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The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • 13

Memphis, Tennessee
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15 Cards Lose Lead To Cubs By Dropping Pair To Chicks Lose Fourth Straight THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MEMPHIS MONDAY MORNING 'AUGUST 10 10T St Louis Sextet To Perform Here Memphis Softball Teams Rate Better Than St Louis BY EARLY MAXWELL Aug 9 Out- Louis trip as guests or their backer Everett Plilgeon They occupied places in the Cardinal dugout in the early innings of the opening game of the double-header with the Reds posed for pictures with Dizsy Dean Taul Dean and Pepper Martin and met all tho other Cardinal competing for Appeal-Memphis softball be much than leading clubs hers ST LOUIS Mo standing teams now The Commercial Park Commission championship appear to stronger in all departments combines in St Louis Most of the good belong to the American Softball Association of which Georgs Sisler lhprfMMrfntSl' Br0WWf Thi -n'i-iin i lr0" oulfita in other srctlona of the tb fc the nation-wide strength and tnflu- ence of the Amateur Softball Asso- of Amrrtcii under whose rules and regulations The Commrr-cinl Appeal event in held i The Chicago Cubs come io town Pitching distance here in 35 fret tup despite aerie of injurlen that in Memphis it la 40 feet A hurler would keep the average dub In the with the speed cf Oliver (Smoke 1 jpecond division hove stirred re-Triplett would be a aennation in SI jnewed entliuaiHm ni ihe ranks of Ijouia just sa he is in Mcinphut the cuntomern The Curd haven't even with five more feet throwing the het dub that ever went on the distance Among the spectators at in at game between the Detroit ifraaioita I athletes we've ever aren Klown and St Iouin Fmidatore were Mutt Griffin and Charlie I Billy Hughe and Cecil Met run-White of the Coca-Cola Bottler' ners-up last year will he seeded softball tram of Memphis They! second In tho annual national pub- ST LOUIS Mo Auk 9-SL Louis and Kansas City will be represented In The Commercial Appeal's third annual women'a basketball tournament next February Representatives of leading teams met with Early Maxwell sports promotion director of the Memphis newspaper hero today and it ia likely that at least two teama from thia territory will show in Memphis Veteran German and Kuss in Feature at Hodges The St Louis veteran Milo Stein-born facet Otto Kuss formerly of the University of Indiana in the headline attraction of the American Legion's wrestling program tonight at Hodgea Field They are paired for a 90-minute best two out of three fall affair as part of a double-windup that also features Dick Raines Texas against Paul Harper former Southern Methodist University football star Meeting a more experienced foe Is not new to Kuss For the past four weeks he has been pitted against older and more skillful opponents but thus far has managed to break even winning two and losing two Steinborn ia not regarded as a scientific wrestler but instead is considered dangerous for his strength German Vacs Hug" His "bear hug" is his chief weapon and he uaes it constantly throughout a match unless hia opposition offers too much resistance Kuss is a "leg" wrestler almost entirely His scissors holds are exceptionally good Raines and Harper are counted on to furnish the fireworks of the evening Raines with his rough and tumble style always manages to give plenty of action but Harper is inclined to be a clean worker However he will have to resort to a certain amount of roughness if he intends to keep up with the burly Texan Tommy Arizona ia making his second Memphis appearance Frank Brown clever against youngster from Kansas in the opening 80-minute one-fail match made ft good showing last week when he held George Hagen to a draw and the match between the youngsters should bring out some good wrestling Bill Lee will referee the entire card The first match is scheduled for 8:30 o'clock CUBS TOP BUGS TWICE TO TAKE LEAGUE LEAD Run Streak to Four