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Daily Yellowstone Journal from Miles City, Montana • Page 1

Miles City, Montana
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The Daily Yellowstone Joumal VOLUME V. No. MS- MILES CITY, MONTANA. SATURDAY. APRIL 16.

1887. PRIC FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL on ball forced Sunday home and ai ruble iu a waiter. Hence it is not surprising that many of them who WILLIAM HARMON, WHOLESALE The Panhandle Plot. Latest Phase oi the Robbery-Yet More Thieves to Apprehend.


W. K. 8TEBB1N8. President, H. F.


Vie President. ELMER E. BATCHELOR, Asst. Cash. TO INSURERS.

much npon the skill and knowledge of companies represented in THE OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA. CAPITAL AND PROFITS, 105,000.00. JOSEPH LE10HT0N, President. GEORGE M. MILES, Vice President.

E. B. WEIRICK, Cashier. H. B.

WILEY, Assistant Cashier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. i ivj su score on Williamson's foul fie. Burns waa llimun nut at first, in tbe second inning Buxbong mutfid Daly's forth strike ami CoiuUkey tuutJVd a throw, letting Dsly to first. He went to second on Bushong's wilii ibtow and scored on Ryan's iiouoie.

The Chicago made their lat time ruus In the third Inning on sluglesofADsonaod Williamson and fumble of Foutx and Comia-key and Burn's sacrifice. Alter this inning the league club was unable to wore Tbe ht. Louts made their first ruu in tbe fourth inning, wben Foutx bit a bot one to Ryan, who let it paa bim, and Knulz ii.mHh tt nlrxni. In tl sixth GieasoD waa bit by a inched ball, but waa thrown nut at second. O'Neil went to first on balls and took second on Comlskey's out-st-ttrst.

Welsh made a bit lo left, brimrlnr O'Neil borne. Hullivan fumbled Welch' hit unit ha latter second. Foutx bit to right and Welch scored. Robinson bit a bot grounder to Pfefler, wbo let It pate through bis egs, ana routz started lor tnira. Itvan tiinberl nn ll.

Lull i.tA tlea I. to Burns to catch Fou'x. McQuade declared Fonts nut A air.rtn hiua greeted Ibe decision. The Browns did uu more ruu-gemng. aitLougn tney had men on banes in evirv innlnir afterward.

Score: ht. Louis .0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 03 Chicago '2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0-4 Would Writ of hprn g. During one of tbe recent warm, I mWi iM b.l i n. 1 his coat ana commenced an editorial as follows: "Tbe spring is surely com ing. Coming with It birds, Us Dow ers, its verdure of tree and gardens and fields.

Corrlng with it balmy air, Its sunshine and it resurrection of nature lying dormant locked In frosty embrace with these many cold and Inhospitable wintry days and week, com" Here tbe editor rose ut on bis coat and yelled to tbe office oj: Come here and build a red hot Ore. Gosh, didn't that bllzxard come upqulck!" Then be resumed: "Com log a the bidden guest comes, smiling and welcome. Yes, spring is coming, although present Indications do not seem warrant tbe assertion." Atchison News. Odd and End. Pleuro pneumonia baa appeared in Arkansas.

ht. Augustine's fire burned the old cathedral. Tbe smallpox is said to be spreading In Chicago. Tbe Chicago hoa carpenters are said to be weakening. The work of Improving Ihe Patomao flat progi eses rapidly.

Freshets are reported in Vermont, New Hampshire and New York. Civil service men are Investigating Collector heeberger in Chicago. Washout and ice pile etofped travel on the New York Central road. A four-weeks' bride at Wooeter, hanged herself because she was homesick. Tbe Western Union will issue "hares new stock to retire dividend script.

Tbe late President Arthur's bric-a-brac and painting have been sold at auction. It I thought possible that John T. Raymond died from an overdose of morphine. Tbe New York custom houe is try- Ing to break up the practice of smuggling cigar. Prof.

Capen. who predicted tbe Ver mont earthquake, predicts another before April 1. The Trenton, N. J. Republicans elected their mayor for tbe first time In twenty-five year.

TheJicarilla Apaches are to be re moved from Southern New Mexico to Northern New Mexico. A wrongly constructed dam at Black River. when high water came did a damage Seneca Indian have brought a suit at Buffalo, claiming 150,000 acres In Brant. Erie couuty N. Y.

