The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • 2
- Publication:
- The Commercial Appeali
- Location:
- Memphis, Tennessee
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
2 SECTION I THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MEMPHIS SUNDAY MORNING APRIL 21333 Conducts School HITLEB TR0DP5 SEIZE SCHOOL III FMIF01T University to Be First Placed on Quota Basis Nazis Nab Newspaper Man For Just Writing Telegram Excitement of Nation Reflected by Arrest of Correspondent Who Was Penning Message to Home Office for More Funds and three daughters were witnesses today ia behalf of the pastor who is accused of attempting to attack Miss Hsian Huffman 18-year-old teacher of a Sunday school class The case will be given to tho Jury Monday Mrs Conway at tlmss was In tsars as she testified but the three daughters were calm Mrs Conway spoke charitably of Miss Huffman She said that oho thought the girl was a dupe of her husband's enemies mer Broadway singer was sent to tho homo of Mrs Louisa Carpenter Jenney at Montchianin near Wilmington Del Mrs Jenny hoe been her close companion since her husband Smith Reynolds heir to millions waa found fatally shot WIFE LOYAL TO PASTOR Testifies for Him oa Charge of Attempting to Attack Teacher MUNCIES Ind April The Rev Lemuel Conway's wife International relations and saw In the Rosenberg appointment the first drastic Nasi step toward later seis-ura of the foreign office Herr Rosenberg Nazi member of tha Reichstag and chief editor of the Hitler organ Voelkischer Beo-bachter published both in Berlin and Munich long has been the chancellor's chief foreign political adviser and was repeatedly sent on confidential mieslons to London and elsewhere Forty years old hs belongs to ths younger Nazi generation which has a bitter hatred of Soviet Russia and informad circles believe that he would not hesitate to break relatione with the UUSSR He is known for his anti-Semitism and his opposition to tha Catholic church BT EDMOND TAYLOR Special Cable to Chicago Tribune and The Commercial Appeal "50J00S Structural and Maintenance Supplied FRANKFORT-AM-MAIN r-msny April In Russia it's sabotage In Germany it's propaganda and lira This comparison was brought home to me yesterday In an Illuminating glimpse through a microscope of personal experience of revolutionary that swept Germany on the eve of a nation-wide boycott against Jaws I was arrested in street by Nasi auxiliary polics and taken to headquarters for questioning 1 was suspected of having plotted to send a telegram to' Czechoslovakia The Is cope against me was quashed deapi OLD "PIG-IRON" the Service Supt SAYS: "PADLOCKS don't mean a thing to this ruthless wrecker" conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra: Artur Bodansky conductor of ths German section of the Metropolitan Opera Company Harold Bauer famous pianist and president of the Beethoven Association Ossip Gabrilowitsch famous pianist son-in-law of Mark Twain and conductor of the Detroit Symphony Alfred Hertz former Metropolitan conductor Charles Martin Loeffler of Boston composer Fritz Reiner former Philadelphia conductor and Rubin Goldmark composer When Toecsnlni was being censured In Italy for refusing to play the Fasclta anthem Gabrilowitsch refused to appear at La 8cala as a gesture of protest and sympathy In announcing tha dispatch of the cable Barthold Neuer representative of Bodansky said that tha decision to send It was reached after New York musicians hod resolved word of widespread of artiste in Germany Two days ago he eald a letter was received from Germany detailing a long list of steps taken by German authorities including the dismissal of many musicians from their posts The letter also related he sold how Ottd Klemperer conductor of the Berlin Opera Company had been "beaten up by Thle was tha first report of bodily violence to thy German conductor Bank Account of Einstein Seized BERLIN April Political polics today confiscated a bank account of Professor Albert Einstein amounting to about ST 000 asserting that he Intended to use the money for treasonable acts Prussian Academy of Sciences expressed deep indignation at Professor Einstein's "participation in ths atrocity campaign abroad" nnd welcomed his decision to resign from ths academy A Brussels dispatch sold that Professor Einstein decided to resign hie Prussian citizenship earlier this week because of reports that he had received concerning the treatment accorded his married daughter in Germany Several days