Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 20
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- Oakland Tribunei
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- Oakland, California
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- 20
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Only Oakland Newspaper That Publishes Associated Press News TWENTY0 -v i PAGES SaturcTay July 25, 1 908 ST. JOSEPH'S WILL HOLD FORTY-HOUR DEVOTIONAL HEARST IS CHOSEN TEMPORARY OMo wcsicgea unlvcpsiig Riaie Qoortetfe OIK! llrsl M. cttcrdi 0 cnrlsHan Mlssionarg cam? Heeling Begins BcolaliParK CHARMA i. 1558 Ftfbassw GlrnU a Gearyy Ssw Fawi n. 1 Lehnhardt' Sunday dessert will be a wonder order tonight pi Ohio From C.
P. Wcsleyan University Quartet, Which Will at Methodist Episcopal Clin re Tomorrow. Reading Lieft to Riglit H. C. Clase, -llrst Tenor; G.
Second Tenor; R. W. Goddard, Baritone, and Ijyon, Basso. Governor Hughes of New York Would Make Run to Himself. CHICAGO, July as.
The sub-committee on arrangements of the. national committee of the Independence party today named temporary officers, for the coming national convention of that party, as follows: For temporary chairman William R. Hearst, Nsw York. For temporary secretary W. A.
de Ford, New York. For sergeant at arms Frank Bruse, Illinois. The. selections of the sub-committee will be passed upon by' the full membership of the national commrttee at a meeting to be held here today. Hearst was sId to be the only candidate for temporary chairman.
Owing to the fact that no contests for seats are expected, it is anticipated that the convenion will complete its work in two sessions. The delegates will be called together at 8 o'clock Monday night, and according to present plans, candidates for President and Vice President will be named on Tuesday. HUGHES WILL RUtt AGAIN. SARANAC INN. N.
Y-, July 25. Governor Charles E. Hughes will accept a renomination if the Republican party of this State desires Kim to be again its candidate. "I have received so many inquiries," he said last night, "as to my attitude toward a renomination that I have decided to make the following statement: Some time ago I said privately that I did not desire a renomination and that I felt that I could not undertake, to serve a second term. This, however, was for reasons entirely personal.
Upon further reflection I am convinced that I have no right to regard these reasons as controlling and that if renominated I ought to accept." While many of the more prominent po litical leaders were not in the city to night the opinion was generally ex pressed that no opposition would be made to a renomination if a well de fined sentiment developed demanding it. PROUTY WINS OVER HULL. DES MOINES, July 25. By a vote of 74 to 6 the Seventh District Republican convention here yesterday nominated Judge S. F.
Prouty for Congress over Congressman J. A. T. Hull. No notice that a nomination had been made at the primary or June 2d having been received by the convention.
Congressman Hull insisted ithat the convention acted without power. TIM ETO NOTIFY SHERMAN. TJTICA, N. July 25. Congressman Sherman received a telegram last night front Chairman Burrows of the notification committee asking if it would be convenient to have the ceremonies in connection with Mr.
Sherman's official notification of his nomination as late as August 1 to 15. He replied that it would be agreeable to him to receive the committee at that time. It Cant Be Beat. The best of all teachers Is experience. C.
M. Harden, of Silver City. North Carolina, says: 1 "I find Electric Bitters does all that's claimed for it. For Stom ach. Liver and Kidney Troubles it can't be beat.
I have tried it and find it a most excellent medicine." Mr. Harden is right; it's the best of all medicines also for weakness, lame back, and ail run down conditions. Best; too, for chills and malaria. Sold under guaran tee. Perhaps you smiied when we said "tomorrow's dessert will be a wonder." But listen for1 it will be a wonder! We've taken hazel nuts and roasted them and then we ground them up into a paste.
