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Sterling Daily Gazette from Sterling, Illinois • Page 6

Sterling, Illinois
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OF 0. L. Ill A A. M. Tourney TiiumGiAl 5 809 Sm CJarnes Sterlins district sponsorpd laist week hy the Ullnois Statu HiKh School Assoclntlon, man- asemertt.

of Prof. K. Anstln, ix decided succrsn from every viewpoint. Commendation on the way tonmcy wisa was heard from thfi roaches, plaj-prs an-l fans from the different schools Thpre was not a hitch In she entire prosrrn.m. which had carefulij- worked out hy capable assiKtanta Prof.

Austin hnd appointed. FinanciaUy tfie tournnmrnt was than had hern antlri- patted. After all expenses had boon each of the re- a bonus of totnl receipts were of which ovrr one third was received from sales of season tickets to the students. In nl Ithfre wer 340 season tfcketfi sold. The total attendance of tlio tournament was 3.603, the attended being on the last nljjht when RK7 witnessed the championship prime.

The next largest was on Friday afternoon whon Sterling piayed Its only pame of the tournament, there bcinis 704 at that session. Of the pros-i receipts the local school stnKinp: tho tournament Rets 30 percent and the expenses of all of the teams are paid. Should the state is to receive 10 per cent of the gross. Should the receipts run over the amounts deducted, the remainder Is to be per cent to the Illinois State Athletic Association. 40 percent to the participating- schools and 20 per cent to local school.

In the Sterling tournament with the gross receipts amountinp to the local hlph school's 30 percent figures J643.SO. the state as- pociatlon'8 10 per cent is J214.60 and the expenses of the vlsltinir teams is $114.32. The officials received 4 Others expenses brought the aggregate up to leaving a net balance of J687.7S. This latter amount represent the bonus that wan divided among the Illinois State Athletic Association, 40 percent, or J1S3.60: the vlBtilnR trams, 40 per cent, of J189.fiO; the local school. per cent, or $94.56.

Summed up tlila gives the Illinois Klate Athletic Association, J403.91; each cf the 12 visiting teams $13.78 over and above the local high school, J738.3G. The bonua received by each -of the visiting teams Is considerably larger than any ever received by the Sterling team in tournaments In district centers In which they have participated in past years. The large amount fwid into the Illinois State Athietic Association treasury does not scorn Just. Probably the total amount paid to them from all of tljo 42 districts in the state will make an aggregate of around $20.000. The annual operating expense of the state association is about $12,000, which will Rive them JS.OOO more than enough to run the office.

Then. too. the association has other sources of revenue. With the receipts from the district tourneys in their coffers, the state association will have a balance of close to ITiP.OOO In the treasury. With this status of affairs, it secrnn that another year the state association should cut their percent of the tournament receipts to at least 5 per cent of the gross income, without asking for a percentage of the bonus.

March 10 FMUn r-f Ksn- nf O. Wnlifr. of MorrlpnT! wiiat-o 1 submitted to rtnuM" Thursday. w-ns apparently eoverltis; from the effects of the operation. though slowly, ami nnwp of her death corws a jtf.

shock to jnany friends In Morrison. where she bad vlnit- rn a mimhfr of times. Rev. O. L.

went to the to Tupmlnj', not knowing- thnt her condition was especially critical at tfmp left here. Re-sirfo brother this city, Walter Is survived hy her father. Choree Walter of ami two pSstPrs onn other brother. Funeral will Krirtay. Walter, who bud vrry hnppy over tho completion of ths Presbyterian church rf-rnocieHng sncl prepare-il for Sunday, l.i dpppiy grieved hy this unexpected blow, and his many fee! deeply sympathetic toward him In the Borrow that has come to him, which Is heightened by the fact that ho his mother juat a year ajro this week.

He will return to Morrison Thursday and go back to Ransom Friday to attend the funeral. Off OF. FOE ovor to a located In YQUTH WHO STOLE AUTO IS BROUGHT HERE FOR HEARING Chief J. O. Hnptock and Joe McCarthy returned home Tuesday from Chicago where tho latter wont to rerlnlm his Chrysler coach which had been stolon from tho streets of Katnrrtav Doone, nRrd 17 years, one of the two boys found in possession of the oar, was broupht back here by Chief HnKlock.

