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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HUMAN, Advertising Manager Sole National Advertising Representatives: Wallace Wttmer New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Memphic. Entered as second matter at the post- office at Blytheville, Arkansas, under act of Cen- October 9, 1817. Member of The Associated Press luBSCRtPTION RATES: By carrier in the city of Blytheville or any suburban town where carrier service Is maintained, 25c per week. By mall, within a radius of 50 miles, S5.QO per year, $2.50 for six months. $1.25 for three months; by mail outside 50 mile zone, $12.50 per year payable in advance.

Meditations And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And I am Jesus whom thou Acts When Jesus knew that it Was not possible for the cup to pass Irom Him, with love to Ood He held it fast, and with love to man He drank It nil. Alexander Dlckson. Barbs A Western church burned and. for once, the whole congregation turned out. It'i a wonderful Idea to be foriflns TOO don't do on checks.

A. Michigan man routed four policemen with dishwater. Giving them a little of what hli wits perhaps had given him. An AMlltant often iurni out to be Junl another for the to help. it took as long to spend money as It does to MTV it we'd all have a lot more.

Trading With Red China Hope cannot be said to be too bright that UN Secretary General Dag Hnmm- arskjold will win freedom for the 11 American airmen imprisoned as "spies" when he goes to Peiping to talk with the Red Chinese. In his message to Hammarskjold on the issue, Chinese Premier Choti En-lai blasted the UN for condemning the imprisonment. The Reds may or may not feel that this case, cooked up to humiliate America in Asian eyes and impress the home citizenry, has backfired as a propaganda device. But certainly, in the coming talks, they are not likely to approve deal that robs them of all face. Hints have been tossed out by the Chinese radio that they might accept a trade involving 36 Chinese students now In the United States but denied exit permits to China by our government.

Still, Chon's rough language on the subject of the alleged "spies" suggests he would not yield these men in exchange for the students but might favor trade effecting other Americans held in China. Altogether there are an estimated 526 war prisoners and others there, with none but the controversial 11 airmen and two civilians charged with spying. Naturally enough, the United States wants them all, including the publicized 13. Since they are held illegally, we believe we are entitled to got. Him back as a matter of right.

In a world where moral principle stood supreme, we undoubtedly would so insist, brushing aside any sordid trading in human lives. But moral principal does not regin in a world peopled by Communists bent on conquest. Hard, practical considerations govern. When you are dealing with a kidnaper, you pay the ransom first and try to catch him later. Most of us, in these circumstances', could see no good reason why we should not part with .35 Chinese students who are being denied permits simply because they are believed to have acquired certain technical skills and knowledge that might be useful to a hostile China.

Furthermore, ever though the students are allowed to roam U. S. streets without restraint, we might be put into a difficult position before world opinion if we continued to hold them in this country against their will. Perhaps the Communists may us and propose an exchange; including the disputed 11 fliers. If not, we probably would listen to any reasonable proposition involving a substantial number of other imprisoned Americans in a trade.

That would still leave the plight of the falsly accused airmen unsolved, and would place on us the burden of devising some other practical way of exerting hard leverage on the ruthless Chinese. But that was where we were before the 85 svsr were heard of. Minority Leader Since his big split with President Eisenhower over Asian policy, Senator Knowland of California has obviously lost favor at the White House. But he cannot be successfully challenged as leader of the Senate He-publicans. Pro-Kisenhowcr senators are still few in number, though the total will be au- gumenlcd in January by such newcomers as Case of New Jersey, Cotton of New Hampshire and Allott of Colorado.

But while Air. Kisenhower does not have the votes to shunt Knowland aside, he fan unofficially by-pass him by working through other more friendly senators. Reports from the capital suggest this may be done as the President seeks to steer his legislative program past ob- sticles in his own and the Democratic Parly. If this should happen on any considerable scale, Knowlftnd may find himself holding rather empty prerogatives as GOP minority leader. VIEWS OF OTHERS Seems 75-Year Marriage Deserves Some Attention It was with a Krrat deal of Interest that we viewed the current "at'KUrnnnt" going on between Sylvnnln, North Carolina, couple and a couple from Brownwood, Texas, over which had been married the longest.

lltlli! as friendly as they come, should be publicized to the fullest. It might do little Rood In offsetting some of the pbllclty Riven the "shortest' marriages, especially jomc of those In Hollywood which rate national attention. Mr. mid Mns. John W.

