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Evansville Courier and Press from Evansville, Indiana • 6

Evansville, Indiana
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MNTWfamsPSPPesis THE COURIER: EVANSVILLE IND THURSDAY APRIL 14 1898L Goirier Want Columns ic a Word fi Have You Rooms to Rent? NEWBURG WILL GO IN FORCE FREAKS OF HYPNOTISM Vf IN ESU hi CARDUI REGULARS PASS ON WAY SOUTH About Forty Odd Fellow Will At-- tend the Celebration A Fireman Milks Cow oa Stage of lions passe in the night and was gone and hut few saw it Goins Through St Paul ST PATTL Minn April Tho Twenty-fifth infantry 8 A passed through St Paul Tuesday routs to Chattanooga Tend The Chicago Great Western rood divided tho oars Into three trains leaving St Paul at 7:15 o'clock in the evening and being duo 'in Chicago lwtween 8 and 9 Wednesday morning A great crowd gathered about the Unton depot to see them and cheer them on their way Colonel John Clague assistant commissary general St Paul supplied the troops with thirty days' rations THREE TRAIN loads of col ORED TROOPS ANXIOUS FOR WAR The Lees have apparently caught jh theatergoing public of Evansville The performance last night In spite or the bad weaiher was very well aUeceea Among the most pleasing fcatur-elast evening was Cow in which an fireman war-a splendid subject So completely waE eundc Hat tier returned from New-burg Ind Wednesday where he secured tho promises of forty Odd Fellows to attend the celebration of the seventy-ninth anniversary at Terre Haute April 26 Tho Dummy line will give reduced rates to the Newburg people They will arrive in Evansville early on the morning of April 26 and leave for Terre Haute with the1 Evansville delegation Crescent lodge of Odd Fellows held a meeting Tuesday night at which the coming celebration was discussed men and officers ready WOMEN DO SUFFER The regular monthly period is enervating to a frail woman But when some derangement brings a return of the menses oftener than every four weeks or shows any tendency to flooding it almost takes the life from the victim This kind of trouble if continued upsets the nervous system affects the sight weakens the blood circulation and finally dulls the intellect There is one way to check this alarming disease that undermines the health of thousands of women every year Wine of Cardui is a great medicine provided by nature for the regulation of the menstrual function It gives robust health to thousands of afflicted women every month No remedy ever discovered equals it for this purpose It gives strength and tone to the delicate menstrual organs and enables them to do their work painlessly When there is the least indication of painful or irregular menstruation Wine of Cardui should be procured at once AS TROOPS PASS CHICAGO Regiment Zs the Fimom Fighting Twenty-fifth With Honorable Record in Xndinn Wan SAD CASE OF DESTITUTION to fire it across the s'ag? at theimaginary cow because of an nppavct-kck Other scenes well received were the serenade the fountain and dancing scenes The living pictures were splendid After convulsing the s-ubjeciB with laugh: or or i ears Mr Lee would suddenly- liv a word induce a state of talepsy catching them in the meet awkward ard arousing attitudes artl enuring tvery I muscle in the body to become set or rigid CONVICTS ATTEMPT ESCAPE Family Found Living in a Dilapidated Coal Shed Received With Enthusiasm All Along the Cheered by Thousands in Chicago Wildy Cheered at Folk Street Station by Thousands of People CHICAGO 111 April The Twenty-fifth infantry commanded by Colonel Andrew Burt arrived in Chicago today over the Great Western road and left in fifteen minutes over the Chicago Eastern Illinois hound for Chlclt-amagua park No time was lost in carrying the troops through the city a flying switch being made at the sixteenth street yards where the tracks of the Eastern Illinois and Great Western connect The troops were not In the city ntii thirty minutes ail told from the hour of their arrival until they pulled cut for the South Colonel Burt with his officers occu- Pouj Connty and Brasil Men Discovered at Jeffersonville' Township Trustee Males came across a deplorable case of destitution Wednesday afternoon A Stewart wife and little girl were found living under a shed along Pigeon creek banks near Blankenburg The husband Is feeble-minded The wife is sick The family had nothing to eat The husband and wife were sent to tho poor infirmary The child was given a home at the asylum Stewart is an old soldier Early thla morning three train loads of United States