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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 39

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TOIDUNH JANUARY 23, 1812. SUNDAY MORNING. PLAN FOR SCHOOL CALLS FOR LARGE ONE-STORi BUILDING VALUES III 'HERMAN. Ten Times Higher Than Six Years Ago KVMAlCSta. Nicholson ot flnelaod Colony this -week refused 1400 cash jr acre for th twenty-acre farm whloh purchased lx yearn ago for $40 to acre, Th plao cam into full bearing for the first tun last Season.

Peache and Thompson seedla graps ars tn chief lmprorementa. Vtneland Colony waa ont of too first settlements on tb Kermaa tract. A number of Swedish families realised the opportunity often and were quick to taka ad van tar of ouch favorable condition. Valuea ainc then bav In created rapidly and few piece of improved prop artr axa for sale. John Anderson oid twenty acre of hi ranch week to John Peter of Ten.

B. tot i50 Peter will com to Kerman till fan to make hi horn here. The Empire Colony la also demanding a wonderful In ore. In land value. Mr.

Ott Price thit week old hi twenty acre to W. H. Lewi for $4000. Tb improve ment on tbl place are-less tbaa one year old. 1 The aam kind of report art constantly coming In from Baratow, Dakota, Broth ren and Kawkeyt colonl, all of which are located on the Herman tract.

Raw land in Kerman bav also in value over 100 per cent In the peat three year, due to the greatly Increased de-maud. Thit demand for Kerman land la oued by the opportunity afforded the farmer to make good. The oll I rich and responsive and the Irrigation system Is perfect Every agr of farm land in Kerman own a water right and the water ditched and delivered to every farm. The water tax for the up-keep of the ditch, maintenance of the service and the water i only 2H cent per acre per year, and the expense of irrigation is so nominal that the farmer hardly give it a second thought, but tb benefit derived from mi "ggBBHMVlS-KSL! Vsmsjsbisjij mmmmtm cu. CtM 1 eta.

A v. ''A's: 1 1 I TjEtT. 7 I du. el rM if. Ma av4 1 suca a splendid irrigation service are so Opposite the Home Club on Fourth Avenue Boulevard today ntlsfactory and th results Obtained so profitable that th maximum Increase In land values is hard to predict The Fresno Irrigated Farm Company has a large sale fore constantly tn action and their many automobiles are lending, their beet -service showing land uuyer tne number.

interesting sights on the Kerman tract Visitors an express tbelr sunrise at th wonderful errawth and progress made In the district, but the number of tale recorded 1 more impressiv and show th buyers' satisfaction at th opportunities offered In Kerman far better than any other kind of Indorsement. Bella Vista Park is opposite thfe Home Club onJFourth Avenue boulevard. It is being sold by fh Realty Syndicate to call attention to and develop along a well planned" line, our beautiful Fourth Avenue properties the whole to create new traffic for our affiliated companies the Oakland Traction and the Key Route. Our prices are $25, $30, $35 and for the best corners, $37.50 per front foot including all improvements. Easy terms of 20 down and 2 monthly will be granted, and we will build for you if you so desire, on terms also.

VK deposit of $20 or $25 will -secure'; any lot you select until you can conveniently release enough cash to make the first payment. If you want to live oj $50 or $60 a foot property and pay to $37.50 per foot for it including all improvements but to Bella Vista Park today, and come early. Of course, if price is no object with you there is no occasion to hurry. We are going to market other tracts that directly adjoin Bella Vista Park, and you can be well suited In any of them at from $75 to $200 per foot. But this advertisement is directed at those who are inclined naturally towards a $60 i neighborhood, but, dp not feet like paying over $25 or $35 per foot- These, people make neighborhoods desirable and progressive and increase property values.

tLKS OF'REDLANDS HA VP UAMC VlWfWV I I III fa. REDLAMDS. Jan. J7. The Elk wiU move inte their new bom February 1.

Th last meeting In the present quarters wlU be held January 11. and farewell aocial wlU be held Friday night Th contractor Is finishing up the Interior decoration of th building, the Moor are being finished and the Los Angeles firm that ha the contract for furniture already shipped It. Oa the third Wednesday In February there wilt be the first initiation In the new building, when a class of fifteen 'mslness men will be taken In. Proposed plan for the Emerson school which will be submitted to the Board Of Educt-. tion for approvaL heating, and ventilating.

Oreat cars Get some of this close-in hill and marine view property today. It's only 8 or 10 minutes' tar ride from 12th and Broadway, and it will make you a lot of money some day. a- one of the best school buildings in the state. Professor C. W.