Bumiiiirner of the North Carolina community claim that they have been married longer than any other couple hi the nation. Mr. Bumiiarncr Is 90 years of age. His wife 1)3. They celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary In Carolina this week at the same home- place when; they have lived since their marriage 75 years ago.

They claim to have been married and set up housekeeping In 1M9, a whole year before that claimed Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shore of Brownwood, Tex.

a few days ugo. At this time, Bumgnnwr was 21 years age and his bride was 111. They hud Jive children, 15 grandchildren and six (jrcnt great, grandchildren present for their (Tlebrntlnn. Scums to us Unit Mils nitc some kind of recognition. At least as much attention us those Hollywood marriages, divorces and ensuing battlo lor children and (Go.) News.

Stuff and Things Television, appears, may be becoming a for criminals. Since one niRht last week, when Gnsionla concern was robbed hy snferrarkt'rs who used methods identical with ihosr utilized on a television crinu 1 earlier the snim; cviMiiiiR we have noticed by the papers that Ihi' thing has been hap- fiiliiK in oilier communities. Of course, In the TV shows, the criminal always pets caiiRht, He may end up by falling off a twentieth story roof lecitfe while running from police. He may get shot, Or he may just end up in handcuffs on the way to durance vile, nut he always gels caught. But there are some smart young jerks watching TV nil the time.

And when a TV show KOCS Into all the details of the planning and coin- mission of a robbery or a holdup or other crime, some of thi'st: smart young jerks watch for the loopholes, plan their own mischief, plug up the loopholes, and give the thing a try themselves. Some of them may get with it. We have always thought TV often goes into too much detail explaining the pliuming crimes. Now seems to be showing up on the mil police iN.C.) Gazette. Who's Co Nous Now? A proup railed Ilic National Poultry Farmers Assn.

lias charged Aimnilture Department with "callous disregard for the nerd of poultry fanners." The occasion for Ibis indignation was UK- department's refusal to stnrt an egg-buying program to bolster sagging prices, Storage CRRS arc currently selling at about half the price or year ago. The reason' is simple. Poultry flocks and output are at record levels. In this situation, the poultry men mink It is the bounden duty to the uovermnent to buy their product, on the same principal that the some 56-billion worth of butter nnd cotton and grains have born purchn.seri and stored. Anything else is "callous." We wonder il the housewives wouldn't think it was even more callous to use their; tuxes to raise the price of eggs, simply to the poultry- men of the obvious necessity fur adjusting their production to Daily News.

SO THEY SAY He tPrrsldent Eisenhower! has mnile decisions that would Indicate he, wants only one four-year term. But that's just why the po iple will insist he serve 8 second. Alketi Vt.) It is not the American policy to sock friendship with the Arabs at the expense of Israel nny more thim we would sci'k to Kitln fnvor with Israel at the expense of tile Sobcluff, U. S. Solicitor general.

It Looks Sort of Stupid, Doesn't It? HOLLYWOOD (NBA) Un- Coverlng Hollywood: There will be cheers from U. S. public schoolteachers and shocked faces in movie audiences when Glenn Ford, as a frustrated and bloody teacher, bitterly observes: "Even prostitutes earn more public schoolteachers! But that Isnt the only shocker in an MOM movie about juvenile delinquency, weekend raids on school buildings, mutinies against teachers and even physical attacks on them In some public schools. The film Is "The Blackboard Jungle," based on a recent book of the same title, which was written anonymously by a public schoolteacher. "And our picture is supposed to shock," Director Richard Brooks will tell you.

"It isnt something Hollywood dreamed up. The situation the picture will have people sitting up and saying, 'We better do something: about this. 1 Background of the film is a public trade school, a classroom of young hoodlums and a young teacher who sees all his ideals destroyed. MARILYN MONROE'S Racquet Club weekend at Palm Springs was more in line with her studio's plea to live it up in the RIGHT places. Howard Hughes will spend a million bucks advertising Jane Bus- latest, "Underwater." No understatements, naturally.