We then mixed this pure hazel nut paste with heavy confectioner's cream and froze it. It makes one of the most delicious novelties in the. ice cream line we ever turned out, and in many respects is absolutely unique and more than likely different from anything frozen you've ever tasted. i We then procured some of the genuine Welch's Grape Juice and made an ice of it you know grape juice is considered to be the one ideal summer drink and frozen grape juice is equally fine. Then we made chocolate ice cream and are going to put all three in a brick as our Special tomorrow and sell these bricks, at a special sale, lasting all day at 80c a brick (enough for 8 people).
No extra charge for delivery. The hazel nut ice cream will be in the middle banked on either side by the chocolate and the grape water ice. If you'll telephone us tonight or before 9 m. tomorrow we will send you out a brick in time for your dinner. It will come packed in a tin in ice and will keep for hours.
When ready to serve, pour a little hot water over the tin and the brick will slide out on your platter ready to be cut with a cake knife and served on dessert plates. Youll not regret ordering this dessert, as it is really very nice, and will prove to be something quite different from anything you've ever had. Our phone is Oakland 497 and if you are unable to get us call personally at the store for the dessert is well worth the trip down town. We will also' sell the plain hazel nut ice cream in quart cans at 75c a quart, the regular price being a dollar. Be sure to get your order in early! the evening service a large chorus choir of volunteer voices from the Young Men's League and the Golden Links Bible class for young ladies will sing gospei rfOngc.
J. P. Jones will sing a. solo. Eighth-avenue Methodist Epishcopal Church.
11 a. divine worship, with sermon by Rev. F. Gale; Sunday school at Epworth League at At :30 the acting pastor. Rev.
F. A. Lamb, will preach, taking as his theme "Men and Circumstance." Centennial M. E. Church, Ninth and Chester streets.
Services at 11 m. and 7:45 p. m. In the morning the-pulpit will be occupied by Dr. W.
C. Evans, superintendent of the Oakland district. The pastor. Rev. G.
M. Richmond, will speak in tne evening. Sunday school at a. Epworth League at 6:45 p. m.
Bay-avenue M. E. Church, Melrose, J. O. Duncan, pastor.
Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. Union service in the evening. Rev. J.
A. Fraser will preach. Norwegian-Danish M. E. Church, 574 Twentieth street, near San Pablo avenue, E.
J. Lundegaard, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. preaching at 11 a.
m. and 7:45 p. m. Subject for morning service, "Our Great Country and Its Needs," and for the evening, "God's Work in Other Lands." Prayer and praise service at 7 p. m.
prayer meeeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Young People's meeting Thursday evening. Twenty fourth avenue Methodist Church, corner of Twenty-fourth avenut and East Fifteenth street. Preaching by the pastor, Rev.
J. E. Wright, at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.
m. Morning subject, "A Burning Bush Plus God." Evening theme, "The Wisest Choice Ever Made Presbyterian. First Prebyterlan Church, Fourteenth and Franklin streets, Rev. W. H.
Reedy, assistant pastor. will preach at 11 a. subject. "Christ's Life an Evidence of His Divihitv." Rev E. E.
Baker, D. pastor, will preach at 7:45 p. subject, "JrTisoners 01 nope. Centennial Presbyterian Church. Twenty-fourth and Talcott avenues, Rev.
O. E. Hart, D. pastor. 11 a.
subject, "Righteousness. Lecture at 7:45 m. by Dr. W. W.
M. Beckwith; subject, "Constantinople," illustrated by stereop-ticon views. United Presbyterian. First Church, cor ner of Castro and Eighteenth Rev. Paul Stewart pastor.
Morning sud-ject. "Sit On the Great Pot." Evening subject, "The Chastisement of Love." Christian. First Christian, Thirteenth and Jefferson streets. Thomas A. Boyer, pastor.
Morning, special rally in behalS of new building. Among those who are expected to be present and take part in the programe are: Rev. P. C. Macfarlane, pastor- First Christian Church of Alameda; Dr.
