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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNE JANUARY 9 1906 PLAN MAGNIFICENT HOTEL FOR ALAMEDA CITY TUESDAY EVENING Prominent Citizens Propose to Have Erected a Structure Costing $350,000. FACTORY SURPLUS i STOCK SALE OF ENAMEL BEDS NLIr There are fourteen thousand metal beds tb Ie of California. The factory competition has been stj keei last vear. the manufacturers have overdone the. for that the City Trustees, should they grant a franchise to either of the two applicants for a street road and ferry system, should stipulate that the company, In erecting Its overhead electric system must provide electric lights on the poles for lighting the thoroughfares on which second time we have been successful In bidding in the surplus stock.

Have Ten Thousand Mefcal Beds Secured at, FacLory ALAMEDA, Jan. 9. Backed by the active efforts of the Alameda Advancement Association, the prominent citizens of Alameda are vigorously prosecuting the large project of establishing a magnificent hotel tn this city, the building In fact to cost. It Is estimated. J.U0.000.

The plan was enthusiastically discussed last nlRht at the meeting ofthe Alameda Advancement Association, Inan-agerflartog explaining In full the plan outlined. He assured the directors by persist the roads operate without expense to the city. He also suggested that such company be asked to build a road for vehicles alongside of Its tracks on the proposed mole, to facilitate the entry In Are you furnishing a home? -Are you going to furnish me" soon? Have you a home, and' do you need another bed? Have you a new baby, and do you need another crib? This will be the event of the year Cash or credit terms as. always. to Alameda of autos and other conveyances.

PLAN NOT FAVORED. $6.85 S9.50 Era ant effort he could no doubt raise subscriptions for stock In this city In the enterprise, as much as The hotel, he said, would attract attention to Alameda, thrniinhout the entire country. SURE OF CO-OPERATION. Director V.

E. Pettes said that if ManiiRcr Hurtog was successful In securing even 175. 0H0 In Alameda, toward the The directors, however, did' not favor this as it was affirmed that autos and wagons proved a nuisance on ferry boats and that they might better enter the city by the Creek route. OTHER MATTERS. i The directors thought that Instead of si agitating the building of a driveway for carriages and autos alongside of the mole, that all efforts should be bent In Improving the Webster street railway.

The subject of "Arbor day" In this WHITS) METAL BED There are people who want simply a eatable Bed without regard to style. This one la a full-sized Bed. with city, when more than 600 trees are to be APPLE OR CREAM We have this one in both -colors, and la full size. If has the most elegant of scroll work and is finished with a LtTO. "VpUTK AND GOLD Combl-tntUlon colored; 4-4.

size; high head bud This one. Mke a.11 planted, received some attention. Mr, apple. wHrrn axd. gold One of the prettiest combination -colored Beds we secured.

In 4-4 size, with strong upright posts and solid "You would not believe Hartog stated that with Dr. Stafford, he prolect. he Wt assured that there would be no difficulty Mn raising the balance of the funds required outside. Manager Murtog thought that the Southern Pacific Company or some other railroad would be willing to take up the project and advertise the hotel throughout the country, and the directors concurred in this view. SITE KEPT SECRET.

At present, the proposed site of the hotel is not made public, as Manager llartug has several locations In view, and e. number of owners are at present in Eastern States, so that action cannot be secured until later. MAKES SUGGESTION. Manager Hartog made the suggestion crass roa ai me neaa and foot. shown, is exactly Hke the picture! and exactly aa repre- PSY! CAE AM AWI GOLD ENAMEL BED ft In 4-4 and 3-4 sizes; high bead and -foot.

Easily a tfej good J6.50 value Knsny worth $18. Sale price $1.80 heavy posts and of a tf nn nice design. Regular IIJ.00 value for that a good Bea could be made so cheaply. A rood 13.50 value $13.25 had been engaged In making a chart of the streets to indicate which thoroughfares were mostly in need of trees. His Idea Is to plant trees orrCentral avenue west of Webster street, toward the west $2975 $38150 end, where very few trees are placed.

BUCK'S Cornets also on Park street toward the tidal canal. In order to beautify the entrance to Alameda. No one; who is liome should ever forget this, names FIRST SESSION OF I StetJ Ranges have been on the I MARRIAGE PROVES I SURPRISE We have the proudest as well as the largest carpet stock on the Pacific Coast. Our display is beautiful. BRUSSELS Good, strong tapestries, with dainty floral and curious, two-toned Oriental designs.

