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The Alamance Gleaner from Graham, North Carolina • Page 3

Graham, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 In Memory of CapL E. S. Parker. THE GLEANER COTTON MAKiUiT PBBSONAL.r -At noon Tuesday the court A RUSSIAN a a recess to allow memorial service -vice' GRAHAM, N. Aug.

27, 1914. ...1........ TTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTtTTTTTT B. D. Scott, to be held in honor of Cant.

E. 8. 1 Reported by cotton broker. Miss Fannie Porterfield Is visit-1 Parker by the bar of Alamance MARRIAGE intr at Ooldaton. 1 county.

Thirty-One-piece Dinner Sets For GLEANER Subscribers Pay $2.95 and you get any set you want, and you get credit on The GLEANER for one year. White Cotton i i no meeting was caiiea 10 oraer Cant. J. W. Fry of Greensboro I and Judare wT Bvnum nf Ureena- waa aere luesaay.

i ooro was chosen chairman and Mr, Involving a Local Cus- 2 I i. 9. Look of Graham secretary, caDt. x. u.

irov oi Amnerst. va. rvi a i lions and iicunv triDutes were Daid torn of Proposal By P. A. MITCHEL MrXnad Mrs.

Edwin D. Scott 1 and services of Captain SDent Tuesdav in Greensboro. "vyer ana citizen ny OLD SIGHT AND OLD AGE PostoHIce flous. Offlo open T-OO a. toT.OOp.

n. Sunday i.00 to 11.00 a.m. mat 4.00 totX0p.a 1 lfipP.A5:???y.'yfM- LOCAL NEWS, Fine rnins have allien durirf tha past weeek. It was exttremely hot Monday dJ Tuesday. The M.

B. church Sunday School will picnic at Swepsonvills Saturday. i- 4 i a I eUUalg, XAUII. JJI. VTHlilB til Miss Marce Ooley left Monday Hillsboro, Mr.

E. S. W. Dameron for Mt." Airy to visit friends. of Burlington, Mr.

J. Dolph Long of Graham, and Judge W. P. By Mess. J.

L. Scott. and R. W. Alexis riekanoff.

a young Rusaian of Intellectual tnatea. gave blmaelf up so num, when the resolutions were adopted. At the reconvening of Scott spent Tuesday in Greensboro. HAnntraA nnM Misses Ada and Luberta Free- i i completely to study that Ills health was Impaired. His physician advised him to live In the country for awhile, and land visited relatives in High Point the memory of CaDt.

Parker and Sunday, ordered tne resolutions spread up the young man, not willing to be Idle, on tne minutes oi tne court as Dr. D. M. Walters of Greensboro bought a farm, intending to till the Old age is a matter of years. Old sight is a question of Glasses.

Dernetual memorial. soil. spent Sunday here at Mr. C. P.

Albright's. The resolutions are as follows Alexis' farm had on It a dwelling -Rev. J. W. Holt will preach at the Presbyterian church Sunday IN MKMORIAM house and other necexaury buildings.

Captain Edward S. Parker was Miss Mattie Watson left this morning for Hillsboro to visit Mrs morning; at 11 o'ciock. inepuDiic He hired servauta bealdes farm hands, Dorn in Cumberland county, for he was well to do and was soon J. n. Tarpley.

on the 14th day of June, 1838, and is cordially, invited. The Daughters of the Confed devoting himself to rotalng produce with us much Intereat ns lie had pre eracy will meet with Mrs. J. S. vr I oiea on me zin aay oi juiy, hpVJ Graham, N.

C. He obtained his IJ 01 Co1- license to practice Uw Just before viously shown in books. Nor did be, Cook at 3 Thursday, Sep tember Srd. B. tne war between the states, and Mr wr ni was associated wttn Hon.

ueo. becauMe be waa city bred, keep aloof from his neighbors, but Joined In their amusemnutx. received them at bis A surprise party was given rived here yesterday to spend a t'f V. Miss Nellie BimmonB by Misses An Die Ben Long; and Margaret Hun home anil visited them fnuilllarly mIi fa i 5 ter Monday nignt. Tne young Mr.

RalDh McCaulev of Chanel throughout the war, rising by pro- Soon after be was settled In his new 5 If you find difficulty in while for distance your eyesigbt is good, YOU NEED OLD SIGHT GLASSES. lain prepared to test your eyes and fit glasses of the best quality at a very reasonable price. Z. T. HADLEY, JEWELER A OPTICIAN GRAHAM, N.C.

folks had a delightful Hill veaterdav with Mm I motion to the rank of Captain. home the people of the phiee where be fi I tl Aj iL. .1 Unas. A. xnomPSOn.

-r. 4 I 1 who uiib ui llie uiiicera iimuc hnd located asHemhled for featlvul, As a result of the series of I prisoners and placed upon the ship Mr Mrs. R. L. Holmes and I known th Mania Laf.

and meetings held at New Providence by Rev. F. Morgan, he received which be attended. The pxen-laes eon-slated principally of athletic sports children and Miss Co61e I started to a Northern prison, who running. Jumping and especially riding pent ounoay at ripamom springs i on the voyage by concert of action, aDout no additions to tne cnurcn and on last Sunday afternoon baptised 16 at Haw River.

