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Keowee Courier from Pickens, South Carolina • Page 2

Keowee Courieri
Pickens, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


I 11). A. HM ITU, .1. 8HKI.OU, 1 1 vm' J. A.

STUCK. SUBSCRIPTION. ll.OO PER ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE. Communications of porsonnl character charged for us advertisements.

Obituary and tributos of rosnoot, of not ovor ono hundred words, will bo printed free of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at the rate of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C.

TiiriiMiiAv, JAN. II, moo. VOLUME Ll. With tho now year Tun Cor ii i it ontorod upon its llfly-flrst year, With tho beginning of tho last year of the old century Tun. Conni KU rounds up a full half century of its existence, lt has long since passed beyond the experimental stage and demonstrated ils inherent strength as "tho survival of tile littost." Tho record made by Tin: Coi lill: li in tho past bas been one of great honor and usefulness.

Wo feel justly proud of it, and inspired by a recollection of Hu past, we press forward to malu- the last year of tho century in which the paper saw its birth the very best in ils history thus far. Wo feel no hesitation in saying thal TllK COUKIKU never was better equipped in every respect for the publication of a lirst-elass weekly newspaper than at present. io expense or pains are spared in gathorii.g and giving our readers the nows, and all the news. Wo desire to thank a generous publie for liberal patronage in the past, and to solioit a continuance of it for thc future. A newspaper and its editor arc not li ing moro than pub)ii servants, and dur lng the coming year let the elVorl of one and all be, "Who can best serve and bcsl agroo." THIS YEAR'S COUNTY TAX LEVY.

Last year's tax levy for Oconcc county mills, as authorized by thc (louerai Assembly, bu, the County Cominiss i ou ors raised tho levy to mills. We think tho action of the County Commissioners illegal, and the small taxpayers were put at a disadvantage for the reason that they could not litigate thc extra tax without far more expense I han it would take to pay tho tax. Last year the Legislature authorized a lovy for ordinary county pm poses ol' L'l mills, court expenses mill, roads I mill. p.iBt indebtedness ti mill-a total of mi UH. Hut the County Commissioners raised the road levy mill, making the total 54 mills.

Tho Legislature last year changed I Inlaw which permit led the levy for road purposes, so that this year every person liable to road duty must work instead of pay tax. Still the County Commissioners ask for thc same tax this year as was i loviod last year. Wo do not think the request should be granted. They should not be allowed to abolish the special lax for jurors and witnesses. When persons arc forced, considerable expenso, to attend there should bo no doubt about then small fees being promptly.

Why do the commissioners wish to abolish this special The only rea- son that can bo given is toallow them the direction of this fund as they may desire, without any statutory restraint. They evidently wish to hold it for the payment of jurors and witnesses or spend it otherwise, as they may sec We do not think this discretion should be lodged in thc board. The custom of holding i funds separately has worked so well and equitably that it should bc continued. Again, during the liscal year we had a levy of only mills for ordinary county purposes, and it lacked only some five or six hundred dollars of paying' all expenses, while during he year I SW a levy 1 of ailis was made for ordinary county purposes, and slill wc arc asked fora half mill for past indebtedness. li might bo said it.

was for indebtedness ol prior years. This is not the ease. Tho 1J mills levied his yeal foi past indeiil ed ness more than pays all thal was behind when Hie present administration look eli a ige. And why should il lake I mills this lt. took thal amount bist seat.

1 when theie was one mill for roads, which we do not have this year. The lax lev) should decrease as the assessment in creases; but this is not I he ease, foi both aro constantly on the int reuse. Kor years and years the levy for ord i nary county purposes has not bren mills, and seldom that much. We would ask why mills this year for mill nary county Ki ve mills is entirely too much, and Hie people should demand that it. bc reduced.

The lev) should he divided as heretofore, and the hoard required lo hold the funds separately for di lloren! speedie purp I want to let thc people who sillier fi om rheumatism ami sciatica know thal Chamberlain's I'ain Halm relieved me after a number of othei medicines and II doctor had failed, ll is Hie hesl I i ll i in i'll I 1 have ever known of. .1. A. Dodgem Alpbarctta, (Sn. Thousands bave been cured of rheumatism by Hus remedy.

One application the pain. I side by .1. W. Hell, Walhalla W. .1.

bun ney, Seneca: II. H. Xi mci man. minster. What (lie Legislature Found Confrontait) ll.

When the l.egislatuie mel on 'I ni al. n.ion it i'min I confronting it Containing bills left ovel hom Hie last session. Of these the House cal etidar contains lou bills, and that ol Ihr Some of these measures are of considerable importance, audi as amendments to the primal') election law. bill providing for assessment and laxa lion of ba lks, amendments to the ari relative lo the forma I ion of new conn Iies, amendinenl lo Crow" cai bill, hill to prevent lynching and punish lynchers, bill to make the term ul mein hers of the House four ye ns, bill lo make legislative sessions biennial, foi a new system of county government, bill providing for marriage licenses, bill foi establishment of county seats, bill lo provide for special coul ls, lull limitim: he li alu li I of part tiers, hill i i the recorder of the City of bill to protect oysters, hill lo pro nf charters, hill to exempt Charleston county front thc county government oil inspection bill, wide tire bill, bill as lo lynching, 'harlcstnii canal bill. As these and many more hills will probably be introduced, Hie Oeneral will doubtless occupy Hie lol forty for which Hie member! rai draw pay.