Five thousand emigrants, exclusive of Irlch. left Liverpool on Saturday and huoday for New York. Daniel Lamont and tbe Preeldeot say no extra session. Mr. Sherman and other Senators want It.

First Aas'stant Postmaster General Stevenson le confined to his bed by a painrui abscess in nis right ear. Gov. Roes, nf Texas, has vetoed tbe b'll which postponed for one year tbe collection of taxee In the drouth district. James M. Ward, tbe Irish comedian, playing at Boston in "Tbe Red Fox' was painfully wounded by tbo wadding from a pistol.

Tbe bearing In tbe extradition case of George H. Bacon, wo Is charged with irgeries amounting to fUO.uoo In Canada, baa been begun in Hartford. Ten prisoners escaped from the county Jail at Dubuque, by lower Ing themselves Into the water closet vault and removing a foundation stone. The shell fired at a target from the United States steamer Omaha which killed four Japanese will cause claims for Indemnity against the United State. President Cleveland ha definitely accepted an Invitation to attend tbe Piedmont fair, which will be held at Atlanta, during the first two weeks of October.

Griffith, of New York, who set cot with CoL Gilder for tbe North Pl last fall and was left behind at Fort Churchill, on Hudson bay. walked 600 miles and has arrived at Winnipeg emigrate litis country drirt into mat very useful bunine, and it would be barah iu tbe ex'reme to drive them from It becaua of mere prejudice against them a titled personages uuder auother and ie fortunate social yatelii. Of coum. if It I true as tbe Restaurant Proprietor Asaociation say, that they do uot make good waiters, they will fail of employment, and there 1 no occasion fur boycoiting them. No restaurant keeper is going to employ a bsd waiter aiciply becaue be is a count or a baron; but neither will he diemisa a good waiter for that reau, unless be is a very foolieh man.

What dihVrence does it make to nun, and what difference to his patrons. whether bis sailers are men of titlu or not? Nor is it true! lty always, or even usually, are deficient in tbe ability to do satixfactory waiting. There is tbe case of Baron von Usdowltz, who baa successfully practiced the art for seven ytar and is a member of th waiters' union; and a mariui attended the table at Del-moulco's a few yeurs ago with sufficient skill, while very lately many other representatives of tbe nobility are now fairly creditable waiter at various restaurant in New York. ive the bearers of the oid feudal titles a show in Ibis glorious republic, say we, and put no obstacle In tbe way of their earning an honest living. Kither as waiter or as barbers they should be allowed togain an honorable distinction, and the accident of their nirtb should not be thrown up avalnat them and made a bar to their advancement.

EW TOBKKK IX hi NO KING. Soma of th More Soted Convict and th Work The Ar at. Cowles, tbe bookkeeper of Claflln wbo killed a backman, keep books in tne shoe department. Unger. the murderer, and De Leon, tbe aetrologer, are employed in cleaning celts, there being uothing eNe for them to do.

Es-Ald Jaehne has graduated from tbe laundry and i now wrapping tobacco packages. His demeanor is quiet and cheerful. Ferdinand Ward runs a little steam printing prees that print cigar and tobacco labels. He has a perpetual sneer on hi face and 1 regarded as a surly, diBngTeeabie fellow. Ex-Ald.

McQuade I counting- shirt lu the laundry department. His face wear a half expression of patient resignation. He baa grown falter since bis incarceration. Brock way, the notorious forger, wbo Is Hearing the end of bis long term, is getting old. He mends his time in the ditpcusary reading work on cbemixtry, comparative anatomy and theology.

Police-Sergt. Crowly has charge of the nickel-plating In the oil-stove loom. He has become an expert workman. His fat, sensual face is falter and more sensual iu expression than ever. Ex-Ald.

O'Neil and Policemau Rourke, the murderer, are working together In tbe shoe department. The former is modest and cheerful, while the latter is hilarinu at times. Buddensieck. tbe mud mortar builder, occasionally trundle a wheel barrow and does a little cleaning. He I loo old to do auy Lam work and, although looking hearty, Is hardly likely to survive hi sentence.

New iork urapnic. Wanted, a National Aatntn. We have been singing tbe English national antbeiu, "Ood have the yueen," for half a century. On our centennial brthday, when the stroke midnight ushered iu ihe Nl of January, 170, we fired guus, rsng belli, kindled bonfires, and throughout the length and breadth of the land we sang our national hymn to the music of "Ood have the Queen'' because that tune is called "America. While we were celebrating; the one hundredth anniversary of our freedom from tbe BritUh yoke, we were shouting the Urltish national air, "(iod have tne Outen," from Maine to California.