The Rusalnns are fine li'irsi'men, and Mr. Elmer Estlow arrived 'from rrwPYai5e "Pf some nf the feats performed nt this festival were worthy of an American cir The following attorneys be SIT.0 VTdtKua after man days of weary hardship p.time 0t hi" Mr arant rejoin thei? commands. Before Beautiful goods. Will make a nice present, or give excellent service on cus. Themtvss also dnnre In a bnrn viiv vivpv a iiiu csa vv aa Alexis was recognized among the Mr Rarnotf iH.m.

Ht.f. happily married to Miss Ellen sides the Countty bar have, been in attendance on Court this weeek Jcrtg.t Y. I. Bynum, A. B.

Kim-lall, Geo. M. all of Gr country people for something better vlll vinieAiI Mn iHim. and she and three chil- your own table. This ware is bought and shipped direct from the factory, and you get it without paying a cent of profit.

than themselves aud was treated with Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. ter Barnett at Dr. Geo. W. Long's dren-two sons and one daughter fmm s.f,....

t.n j-1 I survive. great deference. One of the men ap proached him at the dunce and snld: Miss Ida CUdd -returned Sunday at Smithf ield soon after the war "If your excellency would like to Each set is well packed in a box by itself, and will be delivered at fram a vlalr nf- uvnl nraaka tn I ended, and was emtiloved as sren- dance I will Introduce you to a 'girl her sister. Mrs. Will Thomnton.

at erai counsel lor the. xnorth Caroll Court Notes. Alamance Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases only opened Monday with. Judge George Roun- whose parents, like yourself, rame long na Railroad Company, and in 1869 opencer. THE GLEANER OFFICE, GRAHAM.

ago from the city, though the young ne moved to company Shops, now Miss Kathleen Lone returned lady herself was born lu her present tturungton. In July, 1870, he made the first tree presiding and Hon. a. M. uattis, borne." Monday evening from an extended visit to friends in Eastern N.

C. application for and obtained the Solicitor, prosecuting for the elate. I would be glad to. be Introduced to and Va, uuugnter should have adopted tlila one, first writ of Habeas Corpus on be- I I i The business of the Court was at any of your girls." replied Alexis, "and Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mongageexectitea on 1 the aTI hdayomoverober.mi.byJ.M.Lealh. to tbe Alamance insurance and Keel Eetate Company (or tbe purpose of seourtngtbe pay ment of bond tor Two Hundred (I3UU.UU) payable on the r7tb day of December, MID, aaid mortgage being duly probated and recorded In Book of Mortgages sod Deeds of Trust No 66, at pages 1W ioTm, In the effice of tbe Register of Deeds (or Ala-maue county, default having beea made la tbe payment of aaid bond snd Interest st sta-turlly.

the undersigned, AJamanoe Ioaurance and Heal Katate Company, Mortgagee, will, on MONDAY, SEPT. 7, 1914, at I too o'clock at the eonrt honae door of Alamance county, at Oranam, North Carolina, offer 0r aale at public aoeiioa to the highest bidder tor cash, lee follow tog real RE-SALE OF Mrs. John R. Webster of Reida-1 i j. tended and the court adjourned at 6 do not doubt that any would ninke a so foreign to what lie waa formerly accustomed.

But Vera la very dear to Commissioners Sale Of Valuable Real Estate ville, who has been visitinflr Mrs. I ur d.m.. i ri o'clock veaterdav evenintr. The errand partner not Only worthy of 'me. bnt McBride Holt, left Sunday for her George W.

Kirk, and he was prom- Valuable Tobacco and would honor me by dancing with me." Jury, of which Mr. T. M. Crutch- us, and should you refuse her all who know ber would turn away from you, treating yoa as one who had Insulted nome in iteiosvuie. inent in all the litigation and trials So the young man was Introduced to field of Mebane was foreman, did its Grain Farm! Dr.

and Mrs. J. W. Griffith of held both in the Stateand Federal Vera Troleuako. She was a girl of woman they love and revere.

It Greensboro are anendin? the dav cour" concerning vtnat and otner ork rapidly and well and was ly complimented by the the court. seem to me, your excellency, that you here, returning from a trip thru Ily virtue of ai order of tbs Puperi or Court have a choice between two actions The following were given sentences By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made In a Special Proceeding whereto all the heire-at-law and the wodow dt the la-te A. O. Cooper were made parties for the purpose where he lived and labored the re oi Aiamsuce oounir, nut id a siwelal roil edliis whereto all tbebelrs-st-lswaoa the on the roads of Alamance Uonnty: Miu fVhtnof vlu hn I mainder of his life. either to accept the offer made you or go away from here." A eeruttn tract or naroel of land ln the minmmiru or joita H.