regulars were hurried through Evansville on to the South ready at a notice to dart to the Atlantic or gulf coasts perhapa to Cuba to repel the Spaniard or drive him into the sea The troops consist of the Twenty-fifth A 'FIGHT THE BATTLES OVER JEFFERSONVILLE Ind April Edward Iiteter sent from Posey county to servo four years and Harry Morris from Brazil serving fourteen years for Iiiiigiary attempted to escape from the reformatory las: night The two men by seme means unlocked-their cell door nhctit midnight and climbing on tepof the range cf ceils cut a hfle through the reef of the cell house As t-h-ey wire about to go through the opening they were discovered by a guard When: hey eaw that they had been discovered the men hid and It waa with difficulty that they were captured CHICKAMAUGA PARK AND VICINITY German Soldiers Renew Allegiance to the Old Flag Akron Ohio Nov 8th 1897 i lam thankful for what Wine of Cardui has done for me I think there is nothing in the world that could have helped me like the Cardui has Since about sixteen years of age I have had very irregular menstrual periods It usually came too -soon There was much pain and I was also troubled 'with sometimes it went on for two weeks In ten years I was a regular wreck It would be worse every month Ejections of morphine would be the only thing that would give me any rest at alL When almost in despair I heard of wine of Cardui I think all that was said of it was true but decided to try it in hopes of getting some relief I coubl see some improvement when I finished the second bottle and in sixty days was better than I had been in twelve yean 1 now feel perfectly well and have none of the old trouble at alL I used a little Black-Draught with the Wine of Cardui MRS SANDERSON Winocf Cardui costs 8100 at Drug Stores ATTACKS A COLORED WOMAN Midway Whisky Causes Samuel Fisk to Be Warlike German gathered at Henry Mans's place at Walnut and Fourth streets Wednesday wight to fight- battles cf the fatherland over again and renew their allegiance to the stars and stripes There were about 150 Boldlers present sad they were royally entertained by the host Henry Mans The object of the meeting was to raise trough money to -buy a new Bag This object waa accomplished The room was beautifully decorated with the national colors and the colors of Germany When the orchestra played Star Spangled there was great applause among the veterans FLAGS SURROUNDS SPEAKER IN THE SOCIAL CIRCLE Samuel A Fisk Imbibed too freely of midway whisky Wcdnusduy morning and it roused his lighting blood He charged Into the house fU 317 Upper Fourth street and attempted- to strike MrB Maggie Beverjy an elderly colored' wo max1 who lives there She raw to her room and locked the door In a few minutes she opened it thinking Fisk had gone and he rtruck her hi the face with his fiRt He attempted-to strike her with a piece of a stave but Officer Fuchs heard the woman's sere An and came to her rescue before Fisk had done any damage WONDERFUL MEDICINE FREE! PROMPTLY SENT TO BVKRY MAN WHO NII33 A GENERAL BRACING UP Farmer Makes an Address to tho Woodmen of tho World WILL- HAVE COUNTY TICKET Prohibitionists Convention Will Hold County Tneeday Nigkt When Farmer of Llnooln Neb: stepped upon the plilforin at Evans hall Wednesday night he wae surrounded on every hand by American lings To the right and left of him were the national colors Over his head hung a banner inscribed: Oak camp No N2 26 Woodmen of the It was under the auspices of this order that Mr Farmer lecturedt Mr Farmer lecture was devoted to the history of the order and the benefits that a member enjoys He said- the order was growing rapidly and-promised to become one of the strongest ia the United States: It Nags Perfect Manhood to fill Ttw Greatest -Dlooovary of the Famous PHYSICIANS! INSTITUTE of Chicago III GRATUITOUSLY GLADLY SENT to all men wpO tt and who will write for It A leige percentage of the men ot today or sadly la need of OA ri(h kind of medical treatment far veakoeu pecullsjje men MSey esss sir due to esrly'vteee others to excesses while ittiSy of the esses ere due te overwork worry end tenoral nervous debility It matters not hovever whstthe cause may have been the teet still remain that they all rrquiv proper medical attention IMMEDIATELY Write us et onoe glvlna description of your ease and will prepurt Coo course of treatment specially adopted to your condition ewl send emmuimY FREE In plain sealed package We can give full strength devekqmuui end tone toevery portion end omen of the body stop sll drwlnsend loeoeo