A HORROR IN FICKE'IS. Rev. Mr. Allaway Died a Raving ManiacThirsty For Blood. Tho ('loenville Nows of January 7 Coroner Jones, of Pickons county, who WAJ os io rd ny, an account of tho sad and tragic doath of tho Kov.

A McSwain Attaway, a prominent young Methodist minister, who is a brother to tho Hov. Mr. Attaway, of Traveler's l'est, and son of tho Kev. John Attaway, of Williatnston. His doath occurred at his homo, six miles west of Dickens, on Thursday, and was caused by heart failure superinduced by a violent attack of insanity.

It is thought that ho lost his mind by reason of the death about ton days ago of a son. Mrs. Attaway is now also insano and is being guarded. Both havo hoon treated in thu Stale hospital for the insane. Mr.

Attaway's death was attended by harrowing circumstances. First ho went into tho yard anil killed his favorite dog by cutting its head olT with an axe. Next ho killed a hog in tho sanie way. Then he went into tho house and lay down. Suddenly ho was seized with a spasm and jumped out of lied and began lo destroy the furniture.

Then ho his wife's clothing near her neck between his teeth. In her terror sho told her daughter to kill him. The had a carving knife in hand. "(lol him oil tho mother screamed lo thc chihl, frantic will: fright. "Cut bis throat willi tho knife: il is necessary if you don't lie will kill mo and all of you." "Oh no, munmin," replied the daughter, exhibiting remarkable courage and presence ol' mind: "thal needn't lie done.

I'll just cut Ibo piece of dress loose he has in his mouth." This was done and immediately the Minoring niau fell and died. Mrs. Attaway became violently insane in a short lime. The coroner thought best, in the circumstances, to hohl an impicst. A verdict of death from natural cause was Said She Clicked Him to Death.

The Anderson Daily Mail of January 7 says: There seems to bc sad circumstances thal cluster around tho recent sudden deal li of Hov. McSwain Attaway in l'ickcns on the sib instant. Ile died at o'chuk in the morning and it is said that no one except his wife was in (he room al the tillie. Il is known thal Mr. Allaway and his wife were inmates of (he asylum several years tigo, bul they did not remain long and it was thought that a permanent cure had loen affected.

Mrs. Allaway now makes thc statement, so il is said, that she choked her husbnml lo death, l'licnds think she is unbalanced mentally. A coroner's inquest was held over the body of Mr. Attaway on account of th" self-accusal ion of his wife. The veidicl was that "McSwain Attaway came his death from heart failure, caused r.un a lit." Mr.

Allaway was to lits and on the night of his death il is said a bitter took place bet ween Hie minister and his wife. At thc coroner's inquest no evidence was brought out to show that any violence had been used. Mr. Allaway was a member of Hie Methodist conference and is connected with one ol' the bes! families in the county. lt has been demonstrated repeatedly in every State in the I nion and in many foreign countries thal Chamberlain's Cough isa certain preventive and cure tor croup, lt has become the universal remedy for thal disease.

M. V. I'ishei. ol' Liberty, only repeats what has been said around Hie globe when he writes: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Kenicdy in my family for several years and always with portee! success. believe that it is nol only he best cough remedy, bul that it is a sure cure for croup, lt luis saved the lives of our children a number ol' tiines." This reincdv is l'or sale bv W.

Itel Walhalla: J. Lunney, Seneca: ll, ll. Zimmerman, Westminster, BUYING THE STATE LIQUOR. Il is Suggested that thc Stale Employ a Broker lo Purchase Us Chemically Pure." uiiiA, January How to pi iridiase tor the Male dispensary is tobe one of Hu problems the (uncial Assembly will have to solve al (he approaching session, lt is manifest thal Ibo present plan, through the State board ol' control, does not suit, for il is said Ilia) the hoard of control is to be legislated oui of ellice. The question, I' en.

is how will tile million and a ipiarlCi's worth of liquor be Tho proposition thal was suggested by a caucus of leaders is to advertise forbids, have the bids made foi a year's supply to he ordered as needed, and have the awards made by Hie board, consist ol' the Cn vernor, Soerelary ol'stale, Attorney (ieneral and inen ol the lina nco committees of the House ami Senate. lt is sui'-ested that instead ol' having snell a board it Would be a good idea lo employ a broker who understands the liquor business and have him place the orders for a mall commission. This, it i urged, would remove the matter entirely publies and talk, and the a -eiil of Hie Stale would be strictly the business i ve, ami the purchases would be made upon business illll is urged thal such a buyer could save Hie Slate a irreal deal nf money, and it mid be I his intel esl lo buy good liquors at as lo? a price as possible. At all event Hie members of Hie (ieneral Ass -milly going lo pay purlieu hu at tent mn tn I he pu rel las i np phase ol' the ne? measures thal are i' to change Hie dispensary syst n. Columbia Cor, N.

nailer. Killian in Clarendon. Si II ii, ondiietor I'. II. 11 i soy, on local freight 11 aili bel cen Denmark and Ibis place, killed Lewis a negro I rain hand, at Pino wooli, larciidoii cornily, at o'eloek lo day Hui soy and I largess h.ul a ililli cully on Hie hain, and burgess was dis charged and ordered lo leave Hie train When the traill slopped Mr.

lim soy ordered Ibe negro oil Hie rail, bade him gel on again. Ile persisted in I ry i nu lo hoard Hie hain, ami was (old by Horsey thal il he gol, on I he 11 he have lo kill him. lb i Iel i i Ilm sey mi I he hain, ami -hot. killing him instantly. Hui soy was arrested and held al Pinewood o.

awail Hu- ie--nil ol an inquest, A not he i I i pino Sl.uii|htcr. ii January h'econnob UK I nt linus. Cavile Province, this morn 1 i- ulled Ul the loss ol three UKI hilled I wen fy wounded. Tin enemy', loss is estimated at si I killed and Wounded. NEWS iii AND AROUND WESTMINSTER.

