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Akron Evening Times from Akron, Ohio • Page 8

Akron, Ohio
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fr iw wv J.t. gsna TWTWWlfTTO! 8 AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY DECEMBER 16 I- SWjsw wiV'' The Weather Sunday Warmer. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF OUR FAMOUS KID GLOVES We arc MORE than SURPRISED at the RAPID GROWTH of KID CLOVE SELLING, but Whin you CONSIDER the GLOVE we sell for gsi.oo you Will think It LITTLE WONDER Our KID GLOVE BUSINESS GROWS. All SliaJiS, all sizes, 2 clasp or hook' GUARANTEED.

At tl.HO a pair Wlion at our clovo counter ask tn look lit our Jl.fiO gloves, it in a splendid fitting glove, two clasps or liook. Guaranteed. At Too a pair This kIovo wo don't Riiarantnn, but It is a Rood glove and will glvo satisfaction. At 2oa each Dainty llnon lawn liatidkorcliicfs with Iaco and em-broldored odgo. Makes very nico presents.

At ISJjO oacli All linen liond-korchlols, with Initials, any letter you want, oxtra good quality. At So and llijifc ouch I.adlos and Gents Japonotto Handkerchiefs In silk Initial luttors, look almost Ilko 1 1 Ic. At 12c to CO each Imported unlaudercd emLioldery all llnon Handkorclilefs, mado liy hand, oxtra line quality. At 25c to oach GontB' Silk Mufllers, full slo squares, now patterns, nil now trcsh stock' Anything In the Mltton lino you want for Indies, children or gon-tlomcn. Special bargain In Ladles' Plaid Waists at 50c, regular price $1.00.

150-152 South Howard St. $75,000.00 l-OAIMS ON FURNITURE ETO. If xminupiulHit which yiu (hut It llicim-rnfrtlt loiu Mil Ht-nmt', or If jnu out) milliner unit-rum imrilt'tt nun mimi lit a rlcl oflln, oiulifirriiAHrntMit, wi will nirnhti llin moiipy In iiiv ilium nil uir ntnl can my im Imck 111 mniill urrkly nr liionlli-ly liiHtiitlntrnlH, Mian tint In ml It fioin ouruirnliifii. will luaujou from 15 to rURNITURE, PIANO, on ICE, STORE AND SALOON riXTURLS, 1IORSLS, WAGONS, nnitciiANDisn, DIAMONDS. WATCHES, LII INSURANCE, POL1CILS and other (food securities AT AM HOUR'S NOTICE ALL GOODS LEfT IN YOUR POSSESSION Kxtra time In cmhii of slcltnitiix death or Iohs of eiiipliiyiiiont.

IIjoii cannot call, wrllitnr phono K2 and we will Mill pi isuually and lulug lliuuuy. Orounct Floor Two dours north of Mill street. 193 S. Wo wore! S-t. Open EvcnlnRS.

IIHOKKN AXI.K-Tlio ri'itr nxl on Rapid Transit oar 21, running ho tweon Akron and Itarbnrton, was broken atO o'clock Friday aflornoon, delaying traveling a short tliiin. 20c Per 01 Toilet John s'u i.iiiii'. SOUTH SIDE. Turkeys For Goodrich Employes. Athletic Club Will Give a Smoker-Dogs Stolen.

John Klino of East Thornton lias invented a very noat dovlce for fishing through ice. Ho has tried It through sheet Iron with some suc cess but says with ice It will work perfectly. As John Conway, the pntrol operator, was walking toward homo Thursday ovonlng ho had tlio pleasure of digesting a specially prepared snow ball that was placed between his teeth by Young America. After John had dlsolvod the romnantsho pulled his club and sprinted, but In vain. CharleB Kljorly had a well-bred beaglo hound stolon recontly.

Dog thieves have played havoc In this end of tlio city during tho late hunting season. A South Main st. grocery firm has a dog show in Its front window. The Ooodrlch Co. will again mako Its cmployocs happy by presenting thorn with turkoys for Christmas.