The other boy Robert Lee. riKed 15, wns lield to the Juvenile court In Chicago and will be given hearing Monday. Doom- wan titkon before Judge Mitchell Wednesday morning and his case was continued until Monday mornlnfc at which lima his uncle Domonick Cinderella, will be present with nn attorney. Doone was bound over under $3,000 bonds and In default of the same ho was $aken to Morrison. admitted that he had been arrested four tlmea before for various offenses.

He and Robert were picked up by the Chicnpo police Monday morning about 1:30 o'clock at Madison and Campbell street. Doone claims that a man by the name of Harry had the car and Invited them to take a ride anil later Jet them lake the car. It Is expected that more details of the theft of Mr. McCarthy's car will be broupht out at the hearing next Monday morning. Pleased With Reports Of The Tournament T.

Dale Foster. coach of tho Moilln community high school, appreciates the manner in which The Gazilte handled the writcups of the basketball tournament hel-1 lierc week. In a letter to The Gtizetto Sir. Foster Ray.q tho followlnp: "I enjoyed vrry much the way your piper handled the news Uema of the In fact, I found your paper the medium of much Information for our use us a team playing there." CONSTRUCTION OF ATHLETIC FIELD WILL START SOON With the opening of wprlng thn construction work on the athletic field Jor the Rock Falls township high school will be, commenced. The field will be located north and east of the school building along Kock river.

Bids havo been asked for the removing of approximately 13.000 cubic yards of earth from the high ground at the northeast corner of the site and from the lots across the street. The Rock Falls- high school board of education last year purchased five lota across the street east of the building to increase the sise of the plot of ground already owned. The house which was located on the north lot has been moved to the lot at tha extreme south and has been repaired for use by the janitor. The new athletic field will havn a of a mile cinder running track, in the center of which will located the football field. HEWS OF LODGES afternoon the Sterling Tlebekah ladies sponsored a card jxirfy In the Odd Fellows hall.

There in the neighborhood of ninety members of the lodge and their friends in attendance. Progressive was played. Other game wre indulged in by those who did not play the after- nnon refreshments were served at the quartet tables which were attractively decorkleU in keeping with fit. Patrick's Day, J'i for tht "500" gainen where awarded to Kllzabeth fowler, first and Mrs A. Brown, consolation.

Mr, Eei. Hairse Mr. and Mrs. Hagh Cul tetl suns at Kc.vk motor of Mr, and Mm. Kobt evening, uh jayousiy to mante SBd playinjj cards.

At hour daSnty Including Arrivals Will Give Three Plays The Junior clai-s play of the Ster- inp hish school ban been selected and the cast has been working on for the past three or four weeks. Instead of one three-act play they are RivInK three one-act playa, "My Laces." "The Maker of' Dreams," and "The Open Road." which n. variety of entcr- ainmcnt. They arc to be presented on Thursday and Frlduy nights. March 19th and 20th.

Total Contribution, of Rock Riwr Chapter To New Han Is $1,550. There WRJJ a to ths invitation of Sterling- chapter of the the American Revolution to invitation to the held at Y. W. C. A.

afternoon, about GO heinK present, fillins the room. The chapter took In vIsltorR. The chapter voted to appmpriata ths money needed to a morlnl chnir for Rock Ftivpr chapter In thn Constitution hall to he built by D. A. R.

In Waeh- Injrton, D. C. Two Individual members of the. chapter hnvp also taken memorial chnlrs In the new hall, and the chapter linn bought $1,000 worth of Constitutional hall maklns: a contribution, all told, of $1,550 from Hock River chapter, toward pnylng' for the mnpnlflcent new bunding. If ail other chapters do well, the hall will he financed easily.

The members and puests were favored with a very we!) rendered piano number by Glen Hoover, "Nautl.un," by McDowell, being the selection. A vote of thanks was extended to the Y. W. C. A.

for the tine of the roomB, to Mrs. Hoover for her munlc and to Scott llamn for his address on "Enrly Histon'," an account of whloft was published in Tuesday's Gazette. Unique D. A. R.

