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The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas • Page 3

Leavenworth, Kansas
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TROUBLES IN SERVIA. HEART DISEASE. laliso commends the Johannesburg-' police, saying that they are. equal in politeness to the police of London and Some Facts Regarding the Rapid In THE LAST CAMEL OF TBE-AMER1GAN DESERT crease of Heart Trouble. Search for Hidden Weapons by Turkish Officials.

Recent -disturbances In Old Serria, more particularly those in. Kolasehin and' the neighborhood, were caused, as Is known. Heart troubles, at least among the ,15) "I am echoing the sentiments of all my countrymen here when I bestowjthe greatest praise on the Johannesburg Americans, axe certainly increasing and while this may largely due' to the excitement and worry of American bus tlS BELIEVED TO HAVE DEI RE- police. A Council of War. I -t I 1-y the hounae to house search for hidden weapons made by the.

Turkish officials and Albanians In the dwellings of the Servian inhabitants. iness life; It la more often the result or weak stomachs, of poor digestion. CENTLY IN ARIZONA. For Infanta and Children. Real Organic disease is.

incurable, but The Servian papers. Including the semi- not one case in a hundred or heart olieial Belgrade organs, indignantly de trouble is organic. The Kind You Have The close relation between heart trou nied at the time that any weapons had been found, as wu alleged by Turki ble and poor digestion Is because both sources of inf ormationJ But this tone did organs are controlled, by the same great New York, Oct 22. The Vienna correspondent of. the London Times and the New York Times quotes the Pester Lloyd, which says it learns from The Hague that Mr.

Kruger, Dr. Leyds and Wessels, Wolmarans and Fischer have held a council of war at Villia Caracasa to consider what answer is to be made by the Boers to the executions in South Africa. There is said to be no doubt among the Boer leaders that diplomatic protests are inadequate. All present at the meeting except Mr. Always Bought WASg6 VERN ENT EXPERIMENT.

-'Attempt Mads in ih. 4 the Camel In the Southwest Jefferson Davis as Secretary of War, Approved the Plan Causes of the Sympathetic and Pneumo-gastric. not last long, and a few days ago the semiofficial paper of the Servian government, the Dnevnik, had to confess that, as a In another way, also the heart is af AVgctablePreporaUDnfofAa-similaung. tiieFood ndBetiuIa- fected by the form of poor digestion. matter of fact, weapons hed been smug which causes gas and fermentation from gled from Servia across the frontier Into half digested, food.

There 13 a feeling Old Servia. but it hastened to add that this took piace without the knowledge of Bears the Signature Experiment's Failure Wild Camels Seen at Intervals. the Servian authorities, and only the self- of oppression and heaviness in the chest caused by pressure of the distended stomach on the heart and lungs, interfering with their action, hence aris defense of the authorities, and only the self Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur- the constant attacks of wild hordes or Al AW of banians, and that these weapons had not been employed against the Turkish author ness and Kest.Contains neither OpiiimfoiThine nor IfineraL TfoiNxac otic Kruger, says the report, advised Immediate reprisals-that for every Boer prisoner executed a captured British officer be shot. Mr. Kruger opposed this plan on the ground that he did not wfsh to give the campaign the character of a war between savages, although it had already become a war of ities of even the Albanians.

KING WILL NOT INTERFERE. jy Jjji In es palpitation and short breath. Poor digestion also poisons the blood, making it thin and watery, which irritates and weakens the heart. Tbt most sensible treatment for heart trouble is to improve the digestion and to Insure the prompt assimilation of food. This can be done by the regular use after meals of some safe pleasant and effective digestive preparation, like Stuajt'3 Dyspepsia Tablets which may be found at most drug stores, and which contain valuable, harmless digestive elements in a pleasant convenient form.

It is safe to say that the regular persistent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at meal time will cure any form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. Full sized package of these tablets sold by druggists at 50 cents. Little book on stomach troubles mailed free. Address F. A.