Straight as 40000 Look On On the strong arm of Ed Evans rests Reeves hopes for The Commercial Appeal-Recreation Department city-wide softball title Evans hurled a no-hit no-run game against Pidgeon-Thomas Friday night Ml MEET Play Resumed in The Corn mercial Appeal Tourney TWO BATTLES AT GUTHRIE Merrill Faces Irby-Harris at 7:45 O'clock and Knights of Colnmbui Oppose Kroger Outfit will be reaumed tonight In The Commercial Appeal city-wide softball tourney with five games scheduled featuring the second seeded Knights of Columbus The Kaysees figure in the nightcap of a double header at Guthrie meeting the Kroger combine while Merrill Civic Club will take on lr by-Harris Florists in tho first at 7:45 o'clock Manager Henry Keywood'a Kaysees are leading contenders for the crown now held by the Coca-Cola Boilers Cookies Play Forest llill Dortch's Cookies will play Forest Hill at 8 on the Detain diamond At the same time Watkins and Log Cabin a couple of powerful arrays will tangle at James Mr-Cnrmark Field Fair Grounds and Fischer Lime and Cement will clash with Reeves Coal Non-tourney games tonight will bo headed by the Coca-Cola and Liberia V-8 battle on tho official dedication program of Treadwell'e lighted field at 7:45 Flret National and Union riantera National decide the American Institute of Benking title et 8:45 Geston will play South Side end DeSoto will meet Guthrie alerting at 7:43 in the race at South Side NINE UPSETS SCORE 8-4 Liberty Goes Into Tie for First Place John A Denle'a pulled a surprise out of the hag yesterday to lace the Woodmen of the World 8 lo 4 In the Col James Hammond-Kdward Merman League of the Memphis Awnctated Amateurs at Hodgea Field thus giving Liberty Cash Grocers a tie for first place The Grocers vaulted into a deadlock with the for the top as they conquered Martin All-Klara also by 8 to 4 in the nightcap Denie's whacked out 15 hits off Winton Simmons and Wade Elam while Johnny Williams had only one had inning the sixth in which he allowed three runa 0 E'iorWf 4 3h- 'll 'i Hi ll 41 MIHer lb 2 10 0 4 5 i I JO' 1 3 10 10 Moblev el 4 0 2 0 fli Pft lf-3b 3 0 2 1 0 SbT'1 1 1 I Onerry 2 0 16 2 W'n lb 4 0 1 1 crr rf 4 0 0 1 ngrnar III 111 OlWaiile'y 1 0 0 0 1 0" Veamro If 2 0 0 0 0 "120 lb 2 0 0 0 0 lb 0 0 0 0 Oi Alm'nn 0 0 0 0 Elan 3 10 0 2 -I Tntll 34 8 10 31 101 Tstgl 2 8 3 It 12 Denta'a Wmilinen 100 030-4 Summary: Smith Gala Fran Carr Waitley Garner Tam has bit- Gamer Rlrhgnlsnn Wllkerann Wil-llsme Smith Bacrlftra hlag-P Lentl Mil Irr Stolen Mobley Rawls Double Plr Rtrbgrrtami lo T- Gagllann Innings Rv Simmon- 1 3-3 wllh 4 mns 7 hlla Wild Wlll'ama I Elam losing pllrher pimmona Rue on (I'r Elam 1 oft Williams Slrurk Ry Rimmnna 1 hv William- 6 hv Elam 3 Hit bataman- roro Goodman hv WII Ham Tim 1:4 Curll ana William" ALL STARS I GROCERS hrhna1 abrhna Gan'n 3b 4 0 O' A rf 4 1 3 0 Greg'v rf 3 3 13 1' 3h-i 4 110 4 Woods rf 3 1 1 I 1 Griffith lb 3 I 3 6 Mamn ih 4 0 1 A Nor-rll rf 3 12 0 1 Cook 2b 4 0 3 1 2' W'n If tool Jnhn'n If 4 1 1 I L'l es-3h 3 1 1 Cat'n tf-r 3 113 rrUav! 3h 3 1 1 A Hrrrl'n If 1 0 1 0 1 Rogers 2 3 11 ftlb-nn 2 117 2' 1 0 0 1' Totals 31 4 16 111 Tolala STin si 7 Martin's 4 Llbrrijr in SOI i-P Summary: Lent! 2 Gragnry Two baa Griffith Grrgnry Woods Three bear A MacDonald Horn mn-Norvrll Sarrlfle A MarDonald Wrarhr Woods Stolen Johnson Gregory Grllflth A MaeDnnald Calhoun Inning Hv Glbaon 4 with 7 runa 7 hlta Passed Calhoun Wild pUrb Wrarhe 2 Losing Olhauo Bnac on halla Off Glbaon 3 ofr Weacbc 1 Slrurk out Bv Glbaon 3 bv Weartie 6 by Conk 3 1 Umpires Curlm and Wllilime CONSENSUS Copyright 1036 By Universe! Sendee AT SARATOGA Pralrl Dng Leap (lnld Flag 1 Lusum Gunwale Good Poliilen No Dice Juliet Night Bud 4 -Milmalmn Capuche Draft Croee Bow 1l Sua Antioch Poly- detue Rey Blerult Bust Trefnrd Red Badge Bny Valet Law Suit Beat MalmalHW Lena Shot lanum AT SUFFOLK DOWNS 1 Gmlngllt IHrart Monnburn 2 -Rahwrark Pampemt Wexly- Durh- rxe 3 Ml" Bubwav Alanad Ikiuawkrr 4 Danrlng Doll Rlen Fall Playrr Friend Hnllyhnek Caerapedia t-Rnnania Tha Bailiff Granny Trad