Tho Kiblor-Sholdon Marriage- A Largo Nulabor of Guosts Prosont. January of tho Koason, whioh had boon looked forward to with ibterosfc by many in social circles, was witnossod on Tuesday, 2d, 1900, whoo Miss Fannie sheldon, in tho prime of her lifo and usefulness, was niarried to Mr. John YV. Kibler, a prosperous wholesalo morchant of Newberry. Tho wedding took placo at tho homo of the bride's father, Mr.

William II. Sheldon, tho senior elder of tho Kotroat church, who resides noar Tugaloo post oflico, twelve milos bolow Westminster. To tho swoot strains of Mondolsshon's wedding march, rondorod on tho piano hy Mrs. Cl undo Little, of Westminster, tho bridal party ontorod tho parlor, by couples, in tho following manaor: First oamo Miss Messie (ilonu, a uwoot and lovoly blonde of Anderson, with Mr. J.

I). Hull, of Fort Madison; then carno tho graceful form of Miss Flora Simpson, of Greenville, with Mr. Jay of Anderson; next came Miss Fanuio Maxwoll, a beautiful and charming young lady of Walhalla, with Mr. A. H.

Dorroh, of Greenville. That queenly young lady, Miss Veda Sheldon, who was tho maid of honor, preceded the bride and groom with Mr. lt. McCarty, of Newberry, who was ibo best man. Tho bridesmaids and groomsmen separated in tho parlor and took positions facing each other.

Tho contracting parties stood noar tho entrance into too parlor and faced Kev. S. Wilson, of Westminster, who, in oloquont and improBsivo language, united thom in the holy bonds of matrimony with the solemn service of the Presbyterian church. A hugo twig of nativo mistletoe was fastened to tho ceiling and suspended in the center of tho bridal party. Thc bride and bridesmaids were becomingly attired in colors appropriate to tho occasion and season.

The groom and gentlemen attendants wore tho customary black suits. Congratulations were heartily bestowed upon the happy couple. F.xquisito tasto had boen displayed in preparing the wedding dinner, and a magnificent repast was enjoyed by all. Soldoni are guests at a wedding permit ted to partake of such an elaborate moni as was spread before the guests on this occasion. The (ablcs were arranged to accommodate forty at a time.

The wedding presents, which provod tho affection and esteem held by tho friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kibler, attracted the attention of allon account of their beauty and usefulness. They were numerous, too-quite too Humorous to mention. Mrs.

Kibler is one of Oconoo's highly cultured and accomplished young ladies, and will bo quite an acquisition to Newberry. Slio has taught school in this county tlie past eight or ten years, and her work as a preceptor bas always been of thc highest order. Mr. Kibler made a happy choice in selecting her as his i fe. At about 5 o'clock on tho nf tor noon of the marriage tho happy couple went to Seneca, where they spent the night and boarded the Hine Kidge train on Wednesday morning for their future homo at Newberry.

Many good wishes go with hem. than sixty people were present to witness the marriage. Anning the relatives who reside at a distance woro Mr. and Mrs. 15.

Fellers, Newberry; Dr. W. A. Sheldon and family, Liberty; Mr. and Mrs.

M. S. Stribling, Hartwell, Mr. and Miss (Menu, Anderson, and I Mr. Glenn Sheldon, of Newberry College.

rous roi; nonm.N KACTOUY. At a special melding of tho stockholders of the Southern Shuttle and Dobbin Company thc following board of directors were elected: W. P. Anderson, Seaborn, li, G. Spalding, V.

B. Pitts, J. P. Ilradberry, J. P.

Stribling and W. c. Mason. W. 1'.

Anderson was elected president and treasurer, and Miss Norris appointed secretary. Tho stockholders decided to increase tho capital stock of tho company to and instructed the president to open hooks of subscription on Monday, January to receive subscriptions of additional stock to the company, which was done, and subscriptions are coming in from many quarters. This furnishes a grand opportunity to people in the county having funds to invest, as Mr. who has control of tho enterprise, has shown that what ho undertakes succeeds. And In this enterprise he has thc counsel and help of a board of directors, all of whom have made successes in I I.I, SIIIK TltACK, Mr.

C. Motley, civil engineer of tho Southern railway, was here Monday for the purpose of surveying for tho side I rack to the cotton mill site. Work will be pushed rapidly towards building the mill so thal il may he ready for this season's crop. To persons who have, promised financial aid in 1 his enterprise, and have a small income, it will imply selfdenial lo some extent in order to moot the payments. Now is the lime to think about having the money ready.

Dr. C. M. Walker ha's af last arrived and is ready to at lend to (he calls of tho sick. 11 is ollice is in the brick building just above (be bank.