vent.deoeasM, ware madd DartlM tor tba DDranH of aalllnr Harper Harvey, Belling liquor, 3 been vlsitine Miss Rebecca Scott. He. was elcted State Senator for It waa some time before Alexia made left yesterday for her home at this Senatorial district, and also land to make a-mU, sad tor partlUon, I will oiler at public sals st tbe court LiouM door I Solicitor for the State in this Ju- iiiurauam, od of selling for partition the real property of the said A. O. Cooper, deceased, in Alamance county, we Lee Stone, selling liquor, months.

any reply to this explanation. lie was suddenly thrown under the Influence i oiciai district, ana served wun ois- Misses Agnes Wood and Christine! tinction in both positions. county of Alamnnoe and late of Norm Carolina, ln Burlington Township, adjoining; the lands of Alamance Insurance and Heal Batata Company, Tobs Format and there, and more particularly bounded and aeaurlbed aa tollowe; Beginning st TobeFoi teat's corner on Booth Me; thence North deg. West SI Met to a stake on Una of Alamance Insurance Heal Katate Company; thence South 4X deg. West MO feet to Alamance Insurances Seal Bstate Comoanv'a line: fciieuaM with their line Moutik of conflicting emotions.

Following a custom which bad been practiced by Holt are in Greensboro this week I Now. therefore, be It resolved by Nuel Some rs, concealed weapon, 6 months. attending a House party given by the Bar Association of Alamance Miss Edith Foushee. I County: all ber associates, there was certainly D. B.

Bass, selling liquor, 6 I First: That we most deeply and Miss Greenfield of Kernersville. I iniui rinninu nothing Immodest In Vera' action. Sho waa a beautiful girl and beloved by all. the Music Teacher in -Graham Ann. ni SATURDAY, SEPT.

5th, 1914, at 12:10 o'clock the followlog valuable faTD, lo-wlt: Hliuateln Orove township, Ala-ma uue countjr, idlominc tbe lands of Tnomas rioranua, K. W. Vinoent, T. a Hlchmond, Mrs. V.

V. Haniton and olnera, and twain nlug st rock, or Iron bolt, corner with aaid Florence In public road to Vincent's Mill, running tbenoe II deg. (TIN aha to a band In said road: thsnoe Kt deg I cha to bend in aaid road: thence T4dg (chatua rock on on aide of aaid road. In an old road, oorner with aaid Florence; tb uce aft de I8.B cbe to a rock In asltt Fkoranoe'i line In Hteni'a creeks ifaeooa la deg SU oka, enier ug 8Ug('a creek at a.8 cha and tkrnoe MK deg. Best as feet to a stake on Tube For-reet's fin thence Njrtb dg.

Bast llfi feet to the besiuuiug, containing -lu ef an aoie, more or lesa. months. Will Reese, larceny, five years. A small white boy named Roose Nothing would be more plcnalng to him than to make her bis wife. But, on Graded spent the first of friend, whose splendid talents, the week here with Mrs.

J. Dolph great learning, honest counsel and I-ong. fidelity to duty so fittingly adorn- the other hand, he bad come to ber This the 6th day of August, un.4, ALAMANCB liln. 4 MBA1, BSxATb1 fltX, Mortgagee. elt Mclntyre was sent to the Jack win oirer tor punuc sale to the highest Milder on the premises near Saxapahaw, N.

at 2 o'clock p. on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1914, the fallowing. described real property, to-wit Adjoining the landa of Mrs. Hardy Slockard, Saxapahaw Cotton Alills Thos. McVey, and others, bounded aa follows Beginning at a rock corner with aaid Stockard, on N.

aide of the old road leading to Saxapahaw, running thence 8. 8h 1-4 deg. E. n.ti cha. to an iron bar corner with said Stockard thence N.

48 deg. E. 64 links to the south bank of Haw river, cor Mib. 'ii. Wood and daughter.

ed profession and gave to him son Training (School for trespass. In several other cases fines were Miss Agnes, spent from Saturday OI NOTICE imposed. mi jaonaay wun wr. iNuma K.I country to remain only a few years, when be bad expected to return to Bt. Petersburg.

Ill father bad brought blm up with the understanding that he (the father) would select wife for blm, and Alexis believed that should be marry a woman who bad been brought up among, peaaauts and without bis father's consent he would be Of Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. Annual Feast wun tain crtes sa it meanders, a 41 deg a aa idea Wlalebe: HIHdes deg Ln CM; I dee nlHdeWf70 oka: STTdag Bl Maud- a ohs: 71 de BUD 01 den cb; a IX deg 4 IS) ohi to adulter of aalie treeaon the aaat hank nf eald vuiuuiDiiu ausi CAaiupic nsi am uc, Misses Marv Bland Pitt and LIU I upright and patriotic citizen in Han Pitt, who have been visiting-1 peace and in war, and point with Mr. McBride Holt gave his annual feast of melons, cantaloupes and 1 creek; tbenoe (U. 8. N.

as Hi, Slat chs Coder sad br virtue ef the newer tat sale Miss Lorena since last I grateful pride to his civHT virtues Friday, left yesterday for their as worthy of all emulation. As a home in Tarboro. I lawyer painstaking, accurate, fear- ner with said Mtockard thence vouar a wjii in aaiu niouinonn'S line; disinherited. contained ln a ertaln ssortgage executed the 4th day of April, lull, by Ueorg M. roller to Aldridg tor the purpose of ee- down the auid river on the south rapes wo ui ijriuim uesday -night Mr.

