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The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas • Page 2

Wichita, Kansas
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THE TTIOIITA DAIL1 KUCON Fill DAY SEPTEMBER CO. 1S03 "mm VEHT SLBI1G ILES SAYS HAY, 1 i.i but that a to a finish wiil r.ot permitted. The city will fiT ail of iriiimate eport for V.x cr.tertait.mer.t of the It is ur.J; tint ror.g efforts are beins made to get the big fighters to meet in AlK-ght-ny at that time. Chicago Treacher With Chosen Associates Visits American Soldiers Did Xot Suffer aiid Die in Camp NO CHANGES. PllllTlHtO MM) 4 Dens of Iniquity in the City on the Lake and Eecanse They Wanted To, Or TIIE CATHOLIC CHimCI! WILL XOT DI3TTO3 CON'DITI IX XDV TEKKITOKY.

Washington, Sept. 30. Tje condition of the Ciuolac diurcti throughout lie country will in conaidsred at the annual meeting of archvish of States, waiJi will be 'held at In Ca.hGr.c uni From Their Own Neglect. DRINKS GINGER ALE. mmmk mWmm INSULT TO THE BRAVE.

versity, Oe.ober 11. A full at tendance of the leaiing figures of the Giddy and Gaudy Females Appear in l'leiity. Not While the General Does Place the Blame, Ho cfeurcti ia expected, including Araibiihop Keir.r, io has one from 'Home to attend the annual gathering. The director? of the university hold their annual meeting lie same time. It ia understood Chat the archfoishops will deal with little Suggesls Some Other Amusement Must Be Found.

outside routine affair of the chur.ti as Repudiates the Statement of Secretary Alger. there are no large questions pending. It is said that the meeting will cot deal with the questions of Catholic authority in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine. So far as Cufba and Porto Rico are conceited, -they are an established Oatholio arcihbishoprie, whitfn will not Chicago, Sept. unusual spectacle of a minister of the gospel sitting in beer halls and absorbing the sights of midnight revelers In thetr gayest hours was revealed to the email coterie which accompanied Rev.

J. Q. A. Henry on the rounds of all th allnlght downtown satoor.a. Dr.

Henry after the meeting to the old Waverly theater hi West Madison street, ar.d a passing Chicago, Sept. 30. Tihe Daily News Vir.g;on special says that General Oijka, a. reception given at hie home last, right to his comrades of the Medal Cj-jrlouor Lfgion, denounced as false the dain iia-t volunteer officers and soldiers Wre themselves responsible for the tiess in the camps. VThe volunteer troops of the United preclude the possibility of competition.

Our prices have set the clothing buyers of the country to talking. Everyday we entertertain large numbers of intellectual and economical customers, who come here because here they find the largest selections and lowest prices. We are not content with selling as low as competitors, but we make it the effort of our lives that our prices be lower than any. Here is a list of bargains that will cause you to stop and buy. They are but samples of this magnificent stock the largest and handsomest in the west.

We are sure to save you money. distufted In ar.y way. -The church authority ia centered1 at Santiago, that being the old capital of the Island, and til of Santiago has two suffragans, one Havana and another Ui Porto Rico. glance into a few saloons along that thor The bishops at t'he two latter points, as oughfare in which women and music are well as 'the archbishop of Santiago, will remain in control Catholic affairs. The purpose is to avoid upheaval." sucti as the drawing cards, sought the center of the city, and In half an hour vls'ited four places would result from a eudden change in the popular wOth the mysteroes of Clark street and neighboring avenues.

governing powers of the church In the3 quarters, to that no changes will be male in the war with Spain," eaid he, ''were as brave and as patriotic a body of.fioldiers as ever took the field In any c4swaign ttie world has ever seen. The ibaWes they fought Wire won as gallantly any recorded in history. And yet -the PSjU which our soldiers had most to dread wfcsjnot bullets, but disease which ewept cfetr our camps and destroyed hundreds where bullets killed one. Our soldiers entered into the fever camp as they wjn4 up the hill in the face fit the enemy In the party with Dr. Henry were two until they come about naturally by death or retirement.

detectives, three newspaper men and L. E. Joseph and Charles Peters, appointed by The Catholic authorities are expecting early word from Ritme a arch the Young People's Christian Temperance Union, to accompany the reform leader. The first place visited was the Waukesha, bishop of Santa Fe, 'who tikes the plac? of Archbishop Chapelle, now at Njw Orleans. The nominations for the Santa wti'' a ccurage and devotion ttiat must 50 a basement saloon in the heart of the city, which for a number of years has had, is alleged, a bad reputation.