Stuart Marshall, Mich. A perfect Remedy forConsfipa- Uon, sour This declaration of the innocence of the Servian authorities seems to be contradicted by the following fact, which has been reported from a trustworthy source. A short time ago there was arested In Belgrade a man who had previously been a gendarmerie officer on the Servo-Turkish frontier, with the population living on both sides of which he was well acquainted On this ground he was selected to distribute arms secretly among the Survan population of Old Servia. The man, however, seized the opportunity to drive a trade on his own account, and instead of distributing the weapons gratutously, according to his orders, he sold them to the persons who ought to have received them free. The affair was finally discovered, and the Servian government had him arrested and tried by the Belgrade court In all secrecy.

None the less, all the details soon became public property, and the Turkish government naturally heard of it, too; and this was the real cause of the house-to house searches and of the whole of the disturbance. London Standard. Worms For Over ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of "NEW YORK. thirty Years Phoenix, Oct.

It Is believed ttat tlie last American camel died ia the Castle Dome Mountain ia south western Arizona a iew days ago, and word has reached here from Fort iiuachuca that a Ureek, known as Ml Jolly, who had charge of the first ond only importation of camels eve made by the United States government, is on his deathbed there. It was in 1S53 that the idea of employing camels for transporting army supplies and equipment over the deserts was conceived-At that time freight could be carried over waterless wastes only at a heavy expense In horses, oxen and males. At that time, too, the heavy traffic to the California goUlUelds was- in progress and the bones of thirst-killed animals strewed the trail, from Texas well into California. Under these conditions Lieut. Edward F.

Beale, who was later Minister to Austria, but was then stationed at old Fort Yuma, conceived the idea that the use of camels would do away with the suffering of emigrants and give the army a quick and certain method of transportation. He believed that the government would make the experiment and suggested the matter to Jefferson Davis the secretary of war. -The war department approved the suggestion and a commission was sent out to ascertain the military uses to which camels could be put in the Southwest. It reported favorably and an appropriation was secured for for $30,000 for the purchase and importation cf camels. In December of the following year Major Charles Wayne was sent by the department to the orient, commissioned to buy seventy-five camels- In Egypt he bought half that number and secured the others in Smyrna, paying about $300 for each.

The naval transport supply brought the camels, in charge of III Jolly, to the United States in 1S.7T. Three died on the voyage. They wot-o landed on the Texas coast and under New Tork, Oct. 22. The king is not likely on his arrival in London to adopt Captain Bowens fantastic suggestion and resume the exercise of the royal privilege of presiding at a cabinet council says the Tribune's London representative.

The king will not meddle with the business of the Salisbury ministry and thereby accept political responsibilities for the inefficiency of the government. His authority will ba exerted silently and without observation, as was Queen Victoria's before him. The journey of the Duke of Cornwall and York around the empire while planned by Queen Victoria, was sanctioned by the king. Now that it is ending, it is regarded as the best full credit for persisting In carrying It out at a time when his son's absence involved the practice. The king's time will be occupied for many weeks with the details of the coronation, which is distinctively court affair.

Norfolk house, St. James square is already a clearing house for prece EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. eCNTAUM OMiMMT. TO tHTT. THC SAFE ROBBERY IN IOWA.

Des Moines; Oct. 22 Safe of the county treasurer at Allison was blown open by burglars last night and $100 secured. The safe was wrecked. The robbers left 110 clue. dents and points of etiquette.

The and sagebrush of the desert. They had become as wild as deer, and life in the rocky hills had brought about a change in their appearance. Their hides had lost their hair, and their hooffs their cushions, becoming hard and horny. Then for several years, none of them was seen, and the failure of offers of large sums of money by circus people to secure some of them led to the belief that the last of the camels had disappeared. More than a year ago a pair aged and feeble, were captured in the Castle Dome Mountains and kept on a small ranch owned by the Howison brothers.

