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The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas • Page 4

Wichita, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY BEACON, WICHITA, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1885. THE M. E. COLLEGE. TtTT? Ti A TV "RTc A PfYM A canning factory of tlic size eontetn-L llJLi DAlLil JjijAvAl plated by Mr.

Page, and employing from i to fiOO persons, would require the work "Tell the Truth" Notice. The superintendent of the water-works desires to call consumers' attention to rule 5) five in Rules and Regulations of Water Company, and say to allow any brick or stone masons or plasterers to use water from hydrants on their premis- lots And say the following list of lands and for sale by P. V. HEALY Sale of black and Comprises the best Bargains In Sedgwick Couhty. colored Dress Goods this week.

N.F.NIEDERLANDER inv- FARMS. 2)0 aeree. 4 miles eof Ucr'jy. 110 acres in cultivation 5 acres ot "timber, 30 acrea of pasture, house of 6 room 8, pood stable, granary and cribs, 2 good wells, plenty ot all kinds ot fruit, lao acres hedged and 80 acres fenced withthre ires mile from school, $33 per acre. acres of pood land 3 miles east of alley house, stable nod c.rin.til nerea in cultivation, some fruit trei-x.

part on time. JK acres one half mile from lowaville. 110 acres in cultivation, one aud a hnlf story house with smoke iieuse, 1,200 fruit treen, mile of heilc. ft.uiO, on easy term. UM ai-res in Ford county 011 Crooked creek, all bottom land.

20 acies broKc and fenced with rail, 100 5 miles north of Clearwater, sfl aces cultivated, house of three rooms, xt.ihlc and irrauarj goo well. JJ.IiO. lilo acres 1-2 iniiu from I.orcna in ltut- lei county, 110 acres cultivated, Kan- chm stable and waron sued, spring iu cenler of farm, anple and poach trees. fl.sOO, id I acres halt way between Goddanl ami acres ci Rivaled, 2 Hiuall bouses, stable, 2 granaries, 4 wolls, Kood orchards, springs and runuiu water. Spring; creek and the Ninnescah run through the farm, well situated for raising stock, or can he divided into small farms.

Price $1 eu easy terms. MO acres 3 miles n. c. or Perby 5 acres in cultivation, house, stable ami cribs, hogpens and corrals, good well ami running water, i'rice UM acres All raw, )i mile from Lorana in Hutler county, good land, fl.suo, part 011 time. acres 3 miles from Uayne and mile from Ohio Center, small house, barn 2 story granary HUM, 100 acres in cultivation, hedged and cross-hedged Into 40 acre tields, good well, plenty of fruit of all kinds, I'rice on easy terms.

IiiO acres 5 miles east of Derby, lionne SKI S'Jl si; KM K10 14x24, stable, ci ib and granary, hedged All around aud cross fenced with wire, KM) acres cultivated, good well, young orchard. I'rice On 4 years time. UiO acres 2 miles from Andover in Itut-ler county, 50 ac.rus in cuttlvatiou. frame bouse aud stone stable, itrniK branch across corner of farm, peach trees in bearing. Price 1 i years iiiiieon nan 11 iiesiieo.

im acres uuies west of henev. 111 Kingman county, 80 acies ci.lli vali-d. house 12x14, ban. ainl granary combined good land. I'rice $2,1 10.

on time at i per cent. S2i acres 4 miles of Andoer in litiller county, acres In cultivation. living water and timber, gM, stone house, good barn. Well hedged, hog lots and corrals, gMt orchard Willi all kinds fruit trees, a splendid farm for raising slock or grain. I'rice so acres 01 No.

1 bottom land on t'his-holm creek mile l. of the city limis 70 acres under cultivation, acres in tnulier, house of 3 rooms, stable and crib, hog lot of 12 acres ci--k well fenced, farm all fenced willi hedge aud wire, good orchard l.c.ninjr. Price lime 011 JrLrbLiArr i taSr I 1 A HP1 Insurance and Abstract of Titles. Rents Collected and Taxes PaidThe Oldest Agency and Largest List of Property in Sedgwick county. 7H5 240 acres 8'4 miles of Garden Pianw 109 acres cultivated, house of and cellar, frame stable fur 3 shed addition, corn crib, well an, i living water, peach, pliiui audi 1.1 1 trees hearing, 4.CHH).

a 2. miles a from Wichita. 111 oo. state of cultivation, 2rt5 acres in crops. house ith cellar, barn 1'. with shed addition for llO well, nil round Jtn-1 1' RISC -hedged inta convenient deldn. grove 2 acres and good orciiard, per acre, or will sell weethalf of above uitu acres under cultivation, at fier acre, and east half, with 70 acre- under cu II i -vatiou, at fij per acre. 1R0 acres 11 miles se of this city, 12 plowed, small house, good well and cattle corral. 4n acres miles of nc, 1 stock farm, fenced with wire, wind 1'iimp. n.iUKi cash, lull acres mile west of Itavne, 7'.

acres io uilivalioii, grasit. J.iiM. so acres miles north tlieeity. cuitiva ed all goHi iud, 4 ,1 CITY IMIOTKUTV.

