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The Ottawa Daily Republic from Ottawa, Kansas • Page 4

Ottawa, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Republican. Telephone No. 33. Whooping Cough. A woman who has had experience with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequences from it.

She says; Our three children took nhnnninir rnnirh last Slimmer. OUT Pleaded OoiUy to Selling LI nor. Topeka, May 9. The first of the. liquor cases to he brought under supervision of the newly-appointed assistant attorney g-eneral for this (Shawnee) county was brought j'es-terday in the district court.

Mrr. Mahanna, the defendant, pleaded pruilty to four of selling liquor and maintainino; a nuisance. She will be sentenced by the court 7 4 Biliousness is a condition characterized by a disturbance of the digestive organs. The stomach, is debilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels constipated. There is a loathing of food, pains in the bowels, dizziness, coated tongue and vomiting, first of the undigested or partly digested food and then of bile.

Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets allay the disturbances of the stomach and create a healthy appetite. They also tone up the liver to a healthy action and regulate the the bowels. Try them and you are certain to be much pleased with the result. For sale by all druggists. It's about time for somebody to invent a rag-time watch.

The ladies wonder how Mrs. B. manages to preserve her youthful looks. The secret is she takes Prickly Ash Bitters; it keeps the system in perfect order. For further particulars call on H.B.

Brombacher. Few shoemakers are too good too last. Skin affections will readilv disaor The Kind You Have Always 111 use lor over years, ami Settle was tip from Welfla to greet old schoolmates Monday night. Mrs. Fannie Moyer is reported quite sick Davis was called to visit Mrs.

O'Niel, south of Richmond professionally Monday At the M. E. church Children's Day services the second Sundarf in June Miss Maud Rankin, of Ottawa University, was a Sunday g-uest of Mrs. Or-pha Davis, who was once a teacher of hers Mrs. Prank Spalding, of Richmond, was in town Friday shopping at her brother, Ben Gentry's store Communion services at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath; preparatory services preceding Saturday George Croyle has bought 160 acres of land of T.

Z. Wright The G. A. R. boys presented their quarterly claims for pensions to Uncle Sam Saturday Mrs.

James Howell i3 home from a two weeks' visit with her sifter at Alice, Kan Mr. James Shaw has purchased the Sellers farm for there are 110 acres. Sarah Lewis entertained at dinner Wednesday Mrs. S. D.

Henderson and Florence Messrs. O. A. Irynn, Frank Hendrix, Ad. Blough; Frank Davis, Elmer Jack and Dean Davis with Misses Emma Thornbury, Minnie Elliott, Ava Farnam, Myrtle Whit-taker, Blouch and Lolla Huxley attended the ice cream social at Wm.

Martin's at Central Tuesday evening. The company and place assured a good time Wm. Hasty, Grant's brother, has purchased a 122-acre farm of T. D. Grimes for $2,500.

Clifford Drum, of Ottawa, engaged in farm work at the old place last week. Edith Huff is staying with her sister, Mrs. H. E. Bingamon, and Inez with Mrs.

Frank Blow The need All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-ood' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness.

It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the v7 The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.

The centaur company, tt Murray strcct. raw vow city. Epworth League California Excursions Account Fifth International Convention of Kpworth League, San Francisco, July 18-21. San Francisco is an ideal summer resort weather always cool. Trip thither in summer, across high tablelands of New Mexico and Arizona, is pleasant air bracing, no oppressive heat or dust.

Best way to go is by Santa Fe Route, only line under one management, Chicago to San Francisco; daily trains to California, Fred Harvey meal service, personally-conducted excursions. On the way visit Indian Pueblos, and petrified forest, also Grand Canon of Arizona world's greatest scenic spectacle, now easily accessible. See southern California its noted resort hotels, idyllic valleys, majestic mountains, smooth beaches and lovely islands, its old missions, its semi-tropic fruits and llowers, its great oil wells. This important section reached via Santa Fe Route cheaper than most other lines and with greater comfort. Extremely low round-trip rates; liberal stop-over privileges; choice or routes returning; open to everybody.

