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The York Daily from York, Pennsylvania • Page 1

The York Dailyi
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7, THE kw aV -s. JB 14th Year Vol. 38. No. 4078.

YORK, SATURDAY MOUSING, 8EPTEMBER 1, 1883. TRICE TWO CENTS. SVSSIEaE num. flirt Trlaltr Brasftlksl Cbwrafe. There will be services at Trinity Evaa Beaver Mtreri M.

Charch. Preaching at 10:30 in. and 7:30 p. Rabbath srbuol at 1:30 p. in.

C'aaacil ncliaB. Rrand Frii ndclln l.uarb. A J'i Icadi'lln Lunch ill be served to-night nmler Snuuenian's, with Theodore It. Helb's Lager Beer on tap. All ore invited.

llKNRY BltUNHOUBB Coaurt PraceraUag. MORMXU SESSION. Court convened yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, Hon. Judge Gibson presidiug. Mary Ann and I suae Latter, wbo were found guilty of assault aud buttery yesterday, were seitteuced to the county jail for ten days, thirty-five dollars fine and costs Daria' Circa.

Of tbe eircut which will appear in York on next Tuesday the Portland (Me.) Argut of a recent date says: Doris circus exhibited in this city yesterday. The street parade fulfilled the promise of its advertisement iu regard to it, everything being in excellent condition, Tbe Sptrumai'i UaaaVhawk Prve. Before starting on his autumn bunting or fishing expedition the wise Kportsuinu will do well to consult the pages of "A Paradise for Gunners and Anglers," a ueat und bandy publication, recently israed by the l'asscugcr Department of the l'hiluilel-pbia, Wilmington and Haiti more Railroad. This little pamphlet finds tho sportsman's paradise in the Maryland and Delaware reninsula, and that section is exhaustively treated with regard to its bunting and tisb-ilg resources. Not ouly are all its birds and fishes discussed and described, bnt their habits are descanted upon and their hanutt disclosed.

Valuable hints are also given as to tho time and manner when augler or gunner may work with the liest success; and explicit direction's to routes aud stopping places accompanied by an excellent map of tbo section, renders the work a complete guide book. Tho book is handsomely illustrated with plates ofthe principal species of game, and is arranged so as to be carried in the pocket with con uiam paUlnhxt b) u4 boot than TB aau paper in York, sad tbo OVLY In Tort that rralni imUrlr J-raas aiapatcaaaov Til lanh idlapatcfcaaB? tsaad Fur Bent Hume Wanted Wanlcd-Tatlor Corn Soup Lunch Ixwt-Lace Fusnn Fine shora Boll's Hotter to Trachrra Fir Lnuch Hhlitcr Wanted loa Tullom Frf Onnwrt aclak Boll'i Hrattiuartrri (V'bnol IVmka Onwalit Kordrl'a Bcadiiuartcr Ira (Train-At Miller's wort Iitatoe Morrlaon Tsffv-at J.I), ilarntsh's BooU aud bora At Boll's Ilac to the Wood Meeting Fretk Mftoaa at rkrarlwrr'a HnuMvaaatla Shirts at Landta' Wanted baity clerk imI a lxy IWt Fine Slilrta At Flymires The Latewt Stylea-At I'lj mires TuliUe salr of personal property. PuMic aale nl valuable Beat KIhIc tlmud Oi-nlM(f lllx Cigar Store. Fricaoella Lunch Uriiry Mninlioutc Men's lim a At K. KeliiclN'nr's IWunitcd China Ware At Rrlnelirrif F1rt--liwMi ScwIiik Maclilne-M.

E. HurUlrr ft" Kellers of the Daily temporarily absent from Lome, can have the Daily mailed to them fur 40 renin per niontb. Tbo address will be changed a often as desired1 THE WKATIIEB. laaicatiaaa far Ta-Day. Py Tdrgnph to th Daiit.

Washington, D. 1.2 A. M.t'or Ike Middle Atlantic Main lair Ktatkrr, triads mmllg nmUrlf, $lalionarg or lining boromelrr two" Irmprralnrt. ftFI.IITFRM. At an evening party lately a Ann frllow, but one wbo liken to talk altout hiinxclf a great dual, waa iuterriiplml in a conversation.

