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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 13

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FEBRUARY 22, 1912. THURSDAY EVENING. OAKLAND TRIBUNE TREASURER IE vfcrm If5)tpl1k: GROW Hl IG SEAS SWEEP nurn nnirfiniirn iiinnirnn niunnr AWWT HVtZZr tali ZS.L i Uxa UNITED BOOSTERS Mil CELEBRATE AT FREMONT -ULHaMNtn I i J. ii i mi am I I (MM i I li lT K. rm tm Mm aw W.M a.

I ffcWiiWI I1 0TTEE3 You wouldn't tkinlc of drinking impure water. WKy not dc sure you get fure leer? If drink beer from a light bottle tkat lias been exosco! Certain Ingredients if Properly Combined Stimulate the Human Haic Growth. Resorcln1 one of the moat effective gtrm destroyers ever discovered. mwt powerful, yet absolutely sat" germicide 4 and antiseptic, -which prevents development of germ matter and Vte a clean, healthy condition. Pilocarpine although not a coloring matter or dve.

la an Ingredient well ea. tabllehed for Ita power to restore natural color Jo human hair- Borax, because of Its well-defined soft-enlng and cleansing properties. Is most useful In the treatment of scalp and hair diseases. Glycerine acts as a stimulant to the hair bulbs, and has a healing and nourishing Influence. Alcohol Is Indispensable In medicine because of tts antiseptic, stimulating and preserva-tve qualities.

Rexal "3-' Hair Tonic Is chiefly composed of these ingredients, which are compounded In a peculiar form, and we believe It Is the most 'effective remedy known to medical science for scalp and hair tror.bles generally. We personally guarantee It to eradicate dandruff and seaip Irritations and to grow hair, even though the scalp In spots Is bare of hair, providing, of course, there is life and vitality remaining In the hair roots. We want every one troubled with scalp disease, dandruff or loss of hair to try Rexal! "93" Hair Tonic; If It does not "remove dandruff' and promote growth of hair to the satisfaction of the user, we will without question or quibble return every cent paid us forJJWr-giaran-tee Is printed on evepr package. If has effected most satisfactory results In 93 out 100 cases where put to a practical test. Fexall "93" Hair Tonle Is entirely unlike and In every particular different anything else we know of for the purpose for which It Is recommended.

We urge you to try It at our entire risk. Certainly -wo-could, offer no better guarantee. Two slses, 'SO cents and fl. The Owl Drug Tenth and Washington, Thirteenth and Broadway, Sixteenth Mrs. Frances Williamson Chosen Chairman of Political Club.

A branch of the Civic' nil arc notrsurc starts decay, even in Jrnre beer. is brewed in the dark, aged tanks. Every tub, vat to ligktryou ecalded every ilant are of Light Schlitz steel -enameled after it is time used. Every bottle sealed. 4 Even the windows in i he Drown protects Schlitz purity from the brewery to your glass.

brown glass. Kearny Ha Phones Sherwood Sherwood 41-47 Bealc San Francisco Aictic Loses 10,000 Feet of Lumber While on Way -From Fort Bragg; Creeping IntJ port yesterjav with a portion of her rigging and lumber cargo gone, was tha steam schoonor Arctic Captain Llnder. The lumber carrier came from Fort She Jiad hardly-cleared from that port when she ran Into a heavy southeast gale. When off Point Reyes the storm reached its height and tke lumber carrier shipped suvoral heavy seas. The strain on her deck lashings was so great that they parted and 10,000 feet of lumber was washed overboard.

For a few moments It seemed as If she would be forced, to ask for aid, but luc vessel soon righted herself and raine Into port under her own steam. She Is at the Panama Lumber company's wharf at tttsent discharging lumber. After com plating this operation she will probably go on the ways of a local conuorn for repairs. Ksportlrtg heavy weather outside, the four-masted schooner Defiance ran up the stream under tow yesterday and laid alongside the E. K.

Wood Lumber company's wharf. The windjammer. In charge of Captain Saletzka, came from Grays Harbor. Bhe Is discharging 700,000 feet of lumber. The United States revenue cutter Man tling Is at the United Engineering Wot undergoing a general overhauling.

A other government vessel, the tug general McDowell, Is also on the ways at the Moore Bcott shipyards. Wlh the changing of the steam schooner Nehalem from the fleet of the Hammond Lumber Co. to that of the Hlcks-Hauptman comes the an nouncement from the headquarters of the Hammond Co. that arrangements have been made to construct a new vessel to take the place of the Nehalem. The new vessel will be of the steam-schooner class, and will be built In the shipyards at Falrhaven.