Child prepared a general plan tor a-building, and L. 8. Stone made a blue print for th ground plan. This plan proposes a will be exercised In planning and locating lavatories and wash rooma Th building will be fire proot Thl large tract provide ample space for rfne-story buildings and good play grounds. It la proposed to have out OAKLAND TURN VEREIN PLANS ANNUAL BALL series of one-story buildings.

door gymnasiums for boys and girls, A large assembly halL for US of lvln them all the fresh air and ran The annual Invitational masquerade sail of the Oakland Turn Vereln will More than a year ago th Central Oakland and the First Ward Improvement Clubs appointed a committee to select a aultabl alto and to outline a plan for the new Emerson grammar school building. This school la now situated on Forty-eighth street near Telegraph avenue. 'The committee selected a tract ot five six-tenth acres bounded by Shatter and Lawton avenues and Forty-ninth and Forty-fifth streets. Th school board decided to buy this tract. The bond issue gives this school district $110,000 for a new central Oakland will have pupuo nuu fairvii" ui ill Kuwif.vmiugm POSS1 Die be held on Saturday evening Febru occupy considerable space at the main! untranea of the building RiMtiitlnn 7 ary In Germanla halt, Sit Webster itreet.

Arranging for the affair are PTIITr IP PTnTCP rooms and rooms for manual train- Iwttr HnmAatlA Irl.nn. mnA rafa Atiil. J. Tillman, H. Loeffler.

C. Adler, Toeckel. P. Uth, T. Radtke, R.

Heln- other departments of school work fl UU To go direct to the property, take the ear marked "Fourth Avenue" the 'one with a red star on a white background which runs downtown from Berkeley on College avenue to Broadway and turns out Twelfth street Tell th conductor to let you off at Bast Thirty-fourth street, Bella Vista Park, opposite ths Horns Club. Automobiles will be In at tendance pur downtpwo office all day. If you wish to see the property we will end you out absolutely free of charge, without obligation on your part emann, G. Klrchner, R. Gober, A.

Kngel, O. Stoll, Roesch, E. Acha, will be located In the most convenient places around the plaza. Particular 7 Hohrbsch, H. Katz, L.

Gruhlk. J. P. attention will be given to lighting, 7 BESTCUST OIB SYNDICATE BUILDING 1440 Broadway (KBW Kamter Oakland. 70 HOURS TO HEW ORLEANS ALL TRE WAY Makes Largest Purchases of Commodities Than Any Other Consumer.

A SEA OF -WATER SACRAMENTO. Jan. 7. That the state 'of California Itself is the, largest single purchaser of supplies, goods, material and commodities for consumption and use In the state Is shown in a report issued today by the State Board of Control, giving how many pounds, barrels and yards of different things are used In the hospitals, asylum, prisons, homes and schools of California during a year. The report Just Issued shows the total for th fiscal year ISle-lIU, and one ot the Interesting features Is that "King Beef leads.

There Vers consumed pounds, making a drove of cattle of approximately head, weighing on an average 050 pounds each, dreased. Meat Is the largest Item on the list These charges of the stats eat 114,451 pounds of mutton, $5,104 For Our New Steam Electric Service, Which TaKes 60 Million Gallons of Water Pes' Day, or 3 Times the Quantity Used by Our A TKASM BE LUXE Contralto Will Be On Program atY. M. C. State Sec-.

retary to Speak. 3 Cities. JL SnrunMr. state secretary of TO ths California Young Men's Christian Association, will address ths meet-ins; for men this afternoon at thl Oakland i Xounc Jden's Christian As sociation on the subject, Ths Ghost of an OoDortunity." Mrs. Carroll Nicholson, ths contralto pounds of nam, pounds of One Rotor Travels 270 Miles Per Hour and Requires as Much Fresh Air as 10,003 Pco-: pie.

30,560 Horse Power Now Under Steam in OaKland With 1 1 Hydro Electric Plants in the Mountains as Auxiliary. sololct of ths First Congregational bacon, pounds of fresh pork and pounds of salt pork. LOS ANGELES, EL PASO, HOUSTON, church and a vote teacher of Oakland, will render a speclnl solo. Those In addition and to help out the meat supply the Inmates et 22.240 who have heard Mrs. Nicholson wll be grad of the opportunity of hearing her aeain and those who have not can eggs (and fresh, too); pounds not afford to miss hearing her in "All A God Wills." Th Association Trio 'S or rresn run and many tons of fowl.