At the uioinent of renewing the story Im asked: "What waa I sayingf" A witty lady Immediately replied, "You were aay-iug rracA fi it. A good-looking Sixth areune girl, whone lover Akl her iu the tenderent tonea why it was she was so mngnetic, explained the phenomenon by informing bim that her mother and father both telegraph operators. EUmM Itailtrag Journal. Effect of the climate: Dukota baa a rieculiar climate, A cannon burst at a Fonrth of July celebration In Fergns Falls, and the four pieces into which it flew weut in four directions. Each piece crashed into i saloon.

fTassiajfoa Republican. Father McGrath, the Catholic prion at Leicester, learning that there bad been a Sunday cock fight among tome of 4 his pnrixliiouers, went to three of the iu-terrsted parties, and at one place wrung the necks of three birds, at another conaed tbe owner to do the same, and gave some nound advice to the third one. A rittslmrg girl who had refused a good-looking telegraph repair man three timet within six mouths, guve as a reason that be was too much of a wanderer that he ronnied from pole to pole, from oue climb to another, and, if he did come, he'd be insulate, that tbe ueigbbors would be sure to talk. I'itlmbtirg Tclryntph. At the recent pigeon-shooting at Hous ton a gentleman ho bud claimed to be a crack shot minted six suecesnive bi nls, and his diHgiintetl friends, wbo bad been bet- him.

hat kind of shooting is that iuiiiired oue of them, iudiguautly. "I know it's my fault. I am too sober. No mun enn exect to hit birds that fly to crooked. If Fd bad throe more beers I'd have scattered feathers, and dou't yoo forget it," TtJHU 8VMMKK 8WIFTI.Y AWAY.

Swiftly summer speeds away. On the blooming waits decay. Kre the roaes ahed their snows, Crickttts tolls ns "summer g(Hs." 1em of song makes morning known, est are empty, nestling flown. Even while the lilies bloom, Down the air some dead leaves come. Daily seeds arc riicniiig, Harvests are in-gatheriug.

Barns, with sweet, new hay heaped high, Kobbed tbe duised fields just by. As in ghulnesH lurks regret. Autumn's signals so arc set. All iilong sweet summer's way, lrize her, priac her while we way. LOCAL INTEI.MUKlU'k.

Date Mlreel 91. E. aarra. 'reaching both inoniing aud evening at the usual hours, by the pastor, Rev. A.

K. Crone. Young people's prayeruiiieting at 6:45 o'clock in the eveuiug. I'alaa Lalberaa t'barrb Service to-morrow iu English at 10 a. and 6 p.

in. Rev. 8. E. Herring, of Wrightsville will fill the pulpit.

On account of sickness near by tbe bell xuay not be rung. raraarra Market. AKhongh the Fanners market last eveuing was crowded with purchasers, tbe supply of meats, fruits, vegetables; was eqnal to the demand. Friday eveuiug't market is one of the best in town. aailtea.

The following names were omitted from the "Roll of Honor of tbe pnblio schools recently published in the Daily: School No. 2. Geneva Owen. School No. Percy C.

Mittendorf. JJa al Cataaaje HilU A Tery enjoyable hop was given at Cottage Hill bvt evening. Tbe Uwo was brightly illuminated with Chinese lanterns and the mttsie, whkk was furnished ky Tbielc't orcliestra, of lUo least Htcr. daily flnruUtioa af aar gelical church, East King street to-aiorrow, preaching at 10 a. m.

and 6 p. by Rev. A. H. Irvine, pastor.

Subject in the morning, "Singing tbe Praise of God." Ia the eveningXHinderaneeatoReTivals." Sunday school at 1:15 p. ni. Come aud worship with us. You are welcome. Seats free.

wis. Three large barn owls were brought to the Lanrel engine bouse last Wednesday morning by a farmer. They are queer looking birds and resemble a monkey more than anything else we can compare them with. They measure about forty inches from tip to tip of wings aud the plumage is yellow, white and gray. The owls are to be staffed, and Will occupy prominent positions iu the engine house, where they will be highly prUed by their namesakes.

Death af Mrs. aalrr Mrs. Christiana Yeasler, wife of Mich-eal Yeasler, died at 2 o'clock ou Friday afternoon. While surro muled by her mourn-ng husband, children and friends, her spirit pasned peacefully from earth. Mrs.

Yeasler has beeu for years, a faithful memlier of Trinity Reformed church, and her innny good qualities have endeared her to a large circle of frieuds and acquaintances. As a kind neighbor, a true wife, a fond, faithful mother and a good woman, her death causes a void which cannot be filled. A husband and five children survive to mourn her. Tbe Daable Trark. The second track which tbe Northern Central Railroad Company have been laying through North and Water streets 1 about finished, and the connections at King street and at the jail will be made tomorrow, after which freight trains north that heretofore stopped south of Princess street, will pass through town to tlie water tank at Lonck's.

The telegraph office at King street will also be removed to Lonck's, at the watcrbink. The paving aud plunking of the street, from King to Beaver street, will not be completed nndor five or six weeks, Prraaaal. Miss Chloe Kopp returned home last eveuing from a visit to her friends among the mountains, in the vicinity of Altooua and Huntingdon. The Misses Maggie and Maria Clingnn, of Frederick, who have been spending several eekt among their msny friends In town, returned home on Thursday. Miss Jennie Eddie, day operator at the Columbia Telephone exchange, is viaitlug York, the gnett of Miss Ida Coble, day op erator of the York exchange.