I le is boarding af the Westminster Motel. Dr. Walker is a valuable acquisition to thc medical fraternity. Several from Westminster attended tho sheldon marriage, al. Tugaloo on the instant.

Prominent among tho number were Mr. ami Mrs. W. P. Anderson, Mr.

and Mrs. Claude Little, Mrs. C. Anderson, Miss Kl i nor Knight, Kev. and i s.

S. Wilson. Kev. I). Keller will preach his introductory sermon here next Sunday morning'.

Mrs. Keller was Miss bessie Garrett, the and only child of Aleck Garrett. She is an accomplished lady and an ideal Methodist pastor's wife. The Methodist people pounded I hem graciously on Thursday. Wo bespeak for Kev.

Mr. Fidler the coopera lion and encouragement among the people to whom he has been sent to proclaim thc oracles of God. The lia pl isl Sunday school has elected the following othceis to serve during this year: Mr. K. ().

Mitchell, superintend cul: Mr. .1. S. ''arter, assistant superintendent; Mr. W.

J. Vickery, secretary and treasurer; Miss Kora King, organist, and Miss Kllie Stribling, assist ant. organist i ss SI ri hiing is he (dim ch organist. i. P.

K., nf Kl berton, is here "special" business. Miss orrie McDowell, who bolds a position in the store of Mn ion A Peden has gone lo her boluc in thc lower pa rt ol ville county to rest a mon I h. Miss Kellie Dicker: on, of Hart county, Georgia, has returned home, aller spend ing two weeks with her brother, Mr. W.

A. Dickerson. Mr. Kyle Lesly, who assisted in the ol VY. I).

Lesly A Co. last year, re Ilirned lo his home, near Abbeville, on Sal uni i hisl. Mr. and Mis. John Sheldon, Fair Play, spent last Friday night ill town.

Mi. II. V. Hobson has bought several acres ol land from Mr. W.

P. Ander son, near thc shuttle factory, and Is creeling buildings thereon for occupancy. Mr. Hobson is a brat lass carpenter and bis services are always in demand. A.

I loss v. i i. STATE ANNUAL Valuable Facts and Figures-South Carolina's I Part In tho War Botwoon ino Statos. Tho annual report of tho State historian, Col John P. Thomas, has hoon completed and placed in um hands Ol' (Governor McSweonoy for transmission to tho 1 isla turo.

It is a valuable historical document, full of information collected during tho years that have Intervened since the surrender at Appomattox, ami which is now accessible in condensed form for tho first timo. Col. Thomas has labored faithfully during the past yoar without compensai ion to comploto tho records and put them into shape, so that tho futuro historians will have facts and figures furnished hy tho survivors themselves for their guidance and instruction. Ho has prosecuted this work on lila own responsibility "as a voluntary contribution to the Confederate history of tho Stato, and especially to the causo of tho rank and filo of a noblo soldiery." The result of his year's labors will appear in tho annual report, and we givo herewith tho concluding statements, which aro replete with i. 'orest: Tho otllcial records in inc ollico of tho Stato Historian of Confedorato Records show that South Carolina put in tho armies of tho Confedorato Statos regimonta and foin battalions of infantrymi companios, seven regiments, one squadron and ono company ol companies; and three regiments, two battalions and ID unattached batteries of artillory-55 companys--tho tabulation of tho rolls, including the field and regimental and battallion, giving tho following result: Enrolled.

Effective 518,311 Cavalry 8,014 Artillery. 7,031 Total.01,008 In addition, tho oflicial records show HO companies of troops or reserves, with an enrollment, including field and staff, of enrolled, or 4,041 total effective-which is known to tie far below tho actual ligures, since were organized at least 12 regiments of reserves in addition to other State troops, It thus appears, from the figures of the rolls in tho Stato Historian's custody and duly filed, that South ('andina furnished for Confederate service 01,008 and men total enrolled, or total effective, and for State service 4,014 oillccrs and mon total enrolled, or 4,041 total off cot? ve. Making now tho moderate estimate, and tho estimate that thc truth of history warrants, that per cent, of Confederate and per cent, of Stato troops aro not carried on the rolls, it further appears that South Carolina gave to the Southern Confederacy a total of 71,08.5 olliccrs and men enrolled, or 02,8.18 effective, as follows: Enrolled. Effective. Infantry.

40,2211 8,414 Artillery.8,830 8.018 Total.04,003 00,001 State troops enrolled ISO, or effective 0,177 aggregating, tis above stated, officers and men on rolled, or 02,838 effective. The magnificent way and the rare unanimity with which South Carolina stood by ber colors and redeemed the plodgo of 1 silo of life ami honor is bes! illustrated by tho simple fact that tho voting population of the Slate was but 00,000 in 1800. Hut this does not limit the contribution of tho State. Entitled to equal honor with tho officers and men of the lino are those self-sacrificing and skillful mon who composed the engineer corps, the medical stall and the band of chap laius, as well as the quartermaster and commissary departments. Nor should we overlook the services of the signal corps; tho "Captains Courageous" of the blockade runners, and the Olliccrs and men that South Carolina gave to tho iron-cladsin thc harbor of Charleston and to Confederate States Navy, tho heroism of which is a mat 1er of history.