All ticket agents sell via Santa Fe Route. Descriptive literature on request. Address V. J. Black, (Jen.

Tass. Afjcnt. A. T. fi S.

F. Topeka. Kan. Santa Fe Route. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1901.

Princeton. Mark Jones lost a valuable cow last week, killed by a passing- train. It is thought he is entitled to damages by Santa Fe, as it was" the railroad's fence the cow crawled through to meet her fate Mrs. Ellerbepk goes this week to visit friends in Oklahoma The wedding announcement in Princeton locals two weeks since was premature; the happy event occurred last Wednesday evening- at the Presbyterian parsonage at Richmond, Rev. A.

C. Edgar Interested parties were Miss Myra Shaw and Mr. Oscar W. Tarr, both of Princeton. The bride's dress was blue, with white trimmings, the groom's conventional black.

Friends attending- from here were H. C. Carpenter and wife, N. W. McCandless and wife, Miss Virda Carpenter and Mr.

Ephram Bair. Mrs. Edgar served light re fresh meitts after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.

Tarr are at home to friends on the old Sellers farm, which was recently purchased by the bride's father, Mr. Jas. Shaw The M. E. prayer meeting is changed from Thursday to Wednesday evening- at 8 o'clock Alvin Fritz reports his corn all in and coming- up Davies was postmistress pro tem Wednesday while the old folks attended the wedding at Richmond W.

E. Kibbe and wife spent Sunday with Grandma Johnson Hasty has his 100 acres of corn all planted and is revelling in "garden sass" ahead of his neighbors A mule from Chanute arrived on Thursday's freight for C. F. Nixon Princeton folks in Ottawa Saturday for business and pleasure were Mr. Morris and wife, Wm.

Yarham, Jas. Shaw and wife, Father Gregg, C. H. Chubbuck and Mr. Will Armstrong, Mrs.

Chas. Roberts Mr. Bump, night station agent at Richmond, was an all day g-uest of Agent M. M. Letts, at Mr.

Wells' home Monday. Murphy and wife celebrated the 10th anniversary of their wedding- Friday. Among- guests present were Rev. Funston, wife and daughter Ion. V.

Burkdoll got a fresh supply of iodide of pottassium at Dr. Davis' Pharmacy for the cure of lump-jaw cattle Prentice has the honor of representing her class at Ottawa commencement, her grades averaging- the highest Wm. Armstrong- has a two week's job house building in Ottawa Mrs. Bertsell Smith is on the sick list Elra Lan- ham was down from Ottawa Monday for Alumni meeting Geo. Garst had hay on the Ottawa market Saturday.

Charley Tawney was in town Monday distributing the wall paper advertised in the Republican-Times last week Word comes from 'Nels. Nesbitt, of Wyoming, who changed his abiding place some time since for the sake of his health, that he is doing well physically and financially. He has built and moved into a nice new house, while his father, Comrade Nesbitt has grown young again, and been earning- his S3 per day carpentering- in Denver. Jones is finishing the upper story of his dwelling. Hodgins took charge of business at the station Tuesday afternoon, during; the absence of the agent.

Grandma Johnson had a bad spell, one day last week. She fell and was unconscious of the McNatnara was at the station Sunday to see his sister off for Kansas City Co. shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City Monday Princeton vs. Acorn opened the ball game season Tuesday Dr. Huff was over from Williamsburg-, Saturday.

cream served daily by Mrs. Huff at her hall on Main street Cake, pies and bread for sale Quarterly meeting at theM. E. church Sunday. The Presiding- Elder Dur boraw will preach in the evening.

LILLARl) LILLARD Fire. IjlSUBBjlCE Tornado. Health and Accident. A NON-UNION OFFICE. 211 Main Street, Up Stairs.

