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The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas • Page 3

Wichita, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DAILY BEACON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1904. Thousands of Women Have Kidney RALLIED 'AFTER OPENING WEAK Trouble and Never Suspect it. To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney; Liver and Bladder Remedy will do for YOU, Every Reader of the Beacon many have a Sample Bottle Sent FREE by Hail. 1 and Realty preferred 1H-. There were gains of 1 to 2 In Colorado and South-on stocks.

Kansas City and Boutsxn nd Des Moines and Fort Dedge. Oije sale was made of Commercial Cable at a decline of 17 points from the preceding sale. Bonds were Irregular at noon. Concerted bidding up of a few storks did not arouse any following elewhere, the trading remaining dull and featureless. Amalgamated advanced 1H.

Southern Pacific and Union Pacific lose a point each. COTTON Furnished by the C. Bryan Commission rooms 8, 7, 'F, 122 K. Douglas avenue. Get My Book, if Sick.

Don't Send a Penny. Don't send a penny. Just wait till you see what I can do. Let me take the rluk. Let me prove up first what Dr.

Snoop's Restorative can do. The Restorative will gain your friendship, your endorement. If you test It. And for a whole month you can use It without the slightest risk. I will tell you of a druggist near you who will furnish six bottles of Dr Shoop's Restorative A Month on Trial.

I will absolutely sland all the cost if it fails. 'If you say, "It did not help me," that ends it as far as cost to you Is concerned. Do you me? I am telling It as plaln'y, as clearly as I can. I want you to know absolutely and without doubt that this fffer is made on honor. I have the prescription thpt cures.

My only problem Is to convince you that Dr. Shoop's Restorative will cure is an uncommon remedy. A common remedy could not stand a test like this. It would bankrupt the physician making the offer. And I am succeeding every where.

Thousands are accepting my offer and only one in each forty writes r-e that my remedy failed. Just think of it. Thlrty- light visn; bulk of sales SHEEP Receipts sheep and lambs steady. Good to choice wethers, Ji.10g4.50: fair to choice mived, $3.55 100; western sheep. native lambs, $4.008 6.25; western lambs, $5.69 56.30.

Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City, Jan. 8. CATTLE Receipts 3,000, including 150 southerns; market was steady. Native steers, $3.50 4.75; southern steers southern cows.

native cows and heifers, stockers and feeders, bulls, calves J2.roft5.75; western steers, western cows, Sl.5033.00. HOGS Receipts, market steady Ttilk of sales t4.55'i3 i.70: heavy, $4.50 i.f.0: packers, J4.55jil.75; pigs and light $3fti70. SHEEP Receipts, 2.0AO. Market was steady. Muttons, lambs.

range wethers, ewes, $2.2033.55. St. Louis Pt. Louis, Jan. 8.

CATTLE Receipts 1X00; market steady: beef steers. F.25; stockers and feeders, $2.251 3.60; cows and heifers, $2. 25 'it 4.50; Texas steers, $2.501 4.60; the top for fed cat-tie: cows and heifers. $ HOGS Receipts.

market generally 5'jjIOc lower. Pigs and light, packers. hutch-it" and beet heavy, 4 490. SHEEP Receipts. 1.50; market was steady; native muttons, lambs, $4.2534.75.

Omaha Livestock. Omaha, Jan. 8. CATTLE Receipts, 000; market active: native steers, $3.50 30; cows and heifers, JJ.2T.1t 4.00; canners, Jl.TS'SS.SO; stockers and feeders. calves, 5 bulls, J2.7504.25.

HOGS Receipts. 7.500; market 5e lower; heavy, $4. 851 t.TT, mixed, 4.65; light, pigs, bulk of sales, $4.5571 1.6". WOMEN suffer untold misery be cause the nature of their disease is noC always correctly understood; In man cases when doctoring, they are led tJ believe that womb trouble or female weakness of some sort is responsible for their ills, when in fact disordered kidneys are the chief cause of their distressing troubles. Perhaps you suffer almost continually with pain in the back, bearing-down feelings, headache end utter exhaustion.