Your choice of many patterns. Regular 90c the yard values this pi wek, sowed and laid, per QjJQ BRVSSELS RUGS 9 by 12 uot Rugs, room sise, in a good range of colors and designs. If you GRAND manici lur years. And for 57 years they have advertised "Money back if not satisfactory" and kept their word. Do you understand now why every one speaks well of Buck's Ranges? Every stove that doesn't carry a recommendation from it3 SOLID BRASS This Is the rowest price at which a solid Brass Bed This Is of Brass Bed has ever been ottered.

i 4-4 with Inch posts and of It of want a Rug that will wear, for jJ SOLID BRASS BED With 3-lnch posts and the continuous round top that is so much the rago If you want an especially large Brass very little money, Just take a look at tfjn rs $38.50 SOLID BRASS 'BED With great 1H-Inch posts, immense brass rolls and double brass top rails. Here la one of the best Brass Beds we have ever carried for the price of a good Oft 7D enamel one. A reg- Jfti2L 3 ular $45 value guaranteed burnished lacquer. OFFICERS OF NEW BODY ARE is plain, neat and I rrt i i I $16.75 I purchaser comes back. How -would you like to buy everything with this guarantee? strong.

A good $28 value for This week for MISS FENITA WHITE BECOMES THE BRIDE OF RALPH G. BARTLETT. CHOSEN AND WORK IS COMMENCED. 1 The Prices Are From AXMINSTERS Axmjnster Carpets are more deceivlna than any other. The price is de 3 pendent upon the weight and the weave as well as the design, Here are Axmlnstcrs The new Grand, Jury held its first ses that we guarantee.

"Regular ii (r4 values, this week, sewed and laid, TS I TU i per yard tlJ COUCH COVERS Our Drapery Flir. Second Ralph C. Partlett and Miss Fenlta White, were Saur3ay evening. $14.50 to $6800 T5e Terms: As Low as $1 .00 and $1.00 a Week. SEND FOR.

CATALOGUE slon of the year this morning and elected week- 60 inches wiaei 8 yards long. Ori- to the great surprise of many of their friends, although they had divulged the H. K. Snow, Its expert and then adjourned until next Tuesday morning when ental colorings of Quaint design, rp f-iJ Regular $1.60 values, while they last. Sf riM happy secret to a chosen few.

mi li.i I I ill jn ii ii in mm i I m.iii I It Is expected that It will be ready to get down to the Investigation of any business that may be brought bfeore It. The officers ofthe new body aa It now stands are: L. C. Crelllng. foreman; Harry Anderson, secretary; H.

K. Snow, expert. The latter was expert of the Grand Jury previous to the one preceding the Inst, and will take up the work of expert-lng the books of the various county of SAN FRANCISCO treaties, and It had done what was wholly within its power In passing this act. The decision of the lower court was therefore sustained and the appeal tlsing done by the Gridley Chamber oC Commerce and a local About 1000 acres of land have already been sold In small tracts to Eastern people, who are building homes. Mr.

Partlett I the younger son of the late Tllny Partlett general manager and chief stockholder of the Contra Costa laundry Company, and Mrs. Partlett Is well Known and highly re- pected In On kland Mrs. Partlett Is the daughter of E. J. White of St.

louls. and the grand- l.iUKhter of Judfce and Mrs. J. H. Lucas, and niece of A.

J. Lucas, connoted with the Fisher Lumber Company. Bho has bven employed for the past ycr and a half the Sunset Telephone and Telfgraph Company tn different capacities, her last position being that of chief directory clerk. The bride and groom were very heartily congratulated by all members of the office, and were the victims of many matrimonial pranks, which were taken very good naturerily by both parties concerned. Today she was tendered a very piessnnt luncheon by the young lady clerks of the oflVe, about twenty In number.

Speeches were made and toasts given In honor of the new bride. I fleers. AND ENGLISH AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. TO SEARCH FOR HIM MORISTS. Jerome K.

Jerome and Charle3 Looml.s will give a liumorora re DECISION II FAVOR OF U. S. SEARCH i MADE FOR BODIES cital at Hamilton Auditorium Friday evening, January 26. The appearance LUCIE! I i of these two celebrated men on the same program Is attracting: crowded SECRETARY STEARNS HAS SEED TO DISTRIBUTE Secretary Stearns of the Board of Trade, has now on hand, for free distribution, a considerable quantity of lawn grass seed. This has been received -from Senator Perkins, and according to United States government standards, is, in varietv and quality much superior to- the, lawn grasses ordinarily in use.