The cause of this ridiculous blunder canbeeaMly explained. In a Boston music publisher issue a collection of psalm tunes tailed "the Boa- ton ami on page of this mongrel collection is a tune called "America. National Hymn." This tune I meaa-ire for measure and note for ote the Eugluh national tiymu, originally known a "Ood have the Klug," and changed to "Ood Have the Queen" wheu Victoria ascended the throne, on June -Mth. R17. by the Boeton publisher allowed (be committee who compiled to introduce this Englixh national melody Into Ihe collection, and call It "America, National Hymn," I a problem that no student will ever aolve; but the tact that Ills so published in Ihe "Boston Academy," and iu many other catchpenny musical publications since, baa led some ignorant Americans to regard It a ibe national air of America.

New York Hun. I'NI AVOKAULE lM IMUNS. I'mplr Megusd Accused of Throwing th l.aiu to hlcago. Cincinnati. April 13.

The Lou I club went Into to-day's chain p- InUBiiip game naiiiy handicapped. C'arutber and Foulx were both dis abled and Boyle was put In to pitch. After one disastrous inning changed places with Fnutt and the latter pitched a strong game, despite hi lame arm. Fully h.inn) people were present. The Brow us won the toss for umpire and chose McQuade, who gave Chicago Ihe best It on balls aud strikes.

In the first tuning Ht. Louis retired without a run. For the Chicago, Sunday went to first on Robinson's fumble and stole econd: Ryan was given a base on balls; Anaou waa given a base on balls and tne bases were full. Pfeffer's base Every Morning Except Monday. Population of Miles City, 3.000.

Term of Subscription BY MAIL-IN ADVANCE POBTAGI PAID. pally Edition, on. yaar bally Edition, til Dlly Edition, I lira 1.00 TO CITY By Carriar, Em Morning, ai eu. par k. WEEKLY EDITION -YELLOW PAPER.

OM Y.V M. MM. 11.00 HI i i 0 Tbra Month I Advertising Rate. Tint. -s i tT 1 I UlftM.

I I AWU.M I Month -I 4 too no too oo 10.00 1100 ii.di 18.00 U.00 tiM too 700 1.00 lo.oo 12.00 14.00 10.00 il.o) jh.ho 40. UU 1.00 10 00 U.oo is oo 14.00 1 00 lit 00 91.00 24.00 U.OO Jn.00 82.00 S4 .00 4100 42.00 M.00 60.00 74.00 1400 u.oo 21.00 24 00 12 00 42.00 52.00 MOO 100.00 20.00 2A.00 MOO It 00 4t.00 60.00 to. 00 at.oo loo.oo lu.a. i.m I 7 U0 I t.00 io.u it.m i.oo 1.00 Local nolle Too rnu ur itn for srk tnsrr-II is. Wrll-up (flats HtiU par Una.


CoSTSaCTOB AMD BOILDIB. EatlmslM ( on all kind of carpnir ork I' KO tJis 1 0 A L. ANPKEW HI kLf.I'.H, Atturn.y at La. Omc ppo lu Court Uouaa, Mil Oily, M. T.

EDMONII HI TLKR. aTTolXIT AT LAW. OAcaat CourUnai't. Main trt. Mil.

City. lliVl( IAN. Da. a. a.

HY.KU, rdeH IAS AND BCHCiEOS. Vila i ai W. K. Sara' drug 11 DR. i.

J. WOOD. I'HYalCIa AND Sl'BUEON. UOioa at BaaK'i diu( Mora.

rifii. I'riYalCUS, ll'BOfOM AND OlaTKTBIClA N. (Ant, Wundsrtl and Muurtabrlfer OfBc at Wright drug Murs, all, City, M. T. T.

(iKKES. IK UoMikurAIHIC I'HYalCUM AND flaoK.K. Oflies Room No 1, Mock orussr Bank Hliwk, MliatCil, M. T. DB, E.

MARSHALL, Phyi.uax AND FllBOKOM. UiBo at W. E. Mim'i druf Mar. TVR.