Your poor health makes you nervous irritable, and at times despondent; but thousands of just such suffering or women are being restored to health and strength every day by the use of lhat wonderful discovery, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the gTeat kidney, liver and bladder remedy. Not only does Swamp-Root bring new life and activity to the kidneys, the cause of the trouble, but by treating the kidneys acts as a general tonic and food for the entire constitu tion. The mild and extraordinary effect the world-famous kidney and bladdei1 remedy, Swamp-RoM, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases.

Al trial will convince any one and yotl may have a sample bottle sent free by In taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root you afford natural help to Nature, fot Swamp-Root is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that has ei er been overed. Don't make any, mistake, but remember the name, Swaiiip-Itoot. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root r-nd the address, Binghamton, N.

on every bottle. DIDN'T KHOW I HAD KIDNEY TROUBLE I hud tried so many remedies wjth-cut their having benef.ted me tiiat I rsn about discouraged, but in a few d. ys after taking your v.onderful Swamp-Hoot I began to feel bitter. I was out of health and rim down 4 "5 Jrl, Sis. MRS.A.L.

WALK 3 ft UU generally: had no appetite, was dlr.zy and suffered with headache most of the I did not know that my kidneys were the cause of by trouble, but Fomf how felt they might be, and I began taking Swamp-Root as above staled. There la such a pleasant taste to Swamp-Root and it goes right to the spot and drives disease out of the system. It has cured me, and I cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers. Gratefully yours, MRS. A.

L. WALKER, 46 West Linden Atlanta, Go. 'steady to stronger: western yearlings, wethers, JJ.40Si3.S5: ewes, J2.75ii3.60; common and stockers, $2,250 50; lambs, $4.75 5.75. Mew York Stocks. Today's range of prlcen of artlre jtocks on the New York exchange as complied for The Beacon by A.

Paullln-s Commission Company, 207-JO3 Sedgw'ck Block: of and shows Mm the prices paid.) HIDES G. 8. cured Nos. 1 and 7c; side brands, 40 lbs ond up, 6c: under 40 rba. 4c; G.

S. buTI hides, cured, green hides, W. dry flint butcher, II lbs. slid up 13c: dry fallen, 16 lbs. and up llc; all light hides under 16 Sc; flry salt, 10c; cutis, fe; sheep pelts, 259 "5c: flue hides, TALLOW No.

1 tt No. I 3c FURS-Skuok. black. short stripe, toe; narrow, 40c: broad, I0c: raccoon, largo, 55c: medium, S0o; small, SOc. Mink, large tl.2rffl.G0; medium, 75ctl.00; small.

50c. Opossum, 30 10c; coyotte, ccvlts, Early caught blue skunk at value. (The above for Kansas for prime and well handled furs.) POULTRY Hens, broilers, 1 to 2 pounds. under 2 lbs. 4c; old roosters, lc; turkey hens, 9e; turkey (lobulars 7c; ducks 6c; geese 6c; young d'icks, 2 lbs and under 6c.

GRAIN Wheat, Nor 2 new, C3c; oats corn, HAY No. 1, No. 2, $6.00 7.00; No. 3, loose $7.5019.00. PRODUCE Eggs, 20c; country butter, 18c; creamery butter, 2fic; butter, 20c.

Wichita Lireiteclc. Wichita, Jan. W4. This morning's run was light, the arrivals of hogs not being as good as expected. Wagon hogs comprifed all the morning sales, after today's opening, and most of the offerings wore good weight hogs only a few pigs arid lights and very heavy ones, which bring lower prices as buyers are not eager for this class of stuff Just now.

Quotations were lower although local soles did not show a great change from yesterday and top on wagon lots was up to yesterday's figure. Afternoon sales will probably not reach yesterday's top on car lots, and will bring and possibly $4.60. All markets were down this morning, Chicago was 10 cents off with a $5 top; Kansas City was steady to 5 tents lower, closing 5 cents lower, with top at Local top was $4.55, brought by choice heavy hogs. A few loads of medium weights brought $4.50 and the bulk of stales was at $4.40 to $4.45. Pigs and lights sold for $4.35 and extra heavy hogs at $4.25.