In reviewing further tho contribution of this State tho cause of secession and State rights, must he taken in account the military skill of the general ofilcors from South Carolina in the Confederate armies, of whom appointed from South Carolina or from other tho records show live lieutenant generals, six major generals, besides a long array of brigadier generala, colonels and majors. Of other commissioned, non-com issi oneil ollicers and privates (anning under this head there is no record. So mindi, concisely slated, for South ASH YOU 1 Ask your physician this question, 1 'What is thc. one great remedy for consumption?" He will answer, "Cod-liver oil." Nine out of ten will answer the same way. Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all fatty foods, yet fat is necessary for their recovery and they cannot take plain codj liver oil.

Thc plain oil disI turbs the stomach and takes away thc appetite. The disI agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unendurable. What is to bc done 7 This question was answered when we first made EMULSION of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. Although that was nearly twenty-five years ago, yet it stands alone today thc one great remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs. Thc.

bad taste, and odor have been taken away, the. oil itself has been partly digested, and the. most sensitive, stomach objects to it rarely. Not one in ten can take, and digest the. plain oil.

Nine, out of ten can take. SCOTT'S EMULSION and digest it. That's why it ctn? so many eases of early consumption, liven in advanced cases il bring; comfort and greatly prolongs life. amt ilniKKisK Si I III (WM, horn-Is, Nrw Carolina's contribution to tho cnuso to which BIIO waa plodded by tho ordinance of secession, passod Docombor 20, 1S00. 'ibero ia presenten next tito coatiy aacriiico laid upon tho altar of country by South Carolina in tho war ahoprocipi-1 tated and thon grandly breasted, receiving her full share of tho bery bolts 01 battle from ism to the ona.

Tho report of tho State Historian, laid before tho General Aasoinbly, shows the deaths in battle or from wounds, the deaths from disease and in prison, and tho wounded to bo as follows: Infantry .17,018 Cavalry. Artillery. 710 making a total of auch casualties to bo 20,101. But this, owing to tho imperfection of somo of the rolls reported, does not give tho full showing. As to tho 371 infantry company rolls, 20 contain no report of I "died in battle or from wounds''; 13 no report of "died from 107 no roport of "died in and 15 no report of As to tho 50 artillery company rolls, 22 contain no roport of "died in battle or from wounds" 25 no report of "died from 40 "no roport of died in and 27 no roport of Applying now tho rules of averages to these Incomplete rolls, it appears that tho infantry casualties may fairly bo put at the cavalry at 1,7:10, and the artillery at 1,3011, making a total of 21,215, classified as follows: IMA NTH v.

Died in battle or from Died from disease.5,740 Died in prison.1,IS:.' Wounded.7,513 Total.21,118 CA A MtY. Died in battle or from wounds. 5-Js Died from disease. 157 Died in prison. SO Wounded OOS Total.

A UTI 1.1.KUY. Died in battle or from wounds. Died from disease. 40-1 I Mod in prison. 37 Wounded.

572 Total. To Binn np: Masing the percentage of casualties upon tho "tidal enrolled" in eaidi arm of the service, tho result would bo Infantry, 151 per cent: cavalry, IS-J-lt) per cent; artillery, 15 I lo per cent. Making the "total effective" in each arm of the service the basis of said percentage, tho result would be: Infantry, 7-10 per cont cavalry 20 7-10 per cent artillery, 17 per cent. That is, the casualties of the infantry in war were more than one-half of the total olTcclive: of tho cavalry moro than one-fifth, and of the artillery more than one-sixth. Truly a costly sacrillcc, and one freely made, of the best blood of the commonwealth So much, concisely presented, for the personal sacrifico of South Carolina in tho Held of arms in 1801-05.

Moro eloquent than words aro the ligures herc given ligures based upon records and the logical inferences deducible therefrom. The patriotism of the contribution and the pathos of the self-sacrifice make up the story of tho fame of this commonwealth. And when, further, there aro added to this military heritage South Carolina's contribution of statesmanship and the Oddity of her noble womanhood in tho years of tho war, there is exhibited a demonstration devotion to principle in scorn of and in obedience to duty, that challenges the world's admiration. The part enacted by Soutli Carolina in the war between the. States is her glory and her complete vindication.

Having a Groat Kim on Chamberlain's Cough lteniedy. Manager Martin, of tho Pierson drug store, informs us that he is having a great run on Chamberlain's Cough Ueinody. Ile. sells live bottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, and it gives great satisfaction, lu these days of la grippe there Is nothing like Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy to slop the cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very short time. The sales are growing, and ni! win? dy it arc pleased with its prompt South Chicago Dail Kinsale bv.l.

W. Hell, Walhalla; W. .1. Lunney. Sen oca: ll.

15. Zimmerman, Westminster. Fire al Mars Bluff. Pl.nltKXi rc, January Mars I Hu IT, a small station on tho Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, (Atlantic Coast Line cd" South Carolina,) six miles east of this city, liad quite a ore last night. Thc gin house, engine and machinery, together with several hales of cotton, belonging lo J.

KU Gregg tysons, and the freight depot, with considerable freight, and (bree carloads of Cotton seed, were destroyed. The lire originated in the gin house and it is thought il was the act of au incendiary. The gin house was within a few yards of Hui freight, depot, and il was imp- to thc llames from the depot kuli hiing. The gin house, mac hillery and cotton destroyed, lo Messrs. Gregg, were valued at about with no insurance.