Missea Lisaie Herts and Anaia FoHkt krft twa this nioming to visit their many friends in Littlestown and Gettysburg, where they will remain a few weeks. Miss Carrie A. Crowell and Mrs. Tillie Prettymau, of Philadelphia, are visiting York, the guests of Mrs. R.

Harnish, West Market street. Miss Mary A. Free, of Manchester bor ough will leavo to-day for Welsh Run, Franklin county, where she will rusticate for several weeks. Mrs. Edward Danuer and her daughter Jolia have been quite sick with typoid fever for two weeks past.

Mr. John Spreukle, of the firm of Sprcu- kle Sl Klefl'uiuu, who has been quite ill) we are glad to state, is greatly improving. Mr. William Allison, an engineer on the Northern Central railroad aud whose former rnn was from York stsfinn tn Rnlti. more, has removed his family to Baltimore.

Mr. Allison will now run between Baltimore and Murytvillc. Brtlllaat Wria(. It was your rcjiortcr's happy privilege to attend the marriage of Mr. W.

R. Suiter, of Lock Haven, aud Miss Katie Craul, the accomplished danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel CrauL of Hall, York county, Thursday evening, August 30th. At precisely 8:30 p.

m. the bridal pnrty attended by Mr. S. F. Suiter, and Miss Amanda KuukcL of Lisburn, who acted the part of groomsman aud bride's maid, entered the festal room, keeping step to tbe beautiful wedding march rendered by Mr.

Otis L. Jacobs. The room was crowded with guests, some from Philadelphia, Williamsport, Lock Haven, Harrisbnrg and York. The ceremony was performed by the for- incr pastor and warm personal friends of the worthy pair, Rev. G.

H. Schleh, of East Prospect, Pa. The pair were the recipients of many valuable presents. After partuking of the sumptuous repast all took foitual leave of the pair, who intend to visit points North and then leave for their new home in Marion, Kansas. It is but just to say that the sweet bride will be missed by all who were so fortunate as to share her friendship.

The blessiugs of God attend tbo couple to their home in the far West I ris. BASE BALL. A match game of base ball was played on the Ciuunous yesterday afternoon between tbe Active and Little Rescue, resulting in a score of 23 to 15, in favor of the former. The game was withdrawn in tbe seventh inning on account of the darkness. A game of base ball yesterday, between tbe Mayflower and the Sunflower clubs, resulted in a score of 20 to 10, ia favor of the Sunflower.

AN KA8T VICTORY FOB, THE L1TTLKSTOWH. At Littlestown yesterday, the Brown-stockings defeated tire Hanover clnb by a score of 11 to 2. Nicholas, of the Y'ork City for the Hanover team. QAMKS YKtTKJU)AY. By Telegraph to tbe Daiit.

At Philadelphia Athletic 6, Eclipse 3. At Philadelphia Providence 6, Philadelphia 3. At Baltimore Cincinnati 5, Baltimore 3. At Wihnipgton Quicksteps Active 1. At New york Boston 4, New fork S.

At New York St.Louis$,Mtropoutan4. At Pittsburg Columbus Allegheny 0. At Brooklyn Brooklyn lflLUarriaburg i. The Town ComicU at a Kial UMrtinj( laat eyraiiiB frrnntrd an order to a Hnnimrr for ltf.13, for tbe grading and exraraling of PiiM atrtft. ralithaaiaiaa.

A nniulxr of membrrt of tbe Laurel Fire Company lart night tendered a aprenade to Ailum Crauiiwr, wbo baa junt bren married. The how carriage and neveral hnge aawa played a noisy part in the entertainment. HeUelawrg KefaraM-4 hatrb. Kev. F.

J. 8anerler rrtnrned laat even ing from a)Mndiug bis vacation abroad, and wilt fill hi pulpit on 8undny at tbe nnnal bourn. The anbjeet of the morning acruiou will be "What am I to dor' UraaA pralag. Mr. C.

0. WeliJi baa taken charge of tbe Globe cigar More, 305 South George atreet, and in an advertiaoient elnewhere in tbe Daily aunonnoen a grand opening for tbia evening. Give him a call. BaalWt Charra. Services in the Kaptist church to morrow, Dr.

skinner, paator, at 10:15 a. aud 6:15 p. gabbath avhmtl at 1 p. m. 8at lree.

