain statements wiilch were somewhat at variance with her later story.

There were some parts of her testimony, which seemed to conflict, but they were not on pertinent points which might be said to without giving needless alarm to the bad the privilege off- calling in any other public." doctors she wished at nv time. I even 1905 the great majority showed less having asked her jf she cared to, to which sne repnea that she did not." property rhts of plaintiff. It also flled an to Dartatlott the Clancy tract. 'thj Syndicate Water Cotmpany has ftledV a. suit to condemn the Centra Costa's interest In the ranch.

There ADIES BULL. OF. TRANSPOR SAILS OFFERS OUT FDR GOVERNOR have an Important bearing oiv the case. It was brought out that although Miss Dashiell wrote, to Price ouite freauentlv are certoii 1 other suits and sWt complications touching the ownership and HONOLULU after he went to Los Angeles, she did not I. A AUXILIARY rerer to her engagement in any of her letters.

One letter written bv Miss Dnshipil SAN FRAN riSCO, Feb. 16. The-U 10 United States? army transport Sherman! sailed today fi )r Honolulu, Guam and the Philippines lth 100 cabin passengers, a few troops ar 4000 tons of military sup possession' of this same Clancy ranch, which, fori aid the idea VbxX any of the cqntestanj will be able to utilize it for some tLrme to come as the base of a water syrtem. In the- meantime the Contra Costa Company isf preparing to run a water main irtlo Itichmond. 1 PRIENtIS OF LETTER CARRIERS ines, ahuj ne ine paasenerers were BAN FRANCISCO, February 11 The ai9 Brooke and Weston, the, TO GIVE ON EVE OF WASH I NIGTON'S BIRTHDAY.

to Price and dated September, Was admitted in evidence. In that letter she addressed Price as her "Esteemed Friend" and expressed the wish that he would come back here again. When asked why she did not address him in terms of affection as her affianced husband she replied that it was because she had done so before and he had not answered her letters. All through the proceedings the father tf the accused man was an lntrtsted listener. He is a man of fine appearance and is said to be a criminal iawyer of much note.

A Bulletin says: Representative JY Gillette of Humboldt definitely an latter going to Manila under sealed orn ders. In ar my circles it is surmised tha; he may sj cceed General Leonard WooS In case th latter should be ordered to-China. William S. Patten, who Sell acific" Hail May nounces that he IS a candidate for The eve of Washington's Birthday M'NAB HELPED GET BAIL the Republican nomination for iGov ernor. Out to the tfor some Jme has been quartermaster of the depar tment of California, also sailed on the iherman to assume a similar position Tin the department of the Philippines.

MERCHANT MARINE I 1 WASE IINGTON. Feb 16. In the always sign allied in this city as an occasion of octal relaxation. This year the annlvert tory will be no exception to the rule. Ot that evening there will be a number of social functions, but prominent among 1 tiem wfil be the hop which Is to be glvei I under the auspices of the Ladles Auxll lary, Branch No.

76. Na STATEHOOD IS BILL CONSIDERED This Is the hews just brought from Washington by State Senator Selvage, also of Humboldt; who is dii his way Feb. 16. Gavin Mc- This is the Kind of Weather A good many are complaining of Colds; LA 6RIPPE 13 PREVALENT. "INDIAN COUGH cures them, also croup, coughs, eta.

All first-class DRUGGISTS, CONFECTIONERS; GROCERS and CAFES keep It. DEPOT 477 8EVENTH STREET opposite Broadway De- tional Associi itlon of Letter Carriers. This organlza tlon is credited with giv Nabj. under etss-examlnatlon In the "trial of Pbrmer Ssxiator Frank French charged Vflth britsery, today testified thvt he was tnstrumgental in having Harry 'Bunkers, convActed of the same offienrse, released on 'bail. He said he recommended 8AN FRANCISCO.

Feb. 1. The Evening Post ssys that confirmation has been obtained of the report that an offer to He use noday Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio pre-errted Itx bill to admit 'to American register foreign ships rfecked and repaired in this country "the repairs equal bixty per cent of the value of the ship. homeward td Organize Glllett's campaign.

BORN HOLLOWAT in this city, February 16, ISCfi, to the wife bf Percy Holldway. a daughter. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. At 2 o'clock the Senate began the consideration of the Joint statehood bill.

Mr. Dick spoke in support of the bill, first explaining the committee amendments and then presenting the reasons for consolidating Oklahoma with Indian Territory and Arizona with New Mexico. PLEADS NOT GU'LTY. Several member, opposed the bill. It ing several pieruunTnenis wnicn weri both unique In deolgn and execution, aq fl the tasre and (he executive ability which were displayed: on those occasions hafe been exercised an unusual degree in the preparation for the social on the night preceding tl ie birthday of the fiarther of hla country.

