The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • 16
- Publication:
- The Commercial Appeali
- Location:
- Memphis, Tennessee
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 16
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE MEMPHIS SUNDAY MORNING JANUARY 8 1933 -J 16 SECTION I i Today's Ctoss Word Puzzle IrlEIB'OiD 101 IS OUT 11 Dim IIU IK fSEIflT HUT rats mm cm John Duckworth Arrives rro fee in Office Tomorrow Clarkadale Crittenden County and hurled Into ditch They wen brought by Thompson Brothers ambulance to the General Hospital where Newcomb was found be suffering from Internal Injuries Mrs Vanderford possibly has fractured right leg The boy suffered severe cuts on ths bond and face Newcomb driving the track was carrying his daughter and grandson Tyronsa from Riensi Miss with ths back of tha truck filled with fur-nlturo when the poising ear struck them Ths other car aid not stop and there was no due to the motorist's Identity STANSBURY TO ENTER HOSPITAL FOR REST Banker May Make Statement Within Few Weeks Estes Bryant Wounded in Leg by Negro Thug Held up with a companion by two negroto in front of the Buckeye Cnt-top Oil Mill near the end of tha Cheiaea ear line Bates Bryant 15 of 1354 Stand ridge Street waa shot in the right leg above ths ankle about 7 JO o'clock laat night Young Bryant and Wendell Moore 1624 Tre sevant who an employed at Kroger store at 2456 Chelsea had ridden out Cheleea Avenue on their bicycles for recreation during the upper hour negroes thought we had delivered an order and held ua up to get the Moore laid ''We told them we didn't have any One of them shouted: "That's a damn pulled out hie pistol and shot Estes They they Bryant rode hie bicycle back to the eton despite hie wound and then went to a hospital COSSITT LIBRARY NEW NONFICTION Americans Annual 1833 Written A Batten Abel st Osin Emile Baumans Indian Legends and Poems is Capps John Quincy Clark Contemporary Social Jsrom Davis My Friendly Hamua Wild Flowers sad Stats Slowsra North Gilbert Oeorge Washington: Jean Antotns Bou don Gorham company sottish Queen A Gorman Three Grattan Whistle of Day Henderson Carson ths Advocate VoL Edward Marjorlhanks Report th Praaldaat New York Stock Exchange octal Eeonomla Planning la tbs Unica ef Soviet Socialist Republics Olio Uosky-Oaslniky Christian's Ownbsy Jeeui Aftar Nineteen Cen FI Tittle NEW JUVENILE BOOKA Taka mere and Ton bon A Amatt Pollwl side's A Bronson Children of the Norn Burston Wild Cat Bldgs Marts Us Chapman pseud Bird Bens to Field Young Elite Slu rase tar RIVER NOTES 1 RIVE BULLETIN (United Ititra Department ef Agrloaitur Weather Bureau) Memphis Tens Jsn 1633 John Duckworth assistant gen-era freight agent of tha Missouri Pacific who auccceda Georg Painter at Memphis arrived last night and will aiauraa charge of the office in tha morning He ie accompanied by Ur Duckworth Mr Painter aaitant general genera freight agent took charge of the Omaha office of the Missouri Pacific last Monday Hi family will not move to Omaha for sometime it it announced Mr Duckworth is no stranger in Memphis In fact he began his rail reed career here in 1906 when he cire from Washington after being traveling freight agent of the Missouri racific in 1917 he was sent to Omaha to succeed Dozier as assistant general freight agent when Mr Do-i zier was given other work with the Missouri Pacific Mr Duckworth lived in Mississip-I pi until she end Mr Duckworth were manic 1 Safety Meeting to Be HeldTuesday The safety meeting or the Mis- soun Pacifio-l'nion Railway Booster nub of the Memphis division will held Tjisday evening at the Memphis Union HI at ion Rarp superintendent of the Union Railway and MaJ Dougherty division superintendent or the Missouri Paeifio at Poplar Bluff will preside over the meeting Larson superintendent of safety of the Missouri Paeifio at St Louis will deliver the principal dress At 730 o'clock Tuesday evening the colored Booster Club of the Mis- touri pscific-l'nion Railway will hold its annual election of officers In all probability Jethro MoGlow-: chief booster will be re-elected Frisco Pays Interest On Loan by ST LOUS Jsn Receiv- era for the Frisco Railroad today re- reived authority from Federal Judge Faria to pay the Reconstruction finance Corporation $77932 past due quarterly Interest on previous loans in order that they may obtain a new loan of 13000000 for which arrangement were made rs- ceatly CLUB WILL HEAR BELK