All who come made elcome. Come and bring your children with yon. There will be a District Sunday School Convention held at Kreuti Creek church, on Saturday afternoon aud eveuing, Sep tember 22, and Sunday morning and afternoon following. A number of prominent Sunday school men are expected to be present aud all are invited to attend. Tbe New I.

ark a p. We nnderstmid thnt the police committee will visit Baltimore next Wednesday for tbe purpose of examining the different station houses iu that city, so as to decide intelligently on a plan fi tbe proposed new lock-np for the borough. Religiaas Merrier at the Firat I. Ibarra. There will lie preaching at the First United Brethren church, coiner of Pbila-delqbia and Newberry atreets'on to-morrow German at 10 a.

in. English at 6 p. in. 8ubject jor the evening, "The lasts days of Jacob." All are welcome. A C'erreetlaa.

Iu our report of yesterday's court proceedings it was stated that Jndge Gthsou spoke condemnatory of after-night picnics and exenrsions, etc. It was incorrect; the Judge condemned that particular picnic referred to In the case being tried, and others of that character, which have been a disgrace to the participants. v. r. a.

Regular gosjtel services at the association room to-morrow eveuing, from 5 to 5:50 o'clock, subject "Duties of GmTs children," Epbes. open air service in Centre Square, from 6 to 7 p. on Arch street, from 6 to 7 p. at Almshouse, from 0 to 7 p. m.

All are welcome to these meetings, especially to the rooms. Mrbeal aw Nrbaal Baah. The public schools will pen on Monday. New hooka will be required to replace those thnt are worn out or lost, or for promoted pnpils. All wbo contemplate tbe purchase of books will do well to consult the advertisements in the Daily.

Those dealers having inducements to offer make them known and buyer will consult their inter-oy uinu oiiujf uak uty Iiatt) iuaay. Retlglaa Servieea. Christ's Evangelical Lntberan thnrcb, Rev. G. W.

Enders, pastor. Sunday services l'rayermeeting, at 9 a. German communion, at 9:30 a. m.t subject "Der Tisch des Herrn Sunday school, at 1 p. English services, at 7:30 p.

subject: "A Heathen Trinity." All are cordially invited. Fewa free. Bring your family. German preparatory services at 2 o'clock, this afternoon. At'hllarra's ftrrvk-e Will be held iu the Second U.

B. in Christ, corner of Duke and South streets, H. B. Dohncr, pastor, to-morrow evening, Sunday, ScpteuiWr 2nd, commencing at 6 o'clock. Tbe exercises are to consist of one black-loard lesson.

the Way, alphabetically arranged from A to Z. One missionary class recitation by twelve Sunday school scholars, and one praise exercise. A free-will offering will be lifted. All are most cordially invited to be present. The Oawala Baak Mlare.

The Oswald Book store lias been moved to the first floor of the Stouch Oswald building, formerly occupied by the retail deportment of that firm where a full line of school and other books, stationery, it very tastefully arranged. The Stouch Oswald firm will now confine their business entirely to the wholesale trade, which will be transacted on tbe second floor of the building. HARRIED. Graham I'lkmax. On the 19th at East rrospect, York county, by Rev.

G. H. Scbleh, Mr. Geo. W.

Graham, of Spriugville, York couuty, to Miss Bertha Ulfmon, of the same place. Ckavmeb Swartz. On tbe evening of the 30th by the Rev. L. A.

Gotwalt, Mr. Adam D. Cranmer to Miss Annie Laura Swartz, both of this place. DIED. Tkmleb.

On August 31st, 1883, at No. 33 South Water street, Cblistiana, wife of Michael Yessler, aged 60 years aud 1 month. Funeral to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon. Services commencing at the house at half-past two o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend.

Interment at Prospect Hill Cemetery, A happier tot than our and larger light surrounds thee there. Dear Hoiherhi earth's thorny paths, How kuia thy Uft have trod. To And at last tbU 1111) rest, JaJejttW ATUU II. Boll has Men's low Slines for cheap. II.

Boll has Men's low Shoes for DO, good. H.Boll has Men's luw Shoes for 1.00,'dnrable. H. Boll has Men's low Shoes for 1.25 fine. H.

Boll has Men's high hhoes for 1.00 hue. Ask for W. L. Douglas' $3.00 Men's Shoes, for cole at the New Opera Front, No. 7 South George street.

E. liKIXEBEHO. For a lirst class new or second band Sewing Machine go to M. E. Hnrtzler's oflice iu Odd Fellows Hull, corner Gcorgo aud King street.

Call ami see the elegant display of Fall goods at Michaels the Tailor. Buy the W. L. Douglas fjfl.OO Men's Shoe. Every pair warranted solid leather.

For sale at tbo New Opera Front, No. 7 South George Street. E. KKlNKBKnu. Buy no Sewing Machine until you have examined the New Royal St.

John at M. E. Hnrtzler's office in Odd Fellows Hall. It. Nalirrfa Teacher.

All the teachers of Tublie schools aro requested to meet iu High school room this (Saturday) afternoon at 2 p. m. It Das. New Honie-mado Nhirl nt Laadia. Forty different styles, at 50c.

piece. The only place in York to buy them. Bonn Corn Nmip Luucb. A Boss coin soup lunch will be served at Reiser's Hotel, South Ucorsce street, this evening. Bergner Prize Medal Lager Beer on tap.