New cottage of 4 larjre ri. ,11111, 1 1 1 high ceiling bar llnish. 2 closets, house well arranged, on two ,9 on Lawrence ave south, a met: I'rice 11.200. A nice little cottage on Topeka, avenn a north of Central, 5 and 111 r-I cellar, ceilir.g 1 1 feet high, east front of 'HI feet, anpnaitum pavement abm front, street ears pan the Iiouhc. Pi Small house and three lids I 1-2 blocks from lloiielas avenue, in central p.tit of city.

House. 10x2ii, just liniHlie.l, in addition, good lots, -fiioo. House story and a half high, good rd-larcemented, corner lot, im-loot ironi, fenced, shade trees. lIoiiBe of rooms ami kilclicu, 1 bath room, hall through whole build ing, house lot feel, 10 1101I1 west part of (own, water in kit. lien and yard, plenty of -diade Iree.i hi, I fruit.

House Willi six rooms, two sloiier. cellar, bx alcd 011 I lot, on corner 01 Luiporia avenue south of, well ami shade trees. House of ti rooms 011 Km oria ave iiiwih. of liouglas, cloi.eis, 2 porrlifs. cellar, oak and walnut Uoors, carriage slmd, cow shed out houses, fruit and shade trees, lot 00 feet frjnt.

I'rice rj.UKl. Ibmse 1424 with kiUdieii 10.14, icIlHr. stable for 4 horses, smoke orn crib all kinds of fruit in yard, fenced all round, blue grass in var.l, fronts 011 Mosely ave, corner lot. 52 1 514 51J 220 2 Hi ISO 17 II nine and lot Mosely avenue in ca-1 rruit ami shade trees. 17' House 2 riHtms on lot 50x140 on Kmporct ave.

addition, Iri2 Two acres and house of 5 rooms Initio! nd plasternd in 11. e. r. of s. w.

of lbs 11. of sec. -j7, 1 east, firti. House and 2 lots on Kmporia ave. ile riHiius, story, 14 x20 a 11 I.

al aloe shade trees and fem ew lili boards 'in Itesides Ihe ve larve iiiimberof lots located In all parlsof tlic eily and Br for residences nt 1,.,,,. to l.vio.CO. cars ol Khelled to the Old Hood When VOII P. in: ata Real Kstate. lnsuiance and Loan A S.

Having been in the real estate buNinesa 111 Wichita lor the last nine wars I tin lamihar with ail parts of the county and know where the best lands are located 1 have not sold in that time a tract of land that has not enhanced in value from JOOper cent. 1 have not a piece of land lor aalc that will not increase in value twelve per cent, per annum for the next live years. Statistics prove that I his is Ihe best county In ttie male, and Wletiila. of lis age, the bent clly in the ulled Males ou 111 i.iiiiiiMM ac 111 iiiiriy-oiic suuereis a good in.Tn atIon ol the prnspenly that impoi taiit class IIIIJlOl tanl come to leluta. be sure lo call oil i The College Board, appointed at the EI- dorado conference, to locate a college, met in this city yesterday.

The board is eon- stitnted as follows: Revs. I. I. Akin, N. I A Tt.iAl-....

II A i George, and 11. ait. In attendance at the sessions of the board yesterday after- noon and evening, were a large number of Methodist preachers and prominent citi-! zens from the towns seeking to secure the college. The following resolutions were adopted by the board last night: Resolved. That any locality preparing to make a responsible bid, in harmony with the resolutions of the annual conference by which this committee is appointed, (not less than twenty acres of land and $15,000 in money,) will be visited by this committee for the purpose of examining sites and bearing representations: Provided, That the expenses of the committee be paid by the visited community.

Resolved, That this committee will meet at Wichita, Kansas, on June 0, IStO, to receive and open bids, aud to decide on the place of location of the Southwest; Kansas college. Resolved, That each bid shall slate the number of acres of land and the amount of money, notes and securities to be subscribed; and to be accompanied by sutli-cient guarantee of payment, and that the money thall be available to the trustees of said college as follows: One-third sixty days after loeation; one-third whe the building is enclosed, and one-third when the building is completed, or one year from the date of location. Resolved, That the committee will commence its tour of visitation on Tuesday next, and all communities desiriusi visitations shall notify the secretary at once. Invitations were received from El Dorado, by Judge Redden; Xewton, by Judge Peters; Winlield, by M. S.

Robinson; Wichita, by J. C. Rutau; Harper, by L. J. Van Landingharn; Peabody, by Dr.

Buck. Rev. A. P. George, the secretary of Uie committee on college location, may be addressed by any one interested, at Nicker-son, Kansas.