6he will be a trifle larger than the Nehalem and will be put on the run between this and the port of Eureka. The contract calls for the vessel's completion inside of seven months. Alter aiscnargin jumoer at various i concerns on the lnffer harbSr yesterday' the steam schooner Svea steamed for San Francisco. The Svea operates on the lumber run between Grays Harbor and this port. After discharging nitre and at Long wharf, the Kosmos freighter Se-bara, Captain Klip, steamed for the north this morning.

She will run north to Pufet Sound, from whence she will sail for the German coast. The holiday release of drunks, from the city prison on their own recognizance- ofter "examinations" before Captain J. F. Lynch was conducted this morning from the Jail yard In the case of five Inebriates. All were allowed to go.

It Is the custom on holidays not to hold the drunks for another day In custody to await the 'convening of court, and Captain Lynch -finds considerable amusement putting the Jtien through a course of questions. Tsl morning his "class" was well Informed, and answered questions about George Washington, the date of his birth and the achievements for whlc bjfie was famous, that might have stumped a grammar school pupil. Only one flash of humor enlivened the examination. When Captain Lynch came to the teat of his condldates for -release, he asked the question: "For what was George Washington famous?" The answer came without hesitation: "Because he wouldn't take the nom-. Inatlon for a third term." 4 SACRAMKNTO, Feb.

the $18,000,000 bonds voted by the people -of the state for the Improvement of -roads will'probahly not be sufficient for building a complete network of roads In every county, even with the most economical expenditure, Is the startling development of the hearings that are being held In Sacramento by the highway com-mlssln over the various proposed routes. It has been, declared hr the commission that the $18,000,000 fund Is not nearly large It will not construct more thefn two highways, will connect both ends of the state the so-called coast route and the interior IS V. Mnnidnt An ff till. rouie-r 000 roads should be the type followed. trim their demands down to the Bone, because there is not enough money to go 'around.

of OpIIfSi: susceptible to opium and its various opiates cause changes in the func bean the tlSHKTllSI illlll IUIUII ILUMLU iiUi iiiiiiu luimui ISlfsiFFIHT is I It A. L. F. T. the the MRS.

GLADYS HEXSHEY. UPPER FRUITVALE, Feb. 22. A entertainment and "get-together'' meeting will be given under the auspices of the United Improvement Clubs, east of Lake Merritt, tomorrow evening in the auditorium of the Fremont high school. The affair to celebrate fittingly the many improvements now under way in the annexed district, including street work, laying of sewers and the building of parks at an expense to the city of nearly $100,000,000.

Three delegates from every improvement club will be present to represent the civic improvement movement. Representatives from many of the Tmpf ovement and -civic organizations in Oakland have been invited, the present indication being that the attendance will be very large. Kenneth Milllcan, active member of the progress and prosperity commit tee of the Chamber of Commerce, will be one of the chief speakers of the evening. His theme will be "The Future of the Annexed Districts." Other speakers will be I. Harrison Clay, M.

C. Seagrave, A. B.JX. Clow, J. vv.

i-nimps ana c. uorman. ELABORATE' PROGRAM. The program arranged for will be taken part in by members of the student body at the Fremont high school. Including the presentation of a farce.

will include a series of musical numbers by Harold Hilton and associate musicians and songs and dances by Mrs. Gladys Henshey and Miss Mae Osborne. Those on the arrangements committee are: P. A. Gamble, R.

E. Hummel, A. A. Leonard, Grant D. Miller, W.

G. Hawes, R. Vose, B. Magneson, M. A.

E. Major E. V. Woodward, H. Kower, L.

Lewis, F. Hood, D. M. Ramsey, M. Carlson, E.

D. Southwick, W. C. Jamison, A. Frank M.

Smith, A. N. Dawson, A. W. McEwen, A.

S. Watson, W. S. Foss, Heinz, R. R.

Clarke, W. H. Locke, W. Cilia. E.

Bardellnl, F. Corpe, T. 'Butler; CVLeldeeker, E. Gregory, C. Thompson, W.

E. Sansorhe, C. 8. "King, G. Zeh, W.

R. Tatman, B. Birch. Heard, Dr. J.

II. Pond, F. W. S. BrooKes, F.

Broderick, R. Trim, lett; E. Nygren, R. Cooper A. Rhoda and C.

L. Adams. SHIPPER VICTIM nr nm niimini I i mm mm WASHINGTON, Feb. -i- -Charglns that they have Rnowlngly and wilfully swindled many thousands of shippers by collection of double ratesi the Interstate Commerce Commlssiiyi has instructed Federal District Attorneys throughout country to Institute sweeping criminal prosecutions against practically every express company in the United States. It Is alleged by the commission "thai nine express companies asalnst which prosecutions will be brought here In tiielr treasuries no less than $81,957,893, a large proportion of which they obtained through swindles Intentionally perpetrated upon the piihllc.