Chariots stop at tho door every hall' hour. Everybody invited. Rent Fine Hiiirls, Made of the best Muslin aud best Linen Bosoms, and the very latest styles anil best, fitting for .75 nnil $1.00. Those who have la-en buying them from us, say that they are the hnl Jillini and bml wearing they ever had. Do not fail to call and see thei'u Plymike'k.

lie 1' renin. At 11 Harnish Son's, Market street, oppo-the Fanners' site Pcnc banana. Vanilla, and Chocolate. A line assortment of French China Fruit Plate." and Fruit Saucers t0 match. at China Hall, No.

23 South George St. lee Cream. For delicious Ice Cream go to Miller's grocery nud confectionery store, No. 10 West Market street. It Boll'" Idcmiqanrlcri.

One of those royal palate tit Hating lunches will bo served to-night, with lierguer Engle prizo and sparkling, on tap. At Martlet's Headquarters. Bevguer Engla's BEER, Iu lIrnUilul ami Always fresh ou tap. It Men's Good Shoes at Boll's for 75 cents, Meu's (rtMMl Slioes Boll's for 90 cents. Men's Good Shoes Boll's for $1.00.

Meu's Good Shoes at Boll's for $1.23. The Latest S'lytc. of Notions, Fancy Goods. Lace Goods, Hon-iery, Gloves, Corsets, and a large variely of other goods for ladies anil gentlemen, at Plymirk's, Cheap Store, It No. 8 South George Street.

YORK A.D, Excursion ttniin to Iria Great Inter Otrau Show. The York Peach Bottom Railway will sell tickets In. in all stations to Yoik nnd return on Tuesday, September 1, on the regular morning train, thus giving all an oppojtmiity to visit tho great show aud return home on a train which will leave York immediately after the close of tile ii ftern vii Because of tho unfavorable weather lust, time, St. Mary's eonjirep. ii.m will pic-niv again at Spiingwiml.

p. U. on tuiday, September 1. Miic ami refreh-nif uts un the Target shooting and other Trains leavo ni 911- 10.30 and 1 :10 1.1?!) p. m.

Tick ets lor sale at Mr. Ochs', Albert Bishop's, Ed. Eeinberg's aud A. Muuchcl's. To the Mrrcfim.lH of This 'itv.

Mr. J. C. Goo-ling, manager of the Merchants' and Ollcctioii Association is in towniiiidhuHcMnhlishfd a branch office in this city. The object of this association is the collection' of outstanding accounts and the protection of dealers in general.

Hoping that each business mau will see tbe benefits to be derived by Ih-coming a memlKT of the Union, bis "iigent will coll and explain the workings of the association. ang31-2t Fee Old field Co's Pure hite Soups. Aug29-tf The Old Itelinble" Is still iu the business and buys and sells Real Estate and Rents Houses. P. E.

Wilt, RF.AI. ESTATK AtiF.Kl, auglo-tf No. 6 South Queen St. 1'se Oldlicld Co's Pure whito Soaps. Ang20-tf KKW NEKIKK.

Tbe South End Hniblim; and Loan Association of Y'ork, will ikii a new series Persons desiring to borrow money on easy terms will find it tu their advautagt) to subscrilie lor stock in this Association. Application for stock can be made at the meetings on Thursday evenings at Reiser's Hotel, on tsonth George street, or to any of the officers. F. Westkkiioi.o, T. W.

Xoiufl, President, tf. Clerk. The Kew Rnildiac Aasariation. Cbns. H.

NcfT, ho is organizing tbe ne Buildinc Association reports that a being token and that the new Association will soon bo ready to commence active operations. Those who want to get in on the ground floor should see Mr. N'eiT without delay. marl3-tf Cheap Bocks and Stationery IT is quite important to the patrons of tho Public BeliiMiLs to know that tbe most estern Book Store in Tork, at 304 West Martet Street, Io-im. Oat very lartte stork of Books and fcUUoBery at greatly reduced rates.

H. W. CRIDhC TOEK COUNTY ACIDS ST. Thit oU tsuljHshed insntutaaa reopened MONDAY, AUOtJST HmfrlHH.1. Thoraigb academic and buaaeu cvjrse.

Ttitton $9 aad 10 fa quarter. l. VROfcS A. M. augi-iot Pmwiwk and tlie steam calliope was the beet yet heard here.

The tent at the afternoon performance was well filled, and the performance was one of much excellence. Iu the opinion of the audience it conferred greater pleasure than where the audience is wearied in the effort to see wbut is going on in three rings at once. The luter-Ooeau Royal Military Band furnished excellent mnsic throughout the performance, almost every feature of which is worthy of warm commendation. Tbe bareback riding of Willie Showela, America's champion bareback rider, aroused great enthnsiam. One of his feats as Jumping on his horse, going at full speed, without touching the animal with his bauds.