C. K. VINEY. In keeping with other branches of business, this well known boss painter ha3 mads a forward movement this spring. His shop on Second street, a lew doors west of the Occidental hotel, is large, and contains all manner of materials for bouse and sign paintinsr, frescoing, paper-hanging, Ac.

Mr. Viney employs first-class artists, as may be seen by the fancy sign writing and fresco designs at the shop. One of those designs is that of Hie new coutt bouso ceiling, sketched in the highest style of the art, and showing in all minutla the beauty of the ceiling which will span the "throne of justice" in the new temple. Speaking r.f the sign department, we will mention ihe fact that Harry Stewart, the druuist, is having a "perfect love" of a sign painted now. Mr.

Viney and bis men will add much to the architectural beauty ot Wichita this season. THE TWO ORFHANS. Simons' lraiiiaie company played The Two Orphans again last, night, to good sized audience in Hie opera house. The play, we scarcely need remark, is a great, production in plot and thrilling situaiions and is strong in the emotional. It requires good players to present it with full -force and effect, aud Simons' company proved themselves such last evening, for, though newly organized, they played like an old travel-tried combination.

To-night the Two Orphans will be given for the lat time, and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights the company will play the eel-brated side-splliMng production, Isaacs." BIJOU COMEDY COMPANY. The a'-ove lirit-class organization, posed of artists of ability only, will gurate the summer season at the rinl mencing June 1st. The executive stats of said house will be as follows: W. B. Chambers, manager; Will Rosenberger, secretary and treasurer; Frank P.

Haven, stage mauager; Ion Arnold, musical director; J. J. Keiley advertising and business agent. The aim of the management and metropolitan company will be to present first-class dramatic successes in every thing necessary for their artistic productions. Hue notice will be given ol the grand opening bill.

Sealed proposals will Is? received by the board ot trustees, until May 8 p. for the erection of a Masonic temple in Wichita. Plans and specillcations can tie seen at the otlice of Terry Oumont. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids may be liled with the undersigned, c.

A. Walker, Secretary. Mugwumpcigarson saleat W. W. Dill's, All kinds ot Held M.

Allen A Co's. and garden seeds at JiO-tf Cheap Lota Lots in Deam's addition tion, and sowed in grass. are in cultivate Allen sells an all calf, hand sewed worked button hole gents shoe for former price $5.50 17-tf Harrv Stewart sells Oeam's addition. 4tf ttxettrtion to Anthony. To avoid the rush at the depot, e.xeur-sionlsta to Anthony will do well to buy their tickets at the cltv ticket office, Main street.

Tueeda Jones, Ticket agent. The rush for good at Miles Lippitt's closing out sale is increasing everv dav. The Wichita f.ardcna. The Wichita Gardens have plants of all kinds for sale, as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere.

Entrance, south end of Fourth avenue. 21 dim W. II. Scott, Proprietor. Look at our mens dress shoe at fl.tsi, all styles.

223-tt Imported saur kraut. Up-top and toothsome, at the Herman grocery. Try it, and you'll find It the jmru old itf The Itlchey bouse, un.ier tiic aiispic4'-a of W. A. Rlcbey, one of the oldest hotels iu the city, stilt holds the fort near the eaat end ol Douglas aenue.

Kverythlii" abpnt the house is kept in good shape and i be tublea are continually supplied with the best the market afford. Rveryhody knows Bill Rlcbey, and to say that be knows bow to tieat his quests will new to no one. YT A TM: To trade IftO acrea of raw land It lor cHr property. I.snd ilea mile from railroad depot. Myers A Simpson.

SH-Uw 170B 3ALK Four acre lota on Doit a a venae, Matthewson'a addition, Kast Wichita. fitre eara will pasatbedoor. Tula propeifr Is verv dealrahle and close to busi ness. Myers Jt biupadd, over flyae'a book ttora. Si-iw I 1 I I i I i i i i 1 I I I of perhaps an equal number, if not double the number, in producing for the factory.

A first class canning house would turn a large area of our rich bottoms in the neighborhood of the city into a garden, employing, during the season, hundreds ol men. Mr. Page will present his enterprise to the board of trade and the citizens generally who will assemble at the council chamber. We hope the mater will be duly considered, and In a spirit of mutual and equitable adjustment. We have here one of the finest sections the sun shines on in his course, and it is a bonus in itself that either Mr.

Page or some one else will take. We might build a Waltham watch factory here, by giving a bonus; but it would be worthless to the city and to the builders. A town that has to give a bonus to secure a business is generally a town that the sensible investor will avoid. The best bonus a town can oner to any in-vester is the profits the investor can make on his investment. If there are no profits to be made, and no prospective growth of the enterprise, it is not worth consulting about.