The- quantity in hand at the Board of Trade rooms is limited In amount, and those desiring to sample It will do well to call early. Large ripe and lucioua blackberries on the vine in January is something ut.known in the East, and rather unusuu.1 In California, -yet this is what D. I l-yon of 2210 Andover street brought in The young couplo will reside for the present, at the home of the bride, lat 4203 houses wherever they appear. Oakland. IMedmolit avenue.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. Minister Rockhlll today cabled the State Department from Pekln that the Chinese Government has agreed to make a thorough search to discover the whereabouts of Reuben H. Morley, a young man from Saginaw, who has disappeared in the interior of Northern China. Mr.

Morley Is the son of a well known business man of Saginaw, whodast month appealed to the State Department to secure tidings of his son. The last heard from him was contained In a letter sent from an interior town not far distant from Pekln, dispatched last July. i EASTERN TEMPERATURES. CHlCAiO, Jan. 6.

Temperatures at 7 a. New York. Boston. 14; Philadelphia. Washington.

16; Chicago, 10: Mlnnrnpnll. 4: St. lyull. 12 ITCHING TERRIBLE Jerome K. Jerome, the English hu morlst, whose "Three Men In a Boat" has been translated Into every language, attained his success only through a series of discouragements, which would have crushed a less resolute man.

He could not git any one to look at his manuscript, and only the most Indomitable faJUh an3 perseverance could have sustained him. Charles Battell Loo Is Is known by his books, and his humorous contributions to The. Century, Atlantic Monthly, The Outlook, The Saturday EvenlngPost, The New York Sun, and other newspapers and periodicals have made his work a household remedy for mental depression and all such kindred ailments. is a NEW SKATING to the Board of Trade rooms yesterday. The large vine hangs full large and fully developed and ripe berries, and Mr.

Lyon says that from two plants in hl dooryard he has picked since June. 15'J pounds of fine berries, more than enough to supply his table since that time, and that he is still gathering all he requires for the use his HERMIT GIVES UP HUT TO TAKE BRIDE BUILDING FOR DEVOTTEES. Chinese Exclusion Act in Full Force, Says Court. AD But Reprimand, While Mild, is Kept From" the Public. Many People Perish in Landslide Last Evening, SORE ON CHICAGO, Jan.

9. Oskar Eckstein, "the hermit Instructor cf the Univer sity of Chicago," no more will make his GIRL IS INJURED RIDING A WHEEL home In the hut on the shores of Lake Michigan, where his lounging robe con sisted principally of a bathing suit. For From present 'indications It would st-em that devotees of roller skating, the latest popular sport, will not want for commodious quarters in which to enjoy themselves, there will be three large pavilions devoted exclusively to skating. The Piedmont pa-villlon will be opened on the 20th. Other local capitalists have In consideration the construction of an immense pavilion containing ten thousand feei of floor space and last but not least Messrs.

Johnson -Ferris of Los Angeles, through a local real estate dealer, have secured a three year lease on a large lot large enough to permit the construction of a building two hundred Alleen Bandle, aged 10 years, daughter Doctored for Four Months and Tried Nearly Everything, but Could Get Only Temporary Relief Better from First and SPEEDILY CURED BY CU7ICURA REMEDIES CINCINNATI, Jan. 9. The case of Hong Wing against the United States. Involving the Chinese exclusion act, was decided In favor of the United States In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in this city, the court holding that the act of April 7. 1904, continued tho Jucksteln nas taken a wire.

and by so doing has cut loose from his prejudice apalnst the conventionalities of life. The friends of the Instructor have received cards from Berlin announcing his marriage. His bride was Miss Col- 11ns. No details are given, and his HAVERSTRAW, N. Jan.

9. At least fourteen persons are believed to have perished in a landslide which carried several tenement houses 4own Into a clay pit here last night. Up to 9 o'clock this morning none of the bodies had been recovered. A large force of men was kept ln the search for bodies. Undermined by the shifting clay that had been softened by yesterday's snowfall, the several homes, with their three score of sleeping occupants, toppled over the brink of the pit and tumbled to pieces.

The houses, which were of wood, were set on fire from overturned stoves and the debris was soon a mass of flames. Some fifty or more tenants escaped with more or less serious injuries, while a feet long. They are interested in rinks of George E. Bandle, of 563 Twenty-third street, had the misfortune to fracture her right arm at the elbow and her left arm at the wrist Saturday evening at 5:15 by colliding with an. electriccar.

She was1 riding her bicycle at the time and while coming down the hill of Prospect avenue lost control of the wheel, when it dashed Into a passing Telegraph avenue car. She was thrown to the ground with great force and rendered unconscious for some time. She was taken to the East Bay Sanitarium, and the wounds treated, when she was later removed to her home. Notwithstanding the serious nature of the Injuries, she is getting along in a elsewhere and thoroughly understand the game and will spare no money in giving the public the best accommodations obtainable. WASHINGTON, Jan.