end rert yoj to PERFECT MANHOOD Failure ia Impossible with our method Wa have thousands of tesil cutels from all over the world 0 READ WHAT THEME PATIENTS SAY I BUVCXiKD WiSSn Xmfa SB 1 Four tickets will be In the field In Vanderburg county this year The prohilbtionistR have decided to put out a local ticket and have Issued i a call for a county convention to meet next Tuesday night Nominations I will be made for all county offices and i delegates will be elected to the state cottvenblow which- will heheld'iulndlan- spoils In May State Chairman Crist is expected to I he present at the meeting Tuesday night CITY NEWS IN BRIEF (CONTINUED FROM FOURTH PAGE) ing relatives in this city Mrs Fred Schentrup of Evansville wae the guest of her father John Hillyard in this city last Oakland City JournfiT Luke Dixon returned Wednesday from Salem 111 where he attended the wedding of his brother Varney Dixon to Mies Edith Merritt Mrs William Marshall and Mrs Mal-aryin of Henderson Ky were In the city Wednesday Mrs Os Anderson left Tuesday night for Portland Ore to visit relatives Mies Kountz left at noon Wednesday for Pueblo Col Jasper of Louisville Ky is in the city Mrs Tollman has returned to'Owens-boro Ky after a visit to Mrs Christopher Herrmann Mrs Edgar Defar has returned to her home at Stewartsvllle Ind after a pleasant visit to relatives here Andrew Nelson Is in Mount Vernon Ind Mrs Howard Blanford of Owensboro Ky is visiting In the city accompanying her sister Miss Jennie Taylor who was en route home to Cannelton Ind Pargny of Henderson Ky was in the city Wednesday Joseph Sturm of St Melnrads Ind is in the city attending the United States court as juryman Miss Lou Sutton has returned to Princeton Ind after a visit to Mrs John Dess Mr and Mrs James Rankin of Henderson Ky were In the city Wednesday Miss Ethel Byres of Petersburg Ind was in the city Wednesday Miss Gowdy of Enfield 111 is in the city visiting friends James Hicks of Caborn Ind was in the city Wednesday en route ot college at Jasper Ind Right Rev Bishop Chatard and all local Catholic clergy of this vicinity will visit in Poseyvllle Ind April 27 at the invitation of Father SchaaL BURNED BY GAS EXPLOSION A Potter manager No 1 advertising car and advance agent for railroad show with sixteen men is in the city The senior and junior Indoor baseball teams cf the A will play the second game of the championship series Friday nigbt Id the association gymnasium The seders won the first game Dauiel Breideabaeh Injured in the Diamond Coal Mine Tt nronosud to concentrate the troops of the United States army at PMolVmnura Park The map shows the part proper Missionary Ridge f-hlftooca nud ihe scene of fight on Lookout Mountain Craw-sh nSaT'irtikh pours out a flood of pure water is at the southern extrem-ftv'of toe p'artlandChlckamauga creek into which the spring flows is the of the park The park- is about nine miles from and includes a district of about fifteen square miles hi extent A sudden gust of wind1 Wednesday afternoon tcre down the awning in front of the Jourdan-Lotach furniture stare at 817 Maiti street The wreck threatened the plate glass windows and was quickly removed by employe of the store Peter Miner fined in police court Tuesday for wife beading did not go to jail but hi fine was stayed by a friend An explosion of gac in the Diamond coal mine la the Stringtcwn road WediJesday morning seriously burned Daniel Breidebbach Breidenbach I in charge of the pump on the lower level and while attending to some repairs on the pump befc-re work began gas Ignited from the lamp on hie cap The explosion hurled him backwards and burned- both arms from the elbow to the tips of hie fingers and also burned his face acid the back of his neck He was taken to his home at 1231 East Nevada street The physician who dressed his wounds says he wilL be confined to hie bed several weeks hut that the burns are nor deep enough to be IataMyVi DtasMl kiJbU thanks for tho matt of wf took row (mtarnt tb lunto iptons sIbog (anil MBt in mr rSDSTNl or qthor syi ot tho impress eii HiaWMMii GsvnjnffWs stnoiL Dtuifib mIwmiwatudI foormGdioiM Mr In Mr friondo ora oil aorprissd Hundreds of -tmtimv letters are now on Ills In our business offloe and sll ere boos Hit exoressloas of permanently cured men Do not delay writing tons and remember that we bo only a responsible Institution In every way but ours la the largest medleal Ineti" Smarten that mekea specialty of SEXUAL AND NERVOUS DttlAIEt Inclosed cents for preM medicine which la always plainly seeled PHYSICIANS INSTITUTE 1710 