Peter Cdson't Washington Column McCarthy Would Have Faced Making Embarrassing Decision Sen Arthur V. Watklns Utah), stern chairman of the special committee which investigated the censure charges against Joe McCarthy, explains the embarrassing decision which McCarthy would have hud. to make on appearing before the old Gillette election committee, Investigating his financial operations. If he had gone before the Gillette commitlee, Senator Watklns pointed out. he would hnve been sworn nnd would have been confronted by some -100 or 500 pho- tostntlc copies of bank records nnd other exhibits, "If he had denied them, and If hi.s denial were not true, lie would have faced a possible perjury charge," snld Watklns.

"If be had looked at fliem and had admitted that they were true, probably he would have been in difficulty agnin. "If he did not want to deny the documents or admit them, he would have had to do one of the most humiliating tilings which the Junior senator from Wisconsin could have been required to do, and that was to have claimed protection under the Fifth Amendment." Gov. Frunk G. Clement of Tennessee took considerable of ribbing on his recent visit to Washington. Being only 34, and the youngest governor, lie has been mentioned as a possible Democratic candidate for the vice presidency In 195(1.

After deliver iiiK a wind-Jamming oration at UK National Press Club, I he governor was asked if he would be a candidate for Hint office. He went Into the routine answer. He had just been elected Tennessee's first four-year-term governor by an overwhelming majority. He felt he had a job to do in his state. Nineteen fifty-six was a long time away.

He was not seeking any other public office. But he was a servant of the people, and so on. Following this dissertation, Press Club President Tony Vaccaro, who comes from Tennessee himself, commented with a completely dead pan: "That's exactly what I said when I decided to run for the presidency ol the Press Club." A caller dropped Into the offices of the British Information Service here to Inquire what the postage was from England to the United States. Charles Campbell, head of the office, who has been in the U. S.

so long tlmt he sometimes is accused of knowing more about America than many Americans, re-plied that he wasn't sure, but he thought it was "thrupence." He called to one of his secretaries for confirmation. "Its the same to all the colonies. The American people spend more money on even, than they spend on crime and many other things, according to a compilation Just made by the Methodist Board of Temperance. It shows that for the year 1953, nmblinff headed the list for a cost of $21 billion. Crime WHS a clo.sp second at $20 billion.

Education was third at just under $12 billion. Meat was fourth at a little under $11 billion dollars more than was spent for alcoholic beverages, which ranked fifth. Sixth was milk and dairy products at $9 billion. Religious nnd welfare activities ranked twelfth with expenditures of $3 billion. The one encouraging figure in the-tabulation Is that religious and welfare expenditures were double the amount spent on either soft drinks, Jewelry or motion pictures.

Treasury Secretary George M. Humphrey had to make a' sleeper plane hop into Peru recently. Next morning he felt his way into the washroom after a not-too-good nights sleep. He opened his toilet kit and then muttered softly. He had forgotten or lost his hairbrush.

"I dont, have a brush, said the thick-thatched Lennartson "but youre welcome to use my comb. The secretarys hand went slowly to his balding pate, and a big grin spread over his face. "You know, he said, "thnts the nicest thing thats been said to me on this whole trip. Defense Secretary Charles Wilson apologized for scheduling a press conference on short notice the other day. He said It was a had day for a press conference, and was immediately asked "Why? "Because there are so many things you can ask me about that I am not ready to talk about, he explained.

Sunday Sclxtol Written for PMA Service My WILLIAM E. GILROV. I). I). The Bible, sis we are often reminded, is Ihe world's best-seller nmonB books.

1 believe that even In the dark days of Hitler's Germany it was the best-seller Uuivo. and evidently many people were turning to it for the help and comfort that they so sorely needed- It would be pleasant to think in addition to bcinff the world's honk, the Bible is the most read and used, and Uie most persistently auci intelligently 1 jected into daily life nnd conduct. 1 doubt whether that Is the case, though I think the Bible come into wider reading and use than in the days when the large "Family Bible" reposed upon the center table In the old-fashioned parlor. Of course, though the "Family Bible" reposed Ihere, a smaller Bible, well thumbed imd worn, UK in my own home, found daily use. This was the "real" Bible as it entered Into our lives.