Record. Thn members or the chapter were also preatly Interested In Mr. Wil- llama" Introductory remarks regarding the DauKhters of the Revolution, all of hln sisters TielnR members and hln niece. Miss Llla Reed of Bloomlnpton, having a unique place In the history of the order, as she voted Into full membership when she baby Kirl, by special request of the president Kenernl at that time, Mrs. Adlal StephenBon.

A teleRrnm announcliiK the death of Mrs. Heed waa handed to Mrs. Ste- phenfton while the D. A. R.

congress wan In session, and rthe Immediately moved that the rulef? he set rind the baby tlauKhtc-r he admitted to full membership. As far as known, no other child was c-ver accepted aR a member in full standing: in the D. A. R. MlHs Reed ia a trained nurse with an army record In the World war.

and she Is in charge of the nettlc- ment and day nursery work for the city of BloofnlnKton, where she IH held In the highest by the entire city. She is also a niece of Surgeon Walter Reed, whose heroic and voluntary death In an army hotipltal In Havana. Cuba, led to the discovery of a way to prevent spread of typhoid und yellow fevers in tho tropics. rcaultlnK In tho saving: of more human liven than WUB ever before accomplished by the life and death of any human belnjr. The United States has perpetuated the memory of Surgeon Reed In the Walter Reed memorial hospital in WaMhbiKton.

D. in which a number of soldiers from this vicinity have received treatment. Mist) Reed has vlFited in Sterling a number of times. to pay St which- to board is of rout, A tornwr county WM to tha count? hoard ing: that county had assumed thst county responsible for repairs msde the Holland brldsre in to tent of $442.43. Supervisor Joseph Bauwr of Hamilton township, who wiur cltalrm.ftn of the county briflg-e committee at the was made, cxplalneS to tho board that verbaT.

upon between the and brldRo commlUwai of tooth counties at the time, by which it arranged to fitart a friendly suit In fho courts, to be taken to the supreme court as test case to clde county's responsibility in thn Improvement. The Hamilton mi- pervlsof contended that county not liable for tha mam and the rigors Morriasfi, ijTBRd Jar- crs for term of cSixnIt Jor.low^ i i Mrmt Hannmman, John H. AS1 an Lnl baton: Hsme, tfee 8t proec. Hopkins, Adtow; ment to tfts followed John McCennlck: tlon to W.ils; Kt. B.

W. Jjawrenc mpportm liTndon, M. FaddsBfj; ProphstJrtown, Louig Koth; Cort- Hanry Sobrbeck; Franfe Busts; Union dcnt tna reat matter was referred, to the and committee. road CHURCH LEAGUE IS ARRANGING FOR A CAGE TOURNAMKHT Eight teams are eligible In the Sunday school baBketbalJ league for competition In tournament to staged next week. Tha Fourth Street team heads tha Hst, not having lost a game all oeason.

The other teams are the Rock Falls Congregational team. Rock Falls Methodists, Sterling Christians, Sterling Congregational, Baalist. Broadway Methodist and Lutherans. A meeting' will bo helrt tnli week at which time the pairings for the tournament will be made. To Fulton.

P. S. A. K. Newton, John AI- D.

roach; association, TisHeris tho Garden Plate, sn fl claimed that an all-American Clansnes canal was an unnecessary expen- Of HEHEY C. PLAHT TO BE HEBE riant, who siif i-t i canal would $630,000,000 to construct and woulcj necessitate annually for maintenance the Canadian cunal would $270,000,000 and a Funeral genriCM for Henry C. Tuesday in Chicago, -will be held Thursday afternoon WTO.OOO.000 maintenance at o'clock the family of only half of -which In and rei wd by In and remains will brought to SterHnR on train- Friday ternoore. Short 8 diffe services will Conducted by of th board of who were J. Q.

Little pastor of tho Baptist th Project, and hla arsn- church. at the Trouth funeral chap- ment was not based tm 8 eco- el on Second avenue, at 8 p. re. nomlc rca a na be in RlvenjJde Miss Ad- WARD CORPORATION ASKED TO DISSOLVE dle Burr of Chicago will come on the same train SYlday and probably will he mccompaaiad by Ira Plant, brother of tho deceased. riant, brother of tho deceased.