Evergreen Improvement 'Group to Meet Tuesday Night The Rev George Bclk pastor of the Evergreen Presbyterian Church will address the Evergreen Improve-3 ment Club Tuesday night at 8 at the Women's Evergreen Club Thomas Hooker will preside Matters pertaining to the election to be held at the first meeting in February will be discussed and nominating committees appointed Mrs Joe Trlnner assisted by the members of the Women's Evergreen Club will serve refreshments A musical program has been arranged by Roa-coe Clark COMETS HAVE DAUGHTER Mr and Mr Thom Conley 924 Sheridan are the proud parent of their first child an eight-pound daughter born TOday morning at the Conley home Mr Conley ia operator of Dinty Moore Both doing fine urr president who was jailed Friday on warrants charging fraudulant breach trust and larceny will go to Gart-ly-Ramaay Hospital Tuesday for rest' If his condition improves sufficiently he will make complete statement on the charges against him 10 days or two weeks later Blan Maxwell one of hie attorneys said yesterday Mr Stanebuiy was released from county jail under (10000 bond yesterday morning after about 24 hours imprisonment and went to home The bonds were signed by Hicks druggist 881 North Idle wild Mrs Vera CasM 3580 Norriswood and Mrs Mary Joyce 521 Moiby The former president of the Fidelity Bank is held under a warrant sworn out by Mrs Duko Bowers charging fraudulant breach of trait one sworn out by Horace Alford charging larceny of fixtures from the Stansbury home Motions to dlspauprixe Mn Stans-iry in her appeals of Mrs civil suits on notes wers taken under advisement in circuit court yesterday Mn Bowen obtained five udgmenta for (584 each but Mn tansbury has appealed RESUME LUNCHEONS Traffic Chib Will Be Entertained By Showboat Troupe Performers from the showboat "Hollywood" will be featured tomorrow at the resumption of the weekly luncheons of tha Traffic Club Memphis Arthur Murray chairman of the entertainment committee announces double program consisting of Engels and Vincents a cabaret with Reed at the piano The luncheon will start at 12:15 o'clock at the Gayoso and Herman Mendow president haa Issued a call a full attendance WILL DEDICATE BUST Captain Fltshugh to Speak At Jack-eon Ceremonies Capt Fltxhugh will' be tha principal speaker at the unveiling in Nashville today of a bust of Andrew Jackson Captain Fitxhugh is a director of Ladies Hermitage Association charged with tha preservation of tha celebrated Jackson home and is a gnat admirer of the old hero The association selected the anniversary the battle of New Orleans to dedicate the bust in tha state eapltol It la probable that Captain Flta-hugh will remain over until Tuesday Abe Goodman former banker and member or the Memphis Park Commission has been named a member of and chairman of the board of director of the Oak vile Sanitarium Ur Goodman succeed Simpson who ha been elected a member of the city board of education Although Mr Simpson' ierm will not begin until January 1 1934 his resignation as a member of the Oakville board 1 effective at once "We are highly elated at having gotten Mr Goodman' to agree to serve in this highly important Commissioner Halo said yesterday in announcing the change "Mr Goodman will represent Memphis and Shelby County on the board The office although carrying no compensation ia a most important on and we were gratified when Mr Goodman agreed to serve for he never does things by halves" Cordova 4-H Croup Is Stumped by Problem Of Cotton Production Members of the 4-H Club of Cordova High School tackled tha vexing agricultural problems that have stumped their elders at their regular meeting last week but it ended like the adult cotton conference-in a draw Julian Mullins presided and explained the importance of this movement to the south Ben Redditt explained the cotton holiday plan Initiated by Huey Long of Louisiana Carl Harrison followed with an explanation and discussion of the plan which Dr Tail Butler of Progressive has been favoring An informal debate on the "Majority as adopted by the conference of governors in Memphis recently was the concluding number on the program Wesley Houpe and Gordon Bazemore were on tha affirmative side while John Schwalgcr and Elmer Thomas opposed them on the negative aide Ballots were passed to all present by William Redditt and each member and visitor voted or "against" the fifty per cent reduction and acreage and federal loans