There were about 5. Hen's Suits All Wool Cassimere, Oxford Gray, Mixed, Brown, Black, either square or round corners, Serge lining, sewed throughout with silk. Others' regular $7.50 values. Our price Auburn 'Mills All-wool Melton, Oxford Gray, Seal Brown, single and double breasted, round or square cornered Sack, Cutaway Sack, perfect fitters," latest styles, open, to them the glorious pages of his tofyi Fe 'archbishopric have ben pent to Rome, Boys' Suits With Knee reinforced knee and trouser eeats; fabrics all wool, and neat patterns; from 4 years to 18 years; crack-a-jack suits Boys' Shirt Waists In a subject we are more than ready to talk intelligently upon. Here is a stock of Waists in many waya unequalled in the name selected may be out twenty women and girls of different ages Those who say hat these, mm sickened end'' died because they wished to; thoss side of those on the list.

The and of varied stages of unattractiveness sit rcecol death of Ae bishop of Harritjurg ting In the Waukesha when Dr. Henry en waft blame the soldier and officers of our army for 'the disease and dealt that dev Uavesa vacancy In that norf. Which, how ever, will not be filled ir some time. tered. The party went in by twos, and at different times so that no suspicion was handsomely tailored.

The kind you have, astated our ranks; those -who assert tfiat suffered through their own to pay $12 and $15 for elsewhere. Our price $10 YESTERDAY'S GA31E8. this part of the west (Blouse Shirt Waist3, attracted, n-verybotly ordered dr.nks or clsars, the clergyman taking ginger ale. Various couples entered and went out while only Flannel Shirt Waists, ILinen Shirt Waists- upward Chicago, 10; Louisville, 2. Baltimore, 13; Brooklyn, 1.

fault; insult a quarter of million of the Ibravest men 'that ever carrl.d arms bs-naath the sun. IThese men did not suffer and die because they liked it, and who ever says th.ey' did, insults our army and men who- officered It. It is an affront to reason. I liaYe nothing to say of the blame tor the dea of ithose brave men." Boston, Philadolphia, 10. Cleveland, Cincinnati, 2.

the investigating coterie was present. There' was suggestive echoes from prtvate rooms, an occasional burst of laughter ard a busy flitting of (waiters with trays into these, secret recesses behind closed doors. basement saloon, Clark and Madison streets, wa9 Inspected. There was a giddy eet at the tables. Flashily dressed 15c Washington, 12; New York, 1.

NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. $8 Boys' School Caps Here Is an assortment that for real WM'th is equalled in this city; All Wool Golf Caps, as low each as (And It is worth 25c anywhere on earth.) Other Caps for Boys, as low as Genuine All-woo! Clay Worsteads, all styles? Cutaways Frocks, made long ler.gths, stouts, slims amd exlra-iisegTa Suit that can't be bought e'sewlfere Hot less than $10, and most dealers get $12. 1 Exlensdve spot cash buying and mammoth gales enables us to sell rrri For the Juniors Vestee. Suits, with vests; all ages from 2xk J'tars i'ot9 years; per suit, upward from Won. Lost.

Per. Ct, 10c Boston 93 .074 ATROCIOUS MURDER. I Baltimore 8-3 Cincinnati 83 girls were on all sides. Dr. Henry drank a second glass of ginger aie, took an inventory of the scene for future refefence, an dthe party passed out.

The Mendota, Clark and Lake, ai'io a basement resort, Hats. .047 .599 .553 piK NEPHEW BECAME INFATUATED Cleveland 77 OR WITH HIS UNCLE'S WIFE. Chlicaga 78 New York 72 Knox, Guyer, Young, Austin Drew, F. P. Held and Stetson's.

A'lflne-line; all shades, colore and prices. Fort Sept. 39. Word has was sought. There were not so many girls 45 4S CI 89 C3 fi C5 72 75 80 92 93 Philadelphia 69 Just bftqo received here of an atrocious there, but the class was even worse than Pittsburg V.