If on, arc ho Is able, to reach Chicago In time Fres8 JUBt department officials from hla home in Texas. today were understood to he nego- I N.U. Extension of six Inch gas mains from Dlxon to Sterling and it.i four inch gas mains from Sterling to Morrison, to supply these and intervening communities wan proposed in a petition of the Illinois Northern Utilities Company filed Commission with the- Commerce Tuesday. BOYS' ATHLETIC CLUB WILL GIVE PROGRAM Plan Kite Flying Contest Secretary II. K.

Baldwin is getting ready for the Y. M. C. A. kite flying content to be held before long.

The sticlis for the kites were cut out by the manual training department of the Sterling township high school. The kite contest proved an interesting event last year and It is expected that it will be even bigger this year. The Boys Athletic Club of the Junior high nchool In Hock Tails will give the regular weekly program at tho Merrill school auditorium at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The program Is as follows: Violin solo, John Thompson. Athletic, Pnntomie.

Clarinet solo, William Scott. Violin solo, Orvllle eager. Piano Ijeslle and Lyle Wilkins. Violin solo, Klwyn Ashling. Pyramid building, by IB boys.

Stringed trio. Adrian, George and Bertram Hunsberger. Musicnl gems from tho "Student Prince," by entire club. Few Bays Left To File But a few daye remain In which to file income tax returns. Harry Willtci.s, local revenue collector, is remaining at hia office over the National Tea company Ions hours in order to accommodate all who desire his assistance.

Monday. March IGlh, is the last day and persons should'not wait until tho very last moment in making out these Plan Y.M.C.A. Circus March 26th and 27th have been announced as tho dates for the Y. M.C.A. circus.

Everything In connection with tho olrcus is going along fine. There will be a numbei of several exhibitions and a clown band led by G. L. Boblnaon Seriously 111 The many friends cf Alvey Murray will be sorry to learn that he ia seriously ill at Springfield. His brother Elmer Just returned from a visit with him.

Eddie Lutycns of Rock Falls has been discharged from tho Sterling public hospital. Personality In Pictures When you give a Chase Picture you are in reality, presenting a portrait. The mood, the than the mere representation of features is incorporated in Chase Art Photographs. Because it is a true picture of yourself as you really are, a Chase Photograph is the appreciated gift, pO A QT? TPlIfl Ike VxllAOH fftem PHONE 357-W Won First Prize As Fiddler At Bock Isiaad C. n.

"Rounds, formerly of Sterling, and father of Mrs. H. J. Plaints of won first prize In the flrldlern contest held Irf Rock Island Tuesday evening. He will broadcast over the radio Saturday evening between 7:30 and 10:30 o'clock from station WHBK in Rock Island.

It will bo remembered hero that Mr. Hounds won first prize in the fiddlers contest -which wag held at the firemen's bazaar in the Academy of Music thirteen years ago on Feb- ruiiry 11. Mr. Rounds will celebrate hla 81st birthday on March LITTLE LOCALS S. M.

Ladd of Morrison was a visitor in Sterling on Wednesday. Don't forget the Kock Falla Wo- man'B Club presents "Heartless HOUBC," Friday evening, March 1C, 8 p. m. at Mtrrlll school gymnasium. Music by the high school or- cheBtra.

Admission 35c and 15c. Members admitted on their membership Verjean, the little five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Maxwell, was taken suddenly 111 Tuesday. Her condition Is reported as serious.

