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Edgefield Advertiser from Edgefield, South Carolina • Page 3

Edgefield, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

aDGEFIELD C. 11. WEDNESDAY. MAX 17, 1848. j' In publishing a very brief account of the bondition of the Banks in Charleston.

in a retent number of our paper, the Banc of the State inadvertently amitted. At present, ive haveno paper at- hand containing an actount of the ciculation, amount of specie. in'this Bank. Will one of our city papers send he one I We will publish the account. Cold the past week there ivere'several days of quite cold weather, and is inter lothing was- indispensable.

On Friday and Saturday inornings frost fell in this placeand'tQ some extent, checked the growing crops. The Hon. A. P. Butler, one of our Senators, arrived at home, in this District, a few days ago.

Dlr. B. obtained leave of absence from Washington in order to see a near relative who has long been suffering from severe illness, and is not expected to recover. Preston' S. were recent.

ly favored with- the perusal of a letter written bry Capt. Brooks now in Mexico, to a relative in this: He states that he is ita most pleasant quarters in San Angel, surrounded with uniany'omforts and even 'luxuries. We think it ded4t'hinto notice a difficulty which -nceurredietween him and some privates of rte Pennsylvaiaregiment. These men had treated lim.a with disrespect, and he brought them.o-their summary He knocked. onedown and oth.

-ers were Tlhey were severe-ly punished hy-the-Court. This chastisement excited some dissatisfactihn-for a little time, but the Officers of the Pennsylvania regiment were soon satisfied with the-propriety of his course, and h'e wa'sinvitd them to a supper. The bestfeelingafteriards prevailed. We would not al.ude;_toduedifficulty if vry incorrect accounts of it had ot beecircilated. The Hon.

Mr. Hanneganrr Snator from debate npon.Che bill relating to riotst(adtnnlawful the District-f: Columbia, whitih Hale, of New Harisaire, leave'tc introduce into the Senate; a noble defe ofxhe Southvas made byevea ge'lriTIe Atfitfise's biU was'ev idea edto when steve eal neraes frot to be only neant to'JatL-down mob and The Hun. Hannegaaimade most eloquent-remarks in-favor of-thd-rigit South to' prorecdr ite slave'prbyerty. deservcs the Extraci-bfa letter from Lieutenant Joseph Abr eyiod P. Biler, dated' SAx A EAR Exaco, M1archa 6, 1848.

7'Our Regiment is pirerty well satisfied, hut it wouild be some bette-r pleaseJ if it was brigaded 'with aouthern'-troops-. If such were the case, the social intercourse of thet. men would be morie free: We' are ini Gen. Cushing's Brigade, in which there is not a Southern regiment except our owvn. There is even a Western regiment with tts.

Our 'nen are now an good health and correspondling spirits. They kidep- themselves as clean as regulars; andl are boat natured, best liehaved soldiers in- army. If could be a wvitness (fthetr conductiin garrison, it-would please you tmore -than atnyrthing you' have heard of them in They- are mo re respect ful to iheir officera than any volunteers ina Mexico, and I always fe-el pride in contrasting. behavior with tihat ofi other-soldiers. never have men in the general- gnard Jiouse, and every titan appears t.o consider liimself the r'epresentative ot the aracter anid pride of his State.

Trhey were tatught that great esson by ol. BUTLani who made it 'lhe chief object of a discipline, to teach lisa men to be gentlemen. and patriots. I feel too sensibly that-the'lossof' onr first cuommanrder can never Wehave otlhers who are brave. gallant, and devoted to their State and country, -but we have none so oniversally belovedlanid Tiijd by the men, anid none posssingt.

in sdiminent a deg ree, the flaculty of' making their spirit the spirit of the corps. Butler controlled us all as lie wished, and every man -loved him the mnnre. the more he came under his inafiuence. The hishest compltimenat l-couald pyan officer, would be to sy, that he hisn-own spirit thae trenitas of hie regianeant for 'no man, an an ardnaous camnpaign, can wield power over tte. minds of nmen, unless hais heart is oh the paureat gold.

Th'le Regimnent 'et feels its the most whole. -sotae indfuence now exercised cver-ir, is hy the recollection of the paecepts of its old und by thec lingering spirit ofius depar'ted -I have lost many of my best friends in Mex ied; arid it seems to me, thant aull thre evils of life are sent npou me at once. The iatelligence oil thedeath of my mnoter, a heinig I loved above all others, and in whom alonre I coul'l place ill confidence, has juast reachted me by thae mail. I -t as ever my chief aambitaona to he an honor her old age; aand in all my struaggles witha the have been animnated by rte hope, orfrecerving from her lips a blessing for thre of-hter son. A pmurer, a more or-a tenderer throthier never lived." For LUse-Adertiser.