Unquestionably 31r. Page has a business that be has the skill in and the knowledge of, that will be a boon to the city and the county, surpassing in its benefits a reformatory, or half dozen of them, and a college thrown in, and It is very much worth while to look at the matter from the'standpoint of self-interests and the city should not be backward in coming forward in a liberal spirit to itself. It is a question of reciprocal Inherits. Hank Ileiserman, beiug of an aristocratic turn, declined to mix in the crowd at the depot, this morning. lie took a late breakfast, and remained at bis residence, having left orders the evening before tor the Fort Scott special to back up to where he lived and remain there until he had finished bis cigar.

Unfortunately, there was a conductor who knew not Hank, and by the time his Registerial nibs bad smoked about half a Kegina Victor, live for a nickle, the whistle whistled, and the tram traveled from the depot Anthony ward. Hank saw what was goingon the cars. He was left. The air turned blue and the neighborhood was aroused by a voice "lifted up," but the railroad racket was too overcoming. But not to be beat, Hank started out, expecting that he could overtake the train at Ooddard.

The last seen of him from the city he was making the up grade the other side of the Cow-skin. His friends say he will get to Anthony by the 4th of July. Meanwhile those having business wtth the register will find him counting ties, or at his oiiice counting his cash. In regard to the bridge over the Xinnes-cah river nt Clearwater, we were a victim, perhaps, of an informant whose imagination got the better of his judgment. The Eagle knows how that is.

It's imagination gets the better of its judgment, it frequently suffers from Imaginative reporters of a poetical turn of mind. For instance, its Kingman reporter composed columns lor the Eagle atout a cloud that had busted above Kingman, deluging tti town and devastating its inhabitants, at the very time the people were complaining of a drouth. Our informant was an eye wit-i ness, so he said, and ho first reported it a six foot fall; but we told him that we thought he was "bearing the market' and made him take oil a foot. If we had known that the bridge had sunk only six inches, we should hive initiated upon a further reduction of another foot. This would have tieen satisfactory to Mr.

Ad. Jones, for ho is a reasonable gentleman, and would nol have expected us to spoil a good item for the sake of only three lew. and a half. John a has lien, general passenger iratif rwf I tin rrn X' ffnntr r.iil Moflctt.

traveling airent af the same line, were in the city to-day and were shown about the city by Ool. Dick Walker. They will visit Anthony to-morrow and see the new railroad line, the new towns and the development of the country west of us. The visitors were well received wherever Mr. Walker took them, especially by those who had enjoyed a ride over the old reliable Rock Island road.

These genial gentlemen are fair representatives ol the officials the Rock Island secures. It is one of the finest Bnea on the continent and its popularity throughout the continent is in a great measure due to its courteous officials. Two rich men were walking along the street this morning, when one ot tbem worth about $300,000) said to the other: "Let's go on the excursion to Anthony. "I can't spare the time," said the other. "Well, 1 have a notion to go.

it won't cost me anything. 1 can get a pass, and a free dinner down there; and if I have to stay over night, 1 have a friend there ho won't charge me for a bed How's that for reckless extravagance? Dr. Buck, of Peabody, was an arrival yesterday. He is in the city to-day. He was here in 1870 to attend a railroad meeting, which was the beginning of the movement that resulted, in getting the Santa Fe from Newton south.

He has been here occasionally since. He remembers the principal buildings then existing, but finds it difficult to locate them. Yesterday afternoon Major Powell took him a riding over the city, and gave him a surprise. Rev. B.

Kelly came in yesterday from Winfield. We were glad to meet him. are attached by the memories many a nard fought battle ot wind and word-. While here, the pulpit aud the press made mms mere is mis ii vitality 10 Brother Kelly, and he never lives long in a sleepy neighborhood. It may be dozing when be drives his Jariat-pin, but it soon wakes up and looks around to see hat the matter j.

Judge Peters our member called on the Beacon last evening. We regret that we were not in. lie represented Newton in relation to the M. E. College.

He ex- pected to go to Anthony this morning, but received a telegram which made it neees-j sary to return to Newton, and he may have to goon to Washington. l'rof. Hlack will preach to-night at the Christian oburch. Subject, "The Law of Liherty." Th ordinance of baptism will be administered immediately after the 1 sermon. The interest in these meetings is Increasing.

There have been seventy- i four addition to the church since the i meetings began. The following messages remaiu undo- livered at Ihe telegraph office 1. T. Hall, i W. W.

T.Lyne, W. G. Harrlng, Mrs. Ed. Ritching, ir.

J. J. Littlefleld, Frank TVorcester, John Morrow, T. W. I Caffrey, Misa Lena Miller, Miss A.

V. Shantoom, E. E. Pease. W.

P. Johnston, Sarah Hutchinson. LON HODLTTG, City Suitor. OPERA HOUSE. -SUMMER SEASON GRAND OPENINU Wednesday Evening, May 13, BY SIMON COMEDY CO.