Telephone No. 293. WHENEVER and whatever you paint, you want to be sure of results. Devoe ready paint is better than lead 1 and oil for outside or inside work wears better, looks better, costs less. The makers put a satisfaction insarance policy on it.

S. H. LUCAS, Dealer in and TOILET arti cles. PAINT, OIL, VARN- uKusuiis, etc. r( i Agency for Devoe Ready fninti Colors.

jC GLEANING and REPAIRING. After ten years' experience in the cleaning and repairing of gaso line stoves, or-gans, sewing- machines, clocks and furniture upholstering of all kinds, I am now located it 522 Walnut street. New 'Phone No. 496. 23.

Barnes, FARMS IN DEMAND If you want to sell, list with Purdy Moyer. We are making sIes every day. A 46 Near Town for Rent. E. P.

SESSIONS, UNDERTAKER. Open Night and Day. 211 S. Main Ottawa. H.

L. KENNEDY, D. 0. Graduate of the A. S.

O. Under Dr. A. T. 'STILL.

Discoverer of the Drugless Science. Cottsultatlou ad Examination free Office: Room 8 over H. L. T. Skinner's.

Cal, promptly answered. Terms reasonable. 18 baby boy being only three months old, and owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plumpness and came out in much better health than other children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough syrup T- TT.I1 Detween wnoops. jessie tr lnney citii, Sorinerville.

Ala. This Remedy is for sale by all druggists. Ufn a man r.Vi a jj-m hiss mind the other fellow is apt to get the worst of the bargain. The Spring Fever is a malady which no one can escape at this season of the year. The vitality is usually overtaxed during the winter months, and spring finds the system all run down.

The blood is thinned and impure. Kidneys and liver are inactive resulting in a loss of energy and appetite, and a derange ment of the nerves. celery Nerve Compound will purify your blood, tone up your nerves, and leave you feeling fresh and energetic. Sold by C. Li.

Cowdery and The Kaiser. Pawnbrokers are the -pioneers of progress: thev are always ready to make an advance. Alas! How Soon Forgotten! is an ache or a pain or trouble of any kind when one is well rid of it, and if it happens to be headache or stomach trouble that bothers you, take Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and you will not only forget you ever had it, but will know that you are not liable to have it again. The dose is small and it is pleasant to take.

C. I. Cowdery. Girls, if you can't marry the man you want, coax some other man to marry you. Easy to Cure a Cold if you go about it right.

Take two or three Krause's Cold Cure Capsules during the day and two before retiring at night. This will insure a good night's rest and a free movement of the bowels next morning. Continue the treatment next day and your cold will melt away. Price 25c. Sold by The Kaiser and C.

Cowdery. Every time a fool sees a glow-worm he wants to turn in a fire alarm. Alone in Mid-Ocean or on the train, in the house or at your office duties, you are subject to disagreeable results from irregular or excessive diet. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin cures positively constipation, indigestion, sick headache and stomach trouble.

Sold by C. I. Cowdery. A man of few words and many deeds is like a garden of many vegetables and few weeds. Get What You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarets Candy Cathartic be sure you get them.

Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud.

Beware! All druggists, ioc. The harder it is to acquire anything the longer we retain it. Petersburg, Oct. 13, 1899. Pepsin Syrup Monticello, 111.

Gentlemen: Our baby Esther has never tasted a drop of medicine other than Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for more than a year. It entirely cured her of constipation. She is a lovely child and since I gave her your inedi cine she has been perfectly healthy, although she had not been well and strong until we began using it. We know of others who are using it with equally good results.

Wishing you success, gratefully yours, Mrs. C. A. Truckmuuer Sold by C. L.

Cowdery. Babies are angels whose wings grow shorter as their legs grow longer. In All Stages of Nasal Catarrh there should be cleanliness. As ex perience proves, Ely's Cream Balm is a cleanser, soother and healer, of the diseased membrane. It is not drying nor irritating, and does not produce sneezing.