A few months later the female died, apparently of old age and since then her mate has been pining away, until he, too died a few days ago. Several efforts have been made to secure a pension for HI Jolly on account of his care of the camels, and his later service as a scout under Crook, and during the war with Spain in the transport service, but all have been futile. I-arl Marsha! and staff are closely employed in receiving applications- from ROSSLYN WITHDRAWS PETITION. STOVES! ITOVES! peers and peeresses setting disputed Edinburgh, Oct. 22.

Lord Rosslyn has formally withdrawn action for divorce which he brought against countess -in points respecting the material of cos-tues, length of relations of coronets to feathers and veils, and a other matters. February last. the care of Capt. J. N.

Palmer half of the SEX, NOT COLOR, THAT COUNTS. .1 riven to Camp verae, an'- and the others were left at Indianoli, A Southerner Surprised by New York EVERYTHING FOR MEN. Politeness. Best place in the city to buy your stoves because we keep the best at lowest prices. Cook stoves and ranges from $3.50 up Heaters and all kinds of coal md wood stoves from $1.50 up Furniture at bargains you can't elsewhere.

We seU on the Installment plan, and every article is gruaranteed. All styles of parlor and bed room suites, dining room and kitchen fur- Texas. xfnnth were devoted to a series of tests "Well, suh," said a Southern visit-, in JVew York, "I have always stood up for my OUR TRADE SPREADING. section wnen it comes to politeness, but of the physical strength and endurance of the animals. Their employment met with great cnnosltion from the army hostler Thf camels were neglected saw something in one of the kyars of an HATS elevated train in Xew York that knocks American Business Has Not Yet Secured Strong Foothold.

and a number of thm died, despite the the spots off of the boasted, high-bed gen tlemen. The kyar was comfortablv filled efforts of the officers to give xnem Ti reported tnat every seat was taken, when In steps a cou mat. it. (i one or two had broken away ond escaped ple or cullud citizens. I reckon I'll have to say cullud In New York.

One of the during the night, and It was unusual real was not used to recapture HAffS citizens was a woman- Her man was wit her. They dressed rutha neat. I allow. flammoth Credit House "Ther was a very stylishly dressed young mau, Caucasian race, next to me, reading ms papah. The cullud woman reached Corner Seneca I and 5th St.

to grab a strap. Just then. snh. mr fm. i casian friend in his stylish get-up arose New York Oct.

22. The Manila correspondent of the Journal of Commerce sends the following details concerning the trade in the Phillippines: The Invasion of the markets of the Philippines by American merchandise and merchants is much less complete as yet than the invasion of the Islands by American political ideas, but there are indications that American goods will come here in increasing quantities within a short time. Judging from the exterior of the shops American establishbents are comparatively few, but judged from the Interior the footing obtained by American goods is more obvious. One of the difficulties with which Americans have to contend In this market, Is fact that the established channels of trade are with Spain, France, Germany ana tippin' his hat to the cullud woma says, 'Have my And docone All the Latest Blocks AND Shades in Hats. THE Largest line of Tailorings In the State.

See for yourself. she didn't take it, jest as though she was in the habit of havin' white men give her a seat "At fust blush I wanted to hit that Cau- casian, it made me that mad. You nevah would see a white man in the South give his seat to a uiggah. And you nevah would see a niggah take a seat from a white man. Hut this heah Sew Yawk politeness seems to draw no line.

I confess to you, suh, I wouldn't a done what that New Yawk man done; no, suh. At the same time I aliow that It was the genuine article. I reckon though, it's mighty scarce. New He Pipes His Lay; We Lay The Pipes. and Switzerland, ruther than with Amer the an'mals.

Until 1S61 about thirty of them T-Forts Verde, El Paso and Yuma. The tioopers and teamsters, however, could not be induced to use the beasts Instead of horse and mules, partly because of the of the camel harness and tte labor noc-ssary in preparing a camel for a f'p ivt largely lcjre of fnr the beasts. For the last year or two of th-itr stay at the forts the earned v. tie pcnslt -tiers Tben the Civil "War came, and the excitement of the times, the camels were forgotten The forts were abandoned when the troops were sent east, and the camels were allowed to wander away on the deserts, sometimes In pairs and somtlmes in herd. Thev scattered through the deserts and mountains of Arizona, Texas and New Mexico, and even wandered into northern Mexico, where several of them were seen years afterward in the Sierra Madre Mountains.