for taxes After several count and recount of the ballots it waa decided to consider the debate a draw Kerr and Miss Agnes Donaldson club leaden for Shelby County wen present 1 who an afraid of what man may be able to learn about the universe 1 should ask themselves: What has truth done to ue It jn HEM I1I1S post mn qriur Second Vice President to Go in 1 Retrenchment Move John Heflin one of moat popular and respected bankers yesterday resigned his vies presidency in the Union Flanten National Bank A Trust Company His resignation waa tha second In two days in a retranchmant policy instituted by tha Union Plsnten system Friday John McDowell resigned as vice president of tho Manhattan Saving -Bank A Trust Company which la owned by tha Union Planters GUmer Winston president announced Mr Heflin's resignation as follows: "The bank with exceeding regret haa received tha resignation of John Heflin aa vice president to take effect at an early data This resignation was given under a mutually understood and satisfactory agreement and in connection with an agreed upon policy of retrenchment In line with present economic conditions Heflin has been a capable bank officer and leaves with the good will of tho entire personnel of tha bank all of whom wish him continued success Mr Heflin will continue his residence in Memphis and will announce hia future business plana Mr Heflin came to Memphis In 1918 from Nashville aa manager of the local branch of the Federal Reserve Bank ef 8t Leuls Prior to that time ha was deputy atate backing commissioner and befon then waa for aoma yean secretary of the Tennessee Association Ho was bora in Flemingsburg Kyp whara hia father waa president of the local bank and after hia graduation from Vanderbilt University Mr Heflin entered hia father's bank Ha left tha Federal Reserve Bank to Join tha Union Plsnten In 1924 and in hia capacity as a vice president haa made hundreds of friends for himself and for tha bank He waa president of tha Memphis Rotary Club several years ago and served as chairman of tha budget committee of tho Community Fund Ho haa been active in many civic enterprises and hia energy and kindly sympathy have endeared him to hundreds He Uvea at 287 Buena Vista la married and has three children Mn Heflin was formerly head of the Hospital for Crippled Adults ARKANSAS ROAD NEWS LITTLE ROCK Jan The weekly review of road conditions In Arkansas as compiled by the atate highway department today is: UUIs Bock to 17 8 TO mil Mad 13J pavmtat ill gravel 28 Note TO linCsr coastrueuoa nut of D-Veils Bluff gnod dstour available Traffic should observe all warning sigsaia on lids nuts Altsnata routs J7 a 67 through atuty to Bald Knob a and No to junction I TO at Lchf and a 70 to ampins mllcags 1T7 pavement 182 gravel IB Pine Bluff to No 1 to junction No IT IT to junction a TO TO to Memphis mileage 181 pavement 100 gravel 62 Alternate No 8 to Junction a TO at LaW a TO to Memphis mllSBgs 180 pavsmrat 41 gravel US Msmphis to Kansas 17 A TO to Lsfal No I to junction a 84 IT a 04 to Bald Knob a 87 to Bearer 18 to Clinton a 08 to Springfield lb 60 to Carthage and 0 71 to Kansas mileage 648 pavement 244 gravel 10 Alternate SI to Turrsll a 03 to junction I in tc Cabool Mo a SO to Sprlngilald 17 a OS to earthen and a 71 to Kansaa City mileage 628 pavement 188 gravel 263 lonely figure in the rain going back to the hotel from the hospital ia unforgettable and could be made even more poignant if that were possible in the picture So why did they change ItT A sweet young thing wae overheard at the reception given Richard Halliburton last Wednesday as aha rhapsodised about her hero Life was complete for her ehe said for she had met him at last met him despite resolute dowagers who barred tha way Halliburton bore up well in a situation that for lees Masoned celebrities might have been difficult Yes he bore up very well indeed Virginia Woolf haa written a "Second Common Reader" and wa hope he'll write fifty As an essayist sha is peerless: it Is pure delight to reed her crystal leaping prose her luminous fair brilliant thoughts about her subjects and to note tha kill and dexterity with which she handlee her material compressing and moulding it and bringing it together at the end of each eaeay into one final paragraph that la artistically right and at tha aarne time free from manipulation or tha appear-ancof any forcing of her material Of the eesaya we have read in "The Second Common