T-Rra Fnx TnrnidH1 Amerlran Prior Rilil Alarm Tim Tn Go Jbwket Pier Beet Bahwrark IZMIR stmt Subway AT WASHINGTON PARK 1 -Orient Mil Rneakin StiaHer Prnnf Rkalkahn Full Tilt Jnrkana Cherry Time Haaty Glanr UaA Rrllr Lrnda Teddy Green Cnme Tn Taw Colonel Ed Flint Mini Chaxar Prlncy Peet Amaslng My Cnunl Hnnma Pal flpanleh lad Krebiu Pal HI Way Braaa Button Beat Cnlnnel Ed Imng Bitot Legend TO BLAST ST LOUIS Double Loss for Cards Sends Cubs Into Lead 27500 FANS ON HAND lartwhaw Belted in Both Camet-CWctgo Will Open Bloody Three-Game Series at Sportsman Park Today By Tha AraoelMed ST LOUIS Aug Forty CSn-rinnsM hits blasted the Cardinals from fir1 P'ce the National Lrtgue today and 27300 spectators as the Reds took both games Sunday double-header 12-3 and 1AThe Cuba took over the league indership by two scant percentage Mints and set the stage for a Itoodv three-game series opening Mr tomorrow by besting Pitta-kursh twice at Chicago Cincinnati mangled five Card purlers for 20 hits a game in the twin bill and old George Earnshaw nine in for a belting in both Ray nvis and Benny Frey coasted long with their sluggers to easy victories Fans Rass Cards The booing started when Flint Rhm went to the hill for the Cards In the second game instead of Dix-tt Dean who was scheduled It continued sll through the first inning the Reds pushed across four runs and sent Rhem to the showers Cincinnati took Heusser and Earnshaw for five runs in the fourth and nicked Paul Dean for three I the ninth The first game was a 1-1 battle until the sixth Then Herman doubled Lombardi singled Riggs singled Thevenow singled Davis sacrificed Chapman tripled Goodman homered Cuyler walked to first and Winford walked to the showers Before Earnshaw could stop the massacre eight runs were in FIRST GAME CINCINNATI ST LOUIS abrhoa1 abrhos (WR A 1 3 6 I lloort cf 5 1 1 0 (MTS rlim1 Frlaeh 2b Itlll Satin cf 4 110 0 Gilbert 2b 2 0 111 Hw'rr ir 4 1 1 1 OiColllm r( 4 0 110 Srir'lt Ih 6 2 1 12 O' Meri'lck If 4 0 0 4 0 lw'rfi 1 4 4 1 1 Mice lb 1 0 2 0 0 Stc lb 1 2 2 2 1 oe'skl 40141 tv'w I 1 21 I Duru'er 4 0 0 0 4 rVD'M 1 0 0 0 onar-dl 3b 4 0 2 0 0 Winford 1011 Karaa'w 1 0 0 0 3 ful 14 I 2 27 iei Total 27 I 27 17 iRjitrd lor Kamabaw 51 'IwmnRtl IS? ft Liiui 1W 001 000 Cumnury: Thapman Goodman Ttovennw Rum batted Thtvenuw 2 Lmrhardl 2 Chapman 2 Goodman I Hernia Davu Mile- Twn-baee Hem Cuvier Herman It Davia Rixs franell Threa-baee Chapman H'-m Goodman Mine SaeriUc-R Da-m Double play Nrlarh Du roe her Mu Chapman Thevenow Scaraella Lett on hue Cincinnati in St Louie in Baaea no Davia I Winford 2 Strike nutw-Pevie 1 Winford 2 Ramahaw 1 )ff wnford 13 tn 6 1-3 Innlnaa Kamelww in 1-1 Loflna Winford Imrdon Finrlit Gotti 2:18 SKCOND GAMS CINCINNATI ST LOUIS abrhoa1 abrbo1 Chu lb 1 3 1 Moor ef 6 13 10 fiono'a rf 1 I 1 4 UiFrtidl 2b Wilber ef 6 1 2 I 0 Gilbert 2b Herman If 6 I 3 2 O' Colltm rt irare'a 1b 3 I 2 2iFullls rf Rina 3b 4 1 2 0 2 Mad'lck If Ce'eHril 1 1 3 4 0 Mill Ik Tbev'w ei 6 1 I 4 2' Davli Frey 6 12 1 Uoc'wikl a 4 13 0 3 I i 3 113 0 3 10 10 6 4 4 0 I lie 3 0 13 6 3 6 0 3 1 4 0 0 4 3 4 1110 0 1 a a i G'baldl 3b Rhem Heiueer Farne'w Dsa 1 a Twill 4513M3T13I Cmt-nniti llKlil Summary: Frey 3 richer Rum baited tn Gnodi Totals 43 14 37 14 4M 80S 11 003 100 3 Frlarh Du-Imin 1 Wslk- Campbcll I Midwlrk Mr 8rarella Harm Hirmsa 3 Dvll Collin rimphrll 2 Midwlrk Rips Three-b Goodman Mini Doubt Mlio nurorhrr Earnehaw Pnvli to Girl-hul' lft on Cincinnati 7 St Imih in Ram on 1 ftift-mns-Frif HniMif 1 Enrmbiw Off Rhfffl 4 in A Inntnss: Hmurr In 3 1-3 me haw 6 tn 3 2-3: I Loifnr pfiihrr Rhim irr Gotta 2:21 2 Mis I Chapin HISS- Two- Brooklyn Takes Two from Boston 4-0 5-2 BOSTON Aug The Brnklyn Dodgers won both games a doubleheadcr from the Boston Bmg today 4 to 0 and to 2 In the first game Fred Frank-house restricted Boston to five hits while his mates made nine against Cantwell and Boh Smith double to left started a thrre run eixth inning rally when it was followed by Cooney's single Currinello's error on Bucher's pounder and singles by Hassctt nd Phelps FIRST GAME BROOKLYN I BOSTON abrhos 4 0 116 4 0 118 3 3 0 1 2 4 0 6 3 0 FM'PI 4 0 1 7 0 Cliecl'o 3b 3 0 1 3 0 1100 rf 4 0 3 8 0i Lea If 30310 4 10 14' Urbsn'l 3b gM iy If 4 0 3 I 0 Lop tank'O 6 1 1 1 Csnlwtll I 0 0 1 4 sB 1 0 0 0 0 I Smith 36 4 27 lli Total! 