Left over sales were not so plentiful as earlier In the wee if. Top on these was $4.62. A few loads went for $4.60 and bulk of sales at Packers' purchases yesterday were as follows: Cudahy, R85: Dold, 431; shipments, 51. HOG SALES TODAY. No.

Dk. Av.Wt Pr. 6 2P6 4.55 7 270 4.55 18 205 4.50 10 220 4.50 8 212 4.47 187 4.45 7 201 4.45 7 212 4.45 4 235 4.45 15 19S 4.42 4 257 4.40 2 350 4.40 0 178 4.35 2 45 4.25 199 4.52 4 197 4.40 1 243 4.62 LEFT OVER SALES. 58 160 274 4.67 7i-. SO 224 4.60 75 160 249 4.60 f0 160 247 4.57 I 73 40 225 4.57 S2 40 226 4.57 S2 216 4.57 1 80 202 4.52 80 206 1.52 T2 SO ISO 4.50 D6 160 198 4.50 S4 240 4.50 CATTLE SALES TODAY.

Ne. Av.Wt.. Pr. 1 cow S50 $1.00 21 steers 598 3.15 12 heifers 433 2.25 1. bull 1530 2.25 The shippers today were: M.

M. LEFT OVER 40 steers 768 3.30 2r. steers 628 3.30 Constant, Pretty Prairie; E. M. Carter Clearwater; W.

J. Norris, Oxford; AJam Collinge, Geneseo; D. B. Holland, S. L.

McMullen, Manchester, O. Jno. Ternes, Garden Plain; Bi.ckham and Osthoff, Sterling; J. W. Deist.

Harper; G. Griffith. Belle Plain; W. L. Gordon, Winileid; W.

H. Don-nell, Hutchinson; A. Myers, Turon. Chicago Livestock Chicago, Jam 8. CATTLE Receipts, 8.000.

Market was steady. Good to prime steers, poor to medium, $3.50 Wl.90; stockers and feeders, 4.25; cows, canners, heifers, bulls, calves, HOGS Receipts today tomorrow, 30,000. Market lower. Mixed and butchers, good to choice heavy, rough heavy. To Prove What SWAMP-ROOT, the Great Kidney, Liver and HlatUler Remedy Will do for VOU, Every Header of the Beacon May Have a Sample Bottle FUEE by Mail.

ZMZTIAX. WHEAT SALES MADE AT A SMALL LOSS. WAR NEWS HELPED MARKET Ki'CEIPTS AT THREE POINTS WERE 474 CAKS. After Starting Easier, Became Firm on an Actlre Demand from Commission Houses. Chicago," Jan.

S. WHE AT Buying df May wheat by one or two prominent commission houses caused a rally today after a weak opening. Initial sales were made at a loss of Hfi'c to at News from the far east wan sull of a most urlous nature and reports from Argentina slated that the harvesting is being greatly delayed by rains. On the good demand May ad vanced to 8TH)ti74c. Minneapolis, Du-luth and Chicago reported receipts of 71 cars against 324 a year ago.

CORN After opening easier became firm on an active demand from commission houses and covering by shorts. At the opening May was off tiUc to at 4G3i'i47c. Prices rallied and May advanced to 470. Receipts were 22 cars. OATS advanced along with the oilier grains and showed fair strength after an easier opening.

May advanced, to after opening lower, at 3WiC Receipts were 11 cars. PROVISIONS Liquidation of May fork was the feature of trading in pro-Visions and that product led 'he list in a decline in prices, the opening price being 15c to 20c lower at n3.12'i? IS.VVs; May lard was cit at S9D. while ribs were down 2Hc to T.c at $0.83 e.67ic Chicago, Jan. 8. WHEAT January, B3c; May, 874fi July, September, SO lie.

CORN' January 43V; May, July, f-c; September 4C'Uc OATS January, May, 39s July, S2c. PORK Jan. $13. 10. LAP.nM.iy, $8.9214: July TUBS Jan.