The Coast Line depot building was valued at nh nul $1,000, which, with its freight, was insured. Two kinds of women need Dr. Pierce's favorite Proscription those who wau) tn he made strong, and those who wanl to be made wi ll. Il builds np, invigorates, anil enies. lt's for young girls just mitering womanhood: for women who have reached the critical ''chango of life." for women to become mothers, making delivery easy and almost painless; for mothers who are nursing and exhausted; for every winnall who is run dow delicate, or overworked.

Koi all the disorders, disease, and weaknesses of women, "Kaverile I'resei ipi inn" is speedie. Tokccna Talk. ToK ic KN January S. Aller a lapse ol two weeks, mi account of the holidays and a seizure of "grip" on Ibo writer, school opened (his morning brighter prospects and new additions. Mrs.

John Zachary, willi her two inter eating little daughters, made a Christ mas visit lo bei- sister, Mrs. 1'iiee, of venerable friend, Mr. Joe key, despite his declining years, has entered into Hie culture ol' (lie onion. Ile has plaided a larger acreage in erop lhan many have sown in wheal. N'oiiiig doubtful farmers ure awaiting results.

Wc think it no mirer tain product. Kev. Ward law held his li rsl congregation at interest for quito a while al this place yesterday. Uro. Wardliw had an appreciative audience, and one on hich he can rely a help in the gleal cause.

Mr. II. I shel I will soon make an addition to his store room pm pose (d' bis domicile Ibis year. Mis. McDonald, ol near four score years, has been declining for several weeks, and now ber end seems inevitable Madam rumor speaks nf a modern gin nery, saw mill and largo store al I hi: place before the year passes out.

li. Comrade Rima, of Mcclmntcsvlllo, N. was struck by a plceo of HIIOII which later caused sovoro heart trouble. Ho says: "At second Boll Run a piece of shell lodged in my shoulder, and later rheumatism set in, winch in turn affected my heart to such extent that several doctors pronounced my case incurable. Dr.

Miles' New Heart Cure relieved my pains, shortness of breath and enabled mc to also to sleep -jouiidly, and prolonged my life." OR, art Cure ls sob! by all druggists on guar.mtco first bottle hcncllts or ninney back. Hook on heart and nerves Bent free. Dr. Milos Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind, THF. NEWS FHUM SENECA.

The Colton Mill Public Installation of K. ol ll. Olficcrs. SHN KC January lu. -Ai a recent meeting of tho citizens, the necessary amount was raised to assure Hie erection of a sm cotton factory at this place.

Tho location for Ibo mill bas been selected and land purchased. Ibo property having formerly belonged to Turner Wiggins, colored, and being about a mile from town. Mr. W. who is working in the interest of the mill, now has his (lice umler the Seneca Hotel, bel ween the stores of M.

W. Coleman A- Co. and .1. Iliinnicutl. Mr.

is al present at Union, S. C. Lodge, No. K. of will have a public installation of ollicers next Monday night al o'clock.

Members of Walhalla and Westminster lodges, and the public generally, ami ladies especially, are cordially invited to attend, livery effort will be made to make the lime pass pleasantly anil profitably. Miss Dora Dumas has returned lo her home at Summerville, after a visit lo lier sister, Mrs. buskin Anderson. Mr. W.

A. Holland and Coorgo and Charlie Holland were in town the lirst of the week. Mr. Holland expects, at once, to move his family to Anderson. Mrs.

P. P. Sullivan, of Kort Madison, spent Tuesday with her cousin. Miss Ki anees Lowery. Mr.

and Mrs. II. L. Adams, of Charlotte, wi re in town last week. Miss Hose Welch left the lirst ol" the week for Charleston, where she will remain some I Mr.

L. Lowery left Tuesday for Mississippi, where he will make his home in Hie future. Mrs. Lowery preceded him, payin a visit to relatives at. louisville.

Miss Cherry has returned lo Columbia, where she will resume her studies at the College for Mr. D. A. Smith, of Walhalla, was in town Monday. Miss Kita bruck, teacher of the Homily Land school, was in town Sunday.

The friends ol' Mrs. Lillie 'Fribble are glad to know she is bettor, af ter a threatened attack of pneumonia. Mrs. W. II.

Cary opened a private school at the Kcoweo Hotel on Monday last. Mr. doini after spending the holidays at his homo at Pendleton, has nd urned tn Seneca. Lev. K.

Clarkson, thc new pastor of Walhalla and Seneca station, is expected lo preach al Hie Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening. Messrs. H. A. Smith, and Marvin Smith and Miss Hcrtrudo Smith, nf Walhalla, wen- in town a short while Tuesday.

Mr. A. Smith, was returning lo a- longton, D. C. M.

K. s. ARE YOU BANKRUPTin health. cons! il Mt ion ii nih-Fini ned hy extravagance in eating, liv disregarding tin: laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR 'Putt's 1 Pills will tire yon. lror sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness an all kindled diseases.

Tatt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. The Legislature al Work. di.i ni A. January lu the House to day Winkler tillered a r. solution, which was adopted, looking I the in vestigation of the dispensary, and to report, il pi at the present session.