H. D. Mc-Aneney, president Berkeley Bible Seminary; Dr. R. L.
chairman rehabilitation committee of San Francisco; D. A. Russell, secretary Northern California Christian churches. special praise service and short address by the pastor on "Mountain and Plain." Scientist. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Franklin and Seventeenth streets.
Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. subject, "Truth." Wednesday evening, testimonial meeting. Advent Christian.
Advent Christian Church. Thirty-third street, near West, M. and N. L. MaeFayden, pastors.
Morning' subject, "Good Marching Orders." Mrs. MaeFayden "will preach in the evening. Sunday school at 10 a. Young People's meeting at 6 '45 p. m.
Baptist. Twenty-third-avenue Baptist Church. Rev. R. Mr- Vatighan will preach af 11; sermon.
"Thought Power in Its Relation to Health and Character." At 7:30 Sermon, "The Forks of the Road." Hamilton Hall, Thirteenth and Jefferson streets. 3:30 p. m. Wilson Fritch will speak on "The Infallible Law of Success." Sermon followed by healing service. Frultvale Christian Church Fruitvale avenue and Twenty-third street, R.
L. MrHatton, pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Endeavor, 6.45 p. m.
At 11 a. m. Rev. C. Hining of Modesto will assist the pastor.
Evening service at 8 o'clock. First Free Baptist Church Twenty-first street, between San Pablo avenue and Brush street Preaching morning- and evening by the pastor, Wm. Robeift Rend. Baptist First Baptist Chuceh-Special services have been arrangedf At 11 hi. President Benjamin Ide will speak.
At 7:30 p. m. District Attorney ,1 LEHNHARDT'S Candies Iced Desserts After Theater Specialties. BROADWAY, BET. 13TH AND 14TH, OAKLAND.
Tclophono Oattland 407 Arrangements Being Made for Extensive Service. St. Joseph's Church. on Chestnut street, between Seventh and Eighth streets, will be the next Oakland church to have the forty hours devotional services. They have been held In every church In this city with the exception of this one, where they will be celebrated on November 22.
At the present time St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco is eelebratlns; the occasion with a special course of lea tures. The opening service will be held at 11 o'clock mass on Sunday morning by Rev. Henry H. Wyman.
Tha Rev. Thomas Moore will preach Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, the course closing st 8 o'clock Monday morning, with sermon by Rev. Henry I. Stark. High mass will be celebrated Monday and Tuesday morning; at 9 o'clock.
A LARGE CROWD LISTENS TO ALAMEDA BAND PLAY ALAMEDA, July 25. Throngs of Ala-medans listened to the band concert on Park street last night. The Friday night concerts are declared by the merchants to be a decided success, as they cause many people to come down town and patronize local enterprise, he band Is conducted by Geo. W. Holllster.
COFFEE This is the coffee country; and yet more than half of us drink poor coffee! Your grocer returns your money If you don't like Schilling's Best; we pay him. boon Masses Wanted The demand for good eyeglasses steadily grows, and with it the demand for the products of Chinn-Beretta. Chinn-Beretta introduced the KRYPTOK, a far-and-lear glass made without conspicuous lines and without pieces pasted on. Chinn-Beretta now introduces the RETFO, a mounting so prettily contrived and possessing such quality of cling that it will stay on almost every nose. vji nir 466 Thirteenth Street, Oakland Also In San Francisco, Ssera mento.
Stockton. Freane. Valleja. The Oakland Chamber of Commerce Every dollar expended in your home city adds to the wealth of that community increases the value of your holdings. 1 DONTYOUOWEIT TO YOURSELF TO TRADE AT HOME, quality and price being equal? Shouldn't you insist on home manufactures, too? Think it over.
biscuits are CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE TRIBUNE PAY BIQ RETURNS FOR MONEY INVESTED. I Visiting Male Quartet. This evening the lovers of good music will enjoy a lrare treat at the First Methodist Church, where the Ohio Weslyan University Male Quartet will grive a free concert under the auspices of the Youn; Men's League and the Epworth League. The entertainment will consist of auartets. solos and read ings.