May, 6.62'i; July. JO. 72. RYE January May, 57'ic. FLAX Cash nortnwest south-vest 98c: January 98c; May $1.02.

TIMOTHY January March, 1,1.10. CLOVER January BARLEY Cash Furnished oy the A. Pauline Conrm's-lion Company, 207-i)9 Sedgwick block. Open. High Low.

T'd'y Y'd'y WHEAT May 86 87 86 87 S7i July 82 82S3 82 82 82 CORN- May 46 47 48 47 47 July 46 48 46 46 4CV CAT3- May 39 39 39 39 39'iSi July 36 36 S6 36 36 PORK- Jan. .12.90 12.90 12. SO 12. SO 13.00 May .13.17 13.30 13.05 13.10 13.32 LARD- Jan. 6.70 6.75 May 6.95 6.97 6.90 6.92 7.00 RIBS Jan.

6.2;; 6.42 May 6.67 6.70 6.60 6.C2 6.70 WHEAT Calls. Puts May 88 Sfi CORN- May 47 46 St. Lonls Grain. St. Louis, Jan.

S. WHEAT Close Unsettled; No. 2 red cash elevator, nominal; track 9394c; May, S4c; July, 81c; No. 2 hard, 7S3S0e. CORN Higher; No.

2 cash 43c; track, 4414c; May, 44iSc; July 45c. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 2Sc; track, tS39c; May, 393c; No. 2 white, 41c. Kansas City Grata.

Kansas City, Jan. 8. AVHEAT Close: 72c; July, 70c; Cfish No. 2 hard 73G74c; No. 3, 68(S72c; o.

4, 6267c; rejected, 59'62c; No. 2 red, S6c; No. 3, 81SSlc. CORN May, 40'(fc; July, 40 cash No. 2 mixed 40'g41o; No.

2 white, 41c; No. 3, 40c. OATS No. 2 white, 39c; 2 mixed EDITORIAL NOTICE No matte ro matter how much money you may really owe it to yourself, and to your trial. Its strongest friends today are ever becoming well again.

You may discovery, Swamp-Root, sent absolute! alout Swamp-Root, and containing of testimonial letters received from health. In tact their very lives, to its inir to Dr. Kilmer Binghamton, generous ofTer in the Wichita Daily that Swamp-Root ie what you need, ond one dollar size bottles at the drug I I I I Cor lOp'n HlghlLowJT'd'yjyj'T Santa Fe 66 67 6i. 66 66 do pfd S9 S9 8S S9 89 Am. Sugar .124 125 124 125 124 A in.

Copper 48 50 50 48 B. and O. 7S 79 78 79 77 D. R. 50 51 50 5(i 49 C.

G. W. 15 15 15 15 15 CM. St.P.142 142 142 142 142 Leading 44 44 44 44 44 Erie 27 28 27 28 27 L. and N.

107 107 lo7 107 107 Manhattan .141 142 141 142 141 Mo. Pac. 91 92 91 92 91 M. K. 39 3914 39 39 3S P.

Gas 97 96 97 96 to. Pac 47 47 48 47 T. C. Iron 35 ::6 35 36 35 U. S.

Steel 10 10 10 10 9 Wabash 36 36H 35 S6 35 Union Pac. 77 7S 77 78 77 Union Pac. 77 78 776 7 8 77 Rock Island 21 22 21 22 21 Leather 7 7 7 7 7 Cen 130 130 129 130 129 'V. Cen 17 17 17 17 17 Southern 19 19 19 19 19 Tex. Pac 24 25 24 25' 24 N.

Y. Cen. ..119 119 119 119 118 nine out of 40 get well and these are duTiculr cases, too. And the fortieth Jias nothing to Fay. That Is a record i i am prouu or.

ic is wrong io iay sick when a chance like this Is open. If well, you should tell others who are sick, of my offer. Don't let a sick friend stay sick because he knows not of my offer. Tell him. Get my book for him.