And how well that much-used Bible did enter into daily life and conduct has been well attested in the lives of innumerable Clinsiiim men and women, in whom tho prciit Book effectually instilled the lessons of integrity, compassion, kindness and brotherly love. WlnU impresses one today, with a sadness amounting at times almost to despair, is the realization that the type of Bible life and conduct in the Jews of the Old Testament and the Christians of the Old and the New is exemplified by a minovHy today's I That must incline toward sadness, but not despair, tor one must never forgot the snvil) beginnings in which arose the Christianity which millions today i profess. In quality, if not in qtianii- ty, the Christians of today are the (world's best, nnd the world's greatest hope, One cannot but regret, however, that profession does nol always in "'in reality, And I it is here that one might express the passionate wish thai the Bible, the world's best-selling book, I should be the best-read and the i best-expressed in life. I rmve often wondered whether the Bible, the best-used Book, may not also be the most abused. The Bible consists, in our English ver- slou, of .66 boofcs, not just one.

With 1 its many authors, coming out of vast and diverse periods of time, lotalinp possibly a thousand the Bible's great diversity has been used to justify all manner of conflicting beliefs and actions. Polygamy, intolerance, all manner of persecutions nnd cruel pun- I ishments, ruthless destruction of i enemies; these and innumerable nets of violence nnd oppression have been justified upon the al! leged authority of the Book that in its highest teaching not only com- I mends righteousness but exhorts toward mercy and compassion, and attains its highest expression i In the gospel of God's grace and its commendation of the godliness of loving one's enemies. thnt the contract, depended on limiting the loss to three tricks in the black suits. This would be impossible if the cards were located in the worst possible way, but ft wns possible to provide against certain bad breaks. With this thought in mind, South won the first trick with the ace of diamonds and immediately laid JACOBY ON BRIDGE Safety of Contract Is Main Problem Wrlllrn for Service By OSWALD JACOBY When you're playing rubber bridge, the snfety of your contract is your chief consideration.

This caused Sterling Floyd, of Sarasota, lo adopt a rnthcr Unusual line of piny when he held the South cards In the hand shown today. West opened the jack of diamonds, and Floyd saw glance NORTH 10765 10 4 3 WEST TQJ653 103 7 4 74 KAST 4J93J KJ SOUTH (D) AQ42 AQ 41088655 Both tides vuL Wert North Pan Pass 34 Pass Past Opening Smith But Pass Pass Pus Erskine Johnson IN HOLLYWOOD down the ace of spaces. This happened to drop the king of spades, revealing: the exact trump situation. South hadn't expected this result, but he providing Rfjnmst a doubleton in the West hand, among other distributions. II no high ctvrd had dropped on the ace of spades, he would get to dummy and lend a trump towards his queen as the best of limiting the trump loss.

After the king of spades dropped, declarer realized that he would have to lose two trump tricks to East. It was therefore necessary to limit (he club loss to one trick. After some thotipht, Floyd led a club towards dummy nnd put up the nee of clubs Instead of trying finesse. i This lime the' result was not so spectacular, the king didn't That "storm over Texas" about Edna Ferber's novel "Giant" isn't stopping 10 Texas cities from extolling their virtues as the film's location site. Hollywood influence on the kiddies: Eve Arden's six-year-old Connie was asked to serve as flower girl at the marriage of a Hollywood doll.

Connie's first wide-eyed question after being told about it by Eve was: "Tell "me, mother, is it her first?" Pat Medina to Lex Barker in a scene for ''Duel on the "Do you really me?" Lex's ad lib: "I had to leave Lana Turer at 5 a. m. to set here and you ask me if I love you!" A low-neckllned slip Doris Day was slated to wear In "Love Me Or Leave Me" couldn't pass the censor test and went back to wardrobe for alterations. Doris is beaming: censors passing something lor ME. It's wonderful.