Holt has given Wbat should be do? The girl who aide aa follows S. 68 deg. E. 4.50 i less ano candid, as a citizen, -Mr. Carleton SDent tha lat-1 broad-minded.

nubile H. 60 deg. E. 4.50 94 fiese feasts of products from his farm and garden year after, year, until it bad proposed to blm was waiting for hit reception of ber proposal. It seemed to blm that Since bIio bud come tiienoe ft (II.

r. N. deg k) 4s.O cha to Ike be-Ilnulns, snd containing ihlM aoree, more or leaa. gather with an eaaement ln an ed-Joining lot known sa tbs Vincent Store lot, which eaaement embraces the light of In-grata and egr. as to a well on ssid kit snd to the water therefrom, aa appear, from grant duty recorded In Hook Mo.

ii of Deeds at page In otnc Keglsterof Deeds for Alamance ouunty. Tula farm la In a hlvh mtmtm nt ter part of last week and the first spirited and loyal; as a friend, of this here visiting Mrs. warm hearted sincere, sympathetic, Carleton and the children at Mr. anf faithful, always; in all the re-Will. E.

White's. lations of life conscientious and A I anrunuliitialv trtift. fantain Parker ur. ana urs. w.

k. uoiev went must ever ranic an one oi tne nuiio laa good grain anfl tobacoo (aim and has tbere In accordance with the custom of the country be must either accept ber proposition or turn ber out Of all considerations beating on tbe case this ejection was tbe hardest for blm to think of. by-auto to Jackson SDrinfS the era of the arrest county of Ala suitable buildings for uas as residence, tenant houses, barus, pack bousee, end other uuiwa, oarus, pack nouase, end i rei lent sod neoeaary equipment, Tenua of Mala-niAa fiiiiptJk latter part of last week to visit mance, and as an exponent of all their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Ross, that is highest and truest and no-who returned with them Tuesday blest in the best citizenship of the mens, oaah, balaae In Aa.1.

I throe euual LSvnu-nta at ale. ib.iv. ami curing the payment of a oertaln bond for (tlSUOUOl tolrteen hundred dollaissnd later-1 set thereon, said tnortgage being duly robe tea and recorded In theofneeof the he-later of Deeds for AJamanoe ouunty In BooK of Mortgagee and Deeds of Trust Mo. is, at page lot, default having been amde In the payment of said note at maturity and Inter-eat thereon, tee enderejgned awrtgage wilt, on ilOXDAY, SEPT. 7, 1914.

at 100 o'clock kt, at tbe esnrt nones door of Alantance oonnty, st Uranam, M. Cm offer (or sale at penile auction to the klgnest bid- dor fur cash, a tract or paroel of land In tbe county of Alamance and Htale of North Vara. Una, in Burlington Township, adjoining the lands of Mala and Hprtng streets and omara, a Dai bounded aa follows Beginning at a alone on south Md or Mala Street and a corner oi tbe Bank's land, running thence tl)i deg Set chs to an Iru bolt oa West aide of Spring strsef, th tn rltb nprlng street ri deg LSI ch to a. i Iron boitou aaid Spring street; tbenue degWtJiohsto an Iron bolt on south of Mala street; thence with Main street ana win oe nere till tne last oil nation. SiSbteeu montha Ume; title reserved Mil fully the week.

I Third That we tender our sin dc. K. 4 S. 42 1-2 deg. E.

11.17 S. 7i deg E. 1.86 cha. to a walnut tree mump corner with snld Cotton Mill thence S. deg.

V. (11. 8.) 69.17 chs. to a rock corner with said McVey! thence K. 1 deg.

W. (B. 4 cha to a rock corner with aaid McVev thence N. 1K dcg.E. (B.

31 cha. to the beginning, containing 114 ACKKS, more or leaa. TERMS OK caah, balance in six month with Interest on deferred payments st six per cent, and titl reserved until fully paid. Thi August 12, toil. WM.

I. WARD, J. It. VERNON, aug-27-tds. Commissioner.

iutwiu ueierrea paymeo-s aw carry la-tcreet from day of sale, subject to oouflrma-Uon Clt rk of Court. Tula aala la nil. mmm n. Mn, Icerest synpathy to the bereaved has become a custom so well established that his friends expect it and would be sorely disappointed if it did not come. Each one shows his appreciation of the hospitality by eating, eating and eating, Sodal Items.