Do your duty. You may be sick yourself, sometime. Sick people need help. They appreciate sympathy and aid. Tell me of some sick friend.

Let me cure him. Then he will show to both of us his gratitude. Your reward will be his gratitude. Send for the book now. Do not delay.

Pimply state Book 1 on Dyspepsia which bonk you Book 2 on the Heart want ami ad- Book 3 on the Kidneys dress Dr. Shoop Bonk 4 for Women Box P.a- Book 5 for Men (sealed cine Wis. Book 6 on Rheumatism Mild cases, not chronic, are often cured with one or two bottles. At druggists. RYE No.

49c. HAY Choice timothy J9. 001x9. 50; do prairie $7 M5i7.75. BUTTER Creamery, 19'721c; dairy, filicv.

1S. EGGS Fresh, 23c. AVHEAT Receipts 123 cars. KANSAS CITY GRAIN MARKET. HEAT Open High Low Close Yest.

May 72 72 72 72 July 70 70 70 70 70 CORN May 40 40 40 40Z 40 July 40 40 40 40 40 Cntengo Cauli Grain. Chicago, Jan! 8. WHEAT Cash No. 2 red, 90S 91c: No. 2 hard.

79'gS2c: No. 3 hard 70'5 79c; No. 1 northern 83'(Z 87c; No. 2 northern 83(3S7c; No. 3 spring 85e.

CORN No. 2, 44c; No. 3, 43U44c. OATS No. 2, 36c; No.

3, 36c. f-lerynol Grata. Liverpool, Jan. 8. WHEAT Spot, firm; No.

2 red western winter 6s2d. Futures steady; March 6s 5d; May 6s 5-Xd: July nominal. CORN Spot firm; American mixed, new, 4s American mixed, old 4s 6d Futures quiet; January 4s 2d up; March Is ld. JTew York Proilnee. New York, Jan.

8. BUTTER Steady cieamery 1Ki24c; state dairy 13 21c. CHEESE Steady; state full cream, fancy large and small, colored and white, September 12c; late made 10c. EGGS Unsettled; western 31ig35u. SUGAR Raw, nominal; fair refining 3c: centrifugal 96 test, 3c; molasses sugar 2c; refined, quiet; crushed, 5.05; powdered, 4.55c; granulated, 4.45e.

COFFEE No. 7 Rio, 7 9-16e. POULTRY Alive, firm; western chickens 11c; fowls, 12c; turkeys, 13c; dressed, weak; western chickens 135 Uc; fowls, 12c; turkeys, 17Q19o. Chicago Produce Chicago, Jan. 8.

BUTTER Easy; creameries, 16iii23c; dairies, EGGS Steady; at mark, cases included, 25ij28c. CHEESE Steady; daisies, 10(310c, twins, 10c; young Americas, 10c POULTRY Live, easier; turkeys, 12 'gJ3c; chickens, llallc; springs, 11 Wichita Produce. (This market is exclusively for the farmer who has butter and eggs to dispose is? California I I I Close. iOpen High 'Low T'd'y1 Y'd'y January 12.90, 13. IC 12.9ft: 13.2- 12.74 March 13.22'" 13.25' 13.21' 13.20; 13.

('7 May I 13.41 11. 13. li July I; 13.57: 13.411 13. 56i 13.2 August J3.y; IS. 12.9; 13.10.! 12.86 New York, Jan.

8 COTTON Fu tures opened firm; January, 12. "Oo; Match, 13.25c; April, 13.30c: May, 13.4'Jo; June offered 13.49c; July, 13.47c; August New York, Jan. 8. COTTON" Spot ciosed quiet, 30 point higher: middling uplands 13.40o; middling gulf 13.65c; rales 1.500 bales. Galveston, Jan.

8. COTTON" Steady at 12 13- 16c. Liverpool, Jan. 9. COTTON Spot moderate business done; prices ten joints higher; American middling 6.70d.

WOOL. St. Louis, Jan. 8. WOOL Nominal; t-i rltory and western mediums, 181 19c, medium, 1517c; flne, 155j 16c.