Price 50 cents at druggists or it will be mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. Upon being placed into the nostrils it spreads over the membrane and relief is immediate. It is an agreeable cure. A man never appreciates ashes until he slips on an icy pavement. If people only knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be used in nearly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eating, belching, flatulence, sour stomach or waterbrash, caused by indigestion or dyspepsia.

A preparation, such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from the stomach, will digest your food, certainly can't help but do you good. Lt. Cowdery. The undertaker covers up the blun ders of the physician. As the hot weather of summer is approaching, this paper will constantly keep before its readers TEETHINA, a remedy which, where known, is being universally used to prevent and counteract the effects of warm weather upon small children, and it is hoped that all mothers of this comma niiy win Keep tneir cniiaren a healthy condition by giving it, for it costs only 25 cents at druggists; or 25 cents to J.

Mottett, M. St. Louis, Mo. A blush on the face is better than a blot on the heart. The most vierorous workers have spells of "tired feeling" now and men.

xnis ieeung is caused by derangement of the stomach, liver and bowels. A few doses of Pricklv Ash Bitters auicklv corrects the disorder- sends the blood tingling through the veins, carrying life and renewed energy throughout the system. Sold by n. cromDacner. Ignorance shuts its eves and imae- mes it is right.

'Ou'r little crirl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. I quickly secured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, 'giving her three doses. The croup was mastered and our little darling speedily recovered." So write A. Lt. Spafford.

Chester. Mich. T. Cowdery. The husband reigns, but the wife rules.

DeWitt's Little Earlv Risers search the remotest carts of the bowels and remove the impurities speedily with no aiscomiort. i ney are famous for their efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. L. Cowdery.

Bean tiie The Kind Yes Kara Always Bougfit Bifnatare of and her liquors ordered destroyed Topeka is more dry than at any time since Mrs. Nation's crusade. Very little liquor is beiiif- sold and even this is being1 sold in as secret a man ner as possible. Joint Smashers Demand a Trial. Topeka.

May 9. The trial of Rev. F. V. Kmmerson and Dr.

li. Mitchell, charged with joint smash ing, started yesterday in the district court. The men are charged with leading a mob which destroyed the Curtis wholesale liquor house in North Topeka last March. It was ex pected that the men would plead guilty and receive a nominal fine, as some of Mrs. Nation's women follow ers have done, but thev demanded a trial.

Cumberland Presbyterian Women. Marshall, May 9. The Cumber land women's eonven tion closed yesterday afternoon after four days" good, earnest work. Place of next meeting not decided. Kxcel lent speeches were made by Mrs.

D. Steele, of Alabama; Mrs. T. A. Wig ginton, of Indiana; Miss Jennie Kus sell, of Tennessee; Miss Edna Iiaker and Kate Halts, of Missouri.

The latter is junior superintendent of the State league. A Fire at Seattle, Wash. Seattle, May 9. A fire orig inating in the basement of the Mitch ell, Lewis Staver company, where a large quantity of lubricating oil was stored, spread to the Globe hotel ad joining and to the Leland block, occu pied by a saloon and lodging house doing damage to the amount of $50 000. C.

Sterns was severely burned The loss is nearly covered by insur ance. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment.

Hall Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying- the foundation of the dis ease, and giving' the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing her work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney Toledo, O.

Sold by druggists, 75 cents. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A man in a position to do "good and learn something useful is in his prop er place. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Fourteen Years of Suffering. "I have been afflicted with sciatic rheumatism for 14 years," says Josh Edgar, of Germantown, Cal.

"I was able to be around but constantly suf fered. I tried everything I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamber Iain's Pain Balm, which I did and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured, and I am happy to say it has not since returned." Why not use this liniment and get well? It is for sale by all druggists. Cleanliness may not be next to god liness, but it's a good life preserver. An Extensive StocK Raiser Tells How to Cure Scours in Calves. Wm.