Kaionic Templa CHICAGO ILL Nearly Loses Her Finger Miss Thresla Beonenger -employed at clothing factory at Division and First streets met with a very painful accident a few days ago She let the needle in the machine fall on her right hand Her little finger was almost severed Dr Rlchsteln dressed the injured member HOME FORUM ENTERTAINS Members Give a Concert and Dance at Their Hall Goldblume PECIAL BREW Democrats Meet Today The democratic congressional committee will hold a meeting at the Ven-dome hotel at 10 this morning to discuss the prospect from a congressional standpoint Chairman' Spencer says he expects a good The members of Heme Forum No 688 gavy art entertainment at their hall in Sycamore street Wednesday night In spite of the irL-Iemcnt weather there wae good attendance George Denson deliverer ihe( address of welcome He spoke oMhe-good the order had done and the many things it would accomplish In time to come At the conclusion of the literary and roust cal program dancing wae) Indulged in uxtil a la hour REMOVALS Mrs John Bingham from 622 Upper First street to 10 Adams avenue Mary Cooper from 127 Powell avenue to 311 Oak street Pflsencr bvAaoAno cbahol pied a sleeper in the rear of the train a portion of the regiment being in the tourist sleepers which formed the balance of the first section At the- Polk street station thousands of people gathered and cheered wildly the coaches with their loads of brawny colored soldiers came In sight Two or three hundred enthusiastic coIt ored men who gathered around the switching yards tried to board the train at Sixteenth street but were not allowed to do so Colonel Burt commander of the troops was seen by an Associated Press correspondent Colonel Burt said: am absolutely without any news whatever I am simply pushing through to Chickamagua Park as fast as the railroads will take me When told that the flying squadron would put to sea this afternoon and that things were beginning to assume a warlike aspect he smiled but said nothing The younger officers of the regiment were delighted with the prospect of active 'duty and expressed the hope and opinion that they would soon be moving further south than Chattanooga BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT -CONTAIN MERCURY As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfarw Such articles should never he used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Catarrh Cure manufactured by Clieney A Co Toledo contains no mercury and is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucopa surfaces of tbe system In buying Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken internally and made In Toledo Ohio by ChMjcp A Co Testimonials free Sold by druggists price 75c per bottle family Pills are the best ifantry which left Montana Monday be enlisted men are all colored and re a fine-looking body nearly all roing men The regimeCtal and com-lissloned company officers are all rhlie Most of them saw service In lie civil war The wives of a number of he officers accompany them Officers nd men alike are pleased over the ransfer to the South The regiment is under the Colonel Andrew Burt an old soldier rtio has been in the Blnce 1 SCI "he second in command of tne regi nent Is Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Jaggett who entered the ervlce from Memphis In 1861 The 1 eh ting force of the regiment is 520 nen besides the band of twenty 'mi Mi-lane The latter are also colored The trains were expected here about i In the evening but owing to lome delay on the A I the first lection was not turned over to the section was Haute untU 10:4 'clock The second left there at 11:20 t'clockand the third at 11:45 o'clock The first train consisted of six Pullman tourist cars one Pullman standard deeper and four box ears The second was made up of nine Pullman tourist cars one standard sleeper and two box cars A third section which followed con-iisted of two stock cars three box cars one coach and one flat car This section was utilized mainly for the transportation of equipment The first section did not roll Into the I A depot until nearly 2:80 o'clock Oils morning Engines were quickly changed and the train aped on its way with but a few minutes' delay All the travelers were asleep except a sentry the door of each car and owing to the late hour there was no crowd present to cheer the dusky boys of Uncle Sam on their way The second and third sections passed with an interval of about half an hour between them There was aa little delay and commotion about them as about the first train The nearest