COTTON RECEIPTS. Poston, 500 bales; St. Louis, 300 bales; Houston, 6569 bales. CHICAGO GRAIN" MOVEMENT. Receipts Shipments Wheat 36.400 56.743 Corn 223.556 127,795 Oats 159,550 150,500 LIONS ANU Che qnrea of Flowera Is Hot Hel4 la Hlsh R.laraa kr the KId( of Beasts.

"A playful Hob Is a terrible thing. With even a tap from one of his paws he can break the neck of a horse," says Mr. Frank Bostock in hia recent book, "The Training of Wild Animals." He goes on to declare that far more minor njuries to trainers result from mere playfulness, awkwardness or mi sun terstanding on the part of thttr dan lerous pupils than from vicious Intention. Even the more serious or Injuries not infrequently begin with an accident, the latent ferocity of wild beast being then aroused by the sight of blood or at the sudden realization of Its power to harm. Of this power It Is the object of every trainer to keep the animal in itnorance; and for that reason, as wcil as because punishment for an offense it did not understand would merely make the creature sulky, no animal Is eren punished for an Injury which it inflicts without savage Intent.

One trainer who was in the habit ol (rreetfng his favorite bear by putting bis face close for a morning caress, once thoughtlessly did so from without the cage, instead of walling to enter It. Finding the bars prtTented as near an approach as usual, bruin innocently extended a great paw and tried to draw his friend's face closer. Thai trainer carries a warred cheek; still, and it was long thought he would lose the sight of an eye; but there was no interruption of the affectlonato relations of himself and his pet The besi had simply failed to understand thai what would not hurt the tough hide ol a fellow bear would hurt the skin ol a man. During a performance a favorite lion, Young Wallace, in a playful mood onci made a grab at the whip which hit trainer was carelessly tapping agalnet his boot. The stroke was gentle for a Hon but the terrible curved claws penetrated both leather and flesh, and were caught for a second In the hoot Jerked out again by the startled lion, as It felt them held, they inflicted a most painful wound.

But Wallace wai not even reprimanded. Perhaps the most curious aeddenl was that which befell a woman trainer, who one day thoughtlessly replaced th light whip she had been in the habil of carrying by a bunch of deep red rores. Instantly one of her Hon! sprang at them, severely clawing het face and neck. Any wild animal will jump for meat, and ho mistook the red mass for his dinner. She had presencs of mind enough to toss the dangerotn flowers far from her, when all four ol her lions rushed upon them eagerly.

A few momenta of surprised pawing and sniffing ensued, passWig rapidly to disappointment and disgust; then th great beasts, without even being ordered, climbed leisurely back upon their pedestals, and were ready foi their usual act. She did not fail to remain and put them through It, otherwise she could never have done so again. She found them quite as docile as usual, but she never carried roe among the lions again. It is an attention too likely to be misunderstood. The queen uf flowers Is not appreciated by the king of beasts.

BRUTALLY A case came to light that for per-a'stenl and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been eouualed. Joe Golo-ritk of Colusa, writes: "For 15 ears I endured insufferable pain from Rheumatism and nothing relieved me-j though I tried everything known. I crme across Ellctric Bitters and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottlss of it completely relieved and cured me." Just aa good for Liver and Kidney troubles and general debility. Only 50c.

Satisfaction guaranteed by Means druggists. Colon Jan. 8. The royal mail steamer, Atrato, which arrived today from Savanilla and Cartagenas reports that there great military activity in both those towns and that large numbers of troops are congregating In Cartagena, It any of thees troops arrived irow toe No matter if it dil occur ton. twenty or even thirty years ago.

Take auother; you will enjoy it more tln.a the first one if you spend it in California especially if you go via tho Golden State Limited Leaves Chicago and Kansas City, daily December 20 to April 1-i for Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and San Francisco. Southern route by way of El Paso and the Southern Pacific, through a laud where winter is unknown. Fast as the fastest. iFner than the finest. Tickets, berths and literature at this office.