The program is a mixed one of classical and popular music, ana win please all tastes. G. S. Battelle. second tenor, is also a reader of rare attainments and is a whole entertainment in himself.
R. W. Goddard. the baritone, pronounced by good judges as the equal of any baritone singer in the country. This concert company is officially authorized bv the Ohio Wesleyan Univer- elty to go out and give entertainments under its auspices.
rne program mis evening will be short, but on Monday evening, July 27. the concert company I 'will give an entertainment with a larga I number of selections at Hamilton Hall. Thirteenth and Jefferson streets. The ad-1 mission fee Monday evening Is 25 cents, Sunday evening the quartet will assist 1 the large chorus choir at the First Meth-. odlst Episcopal Church.
Beulah Park Meeting. The Christian I and Missionary Alliance camp meeting begins at Beulah Park. East Oakland, to- morrow with a Bible study, at 9 o'clock. There will be regular preaching at 10:30 a. 2:30 p.
m. and .7:45 p. m. Young People's meeting at 6:45 i p. m.
The speakers tomorrow will be Rev. G. N. Eld ridge of Los Angeles, Rev. William Moyser, Miss Jessie Fraser and iMiss Minnie Davis, missionaries from India.
Miss Davis is a native of India, and will appear In native costume. The 1 male chorus of the Swedish Mission Church will sing at the afternoon serv- ice. The meetings will continue all of next week with a full program daily. Beulah Park Is reached by the Thirteenth avenue street cars. Congregational.
First Congregational Church, Twelfth and Clay streets. Rev. Charles R. Browne, pastor. At the "morning and evening searvices Rev.
Francis J. Van Horn, D. pastor of Plymouth Church, Seattle, will preach. The Sunday school orchestra resumes rehearsals Tuesday evening, under the leadership of "William R. Gorrell.
Fourth Congregational Church. Rev. Frederick H. Maar, pastor Preaching morning and evening by Rev. Mr.
Ban-ham of Martinez. Episcopal. Trinity Church, Telegraph avenue and Twenty-ninth street, Rev. Clifton Mason, rector. 7:30 a.
holy communion: 10 Sunday school; 11 morning prayer and sermon; subject, "Abounding Righteoumess" :45 o'clock, evening prajier and sermon; subject, "Favorite Hymns. Their Authors and Tunes." The rector will preach at both services. Holy Innocents' Mission, Shattuck ave--' nue and Fiftv-second street, Rev. Nelson 8aunders, vicar. 10 a.
Sunday 'school; 11 o'clock, morning prayer -and sermon. St. Paul's Church, corner of Twenty-third and Webster street. Rev. Lov.is 'Sanford, priest in charge.
Hely communion, 8 a. Sunday school, 9:45 p. jmorning service and sermon, 11 clock; vesper service. 5 o'clock. Spiritual.
First Spiritual Church, Athens street, near San Pablo avenue. -Service at 2 p. conducted by Dr. R. A.
Stitt. At 7:45 p. m. Mr. Arnold Dickinson will lecture.
Musical and vocal by Mrs. Chew. Hev. Arnold Dickson of the First -Church of Revelation. Spiritualists, will conduct a special service and lecture this evening at the First Spiritualist Church, ton Athens avenue, between Twenty-ffourth and Twenty-fifth streets.
Good music and songs by Mrs. Chew, Uutnran. First English Lutheran Church. Sixteenth and Grove streets. KRev.
Oscar H. Gruver, pastor. Morning, Commandments." Evening, "Brirltual Riches." ST Zion's German Lutheran, corner of Twenty-fourth and Myrtle streets, J. II. Theiss, pastor.
10:45 a. "True Right- 7:30 p. "Joseph's Last Words and Death." Methodist. First Methodist Episcopal Church, G. W.