glimpse Evansville has had of warlike prepara- 1 f-' HENDERSON KY Colonel 8 A Young la one of the numerous patriots of this city who is to raise a regiment to fight the Spaniards Mrs Frank A Peltrat of Washington arrived in the city Tuesday last and le the guest of her parents Dr and Mrs Benjamin Letcher Ex-Governor Brown had the misfortune to slightly sprain his leg last week while Hftlng some books from the top shelf of hie library He had not fully recovered from the last sprain of his leg and has never been able to lay aside his cane Mrs Charles Alfred Booth of 8t Louis Mo was entertained Tuesday evening by Miss Nannie Morris at her home in Center street Min Maud Grirwold of Chicago Jll arrived In the city Tuesday and Is visiting Miss Susie -Barret at her home in Center street: Dr Robert Stewart and family left Tuesday last for Splcevllle Ind where they will make their future home much to the regret of their wide circle ot friends in this city Mrs Clark left a few dsye ago for Cairo 111 where ehe will spend a few weeks with her sister Mrs Lippett in that cKy Mr and Mrs Allen llart of Mount Vernon Ind are visiting their sister Mrs Myra McClain in (Main street Miss Ollle Crouch of Ardmore I who has been visiting Dr 1-llprd left Tuesday for Lebanon Ky Jim McGhee while In a state of Intoxication Monday night fell asleep on the railroad track in the Texas yards and but for his timely discovery by one of tbe night crew he would have been killed of the pioneer women of Moes one Kentucky Albert Jackson Discharged Albert Jacksco colored was arraigned In Just Ire court Wednesday for assaulting Nannie Jackson The case was dismissed Judge Dillon la tbe City Judge Thomas Dillon of Petersburg Ind arrived In the city Wednesday night from Boonville Ind where he has been looking after his congressional fences He is at the Lottie Cntarrli Hay Fever Rill the Catarrh microlie and you cure Catarrh These parasites nest deep in cataxih the tissues and folds of ihe olfactory membra tie and are difficult to reach sud kill but Brazilian Uj Balm will utterly destroy if used persistently nsenoBB as directed It also destroy the Hay Fever germ in a few days Use full strength or nearly so for Hay Fever Cure permanent CHRONIC RHEUMATISM CURED Dr Hettinger Indianapolis Ind aye: "For Meveral months after spraining my ankle 1 waa severely aflllcted with RheumatlHin I finally tried Dr Cure' for Rheumatism and In 4 day could walk without my cane two liol-tie cured me sound and well take great pleasure in recommending the Cure' to all who are afflicted with Hold by I Romm Drug Co 4i and Walnut Bis and 3 Romm Drug Co 229 Main St Evansville Give a "Hay Ball The division of the Central Turnvereln gave si seed" bx'l at the Rookery -building at Fourth end Sycamore streets Wednesday night Music was furnished by a band from the country In spite of the toad weather the attendance waa large Windsor Club Bmfertaims The members of the Windsor blub gave on entertainment at their club room at Third avenue -and Virginia street Wednesday night A fine program was rendered Tha membership of the club Is large and otf the lncraae Robsrds died at his 'home In this county last Sunday Ha was 80 years of age and highly respected and widely known throughout the county Mrs Ann Jackson of Evansville is visiting the family of Mrs Sue Towle The regular monthly meeting of the GeneraT Samuel Hcpktns chapter A wa held Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Cunningham--This meeting wah very Interesting In many particular? Upon 'roll call the members answer with patriotic quotations One 'of the quotations given was the Maine" The subject of the was Dollf Madiaon her life etc which was treated upon by exhaustive paper 'by several members those present at the meeting was Mrs Charles Alfred Booth of St Louis Mo The next meeting will be held with Miss hpumleNorrls The sub- Jnry Is Looked Up The jury in the case of White against the Ameriran Wringer company retired at 10 Wednesday morning The jury had not reached a deck: km at 10 o'clock Wednesday night and was locked up You know what you want Ask for it in the stores and take nothing else Impolitic merchants sometime offer unknown wares in place of Hums with as established reputation Advertisements -In The Cenrier Wont Columns token fer ene-hoU weed sash insertion eent a wwrd si Advertisements in Tbe Conrier Want Colnmns taken for one-half eent a word oaeh insertion i Benjamin Robsrds brother of Mr jset for that meeting wilt be Ketnrah wi -4'-' -t.

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