Ma. Hiavinag seen in the pub. d-ra-prints, some wreeks ago, a commrunaicanion over the signature Voter," on the candidates of 1Edgefield District to asiswaer to a certain intterrogantory -in relation to the Bank of thle State of S. C'rrolina, (should they be and 'since that- rime anoalaer comaninnicnaiti' fl as over the signatusre of againi calling 'on the cantli'dales to ireply' to- the 'said- interrogautory. At the time -of theprhlieation of-both these comtmuications, 1' was tnot a candidate.

and'did wish; nor- expect to sine that rimne. I hiate giveit my consent, anti anm now before- the-people, anti-there(mare take pleasure in laying Vairer" and thne public-generally, my reration to the Bank; as I believe thatt subiject of the Bank is one of vital importanceto the people of the. that ihey should heve been better informed, in rilation to the true condition and managemeat of that institution years ago. 1' have srved the people of this District the last four years in the Legislature, and I am satisfiel that the capital of that Baivk, is beyond the control of the people of the State, and it certainly will remain so until the people of the State generally are better informed as to the true condition and management of the Bank. I am in favor of a thorough investigation of the true condition of the Bank being annually made, and a full report of the same published to the people of the State.

setting forth the liabilities of every person to the Bankthe debtor's name, and the names of the securities, and how long each debt has been standing over, and whether the debtor be a Bank officer, or a member of the Legislature or not. 'A9 the capital of that Bank certainly belongs to the people of the State, and they are therefore the creditois of the Bank debtors, and certainly the creditors 'should at least be informed who their debtors are, and who are their secorities. 4 It seems to me that the Bank (which ivas instituted for the benefit of the great body of he -people of the State) has become a source of favoritism, and a political machine, by which the politics of the State are too much ruled, and as such, a political evil; and such always'has been. and always will he. the efiect produced by Government Banks.

Should I be one of the choice of the people to represent them, I shall vote for such measures as may be best calculated to ascertain the true cnndition of the Bank, and to lay the same fairly and openly before the people of the State, and to require the Bank debtors to pay thmeir debts to'the PRank, in sucht annual instalments us will discharge their debts to the Bat.k, by or before the expiration of the present charter, that. the people oftthe State may then be prepared to judge of the expediency of DANIEL HOLLAND. For ti. Advertiser.

TO THE VOTERS OF EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. GENTLEMYta have always been of the opinion, that the delegation to the State Legislature should he eqal throughout the. District; and to be. eqal. there should be two Representatives from each regiment, there being three regiments in the District, (under such reflections) having some sectional pride.

together with the knowledge that our portion of the District paid a very liberal portion of the tax of the District, I-thuoght, of a right. we should a member to the- Legislature, and solicited several men whom I thought better qualifieirtn fill the'place than my hun. ble self-observing ai-the same time, if no. other man outil run 1 wihtIdi ndsei 'Itl aglePdge cnfrary to dmy private wwti1 and expectation; and if elected. I will represent the wishes of the people that elect me, to the best of my Vor-ns" desire' hear from the candidates, and to know their opiniont relative to the State Bank- ani Branches; I gentilnmen saty wrhent Ittsa small' boy.

together other that the Bantk belongs to the State. dind if to the State. to the people coinposing the if imnprpriety shoutldtere he itn.exposing to public 'iew thetrn snetaions of the Bank. If a hmattowes me, indcividuntily, I wamnt to know ioW' much he owes, anid how much hte is able to paty. A -matt's true condition, as a debtor to the State of South Cirolinta, shtould be known to'every manm in the State-to- ax payers at least.To the subject'short, I say for one, if elected I will go for a rigid and thorough investigatioin of the Batnk, and will vote for atty resotlutioti that may be introduted to britng about a public exposition.

of the whole matter, for I tnever was a friend to the secret mniagcmenm of an intstitution where the peonple of the whole State is cotncerned. Getttlemen, if I merrit your vote frotm these tmy plaitn views- well, tot it is the I aim not well enough acqttainted with he flmancial concertns of the State io give you i lengthly reply. The above cottprcsses my relative to the Bantk.n ttmiattagementot the same. JOHN- TOMPKINS. April 2.5, 1864.A4dmissions to the followitng gentlIement have bteei ittd to the Bar byv the Coutmrt of Apipeals now in sessioin, F.

hI. Adams, B. F. Arthur, Smil, J. Builv.