E. hlHKri. XJ PBYICi. AND St BOEON. Cites in I'o-tothc Uuilditif, up t.itr.

CS. WHITNEY. DlKTItT. Man tt, or r-tvckror National Bank, rk u-witw-d and at rraaunshl raiaa. III Kt III.H.

Baptitl Church he rTlcr Sunday, 11 a. f. at. it. If.

iNisncy. pulor. Mathoditt Church rrlra Sunday, 11 a. p. an.

B. K. Balfcr, paur. Pr bytrlan Church (t.rli Sunday, 11 a. p.

at. T. C. Aruutronf, paator. M.

Paul'. Epiaropal Iiallf icp4 Stturdar, I. b. Sunday, 7 Jo p.m. Wia.

Uorafail, rartoi Chu chof Hatred Heart, ratbolle Cund.y, In a. ai. K. W. J.LindMiuilh, chaplain, I'.


lilTnlcm No. I niMl Srel aid coai tandaoofcach Bonlh. K. of Aral and third WdnlT, at M.I Fallow' Hall. A.

F.AA. tod(, No. and IMrd K. A. M.

iilo.too Chaptar, No. ft, aaeond nd fourth Saturday. K. liamatcu Oommandary, aaeond and fourth Thuraday. I.

t. P. Uxig. No. It, ry Monday thalr hall.

I. O. O. ntlrl Eneanipnirnt, No. Srel and third Friday.

K. of P. Cru.adur ld(, No. 7, Tburaday vanlnp at Odd fallow Hail. C.

It. of A. Mil tliy branch, ararybanday at B. B. K.

of L. Firal and third Friday. U. A. H.

Urani Poai, 14, Snt and third Tuaaday. I. O. i. Xlar of lb Wat, N.

34, rry Thanday aranlnf. WATCHES. CLOCKS, AND PLATED WARE. R. C.

RICHMOND Ha a Hula tha nlrwi that crrr balora lb. good propl uf Mil, (tiy. Call and ax am In. for yourMlra. AH Watchps Repaired mi Sliorl Mire.


GEO. B. SILVER BERG FMJML SALON i i IMPORTANT The safety of the assured depends as IttsOKT TO TIIKKAT. The Anion of th lira pernio fanhandl Thlcvea, PlTTsiii ko, April 13. The ao conii.liur of ibe filroal thieve are rnujrtiuK tu threats to Intimidate tbe Panhandle railroad official.

Among the mail laid on (Superintendent Taylor' tleek tbia morning waa a letter in a dainty envelnpe. It waa addrewed to Mr. Taylor, mho opened It and found the following threatening Uilia-ive: "ihiu't make any more arrent, damn you, or we will cut your damn wires, and do It tut often aa we Lleaae. You can't get all, and you bad better let lie at ter drop. Deninon April 12.

1V)7." Hupt. Taylor thinks he recoicnitea the baud writing, and the man sua-pected will be "potted. He is still In the com pany's employ. A numlier of tbe who have been interviewed, aert their Inno-rence and give plaunihle eiplauations for tbe good found In their po-Hexnlon. John Xlaimo, chief of the Brother-h'Mid of lirakemen on tbe Panhandle rnd.

called on Deputy Mayor UrifT, before whom the warrant had been amorn out tbia morning and utated that be bad been employed on the Panhandle road for tbe pat four uionthn; during that lime he bad never Been anything crooked among the employes. Tbe Brotherhood, be said, would employ counael to defeud tbe priaonera and if pottMUe eatabliab their innocence. If the proof were shown of their guilt, however, the Brotherhood would aaniat In their conviction. It was tbe intention also to proceed again! tbe company for damages if tbt charge against any of the men under arreat are not sustained. hupt.

Taylor. In speaking of tbe ar-reU, Hated to-day that there were atiil a large number of tbe train men on tbe Pittsburgh division on whom there did not rent the sligjtent sus picion. Me said tbal tnere were eighty through freight between Pitlebrgb and Columbus. Oflh's number thirty-five were west of Lenuion and were not under aurveillauce. Uf tbe remaining fort y-fjve crews, employing 11 men, aixty were arrested.

i bis left about men between Pittsburgh and Denniaon, be said, who were not under suHpicion and were still working. The aasiatant district attorney stated to-day that It wa the lulentiouof the grand jury to flnikb tbe wotk laid out lor tbiB term next week, but if it eeius better that the jury should bold over ten day lu order todiapose of the railroad r-ase that will be done. Tbe United Mates authorities have decided to proceed against the Pan-baudle plunderer for breaking Into government bounded car. An Investigation I now iu progress here, and the matter will tbet. be laid before tbe department of Justice tor further action.