Kred Steeso and Hank Consldlno nro hustling for the show to bo given by St. Mary's church In tho near future. Tho South Sldo Athlotlo club Is still booming. Alrondy thoy havo champion wroBtlor and a boxor who can hustle anything his wolght. The club will glvo a smoker In tho noar ftittiro and danoo at Militant hall Friday ovonlng, Dec.

29. Ohnrloy Gray Is again with his brother, Harry, In tho Baloon business. Hurry Fink received papors from tho American Athlotlo union declaring lilm to bo a professional traluor. Tmini. Or.

Buil's CounK Syrup Is a grand old remedy, used for many years, and still In publlo favor. It is without doubt tho best inedlcino for all pul-mnnary niroctlons. It always cures. All druggists soil it for Hoots. 14 Priio Winners.

Claronco Carlton and Miss Hnel Smith wore awarded ilrst honorx In tho oratorical and declamatory oxer- clses at tho High school Friday ovonlng. Heriiinn Schlogpl and Harry Kliodos won second iuI.oh, A Uiolul Chrittmas Present. A good Sowing Mnclilno, Win, Ijonliort.t i'ltl West Market St. sell all kinds. Bonds Signed.

Tho City Commissioners todny up-proved tho bonds of tho six new policemen appointed Friday. Tho bond Is for $1,000 each, and bondsmen nro: For James lichvnrds, I.ovl Krydor and N. j. Glovorj for John 1 Dulfy, M. Dulfy and S.

Duiryi for Frank It. McAllister, M. W. Hoyo and M. O'Noll; for Kuguno Murray, Charles Wlghlmnu and H.

II, llaruottj for Irvln Franco, J. H. Dellenbcrgor niiilJnhii It. llorst; for Harry A. Welch, Stephen D.

Welch mill H. K. llorgor and A. J. Howley.

Lecture. Ilov. N. .1. Myers, recent pastor of St.

rani's liuthurnu chinch, has lo-calnd nt South Iloud, Ho will fill lectiiro appointments under tho direction or the Central lijcoum llureau. Ho will also act iih supplv for tho Trinity l'leshy tnrlim chiucli nt South Jlcml. Having rooived tho inrgost and most in San Franoisco, Ounce go most fragrant and lasting 1'orfumo I- Kfc.E:. Uo have bargains in In Fact Everything Appropriate For Lamparfer 183 l---J- J.tZTat;;Xi 'i' 'irtmmmskwnmmaiJHUmtiv nun, -i A GOOD LIST Xmas Gifts Now is the time to make your selections. We make special prices on all Holiday Goods from now until Jan.

l. China cups and saucers Hooks, Pocket hooks Games, Toy tea sots S.ilt find pepper shakers Toy stoves, Water tumblers Dinner plate, Surprise boxes Knivos and forks Dolls, Creamers Glass Lumps, Sleds Hocking Horses Hluck boards, Wash sots Iron toys of all kinds 100 1'ieco dinner sots, from St.HO up to S18. Toilot sets, from SI. 50 up to S5. I'ino parlor lamps, from 75c up lo So.

I'ino water sots, from oOc up to S2.50. China berry sets, from C0c up to Toys of nil kinds at lowest prices. City 5c and 10c store, S02 S. Main St. Kublcr Beck Block.

Wo boliovo in policy in all things, and when wo say that we will fiivo you our profit rather than to carry our goods from ono scabon to another wo mean to do just as wo say. Our fall season is virtually over, and our next ofl'ort is to elenr tlio tables. Our woolens nro all this season's stylos. Our stock consists of tho best makes of foreign and domestic goods. Givo us a call and wo will savo you monoy.

jL-LgEHSg, The Tailor, o-fc. SPECIAL AfCJOUHCEMEHT TOR THE HOLIDAYS. YOU BUN NO CHANCES Of getting anything but tho Best Made Dread, Cakes and Rolls Of all kinds whon you glvo us your order. The South Main St. Bakery Has hut ono grado and (bore's no better goods bnki In Akron.