Tho I ion was adopted aller a long light, led Kimi. The same resolution, offered in Hie Senate by Aldrich, weill over until lomorrow, A (heal hook Free. When Dr. V. Pierce, of I X.

published Hie lirst edition ol' Ins work. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, he announced thal alli copies had been sold al Hie regular price, per copy, the profil mi which would repay bim for Hie great annum! ol' lahm and money expended in producing ii. he would distribute the noxl half million tree. As Hus number ol copies has already been sold, he is distributing, absolutely free, ol' this most complete, inter biding common sense midi cal work ever published Die recipicnl only being rei pi ired lo mail lo him. al the'abttve address, twenty one (Ul) cents in one coal stamps lo cover esl ol univ, and Hie book will be seul postpaid.

li is a veiilabh medical library, coniplele in mic volume. ll contains over I INN I pages and more Hum nations. Thc free Kdition is precisely Ibe same as I hose sold al except that Hie blinks are bound iii strong manilla paper covers instead if cloth, Semi now before all are given away. Tinco Boys Drowned. Lust Saturday, about noon, nt Hinton's Pond, olght milos northwest ot' Haleigh, N.

tinco boys, sons of proininont citizens, woro drowned. The boys woro schoolmates and devoted friends. They had planned to spond tho day hunting on Mr. Hinton's farm. They had gono only a milo and a half from tho Hinton residence before thoy carno to a pond, known as Hinton's Pond, and maintained for Ilahing purposes.

This hoing over they placed their guns on tho bank and went out on thc icc. Hut they hud not gono far before it broke and all three went under together. Four hours lalor thoy woro found frozen and lifeless under tho icc. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Trustees Sale of Real Estate.

NOTICK is hereby given that wc will sell, to thc highest bidder, at public outcry, in front of tho Walhalla Court House door, on Monday, tho Otb dav of Kobi nary, IttOO, at il A. (if not sold at private sale before that day,) thc following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or lol of land, situate, lying and ticing in thc town of Walhalla, of thc County of Oconoo, of (tie State of Komb. Carolina, hounded on I he North by Main street and lot of K. (). Wright, Wost by Spring street, South by South broad street, Mast by lot now or latoof Henry containing ono and one-half acres, more or less.

'S Cash. JAYNKS A- SlIKLOll, AM) WM. STU I Hld NC, Trustees. January loni). 2-tl Trespass Notice.

Abb persons are hereby warned not to Inuit, tish, shoot, snare, trap, net, cut limber or otherwise trespass on any lauds owned by tho undersigned. AU persons disregarding this notice will be prosecuted lo Ibo full extent of the law. K. O. TIM HULK.

na ry ll. bino. Notice to DelJtors and Creditors. Al, persons indebted to the estate of Wm. Whitfield, deceased, arc hereby untitled to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the duly attested, within tho lime proscribed by law or be barred.

K. C. A HUTT, Administrator of Ibo of William Whitfield, deceased. nu a ry ll. limn.

Notice. KKK will be hohl, at tho Court House, on MONDAY, NC Ali election for an Intendant and six Wardens. Holls open al A. close al I P. M.

Managers: C. W. Hayes, C. K. Maxwell and A.

Ko berts. Hy order of Council F. S. AN, Mayor. THOMPSON.

Clerk and Treas. January A Rare Chance lor the Right fa. A WELL ESTABLISHED DRY GOODS AND GROCERY TRADE. 1WILL SKI.I, MY KNT1KK STOCK OK COODS as a whole al. a bargain.

Kverything new and frosh. Hood location. store room in brick building. Kent reasonable. I tensens for selling: Physical inability, on account ol' advanced ago, lo carry on tho business.

II. A. II. C1P.SON. Walhalla, S.

C. January 1, limn. No! id5 ot Wotri liri I is hornby given thal the un ll dersignod will make application to I). A. Smith, Judge of Probate for Deonne county, in the Stale of South Carolina, nt his ellice at Walhalla ('omi House, on Sal nrday, the 27th day ol' P.H10, al 1 I o'clock in tho forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be bearii, for leave lo make final settlement ol' tho ol' Mrs.

S. C. Kcllottc, deceased, and linal discharge as Kxcculor of said J. KKKAZKALK, Kxcculor ol Kstatcof Mrs, S. c.

Kcllottc, 1 January KKiO. I of IMnnl Settlement I is hereby given (hal the un dersignod will make application to I). A. Smith, of Probate for Coonee county, in the State of Soul li Carolina, at his office al Walhalla Court House, on Saturday, the day of February, Kino, al ll o'clock in thc forenoon, or as soon (hereafter as said application can be heard, for leave toimikc linal settlement of the estate ol' Titos. Madden, deceased, and for linal discharge as Administratrix of said estate.

NAM'S A. MA DDKS, Administratrix ol of Thomas K. Madden, deceased. January I. IJHiU, l- Contracts to Let.

rn 11K County Commissioners will Iel al 1 their (lillee, in Walhalla, on thc li rsl Tuesday in february, HUH), upon sealed bids, lo Hie lowest responsible hiddeis. Hie following contracts for twelve months, beginning February 1st, I WOO. The Hoar I reserves the rigid to reject any and all bids: Tin- contract for a physician to thc jail and poer house. Thc contract for running the ferry al Maxwell's on Seneca river. Ferryman can gel a house at Ibo leny for per month and have wood free.

Tho contract for advertising for the county. .1. M. Ul'NNKTTT, Supervisor conni v. January 1 I NOTICE OF REGISTRATION.