They consume In a year 217,041 pounds of butter. EXTENSION SOCIETY TO Assures for OaKland and BerKeley will glvs ths following program tn the lobby preceding th service: 1 "Cului Anlmam" (Stabat Mater" OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY PERFECT SERVICE Rosalnl I The Dawn of Love. endlsc Prlie Song (Melsteninger) Wagner-Wllhelm 4 Polonaise Mllltalre. Chopin "PACIFIC SERVICE" tAN FRANCISCO, Jan. twen-ty-fifth anniversary of the San Francisco Church Extension Society mill be held this year In the new edifice of Howard Street church, comer of Howard and Harriet streets, Wednesday next.

At Salut d' Armour WOMEX WX FIGHT. o'clock a reception will be held tn the CHRISTIANA. Jan. t7. Both houses of the Storthing adopted a bill Pacific Gas acd Electric Company; Connects at New Orleans with fast and ele gant steamships for New YorK, or via rail.

All-steel, electric lighted equipment, draw-ing-room sleepers, buffet library, smoRing cars --ladies' parlor, superior dining-car service. LADIES' MAID, MANICURE, HAIR DRESSER, BARBER, VALET, STENOGRAPHER. auditorium with Bishop and Mrs. Hughes, Bishop Smith, Bishop Bishop Nuelson and the other delegates: and friends to th Parliament of Home Mis permitting women to recelvs appointments as public officials. They also resolved to ask th king's assent to ths bill.

Successors to sion and Church Extension, a gueita of 1 1 i OAKLAND GAS, LJGHT AND HEAT COMPANY' honor. Dinner will be served by the ladles ot Howard Street church In the large social hall at o'clock sharp. It Is es Clay and, Thirteenth Sts. OaKland, Cal. Dermatologist Gives Complexion Secret Schedule Tuesdays and Fridays.

Our agents will be delighted to tell you about this new train and service. timated that too persons csn be seated at one tltqe. Tickets have been placed at 60 cents each. The third session of the parliament undtr th auspices ot th board of home missions and church extension wilt be held at Howard Street church tn connection with this stiver anniversary of the local society at o'clock. Addrssie will mad by Btnop Nuelson, Smith, Quayl and Hughe and other distinguished clergymen.

This session will held In th great auditorium of the church, which will seat over 1000 Uodern la Every Respect OK Th great secret ot keeping th face young Is to keep off ths dead cuticle," said Dr. 3. Mortimer Mitchell, th noted English dermatologist, now vtsltlng tn this country. "It is well known that ths surface skin Is constantly dying, falling off In tin-perceptible particles, except In Some diseased condition, when the mm appear Ilk dandruff. But th par tides do npt drop off Immediately they die, being held for awhile by the live skin.

"To havs th dermatoldgicar sul geon peel, off the entire cuticle st on time is a painful and expensive operation. Ths same result Is obtained by applying i ordinary merco-llsed wax, as you would cold cream. Ons ounce Is sufficient. The process A. 80NNICHSEN, Proprietor, RICHARDSON, D.

F. P. A. Fireproof. 'AllOdtsidt Rooms, Largest tnd Mos Coarpleti Hotel' in-tfrt City.

Epccnl Rattel for Totiristi. Rooms Frora 80c to $1.50 Peflhy. Hectric Utllu Bth, Hot and Cold Water in All Rooms. Furnished Rooms, Single or En Suite POSITION OPEN FOR -LABORATORY AID Th United' States Civil Service Commission announces that ths examinations listed below will bs held In Ban -Francisco at an early date. Physical laboratory aid, salary $(00 per annum.

Application blanks and further Information relative to these examinations may be obtained from th secretary, Thirteenth Civil Service District room $41 postofilos building, Ian Francisco. Is both painless and Inexpensive. The 1 Special Rates for I'errruinertf C. J. MALLEY, City TicKet Agent.

J. C. ROSS, City Pass. Agt. Broadway and 13th iv-'- Vr'; Phones Oakland 163 or Horn A-5324 Or Oakland Sixteenth Btiset Depot, Oakland SovwKh and Broadway Depot, Oakland Tint and Broadw Depot, Oakland, Czl wsx.

procurable at your drug stores, hastens ths natural shedding process. It gradually absorbs the dead -and half-dead skin, revealing th new, fcftalthy, jrouthiul-looklof skin bs nsaUk" 527 Seventh St..

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