Of'Wie sum in the treasuries of the companies, a large proportion Of which, according to the was Illegally wrested from the public, the American Express Company holds the Adams. the United States, Wells-Fargo, tha Southern, $3,903,853: the Northern, Globe, the Western, and the National, i GRKAtiTIIBONO AT tAKESnE.t i A 4 League was organized, yesterday afternoon by a number of women of central Oakland, who met at the residence of Mrs. H. A. Johnson, S34 Fifty-fifth street.

i The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Mary Norman. Mrs. Frances A. Williamson was elected temporary chairman snd Miss Mae Burdlck, temporary secretary.

The following resolutions were "Whrcas. the right to the, free and full exercise of the ballot in common with men was conferred upon the womn by the adoption' "of Constitutional Amendment No. 10. 1911. It.

now -becomes our con-' Ifcientlous duty to educate ourselves In aU the requirements of our new estate-full citizenship, therefore "Resolved. That the women of Central Oakland organize a civic center auxiliary to California Civic League. 4 "Resolved, That its object shail be to study the principles upon which our form of government was founded, also to study political economy, Sociology, parliamentary usage and our special duties as voting citizens, "z-r i The- next meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. France A. Williamson, 6253 Telegraph avenue, on Wednesday, Fabruary 28, at 2 p.

m. that crown or cork VtfgCT Irig rrSf branded "Schlitz" TO Declares MacMullen's Suit Is Outcome of Threat to "Get Even." Edwin Meese, city treasurer of Oakland. has made the following statement In regard to the autt brought against him by C. S. MacMul-lan.

alleging malfeasance In office: "Th(t fact that C. S. MacMullan has brought suit against me fc alleged malfeasance in-office and has distributed thousands of copies of circulars defaming- me and the city ad ministration generally calls for some explanation. "The entire explanation, is to be found in -the motive that prompts Mr. MacMullan's action.

Mr. MacMullan declares his business to be that of tax expert. It is a very proper business and Mr. MacMullan has'a perfect right to follow it. The manner in which he deals clients is no business of mine, but the manner in which he deals with the city, through my or fice, is very decidedly by business.

Many sums of money have been paid to him on assignments from taxpay ers to whom a rebate on personal property taxes was due. The Political Cod makes it mandatory -fen-me-te honor such assignments. "For many -months complaints have been received at this office from tax-payers claim not to have re-ceived their tax refunds. Many de clared that they had given MacMul lan an assignment years ago and had heard no more of it. As a public servant I Investigated several of these complaints.

form of as signment I found entitled him to go back as many years as he liked, and apparently remained In fore forever. I understood that MacMullan agreed to accept half of these refunds for his share of the work. Very properly I notified the taxpayers that there wasno need to employ anybody to collect their money. They could call upon a telephone and learn in a min ute if anything was due them. long ago MacMullan came to me with an assignment from James A.

Joyce, who has been dead for years. On my refusal to recognize this as signment, MacMullan threatened to 'get and I presume he considers he is now doing it. Other assignments recently presented' were old ones of the firrns of Gardner Mitchell and Reed Miller, firms long since out of existence. How could I reasonably pay any SUCb claims to MacMullan The Albers Bros. Milling Company, of Sixteenth and Wood streets, wrote me concerning their tax refunds, and said: 'From the, manner in which the party acted we were led to be lieve that he was authorised by.

the city to make this transaction, and he in no way gave us to understand that we were assigning our claim to a pri vate individual, with the. understand ing that he should keep all that was due over and above the amount he handed "I received a letter from Max C. ticnuiz, in wnicn ne says: 'i gave Mr. MacMullan an assignment of claims years ago. Don't know whather ha-ollcteiLoLnQtasI never received any MONET WAS PAID.

"On looking at my records and re turn checks I find that I paid Mac Mullan a check drawn In. favor of S. MacMullan, assignee of Max Schulz, on March 6, 1909. The check was paid at the bank on MacMullan's endorsement. Tet Schulz Informs me he has never received the monev.

"I have several other letters, many or tnem expressing surprise that as slgnments made years then notified MaiMullan jthat' his assignments mustshW Just and that they m'ust 'be swojn to before a notary before I would honor any trior of them. "When I tod MacMullan of my de. cision in the matter he was very angry and declared he would have things his own way or he would know why. "These tax refunds are not 'public the Supreme Court having ruled that they are the private property of tha This being the case, they are not covered by my "bohd end require' even extra attention and care in disbursement. I deposited them in a bank under the account name of 'Exess persona! property tax account Edwin SAFEST PLACE.