The Pennsylvania company announced to-day through one of Its leading official that five Hays would be given to people having in their possesion stolen good from the panhandle trains In which to return the same, all the- packages must be ad-dreed V. Taylor, hupt. packing Kooni, Uuion Depot, Pittaburgb." No questions will lie aked and no further investigation follow If the goods are returned. Tbe company has a list of over forty houaes in this city In which stolen property I coucealed and it I to reach these and save the tbe trouble of numerous arnsts and long trials that this method baa been adopted. A CHaME FOR TITLED WAITEK8.

Charles A. Dana Make aa Appeal In II-hair or -Mult and kirn." We, says tbe New York Bun, agree wiib the Baron von itadowits, wbo wrote on the subject In tbe tun yesterday, that tbe proposition made to the Hestauraut Proprietors Association to boycott titled waiter as deserving of the severest reprobation. Id Ibis tToad, free and equal republic any such discrimination is undemocratic nd outrageous. If a couut or baron, duke or earl, is not a good waiter, be must take bis cbauce, and step aside to make room for a belter, tilled or untitled; but If, like Baron von Kadowltt, be has exhibited bis skill In the art durlug seven years of practice as a waiter, It Is an odious olTVnue against republican enualitv to boycott hiiu for no otber reason than that hf bad the misfortune to lie born lu the rauk of European uobllity. It i even questionable whether exneuce as a member of aristocratic society might not tend to make a man peculiarly fit for th dutlee of a waiter.

He may have learned from hi aristocratic associations what are the wants which people most desire to htve filled by a waller, and what are manner tbv find mtwt agreeable to blin. It itiust be remembered, too, that the number of calling for which dukes, lords, count and barons, ami even dethroned king, are adapted, is likely to be few, and it I cruel to shut Ihem cut from any one of Iheiu. Thej are uot. as a rule, brought up to work, and therefore when they are forced to make tbelr own living, they are worst off than the run of people. But they may acquire In aristocratic society a polish and a grace of manner very de- the AGENT as upon the soundness of the company.

The ability properly to write policies and make the endorsements so frequently called for, aa well as to gire the advice needed and asked for by almost every person assured, Is not acquired in a few days or months, but requires the study and experience of TEARS. It is well known that most of the delay and trouble attending the settlement of losses is the result of the ignorance of AGENTS through whom the insurance is effected, and their inability to render needed assistance at the time of and after a lire. WILLIAM OOURTENAY. More Important to Insurers. Tbr umleralicnvd rrprrnl gulaay of INNl KAMI OMI'AMKH of umloubtrd aound-nra.

-ll ralalillahraanil fatorably known In thla ell) fur their fairua In atlju.tlna; ndruNilnraln payiiiK Uw-r. Non- of tlirui liatr rvrr rhanr-tl four per cent dlarnunt on Buy rlaiui Baliil tlirm, uioal rlaliua liata brca palal at nrr wllhuut any diarounl. Kan of my rompanle harr I. ant a lawaull In Ilea Oty and Irlrd airtuut of paying bunnt limw. Nnu my rmiiintilr hava avrr matlr, or triad to nmhr, a tnhnlral or law Milnt nul of llirlr I fallur to rrpmrnt LI AM IIOI Iih, Mt.HK.Af.KH, rtr nhlrh It la the local agent' 1)1 TV to rarefully Inquira Into and faithfully rrprraent th tmrU In Juatlc both to th Inaurerand tha Inaured.

and to guard agalnat var-lnauranr. whlrh I tln ban of th Inanranc bualneaa. My hnawledgaof INBl'KANt ha not ben awqulrvd in a few IIAVSor MONTUft, but I. th recall of tndy for YKARA. OHARLES W.

SBYDE, Offle In Ktel.bln'. Illovh, Mil Oily. M. T. Mostnt (o Ben That certain Insurance Miles City have not yet paid a loss which occurred three years ago.

That policies have been delivered to the assured without tbe agent's signature, thereby rendering them void and of no effect. That property has been insured for DOUBLE its cost in somo instances by some of the local agents in town. NEXT! WILLIAM COURTENAY..

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