07 seen at Frtdrlch's. One girl, with a broad Loutsvitlo 64 .552 .515 .482 .457 .385 .333 .261 Ourt.Ve6te.e Suits without vests; all agesi from i-yiars to per suit, upward from li Reefer Suits All.ea.tpTtn 2V4 to elega.nt fabrics, i 5 the Fulton per suit, up-1 'ward( froitrs' ereek, near El Campo, Texas. The murder-ed man was Otto Harmes, an old German farmer, who, It is claimed, was mur brimmed hat and tail feathers waving high Gents' Furnishings Brooklyn GO in the air sat down at tho table with the his wife andi Harmes, his Washington pastor and two reporters. She ordpred gtn Men a and Young Men's Suspenders 1 Every style imaginable; in all colors and OR A If 4fi 35 Vie-phew. The Information comes that Julius St.

Louia and drar.k It down with a gulp and seemed UVV Ti kinds, upward from became infatuated with Mrs. Harmes and greatly disappointed when her new friends bade her good night and left to ramble ADOPTS A NATIVE, they decided! to put the old farmer out of (the way. It Is eald Julius hit him on the Men's and Young Men's Gloves Every style' that 'we know will give satisfaction, northward. PORTO RICAN BOY. 18 GIVEN TO Ibead with an axe one night when, he waa The was the best place on the from the dress glove to tha work glove, 25c $5 both lined and unllned; upward from Bleeping, and, by Airs.

Harmes, dragged the body to a cornfteid, piled brush program. Dr. Henry has long upheld mat the low vaudeville performances In saloons and theaters are responsible for a good deal Top CuaU. both in light and heavy weights and all desirable shaded and patterns. Afine line and nowhere else can they be at this low price; upward from Suits and Overcoats Men's Suits in all the dssiraMe shades, colors and mixtures, in all the variou3 LIEUTENANT CRAWFORD.

Washington, Sept. 30. Lieutenant Crawford of the signal corps, has returned from Porto Rico, bringing with him a thirteen- ver ft and started a fire. The story fur All the latest styles In Collars We keep up with the changes that takes place and ther says that Julius and Mrs. Harmes re of immorality among the young.

Here was can please you every time. Best (Litre "15c turned the next morning to find the fire Collars only year-old native named Ramon Dlaa. The boy was given to the lieutenant by his discovered a fair sample of this class of amusement. Upon a etage at the west end of the hall dancing and shrill singing was going on. Superannuated women, whoe 'orto Rican mother, and will be educated styles dictated by die fashions of '98 and bad gone out and Harmes was alive, but Unconscious, and that they then piled corn-ptalks iover him and burned him to a crisp (after which they buried his remains.

Both toave, fflllce been arrested. 50 the home of the lieutenant, in Little at 4. haggard and forlorn appearance even thick Our line of Underwear In Medium and Heavierv weights Is our pride. Every garment is full, regular made, NOT SKIMPED. See our splendid garments aft '99.

Prices rangs downward from $20 suit to Rock, Ark. Ramon visited Presidont Mc- Kinley today with his guardian and trlfd to talk with the president. He speaks only a daubs of rouge could net hide, sat at tables near the platform waiting their turn on the boards. Probably fifty other girls sat about few words of English. He says he Is an the hall and saw these sights.

Not a few Americano and greatly admires the Copyright Iq8 by The gtcin-Bloch Co. Copyright by The Mtiii-bloch Co. were young, one or two not much beyond blue uniform and cap which his guardian thirteen years of age perhaps. A couple gavehlm, He has never before known what Boys' Sweaters iNo boy is happy unless he the proud possessor of a good Sweater, and we have Sweaters here in black, navy blue and cardinal; plenty of high priced ones witli Young Men and Men's Blue Serge Suits, in Slims, Stout, Extra Stouts. Midium and all including the regular styles and Double Breasted garments; upward per suit; from We will sell you a Clay Worsted Suit that is genuine All Wool for $6 or a Clay Worsted, Hka the other stores of this part of the country sell for $7.50, and call it a bargain Is It toi have a full suit of clothes.