HUSSAR BAND AND OPERATIC ORCHESTRA. 0 MOXDAV, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Evenings, May 11, 12 and 13. MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION, ENTIRE NEW CENERY, ELEGANT COSTUMES AND CHARMING MUSIC. THE GREAT MORAL PLAY IN 7 ACTS Entitled THE TWO ORPHANS A Strong Cast, Magnificent Mountings, Superb Overtures by Simon's C'ele-brated Orchestra under the Leadership of Prof. John Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 11 15 A 10 SOLOMOX ISA A C.

Popular prices: Gallery 15e: general Admietloa 25c; reserved seats on Sale at poetofflce at 35c. R. S. Pinegar, of Kingman, was in town to-day. Remember the Ladies Guild at the rink Bert Miller of Eureka, an Oeorge Oray, is in the eiiy.

old friend of Charles Richards and Millard Cordon of Eldorado are in the tdty to-day. Ground was broken yesterday lor the i laudations of the now Masonic hall. Mrs. Walter Sperling, of Seneca, Kansas, will arrive to-night to visit the family of Mr. A.

nusey. W. A. McDonald, of Wellington, and ouecf the best lawyers in the southwest, is in the city to-day. Charles B.

Vail has taken a boarder 21 years, fie arrived this morning and tipped the beam at at 11 pounds. Ransell Wall have fitted up the old Palace" on Main street, as a lunch rouse, pool room and cigar stand. llemcmber the K. excursion to Fort Scott Monday next. The brotherboi! in this city will be well represented.

Superintendent Miller, of the Sunflower, was around at an early hour this morn in sr. (seeing that everything run smooth. Douglas Donnelly is like unto the wine virgins in one respect he keep the lamps trimmed and burning brightly. Mr. Grattan, representing the Eagle tami Mr.

Whittier, the Bkacon, were among tae happy excursionists this mornin? to Anthony. Behold the bug Arctic monster in the dossal ice sea aquarium of S. n. Barrett A Co's. Sew United Monster railroad shows in this city on the The Board of Trade will meet to-morrow night in the council chamber to hear Mr.

.1 u. l'age, the gentleman wno represents a canning factory desiring to locate here W. P. Hackney, of Winlield, was up night as an aid-de-camp, we suppose, to Dr. Klrby.

Both are conspiring to coop in the Methodist college for Win-field. T. M. Lane, of tho IKniglas avenue hotel, is putting down a new walk on the two fronts of the hostelry. It will bo oa a level with the grade, and will be all Ofa)K.

Major Shockly, of Fort Scott, came in night and stopped over, a guest at the Occidental. He did not go on to Anthony with his comrades of theO.A. oing to pressing business. Mr. Sam Adams and Mr.

Simpson, of Anthony, both formerly of this city where they have lots ot friends, called on us yesterday. Tuey will go back to-day on Ihe They report the road with all its hrit 's la a safe, solid and firm condition. blai, nore, the barber who was so terribly v. by a pistol shot from the hand of Brlsco, la astonishing Ihe natives au i ihe doctors. He Is up and walking about and doea not seem to mind the small matter of a severed windpipe and perforated lung.

W. B. Mead is improving, enlarging and tevatlng his bouse oa Central, between Waco and Wichita. He Informs us that one of the novelties of the Improvement la a "iorrel" window pn the chimney. Mead says hay windows are altogether too common for an old '49er.

The rurnverein Vorwaerts has reorganised with the following officers: Joseph Koenlg, first spreeher; G. Borstner, pres tdent; W. 3Ieyer, eeoretary Henry Snitz- Ser, treasurer; J.Weiss, first turnwart i Henry BHlman, turnwart: j. tvoenig, J. Knoblauch, venvaltungaraetbe.

liar fill hen the excuraiou train for Anthony arrived here this morning, there were about one huudrej persons on tioard rem points east, aud about three hundred Wiehitan-i took the train for the pleasure trip. It was undoubtedly a large excursion numerically by the time it reached Anthony and Ad Jones la happy. MeersM. L. Oarver, of this city, aud W.

Toms, of St. Louis, have List made a tri4 through the counties ol Pratt aud Stafford. In tbesa two counties they foun ve towns, each contending (or the con Though they went as far as St. John, they could iret nothing stronger than water 1 1 drink. Mr.

O. says these ejuntles are fast improving and will soon be as good as Kingman county. County Attorney Kalderston began yen-terday his raid on the gamblers. H- arrested two, Yarney and Fennell, who are cow under bonds. Mr.

Balderston, backed by the law, and hopes supported by a public sentiment, proposes to eliminate he haudomoand well dressed fraternity. He says he ha lh co-operation ot the taay or and in a short time we think "ti ain-f will be a lost arija WicfrUa. I I i i I i es without lirst getting a permit from the and he hopes this notice will be sufficient to stop the practice. Notice is also given to all stone and brick masons and plaster- tuab lucj tilt" pv.linci KUUluun UH- ing water out of anv street washer or bv- drant or from any connection with the water pipes, without first getting a permit from the Wate Company. B.

it. Eggikstox, 2 Superintendent. l'l flSU OH (MHPRTS, Hanging- IVlndovv Curluins. 1 wish to announce to the public that am now prepared to put down hang window curtains. AH work guaranteed and terms satisfactory.