In some instances they multiplied rapidly and numbers of them were caught by white settlers, Mexicans and Indians, who tried, usually In vain, to domesticate them. Some cases are known In which descendants of the orieinal herd were tamed and used as pnek animals, and several of them were captured and sold to circus people- P. T-Barnum at one time secured four of them and added them to his exhibition herd. Keports have frequently been brought in by the prospectors, that stray camels were Been in the foothills and among the cacti S.H.Solomon, piinuiourn itin Tin nn xork Sun. CARTER'S REPLY FILED.

runniontn nnu ihiluii 414 Delaware St. Seeks to Retain $722,000 Which The Government Seized. Chicago, Oct. 22. The reply of Oberlin M.

Carter, in the suit of the United tates to regain the $722,000 which It alleged he embezzled from the government was here today and placed on file in the Ciiited States Circuit court. Carter sent tin- papers from Fort Leavenworth where he is confined. We're Proud I HEADS OFF; ORDER RESTORED. i COFFEE. DID IT.

Would Have Been Fatal if Kept Up. Berlin, Oct. 22. It is announced from Saw tow that 140 rebels have been executed and order has baen restored in-the Hsing-Ning district where several missions were recently destroyed. That's the difference between talk and action.

"We leave claims and boasting to others and attend strictly to business, letting: our work speak for us. Cheap plumbing Invites malaria and an other ills that follow bad santiation. No, house fitted up by us has ever developed unhealthy conditions. Join the company of those whom we have made fortunate, and get in before cold weather comes. ica.

The great jewelry shops, the dry goods stores, the Importers of boots, shoes, hats and all sorts of necessaries of civi- 0 lized life have done business for many years with European exporters and are familiar with their goods, systems of credits, methods of packing and freight facilities. "In textiles the Europeans naturally enjoy some of the same advantages which skill and long practice give them in the United States. The representatives of the Spanish chamber of commerce appreciate the fact, however, that a new era is beginning in Philippine trade. Retail trade in many' lines here has been based upon the principle of charging "what the traffic will bear," rather than upon tne maximum prices enforced by competition. Merchants have been content with large profits upon large sales.

Considerable work is upon large sales. Con slderable work is being done by Civil Governor Taft and the Philippine commission In organizing civil government and preparng to extend American methods of cultivation and American methods of transportation throughout the Islands. It was only with the termination of the military control on Jnly 4, that this work could begin In earnest. Government has to be created from the ground up, with little to build upon that is worth anything from the remnants of Spanish authority. Already land is being prospected for gold and a number of gentlemen have united in a firm for active preparation- Nothing has been done to-wari an electric railway line because peace has been so recently restored and no new corporation can be formed.

Such a line Is much needed and Americans may endeavor to buy up the franchise of the existing horse railroad with its average of about one trip an hour, as soon as the situation clears. There is little doubt that an electric street railway would do an enormous business, in view of the dema nd transportation in Manila. The hundreds of native cabmen, with their odd little carriamotos and dimunitive ponies, might suffer from every competition, but would find continued occupation on the outlying routes and perhaps in managing the new cars, as the natives do in Of our wall paper. We've had so many compliments from Leavenworth people on the variety, beauty, artistic designs and style of our stock. We must have the best because people say so.

"We've just received a shipment of fine Persian patterns exquisite in design and the newest made. We want the ladies to see these. Everyone knows about our work. Its the best because it speaks for itself. mm jenkins.

Next door Y. M. C. A. building.

Tholen Bros Reliable Plumbers. 0 0 09 1 Arm iotimh FT UAFnulK 0 a4TTTTTTTf TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTT tTmTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3 The NATIONAL I It is courting danger to stand under icy eaves. Not a few have learned this to their cost. Every winter injury and even death are reported as the result of this carelessness. But there is a far more popular way of courting danger.