30 012710 RsitMt for Cantwin is stvrntb S'kiyn 000 003 100-4 noo non notary: Error Wsrstlrr Curetnplki fif Runs hatted In Cooney Hnaaeit 2JJPI Two Haas Wllaon Frank-Lr Stolen Phelps SaerlllM Pouhl orris in Frey EJIl'Mtt left on Brooklyn 6 1J17- Off ttankhonae WHkwaiip-R Frankhousa 7 Cantwell off-JCantwell 0 In 7 Innlnpa: 1 3 Lnslnp plIrher-CantwHl TrMaserkurth Quisley and Moras -I nnm JKCOND GAME BROOKLYN BOSTON ahrkoal sbrhni 3hVo jJ 3 Moor rf 4 0 13 0 3 1 1 0 Jnr'n lb 4 1 110 0 4 110 0 Berper rf 3 0 3 3 0 4 0 14 1i Cunt'n 3b 4 0 1 3 6 4 018 fl'Le ir 4 0 0 3 0 4 1113 Warat'r as 4 0 0 1 I JJOtO Lopes 3 0 0 4 0 2113 Lannlns 3 0 0 0 0 IChtplln 0 0 0 0 1 laThnmp'a 110 0 0 Bush 0 0 0 0 0 1b rf £ev ss ttehir Tsttis 53 37 111 Totals 33 1 1 37 10 for Chaplin In etehtti non oo4 i ooo oio-i C17! Errors Frey CueeMtlln PhiSJ' tans tatted- fn-HasMtt 2 eli S1? Butrher Urhsoakl Cooney Bsrrtflce 1 TMuhls Phelps to WtrstuI11 7 Jordan to Haaaeft glS tCuerimllo to Jordsn Left Boston 6 Bases on i off Lnnnln 2 Btrurh rhsniii? RuirBsr 4 by Lannlns 1: by isPBV Buh Hit Off Lannlns "'t nk "ff Chaplin 1 tn 2 1-3: Loaln Lannins Quirtey orM llsperkurth Tims Falls City Open' J'olUi City baseball club has open B'o on Sunday the rest the 1 woud ke to book rosd 011 Rmith at 0r write him 11 7184 Mon Win Double-Header 5-3 and 2-1 to Sweep Series SOUTHPAWS TAME TRIBE Joiner Holds Memphis in First Game ai Nelson Falters and Darrow Outpitchei Touchstone in Second Biwrlal To Th CnmmarrlAl Appeal BIRMINGHAM Aug 9 -Tjte Union mopped up with Ihe Chicks In today's double-header giving them the entire series ot four games After winning the first gsme ft to 3 they c-nme hsck in nlxhteap to win 2 lo 1 behintl (Jeorg Dnrrow's xlendy Irft-hnmt-Ing It wss Dnrrow's sixteenth victory of the year Darrow allowed hits to four obtained by hie mule off Clay Touchstone and Snl-lie Carter but was almost Invincible In the pinches Another southpaw Roy Joiner look the decision for Birmingham the first gome in which he wss opposed hy Lynn Nelson snd Dutch Henry Joiner had allowed only onn run until the ninth when he wilted under tha heat and tha Chick at lack and had to be relieved hy Jones First Wood In Barone The Rarnne shoved aver two runs in the opening inning of the first game fnr a lead they were never to relinquish With one gone Clancy singled James hoisted to Cntclla but Rtephanaon's sharp double to left brought Clancy all tha way around Bcolt drew a walk and Sueme's single sent Blephenann across Memphis was presented with a run In the fourth after two were out Farrell eingled to left the first hit off Joiner Duke beat out a high bounder to the left of the mound and when Joiner' belated throw to first got hy Clancy Duka ran home being aafa on a close play at tha plate The Barone got this gift run bsek In their half on a walk to Scott his theft of second and Sueme'a second ingle In the sixth the Barons add od two to their total James led by besting out sn Infield hit Stephenson's second two-bagger this one a wsllop into right moved Finky to third snd he came home on Nelson's wild pitch Stephenson took third nn the heave and after Scott walked fnr the third time in ss many trips In the piste Sueme's fly tn Colcllo brought the Baron leader home The Chicks grew militant in lha ninth hut were cheeked after making twn runa Benning singled with one nut snd wan forred hy Farrell Duke's triple to right a drive that Scott almost caught put him over snd Reeae'a single to right scored Duke Cotelie singled to left Reese stopping at second and Jones replaced Joiner Grace a left-handed batter was lent In to hit for Calvey and was out on a- alow hopper to Sanford 1 Scott Hits Homer Scott's tenth home run driven Into the negro grandstand in tho second gave the Barons an 'early lead in the second game