9. Before his departure for Charlestown, Secretary Bona. parte wrote a letter of reprlftjand to Co.n-mander Luclen Young, In execution of the sentence of the court-martial which a found that officer guilty of remissness of duty in connection with the boiler explosion on the gunboat Bennington. The reprimand is not what is known t't the navy as a "public reprimand," the nature of which naturally requires th tt it shall be administered in a public manner. In view of the peculiar circumstances of sthe case.

Assistant Secretary Newberry, who is acting as Secretary, has decided that the letter shall not be rendu public by the Navy Department, and thnt its publication shall be left to the of the recipient. The reprimand is somewhat mild in tone, and the letter is not altogether uncomplimentary to Commander It is therefore not unlikely that Commander Young will himself consent to its publication. exclusion act in full force. Congress having full power to do so. Hong Wing Is one of six Chinese who had been ordered deported under the provisions of the Chinese exclusion act, and the cases being Identical, this decision will apply to all Attorneys for applicant maintained that the exclusion act was void and that their clients could not be deported.

The decision was announced by Judge Richards, who said that the main point presented to the court was whether the act of April 7. 1904. continued the Chinese exclusion act in force, and the court was satisfied that it did do so. without reference to any existing treaties. The act was passed In view of the treaty expiring and It had continued the provisions of the treaty.

Congress has the power to modify, reject or concur In eri ERE AT HOME friends are unable to shed any light on the romance or Identity of the bride. Eckstein Is an Austrian by birth, and Is an Instructor In chemistry at the university. Last spring he took up his abode In a hut on the shores or the lake and lived In a primitive manner. His explanation was that he desired to get away from the noise of the city and the refinements of his neighbors. Pianos, children dogs and cats had annoyed him.

and he chose this method of escaping them. AT THE CRESCENT. Certainly no child of fate could desire more varied experiences than those which are portrayed in "Alone In the World," a heart-touching melodrama which was presented. at the Crescent Theater last night to a large audience The story of the play begins with the rescue of Robin Hadley at the levee in New Orleans. Ollle Cooper, who takes the part of this interesting boy, has an opportunity for some very very satisfactory manner.

Her faoe and hands were also badly bruised. WORTHINQTON MAY COME TO THE My left hand was almost covered with a large red sore which would itch terribly. I doctored with it four months, also tried everything I could think of, but I would only have temporary relief. A competent physician of City shook his head and aid, "It looks bad." Then a friend 4ld me of Cuticura. and as I had tried ao much, I thought I might as well trv that too, and 1 bought a setjof Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent.

Just three days and nighta after I had taken the first dose, the inflammation had all gone from the sore; and when I had taken three bottles and a half of Resolvent, my hand was all well. "It gives me pleasure to tell you of thta, and if any one wiihea ta writ to me personally, I shall be glad to answer. I am never tired of shaking well of the Cuticura Remedies, (signed) Mrs. Wm. rockel, 11834 State Chicago, 111., May 26, 1905." STILL ANOTHER CURE Face Covered with Pimples and Sores.

Skin Now Clear. CHICAGO. Jan. 9. It Is reported that Just the Weather for Colds the kind that hang on; iust clever natural work, of which she takes the greatest advantage.

As the boy goes through life unknown, carrying In C. W. Ward will be appointed vlce-presl- dent and general manager of the Wabash lines east of Tjledo, and that B. A. Wor- i thlngton, the Incumbent of the office, wll resign become associated with the Western Pacific, It Is said that Worth- lngton has complained that the climate of Pittsburg does not agree with him and wants to locate in the West.

President Delano of the Wabash Is In I New York attending an Important con- Oakland Citizen Glady Testifies and Confidently Recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. It Is testimony like the following that has placed "the old Quaker Remedy" so- far above competitors. When people right here at home raise their voices in praise there is no room left for doubt. Read the public statement of an Oakland citizen Mrs. Liggatt, of 762 East Seventeenth street, Oakland, says: "I think your Doan's Kidney sPills are the only remedy to be used for kidney complaints.

A son of mine used them, and I they 1 did him more good than the doctors could do. A physician told hint that he had disease and that lie could not i ms pocKei an om loiiery iicnet ana forgetting for that he possessed lurgeuuig ior inai ne possessed I line Weather IOr nIs experiences are such that they v-" i rj- i appeal directly to the heart and imagl- EJTiUrelOn, tOO. 1 here an nation of the audience at every stage or the i-lnders Stevens as BRYON MAKES SPEECH. MANILA, Jan. 9.