Leave orders at Steinway Hall, Ion Arnold Co's music store. Prof. a. Mkismcr. a The nugwiiinP Cinr.

our new brand, with the above title, is now on sale at the German Grocery. We have made and placed on sale, this pure Havana tilled cigar nt five cents each, lor the purpose of securing the retail trade of Wichita, and we are confident that it is the best eisrar for the money ever placed on the market in this city. 2'S-tf 111" SKY KUOENKUT. Notice. Bids for privileges to sell refreshments, Ac, at the spring races will lie received by the Driving Park association until May 20th.

The privileges of booths will be "sold separately. The bids wilt le sold at public auction May 20tb, atJoeelyn fc Thomas' otlice, at o'clock a. m. By order of the Association. II.

G. To Kit, Secretary. TIHS UlRAOl UUIMi H'KST. toColoeado or New Mexico, for pure air to relieve Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonable man would use Dr.

Bosanko's Cough anil Luug Syrup for Consumption in all all Its first stages. It nevor fails to give relief in all cases of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pains in the Chest and all an'cctions that are considered primary to Consuiup-tisn. Price 50 cents and $100. Sold bv .1 1 Allen 4-dAw 521 fou piles. The first symptom ot Piles is an intense itching at night after getting warm.

This unpleasant sensation is immediately relieved by an applicationof Dr.Bosauko's Pile Remedy. Piles in all forms, Itch, Salt Rheum and Ringworm can be permanently cured liy the use of this great remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactured by the Dr. Bosauko Medicine Conipanv, Piqna.O.

Sold by, J. P. Allen. dw5'iy Bucklen a Arnica Salve, The best salve in the world Tor cuis, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no jay required, 25 cents per box. For sale by Aidrich Brown.

Art Enterprising. Reliable House. Messrs Aldrich Jc Brown are always alive to their business, and spare no pains to secure the liesl of every article i their line. They have secured Hie agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New lis-covery for consumption.

The only certain cure known for consumption, coughs colds, hoarseness, asthma, hay feer, bronchitis, or any uttv-otion of the or lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free. Regular size I. no.

I An Answer Wanted. t'an any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver omplaint that Klectric Hitter's will not speedily We say they can i not, as thousands of cases already permit- nently cured and who are daily reconi- I mending Kteetric Hitlers, win prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint, quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bow-1 els, and actdireetly on 1 1. diseased parl-i.

Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at isle, a b.iiil.i bv Aldrich fc Brown. I 'i itv i i vol The proof ot; the pudding is not in chewing the string but in having an opportunity to try the article yourself .1 Alleii the Druggist, has a free trial bottle ot Or. Bo-sanko's t'oiigh and Lung Syrup for each and every one who is atn If ted with Coughs Astlims Consumption or any Luug Affection. JS-dJfcw Smut (or Kale.

Ti Contractors and builders: The undersigned is prepared to furnish good building sand in small lots or by the car-loads. Also dirt tor filling" lots. Correspond with R. L'. Harris, lock lox lll, ichiln, Kansas, or leave orders at Charley Case's barber shop ou Main street.

U. Hakuis. Wichita. Mv 0. d.if.ti) -1 to si Those deslreins to go cast cheap should buy their tickets over the Sunllower route to Mexco, and return at Sale begins Friday morning, May commuting until jjood to return on or before June 20th.

This is lei-s han half fare tickets can be bought for at Mexco to any point east at two cents pi mile. City ticket otlice at 100 Main street. Ai. N. Jones, Ticket agent.

orrrxt IdtUdlnir Association. The Foriset City Building association ill issue a new series of stock June Persons desiring to take stock c.n do so by paying 25 cents per share per w-eek from that date. The books are open for the subscription of this series at the tifiiee of the secretary, second stairway north of p. o. it.

M. Piatt, June I Secretary. Monthly payments secures Deain's addition. you a home. Attention Farmers Droveis.

New management, New furniture, lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed at the Farmers Urovers Hotel, west end of i Douglas avenue. Charges $5 per week, $1 per day and 25 cents a meal. Oniy hotel; in the city in full view of the Arkansas river. Rhodes Bcnr.E, Props. Wichita, Kar.s.

I tor Sale. Bids will be received by A. B. Wright, Secretarv or the (Jariield Post Association, up to Tuesday, the Pith daj-of May, iss, for the building known as the "Bonner on the lots on the corner of First and Water streets bids to be made in writing, in cash, for the building as it now stands, and conditioned that the building shall be moved off the lots by the purchas-; er, within ten days from the time the same is vacated. The directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids, By order of the directors, M.

Stkwap.t, Pres. A. B. Wright, Sec. OH far Kew Orleam.