The Stale of South Carolina Comity of Supervisors of KogisI rat ion, County, Walhalla, S. March 22d, I VTOTK'K is hereby v.iven Kial in ac cordant willi au Ad ol' the (u ncial Assembly, and in conformity with tho rei i ll i rc ni cn I of Un'State Const nt ion, the books for the registration of all legally ipialilied voters, ami for the issn ingot transfers, will he open al the lillico ol Supervisors of Hcgist ration al tho court house, between the bonis ol' o'clock a. ami o'clock p. on the li rsl Monda; .1 each month, until thirty (lavs l.cloic Hie next general election. i liol a who shall become ol agit during hat i crux! of thirty days shall ho entitled to registration before the hooks aro dosed, if otherwise ipialilied, Thc ic nbs for a voler are thal the applicant for registration shall ho able lo read ami I ile correct ly, 01 possess in his own name property to tho amount of Huco hundred dollars, upon which he pays laxes, ll.

S. A I i 'hari man. W. T. W.

N. Ken Supervisors Kegislratioii Oconee Co. Competitors, yon lind ns well try lo lift yourself in baskot as to undersoil mo. My iloslro is to movo goods, not to got cash. Shrewd buyers need no arguing.

Kaeh and every claim inado by mo at this salo is just as represented, 1 do not advertise something 1 haven't got. 1 will soil in tho next Thirty Days, twenty Pinitos, at factory juices; sixty-fivo Organs, forty-five Sowing Machines, ten head of Horses, twelve Wagons, eighty head of Kim- Jersey Milch Cows, twenty head of Thoroughbred Jersey I loi for 'al ves. Thc Pianos will 'no sold at wholesale prices for cash. $150 Pianos for Pianos for $205; $250 Pianos for $145; Organs for $55 $75 Organs for $15 $55 Sewing Machines for $28; $15 Sowing Machines for sis. Will sell Milch Cows on throe months' note, and, any ono buying a Milch Cow from nie, can pasturo it next summer, freo of charge, in tho Mayberry Pasture for six months, which amounts to $0.

lt is not so much money that. 1 want as to get rid of tho Pianos, Organs, Sow ing Machines, Horses, Wagons and Cows that I have on hand. 1 have rented a store in Columbia, S. and will opon up business (hero on January 1st, 1000. Tho goods I have on hand must bo so' i regardless of the cost value tn mo.

iis is no fake sale. I have these goods and stock on hand and they will bo sold. If you have got the cash show it tonio, and you will ho surprised what will buy a Piano, Organ and Sew ing Machine. A chance in a life time to buy at wholesale price. Pianos at $115.

Think of it! Tho agent's commission and tho dealer's profit are all taken off, and you gol thom ul wholesaler's profit. Sewing Machine Needles at 20 cents per dozen. lu ecul Oil at cents per bottle. is Guitars for $5 Violins for Kverything else in tho small instrument lino to go in proportion, 'Como while the goods arc on hand. M.

L. ALEXANDER. GREENVILLE, S. C. December 21, 181M1.


September 7, THE RIGHT After looking all around town Santa Claus has discovered tho righi place, and knows whore ho can procure his supplies of Christmas Presents. You'll agree with him after looking over my slock of Albums, Perfumes, Toilet sets, Toilet Arl icios, Ill'HSh Sids, Ac. oo many goods-too many prices lo mention them hero. Von will have to visit my store. ICvory ono invited.

J. H. DBRBY, Druggist. it'otice ol' Final Settlement. 1 TDK STA Tl-'.

OK SOUTH CA I oi rv or ICON ix nu orirr OK IMSOII A I 1). I', SLOAN, Kxccutor of the Inst will and testament of Juno Stoney, deceased, against the legatees ol Frank Stoney, deceased, to wit: His daughter, Priscilla Stoney, ol' Ocouoe county, his idow. Mary Stoney, and his 2 minor children, Mary stoney and Wesley Stoney, who reside in tho State of Alabama tho husband ol' Mary Ann Stoney, Alexander Corse, who resides in Alabama; Hetty Dix nee Stoney, who resides in Atlanta, Kc booen Calhoun nco Stoney. Wm. Stoney and Lewis Stoney, who reside in Coonee county.

Some of these defond1 ants are known by the name of Johnson. These defendants will lake notice, thal tho estale of June stoney, deceased, will he 'bullly setllcd in my ollice at Walhalla Com! House, in ihe Male aforesaid, on Monday, tho Mb day of February, pinn, in accordance willi a petition tiled by the Kxccutor above named for thal purpose. All persons interested in Ihe settlement ol Ihe eslale of dune Stoney, deceased, will lake due notice and govern themselves accordingly. 'The minors, Mary Stoney and Wesley Stoney, will take notice thal unless they appear in this ami petition for Hu- appointment of a guardian ad litom one will he appointed by the Court of Probate io this proceeding to repre som their interest in this settlement. I).

A. SMITH, Judge of Probate Coonee county. I h'ccinhor ls, 1800. 51 iii AWnislraW Sale ol Personalty VT TICI-: is hereby given (hal I will il sell, to the highest bidder, al public audi. al Fair Play, S.

on Sat nula January Pith, I pou) at ll o'clock in forenoon, tho following described per sonni property helom-ing to the estate of W. M. I shell, ii, sis power steam boiler, double barrel breech loading shotgun, i lol of uncollected notes ami a.counts, Kit MS (ash. I W. K.

DA Administrator of the Personal Fsiai of W. M. Ishcll, deceased. I December Ison..

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