J. Blecknam. Jatmes A' S. Boone. Wmt.

AI. Brattn, Robert C. Brownt, S. Y. Buchanam.

H. C. T. F. Thtos.

13. Jeter, C. E. 1 hannpattx. Thots.

P. Lockwnok, A. J. Alex. Glettn Rice, H- WV.

Schroder. J. 13. Sutherland, William, LE. Wihern WV.

Wilsoni. The following were admited to' the Coturt of Equity: T. BI. Fraser, J. A Moore, A.

II. Porcher, WV. A. Win. Wallace.

WVrits of Election have been isstted in the First Congressional district, to full the vacancey by the death of thelIon. James A. lac-k, The election takes place on the i2d and 2-3d instant, Col. F. W.

Davie, Gen. Daniel Walace, nd C61 I. T-hompson are the candia dates. VlkGOINIA ELECTIONS. Li The Engutirer oft Tuesday a last speaks of the gratiling remurtts which it has already received.

For the Sbnatme.we have doubtless beaten 57 votes, and Bonjurant by 50,. two. Taylor leaders. it the -Oranee distrmct, (dei-n.) of 165 over Ship, and Mr. Thornton, the Taylor candidate.

The Accotnack senatorial district we have lost. For the Ilotuse we have carried Ameliti, by 28, Amberst bty 32, Culpepper by 36. Din widie, gaitn, gepin, Morgan, Rin about 60, in behalfof the- yoiag and talented Gustin, and, have perhaps lost' Southampton, where tao polls- were kept apen.The account current is as follows: bell and Frederick-diutriets, 2., Hios. orfolk city1, (so the Norfolk Herald itelf puts it, and we know "Mr. Robinson is adcided rfallecoiutf ouisa'1'; Dividdie 61; Frederiek Powafan Princess Anne 'Rekhridge-1; organ Franklinr2; 'yder hall 1.

Total gain 15. Democratic Charlotte -1; Nansepond 1, Clay,) and, Perhaps Southampton lTotal loss 9.. Neut democratic gaia nine-equal -to gain of eighteen If the rest tl State vote as before, the democratie; on joincballot will tie twenty one. last night's mail we aeceivcd additional returns from Virginia. 'hey only swell the tide of victory.

Further Democruiic gains in the House and Wood I gain; 2onroe Henry 1-3. Entire nett gains in the House 12; in he Senate 1-making 13 democratic gains: quivalent'to 26 votes-so fer! "IPORTA NT- highly respecable house in this city has received a leter from -its partner, dated Hambu-g: pril 4th, stating that a rumor prevailed. met with very general belief, thst he Emperor of Russia has proposed to usir.ia and Prussia to restore the nationlity of Poland, each power giving up its hare of the country, provided that- a nonarchy be established. and that- the Prince of Luchtenburg, he appointed King. or readers may recollect that the Prince: if Luclttenburg is the son of Engene Ieauharnais.

the 'on of the Empress Joiepbine by her first Legislature' of Virginia, at its reeut session, made a comiilete revisal of the criminal code of that State; and by rlivesting it of the verbiage and formality witb wbich it 'was formerly enchained and encumbered, have reduced the whble sys. em to great plainness n-d' The Massachusetts Revisal if 1836 was the nmodel of the new code; but'even that has been improved upon by increased abbrevi-" Otio. Died at Wexford, 'Canada laniel Aiken, aged 120 years. He during his life, contracted seven marriages and had 500 grandchildren and--great grand childreu-300 boys and 200 girls, NEW ORLEArS, May 1848: TH-E COURT OF 1NQUI inquiry met at the St. Charles Hotel in.

this city this morning with 'losed 'doors and adjourned untilo, ti morrow mortiogt when vartous witnesses now. in this city will be examined. We understand tliati the members of the' court will lesve'tie'h city on the 11th by the way of ihe er 'tohold a session iri'rekerik where they wiladjotirnajaltIth'29ti" snettiin na tN Railer Lodge JYo. 17. :a.i Reaulaimeeting.of thigej JI held on Monday evetntr next at JOHN LYON Sec.