ago dispatches told of a raid by German Nails on the professor! home but they did not mention his daughter Hitler Moves to Make Foreign Policy BERLIN April (AP) While the nation's attention waa engrossed in the anlt-Jewish boycott today an event occurred which la likely to have the widest foreign ramifications creation by Chancellor Adolf Hitler of the political division of the Nazi party" with Alfred Rosenberg In charge How seriously this must be regarded may be seen from the fact that Baron Konstantin von Neurath yesterday offered hia resignation as foreign minister and was with difficulty persuaded by Vice Chancellor Frans von Pspen to remain Baron von Neurath it waa understood feared the adverse effect of the anti-Jewish boycott on Germany's Paris Jews Protest German Tactics PARIS April A pretest against the "persecution of their coreligionists In Germany" woe adopted tonight at a meeting of 600 representative! of all Jewish organizations in Paris An anti-German boycott declared effective at 10 am today was limited to an appeal to abstain from patronising Germans and neither pickets nor crowds gathered outside German stores Nazi Headquarter Bombed in Hamburg HAMBURG Germany April A bomb hurled by unidentified persona tonight wracked Nazi headquarters here No one was hurt Two other bomba filled with dynamite failed to explode Twelve Demonstrators Arrested in Geneva GENEVA Switzerland April (AP)r-Twelve anti-German demonstrators were arrested near the German Consulate today and extra police reserves dispersed a large crowd singing the Internationale The consulate building was wholly surrounded by guards to prevent violence Hugh Wilson United States minister to Switzerland who lives in the same building had to use the bock way because the front door was barred He was escorted to and from his home It was estimated that 200 German Jews and members of the Left parties are crossing the Swiaa frontier daily The Federal Council fearing aggravation of tha Unemployment crisis is debating the question of examining refugee! at ths frontier LIBBY PURCHASES BUGGY FRANKFORT-AM-MAIN r-many April While the Rational Socialist boycott of Jewish ahopi passed off with asceotional calm hare local Jewre tonight smart-KC ona of ths worst humiliations it baa known in modem timer Frankfort University mecca of Jewish culture was oocunicd by Kail storm troops this mominar and Jewish students and professors were obliged to turn in their academic passports They were prohibited from attending claas and it is reported that the university intends hereafter to limit both the Jewish students and professors in proportion to the population Frankfort University thus becomes tha first German university to put tha Jews on a quota Ironically this city which is the traditional capitd of German Jewry ae the seat of both Jewish finance and learning has already set ona record for speed in passing discriminatory measures against tha Jewa The threat to put Jewish lawyers on a quota went into effect here today Tha first contingent announced was tha admission of 11 Jewa to tha bar of the high court and IS to the ordinary bar Tha so-called Academy of Labor conducted by the university for workingmen has closed setting another precedent in Germany The Frankfurter Zeituna great Jewish organ and ona of Europe's greatest newspapers today paaaed from vailed criticism to strong attacks on tha government for humiliations of Jewa It voiced particular Indignation over a feature of the boycott which it alleges occurred in certain parts of Germany where Jewish children were turned from the schools Inquiry revealed that no such incidents occurred here Tha Frankfurter Zeitunr Incidentally had to submit to a Nan raid yesterday Its premises were searched for altered photographs of the arrest of the 35 Jewish merchants last Thursday At Kassel according to local papers an impromptu barbed wire concentration has been erected on ona of tha main streets to receive persona caught entering Jewish atoms since the boycott but as far aa could be learned it wna not used No violence In aoplvinr the boycott was reported in Frankfort or in this region Ona Jew was arrested on a charge of distributing pamphlets The only disturbance of any aort occurred at 9 o'clock tonight in one of the suburbs where a Nam picket in front of Jewish atom Was allegedly fired on and seriously wounded by three Reich ebanner men (Republican veterans! He wounded one of hla alleged assailants and all thma were arrested Lieut Charles