White, D. pastor; F. Gale, assistant. 11 a. Rev.
Francis A. Ram of Nevada City will preach: sutject, "God The 7:30 p. Rev. Frank C. 5ale will preach; subject, "Jesus a Savior From Sin." At ELECTRIC CARRIAGES IS 1 Everett Brown will give an address on especial attention to the race track evil.
A male chorus of twenty voices will render special music at this service. Tenth Avenue Baotlst Church. II. L. Boardman, minister The pastor closes his ministry with the church.
Morning subject. 'The Eagle's Nest and the Sunward light," a study of the disciplinary government God. Evening. 'The Challenge of the Christ and the Soul's Reply." Second Church of Christ, Scientist. 362 East Fifteenth street, near Seventh avenue.
Service at 11 a. m. Subject, "Tsuth." Wednesday evening meeting. Brooklyn Presbyterian Church, East Oakland, Rev. W.
S. Landon, D. San Anselmo Seminary will occupy the pulpit at 1 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. St. Andrew's Church, corner Twelfth and Magnolia. Rev. O.
St. John Scott, rector; Rev. W. H. Ratcliffe, assistant; Mr.
Clarence Oliver, choinmastec; Miss Josephine Gil, organist. Sunday school, 9:45 a. morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. evensong and sermon, 7:30 p.
m. Offertory, 'Alpha and Omega," Stainer. Divine science services 11 a. m. at the Rest Reading Room Home, 719 Fourteenth street.
St. Paul's English Evangelical Luth-eraneran Church, Thirty-second and Linden streets. S. B. Hustvedt, pastor Sunday school, 10 a.
m. preaching ser vice. 11 a. m. Theosophical Lecture at Hamilton Hall, ThirteentS" and Jefferson streets, July 26, at 8 p.
by Darwin A. Allen. Subject, "Man a Religious Being." R. HARRY SMITH'S WIFE GRANTED Claims Husband Used Trunk Strap and Fists in Beating Her. Claiming that her husband not only-struck her with his fists and a trunk strap, but that he had wilfully deserted her, Mrs.
Helen F. H. Smith yesterday secured interlocutory decree of divorce from Reuben Harmon Smith, a former liquor salesman and bon vivant of this city. Within the past two years Smith has become deeply interested in several mining properties in Nevada and Arizona, and is reputed to nave acquired a small fortune in stocks of the various concerns. He is now under orders from the Superior Court not to dispose of any of his property until a settlement has been made with his wife.
A few weeks after the publication of this order. Smith suddenly disappeared from his offices in Broadway and his present whereabouts are un-, known. STRUCK HER WITH FISTS. Mrs. Smith, in her petition for divorce, declares that her husband frequently struck her with his fists, sometimes so.
violently that people in adjoining rooms heard the impact of the blows. She alleges that Smith frequently remained away from home over night and refused to give any explanation of his absence and that he was almost constantly under the influence of-liquor. Judge Waste granted Mrs. Smith an Interlocutory divorce ordering her husband to pay her $100 fi month alimony. She was also awarded the custody of Surrilda Poynter Smith, a minor child.
PATROL WAGON DRIVER HAS PRESENCE OF MIND (Special to The SAN FRANCISCO. July 25. The presence of mind of Patrol-wagon Driver F. J. Oster probably saved three persons from serious injury and the hurry-up.
wagon of the Harbor station from a complete wreck at 11:30 o'clock last night. The oatrol had responded to a call at Washington and Drumm streets and Po- liceman Conlon and Dower bad just placed an Intoxicated man in the wagon when car number 2 of the Presidio and ferry lines crashed against, the wagon. The frightened horses set off at full speed and the wheels skidded as they turned rapidly Into Rrumm street. Oster, seing. the situation, pulled up his team as best he could, and drove into the sidewalk, thus stopping- the Infuriated SAN RAFAEL JUDGE DRIVES OUT BURGLARS SANTA ROSA.July 25 It was Superior Judge- Lennon' of San Rafael who routed -the burglars who entered the California Elks headquarters at Dallas.