Reader" we like especially "Geraldine and Jane" that describee tha friendship of Geraldine Jewebury and Jane Carlyle "Dr Burney's Evening Party" "8wlft'e to Stella' and "Lord Chesterfield's Letters to Hie Son" The essay on tha novale of George Meredith la alio excellent but the book ie full of etlll un known delights for us for almost half of it is still though it won't he after tonight that ie if we can get thle dratted copy In pretty 23 37 in i CHINESE TO OBSERVE NEW YEAR ON JAN 25 Small Colony Here to Mark Day Quietly When the Chinese Hew Tear is celobrated Wednesday Jan 25 Chinese all over the world will ly become one year older and should any babies be born the day bef ire they will be two yean old "The day ia a sort of world-wide birthday for every person of Chinese Pang Tanpo proprietor of the Oriental Restaurant explained "and is usually set aside as a day of family nunion quiet visiting and gift giving" Mr Pang (the family name always come the given name last) explained that Chinese yean an counted by moons as they wen in America by the Indiana before the white man came and that every two and one-half yean an extn month was added to the calendar "It is easily compand with the calendar used in the western world" he said "if you figun by five-year periods The Chinese month have either 29 or 30 days the Roman calendar months which you use all the way from 28 to 31 days You hav a leap year every four years which gives you sn extra day We have two leap monthe every five years which usually adds 69 or 70 days In five-year periods of both calendars then an approximately ths same number of days" Curious was the fact explained by Mr Pang that a baby can by our own calendar be but two days old and by the Chinese calendar be two years old "Ths day the Chinees baby is horn" he said "ia Its first birthday Each birthday after that cornea on New Yean day when it ia the custom to return home regardless of the distance for a visit of several days or a week "On New Tears Day we do not celebrate like you do hen by wiid We do it quietly" Having lived in thle country for 21 rears Mr Pang has accustomed ilmsclf to celebrating two new years both according to their own fashion he said Mr Pang waa educated at the Hongkong University when he studied English For a time he waa an interpnter and a teacher Upon his arrival in San Francisco he became a clothing merchant Later he moved to Chicago when he learned the restaurant business He haa lived in Memphis for three yean Then an only 30 or 40 Chinese living in Memphis he said PARISH MEETS TOMORROW Graro Episcopal Chunk to Choose New Vestry at Session Ths annual parish meeting of Grace Episcopal Church be held In the parish house next to the church at Vance and Lauderdale at 8 o'clock tomorrow night The rector the Rev IV Bratton will praeide A new vestry win be elected and delegatee will be chosen to tho convention of the diocese of Tennessee at Knoxville Jan 17 Id and 19 THREE HURT IN COLLISION Arkansas Family Victims of Hit-run Driver at larked ale Will Newcomb 48: his daughter Mn Lucy Vanderford and her son Ralph aged 5 all of Tyronza Ark wen painfully injured laat night at 6:30 o'clock when their truck was truck by an unidentified motorist the great metropolis driven then by their desira for further knowledge the Biblical characten wen driven from Eden to search tho world fruitlessly for a happiness they had instantly destroyed by tasting the fruit from the tree of knowledge And so have the crowded neurotics who form the background of of deserted their simple surroundings tic if we take the author's word Eva ie tha mainspring of tho group of literati hovering about New York who emerges to marry Nicholas Van 8ydham a member of a wealthy end conventional old Dutch family Eva whose particular complex ie Narcissus cannot survive without the adoration of her artistic friends and finds matrimony an A-l handicap The story is narrated in first person through the viewpoint of one Dinah Averv a more or less sensible female writer She focuses her eye from friends to showing them all to be a group ot busy hod ice feeding on the trials and tribulations of this couple who by nature wen doomed to destruction Occasionally of Eden" becomes a littlo crowded with characters lightly sketched in Miei Glenn's manner "Florence Quincy was a tall woman so blonde as to almost be albino" The result Is thst the reader makes some casual acquaintances whose names an easily