1 now have on sale, either via the Santa Fo route or the Frisco line, tickets to New Orleans and return as follows: Winter tourists tickets good until June lat, lSijo, at "World fair excursion tickets good lor lorty-tive days, at Now is your opportunity to visit the sunny south during tho winierand attend one of the 11 nest expositions the world' ever saw at very little expense. Oofearly while you can aeenre gisal bo-1 tel accommodations. Stcure your tickets at ornity ofhee. iiiVi-tr H. H.

Kriti.itK, a-rent. Sealed Proposals, iiv Clerk's 4lfllce, Wirhita, Kansas, April SO, 1NK5. Sealed pronefals will he reeeiveil at Ibis ot-', dee for fnrnishlnK ir.e city with tlrst class white oW lumber not lca tlisn two lnhe in tbiofcaes. aaid lOntrs. to be for asiK months train dale eitiirsrt, All bid must be on or before Mar li.

is5. when tantrart will tie awarded 10 tlie lowest -bidder. The- oiioeil reserftuit tf to rcjt-ct any or alt bids. By order or iou.uiiliee a oieots Pbed SceirTSia, 33-13t CityOeit. i i i i i to tiik xkw rt)i; Fancy and Staple Groceries Provisions of all Kinds.

mi son's. Emporia vcmics, ami Wich- Hacker Jackson, Wholesale ami Retail Dealer OO-A-I-i. jPensylvania Anthracite Coal And all Kinds of Canon Citv, Trinidad and Osage Cilv, Blossbuig, Piedont, W. McAl-ester. Fort Scott, Cherokee, Rich Hill and Pittsburg.

Also Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, Sidewalk and Building Stone. Offices Rig Red Scale ihiu Douglas South sice. 1 IT Water street, bet. Doug- las and First. Now Carpenter Shop, North side of Douglas avenue, cast ol the Italtroad.

All kinds of contracting and building; stair casing Ac, done in a orkmanlike manner. We guarantee li rat-class work ol all kinds. W. Pultz, Prop. A Hold A bold counterfeit or imitation of Dr.

C. I. Warner's White Wine of Tar Syrup and Herman Hop Biiters is being sold in this place. Beware of the dangerous imitation. The worthless stuff is sold to druggists at $2.50 "er dozen, or alsiutii cents per bottle, and thev charire von 50 cents.

The genuine While Wine of Tar Syrupand Cerman Hop Bitters bears the name of in. C. D. Warner on label aud! wrapper andldown in bottle. Take no other.

Call on vour druggists, J. P. Allen, W.McP. Fuller Co. and RatlitT McCoy, who sell the genuine and will furnish you with circulars explaining the fraud.

The Cerman groeerv has a supplv of the famous German Dill 'Pickles. Call and sample them. .1 tf i Landrcttrs seeds at J. M. Allen Co 20.

tl Look at our men's ki $1.75, at the red front. boots ail solid, ul A. J2itf Deam's addition near Uio sii eel cars. 4tf A eity lot in a desirable location to trade for a team of horses.

Kmjiiire at this ol-' lice. 22-tf Deam's addition is the best location. 4tl Our apriii" stock of the best shoe made Reynold in in and thev are line. Kvcry pair warranted.lT-tf aI.Xli.kx, The Valley house, which recently ehanged hands, has been thoroughly rent ted and cleaned up generally. "Mrs.

Chestnut, the present proprietor," is well-known as an excellent entertainer and successful host. The traveling public can rest assured that they will le well treated at this old ami popular house Rates reasonable and satisfaction iruar- anteed. Hard cheese of th finest make can be found at the German izroeerv. together with all kinds of Miibstantials and cies for I lie table. .1 tf Pickled pork at J.

M. Allen OS. Siee lat, The pawnbroker's bargains and watchci. in diamonds t'ive Knsiii ttaiise for Itent. A live room houw on Market sireet near Douglas avenue lor rent, splendid lor millinery business dress luaking as well as residence.

Kuuuire of 1. Healy. si-tr .1. W. Muhler, late of Topeka.

has located iu this city, and while we are waiting tor the completion ol our new rooms, will fo iai days make my liest pbotogrphs at ier dozen. Call and s'C my work. ii' Main street. 'I'lic Sew Store Of Miaa F.lla Cameron contains a new and well selected fctock, of the latest styles, just rrom the eastern markets. MUs Cameron has brought with her an accomplished and e5tp'rienoel trimmer from York City.

Ladies are invited to call and examine the l'othI and Judge for theny selves. No. 1.11 North Main street, north of Woodman's hank. 4tf Our womens kid Uittou shoe with worked hole is the cheapest shoe in Kansas at 222-11 A li. ICS's.