The arrangements, have been for some til ne past In the. hands of a competent com mlttee, and these ladles the snpIoiyment by the Continental Buildi ng aisd Loan Association of; Cnarles T. Jones as special counsel for the prose wculd, they said, prevent the building up or tne Ame.ican merchant marine, cution in the Senatorial bribery cases. purchase the Prxolflc Mall steamers Manchuria, Mongolia. Korea and Siberia ha been made hy the Toyo Klsn Kalsha or Japanese Strnmshlp It is said that when K.

X. llarrlman was in Japan recently overtures were made for the transfer -of the vessels, and Manager Shlralshl of the Japanese company is In London endeavoring to negotiate a loan with which to consummate the deal. Rega rdim? the release of Bunkers, af ter his conviction, and while appeal, to the Appellate Court was pending. Mo have now aimats compieiea me, tasK assigned them. The hop will be' given DIED.

Mienael Farrell. accused of battery on Thomas J. Clunle, a butcher of West Bj a rising vo.e the Housei agreed to sl.ut off debafe Upon the measure and Mr. secured a rollcall upon the motion, Thich was to order the 'previous questwn. Mr.

Grovenors motion prevailed. 22 to 109. 1 Ir. order' to block a move td send the rbi'l back Jto the committee. Mr.

Grosve- Nab said a representative of a surety pot. uaKiand, pleaaed not sruiltv this mom company wifh which he dfld ouslnees called at hkt tfHce and said Bnnkers wanted in Reld Han. at me corner 01 roirteentn and Harrison sti eets, which will be specialty decorated for the ocean ton. best talent obtl lnable will supply tho, music for the hop. There will be ing and his ease was set for trial next Wednesday.

nor enter ed ai motion to recommit the SILSBEE In this city. February 1, 1906, Evelyn O. Silsbee, beloved wife ol Leroy A. Silsbee. daughters of Charles and Annie R.

Husband, a native of San Francisco, aged 19 years months 12 days. N. KEEFE In Oakland, February 1906. James Keefe. beloved son of Arthur to obtain surety bond.

McNab said he informed tl te representatH-) that he did not believe; Bunkers would iflee the tate if he were feleased and expiressed the be large, attendance, but it win not be be-j bi'l with- the tacit understanding that the TAKES yond the capaci 01 me nan. oecause mctlon will be defeated when the bnl the management aim is to afford only was put on Its passage. A roll call wa pleasure to its trons. 1 bad ofi this motion. fill lief that it would be all right if Bunkers and the late Kathrine Keefe, and Tne, motion to recommit failed.

101 were requli ed to report twiice a day to a detective a gency in 'San and volunteered tp assume the expense of the brother of Cornelius, and Dan lei Keefe, Mrs. Annie Murphy and Mrs. Nellie Welsh, a native of California, LATE- I FOR CLASSIFICATION 1013 MADISON, near 10th Lovely, new, sunny. 6 -room fiat; very choice neighborhood; 330. to 13 j.

A third roll call was then or-tlerei upen the passage of the bill. I WOMAN TO ANSWER detective a ervice. This servace has not been preset tited In court, but when it is. PISON reD. overrun A.

'-lA ning her distance in a heavy snowstorm. he will pa) It, and then look to the Continental uilding and Loan Association for reimbursement FOR THE SHOOTING th 3 Leyland line passenger and freight aged 35 years. 13" Funeral will, take place tomorrow (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. from McMasters Briscoe's undertaking parlors, Twenty-fourth and Grove streets. Interment private.

-t FUNERAL. ZAHN In Los Angeles. February 13. 1906, Olga Zahn. beloved sister-ln-iaW Mr.

Lillian Zahn, a native of San st earner Devonian, which sailed from FOR SALE At a bargain, bakery and notion store. 727 San Pablo ave. POMONA. Feb. 16.

In relation to the IMverpooTO on February 6 wlth four shooting here th. following addltional' WANTED To rent A place suitable for few cows and chickens, near Fruitvale. H. G. JBehrmann, Fruitvale.

tacts 1 are given: 11 ciock mis morning. Tne officers of Joseph Jordan on redirect examination, said that on tae night he paid French hi 1 share of the bribe money, he asked thf: defendant if there was any danger-of subpoenas being issued for the represents of the 'building and loan associations which had paid for protection. "Crunch replied that there wtas no danger, as he was master of the situa H. Utants and his wife came here tne uevonian naa Deen trying to sight Francisco. 1 few months ago from Minots i.eage lighthouse before entering The best bargains in Housvs Lots, Flats, and business prop- erty in OAKLAND will be found advertised in the want columns of THE TRIBUNE LOST Thursday small gold watch and gold fob chain; monogram Return to 246 24th st.

Reward BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 16. Mrs. NT Cavanaugh of 839 Alabama street, who was about to be evicted from her honw today by a deputy sheriff on account of a Mil which Is alleged to have been overdue, attempted suicide by taking poison.

Her condition is critical ASKS PROTECTION Boston harbor, but missed it by four miles and brought up on. the-rock At daylight she was lying among the rocks fcrFrienas are respectfully invited to, attend the funerai services from Hal- sted's undertaking parlors, 946 Mission street. San Francisco, Saturday, February at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment about ouu leet irom tne snore.