Ramon ostensibly mother and daughter, occupied chairs at a table somewhat removed from $8 $5 is known as the mascot of the ignal corps. the rest. Beer was being drunk here, as to the other nlact. by the gallon. Some NITRATE BEDS.

sailor collars and fancy color of the girls drank whliskcy and many cock tails or rln. A niano piayer filled In the CIIMJ WON'T SURRENDER Till EM Intervals "between acts," with crashing, TO PERU IF SEE KNOWS IT. EASTERN STAR. ELECTION OF OFFICKR3 TAKES IN ALL SECTIONS. 1 Washington Sept.

30. The election of Officers ''of the order of the Eastern. Star today resulted as follows: kMost." worthy grand matron-Mrs. Hattie IX Ewing, of Massachusetts. grand patron-Nathaniel A.

Geargart, of Duluth, Minn. right worthy associate grand mat-Iron Mrs. Laura B. Hart, of San Antonio. Right worthy associate grand1 patron L.

Williams, of Washington, v'RlgH worthy grand secretary Mns. Lo-raline J. Pitkin, of Chicago, (re-elected.) Klght worthy grand treasurer Mrs. Harriet A. Ercanbrack, of Acamosa, Iowa, (reelected.) iWorthy grand condustress Mrs.

Made-laiae B. Conktn, of Plnesvllle, Ore. IWorthy associated grand condustress mad discords. The Olympia bad both music Boys' Hose Made extra strong, for we know the boys' inclinations to wear tie strongest New York. Sept.

30. A dispatch to trie and vaudeville, the Waukesha had an or Herald from Valparaiso, says: Boys' Suits We have plenty of Boys' Suits In stock Shat will wear wall for t'ne money upward from chestra, but the other resorts seemed to be There is a possibility that the protocol hose out too soon; all sizes from 4 to 10, getting along well enough with simply wine with (Peru will not 'be approved by cai- lac, 2 for 25c, 10c and 3 pairs and women. greeB. It was stated here that action naa Dr. Henry said that there was no neces 75c $8 betn delayed mntil it can be determined whe.hir be1s exist to the provinces Boys' Windsor Ties IA.

magnificent line of them, and novelties for school wear: surelv vnu san't of Tacrva Arlca, wMoh the protocol would surrender to Peru. In casm de sity of proecutlig the Investigation farther. "I have seen enough," he said to a reporter, "to convinoe me that city ordinances are being disregarded and violated with apparent sense of safety. I am also convinced that some sort of entertainment posits ehouldj ibe found 'the protocol would find a better place to stock up for schoai-wft time. IT probably be Indefinitely postponed.

We will set the entire west a pattern on selling Covert and Novelty Overcoa's tills autumn. We have them in stock now. in the richest styles; upward Thousands of patterns of Young Men'a Fall Suits in style and patterns well worthy of praise. Scotch Goods. Chevolts, Biuea and Blacks, Greys, Browns and all mixtures in Round, Square and Douala Breasted Sacks, for agea 10 20 years; from $20 down to It is believed the question Will be deter Mx, Ella S.

Washburne, of Racine, Wis. Rnve' lnpp Dante mined this week and that tbe congress will then diacues the Hns.rument and act favorably upon it. SHE CONFESSED, (From the best to the cheapest; all sizea, fs will have to be Introduced to take the place of theae beer halls and dens. The city has forbid the congregating of women in saloons, the selling of liquor to women in $3 3 to 116, in all-wool CassLmeres, ChevoIUw Worsteds and Corduroys. P.

DaUTijrttBS 'AUTHORITIES DO NOT TO RETAIN REMAINS. grogshops, the resorting of low characters In dramshops, and the Introduction of music there. In the Olympia, for instance, (OREDXT HER STORY. Rtohmond, Sept. 80.

At their ex CUBAN-AMERICAN LEAGUE OFFIC Bmtoing trial at Beattyville the Roaches, Charged with forging checks on Jonas there was not only piano playing, but vaudeville of a low Women short IALS PROTEST AGAINST REMOVAL. New York, Sept. 30. This telegram was tWagersv- a prominent merchant of Wag skirts kicked up before the eyes of man and woman, boy adn. girL Everything done fcrsriUe, Estill county, the amount of 12,500, were Steld to the grand jury sent to President McKinley by the Cuban- on such a tKage Is suggestive and conduc American league: bail of 700 eatfi, and, failing to give It, ive of degredation.