May 17 17. austean andatgrgeon, EGS leave to ces to the citizens dgildand vicinipntrontge. past stncess in the neaatmentt or iseases of men, omnen and chilJren, enconr, tge. him'thns to'ask the support of an enlight-' noed' Com inni tyREFERENCES: Mdtt. M.

New York City, A- Clark, M. Rt. D. Frary, M. G.

Kimmbalt, M. Lowell, Mass. 1H. H. Child, M.

Pittsfield, N. attention given to calls left ny residlence, the honse formerfy ocent ioid by S. Tommpkmns, by night or dany, or at lie Post Office by day. 1). C.

May 17 tf 17. a Youhg Man to stay in Stoare. Omne that can cotme well recommenled will be at this Office. May 17 It 17 lbs. Bacon Lard IUST received a large lot of superior wbich will be sold low for Cash.

J. A. WILLIAMS. nMay 17 tf- SPRINGS, Spartanbuarg S. C.

IS delightful watering place hmas thorough ropnirs, and is now ra. ly to- rt'ceive compftny, and will be kept open thme future, thme year The beneficialesnits of thc water can be testified to' by hurn. reds whro have experienced its influence tipoin 'rimns diseases. The accommodmtions shall esnimed to the watnts of all visitors who may 'sim the. place.

opon-the fulluwing terms. viz': Man per Day. $1 25 Overflnne and less than'fourWeeks, 0 Four Weeks and over, per Waek. 5 00' Children and servants, half price. orse per- Dlay, di .....35 J.

C. ZIMMERMAN'. P. I wishm to retire to private'- ife, I ifer thme above property for sale on teasonable' rrms. J.

C. Z.May 17 6t 17R A RD T-I MIES8. Goods at Cost' I 'PENNY SAvED to A PENNY OAINRp.4 P0 a short tinme only, I will continue to sell at Caost. If-you want'bargains, 'come sickly, or you will lofte the chance. are'.

a cheapest goods evcr cufered market, nd positively at cost. R. TS. Msy'-17 17Lost or Mislaid LL persions are herebyl cautatined fibm' I. trading far a Note orhand gmven by Thou.

Loveless to Win. W. Goodman, aad tranu' tred to -the 'subscriber, for Fifteen: Dollars; due the 1st of February, 1849, assaid'Ntet s.been lost or H. HARRIS. ay 15, 1848 3t 7T C.

G. AGNE at Law. AIKIN. 8. I1LL practice in the Comurts of Barnwull and Orangeb'urga Nr65 siET BRE.1eSTsZt.

Charlestot FT CAROLINA. ISTRICT 18 OWJAi idntary of.Wheres hi applied to te diiStraiton, on all s1 d'an hatels rights an teler late of the ettt4 ic; eceased Te tiareae a ce and admonish i tba kindred-and creditrer ha be 'od appear hez Ordiriary's Court for-te a be holden'at Edgelelag a onthe 29th day of Mav, liw if any, why- stration shoeld not be grants Gired and seal, this 11th 14! iin the year of our Lord one $eig tlundred and forty-eight and it scond jear of Ameri ean I dejieote 4 HN HILL, o. D. N2z 17 Gre ttrac tion Se1iA atreduced prices Ci PM CHEAP CASH STORE.i-N cn ee-d the hardness oflth ie 'andxthe unparalleled scarcity of money determined to cell his oodr aces greatly. raduced.

Having bought hi York and Philtadelk phias. her Y'seralow, he feels confident that it as low at the prices at which lie W.fFrs -them as any establish. meait eh sell at Cnt. Among jssil selected Stock, may be fonnd a largeassO fancy-and white Muslins, coloredl xL colored camebric, large atotl small 'J ii ats.kid nett, and a large va cotton, gloves and mitts, calicoes? etics of allkinds, ladies and' mi -Northiern style.) bondti, fl0ers and a full assrtmnent ofsalkst ngltumtund dotton parasols and par aeolett fro 1 cambric. hhkfs.