FOR RENT 2 connected sunny rooms for housekeeping; also front room. 10th cor. Jefferson. tion not let tnem issue. private.

LIGHT RAINFALL MIDDLE aged woman, good cook, -wants situation for housework in smaU family; adults. Phone Oakland 8273. IN THE SOUTH Their domestic ti oubTes culminated last night 'when Mrs. IStants wanted to go 'to the tl eater. She took $30 and drove 1 Onta4 to take a train, intending, shj 0 says, to leave her husband, but -came' nervous abvtut staying alone at id returned with the liveryman.

On being a ecu Ml by 8tanm of stealing the moo.ey a qua rrel ensued tn which the shot v'as fired that probably will end the ma n's life. Stants rap screaming down the street with a bullet in the upper lob of th "lght lung. carrying the rewolve" whirl 1 he had snatched from, the frenzied worn n. He was removed to the Pomona Valkt Hospital and physicians give little hope- of recovery. The shooting occurmd In ts elr bedroom.

Mrs. Stants is I rnn! bafora Justice Barnes lata to- SACRAMENTO. Feb. 16. P.

Ornelas. WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. The.

Senate FOR SALE Beautiful modern home, 9 rooms; fine yard; best location, near Telegrapha must be if taken Consul-Oenf lal of Mixlco. has sent a committee on interstate commerce was tCConsi Yllst tectit tion tch to Governor Pardee asking pro- S3250. Address Owner. Box. A volunteer crew, headed by Captain Stanley of the Third Hill life1 saving station, his own men being off duty, rowed out to the steamer.

Captain Rysley of the Devonian informed the life savers that his steamer was light and in little danger, though hard on the ledge, and he asked that tiigs be summoned from Boston. The volunteers returned to the beach to telephone for the tugs' assistance. Later they went back again to be near the Devonian in ease of emergency. The passengers were not taken off the veseL During the forenoon the snowstorm changed to rain. -was no.

immediate danger of the ship breaking up. The Devonian is one of the largest and newest trans-Atlantic liners. in session about two hours today and ad for the wife and aaugnier xraoune omce. Dolores Garcia, who. he claim, have been ordered out of Merced without WjyrrrET--By young, lady, who is em-- ployed during the day, room with running-water, and board, in private family; price $22.60.

Box 37, this office, He claims that some- time ago a crime was committal against these if youT ar looking for a. fiood heme op a choice piece of invest- meM income property. journment was taken until tomorrow, when the bin Is to be voted upon in committed unleasi the large number oC proposed amendments prevent, notice. Mr. and Mrs.

Noah Webster of S02 Madison street. Oakland, return this expression of appreciation of the many tes women by an officer of the law. The latter was tried and. without any denial of his guilt, escaped conviction on the innmii. of temporary lnsanlry.

The of $30 SUNNY. lower flat, 6 rooms and close to car" lines, only 5 min-? otes walk from 14th and Bdwy. Geo W. Austin, 1002 i AMENDMENTS MAY PREVENT BALLOTING JU: Ei Briscoe Geen W. McMaster an investigation CJovernor, will nave made of the case.

timonials of love and sympathy received Llcr.lasler Briscoe TfOK SALE Thoroughbred white Leg-' born and; Barred Rook- roosters. 1 year -old; from $1 to- $2.50 each. At -906 E. 2Eth at. -phone Brook 242.

X- at this time ot bereavement. The son, Norton Webster, left Berkeley for Col- AT THE EBELk -The members of the Kbell Club invits the public to a dramatic evening, with a program by Nellie Peck Saunders, to be given this evening at the chibrooms on Thirteenth street. Th program will include readmgs from' standard and popular authors. K. A.

Kluegel, orudo only six months aco; so soon was FIRE EXTINGUISHED. HONOLULU. Feb. 16. The fire on the he brought back, a victim of the mfne's and the Want 'Ads la today's tssua." SA DIEGO.

Feb. 16. A light, rain. has beerf falling steadily sine early mors Ing. The pred pltatlon at noon was .67: i or the season, 7.77.

an excess for the mass: of 1.21 inches. Indication! for to-nighl. ax clearing, colder. -UHDERTMEOSt .689 24TH COR. GROVE- OAKLAND, CAI.

Phone Oakland 6619. earner Texan ns oeen exunguianea. po'sonous fumes, stricken in the morning I TUNi' man of -good character, to work or a life, full Of nromise. The abundant in buineH office of newnanrr mutt The vessel's plates are Intensely hot but aw with a cumber of' Kbell members, will manifestations of beJpfumess ar st-rpu'be. willing to attention 'to the azents think that the steamer has assist Isi.Xaoaivia.

taw satasts. uslnessv Box. 35. TTcilj'una office. 4 cot beeA aariausly damaged.

1 .1 I 4.

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