Abbott, of Tyndall, S. Dak. quite an extensive stock raiser, has for a number of years used Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for scours in calves and says he has never known it to fail. He gives a teaspoon in water as directed on the bottle for an adult man, after each operation of the bowels more than natural. Usually one dose is sufficient.

For sale by all druggists Women often confess little faults for the purpose of hiding big ones. No Loss of Time. I have sold Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugar than it. I sold five bottles of it yesterday to threshers that could go no farther, and they are at work again this morning. H.

Phelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma. As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day's time. You should keep a bottle of this Rem edy in your home. For sale by all druggists. No, Willie Green; the fly leaf of a book would hardly make a good kite.

What Shall We Have for Dessert 1 This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it today. Try Jeli-o, a delicious dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No baking! add hot water and set to cool.

Flavors: Ietnon, orange, raspberry and straw berry. At your grocers, 10 cents. No, Maude, dear; it is not necessary for a husbandman to be married. When You Get a Headache don't waste a minute but go to your druggist and get a box of Krause's Headache Capsules. They will pre vent pain, even though your skull were cracked.

They are harmless, too. Read the guarantee. Price 25c. Sold by C. L.

Cowdery and The Kaiser. Butchers eenerally ride in street cars, but they often take a hack. For Female Complaints and diseases arising from an impure state of the blood Lachty's Celery Nerve Compound is an invaluable specific. Sold by C. L.

Cowdery and The Kaiser. The weather man's predictions are often fair but false. Jell-0, The New Dessert. Pleases all the family. Four flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw berry.

At your grocers. 10 cents. Try it today. Educate Tour nowela Willi Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.

10c. 25c. It C. C. tail, druggists refund money.

CASTOIIIA. TltA irA Vim UftuA IhlMIIO DnnrrM 8ignatnre of Bought, ami whicli lias been. lias borne the signature off has been made under his per- Signature of Local Agent, Ottawa. LOCAL TIME CARD KANSAS OTTY-CHICAOO. an siis and Texas Kxiss.

Houtlierti Kansas Mail and 1.x.. Oaliiornia Limited Kansas City HOUTIlK.ltN KAN HAM, Kansas an. 1 IV i- r.xi- Southern Ki' Hani Local Fieiniit iJawkknck branch. Lawrence ami Topeka Lawrenceaii'l Topeka Kxpr. HDHMNdTOX ilRANCH.

Accommodation Mixed Urldley Mall and KMPOKIA BRANCH. Emporia and Kansas City Acc'n California and Colorado lAvu. i Arrive 4 8 6 5 6 II :4.r,piil 7 8 40am 8 9 7 fi :5.rpm 8 No. 17 does not stop betwe en Ottawa and Emporia. MISSOURI PACIFIC.

KAHT HOUND. No. R. Passenger No. 122.

Ucal Freight 6:35 pin No, 126. Stock Kxpress 11:12 pm No. 220. Fast Freight :06 a WEST BOUND. No.

3. Passenger 1:19 pm No. 121. Fxxial Freight 9:22 am No. 125.

Express 11:15 a No. 119. Fast Freight 1 :43 a ui Nos. 121 and 122 carry I'a RACKS EX AS Effective March 10th, 1901, the Announces the Opening of Us a Red River Division mTOm Denison and Sherman, Texas. Jt Through Train Service will shortly fee established from St Louis and Kansas City over the Jl Shortest Line to Texas 8500 JEloward We will Da the above reward fnr an pa of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia.

Sick llead- acne. inaigestion, uonstlpatlon or costiveness we cannot rnre with llvrit lh To-Dato Little Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly compiled with. The are purely Vegetable, and never fall to satisfaction. 25c boxes contain 100 Pllla He- waro ui uusui.auuos ana imitations. Cent bymall.

Stamps taken. NEItVITA Mem CAL Clinton and Janksnn utm cago. 111. Sold by C. L.