9 for ig i a considerable variety a as may be found 'in any other, Gold fia it bast pins, ear rings, gold and ai wll'sarranted) pocket penn. howte'dit haand Ready, and Boenna Vista spurs. carriage whips, and single and be, a accordeons. Smolasses, miackerell, lamp oil. ta w.

an spice: All of which gs at the. cheapest estab 4w ever offlred etwagin dres and. 1 iftrsuts a goeds before; pu ihere full receivi CO 2 D2RER 16) 7thiReg. C. April 10, 1848 a 8e r.ithefiarst May next, isdOfficers the riitsiinedl Inis mi ied the.Stafl, will appeawr iernifll unsifdrin (except o'n lieda Batadlla and Regimnental nod'in bject to the penialtip'f th'aj deluied by the 138ih SeeV32dlp uf the Militia Laws of the State.d t1.

i C'A EIGS, Adjutant. if rSale. STATE SOUTH CAROILINA. EDO RDIN4ARY. Jarnes'Mai AppI Summons Nancy Ma Petition id'huts.

BY'an roa 1111l, Esgr OrditiaBry o- field District, I willproceed to sell at Edg Cottrt i House, on the frist Monday ini next the lands belonging to the Estate. flenry Mathas dec'd, sitnate in Edgefieliat adjoininug Lnnds of beth SaamnilB R.i llmtan. William alker ttining one hundred and Fifty to he sold on a credit for one half i 's d6f Ja nuary, 1849. for the othr 'hll a credit till first The. uhaier "to give bond, persotial security agmortgage of the Preamises to the Ordimary to secure thme purchase money.

Cost to be paid in ash. 2d May 18p48. 8. RISTiE, ay 10 4t STATE TFSOUTH CA'ROLINA. EDO IELD DISTRICT.

2NBDINA RY. 39 ILL, Es idinary of Wheoreea' NO up' plied letters-of 'administration. on all end and chattles, rights and dr'cits of Beverly M. Rodgers, ate ofu aforesaid. dee'd.

'these cite and adrmoineli all and "iufar, the kitidred and credinrs of the idceased, to be aud'appear yefore neat Otdinary'a Court ruar thie said biliet; tb be holden at Edgeteld Courttiue nau the day of Way inst. aho cause, if why he -said' idnisirtatoni should' ntot be Given ut nihan-d an'd 4th lay ol.a the year of. our Lord me thosaldetht hundred and' for ys' 'ight ab seny-second year of Jh for. Sale, 'and "nest Two Horse Bat little used, ihr sale low; by' SGEO: PA RROTTor McDON4AD A LL to the estate of Charity" uohson are regnested to matedtt those'having demands GOULDEN 8IMEON ATTAWAY, and grow richs IS ethe secret'principle of toe matnt holesale Dealers in Tea to this tm ohey have "praiised thie nidt shameful iii sitionion the cimntry mer. without any fear of 'etection.

But new era in the trade has come, and the Pek'n Tea Company claims the honor of its ntroduction. They were the first to raise the Banner of.Reform, on which it has inscribed hesimple words, PURE AT A- complete revolutionf as beet' the Let cuusutmerndof Tea everywhere at what we have-done. rWe were the first to send them Tea that ised-to be called too good for -2. We have driven out of the ilketvast mountof introdnced ibeitei clas. of Teas than his yet ever been soil.

Importers Tea often comie to tie to get for their own tae. and for their friends, the fine qualities they can find nowhere else. 3. We have reduced prices more than 25 ler cent. both in Black and Green Teas.

The whole sale giocers say we are ruining the rade, and call tis huttbugs. This we have lone' already, and now see what we are ready o'do. 1. We will.sell Teas by the single cheat, hall best, of 14 lbs. box, at the same price that wholesale grocers pay -to the imp.orters when bey buy by the hundred packages.

2. The wholesale grocers always allows 13 or 14 lba, tare to the half chest. This is a cheat! We wtll allow. in most instances, 15 aer 16 lbs. are on the same.

3. We hereby undertake to-sell every kind if Tea from six to twelve cents per pound cheaicr than the wholesale grhcers do. 'How can yo do this?" asks the country nerchant. This is our'answer. We are con.

ent with 7 per cent. profit, instead of 25 and i0 per cent. a la wholesale grocers. An Etalish Importer lately boasted to us that te could make 'iore money by sending bad reas to the New York market than trotl Teas We are resolved to overthrow this fraud, and tow call upon agents in every town in the Jnited to con forward and bty the reas imported by the Pekin Tea Gompany; nd we pledge ourselves that if in six months hey do nut sell more Ten than the oldest and argest dealers in tho town, we will give them mr Tea without charge. This is plain Engish.

aid cannot be misunderstood. We apteal for testimony to the immense success of our Agents in every part of the United'States. Agents wanted in every part of the United States, for the sale of those Teas by which hey can mhke money, and confer a benefit on he public by supplying thepure article. CATALOGUE OF TEAS. On sale at the Fare Houses of the Pekin Comp.