Scott socked the first pitch Memphis matched this run In the fourth Duke leading with an Infield hit to Cihocki Reese sacrificed and after Cotelie hnd been tossed out by Sanford Duke moving 'to third single to right knotted the core Tha Bnrnns untied tha knot the fifth knocking Toiirhatone nut of the box A walk to Cihocki started the rally Darrow went up intending In sacrifice hut he also drew a walk Rsnfnrd's single to ranter scored Cihocki with the winning run Carter replaced Touchstone and got Clsnry nn a fly In Duke and then retired ths side on Jamas pop fly lo Farrell NEGRO LEAGUES END Trojan I' part Beau Briimmel -At Orange Mound 3-1 The regular schedule of the Rsc restion Department's Negro Soft (mil League ended yesterday before large crowd at Orange Mound and Douglas Farks The main attraction was Wright Street Trojans' to 1 win over the previously unbeaten Beau Brum mels Thia upset coupled with Hayes 4-0 victory over Davia Funeral Home threw first place In division one Into a three wav tie However the Wright Street Yank continued to reign supreme in division two closing the season with a defeatlesa record trouncing Orange Mound Undertakers by a 6-1 mar-The other contest wss a 7 tn 0 gin xlctnry fnr Qualls over JC unie Memphis Trnn Distributor faF daad oma agreed that at least four teama in Memphis would rato favorites over either of the eluha seeing action at 8ialer'o North Side park White and Griffin made the Rt ATLANTA DIVIDES TWO Lookouts Take First Behind Linke's Hurling ATLANTA Aug 9-(AD-Ed Links gave up only two hits In the first gams of a doublcheader today to give Chattanooga a 4 to 2 victory over the Crackers who cams back brhind tho oteady hurling of Emil Leonard to capture the nightcap 2 toO FIRST GAME CHATTANOOGA I ATLANTA gbrhnal ahrhna Mlha'e 4 3 Hamel rf 40 61 Olive 4 A I 2 li Mailho rf 31 Wright rf 4 1 1 2 A Hnuk lb 2 101 Slng-n rf 4 1110 Llpar'b 1M I I I I Tavlnr lb 4 A 111 Richards 3 0 3 If 3 1 I 4 llill 3b 313 Nil Jh 411 4' Rmwrt If 3 I Cm'lnn 4 1111 Chal'm 2132 Unka 1111 1: Thomas 1 0 0 I I sHutrhr'n 1 0 I T'Ual" 34 4 27 1 Total" 2 2 2 27 11 Railed fnr Malllm In fimlh Clixiiannoga Id 11 Mil -4 Atlanta iwiu (wm 3ua 2 Summary: Rlrharda Chalham 2 Runa balled In Wrigld Nix 2 Ollvarra Rlrhard llill Twn bans hlla Links Idpacomb Slngtnn Threa base hlla- Rnnuwiia Home Wiirhi Double tn Chalham Mlhallr In Tayliy Lell no Challanmiga 6 Atlanta 1 Baaaa on Oil Linka I Thomas 2 Bv Link 2 Thomas 6 Hit hy By Link (f'hxl-haml Wllllama and Grlgg Time SECOND GAME CHATTANOOGA I ATLANTA ahbhoal sbrhng Mlh'le 2b 1 1 Hamel rf 1114 0 Ollv'ea aa 2 0 3 II Malllm rf 3 1 1 I Wrlahl rf 1 fl 01 Hnnka in 3 0 Slngtnn rf 3 1 Llpae'b 2b 3 1 1 2 Taylor Ih 3 0 0 Rlrharda a 3 1 4 Bnno'ts If 3 0 3 A Hill 3h 3 0 I 1 Nix 3h 311 li Brown ir 3011 1 A 3 01 3 I 3 Benloa 2 0 0 61 Leonard 2 0 0 0 1 -I Tnlala 26 IB Bl Tolala 2 7 21 6 Chattanooga no nun Atlanta 10 1 00 x-2 Summary: Runa hatted tn-Upacnmh Rlrharri Two baa hlta -Rlnxlon lna-enmb Hnnka Lmoard IbnibM Laonard tn Chatham to Hnuk" Ilpaenmb In Hnnka Left on Chat-tanonga 6 Atlanta 1 Bate nn OH Bentim 2 lamnard I By Leonard 4 Renlnn 2 Pained ball Hnlbrnnk Grlgg and William 1:20 Traveler Take Two From Pelicans 5-1 2-0 NEW ORLEANS Aug (AD The relicnna sent the Travelers on their way this afternoon nfler losing both ends of a double-header 8 tn 1 and 2 to 0 Cy Moore pitching the shut nut for the Rocks Jennings Poindexter was credited with Ihe first victory although he was shelled from the mound after seven and one-third Innings and was replaced by Kola Sharpe FIRST OAMK LITTLE ROCK I NEW ORLEANS ahrhna' ahrhua K'k'mp rf 4 1 13 lrwln 113 2 G'flllw ullll 1 1 Fleming rf 8 2 3 1 Cr'fnrd ir 4 0 13 liHrnrlrh rf 3 I 12 WTma 2h 1 fl 0 3 tiGleeann If 2131 Andrua 3b 1 fl 1 2 3 Mnigan lb 3 1 2 1 Deal r( 2011' Cnnnnlly Malay Ih 3 I I fll 3h-2h 4133 Rlr a 4 1 I A liBmllh lb 224 P'dexlrr 4 1 A M'Cm'k 3b I Sharp Half a 4 fl 1 1 fl I Draka 3 fl Kardnw Thnmai pf 1 fl 0 Ixltnaa 10 luW'g'nxr join -I TMSTX 11 6 7 £7 1 Tmli 36 1 1 1 37 13 Bailees fnr Smith In aithth fnr Thomas