Such sights and auch The Cuban-American league believes CIS. they -were remanded to Jail. Mrs. Roache surroundings are not for girls or youn men and boys. They doprave men who fwhd attempted ito shield her husband and that it voices" the earnest wish of the people of both the United States and Cuba si vJr toot kr.

flvtwww rsj brother-ln'la by confessing to th for- havs reached the ripeness of years. I am when it urges the United States not to per rerjt, wa lent to Jail with them, al.hough mit Cuba's most interesting and sacred not surprised by what I have seen. I know that these slghta are nightly scenes in Chi relic, the remains of Christopher Colum It i beWeysd she Is not guilty. NATIVES ALARMED. cago, and ithat there are countless others bus, to be removed from Occasionally we come across some dealer in Children's Clothing who thinks to draw trade by referring to his children's stock as "the largest stock of dependable clothing shown in the city." Along this line we invite any dealer whose eyes are perfect, to inspect our stock.

We not only claim, but we prove, and prove by showing that this stock of ours is so much larger that we declare it double in size; and as to prices, we refer to the above list. Middy Suits with Vestee, two to nine years of age, up from $2.00. Children's Knee-Pant Suits in all sizes, slims to extra stouts, four to sixteen years, all wool, up from $2.00. We have the same Suits, not wool, up from $1.00. MOTHERS OF CHILDREN WILL DO WELL TO VISIT OUR JUVENILE DEPARTMENT.

NO EXCITEMENT, BRIGAND CHIEF THREATNES TO Infinitely worse. But the evil must not on'y be stamped out. A proper substitute must be discovered that will satisfy ar.d enter-taJn the floating crowd of men and' women who form the major portion of the patrons. t. ATTACK A TOWN.

THEY JUST CUT OFF THE HEADS OF London, Bept. 30. The Shang Hai cor- The meeting in oU Waverly hall was at SIX REFORMISTS. London, Sept. 30.

The Pckin correspond rspond'ent of the Dally Telegraph sa.ys: tended by a thousand people. Father Cleary mad a powerful plea for temperance and ent of tine Times, telegraphing Thursday, Yu Man Tie, a brigand chief of Szechuf province, threate.ia to attack Schunking tomorrow. The natives are greatly alarm says: municipal purity. Dr. Henry delivered an oiher Dhiltiolc against common ve and ed.

Six reformists, namely Kang Yuwael's brother, one censor and four head clerks law Infringement. He rapped the city gov. THEY CAN SPAR, ernment sharply a number of times, stating of the cabinet, including! a son of the governor pf Hupol, were executed today for allegedconsplracy against the dowager empress. There Is no excitement here ar.d that the present regime saw fit to k't such freedom and1 rncense rule, the voters at the NOT 1 Copyright 1895 fcyJThe i Copyright 1S9S If Tht Sttin-Blocb Cq. CORBETT AND M'COY MUST KICK, HOWEVER.

next election (would rise up and put in new set of men. Pittsburg, Sept. Superln everything Is proceeding as usual. WON'T SPEAK, Undent Muth of Allegheny, says that Cor Farmers are practicing tip the fti.mis of kltks about too much dry weather. Al bett and McCoy can spar here during the week of the Knights Templar conclave, HE HAS SOME IMPORTANT CASES ready they say it ia too dry to plow and WICHITA'S GREATEST CLOTHING STORE WHICH DEMAND HIS ATTENTION that a rain is badly netdid.

Washington, Sept. 30. Attorney General I I PIVI H-J I II I IP DR.PIERCES ALL MAIL ORDERS HAVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Griggs will not make any political speeches during the fall campaign. To all requests of state committeemen and others, the attorney general has repifcd that owing to tha fact that important matters are pending In the United States supreme court, which imperatively demand bis attention and presence in Washington, he will tot able to enter the campaign, even In his own stata.

111 MEDICAL Cure sick headache, bad taste lu the. niontlir coated tongtie, gas In tiie stomiich, (Uitren mid Iniliemtion. lo rill Ik 11 wwny "Kiy v. KJy "hut Tssr wjrj trr i ran THE Hot weaken, but have tonic effect. cents, SIM only 1'ilU to Uke with UooU'a uiu)iwillik.


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