It's never happened before." RICHARD I A back from Europe, is on a soap box about inferior Hollywood films shown on transatlantic British and Italian liners. "The choice of Hollywood product Is so bad," he says, seems almost deliberate." It's June Allyson and Gary Cooper in the annual all-Amerlcan film favorites poll ol Box Office Magazine. Keefe Brasselle's reason for dropping his Eddie Cantor impersonation when he did his night-club act at a benefit: "I wanted to see if I conld stand on my own I found out I could." Reason why Joan Fontaine Is bowing out of the road tour of "Tea and Sympathy" after the Broadway plenty miffed bout her bosses giving the Los Angeles and San Francisco stands to Deborah Kerr instead of to her. PREVIEW FLASHES: "West of Zanzibar" Cops and robbers in the African jungle. A British film with a no-name cast.

"The Atomic Rooney survives an atom bomb but whether audiences will survive the film, is another question. Surviving atom bombs isn't funny and it's a comedy. All Around the Town: Fred Astaire, who hasn't etched a record for a long spell, will groove his "Sluefoot" number from "Daddy Long Longs" with Kay Anthony's band. Patty Andrews, a solo star since the Andrews Sisters act broke up in a riot, plays her second Las Vegas date. Personal feelings between the three dolls are still at the boiling point.

75 Ytftt Ago IH Old Man Winter, long past here, came to own last night with the first real snow of the season and a new low temperature which caused a number of traffic accidents and many worries to motorists. At least 50 cars skidded into the deep ditches of Highways 61 and 18 in Mississippi County and although no accurate check was available of other roads or the nearby Missouri highways, it is known that scores of other motorists had similar experiences. Snow, which began falling in the early afternoon and continued until about 10:30 last night, measured two and three-fourths inches by the official weather gauge, and the official weather thermometer dropped to 19 degrees last night with another frigid night in prospect for tonight. drop. The fall of the jack was, however, eminently satisfactory Declarer could continue with the queen of clubs to knock out the king.

It was then easy to continue with clubs, allowing East to take his own trump tricks whenever he liked. Declarer would have lost his game contract if he had finessed the queen of spades on the first round of that suit. He would have lost to the king, and East would have won two additional trump tricks later on, as well as a club trick. South might have lost his game contract likewise by misplaying the clubs. For example, if declarer decided to risk two finesses in clubs, he would have lost both of them.

He couldn't protect himself against K-J-x of clubs in the East hand, but there was no need to lose two tricks to the K-J alone. Invasion HELENA, Mont. Iffi A federal Plant Pest Control office predicts that grasshoppers will infest more than one half million acres in Montana in 1956. The official forecast also said mormon crickets would threaten crops in at least six counties but complete data was lack- Ing. LITTLE About the only thing some parents do for their children is serve as horrible examples.

Musical Moments Answer to Previous ACROSS 1" Black Joe" 4 Marie" 6 "Sweet Little Alice Blue 12 He wrote "The Raven" 13 River in Asia Operatic solo 15 Actress Gardner 16 Good neighbirs of the U. 3. 18 Missives 20 Small bay 21 Pronoun 22 Shade trees 24 Up and 26 Entry in a ledger 27 "Rag 30 Mountain ridges 32 Jury summons 34 Nets 35 Laundry device 36 Dance step 37 Regrets 39 Light fog 40 Cravats 41 German article 42 River in France 45 Had confidence 49 Amuse 51 Before 52 Playing cards 63 Feminine sufflx 54 Edge 55 Cape JODregi 57 "I'll You in My Dreami" DOWN 1 Jewel 2 "I You Truly" 3 Eternal 4 Kind of car 5 Persian poet 23 Work pants 41 Sand hills 6 "Red Sails in 24 Moist the 25 Region 7 Age 26 Give forth 8 Profits 27 Clergymen 9 Spoken 28 Mineral rocks 42 Thin 43 "The harp that through Tara's halls" 10 "And I'll not 29 Impudent 44 Followers ask for "31 Weirder 46 Ceremony 11 Political 33 Mouth ulcers 47 Iroquoian cartoonist 38 Landed Indian 17 Less distinct property 48 Greek district 19 Chewing tools 40 Lock of hair 50 Far (prefix) IZ 6 18 Z1 30 a 25 13 3 11 9 1C 1 3 16 51 5t i ft LL 56 7 -y. 3J 11) 11 8 Si 9 27 ft ft 10 i.

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