In n'nU Luti rock one on i New Or Manx ana Ilia 1 Summary: Errare Andru Irwin Runa hailed Henrlrh Pnindexler Griffith- WiiHami Andiua Tam-h Hlf Mnrran Home Henrlrh Xhwhle plnv rnnnollv Smith Mnun Iei haaei- Llill" Naw 11 Ram nn Off DreVa 7 off Tndraler 1 nff Kardnw 1 Slni-h Sr irr Drab 1 hv Thnmaa 1 HP- Off nk in Innlnn wih a mn Kr-How I in inn'n-a wllh run ff Fnln-it-xtar 'n 7 1-1 Inlnra with I ma HU hr norher- a pnindixirr I c-l-r-r Winn a-nitrhnr 1 Hehar- nrrr iim-ire -Reeder and Campbell Tim-- 'V' irrUKP ry LITTLE ROCK NEW ORLEANS ahrhn a' ah hn a N'amn ef 3 1 1 11 Irwin 1 1 1 4 1 O' fll a 3 12 11' Oner If Cr'fnrd If 1 1 11' rlr rf Warn" 7H 3 1 rf Andnia Ih 1 Mnrran Ih nai rf 3 1 I rrni'iv Malay lb 3 4 fl' Smith 7h Hire 2 1 "Iilrv Mnnra I xFlemlns Tnlal 17 2 8 71 3'Tnlala 23 Balled fnr Smith In ninth Lime Rnrk 22 22 1 11 New Orleans Summary: Run hailed Crawfnrd 2 rwn-baae Crawford Thrre-he hill AuTry Henrlrh Deal ford Dmihl Winraaraer in Irwin in Smllh Left on Llill Rork 3 New Orlrani 4 Rare on halla-Olf Wlnrsar-ner 1 Smirk Ry Wlnryamer 6 Mnnra jS Campbell and Reeder lie 30 ft a three-gam scries lha largest wrek-day attend- an-e of I he year ia anticipated anticipated iCarrt fans anxiously await Ihe re- turn of Paul Dean and the addition of Si Johnson to bolster a wobbly mound staff SI Louis In buxelMill rnty again The t'nrdiiiHl slaying around the field far from It But they have more hustle than any gang of pro- parks tennis tournament start ing hero Aug 17 The Commercial Appeal champions will rompele along with 100 other players from cltira and Hawaii SKAFF HOMERS TWICE F( Knoxville in Double Victory Over Vols 5-4 2-1 KNOXVILLE Aug (API-Frank Sknff third baseman hit ft home run in each gam to drive In the wlniUng runa aa Knoxville defeated Nashville in a doiiblehesder today 8 lo 4 find 2 to 1 and broka even in the four-game aeriea before rrowri of 3800 Leo Moon Kmoky anttlhpnw and Lord Byron Spare of tha Vola pitched masterful ball In lha night rnp each allowing four hlta Tyler doubled and Sknff homrred In lha fourth while tha Vola Iona wore came In the fifth wllh long drive over the fenre by Wlalart It was Moon's 13th win of the season and Kpcece'a second failure to will hia 20th game NASHVILLE I KNOXVILLE brboal abrho Outlaw 3h 6 0 3 2 Mauldin rf 3 i 1 Hudda 2b 4 a I 6 4 Ntnrltn 4122 Tallt II 4 11 Uf'wrll lb liwyer rf 421 F'lhera 11 4 112 liTyler rf W'adrll Ik I I I 1 c4f 3b W'lerl Ih 01 Hnyiler 2b R'nurg rf 4 12 1 Bandy B'arein aa 4 1 3 Baurra Klland 1 6 1 Barnea 314 xo'M'ity 1 0 4372 412 3 12 1 4 3 10 2 4223 3 102 110 13 Tolala 37 4 10 24 WiTntal 34 6 13 37 14 g-Halled for Barnet ninth Nashvllla ul 11 4 Knnxvllla 031 on Summary: Flarlln 2 Kuna halted Rlehbnurg I Mauldin Plant- Caldwell Skaff 1 Peacock Waadell Twn baa Tylrr Featlwra ThrM-haaa hit Tylar WandrlL Home Rlchhourg Rkatf Baerilira Tyler Dnuhla play Rrbarain In Kndda tu Waadell Latt an Naahvlll a Knoxville Baa on 4)(f Klland 1 Harnca 1 Struck mM Klland I Rauara 4 Barnet I Hlla Klland III Inning I runa Barnea 6 In inninga no runa Winning Rauera Lnalng F-lland and klcLarry 1:3 IRKCOND GAME) NABHV1LIK I KNOXVILLE abrhaal abrhoa Outlaw Jh 3 0 1 11: Mauldin rf a 12 0 Rudd 2b 20 liKiarlln aa 1 fl 1 I Tallt If 112 O'Cald'ell lb 1 It 0 Dwyer rf 3 01 aiPeath'i II 3 0 0 1 Wixtert Ih 3 1 1 1 OlTyler rf 3 I 1 3 0 Hrhar'n aa 2 fl 1 URkatf Jh 1111 Rlrhh'g ef I 0 I 2 BIelr 2h 31 D'Mellry 1 Davia a 3 I Bprera 10 1 1 Mooa 31 Tmair 33 fT IS liTmal 14 31 1 Naehvilla "I1 513 1 Knnxvllla 20 3 Summary: Error Skaff Rndda Buna hailrri In-lkalf I Wlalerl Twn-baaa hlla-Tyler Horn Huna-Rkaff Wlalerl Dnuhl play Blair lo Flarlln tn Laid-wrll 2 I fit no haxea- I Knnx-villa 3 Slrurk nul -Bv Rprere 6 41m- lib pirra- Mrlmrry and Alnamllh WILSON LEADS IN SKEET Breaks 23 Straight Ainng With Trgthnf snd Has Total of 29 Gilbert Wilson led Ihe amateurs yesterday in tha weekly shoot of tha Hillslda Rkect Club breaking 49 including tbs first string of 23 straight at the club since it began operating about two months ago A Tegthof duplicated Wilson's feat