Cowdery, Drussist 12s N. Main Ottawa Ka "gg" SUM. CAL YRUP CURES fl DIGESTION pear by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you will get good results.

It is the quick and positive cure for piles. C. L. Cowdery. The man who knows how to get rid of his rheumatism is a wise acher.

Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is guaranteed to cure constipation, indigestion, sick headache and stomach trouble by C. L. Cowdery. TOIIIA.

Bears the Signature of Tie Kind You Have Always Bought Lazy tLivsr I liave been troubled a groat deal wltlt a torpid liver, which produces constipation. I found CASCAUETS to be all you claim for them, and secured such relief the tirst trial, that I purcbaaed another supply and wai completely cured. I shall only be too glad to recommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity is presented." J. A. Smith.

2920 Susquehanna Philadelphia. Pa. CANDY CATHARTIC TRAOf MARK RIOISTIPCD 5 Pleasant. Palatable. Potent.

Taste Good. Do Uood. ftever Sicken, weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c, 50c.

CURE CONSTIPATION. Sterling Ktarfj Coatpaaj, Chicago, Mo.lrr.l, firw York. 320 MA Tfl DIP Sold and guaranteed by all drug-II I U'DAW gists to t'i'BE Tobacco Habit. THE PEOPLE KNEW KIM. (Benson's Plaster is Pain's Master.) George Washington made and sold flour, and every barrel of flour in the market branded Washington, Mount Vernon," sold without' delay.

No question was ever raised as to quality or weight. Benson's Porous Plaster sells on its repu- tation everywhere. All the buyer wants to be certain of is that the plaster offered him really is Benson's, and not a worthless uni tation of it or substitute for it. A plaster is the best form of external remedy, and Benson's is the best plaster; 5,000 physicians and druggists, and a multitude of people no man can number, have settled that. "You can trust it," they say.

Coughs, colds, lame back, lumbaeo. mus cular stiffness and rheumatism, troubles of the liver and kidneys, influenza or grip, pneumonia, and all other diseases open to external treatment, are at once relieved and cure by Benson's Plaster. Do not assume that Belladonna. Capsi cum or Strengthening plasters are "just as good as" Benson's. They are vastly in terior.

jxo other plaster is as good as Benson's. In competition with the nest-known plasters of Europe and America, Benson's have received fifty -fi ve highest awai-ds. For sale by all druggists or we will prepay postage on any number ordered in the United btates, on receipt of 25c. each. Seabury Johnson, Mfg.

Chemists, N.Y. MERUIT A PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Visor and Manhood Cure Im potency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem ory, ail wastme diseases, all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the ttink slow to Dale 60 PILLS SO CTS- cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail '50o ner box.

6 boxes for $2.50, with our bankable guarantee to cure or reruna tne money pal a. bend for circular ana copy or our bankable guarantee bond. Jervifa Tab lets EXTRA STRENGTH Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Orerans. Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or box. 6 for 25.00 with our bankable e-nar- antee bond to cure in SO days or refund money paia.

Aaaress NER VITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson sts CHICAGO, ILL. O. I Cowdery. Nasal CATARRH In all its stages there shoald be cleanliness.

Ely's Cream Balm soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It enres catarrh and drives away a cold ia the head auicklv. Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief Is immediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does not produce sneezing.

Large Size, 50 eents at Drug lata or hv mail Trial Size. 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York. CANDY CATHARTIC, II 1 1U-. 1 li III nrwKtot.