forgotten and becomes acquainted with few real fricnde "Eaet of Eden" ie not so fine a piece of writing as Miss Glenn's earlier novel but deserving of being read For those neither Paterish nor Parkcrleh In will have a decided attraction The shop girl will ignore It because of Its lack of sex-bunk nation despite the attractive jacket (drawn by Carolyn Edmundsnnl proclaiming Eva to be "capable or going through matrimony without poriwicing with her body the slightest nervous reaction And it will not Interest the "little woman' who has YOUNG EVANGELIST HERE Cell Jackson it to Hold Week Revival 1 1st of Kcnnett' Mo'wllf'ouen! 11 Pentecostal Holiness Church el1 1 Ollv and Latham Tha wvlval will continue for three week end Mr Jackson will preach 1 again at 7 o'clock tnnleht lC is putoif at to a to of the hie and TO of a Art for the of of ft i i 4 I 1 I 7 i IP 7 I Vertical 34 Object To fed Hols (tod of underworld Austen Light brawn Opposed lows college 47 College tressur- Cabbage Affection Roman data 4 Teachers Cubic meter French article Pott 5 Scott I ah: fins Reilehabt Struck Monster Connections Microbe Pal red tinted with orange Weary June bug Argot To eptn Metal Ta sld River ducks To hold steelon Auxiliary 88 Scrutinized South American Curved molding dance St Number Worthies! Irsv- Covers with turf Ing tioal 33 Dims River in Busela Anewsc ta Yeeterdsy'i Psxile CASEYS DANCE Hoodoo Day Falla to Daunt of In rianning Event All the ominous omens and superstitions that Friday the I3th carries with it will have little effect on the plans of the entertainment committee of the Knights of Columbus for tha knights an going one better by holding the hoodoo dance The dance will begin at 3 Friday night and continue until o'clock Saturday morning at the Catholic Club Costumes and decorations will be in keeping with the night of supposedly unlucky happenings George LnManna chairman of thin music committee promises many novel treats for those who attend A number of prixes will be given The members of the Young Ladles Institute an to be special gueata at tha dance and dramatio of th 10 months from the tlmo of Italy! declaration of neutrality to her entrance into the war Storm new book Against Men" contains three short novels all of whlrh support the statement of the title Knopf ia tho publisher The new biography of Zola by Henri BarbtwM lias been written "from an immovable point of view and with a proselytizing purpose" according to Ben Kay Redman writing in tho Ilerald-Tribune Bar-busse argues that "the only hope (for averting disaster in our social-economic wurid) lies In tho International proletariat and its snii literature should be made to serve these ends The Status of Indian Women" by Frieda Hauewirth Dae Is a study of the social and economic statue of Indian women considered historically and immediately Mn Daa was born in Switzerland educated in America and haa lived aa the wife of an Indian in "in ona of the most backward and most conservative areas of India" Iter book ia published by the Vanguard Press If you era Intrigued by the Bronte latere you will find in Brontes end Other Essays" by Hradby (Oxford Frees) three studies nf them that are said tp be "casual cool practical" but good" The third volume of Maxim Corkl'e novels depicting the course ot tho Russian Revolution will he "Other elated for publication by Appleton in tha spring Tho earlier volumes are Magnet" and "Bystander" Mrs Franklin Roosevelt's book "ll'e Up to the Women" will be completed before Inauguration Day her publisher (Stokes) announces lie also adds in italic that word will be written by Mn Roosevelt The book deals with the THE BOOK BOAT New for Robinson's Sicodemus Worthy of Its Author A Book Hy Edwin Ariinton Robinson New York millan Company of Poems (The Mac Meager mat pieces Naraw opening Vein Earth Wla men To vindicate Top Land unit Kind of film drama Sorcerers Mountain nymph Levee To rage roodfieh Ceeeatlons Etruecan title Displayed Pronoun Emmet Title me Container Slang: uesUsn Onslaughts Interdictions Ravins Digit 61 Thrust Propellers Stags direction Day-time show Periods Ardor CIraIn la music Penetrates Mercenary To tear 71 Allowance foe T2 Icelandic writ Inga Bishoprics lew HIGH GQURT UPHOLDS SENTENCE Did Not Kill Father-in-Law in Self-Defense Finding Killing of "Big Harris grandson of Xaham Harris governor during tha Civil War was not self defense the atate supreme court decided yesterday in affirming