getting 49 and 25 in a row but he ia a professional Scores: Wllaon 24-28 It: TeiiUml xN Powell Maury lflwlrh a Rnthmrk Jr 23-22-46: Lurry Hnfnaletler 44: Dr Evan" Dr A if GnHman 22-22 ft BUI Lefl-wleh" Harrleon 41: Dr Serum Taylor Jimmy xR Rnlhrock 21 Durham WII 11am a Had 3S Pnaton ISIS-36 Kd Hall 36: Ed Hall Jr Milltrk 19-14-33: Frenh O'Sullivan Jlmmv Tale 27 Barhea 2lxlt Walter Fletole Jr 20x20: Morion Mallory 1xlS: Perkin 14x14: Walker Perry 13x13 Waller Plalnle 12x12: Elmer Tann 11x11 Mls Mary Deloach Jlxll Dr Boh Ramey mil THE SAMELSON CO INC th nix in CHICAGO Aug Forty thousand fans saw the Chicago Cubs take the lead in the National League pennant race today by taking both ends of a double-header from the Pittsburgh Pirates 9 to 3 and 10 to The double victory ran the Cubs' winning streak to four straight In the opener Chicago scored twice in the first frame and then knocked Macs Brown out with a six-run blast in the second Bill Lee limited the Bucs to nine hits to win his eleventh victory of the season Billy Herman had a homer a sin-gle and his forty-second double of the year in five trips iTrann 3b In the nightcap Curt IcLhki Reese rf Cotelie cf Calvey 2b xGrsce Haley Nelson Henry Sanford 2h Clancy lb James cf Stephenson Scott rf pitched five-hit hhll to win his eleventh game so his motes pounded Ralph Birkofer and Jim Weaver for 13 safeties In this game Herman had "two for four" both being two-base hits that ran his doubles total for the second to 44 FIRST GAME PITTSBURGH I CHICAGO nbrhrt11 War rf 8 0 1 I Allen If 6 3 3 1 jgRMii If 0 I 0 Hck 3h W'erif iit "I KIT'? 4 i 5 0 i vwn 3 1 i ioJSi i i Rni'er 3h Yminp 2b Partden Brown Hoyt Lucas 4 0 0 1 I' Gala ef 4 112 o' 6 311 inooiiLnp 4001 I li 1 Sr WlaTSffi JJIJJif Pittsburgh non ooo one Chlcapn 200 000 0 Summary: Vaukhan Lea Kuna batted Hack Galas Cavarretta Allen Herman 4 Jurpra Waner Two haaa Buhr Young Cavarretta Hack Herman Home Stolen Allen Sacrifices Lee Suhr Double Herman to Cavarretta Left on Plttsburah Chicago 12 Bate on Off Brown I Let 4 Hnyt A By Hoyt I let I Off Brown In I 2-3 innings off Hoyt 10 III 0 2-3 Innings Losing pitcher-Brown Umpires Pflrman Plnellf and Stawart 2:07 (SECOND GAME) PITTSBURGH I CHICAGO abrhoai abrhoa Wa'r rf 4 0 3 0 Allen If 3 12 10 Jensen If 4 1 3 0 0 Hark 3h 0 1112 Wa'r rf 3 0 2 0 0 Her'n 2h 4 2 2 1 1 Ruhr Ih 4 0 Oil 2 Dr'arre rf 4 1 2 2 0 Vaug'n aa 3 0 0 2 3 Jurges a 4 0 111 Rnih'r Oh 4 0 0 3 I iMlan ef 3 0 2 1 0 Young 2b 4 0 1 2 4 Rtnlnh'k rf 0 1 0 2 0 Finney a 3 0 0 3 1 giephe'n 6 0 1 4 0 Herkofer 0 0 0 0 0 Cava'a 1b 5 210 I Weaver 3 0 0 0 1 Davia 2 0 0 1 6 i I I i5 i Barons 5 Chicks 3 FIRST GAME MEMPHIS Ab A 4 0 0 3 0 4 0 4 4 4 4 8 1 3 2 1 Marquardt as Benning 3b Farrell lb Duke if 34 3 7 24 9 0 BIRMINGHAM Ab A Jniner Jonei tlilllM Totals 30 8 8 27 1 x-Batted for Calvey In ninth MEMPHIS JMO 100 Birmingham 200 102 3 Summary: Runs batted Ste-Duke Reese phenson Sueme 3 Two-base Stephenson 2 Duke IThrec-hsse Duke Stolen bases iScott 2 Left on bases-Memphta Nelson 3" Strikeouts Nelson 1 j0ner Off Nelson 7 with runs in innings off Joiner 7 with 3 rune in 8 2-3 Innings Wild Bon6' Birmingham 4 Bases on Johnson and Grant Tims of game PHILADELPHIA Aug (AP) Giants won their seventh straight game and their eighth straight series victory their 20th triumph in the lent 24 games by defeating the Phillies to 2 today sweeping a three-game series NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA ahrnn M'rr If 6 13 1 Cnaeg rf W'heari Ih 1 0 6 2 M'rr If 3 13 0 Kirin rf rf 4 0 110 r'mllll Ih 8101 Wh'nry lb 3u 4 I 2 H'llann 2 0 0 I Nnrrla an 4 0 2 1 4 xKo'allk 0 0 0 0 II' Gome ttl 4 0 0 0 If Sperry 2h IFaearau Ij'nann iRxSullk 31 0 12 27 III Trial 21 2 8 27 14 Batted fur Norna tn ninth Batted tor Jolmaon In ninth York inn ooo 212-0 000 OOO 2 Summary: Error-Gnmee Run hatted in Leal! 1 Jacks Ripple Two-haap Moore pioIrn hato-Chiogg Jackaoo Whltehrid I-HoiiMe plmyn Paaaeau to Gome ot Cnmllll: Wllaon to Norrt Whitney to Sparry to CnmllU Bnr-tell to Whitehead Lett on haaea-Phlladel-phin 7 New York Rate on lla-Otf