Genuine stamped CCC Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." f- 'CHIC HESTER '8 ENGLISH pEUHYROYflL, IflLLS 1 1 2V OHclatl m4 Only 1b KED mod Ctold meuUIU bo vHk blMriMM. Take thrr. Befssa rB Wihatlf muA lmlLa-Ummm. By jroor Cnncgi't.

or Md r. Mwpa Sftr PartteatUro, Tet1molI aaa "KrfleC far LadlM, tMfr.bjn. tarn Mali. 10.04M Tettimraitla- Sold 67 an Dracgtau. CkUa eater ChcaUealVe aj ataaa lark.

rn ia rmm PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CwansM aivl tieaotifiea tb batt. Proaxrfca hiriant growth. Never Xfeiis to Y-' ArTLl aal OAtf Tu 1111 frllf yaaa Sa CONSTIPATION the frequent catue of Appendicitis and many other tx-r-lona ills should never ba nag-iected. The objection to the asual cathartic remedies la their costive reaction which mcreaaes constipation instead of coring it. PARKER'S OINUER TONiO ia the proper remedy.

It actsoa the Liver, and when used as directed, permanently remove the coimtipatiow. 60 eta, A SLW at all Pruggtot. cm VHaaUii of the hour is an organization for protection against Mrs. Dr. Davis accompanied by her father, will leave Sunday for an extended trip through the east.

She goes as delegate to national encampment of Royal Neighbors to Springfield, from there to visit the scenes of her childhood at Lafayette, Indiana; leaving her father there, she goes to Buffalo to take in the Pan-American exposition A very enjoyable occas- sion is reported at the dance at Huff's hall Wednesday evening. Sixteen couples graced the floor, besides onlookers. Ice cream and cake followed as a side issue Geo. A. Farnam returned Monday night from a two weeks visit with friends in Missouri, glad to get back to Kansas, though he tells of wading in growing wheat almost knee deep and glorious fruit prospect.

Still Kansas is best Rev. Gregg spent Monday in Kansas City Dr. Davis has further improved his lawn by the addition of a fountain for supplying the aquarium with water Mrs. Sanders' hats are holding their own in popularity and are going Mr. John Bussey and Chas.

Chase made a business trip to Ottawa Corporal Allison is planing a trip to Arizona. A. car of Emporia flour and feed arrived Monday for Farnam's trade. Gentry has a fine new gun and game will have to take it now Ross Kelsey of Ottawa, was down Sunday evening O. A.

Lynn, Frank Hendrix, Jesse Eggles-ton and Elva Allison attended a dance at Lane Friday evening There were 38 in attendance at alumni meeting Monday night. Letters were read from absent members, L. E. Bush, former teacher, Jennie Nesbitt and Otto Greenwalt. Effie Martin, Jennie Beal, Walter Wright and Ad.

Blough were initiated. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and fruits were served. Do You Want Feed? I have a large supply of all kinds of feed, for all kinds of purposes. It is fresh, every way first class, and I am selling it so cheap you have no excuse for letting anything go hungry. Oxx's Ottawa Cash Grocery.

Rantoul Items. Wiil Tulloss has a new buggy Mrs. Julia Judson was shopping in Ot tawa Wednesday Mr. Allen visited relatives in Osawatomie Thursday Mrs. Will Weston, of near Ottawa, visited Mrs.

Frank Seymore Wednes day and Thursday. Lena and Nettie Burney receivnd second grade certificates from the last examinations Grandma Day is very ill Mr, Bricker, who has been very sick for a long time, died Friday morning. Rev. Wilson, of Baldwin, conducted the funeral services Saturday in theM. church.

Interment in the Baptist cem etery Walter Loyd and Winn Ross were in town Friday. Ellis, of Emporia, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, of near Council Grove and Mr. Carrie, of Ottawa, came Friday to attend Mr.

Brinker's funeral. visitors Saturday were Frank Denton, Watson Gladding, T. R. Smith and Mrs. Reed Mr.

Bowen returned from Emporia Wednesday Scott Bricker had a horse to die last week. Martha Seymore returnedfrom Ottawa Sunday Joe Sparks, formerly of this place, now of Kansas City, has started for a trip to California. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caylor on the 4th Bert Ross and father were doing business here Tuesday.