Every man or woman who neglects a cough is inviting sickness, and many a fatal sickness has its beginning in a slight cough. The timely use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure the cough. Even when the cough is obstinate and there is hemorrhage with emaciation and weakness, "Golden Medical Discovery always helps and almost always cures. I was troubled with a bad cold, which settled on my longs and left me with a miserable cough," writes Mr.

Joseph D. Burns, of 31S Huestis Street, Ithaca, New ORDER i COAL Elegantly furnished. First class restaurant in connection with the house. Meals at all hours, day or night. Heated by steam.

WeU lighted and ventilated and all modern improvements. Special accommodations offered to commercial men with elegant rooms to display goods. Northeast corner of Fourth and Cherokee streets, Leavenworth, Kan. MELLA GIACOMINI, Prop's "Coffee! Oh how I did want It after the nervous strain of public work. Something warm to brace me up was all the breakfast I craved, but every time I drank it, I suffered the dying sensation that follows it with heart fluttering and throbbing of the throat and ears.

"I had no strength to throw away in that way, so decided that hot water must do for me. "One morning I came to breakfast In the home of some friends in Pueblo, Colo just in time to see the mother pouring some rich deep yellow coffee Into mugs for the two little "boys. One little chap had thurst his fingers in the mug and was licking them with such approving smacks. This opened the way for me to say. 'Are you not afraid of the effects of coffee on the little folks? The mother- explained that it was Postum Food Coffee made at Battle Creek.

Michigan, and remarked, We think there is nothing like it Then she explained how the new coffee had weaned them away from the use of the ld-fashioned coffee and tea because It Is so wholesome. I drank It there for the first time, and was delighted, not only with the delicious flavor, but the after satisfaction it gives. One day I was speaking with our family physician's wife about Postum. when her daughter remarked, Yes, Mamma, we are out of Postum, and I have used coffee for the last two mornings and It always brings the tired feeling troubles my stomach and bowels, but Postum makes me feel all right. In one home they served Postum In such a.

way that it was tasteless- I have found that Postum boiled sometimes five minutes and sometimes ten. Is nothing more than spoiled water, hut when It is made with two heaping tea-spoonsful or eacb cup, and 'boiled fifteen or twenty minutes Jt becomes a tried and proven breakfast favorite, and for refreshment and wholesome has no equaL" M'M. ales, Goshen, Ind. SOME PRAISE AT LAST. 0 w.

WM. M. BOYLE. COAL COKE delivered at your home at shaft prices. British Troops Doing Their Best In South Africa, says a Correspondent.

New York. Oct. 22. A letter from its Johannesburg correspondent, published by the Cologne Gazette is quoted by the Berlin correspondent of the London Times and the New "York Times. The letter highly praises the British troops in South Africa.

The writer says: Of one thing every prejudiced observer here is convinced. However severe may be the. criticisms whichi the British army; is exposed in England every impartial observer here knows that, in the circumstances. It has achieved all that could have been achieved. It is doubtful if any Other army could have done -more.

"From a financial point of view any other nation would have succumbed to the strain of this war." The. Cologne Gazette's correspondent York. "I used two bottles ot your Golden Medical Discovery, after which my cough disappeared entirely. I tan-not recommend your medicine too highly. Accept no substitute for Golden Medical Discovery.

There is nothing "just as good for diseases of the stomach, blood, and lungs. Substitution means a little more profit to the dealer but a loss to you. The Common Sense Medical' Adviser, icb8 large pages, in paper covers, is sent free tea receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R.


A HIGH GRADE BROOMS A SPECTALTT. An old saying A new broom sweeps but I BOYLE'S BROOMS ALWAYS SWEEP CLEAN. Ask your dealer for them. They are union made. Factory and salesrooms.

217 Shawnee street, Leavenworth, Kansas. I Att orders oy mafl promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranxed- Telephone New 302. BLOCBBERGEil KN1PEL.

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