Miss Lorena Eernodle entertained few friends Saturday evening in honor of her guests, Misses Lillian and Mary Bland Pitt of Tarboro. Mr. Armstrong Holt gave a picnic Tuesday night at the Country flub in honor of Misses Lillian and Mary Bland Pitt of Tarboro, the guests of Mr. Jas. D.

Proctor of Lumber- members of his family and rela- ton arrived here Sunday on a visit Itives in their deep grief and dis-to Mrs. Proctor and little daughter I tress. Hie aa uwej a vua J. b. COOK, Commlseloner at Mr J.

D. Kernodle's, and Mr. I Fourth That our secretary be ana Mrs. rrootor len Monday lor instructed to lurnlsn a codv oi Alexis spent an hour alone turning tbe matter over In his mind. Then be resolved that he would go to Vers snd explain to ber that he bad been brought up to understand that his father was to select bis wife for blm and be considered It bis duty as a good son to sblde by bis father's decision.

lie went to tbe room where Vera was, waiting for blm. A soon as he entered she turned from blm and stood wltb ber eye bent upon the floor. "Vera," be commenced, "Maria ha Informed me of what 1 was Ignorant, the meaning of your coming here. a week's trip through the moun-l these resolutions to several tains of Western N. C.

and Va, and I county papers and to the daily pa-East Tenn. Ipers of the State with the request Certificate of Dissolution. stood wrrn naa me Birr trro ran ruooa. nineteen Vests, with perfect figure snd a comely face. But what charmed him was a certain demeanor there was about her, a mingling of dignity and modesty.

It was plain that she bad come of different stock from the other girls of that region. Yet there wai nothing haughty about ber. She seem ed to be and companionable with them, though tbey appeared to recognise ber superiority. Alexis asked Vera to dance, and she graciously accepted the Invitation. 8b danced with a grac that made Alexis think her ancestors tor generations bad danced at the court ball at the Imperial palace.

Though sbs did not seem out of place here, she would not bare MH eeg lAf chs to the beginoiag, coutaln- io puousn. This 25th day of August, 1914. vhi oi aa acre, more or less, upon waivn le situated in Burilnglon Brick Wsmbouaa. Certificate of Dissolution. All being In BurUnglon, Alamsnos oouuty.

Miss Lorena Xernodle, To All to Whom Three Presents Msy Com Urady Lane, negro, was electro I cuted in the Stale prison Friday 8. COOK, A Bciurin, urseting; Secretary. 'UI vruiiLM. This lbs tin day of August, lilt. U.

ALllRfDOB, Mortaagse. for the murder of Frank colored, in Moore county last year.l Bufluliv Notes. Whereas, it appears 10 my aaUafactloa, by duly aulbenUosted reoortf of the proceed luge for tb voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all Ua stockholder ELON COLLEGE. Mr. Peter Harden is buildings nice 7-room residence over in the J.

Gilme Eerner will build in I Winston-Salem an apartment house I to cost SIMOOa It will have Si I Land Sale. deposited In my office, that the Holt Bnglae Northeaatern part of the town. 25th Prospect! for Eton. Micawber Wouldn't Shine as a Gymnast, Would He? company, a corporation of this Slats, whose apartments of seven rooms, each. otnee la sliaatea at Mo.

Annual Session. Mr. PhiL S. Dixon has completed been out of plscs there. Alexis danced with ber several time during the Mala treat, I the City of Burilngtoa Falling from a hammock, a distance of only I inches.

Robert Jen the brick work on his store building Tour custom of this country are not our custom In tbs city. I have been brought up to recognize my father's right to select wife for me, snd I consider it my duty as good sou to sblde by It, Bbe bent lower snd lower a be drew nearer wbat she knew was coming till now sb was like plant bent by tbe wind. Approaching ber, putting an arm about ber and taking ber band In his, bs finished: "Vera, I lov you." o. unty or Auuaaace, Male of Nortl By Tlr ae of aa order of the Superior Court of Alamance county. Htale of North Carolina, made In a Special Proceeding teems V.

laiey, admlulaumlor of Wm. Boon and otbera against John Hooo and the anderelgued Comaaaluoer nings, a Wilmington negro, suffer-1 Cor. of The Gleaner, Carolina, (John HoSmea laMng the asset ersnlng. He would bare danced with the other girls, but, whether or not the on Harden St. Work is progressinff nicely on Dr.

herein and In enarg thereof, apo whom rraees may be served), bss compiled with wot sen at public aucuoa le tne ntgbeat nt- manager of tne affair did not consider any of the others worthy to be bis O. J. Paris' business building on By MOSS. aer, aa tne court nouee ooor in nqulremsnla of Chapter KertsU i death. That Elon College will exceed the 7- 400 mark this year in point of en- The Conference of Seventh Day rollment iaconfidently expected Adventists, is session at Greens- by all here, Including the Presi-boro, sent memorials to.

Congress dent's office, where 'the facts are orner west of court house. North partners, they did not Introduce him, remember VOU US, rnuUed piellmlm ry to th 1 1st ulog of this Certlttoate of Oiaadutloo: Now, therefore, J. Bryan Onmea, Sesre tary of mate of ucsiale of Norte Carolina While Vera Trolensko showed that breeding sbs could not conceal eren If a bow Mr. Mi aide of W. XUm8t.