Wo ask you to try our liomo-niado blend, whlto and ryo brend, flesh every day. Cakes, rolls, pies and doughnuts, tho best In tho city. SPCOIAU NOTIOC Now England llrond every Wednesday ami Hatiirdav. It Is conceded this Is tho BEST MUUb Hindu In the cty. All Telephone Orders I'rnmrtly Delivered.

Give Us a Trial. G.H.HEINTSELMAN, Mgr. Kubler Beck Block 500 S. Main st. Tel.

857 At The Grand, Tho most pronounced tiliimphof David Belasco's successful literary nnd dramrUle caieer was In tho production of his piny, "Tho Heart of Maryland," In Now York, and which brought forward early In September, three years ago. Hlnco thou It has been presented in all tho leading cities of tho east. With a company of specially selected players, "Tho Honrl of Maryland," will liavo plnco for the Ilrst time nt tho (Irand, ThuiMluy, Dec. 21. flip! comploto lino of bulk 1'orfumo ovor brought to tlio city, a tho hind whoro tho liowers grow, wo will, until Jan.

ovor mado. Bring your bottlo and atomizers and havo thorn filled. If vou havo no bottle, wo will furnish you atonuzors. Homombor these Porfumos will sell at SOo PER OZ. until January lsy only, iPIttirtJ Largest Exclusive Dry Goods Store In Akron.

Galore Tho very choico and now novelties and fancy goods in largo assortment at Low Prices Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Writing: Sets, Shaving. Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Sterling Silver Novelties of all kinds, Bric-a-Brac, Jewelry, Purses, Dolls, Etc. Dry Goods Suitable for Holiday Gifts, In largo assortments, of tho most desirable, selected with great euro, especially for Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Furs, Cldaks, Suits, Silks, Dress Goods, Silk Waists, Petticoats, Umbrellas, Kid Gloves, Mittens, Blankets, Quilts, Towels, Napkins, Table Linens, Etc. Open Evenings lWi and 1D7 South Howard street. EEmmzgml S.

Gs Pointers Wo nro not a crockery sloro, but wo do sell dishes) Bell 'tlinllt' right, foo. It wo hnvo anything H-bu want you will (hid tho' pries' rlcht. Look us ovor. Schumachof 8 Gammcior, 1(11 S. Howard St.

S. Gs Pointers You should not fall to avail yourselves of ono of our 10(H) Calendars. I'rno with the purchase of 23o woith of Tea, Colfee, Hplees or: Star linking I'owder, with tho usual checks, Schumacher Gammotor, JIHS. Howard St. S.

Gs Specials For your Christmas Dinner. 8. It-'o and Mocha Cof-foo this week special or our Situ Corlnelilo Mocha. lb. S.

W)c Coylon and India or Knrmtisa Doling this week at llOc. All other kinds of tea it you piofor thorn. Schumacher Gaminctor, 1(11 S. Howard St. Was an old Subscriber.

Fronds M. Walto, of Northllold, whoso death occunod recently, had beon a render of tho Akron for yenrj, beginning with tlio llrst Issue, Holiday Goods iiirt Try Our California Wild Toilet and Traveling Cases, Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Work Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Baby and Game Sets DENSE FOG Caused Two Collisions on Car Line. Molorman Edward Wclkcr Considerably Bruised Vestibules Wrecked, Saturday morning cars G3 nnd 01 on the Xorthern Ohio Traction company's lino, collldod on W. Kxchaugo near Jlowery. Dam-ngo slight.

Operators wero on 63, John McGuokln, conductor; Milton H. Gclslnger, motormnn; on 01, J. Elckelbergor, conductor; John Hol-lowny, motorman. At 0:13 cars 15 and 4 collided on Bowery near Center. Front ves-tlbulo of cars considerably damaged.