Attorney J. Ludens Is recovering from a siege of sickness. Bruce Bonebrake of Morrison spent Wednesday in Sterling. Joe Hewitt ha0 left for San Fran- clxco, on a business trip. Kretl Runberg has gone to Mo- llnc on business, fjAimuay vn Harold Patterson, who underwent 14 ls ln excsllcnt health.

nn emergency operation Monday at the Sterling public hospital In getting along as well as could bo expected. Gerhardt Meyers of wan admitted to the Sterling public hoit- Tuesday for medical treat- tnent. John Welbes of Walnut Is confined in tho Sterling public hospital receiving treatment for an infootod Alice Grcnnan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Grennan.

underwent an emergency operation on Wednesday afternoon for tho removal of her appendix. Mrs. Bradley and infant Ron. Wlllard Matthew, have been discharged from tho Sterling public hoHplta! and have returned to their home in Morrison. Harold Brown had the misfortune to fall Tuesday evening and lained a fracture of his right wrist.

Her will be laid up for some little time. liand. Mis Petition Made By I.N.U. To tee Co. Tha Illinois Morthern Utilities company made formal application to the Lee county board of supervisors Tueaday for right-of-way to construct their new high pressure gaa malna between Ulxon and Sterling.

Tho clerk read the communication, the matter being referred to the road and bridge committee with instruction to present a final report at this session. Tho annual yield of Louisiana's mUBkrata in about $6.009.000. Frank Stager INSURANCE Phone 1240 £01 Lawrence Slds- Local Temperatures I At 7 o'clock Wednesday raorninir: the mercury registered about 32 and at 1 o'clock It was 35. Along toward' noon the sky became completely overcast and there was a light snow' melted as quickly aa It struck the ground. Life Insurance that replaces your income should be paid out as The greatest single purpose behind life insurance is to take up the burden when a man's income must lay it down.

Then shouldn't that insurance be paid to the beneficiary income, and not in one lump sum? It is said that life insurance paid to beneficiaries in a lump sum is lost within seven years, through-unwise investment. A' First Trust Savings Bank Life Insurance Trust will correct that condition and make your insurance money serve its true purpose of replacing aad continuing your income. Come in and talk it over with our Trust Officers, The First National Bank The First 1 Savings Combined for of of to reflect against project. His hy AH-American plan. Former Governor Iowa sn(5 Charles p.

tte They thnt nnn all-Anieri- can canal an unnecessary expenditure. They that nn canal iialnu the New York Tho claimed that Da- vs 8 differed from the Waahington, March Fres8 JUBt department officials tinting with counsel for the Ward Food Products 000.000 firm, charged with opcratinR Irs Vi fU trust act, for a dissolution consent decree. Such a decree, it was said, would automatically force the corporation to dispose of Its holdings in other baking thug eliminating a monopoly of the baking industry. Officials Intimated that should a consent decree be obtained ths defendants in the case would be required to themselves of stocks, bonds and other evidences of Indebtedness of any competing company. Negotiations cn( the Ward suit out of court followed the filing of a dissolution of the consent decree recently by tho National Food Products Corporation, a firm charged with attempting to monopolize the milk and dairy products industry In various sections the country.

BIG SHIPMENT MADE. of 2,000 bushels of registered Marquis wheat recently was made from MOOBO Jaw plant of the Saskatchewan Registered KeeU Growers' pool to Buenos Aires, Argentine, 'etWnW a.ft^ fsot tte i jjjuafliJui. -m-nil- lt wr W. Honsh here today. Thirty-two men feew, into Thrws, before he pleaded guilty Steamer America Bums W.

T. STONE RmS'Bsfafa AQENCY W9B VICTOR WHOtCSAfLE Try our SILVER and COUNTRY CLUB DRINKS By the case or bottle. f.EveiyOne 4 likes PEPPERMINT is the Old Fashioned Bar 4 tkengdthz Good Hair' And Qean Scd Peppermint Clear Thru! A Most Qloriows ay SPRING is the season of freshness, of gaiety, of brightness, new fashions are most appealing and some of the colors that emphasize the beauty and smartness of mode are on display in Wyne- Deaverts silk section. i Printed silks are masses glorious color splashed in wild angles, geometrle patterns, dazzling circles in gay primitive is the new modernism. But it is new art, a means to glorify feminine apparel.

In our spring collection are most glorious, most modern of all. For those whose taste is slightly more sabdued there are less bold but equally lovely silks. Radiaux Chiffon $1 are easy to Imunder and they the standpoint of ftuthicHi well ss of four patterns in fast colors. The vaofdtiyL.

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