To HospitaL in favor of nation-wide prohibition "own. ii crop conditions nao but protesting agalns Sunday laws, been better end wsr was not this number would have been far ex-Mr. L. C. Kerr has leased the seeded on Boot.

Snd. Last rear 188 sbs would, she wss part of the com inanity in which she lived. Her par do hereby certify that the aaid crporatioa did, oa I be ttih day of August, Itll, ak Mr. Sim Wrenn carried his little ents -were past mlddls life when she Laaum mmwnii Derviuiura awH-iininenri enrolled imm it Mtaraa uBI.e a duly airculed snd attaafed con srnl la riling to the dissolution of aal'eor son Oscar to St Leo's Hospital Sun cawber, lu Dickens' story, was always waiting for something to turn up. Ha Id be to iMrld Copperfleld: "You are no mA an1 mAitmA h.

ThMMliira Pat-1 a I n.t..M was bom. Ne one knew why tbey bad rick, Jr, and succeeds jar. raiircx uaw River, Mebane and the roun- come to that country, for tbey never day night for an -operation lor ap- nAnHifitia poiauou, eaeee-ed by all lbs stockholders throf which aalt eoneent and lb record of ss eaitor oi tne paper. nr. rat- try districts of Alamance win be MONDAY, SEPT.

7, 1914, at twelve o'clock, noon, th following de-actioed real property, to-wlU Tbat part of tee Jane Boon lands set apart by commissioners sppolnled by tee aaid court aa tbe Interest In aevaraltv ot tee estate ef Wm. Boon In the ssid lands ana being a certain tract or paroel of land lying and being la Alantance county and Male of Norte ua, adjiaoing tee landa of P. H. Boon. J.

H. Jooaa, beira of Monroe Pyle, Halpb Boon and othere and bounded as follow Beginning at a rock, corner with said P. H. Boon In aaid Halph Boon's line I chain weet of said Booo'e comer, raonlng teeooe 9 deg 11 eba to rock, corner wits aaid P.M. Boon In aaid Jutes' Une: the ace at deg Is cb WaiDce.ooriarwlibaeld P.

H. noon In aaid. Jooas' line; tbenoe a deg to chs to a rock, corner with aaid P. M. Bono; tbeoee Kyi deg 4 cfai to a rork.

euraer with eald P. H. Boon In Baetedwo( a Smiu; teeaeeS zSoeg 11 tt etia to a rock, corner wlLb aaid P. M. Bone le aaid heirs' Une; teaaea a S7 deg run eha le the begtenfug, eoatainlng aVSg gar aay reason for leering the city.

Thst there wss some misfortune at the pioceedlnsa sforsasl4 are now oa ale I rick wiU study I duly represented, for, as is wen sets oBoe aa provMed by law. la teetimoay whereof. I hsvs hereto set m) i nnown, bioh educates more Ala War in Europe promises to bold I mance men sad women than all "In Raleigh Thursday night WIU Davis and Henry Hamilton. both 1 1 I i head sod sBied mj oCteUI seal, at NsM-lgh, colored, engaged in a fight. Da Tbe nuptials were celebrated tbe asms evening, sll tbe people turning out to do the bride honor.

Alexis wrote bis father, prominent statesman, that be bad married tbe daughter of one Troiensko, who bad come from Moscow snd had lived for twenty years apart from tbe world of which be bad formerly been a part No reply cam for some time; then one morning sleigh drove up to Alexia' bouse, snd bis father alighted. Alexis was reassured when bis father took 'him la bis arms and kissed blm. II also embraced Vers snd said to her, "Come; let us go to your good father, who wss mylnlimste associate In former years when we were both young." Vers, delighted st tbe turn tbe met' ter bad taken, put on ber fur and. with her husband, got Into tbe sleigh. longrrsa 111 aessiuu iajuchaiaicij.

oiner colleges commnca. Commerce, which the war has I tached to their coming was evident from the fact thst tbey were very despondent Tbey bad never mingled with their neighbors, but their little girl, who bad no previous life behind vis knocked Hamilton down and thlrS) Say of August, A. ltl. J. BBTAN OBIMKS, Seal) Fetretery of cut him so that he died In a short stricken, is the principal subject with which Congress is rancerii.