'They could only be touched by check signed by and my chief deputr, Mr, Fltzmauncer I considered this the safest place, and I am glad now, in view of developments, that I have all the return checks In my office. I discussed this method of payment with, City Expert L. G. Jerdah- and he agreed wtih me that it was the most businesslike' jjlan handling these moneys. At no time has a total amount on hand exceeded $2200, few.

of the refunds amounting to $10 and many being as low as a few cents. the new charter went Into effect, upon the advice of the city attorney, I put this money in the safe In my office, where it Is at present. There Is nftl the slightest ground for criticism inny particular. Every, thing has bein strictly businesslike throughout, tfftd I am glad that MacMullan has ccreated the opportunity for me to give this statement of facts to the public. "I wish to repeat that there, is no need of any taxpayer paying a cent of commission to recover a refund.

They can telephone or call at this office snd will be cheerfully given all the information they 1000 WILL HEAR GOV. WILSON AT BANQUET TOPEKA. Feb. 22. This Is field.

day for the Kansas Democrats who have gathered to celebrate Washington's birthday and hear Governor Woodrow Wilson anTsfate orators who will speak at the Democratic banquet tonight. Every section Of the state Is reore- sented- today and the Indications are that there will -foe at least 1000 at the'ban- Oliet. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can tjafckly be oranpcM by 17.1' jtimnMrcra ii LIYER PurJy Toej do tbev duty. 8m.Il PO, Sowll Dm, SaaS Price. Genuine mbtai Signaturo TlTA Carters Em.

G. OITTLI mm, and ladiseadoa. Br G'lrH' mat Made Dining Room Suite SUEELIbHEKS UP ft BAD COLD V7 in gla and is steril our STOVES "ST. CLAm" RANGES "EARLY MEAIi" RANGES We can sltow you just the Range you want at the price you want to pay. Steel Itantreji with up Ranges And Credit, Too FURNITURE CO.

Save Money Avoid Pain Teeth Extracted Without Pain Easiest and llest Palulew Extractors la Oakland KPirr iAr, TXTIL MARCH 1 SET OF TEJETM JS.OO 2iK GOLD CROWS GOLI FILLINGS $L0 6IL VKH 1 1X1 XGS BH1DGK WORK ....) Teeth Extracted Fre vrlien teeth art ordered. fO-YeV Guarantee with ill worlt, BOSTON DENTAL CO. WASHINGTON Vt notlli Week days. to 6. kuudaj 10 to S.

tss-iinea tank is mI ized 1 bottling 1 MiawaMMiMtBBnaiMak. A. EE Harley E. Reynolds, arrested two weeks ago on a misdemeanor" charge of embezzlement by officials of the Cement, workers' Union, of which he was financial secretarf. was re-arrested today on a felony charge of, the same nature.

Reynolds' Is said to" have confessed to a shortage of. between $600 and $1000 In his accounts with the union. but It was thought that In no 'individual peculation was the sum large-enougn 10 esiaousii a fslony charge, and a misdemeanor was Four Chairs andTable SPECIAL $16.80 Tljs Dining Room Suite "consists of w' fumed oak Extension Tabla and four fumed oak Chairs. The Extension Table has a 43-in top, extending 6 feet. It Is substantially made of solid -oak with a heavy pedestal.

Tlje chairs may had Jn any of hree patterns. The one pictured Is solid oak with saddle seat. Additional Chairs majr bo hod at 11.95 at first filed I Many times during tne last two oaya Investigation has hroaght. to, llghlf ad-Ijyse commtssioa has interrupted hearing u'ltlonaMnformateon, and the road nffeese' Is now alleged. Reynolds-waa- ctuhs end' development and boost bodies Drapery Special first arrested at his home, 2029 Fortieth street, He will be arraigned tomorrow morning on the-felofty rhs.rge.

The Effects rFHAT, INFANTS are peculiarly 1 amallest doses, if continued, these to 1000 Yards Creffonnes Including the French Imported. All shades. 30c, 35c and 40c 22o per yd. 50c, 60c and 70c. mt yd' $1,00 and 65c per yd! 1 CARPETS JBeslBody Brussels.

per yard Fine per yard Including Sewing, Lining and Laying. Easy Credit Terms tions and growth of the cells are likely to become permanent, causing imbecility, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later life. Nervous diseases, such as intractable nervous dyspepsia, and lack of staying powers are a result of dosing with opiates or narcotics to keep children quiet in their Infancy, The rule among physicians is that children should never receive opiates in the smallest doses for more than a day at a and only then if unavoidablei The administration of Anodynes, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot be too strongly decried, and the druggist shpuld not be party to It. Children who are ill need the attention of a physician, and if is nothing lees than a crime to dnsn t.Viem willfnllv with narcotics. MiCKr.GRJHlM The Most Severe1 Cold and Grippe Misery Will Be Relieved in Just a Few Hours.