Texas, last week and stole three watches and some money from Los Angeles delegates. Superior Judge Sewell of this city returned home yesterday from Dallas and brought the news of his fellow Jurist's prowess in routing- the marauders. ir Just Exactly RlohV, have used Dr. King's New T.tfe Pins for several and find them just exactly right, says Mr. A.
A. Felton. of HarrisvUle. N. T.
New Life Pills relieve without the least discomfort. Best remedy -for constipation, biliousness and malaria. 25a Patronize every advertiser whose name appears here. Boost for your owns city. co oi it tt Ml es ei to Increase the pay rolls BECT Proven, by years of continuous patron- BAY CITY FLOUR Finest Wheat.
Finest Proc.se of Milling. AM Orooers sell It. -Flour, Peed, Mill stuffs. AY CITY FLOUR MILLS J. C.
Weetphal A Sens First and Clay Factory phone AtSSS. Residence Phone. Oakland tSS4 Gnstaf Mannfartaring Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Step-Ladders, Kitchen Tables, Meet Safes, snd Oenersl Caelnet Work Scroll Sawtns and Turning 10 Chestnut Oakland, Cat. DOAK GAS ENGINE CO.
iaaufaetnrers ef Stationary, Iloisting Harine Engines Business Offlee M-7-t Bacon Building Sales Office and Factory 4th and. Msdleen Sts. TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS W. R. Slbbett, Vice -Pres.
A Mgr. J. W. McMannls, Treasurer Phone Oakland 8136 66 UNION MADE 99 WORKING GARMENTS Manufactured by SIBBETT MANUFACTURING CO. Factory and Office 7th and Poplar Oakland, Cal.
Made from choicest milling wheat. H. GOULD CO, Cereaf and Feed Millers, 4th and Washington Sts. Phones Oakland 2367, Home A-2367 PIEDMONT PASTE CO. MANUFACTURING OF HIGH-GRADE OF ALL KINDS OF MACARONI AND FANCY PASTE.
Awarded highest prtre at California State Fair at Sacramento, 1907. Free Delivery Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley. W- B. STRAUB, Pres. and Mgr.
O. P. NAUERT, See'y. Phone Oakland 5703 EMPIRE FOUNDRY CO. Incorporated N.
E. Comer Third end Washington Streets, Oskland, California Street end Sewer Castlnas. Mantle Gretee and Stove Reps Ire. All Kinds of Jobblna Work Light Castings a Specialty WeaHJerkeley Macaroni Factory Bth and Allsten Wsy, W. Berkeley PHONE BERKELEY SMS.
Fine Macaroni. Vermaeein. Spaghetti and Fine Pnete Best Goods, Lowest Prices Phone Oskland 4042, Heme A-404 NAPOLITAN PASTE GARIBALDI BROS. eV Proprietors, 106S-1067 Seventh Street Menufscturers ef Mscearenl, Vermicelli and all Klnde ef Paste Established Thirty Years In Sen Franclece Waltz Safe and Lock Co. Engineers and Manufacturers of Bank Vaults.
Ssfe Deposit Work. Fire and Burglar Preeff Safes, Ete, Factory, th BL, bet. Adeline an4 ChestnuL Oakland: Phone Oak. 111 Salesroom and office. II-XS Spea BL.
San Freaclsee. S. T. Phone. Temporary 07.
more. good biscuits Go bis i cost more than the 'good enough kind but not a great deal The difference will be a paying investment for you, 'HAVE THREE 'ADJUSTABLE SPEEDS 5, 10 AND 15 MILES iFER HOUR. AN IDEAL CONVEYANCE FOR THE WOMEN FOLKS. Current Supplied by OAKLAND GAS, LIGHT and 66 all who have used them will say as much. They're made In Oakland by men who know how.
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