the conviction of daughter-in-law Mn Walter Harrie "Big Jim" was shot aa be sat a truck in front of hia house on Kimball Avenue Dec 31 1930 She readily admitted on the witness stand that she shot him but declared that he had threatened her and made a move toward hia hip pocket befon she fired at him Neighbors who took Harris from hie truck testified that ha was unarmed A family quarrel over ownership of a $40 cow proceeded the hooting Mrs punishment was fixed at three and half yean imprisonment The court found that tha killing waa brought about from an argument over personal property and did not constitute self defense oon To that end we clou this Book Boat freeing at ona and tha same time both you and ourself Aa for you you may do what you please turn on the radio go to church get in a crap game call up your beet girl on the telephone cook the Sunday dinner or even ait down end read a book Ourself we fly to "Tha Second Common Reader" The Boat'e docked and tha Cap'n'a ahut up in the cabin with a bottle well with a bottle and the even more stimulating Mrs Woolf BOATMAN More Shudders DANGER IN THE DARK By Arthur Chase New York (Dodd Mead Company) ILL windows in the lonely white A house on the hillside biased with light tor two nights and two days but it was in tha dark outside that old Mr VanTasml met hie death and fell or waa pushed into the deep and sinister well Now who did that? His shell-shocked eon Jack hia dll-letante eon Bleecker hia tense restrained daughter-in-law hie butler hie chauffeur hie Spanish maid hie Irish cook or hia governess? Well who am I to tell you? Read it yourself and find out There are plenty of cluee The am tour detective who hae written two detective novels the district attorney and the suspects will all aid you interest you mildly at times more intensely at othera It'e a workman-like thriller and you'll get two hours of pleasure from reading It NOTES ON BOOKS AND AUTHORS In "Germany Puts Back the the author Edgar Ansel Mowrer blames the Alllee for what he believes is tha failure of democracy In Germany Mr Mowrer ie Berlin correspondent for tha Chicago Daily News The book Ie published by Morrow "Jane Austen's Letters to Her Sister Cassandra and Others" have been published in two volumes by tha Oxford Press The anticipated exquisite plflMure to fet from rtftulng them is possible of fulfillment now that they are published If the accounts of reviewers Into whose lucky hands tha lettsra have been placed ey are priced at (1250) can pa believed Excerpts: Dr Hail In uch very deep mourning that either hia mother hia wife or himself must be dead She had heard that Tom Chuta had had a fall from hia horse I am waiting to know how it happened before I begin pitying him as I cannot help suspecting it waa in consequence of his taking orders" And of herself: think I may boast myrolf to be with all possible vanity tho most unlearned end uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress" william Orpen: Artist and Man" by Konody and gidny Dark ia described by Royal Cortle-sos aa brilliant work" Mr Dark deacrlhea Orpen the men! and Mr Konody Orpen the artist The book ie published by Uppincott and ie Just out first war premier was Antonio Salandra Ha hae written In and tha Great War" published by Longmans Green an account said to have Utoniy Pittsburgh Parhenhurg Cincinnati Lnulevllls Kvanavllle Mt Carmel Nashville Chattanooga Florence Johnson vlUs Paducah Kansas City at Louie Cairo i New Madrid MEMPHIS Big Lake OuUe Clarendon Helena Arkansas City Fort Smith Vicksburg hrsvrport New Orleans Calico Rock Bateevllls Newport DeValta Bluff American woman position iq tha nation and what she can do i a practical way to bring about beta ter conditions and a fuller expression of American ideals and Amur- lean standards" Let ua hop that American women can agree os to whot these standards and the Idealo are Fight Against War" by Albert Einstein la a pamphlet to published eoon by the John Day Company from whom it may bo had for the small sum of 25 cento Dr Einstein gives in it hie views pacifism nationalism war and related subjects Tha first of the Biographies" for 1933 will be "Queen Elizabeth" by Mona Wilson who wrote Life of William In February tha following titles In tha same scries will bo Issued: by Btephen Leacock and by A Taylor Rebecca study of St Augustine announced for February boo been delayed Excerpt from Now All Thle by authors of and All taken from tha