Operators 15, Elcholberger and Hol-loway, thoy having taken 01 to tho barn and brought out 10; 4, 1). Whit ne7, conductor; Edward Welker, motorman. Mr. AVelkor was considerably bruised, lie was tho only one of tho car mou hurt. Dr.

C. 12. Norrls attended his Injuries. Accidents wore caused by tho heavy fog. No passengers wore on the cars.

Uie Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at onco lor t-jonchltls and grippe. It has stood test nnd is positively a reliable remedy. Life is too short to experiment with new so-called "sure cures." Bull's Cough Syrup costs but US cts. 13 DEATHS.

MiLiiEn Franols daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller, 211 North Arlington died Friday.

Aged 2 rears. 0 months. Funeral at St. Vincent do Paul's church Sunday 2 o'ekook. Will Be Re-Employed.

Mr. Rnbor, the Covontry teacher who dismissed his school election day to help his friend, Prof. Secso, will be ro-cmployed by tho Board. The sub-directors have recommended him. Directors Here.

H. A. Everett, E. W. Moore, C.

W. Wason, B. A. Mahler nnd W. B.

Sanders of Cleveland, olllolals of tho Northern Ohio Traction company, are here today, nttoudlng directors mooting of the company. Tho meeting Is to appoint a date for the stockholders' meeting in Jnnunry. Struck by Car. AVm. MoBurnoy of East Akron, while walking on tho Enst Market at.

car tracks at 4 o'clock Friday nftornoon, was struck by a car and knocked to tho sldo of the track. In-Jury not serious. Men's Boys' Women's Misses' Child's Youths' from tlio laboratory of Fatul Relger Co. 1, 11)00, oiler for salo theso Porfumos at WE HAVE THE MOST S. U.

iwiin JU JB 1. JU umnn umiMi our Xmas Window TONIGHT Saturday, Doc. 16. i Great Holiday Cut in Prices -ON- TO0R For Mon, Women, Boys and Children. YOU WANT TO SAVE ALL YOU CAN WHEN YOU BUY FOOTWEAR, BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF QUALITY AND STYLE.

We guarantee you the very lowest prices. Come and see our stock, you will quickly seo that wo do as wo advortise. Xmas Slippers A new and complete line for Men, Ladies' and Children at speciul low holiday pricoB. Come at onco while tho sizes aro not broken. Millers No.

606 South nrrrittifnftiftiitioffia Last Chance To get your Photos mado before Xmns. 207 E. Market Street. Pressmen's Officers. Pressmen's Union, No.

IB, elected tho following olllcors Friday night: President, vloo president, Chas. Thorn; reaordlng sec-rotary, I.oe K. Lynn; sorgonnt-at- Tho Akron Shoo Receiver's Sale. SLIPPERS Are always acceptable as Christmas Gifts. Wo are closing out our ontiro stock of Slippers afc big reductions in price our pricos ranging from 35cto $1.50 for styles that you pay fSOo or 75o more for olso-whore.

Th Akron Shoe Co. (32 South IVBaiirj S-fc. Nick Huber Receiver TifiTCrh QhnPC Tho best Mon's shoos on earth. 1JJL Owll tJllUl3, Closing out price $4.50 All Styloo artel call Loathora. COMPLETE LINE 0F Howard st.

yf Oil- KV-a, mim SHOES Old Stand Main Street. irasi Tho "Howard" Livery, Boardlnp, Feed and Sale Stable, Oor IVItll and High Stn. FIRST-CLASS SERVICE In Every Respect. Phone 372. E.

W. Cubblson, Prop. arms, Chas. Zepp; exeoutlye committee, Georgo Floeok, Louis F. Grimm, Chas.

Thorn; Allied Printing Trades council, F. A. Miller, H. Bnydor, V. O'Brien; delegates to C.

L. F. Miller, T. W. Byrns, J.

Harllng, Georgo Floeck; correspondent to American "Pressman," M. Ford. located Flowers one: OFFER 4-.

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