Lnnhaxn instructor of military history at tha Infantry School Fort Bcnnlng Ga will lectum to local reserve officers on Psychology of at the regular aesalon of the combined branch school at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in the Federal Building When you padlock that plant that you shut down you havo neither stopped time nor locked out loss Tha most ruthless wrecker of property and equipment obsolescence laughs at padlocks wonts faster and more frightfully in idle buildings and on idle machinery You save in mora ways than ona by repainting replacing repairing reroofing et today's prices with Pidgeon-Thomas modernizing home of 50005' structural end maintenance supplies Perk in front of tho big store and Main and Iowa 5 of the 50005 ly but politely asked the sergeant while tha Nazis who had arrested us stood about ua in a circle it a crime to write a telegram in Germany?" I asked replied the sergeant you are suspected of being a foreigner engaged in anti-German propaganda" Studied Papers I then produced my American passport and my credentials of a newspaper map The sergeant studied them want to know whether you have written a telegram aa tha man ullages" Insisted the sergeant I under arrest?" I countered you're simply under suspicion" I have to answer yuur question?" I won't I refust to answer any question until you permit me to talk to tha American consul" can aea ha ia piped up the little man The-ahady individual concurred ua whether you wrote the telegram and if you wrote one show it and we'll let you go said tha Nazi policeman I talk to the consul?" I naked the telegram" said the Nasi mokes you think this telegram I am supposed to have aent contains anti-German propaganda?" I asked turning to tha prosecuting witnesses Appearance Against Him you are a auspicious appearing foreigner and I know you have been writing propaganda oi lies" tha accusers said do you know my telegram was addressed to Czechoslovakia? I asked must have been" was ths answer you assure me you ore not writing a telegram to Czechoslovakia containing false statements I'll let you go" offered the sergeant while etlll insisted upon phoning the consulate In view of the eminent opposition of the Nazis tha sergeant still did not want to let me call tha consulate We finally compromised by having tha police call a lorel Nazi who acted aa my host yeaterday On his assurance that I all right" the police immediately told me wee free have nothing against you but with all these Jewa spreading propaganda and lie abroad every foreigner la suspicious in turns like said ths Nazi leader by way of an excuse The two accusers still did not seem satisfied They excitedly whispered to the Nazla as my triend and I departed condemning testimony by two alleged witnesses when I was abla to eatab-llsh that I was present at a boycott mass meeting and tba day before at an official reviewing stand as guest of a prominent local Nasi Acted In Haste The genesis of tha incident was that I had been writing something on piece of paper Jn a restaurant in Koemerberg Square anJ hod returned the paper to my pocket with auspicious haate further that I had boon heard to uae tha word in a conversation with another American visitor in Frankfort with whom I waa having lunch Actually I had drafted telegrams to the Faria office of The Cuinmerclal Appeal and Chicago Tribune Bureau asking that money oa aent me My acquaintance and I emerged from the restaurant and proceeded about 100 yards when we heard a hue and cry behind ua Wc found ourselves surrounded by an excited crowd which included a couple of auxiliary policemen a half dozen Nazis in brown shirts aud a score or so of civilians A wild-eyed little man wea shouting in a hysterical voice that wa were foreigners who had been seen in the act of writing propaganda and lisa for abroad A large shady looking individual backed him up Mood Ugly With quiet authority the auxiliary Ktold ua to coma with him to uarters Though they technically have not the right to make auch arrests wa obeyed without protest as tha temper of the crowd was uncertain The regular police on traffic duty watched tha arrest but did not intervene At the headquarters which were nearby we were lined up before a police sergeant while our two accusers gave evidence The chief witneaa for tha prosecution who looked like on idle carpenter related how we had been scribbling furtively on a piece of paper He aafd he bod reason to believe it was a telegram to Czechoslovakia containing