Chkw Take Steps To Force Prices Davis was arrested. olio wing passage oi tne war nsai Down. ber, fell In naturally with those about Wataua-a Democrat: "Best cotb insuranoe mu, a prupvaat wr mm ber. crop the county has erer known," One day when Alexis went to his ration for in transoceanic trade! municipal, market commission yes- Terma of rale One-third ef the Durnbeae terday took numerous steps to bouse for his noon meal be met with a will be taken up, prWw to be paid la money down, aiid the otlier la tne report mat eomea irora -every section of 1 And the fruit crop of every kind is and Constipation "For many years 1 was troubled. In force down war time food nrices.

two thirds to be said great surprise. Who should be tbere in equal i I but Vers Troleneko! Rhe rame forward among others seeking to enlist the aid 7 CoL Geo. W. Ooethals. naa neen, immense.

to meet blm with blushes snd down Dite of all so-called remedies I used. In the telegram CoL Ooethals wss James S. HartseU, a fanner of cast syce, the very picture of maidenly at sis aad twelve anootes, tee SefenvS permeate to be evidenced by the bond a at tbe purchaser, hearing em percent. Interest from day of aale uau! seat. Mete subject to eoo-Brmatloa by tee tours; Uue taeai red anul purcnaa prte Is rally paid.

This ath day of A eg net, tela. i. DOLPH LONG. a I inmmlasltaier nr eyes were moist when tbe two At laatlfound quick relief and cur bi those mild, yet tncgongh aad saked to detail methods of maintenance and operation by the suo- the Wood leaf aectloa of Kowaa county, about 46 years old, Is under bond to answer in Rowan Superior stranger to tbe fact that there bar been perloda of my llf when It ha been requisite that I shot) Id pause until certain expected events should turn up, when It bss been necessary that I should fall back before making what I trust I shall not be accused of presumption In terming a spring. Tbe present Is on of tboae momentoua stsge In lb life of bud.

You Bod fallen back for a aprlug, and 1 have every reason to boiler thst a vigorous leap will shortly be tbe result" Home Mlcawbers alt bsck In aimllar' utter self complacency walling to leap upou tbe golden opportunities that ibelr more alert neighbors really pounce upon lu the drertlelug columns of tbis fiaper. H)N-ris MICAWBER. Act when yon see bargains adrertiavd here. Keally LEAP ui-ia i hem. Toa'llbeeer-prlanl to find bow mnrh It i'a yh.

Tiiorfuxim or ora- Elt" IM. nspeesty. Alexis looked about, expect-liig to ber father or mother or BACKACHE 18 A -WARNING reajij wonqenui sistence department in tne rana- ms Canal Zone, and to wire the DR. KING'S some one els without whom be considered It improper for ber to be there. commission the price the government is charging on staples, meets, Alerte booaekeeper.

klarla Saralltck. Notice of Sale. UcHvLifoPill GrthaPec SlMNdd Not Neglect vegetable ana anna. Resolutions were adopted order court lor tne cnarre oi oeDaucniog his ten-daughter, Kthel Borah, who is about years old. It has bees) decided to postpone the opening of rthe Salisbury Military School awtil the fall of UNI.

It was the perpoae to open this falL The faculty had beea aelect-d anil man num la registered, but waa looting en. vainly trying to at-trsct ale attention. Finally he tamed sUdaeys. ing the establishment of five mu- I aaWpb aVehlaeaac, 1 tt ctan eta sottu at seuiaim. friend met But sbs wss to meet much greater surprise.

"Count," said the visitor, bearing ef my son's marriage with your daughter I made a not ber and a much more Important effort to Induce tbe cxar te grant yon pardon and permit yon te return te that life In which yea were once shining light" Drawing a parchment, be banded It te Troiensko. "Wbat does this meaaT" saked Ales-Is eagerly. "It means." said bis fstber, last my eld friend Count Nicholas Troien Cnderaad by virtue of an order of the ga tenwr tourt ef Kaoekjlpe eoeaity. meea la a aaeilal Praeaedlne eaUtlee ammn laea nisipal markets in the thickly populated sections of the city, sad toward ber for en expU nation of this singular pi Breeding, aad she beckoned Mas to follow her. Alexis, after ask v.i,.,i.a.

i. amm awtat I recommending a special ordinance LeniM at mi. aamioet W.U. Lewailen aa. frequent aigaal of weakened kid- to provide for the framabment of ing Vers te excuse aim.

did ee. combines snd pool trusts which eye. To cure the peine and ache SEPTEUBEB 9th, 1914, 8tb Whitakrr. who killed James eeoa as he wss alone with the have wed the war aa a pretext for food ad voce. H.

Butler la Asheville, on the 17th to remove the lass en so when it arises frosa weakened kidney, yon at 11 o'clock ML, at the esen-t boast Snorrn keeper see eald te aim: and fled, surrendered to the en- Diatrii-t Attorney James H. Wil- delay in constructing the buildings caused the change Is plana. hov. Craig has eomrauted" the sentence of Dixie Wall of Davie eoBty, serving a s-year sot tents stealing three package of wkiakry and eeata frosa the Soatliera moat reach the eaase the kidneys. There Is a rnsto-a ef this country ntassanre coaaty, none Caroline, etarr lor aala te tee hej beet atdoae, aeertaia panel er tract ef lead lying aad being la tbeeowatty oa Atamaeiaaniltwateoi north carMtue.

known kerson ssid information had reach If yoa nave pais taroaarh the email ed him which lead him to believe which yon are not aware, year en-celteacy. Here It Is the wosasa wne proposes marriage to the man, not the sa a part cf the Melt Pmrat, adjotalagtee of your urinary disorders. dLtzy speLta, or are nervous and many cot novation have eonsDired to take advantage of the war situ maaaea rwrry neaiawa, on ina Akjaaianee hVoad saA The Aaaaneoee Treat Cat, Lot Act II euvtatoa ef me iiolt Sara. Sastrlbad ea cepresssa, start treating tne Kid a te the weessa. When a weeaaa tboritle Friday.