section on life polar outfits and other equipment polar bearings etiquette etc "Inexpensive polar outfits can now be obtained at most of tha leading tores All clothing should of course ba air-tight: and if possible bear-tight too But in addition to your unahrinkabla thermos bouts and un-thlnkablo walrus-hide handkerchiefs and to on you will undoubtedly re quire soma companions "Choose your companions carefully aa you may have to aat Wonderland of hae been published in a new edition with an additional chapter In which tho author unaware hia critics and gives an account of come of the latest governmental extravagance such aa the expenditure this year of over a million dollars advertise George more than thirty yean Edwin Arlington Robinson hie periodically published email hooka of vene long poems or collections of hort I Thtth" not that we are I Tower Babel "where none speak That we must always be afraid of As of a monitor with a shape unknown To man prowling at night and breathing fire? where their genius fint attempted to soar to crowd and narrow their Imagination within tha shadow of a veritabla Manhattan like I tlM same language loudly or die- Or would be so if we were not so tinctly enough to be heard The he-little I roine of of Eden" ie one Eva I Litchfield who ie a vague beauty Hector Kane youngest of men at and a vague genius but authen- The screen version of "Strange Interlude" has it points and its momenta though we could have borne with fortitude the omission of the boat race and of Clark Gable as the ageing doctor especially hie hieuteneee and hie bleating to Gordon In an airplane that "you're my eon too Gordon" Norma Shearer wae beautiful and adequate at every stage and sometimes waa able to suggest convincingly tha neuroticlsm of the character she portrayed Nothing but good things ran be said of the acting of the short part of the mother-in-law and the pieaaura given by a voice trained for and schooled by acting on the legitimate stage waa all the keener because of the contrast to the unsatisfactory sounds that Issued from the lipe of some of the other characten and t0 the etlll more unsatisfactory sounds that issued when their lipe were closed from behind the screen when they were supposed to ho thinking aloud The young actor who played Gordon aa a boy wae remarkable in that he caught unerringly the tautnese the puzzled uneasiness and the instinctive defiance that wae to be expected from the eon hie mother at that stage of hie Ufa and under the circumstances Gordon as a young man wae less there wee something foxy in hie looks and manner and one could not believe that the boy we had just seen had grown Into any uch slick young man Whoever found and kept the copy of John Rhode's new detective story that we left inadvertently in the theater might at least have the grace to send us a review of It It had a slip in the front stating that It was a review copy and more' over we now publicly aver that the finder Is really in honor bound to pay for hie new book by writing down hie Impressions of it and mailing them to the literary editor of this newspaper And who knows it may be the foundation of a successful by which we mean lucrative writing career We ehalt go to eee "Farewell to Arpis" with mixed feelings We don't wish to be harrowed again as the book harrowed ue and yet at the Mine time we do wish to harrowed We know from many accounts that it will ba very well acted: and that prospect ie pleasing but no matter which ending ie usee there era we'll be disap' nolnted that it isn't ths ending in That picture of the ones at first almost unnoted inter highly acclaimed: and now perhaps partly by reason of sheer persistency and the total bulk of his work he has come to bo regarded as an American classic But neither neglect nor relalivo popularity has affected the integrity of hie diatln- guiahed product and the dignity re- atralnt austerity and subdued power of his versa wen never more apparent than in this hie latest volume His gift for fine phrase has not deserted him nor hie insight into the oule of human beings tortured by fear hatred the sense of futility hidden guilt: ho retains a fine and subtle irony a quiet humor a deep sympathy for suffering humanity Hie charactcn an men end women not puppet dancing at the will of the showman Hie verse polished varied and skillful clothes appro priately hie compact thought To say that the present volume new "alms for oblivion" to be