The acrobatic feats were of a high order of exoellence, the Seigrist brothers in particular giving au excellent rfornmi)ce. Millie Tour-nour, well called the serial queen, gave a very daring and graceful balancing act on the trapeze. Prof. Wingfield exhibited some finely trained dogs; and Satnrua, the Japanese juggler, appeared in balancing feats. Tbe clowns that port iou of the audience which delighted in such gags.

Zazel did her her tight rope performance gracefully, and was blown from the cannon without injury. Tho menugeriu, although not a largo one, was excellent, a cub tiger ouly three weeks old attracting much attention. He was taken from the cage and petted like a kitten. Doris bos a fine show, and should merit the full patronage of all our sister towns. The performance last night was largely attended.

THROKai THK Tb New Paalal Nate Nratem to (a ial ECrrl Meptrmbrr the 3rd. The new postal notes will AM lie issued on the 3rd of September. Tbe necessary dies, and regulations aud instructions have ltecn received by the postmaster, and all arrangements will be completed to inaugurate it successfully on the date mentioned. Tbe system is the outcome of a very widcfclt need, aud is for the transmission of small sums, nndor five dollars, through tho mails. It closely resembles the money order, but is intended to be an adjunct to that syrtem, aud not to take its place.

A remitter may nt his opinion select either the money order or the postal notes as a means of remitting money by mail Dot aoiiwtut Bra UiAirnioa tuat postal note Is sent the remitter's risk, while the government is responsible for the pay-ment of a money order to the true payee. The postal note consists of an engraved form about the size of a bank note. Two columns on the left side give the months and yenrs up to 1804. Iu the wide colnnin a post office mark for when sent tho fee vignette, three cents, and the dated stamp of the paying office. The body of tbe note gives the conditions und instructions, being used "To the postmaster of the money order office at to bearer, nt any time withiu three mouths from the last day of the month of issue, the sum of blank dollars blank cents signed by the postmuKter.

This is also payable to bearer at the office of issue, with the same limitations as to time. If lost or destroyed no duplicate thereof i.unoil Ti. right-hand column contains the figures for uouurs, iiimes and eeuts. The amount ranges from one cent to fonr dollars and ninety-nine cents. When the amount is five dollars, it becomes a money order.

The uniform fee is three cent. The note obviates the trouble of sending silver or stamps by mail. It is a currency payable to bearer, and as such is almost the same as the money itself, the only difference being limitation upon the payment. A Polar! Accident to a Child. Y'estcrday afternoon nbont hall-past three o'clock Mollie, au interesting little eight-year-old daughter of Mrs.

Angeline Cam eron, who resides on Howard avenue, near Arch street, in company with Ella Frey and Jenny Cookes entered the new shops at Farquhar'g for the purpose of getting some wood. While in the building they got upon one of the elevators, aud while ascending one of Mollie legs was canght between the elevator and the floor, causing a fracture of tbe large bone of tho thigh. Mollie was removed to her homo. Dr. Perkins was summoned pnd has charge of the liiil- IV mile surirrvr.

mrs. anierou, who was absent hen Mollie was takeu home, was verynineh fainted several times. The iujury besides boing very paiuful is pronounced a very serious one by the physician. At 11 o'clock last night Mollie, who had beeu quite restless, was resting more easily. I.alberaa MiMioa Warh ia Ike West.

The Denver Tribune of August 18th has the following: Rev. S. B. Barnitr, Western Secretarv of Home Missions of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church, reached Denver yesterday, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

lieorge T. Sheets' corner of Twentv-httn and Ulenarm streets. Mr. Barnita conies to Denver in the interests of the Lntberan cbnrcb, and with a view of organizing a congregation and planting a mission. The Secretary will preach to-morrow at some place to be announced this eveniug and in the morning papers.

He is said to be an earnest preacher and of varied experience, having been a eiy missionary at WTiecJing, West Virginia, for twenty years. Mr Barnita is a member of the International Sunday School Executive Committee, and one of the lecturers at the great Chatanqua Sunday School Assembly, from which he has just come. Lutherans in Denver interested in an English church, will confer a favor by reporting to Mr. Barnita. or to Mr.

Middlea-warth, 407 Blake street. Leong Pok Hing, President of the Sara Yip Chinese Company, San Francisco, CaL endorses tbe great pain-banisier, SI, of prosecution. Martin rrey, found guilty for wiling liquor without license, was sentenced to pay a fine of $200 and costs of prosecu tion. Levi Glassmeyer pleaded guilty to the indictment of larceny as bailee, (3 cases) aud was sentenced one year to the county Jail. Henry Scbroll plead guilty to the charge of fornication and bastardy, preferred against him by Emma Lau, and received the usual sentence.