W. J. Bryan was given a banquet at Iloilo on Monday. la a speech he said that the officials anU Other citizens on the islands were representative Americans who had the best interests of the Philippines and the natives at heart- Today the Bryan party is crossing the heart of the Island ef Minandao. s.

Colds Cause Sore Throat Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world-wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes the cause. Call for the full name and look for signature of E. W. Grove. Walk Down the Line, See our new goods in store.

H. ScheS-haas, Eleventh and Franklin street. number, variously estimated at from fifteen to eighteen, are believed to have been killed outright or burned to death. At 11 o'clock today it was estimated that twenty or more persons were dSctd as a result of the falling away of th ground and the fire that followed. The names of those supposed to have been Rilled follow: Joseph Albert.

Rev. Mr. Alden, Jewish rabbi. Mrs. Bayler.

Abraham Bias. John Bonnett. Mr. and Mrs. William Cohen and their five children.

Thomas Hughes. Bartlett McGovern. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson, a clothing merchant, and his son Benjamin.

Mrs. Silverman and child. A large force of men worked desperately today to uncover the ruins of the houses carried "down. Up to 11 o'clock there had been, little success owing to the great mass of clay to be moved and to the fact that where the houses had burned the debris was so hot that the work was very slow. SUIT CASE STOLEN.

J. G. Lees, who resides at the Majestic Hotel, reported to the police this morning that he had a suit case, valued at $55. stolen from his apartments. The suit case was stolen while the owner was absent from the rooms.

BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING. GRID LET, Jan. 9. A letter wa3 received, here today announcing that the people of Hoyt. I.

have recently held a mass meeting to discuss the matter of emigrating to California, at which representatives of twenty-five families selected a delegate to confer- with" the Ctamber of Commerce of this placere-gsrding home for the families Interested, an to visit Grnlley. The mass meeting wm the dlrec( result of advar- ference with Gould, at which. It Is said, the route of the Atlantic Seaboard extension will be settled. GEORGE D. COLLINS IS.

NOW OUT ON BAIL Jack Arnold has a peculiar part. It is a great play. i. PLEADS GUILTY. William Bohan pleaded guilty this morning before Police Judge Samuels to having falien against a window owned by J.

S. Johnson at the corner of Eighteenth and San Pablo avenue and was directed to appear tomorrow morning for sentence. The defendant stated that he had no Intention of breaking the glass, but that he had an over indulgence of liquor and was not responsible for his acts. "My Cake Is Dough." My face was all broken out vnw pimple and sores. I used Cuticura fcoap and Cuticura Ointment for two months and was completely cured.

My facej la in splendid shape now. CuU-eura Soap and Ointmerlt are splendid for healing all kinds of face pimples and sores. I am glad to recommend them, for they were a great boon to me. I know hundreds that it has cured In $totland, where I came from it is (''F11) David Maoi- ily, R. F.

D. No. 5, Sullivan, element of bodily protection furnished by Scott's Emulsion that makes one proof against cold risks. Breaks a cold before it can get a foothold and repairs the wear and tear on the tissues affected. Nothing takes hold of, a cold so quickly as Scott's Emulsion.

Did not ua Fleur. 1J get well. The secretions from the kidneys were highly colored, were irregular, "and the pain in the back nearly killed him. He has Improved right along since using Doan's Kidney Pills and jiow he is well again. I have advised a great many of my friends and relatives to use Doan's Kidney Pills, and always try to convince them that It Is a remedy of great merit." For sale by all dealers.

Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Company, Buffalo, New aole agents for the United States. -j -V Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Owl Drue Company. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan.

9. George D. Collins Is again at liberty. He did not remain last night within the confines of the Broadway Jail, as he has for many a night, securing his first Breath of freedom when Judge Murasky approved of his bond at his own home. 1330 Page street.

He was taken there by a deputy sheriff from the Jail, at his request, and was accompanied by Mrs. McCurdy and her daughter. Claries McCurdy. After the bond was approved the deputy sheriff went on his way. and the attorney and his companions hurried off In a closed carriage to Mrs.

McCurdy' present residence, at the Lucerne apart-ment-houa on Larkin street. Uay -W, luuo." FOR AN EMERGENCY. MANILA, Jan. 9. The arrival of the transports Meade.

Kilpatrick and Mc-Clellan at Manila with troops from the United States is expected. It Is understood that they win remain here to provide against an emergency requiring the transportation of troops. JUST arrived, -carload Oregon horses; now la a good" time for a good delivery horse. 9th and Market sta. Paul BruaxeL Mwr.

kMB nmmim trow l7 Iot fJm Drw Cm. Omrw PJ M-Skill Tin I' -'M.

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