75 76 FoUTrN STRaET. N. The Teas mentioned' in this catalogue are lone up in quarter pound, half pound, and one pound packages; the first or inside wrapper is leand, the second is water proof paper, and- the bird or outside wrapper is ofaChines rice pa. The company sell none but Gobd Teas; dceie in this superior manner, all of them grown in the districts in China. Country dealers seleet as small a qutaritiry at each kind as they like, and have.then pack.

a iding ae chest. ThiAe teas als come in five po'uhd call -a: erfoneniedt, iincifjanl portableshapeN'' 4Peistansesidinginganypart of the-United Sttititoit Canida'can order afinyof the-Teas in this.cataloque, by. inuantities' to: snit their wishes. them in Chinese box. ea.

snddeliverthemto thie.forwardingMerz chant ieg'frna't charge for puokiagTrwcartage. The money should always accompany the ou der. -Youttg Hyson, goodi 38, 4 "sweet. 50 624' fine cargov 75 'extra 874 Sivr' silver-leaf. 0 SivrLeaf.

S'eldom sold even by large d'ea le, becaupe taf the very small profits mnade ori its- salc. This is a very suplerior Tea. Golden Cheap chop, plantatiotn or gardert growth. Gnlden chop. This is the finest Gareen Tet antivated in chtiata.

is of the first pickings sudl excels'all itther Greena Tens fatr its dehaca ty oaf favor. strength and-' aromra. lere'tofotre this TIeta has never reached this couantry, exeept itn small lotts, as presetnts to iunportern. Hyson, very hate, 75 Plantation growth, Gatnpowder, giood, I 0il ttperior. 75' -'t.

loea' plant. gr. I 25 Imperiral. goddl, 75 Sbrisk andI fragrant. 1 00 "curiouas leaf.

very superior, 1 25 yson ekiat, good finte flavor. 38 TEAS. good, fall flavor, 38 -finte, 56' vety superior, 77 Souchong, good). :25 extra fine. 50) Ooilong, str'ong flavor, fine.

50 unlonig. Thtis Tea is a great favorite, and given universal satisfaction.Very fine; 03' Extra fine. one lb. atad half lb cattys 75 Ne Plus Ultra. 150' Ne Pltts Ultra.

This tea is as sweet and "ragrant as a nosegay. It yields a pe'rfntne hatt is truly delightTut. It is of garden growth, mtd superioar to anything of the kind ever sold this country. English Breakf. Tea, fine, 50' Pekott flavor, 7 Congo.

good, -'74 very 5 flowers, good, 347. -Gardeta growth, 1'-50 Besides the above we expect daily from Clii 1a feveral sptentdiad chops of Tea, exclusively tpiported by the Pekin Tea Company, we intenad to copyright to prevenit Let'ottr agentts get ready. Editore' anid publishers oft ewspatpers in the Jtised States. Canada; WVest Indies, who vill give the above 13 itnsertion.s itt their respecive Journals intcluding this notice will be paid lor thtesatme itt any Teat they may choose to elect lfrorr' the above cattalogite, at the prices lere atned; atnd by purchtasing'of the Cotmpay twice the amount of their bifi, whiichlthey re at to dispose of as they please. May 10.

1848 13 16 Roberts' Cheap Cash Store! eug off at Cost for One altscovado 3ugar, 11 pounds -'for ame as last, at 374 a Cofed'104'jpoundA for $1.00, N. York crushed sugar, 8 poupnds for $1,00, Factory-Yarn, alL. mtmbers. 874 Pactory Stripes, 104 cts. a choicest brands; 25 tot 50cts a dozen.

AIllnew Goodk, and nov' in Store. and fot ale by Rt. S-. ROBEltTS. May2d if "15' Notice.

A Ilthose indehtid to thie'estati of Hibbler, are required to make imi nediate payment, and those'haviag debtmandse prestt them properiy'yattest'ed. JOSIAH P.PERRIN, Madut -L 1 New and Fashiota SPRING G00 6U. Ciane has just received a g. and beautifaT' asso6t'iett of nr Gnads, consisting- in' part of Rich laid Figured Tissue silks. Plain.