Went to jail. Joseph Dorsey, colored, was tiled and convicted on the charge of fornication nnd bastardy, and received tbe usual sentence. Went to jail. Charles Hibner, who was charged with malicious mischief, was tried, and be appeared as his own counsel. The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty but ordered Charles to pay the costs.

The grand Jury reported npou the following bills; Com. vs. Robert Kochenaucr. Euteiiug with intent to steal. A true bill.

Com. vs. Roltert Kochenaucr. Carrying a deadly weaion. A true bill.

Com. vs. Icwia Bierbrower. Selling liquor without license. A true bill.

Com. vs. Robert Wilson. Assault and buttery. A true bill.

Com. vs. John Davis. Larceny, A true bill. Com.

vs. John McGavurin. Larceny. A true bill. Com.

vs. Kister A. Williams. Larceuy ns bailee. Not a true bill.

Com. vs. Eliza Stare. Lnreeny. Not a tine bilL Com.

vs. Ix'wis Bierbrower. Selling liquor withont license, Ac, Not true bill, nnd county to pay costs of prosecu tion. The Grand Jury, at 11 o'clink adjourned and paid the customary visit to the alms house and jail but as thev bad a good deal of ork on baud yet the visit was short aud they returned to their work. AFTKRNOOX SESSION, Com.

vs, John Davis. Larcenv. Plead- ed guilty and was sentenced to County Jail for three months, sentence to com. mence on the first of June and to pay the costs of prosecution. Robert Wilson assault and batterv.

Ver dict guilly.Beiitcuced to pay a fine of ten dollars and costs of prosecution. Frank Lawrence. Larceny. Verdict not guilty. John MoGavarln, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing oue pair of shoes and was sentenced to County Jail for nine months.

Grand Jmy Work, tmt bills. Robert Kochenour. Larceny nnd receiv-ing stolen good-i, Charles A. Myers. Passing counterfeit mouey.

Thomas Keeuey. Larceny, four indictments. William Schumaker. Assuult and battery. Not a true bill aud Lewis Schumaker to pay the costs.

Deunu Crinimius, Jr. Larceny. Not a true bill. The Grand Jury thus far has on 102 bills. Court adjourned to convene at 9 o'clock this morning.

Communicated. The Fire 4artla. Mkssrs Editors. Iu yesterday's issue of your paper I noticed nn article beaded "The Fire Department Question" over the signature of "Volunteer Firemnn." The author of the said articlo states that he has been a volunteer fireman for sixteen years aud that he know soniething of the ins and onts of the system. He further says that be ia heartily iu favor of a paid department from the fact that he thinks it would not only be in the end cheaper than the present system to tbe city, but would pay the ones wbo are no the backbone of the department, to say nothing of the willful carelessnes which occurred at tbe Lebach fire on Saturday night last.

It may be that tbe gentleman has been a volunteer fireman for sixteen years but I doubt it unless he gives us bis name. There is some difference between uu active, live fireman and a volunteer fireman such as the author of the article in question, and if we had their names off the respective companies, books it would 1e better for tbe companies, for they are of no nsc or benefit to tbo department at all. What we want is live, active, volunteer firemen. He ulso says that paid fire department would be cheaper to the city in the cud thau the present, volunteer fire system. If he thinks such wonld be the case why didn't he give ns the facts to prove it.

He failed to do it. I feel satis- liedjn my mind that he knows nothing about the cost of running with a paid or volunteer department. I doubt it very much if he is at the present time an active firemen of the department. I also feel pretty well satisfied (that he knows very little about the ins and outs of the present system. Let us have your name.

The active volunteer firemen wonld like to know who yor are. Come, dou't be ashamed to let ns know your name. Yours Respectfully As ACTIVK FIRF.MAX. A Laaarvltf Sariety rajaalaea'. A peculiar association, designed tohe national, was organized under a speeVl charter in Erie on Wednesday.

It bears the name of "the National Longevity Union," and has a capital stock of 1,000 share at each, all subscribed. The object is the prolongation of human life by the prevention, instead of the enre, of disease. A plan for effecting this baa been adopted aud is highly regarded. The High Sheriff of Erie county has been elected President and the newlv appointed Collector of Customs, H. C.

Stafford, Treasurer. Missionary hy. gienists are to be sent oat, commissioned to organise lodges throughout the country. The physicians, as a class, desigaate the scheme as chimerical aud the creation of a crank. The scheme provides free medical attendance for tbe niasaet hence probably tb opposition of the practicing doctors, venience, rtiich a guide book to a district so rich in birds, water fowl, and tisu must prove an invaluable prize to the sportsman.