falsa news of attacks on Jewa of Frankfort you write a telegram?" stern Tools Piping Cements Baiting Contractors' Supplies put up a barbed wire fence around a Jewish warehouse and fixed on it a sign reading camp for bad eitixens who buy from Jews" Within tha fence they tethered a donkey In Hanover large numbers of persona disregarded tha boycott order and crowded Jewish stores Police closed off the buainesa streets explaining that they were acting In the interests of public safety At Stuttgart police seized five tons of Communist circulars printed In German and supposedly aent from Russia Switzerland and Austria Ruled From Borne At FTankfort-on-the-Maln an emergency court sentenced Hana Loewensteln to one year's imprisonment for circulating allegedly false stories of anti-Jewlih atrocities Jewish brokers functioned in the Frankfort bourse until the bourse committee ruled that all business must pass through tha hands of non-Jswish members The particularly alrong feeling against Jewlah lawyers and physicians was reflected by the placing of Nasi pickets near their residences These pickets were especially strong along Kalssrallaa and tha Kurfusr-itendam In Berlin where they warned everyone against invoking Jewish legal or mediral aid Signs reading shun Signs COMPANY Delivery of Carriage Indicates Singer Will Go To Home of Friend PHILADELPHIA April The first definite indication where Mrs Libby Holman Reynolds and her baby will go after leaving a hospital where her son woe born came today through the delivery of a baby carriage The carriage selected by the for SOfiOS Structural and Maintenance SuppUeeP rewish H11IED 11 0NE-D1T 1HTI-JEWI5HB0TCDTT (Continued fron Page One) GRUNOW'S GENIUS BRINGS THE physicians and and Jewlah bankruptcy" were carried through the streets not only by Nasi storm troopers but also by parading working girls and clerks Other Storm Close All Berlin stores not closed by the boycott locked their doom at pm to permit their employes to participate in the meetings in tha Luatgart-an at which Propaganda Minister Goebbels (poke Dr Goebbels announce that whether tha boycott would ba resumed on Wednesday would depend on ths attitude of tha Jews of tha must forever be eliminated from our people and our state women you am fighting a holy war" Prevented Looting world It has been ths contention of the boycott leaders that tha purpose of the movement wea to put an end to the circulation' abroad of reporta of Jewlah atrocities Tha propaganda minister disclaimed any intention on tha part of tha Nazis to look for international trouble Ths party deairea ha said to extend the hand of friendship to ell nations and to live In peace Among tha mercantile establish- menta closed were 10 big Berlin department storee and tha Tietz chain tores which alone employ 48 (XXI persons throughout Germany The great majority of tha Tietz employes are gentiles There were indications that even among tha Christian population tha boycott measure did not meet with unqualified approval Excited groups assembled before many stores debating the proa and cone of the question The gentiles of Berlin enjoying what amounted to a holiday heard numerous Nazi braze bands playing nappy military marches Street care carried Nazi Swastika and impair large Swastika banners were displayed by rial flags Especially large Swi red by shops IN Moved Last MAIN AND MONROE BECOMES NEW ECONOMY CORNER Ita mechanism ia simple It is trouble-proof and will give steady service day in and month out for cndlcas years in the future protecting your food and your family's health Prices are juat aa amazing aa the outstanding 34 features of the refrigerator They start at a minimum for a roomy 5-fu box All on view at our store live of the 31 great advantages ars: As it waa in radio now in re- frigrration Wm Gkunow genius of manufacturing has again set a new pace for an entire industry In the belief that all electrical refrigerators were too homely in appearance too complicated aa to mechanism too dangerous aa to the refrigerant wed too expensive to oicrate and too costly for the average customer to buy Mr Grunow started experimenting with a view to building a better and finer refrigerator at a lower coat He has 'done it! The new Grunow Refrigerator beautiful to look at and amazingly efficient in operation has been voted the finest ever produced It haa the exclusive use of a refrigerant which is non-poiaonoua in uae non-corrosive and non-exploaive 1 The efficient Grunow Com- pressor 2 The