stuffed into lime's capalcous wallet ie worthy of lie author is high and merited praise Its' qualities are those which characterize hie pre vloua work Indeed it ie very un likely that one who has gone hie own quiet way for eo many should suddenly blase new treila or follow paths deand by othera Tho same intensity tha same almost hidden fin biases under the deceptively calm surface No doubt reviewers and the bleakness of a New England winter as pictured for example in pc "Ethan FMme" the thought ie al most Inevitable One might wish that Robinson would show mors aware ness of the contemporary scene that hie work would exhibit a closer relationship to ths problems of the present day But perhaps he regards these problems aa merely "occa sionsl and prefers to write of timeless things Hie thought here as always are for all time Eleven poems of varying make up tha ninety pages demua" Four of them ig length of "Nirol th eighty-ffve tells hie companions children of three-ecore or ini language which recalls Falstaff's catechism on how to re (srd their enemy Time: Nothing waa ever true for me Until I found it so' said he 'So time for me has always been Four letters of a word Time? Is it anything to eat? Or maybe it hns hands and feet To go so as to bn unseen Or maybe it's a Tn "The March of the Cameron Men" Robinson reaches the peak of hie intensity in this volume It is the story of a women and her lover and of her husband who lie dead in the house behind them But after all it is not a narrative poem Robinson VC mre events tn be inferred from the account of the emotional stress which! his characters undergo Here as In "Nnnodomua" the method is that of I a dramatic dialogue a favorite method with Robinson But it ie unnecessary end useless I to attempt a criticism of each of the eleven poems nor quotatlonl suffice to give the flavor end the I who have -wlU 1 who have I not converted by tWAV tTe0DORE JOHNSON I Post-Garden Years EAST OK EDEN By Isa Glenn Garden City (Doubleday Doran Company) awhile before it too shall join the SSid brelherYnd rirtrra "Easter kIw Li -id 1 1 1 ie book nor graphical It characterises a half mad group of people crowded into rian) haa added a new book to ehift about on the seven-day shelf for I of Public I way with palhetlo efforts to there is a series of books Md a conglomeration of Faulkner "Heat" "IJU Uoyd Douglas Morgan and whnm-poem "filsera" "Yount nidrun tle nd othera by a writer pvpr elso her literary friends has Snd "The irSdigal fcm?" duMrith I lHtt 1 bv maternal Vln and recommended recently gone the WHITE FLEET Guest Cruises to die WEST INDIES ouJ fife CARIBBEAN from NIW OMANI'' 16' DAYS ts HAVANA PANAMA CANAL ZONE HONDURAS $1 gVfSY 2 4yi ssSIsIsMile Hawssi 144 day CrtateM wHh aaisIdiMt lWc( Nmm Caasl sd I yklf Pmm CHw alsiMlaSayla laaaiik HmShmi Mil I yaw fcM tkraashwit Ik crwk 8ktiisf hip slnal 9 DAY HAVANA TOUR $0750 IVRY M4y nniis Saturday 3 A la Havana Raw alskkaalaf Mai AtwadsHas wttku pMa kalk aad awab la RaaHavsas katai ARtspaeaae DAYS ts HAVANA mdY HONDURAS $75 ladhm lartaliyiY aa WadawSayi aw AlaRaaRarOrrfairaJ to CALIFORNIA $200 oniway Vis Hawas aa4 Pa mm Caaal hem Naw Otlaaaa Haw Yart All aaMda raawa UtaU fysa aacksslaal vaatllatlaa SiSrkrttmmmmtHmimlr ilitklt For Informstlnn and raaanrsllaaa apply 3S dt Chart traat Naw Orltsax or say Authorise Taurlil AgauL UNITED FRUIT COMPANY aspects of human experience but a sense of failure and futility pre dominates on guard Isa Glenn matrimonially urnamed Kchlndel (the name affords me no end of chueklee for it 1 always added as a condescending by cold white Ink in the night I the type nf timid yet sin-1 neat cl use handwriting of the libra- TWELFTH NIGHT SONG ON TWO WORDS Day-Spring I Daylight! Warming all tho win tar's blight On thla rood all dumb with anow Point tho way that I must go Doy-Stor otorlight! Lonely beam on my block night Lead mo to another star Where the fruits of goodneae ore Sun and star ef man for mo Light and heat and beauty ba Show daar Chriat 'bom for our joy Thy ealvatlon In a Boy! I cere and well-meaning person who loves truth but nut to the extent of risking all for it end Calsphae sym-bul of reliance upon the letter nf the lew human and ecrieslasllpel of the fear of change and of dread lest new discovery should invalidate old present familiar aspects of I human life Tho question that Nico-dcniue asks Caiepbae ie one that all.
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