C. Vinson drove to Ottawa Mrs. Cromer is reported as no better. ladies of the C. P.

church gave a supper in Springer's hall Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Will Fyock spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Smlthe who is working near Ottawa, visited home Sunday. The infant child ef Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Caylor died Tuesday night Mrs. Julia Judson came home from Ottawa Tuesday. Annual Convention. For annual convention Kansas State Sunday School Association and Annual Session Grand Chapter Order Eastern Star, at Topeka, the Santa Fe Route will sell excursion tickets to Topeka at rate of one fare, $1.59, for round trip.

Tickets to be sold May 13, 14, 15 and 16th. Limited for return to Mav 17th. S. M. Campbell, Agent.

Home Seekers' Excursion. Santa Fe route will sell home seek ers' tickets on May 7th and 21st, June 4th and ISth, to Arkansas, Arizona, points in Colorado, to Rocky Ford and Last New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas at rate of one fare plus $2.00. Good for return 21 days from date of sale. S. M.

Campbell Santa Fe Excursions. To Hutchinson and return $4.85. Tickets on, sale May 9th to 11; limited May 13th. Topeka and return $1.59. Tickets on sale May 13th to 16th; lim ited May 17th.

S. M. Campbei.i ASTOR I A For Infants and Children. i The Kind You Have Always Bought Bsars the Signature of S. M.

CAMPBELL, The least in quantity and most in quality describes DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipation and liver complaints. C. I. Cowdery. At present the florist finds palms good things to have on hand.

Try the new remedy for costiveness. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Every box guaranteed. Price, 2b cents. For sale by all druggists.

There are two ways-of putting up an umbrella in order to soak it. The "soup" that we often get into is cooked by the heat of passion. Prickly Ash Bitters cures the kidneys, regulates the liver, tones up the stomach and purifies the Sold by H. B. Brombacher.

The less contented a woman is with her lot the more she is apt to dwell on it. How Are Your Kidneys Dr. Hobbs Sparaens Pills cure all kidney Ills. Sample free. Add.

Sterling Remedy Chicago or N. V. natofTsafca4 REV1VO nauni RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man pf Me. produce tb above results In SO days. It acta powmouT ana imcxiy.

(jure wnen ail otnara lai i. Rrana- men will retrain their loet manhood, and old tnen will recover their Tonthfal vigor by tulna BEVIVO. It Quickly and sorely restore Nervousness. Lost Vitality, Im potency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory. Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abase or excess and Indiscretion, wmch unfits one for study, business or marriage.

It Dot only cnrestsartlBr at the seat of disease, but lis great nerve tonlo and blooU builder, bringing back the pink (tow to pale cbeeks and restoring the fire of youth, ft wards off rngtnltj and Con gumption. Insist on baring other. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mall. biaiv or package.

or six tor wojoo. sua posi tive mrlttsn srnmrantes) to cure or reload the money. Book and advise free. Address ROYAL. MEDICINE COn'lLr Sold by G.

T. Brown, Yellow front. FOR Suoprasse Menstruation PAINFUL Usnstruatlon And a PREVENTIVE for FEMALE -J' Are Sals and Reliable. Perfectly Harmless Tbo Ladies Purely Veee- tablel never Falll RICESLOO Sent postpaid on receipt of price. Money refunded if not as say Yin de Clncnona Co.

De Moines, Iowa. For Sale by G. F. Kaiser. Dmtrulst.

DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLifeaway! You can be cured of anr form of tobacco uninz easily, be made well, strong1, magnetic, full of new life and vijror bv takinz MO. Tfi-BA tl- that makes weak men strong. Many Rain ten pounds in ten days. Over BOO.OOO cured. All druggists.

Cure guaranteed. Book let ana savice rKEE. Address. STERLING REMEDY Chicago or New -York, 437 SDR. CALDWELL'S Tt YRUP PEPSI ly CURES 3 rP If iLM ma i 3alaWMaC3aWl MaJCaBp JftaLa Red Cross Tansy Pills mm mm ma LW TlfcfaT'.

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