New York, Jau. 8. Opening prices in (he stock market were higher than last night throughout the list, reflecting the more cheerful view of the far eastern situation in the foreign markets. The Standard railroad stocks shared fully In the strength of the market, gains 1 mining to a large fraction in many ciises. Baltimore and Ohio rose 1 and Iowa Central preferred 2.

Prices of the prominent stocks were maintained at the opening range for a time but Bhowed little sympathy with the aggressive buying of Brooklyn Transit and minor stocks. Brooklyn TraiTsit improved 1 to 57, but the other transactions were sluggish. Mexican Central, St. Louis and Southwestern preferred. Hocking Valley and Virginia-Carolina Chemical also moved up 1, Westinghouss Electric 1 and National Railroad of Mexico first and second preferred 2 each.

Large offerings of Amalgamated caused the general list to yield slightly later in sympathy, but by 11 o'clock most stocks hud rallied fully. Amalgamated ran off from 49 to 47 and stiffened again to yesterday's close. Westlnghouse Electric first preferred 1. The market wus dull and irregular ond then recovering. United States Steel preferred rose a point, Nashville 1 Cnattanooga and St.

Louis, Western Union 2 with a reaction of a point inflamed from I how msuy doctors you have tried have spent on other medicines, you family, to at least give Swamp-Root a hose who had almost given up hope of! ove a sample bottle of this wonderful free by mail, also a book telling all any of the thousands upon thousands tn and women, who owe their good v.ondbrful curative properties. In writ- N. be suie to say that you read this If you are already convinced ol can purchase the regular fifty-cent stores everywhere. C. E.

BASCOM, C. P. A. RESTORED rcuPiDEiE- to Chas. Lawrence.

101 a Douglas Ave. W. M. PAUGH C3, Live Stock Connuiseiou Merchants Correspondence solicited. Market porta famished, blockers and feeder bought on orders.

Reference: KanaM National Bank. Fkoae 307. Union Stock Yards. Wichita, Kaa E. HEALY CX, Live Stock C'oruiiiisMOii Merchants Union Stock Yards, Wlciata, ancclal Inducement to feedars.

Uarketg furnished on oppllcauon. Phone K6, STUART -KELLY Livcfctuck Commissicn Merchwts. 1 aion Stock Xartls, Wiakita. Hogs, cattle and sheep sola on commission. Market paper furnished free on P-p tcatlon.

Write or 'phone, our expense, When shipping. We attend personally to loe unloading aud care stock consign to us. Teleohone Sfi. Hdes and Wool SOUTHWARD 4 JOHNSTOM eonuuinuon chained. Write tor aWl ping taga, mtt.

I rmainrrr. it IJi" Mr rtorlil it tX a SORE fl. When your lung are sore and Is the time when the germs of FNKUMONIA, FLfc.UKJ.b I and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. MANHOOD For by W. A.

Stanford, successor interior during the last fortnight. It learned that the Colombian troops at Cartagena now number at least 2,000. "Little Colds'" neglected thousands of lives sacrificed every year. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures Itttle colds- cures 0g COiOS, IOO.

UOWJl IU LOC "ij verge of consumption. UHIOKT Live Stock liomzriissioTX On A. B. tttUUME, Mgr. Stork Yards.

Wichita, Kajiaaa fattlA Hnr. unit StlAn AO Id exclUSlVftLT on commission. Money to loan on oattle. Wichita Union STOCK YARDS, 3,000 Cattle 5,000 Hogs Private yards for Texans. Perfect Sewerage.

City Water. Pens Covered. W. R. DULANEY Supt.

Wichita Kansas BL3L 3w.lli. Ii.ict.ii bia.yor rnu ntnvtr tr w- stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It contains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing; remedy for all threat and lung troubles. Thi Doctor! Said Had Consumption-A Marvelous Cure.

L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, lows, writes: "The doctors said I had con-umprion and got no better until 1 used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the pain In my lungs and today I am sound snd well. THREE SIZES 25o, 50c, and $1.00 REFUSE 8UBSUITUTES SOLO BY WICHITA DRUG 110 Eaat Douglas Avenue, Wichita, Kansas.

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