From 2.1 to 40 per cent, saved by buying! at Miles Lippitt's closing out sale. 34tf I OiTicc coi ner of Douglas und ita National bank imildintr. FAST TIME, VIA. VAOALIA LINE.j COMMKNCINO I St. I.miia a.

in arrive m. l'ittsburjf at a. ve at WaHliiutftoit p. arrive Hi I'hll ulel arrive in Sir.w York p. in.

I.I.VirrF.O Leave si. I.i.iiU at 1 0 a. arrive at I'ii tsiliurK a in ar-: rive at Washington p. arrive at I'hll-j adelpiiia 4 4' p. arrive nt New York ft p.

in. Only 82 Hours from St. to New York. l.iisli'rii I.i avest. Coui at 7 p.

arrive at I'ittMburtt p. arrive at a -i til ton a. arrive at I'niladf Inhi.i a. arrive at New York icifla.m., nearly tour hour earlier than formerly. daily and hiunlay included In Addition to above trains the Indian-; apoliH ace onimndatiou and Kx-I press will leave St.

l.ouis at 7:15 a. daily. except Sunday, arriving at lndiauapol is nt 3 p. in. and "Cincinnati at 7:10 I'ullmau hotel an Uiiflet sleeping ears on trains through to New Vork.

Tickctn over Vamialia line and locutions in Pullman ran besecurea on appliealion to ticket ngentu of cniiiiectinar linei in the west, or bv addrex-I ins iitvi Kll, estern passenger aicent, Wichita Novelty Works, I.N. STAG Proprietor, Manufacturer of and dealer in Rubber stamps, Stencils, Brands, Marking Ink and Brushes, Key Rings, Key, llo-I tel and Baggage Checks, Dating Stamps. Seal Presses, Ooor Plates and Numbers. Models Made. Locks Keys and all Kinds Repairing neatly anil Promptly Done.

All work guaranteed. 1-1 Main street, upstairs, Address P. o. box 151, Wichita, Kansas. $50,000,00 To loan.

On Mortgage for 1 and 2 years, by Kansas Loan lnvestmeutcompany, Wichita National Bank building. l-tf gets one dozu of Mohler's best card photographs. Ktery thing new ami elegant. First-cbivs work guaranteed, street. Money.

The cash of Sedgwick county farmers to loan. Xixox Ki.i.ioit. SJrtlf. tvrSule cheap. A sewing machine for eighteeu dollars.

pawnbroker. ICOK. A. JIIA.K.S, teacher ol daiicing, (memler of the National Association of Teachers of Dancing of the I'nited States and Canada.) will 01 i ne linen mates unu auaua.j open a select Academy in Wichita. Saturday, May 2d, ISSA.

17tt. t.0,000,00 To I.ojiii. On Mortgage for 1 aud 2 years, iv Kansas Loan fc lnvestmentcompany, Wichita National huilaiug. -o- flootls ilclivercd to any part of the city. Xo.

2'2 Douglas ave. DODGE HUGHES' WICHITA CARRIAGE FACTORY M. A. Mf KEXZIi: Vj. Prod's, maiiiit'aef uri'iH of all kinds ICARRIACVKS, BUCXMKS, 11 AM TONS, and- SPRING Tri mining, Painting fail to call and see i a VV ami is if you want I AS Ifcpair Work a anew buggy, or mi A.

A li I' MEET AUt dUtVi COMPETITORS mtt AL Sjicci.ih y. Id one liinde rt ISTote CROWD TO a SHOES 1 1ST BOOTS SHOES SHOE tiOiUOOiOOTa Uaii. On Mortgage for and 2 years, by Kan sas Loan Investment coihpanv, Wichita National Hank building. ol Kill gill ot CylliiHH. We will tell lickets to Fort Scott and return, commencing Sunday.

May I7ih, and continue the sate until AVednesday, May 20th. at $1.72 one fare for the round tripgood to retiirn until Thursday. Mav 21st. 'Ticket should be bought at No. l(i Main sireet, city ticket otlice.

riuae aatiln6jtt. Tl) Ohio and Mississippi railway has recently shiirtcped i time to Washington and Baltimore nearly two hours, and at the same time inaugurated a double daily sleeping enr service la-tween St. Louis and the national capital, which places it far ahead of all competitors Uilli iu lime and accommodations. Sulht; trains with day coach, baggage cars and palace sleepers are the special features of Ihe new departure. The limited express with through day and sleepiag cars leaves St.

Louis al Ham daily, and arrives at Washington 12:15 p. ui. next, day, a run of -JX hours live hours quicker than Ihe best time by any other line, The night expreM with, through sleeper leaves t. Ixmis at iu dally, and arrives in Wanhinton at a. in and Baltimore 7am mornin r.

Twenty-eight hours Washington is something new, and the traveling public will not be alow to appreciate it, especially as there is no extra charf 4 on the 'limited." -o- GO WITH THE A r- for BOOTS fiooils rctaili'fl at Wliolcsah? juicos. takes liootrt sIiocs at lowest prices ever heani of. ami 120 Douglas Avenue. SMITH STOVER..

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