It Is a positive that a Ann nh Pape's Cold Compound taken every two i hours until three consecutive doses are, iKen win cure Qrlppe or break up the most severe cold, -elthe in the head, Cheat, back, stomach or limbs' Vou distinctly, feel the cold breaking and all the. disagreeable grippe symptoms leaving after the very first dose. promptly ends the most miserable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverlshness, sneezing, sore throat, running of the nose, mucous catarrhal discharges, soreness, stiffness and rheu-' matic twlnsces. I Pape's Cold Compound Is the result of three years' research ata cost of more than fifty thousand dolls rs and contains no which we 'have con-, cluslvely demonstrated Is not effective In! the treatment of colds or grippe. Tako this harmless Compound as dl-1 rested, with the knowledge that there ts no-other-medicine made anywhere else In the world, which will cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without" any other assistance or bad after effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's gist the world can supply.

John P. Norton of Bf4 Fourth street, Son Francisco, met a stranger while on a train from Sacramento. The tw.i talked for some time while sitting together from Sixteenth street station to the mule-. Then the stranger disappeared, and Norton discovered that his pocket hid bsen picked, a purse containing J80 hulug taken. He reported tha theft to the police this morning.

Burglars armed with a hat-bet brol Into tha apartments of S. H. Chan and 8al King at 231A Eighth street Inst nlstt and looted the apartments. Kntrar. was effected by smashing the lock -n the rear door.

A gold watch and coin comprised the loot from the CJian rooms, the loss being estlma-wd at I7S. -A gWd ring, Inscribed with an ideogrfrph signifying "Mberty," and other Jowoliy valued at o0, were taken. John A. McCarthy of 541 Twenty -ninth street reported to the police this morning thnt a sneak thief had taken his watih, valued at 125, from the pocket of his veRt, left hanging during woik bulirs at 201 Twelfth street. STDANGER LuVES WITH i PIISSE 1 Castoria contains no narcotics if it signature of Chas.

II. Fletcher. Genuine Castoria always bears the signature oft imMt mmmiitmM 418-424 1 4tfvxSt Opposite Kacjfonough Theater Get YouK Correct Sheet Mumberiri NewDireciory The copy for the- new City Directory of Oakland is near-- ly ready for the printer. To insure accuracy the publishers desire all whosejstreet numbers have been' changed since thert oFmatiorwasIa CARD, giving the new and old numbers and the change will bR made. 'C-.

POLK-HUSTED DIRECTORY CO. 812 Broadway TO0 RECEIVES WOUNDS IN -MYSTERIOUS QUARREL RA.V FRANCISCO, 22; George Baker of 363 Twentieth atreet, 1 at the Harbor Hospital with knife wofrfids In his lefF side as the result of a mysterious quarrel at Hinckley place nd Grant avenue, tho assault was committed by an unknown Mexican, xho drew a knife upon Baker and struck out at Mm beforo he has an opportunity of d. fending" hTifcsplf. As his victim fell to the street, ttie man ran off snd the polc have but a mender description of him. Several officers were on the sooma almost Immediately, but the knife fielder escaped among the mass of narrow streets In that quarter.

Foley Kidney Pills will rure tfny case of kidney or bladder trouble not Iwyond the reach of medicine. No nvMlirltio cn do more. WWiart's drug sloic, corner Tenth and Washington atresia, Over 4000 people visited Lakeside Patk this afternoon to attend the special patriotic cpneert given by, the. Oakland Park Band in celebration of the birth of the nation's first president. The patriotic wore applauded and several encores demanded and accorded by Director' Paul Stelndorffv ALMOST LQST HIS LIFE.

S. A. 8tld, of Mason will never forget his terrible' exposure to a merciless storm. "It gave me a dreadful ha writes, "that caused severe pains Ift-mychesti-so -it-was. hard -for me to breathe.

A neighbor gave me sev-eral doses, of Dr. King's New Discovery which brought graat relief. The doctor said I was on the verge of pnuemonla, but to continue with the Discovery. I did and two bottles completely cured me." 'Dee only this quick, safe, reliable medicine for roughs, colds, or any throat or lung troublei Price 60c and $1.00 Trial bottle Xt ai.ruii fc Osgqod ilrua..

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