Paaaenu 4 Gumhert 2 Caatlemtn I Caetleman FniseM 1 Johnaon 1 Hits Paeseau 11 is Inning: Gumhert tn one-third: Johnaon non tn two-thlrri: raatlamnn 1 In l-l- Hlt hy (Oltl Wild plieh ahrhna 3 13 10 33 4 I 3 3 3 8 0 0 3 10 13 3 0 0 4 3 3 0 II 3 3 1 0 0 0 li 3 042 2 0 0 3 1 3 0 10 3 000 1 0 0 0 0 By Paaaeau lOltl Wild piten (lumber! Winning pllrher Cnailejnan lowing Paweaii Umpire" Klem Sears and Ballanlant Time-2: 13 rJ Memphis vs 8:13 Barons 2 Chicks I SECOND GAME MEMPHIS Ab A Marquardt ss 3 0 1 1 4 Benningjib 2 Farrell lb 3 Duke if 8 Reese rf Cotelie cf Calvey 2b xBoutwell Powell Touchstone Carter xxHaley eeeaaee 8 2 1 3 a 2 iO 1 Total 1 8 18 11 xBatted for Calvey in seventh xxBatted for Carter in aevenlh BIRMINGHAM Ab A Sanford 2b Clancy lb James ef Woodard If Scott rf Paimisano Trapp 3b Cihocki ss Darrow 3 a 3 2 13 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 Totals MEMPHIS Birmingham Summary: Runs batted Scott Sanford Calvey- Two base hits Sanford Home Scott Stolen base Paimisano Marquardt Reese Double Clhoc' kl to Clancy Left on Memphis 8 Birmingham 4 Base on balls 3 Darrow 1 Strikeouts Darrow 2 Touchstone Three hits and two runs off Touchstone in 4 1-3 innings Losing pitch' Touchstone Umpires Johnson Grant and Bond Tima of game CANOVA IN FRONT 11 TO 10 Turn Back Bottler's Bchali Club In Runhwnh IRgim Cenovti Coffee tripped Cocr-CoIr 11 te 10 yesterday In the Bushwah League st Hodges Field scoring twice in the ninth inning CANOVA COCA -mi A brhnal ahrhna If 2 1 1 Meyar If 4 0 0 2 0 Mona 3b 3 3 3 Hall If 10 0 1 Uaytnn 2h 4 1 1 2 rrv aa-p 4 112 6 WMt rf 0130 Hlh 1117 0: lulling 417 KKT 5 1 Werk'B aa 0 2 11-4 Willi lb 3 11 0 Waklen Ih 3 2 3 in Panin- If 2 100 Renner 3b 1 2 2 I JrSHtr 4 I tail Rarhnm 402 CBuehl rf 4 2 3 0 1 Warner ef 012 Tntala 44 I 13 20 11: Tntala 43 1 13 20 12 203 003 01 13 3 Ciuw-Cnla 016 in ni 1--I 12 3 Summary: Error Rlailg Wllllama fcherar Caytnn 3 Letting Two-haae Alatlg JM letting Werkhnveji Walden Threa-haee hit Rlxtig atolrn Buehl 2 Renner Walden 1 fl Pratl Lattlng Warkhoven Double Jell- Inning pltrhed-Rv Rlatlg by Pratt 7 2-5 3 1-3 with I run hlta P1- Faatd baU-achdrarT Wild Rlatlg Pratt Win-nlng 41 Pratt Basra nn Off Bnrhiwo 1 Rlatlg 3 prgtt 4 PI rurk Barbara by Pratt 7 by Rlatlg 1- Hit Wbitg 3 hy Riatig and Pratt 3:30 Umpire Devolo PlCKirO Raleigh Triumphs Raleigh nine turned back Sismnre Grocery 11 to 9 yesterday at Raleigh with Powell hurling DEB New Orleans Tonight 1 Totals 13 1 8 34 131 Toll 10 1127 12 Pttiahurgh JO 60 nj-1 Chicago HI 001 II -10 Summary Error -Vaughan Bnihnker Runt halted Jurgea 2 Hark Drmarer 2 Jenam Allen Slephenann Two-haae Ruriell Hrrgmao 2 CAvarrell Hack Dem-area 1 Allen Jurgea Horn Jenaen Stolen Galnn Allen Slninhnrk Aar i See Davia I Dmihla playa-Suhr Finney and Bnihnker LeG on haae Flllahurgn 0 Chicago 10 Bair ml Off Blrkofrer 1: olf Davia 2: ofl Weaver 4 Slrurk nut-By Elrimfer 4 by Davia 4: bv Weaver I Off Rlr-kofer 4 In 1-2 Inning left on -Plitahurch 0: Cbieagn 10 Ba onhall Blrkofar 3 Dovlo I Wniver 4 Slrurk mil-By Birkofer 1: by Davit 4 by Weaver 1 Hlia-Off Birkofer 4 1 1-3 Inning: off Weaver 0 In 0 1-1 Mnlnnn Lasing Birkofer Umplrra-Ploel-II Olewarl and Fflmuin 164 Olf rf Rlpplt iMllr i'kann M'eiirn G'hrrt Caa'man IVilila New Pbllndelphig Ott Joe WRESTLING MATCH HODGES FIELD MONDAY NIGHT 8:30 O'CLOCK Paul Harper vs Dick Raines BEST TWO lll'T Of THREE FALLS Otto Kuss vs Milo Steinborn a BEET TWO lll'T or THREE FALLS HURLS HITLESS CONTEST Buddy Diryer Lets Wormser Down Without Safety To Win JM Buddy Dwyer hurled a no-hit no run game for the Vollintlne eoft-hail elub yesterday as they trimmed Wormser HaU at Vollintlne Tlay Ground Claybrook Has Edge KANSAS CITY Mo Aug 9-Clpybrnnk Ark Tigers near" baseball club defeated the Schneider Jewelers 2 to 1 today Palmia a Cuban hurler gave up just three hits for the Tigers Tommy vs Frank Brown 3t USE FALL RILL LEK Referee Admluios II IS lUr S3e sail Adviar al W'si -4 UF- M1 MaM'Wfa mMaaara "H-k dfemJ afiaHC I'Wi 1 '1" 1 1 -gj.

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