Figured and Embroid. flereg' -Rich Plaid Grenadines, Rich Plaid Mandarlies, Rich Plaid Sylphide, Plaid Fig. Organda Muilin, 9 Rich Plaid Pompodore, Linen Ginghams, plaid and.s'ol -i Plain Satin striped and plaid Black'Sk Rich Colored Silk, Muslin Capes and Collars, Black -Lace-Visites. Betep Mu'slin and Lace Scarfs, gerege Clape and Em. Muslin Shawli, Ladies' and Gents.

kid silk Lisle Glove, 6.4 ad 124 Linen Sheeting, Pillow Case Linen, Furniture Dimity, and 104 Bleached and Br Linen Damaske, AHuckerback and Russia Draper, cotton and Linen Goods in great varietie, for gentlemen and youths' 'wearClothes of all colors, Single'mill'd (new paterns) together 'witka'geat variety efc other Spring and Summer Goo-o which am receiving supplies by th'e steamersand I frutter myself will enable me totmaks it of great advantage to my customers and friend oi visitingtila city to give me a call before par. chasing elsewhere. A'ugusta. April26, 3tw 14 SDrug and Medicines Castot Oil; Balsam of Wild Sweet do. Marshall's Sarsaparilla, Train do'.

Preston's Leo, British Oil. Henry's Magnesia, Seidtitz Pow. Lump do. Soda' do. Venetian Red, Car.

Indigo gpanish Brown, Span. Float do. Allum, Glue, Castile Soap; Saltpetre, Ep. do ar, Black Snuff, Ca ae I Scotedo. Gum Sanger Mustard, Licorice oot, l.

Blue Rd. Extracts hnk, rp0 Jds eceived' and for ElGS' April 26, air Two Cresw pma lnorhetn Homespuns" 5 ditto 6 ditto 741 Bleached ditto -6. dito' -i I Factory Osnabiis U. 1i St s', Factory Yan; 5 Pant stuff i lied y-a ditto 46 Ci 6 spoolthrea 50 etsa -dou 125'" do do' db' B'ots" c4' 00 5 Ladies' Gaiters .75 tol 25 1a54o0187f silk-lnsting-do- 2 22 dn half gaiters .75 to 100 1 00t Mens' do' 1 ifto-200s 2900to4.0 4 Leghorn hats' .3.09 to 3 5 Whole straw do 1 00 .1 50 le Panama do' 4 0b'ai6 With a large assortment ardwarE, all of Drags I will offer a'. cost for fourteen daj only, aller which old priceemitst bi resnmds 10 S.

M'ay 9th, 1'848. BY virtue ofrsundry writs of to mne di1-eeted, I' ill procee to sell at Edgefield Court first Mfonday end' Tuesday followitug im June next, the- followi'ng propertyp' 15 the rolloawidg-ecases, vis: Jshn G' Burton, vs: Leek, Stewrart Coats vs. the Charles Comp. tvs. the same; B'J-yn'ad oters.severally vs.

the same, the tractofa whereon the 1Dfendaiat hundred a nd tewenty-twvo acresmnobe or less. adj--inifg of lands- of Thos'J son. D. Proctor, William Mays anad othe ers, called 'thle Ostens Anna A'nderson, vs John' same, vs, the sarne, the tract of. land' whereon the defendant hundred acres, more less, anid ad'oining lands Samuel Horn, Sterlng others.

4. W. Guiger s. Elizabeth Carter' tb tract 'or land wbereot, the' defendat liyv's, coniiing-ono thousand acvesimoreoervles. adjo'ining uf ilands of John Wise John Marrsh and others.

John Hill Ordinary for Joshn S. Ardiive; M. Atkinson; Thie same for''Chris. Ardis; the followiae negro Isaae, Maria and in tu. Bryant Allen, Mary, Henry, nee, Silvey, end child.Lucindd.' Truis of'sale cash.

S. May10 4ts 16' Woolin theSeed. Subscribers are ejared tis' Cd3 U.wool in thme best possibl ro 'oo or Cash, at or the public pattronsge hertoforeiso bestowed, and will 'receiv'e the biarrinag or picking, with'6mit'any adibn -charge, at their'old stand on Dundisn'a Creitk 8 miles east of Laoi-ens-C. H. tf SUN.May' 3, A''3tn 1 The Abbevile'Banner;'Advatfiis Spartan and Palmetto State Bnner, iitp 3 months.nnd sage acc'ounts to thisot kr.y matten I will nai EdeaC on Moda, ipst f(or eeafe daiio o' wa 't have made 4hei re.s mfrd, ai da.

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