beautiful finger-touch latch Round corners for beauty and for easy cleaning 4 Loads of ice cubes can be had in a hurry 5 Sealed-in evaporator to prevent odors owned by Nazi Few Jewe were That the boycott le likely not to bo resumed Wednesday was apparent from a statement by Julii Strelrher leader of tho Munich central boycott committee which waa published by the Nazi press service "Judging from Incoming reports from abroad it le to be expected that resumption of the boycott can be avoided" Herr 8treicher said Ha voiced satisfaction over the unity of the German peopla in boycotting the Jewa but warned that should international Jewry want continuation of the fight the Naxli were prepared He expressed the belief that Jewry realizes the new Germany win not be tampered with" Composers Conductors Protest to Hitler NEW YORK April l-( A PI-Arturo Toscanini who was criticized two years ago in Italy for refusing to play the Fascist national anthem Joined 10 other celebrated musicians tonight In cabling to Chancellor Adolf Hitler a protest of ths Nazi treatment of artiste in Germany While the cable made no reference to Toscanini's engagement to act as musical director of the Wegner festival at Balreuth Germany next July correspondence between the other signers of the cable disclosed that Mine of them Bought to hart Toscanini cancel the engagement and refuse to go to Germany as a protest May Caned Date There have been reports that tha conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra who ia a native of Italy and not a Jew woe considering cancellation of the date His friends have represented him as feeling himself duty bound go to Balreuth because he has signed a contract Tonight however some of them said that they feared his signature on the rable of protest might lead to a cancellation in Germany of the contract The cable read: Adolf Hitler Germany Excellency: undersigned artists who live and execute their art In the United States of America feel the moral obligation to appeal to your sxcellency to put a slop to the persecutions of their colleagues in Germany for political or religious reasons We beg you to consider that ths artist all over the world Is estimated for his talent alone end not for his national or religious convictions Doubt Backing are convinced that such persecutions ss take piece In Germany at present ere not based on your instruction and that It cannot possibly be your desire to damage the htgh cultural esteem Germany until now has been enjoying in tha eyes of the whole civilized wwld that this our appeal in behalf of our colleagues will not be allowed to pass unheard ws are Ths signers besides Toscanini were Walter Dnmrosch composer and former director of the New York Symphony Orrheatra: Frank Dsmrosch director of the Institute of Musical Art Bcrgel Koussevltsky Last night while Memphis slept Pantaze Drug Store No 1 formerly located at Main and Mad'son waa bnsy moving just orv block south to hands new home at Main and Monroe Next week has been designated as REMOVAL WEEK and although everything is not in complete readiness Pantaze Service will be rendered from our new Main and Monroe location beginning Monday (tomorrow) morning Because finishing touches on our new home are being made some slight inconveniences or delays might result We earnestly ask our customers to be patient and bear with us All possible effort is being made to keep such interference to a minimum and we can assure you that the usual Pantaze courtesy care and economy will be present ns always ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR AU week beginning tomorrow (Mondog) will be REMOVAL WEEK and Pantaze Drug Store will eerre you in ite new location at Main and Mon -roe Monday April 10th will inaugurate FORMAL OPESIKG WEEK Everything will be finished an elaborate formal opening will be held and many tpeclal featurct planned tor our thotibando of patrone and frlende will be presented Where Monroe Meets Main Pantaze Greets Memphis VISIT NEW ECONOMY CORNER MAIN AND MONROE HOME OF PANTAZE DRUG STORE Pantaze Prices Are Always As Low And Usually Lower Than Any Downtown Store In Memphis Visit year nearest Rosier ter Issperllss three pew tOSsrrt Cltl'MOW Mnrfels sr write ns ter renplcts internist laa Have nrw Ulll'MiW tile-trie llefrlgerster Installeil In vnnr fcltehen ter snprems sstisteellen WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Memphis Tenn 36 West Calhoun Ave Telephone 65101.
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