Copies may be procured, free of charge, by addressing James R. Wood, General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, Wilmington aud Baltimore Kuilroad, Philadelphia, Pa. TUE PRIZE K1XC Kaaa Law Mlap the Prapowd Fight Belwern Mitrbcll and Made. tj TeleKTbph to the Dailt Atchison, Kansas, Aug. 31.

Both Mitchell and Slade having bc-cn notified that prize fighting is a penitentiary otl'euce under the statutes of this State their managers held a conference last night aud decided to declare the fight off. Both men have stopped training. 6TAKK8 WITHDRAWN AND BKTS DECLABEII Ol'F. Nkw York, Aug. 31.

Richard K. J-'ox has just received a telegram from bis representative nt Alchinson, Kansas, to the effect that the coming fight between Mitchell and Slade has, owing to Iron bio with the authorities in that district, been declared oil'. Consequently the stakes arc withdrawn nnd all bets declannl oft. Han rry 1 1 1 II said to-uight of the Sbide- Mitehel failure If it is uiipossildo to have the fight within 100 miles of Kansas City ns agreed upon, another battlo ground will have to he selected. I am the stakeholder and there will be a tight somewhere Wl'me I surrender the stakes." The right will probably take place he thought in the neighborhood of New Orleans.

THE SCAFFOLD. kniitk Exeraled far the .71 order oCVIrCan at Sit. Joieih, Ln. By Telegraph to the Dmlv. St.

Aug. 31. Ekiii Smith, colored, was hanged to-duy within the walls ofthe jail lor the murder of Earn McCan ou August 25th 1875. His neck was broken by the full and lie died without a trnggle. Ho was tried by a jury of his own race at the October term ofthe Dis.

trict Conrt, In 1875 he, wns convicted and sentenced to be hanged. MORE DYNAMITE PLOTTEK. six I risk men Arrented Glasgow an Saapirian. By Telegraph tit the Daily. London, Sept.

1. Six Irishmen suspected of having been connected with the dynamite attempts in Glasgow, ou the 20th of lust January, hen the largest gasometer in the city was blowu up and other property was destroyed, were arrestiil in Glasgow last night. Their name are Peter Culaghau. Thus. Dcveuy, Patrick McCade, Patrick Dunu, Terrcnce MeDcrmott and Henry McCaun.

A NEW lot of Tea Sets just received Rkinkukho's China Hall, No. 23 South George St. at When promenading up George street slop and sec the grand display of Fall goods at Mkhakls the Tailor it. Urnnd Vegetable ftana Lnnrh at the A grand Vegetable Soup Lunch will lie one of the attractive fentures nt the Mammoth Saloon, Frec'a Hall, this evening. The set-out ill be tine.

Evervlusly is in vited. Sliaetters lanions New lork Wien er Beer on tup. it Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes in all styles, at the New Opera Flout. It E. Keinehkhg.

Hack I the Woods meeting. i 101111111112 DenriloWT will rim a. four. horse buck to the Wootbj Meeting in Hiir- nian Hoke's woods on the Salem road, this evening and to-morrow. The hack will leave the comer of Market aud Heaver streets and go out Beaver to Princess street aud out Princess to tlie woods.

First Wk leaves at 5 o'clock this evening and will run every nour. To-morrow first hack will leave nt. o'clock a. and hourly during; the day aim wvuiug Tafl DELICIOFS TAFFY of all kinds nt J. I.

IIAKMSII-N, UOS tV.Markrl iNKAK THE IKON XiliUHiK. TUV IT. If you contemplate the purchase of a new rail suit and want to see the choicest line of Fall goods call on Michaklh the Tailor, TllK largest assortment of IVcoiatcil Chamber Sets ever exhibited in York, is at kkinf.rkihtk iiina Hall, It No. 23 South Georgo St. Swpc I Potato, Swort Palaton.

Wholesale aud retail at Moititinos's. All the leading novelties iu Fall goods are exhibited by Michaels tho Tailor, 24 South George street. It Come and see the Grand Oiwiiincr at the Opera Front Shoe Store, No. 7 South George Street. E.

Reinkbebo. Froth Mrlaas, Etc. If von want a nice, luscious, ripe, Melon, Cauteloupc or Prime Peaches, Green Com, call ut Sonrbeer's stand, in frout of the Central Hotel. It The nobicst irooda aud full satisfaction iq fit and make at Michaels the Tailor, 21 South George street. For first-class Melons.

Cnneplouiies, Sweet Pears.Apules.etc, co to Morrison's, adjoining Metzei a Hotel. Goods delivered promptly to any psrt of town, "sepl-2t An immense stock of Men's Hand Sewed Shoes, at the New Opera Front, No. 7 bonth George street. Ueinebkrg. flack TartlrHona, For a delicious lunch of Mock Turtle Sonn and a glass of cool, good beer, po to Minters auioon tms evciuug under ixtt BiajCri DUUUUlg..

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