Near Charlotte Saturday, Hallie BelU Walker, IS year old, hanU-led aa "unloaded" fun. Her sister, even year old was the victim. Both colored. The year-old. child of Mr.

and Mrs. Stephen 8th who live near Uermanton. 8tos coantv. Tell into Cosapaay, to two and a half yeare, more eepeclally for the reason that the health of the prieoase is, neys wltar tested kJdaey rest dr. wlabes te marry maa she goes te his eilowa; Bewtaelaa at a earner with said HoiuewuoS sko became unwittingly Involved la a political conspiracy against lbs present csars father.

Had tne charge been proved against hint be would have been seat to Siberia. As It ws awreiy a ease ef suspicion, be wss banished te tale place, ii bow restored te fels title end states." Dose's Kidney Pill hare been eaaievef swMleraae Iroea ataaaaace Mills to ation, eaia eoniereaeo wita Chicago pecker did not indicate a conspiraey on their part. The grnad yery will hear witnesses today. ee aad remain there Oil he mar- ber. If be refuses he Insult ber PESSIMISM.

A babe of looluBf el dagi (rata a tBstorterJ snf'e. elf focsmng the vwou ea liuogs that ocpreat and, suggest uarusrwjuwsi aad asisery, it a destroyer of taipviutsi aad snc- value uroeaea, ruaaing weore aaeeg aut ant io a corner with aaid Hoexwoud ea kortn Careliaa Tied "Jo Use; tbeoee wltn eald Treat Onesaaay-a Una and Lot Ho. I eev eeg SM bet to eoraerof Lot Kit 1U tk.aee with lleeof Lat Mo. II SSteeg family, aad if aba bee aula protectors they neame the basalt she aad they are proved good aaid are especially tor wrak Doao's have been ased in kidney troubiee for over at years. Seed Graham teetimoay.

Mrs. B. Phillipe, Owtarie St, seriously impaired. The Mountain Ketreat Aseo-eUtkw, tthe organ iiatioe which eoaducts Mootreat, the rreabytert- an Assembly groaads near will, kaa Utm anit la Buncombe bucket of water last week snd The nekaaoffa and the Troleoskoe n4 1 bar recerrad. lasay event, the sua who refuses the weessa to career la eaalarer sate pebtlcroae-, teeoa srtte era ter ce aaid awhile euad It eeg ass drowned.

Arthur McLsin was snot aad kill after thst tired la tbe winter la Bt tsnbei-g. where tbe yuan cnuntese A ansa wne goes about arah nraed by the eoeasraalty." Alette, esaased, steed acate. The we. tee le tee beglaalag, eoataiatng tiJtaerea, saeee er leaa. aad bring tart Me ISala-e aaiaey ef "Oak ties re rana," tarateny a ai mkH admired to tne social life of hstersel face.

tWm "herd HOtTlTES and LOTS and FARMS FOR 8 ALB On account of my health, I will sell all my real estate, eonefsting ef 0 hoeeee'and Iota, lamodieg my bene; ad ocee-pii, and thee email farm, eoit-shie for dairying or tracking. Above property all In and adloln- ed la Asheville at o'clock Monday rnorninf snd the PoUee were louklnr tor Out. TerreU, who waa by U. a. lou.

fcarinf -W aeaseas." dnw the capital. la boobm- tbey returned te the wastry, where Vers renewed ef aaid Beta eee-kaif eaah and Teraace -Ten baa ssid yea the eempllineat She riiaailarag aaa half ee a eredlt of ei Superior Court against Dickey ft Campbell tor SMSS daatagee. Dickey ft Campbell operate a ber railroad throagh the property of the aseociatios) aad it Is eharred that forest fire started frees the locomotivee of Dickey ft Caatpbefl damaged tin ber belonging to the aaeociatioau Hfe with tbe people whom see aaeatae; eaiwaaaer ginag a ens te prere w-eartiy. Tlue umiiit aaui fartaar ordrr at ef proposing assnisr te yea. If yea refuse her she cannot be svenged by iered aad wee loved her.

tbeaoert. Uraaaoi, nr. ear "1 think that Doan" Kidney Pills are a eery geed rssasdy for paia) 1st the easail of the beck. I had offered great deal frees that troebie for several years. I was servoo end say elrat often Marred.

Doea's Kkiaey PtiU aooa had see feeling better. Tkrv were yeet the reeaedy I needed." Price lee all dealers Doat aimply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan' Kidney Pill the same Mrs. Phillip had. Poet erst libera Co Props, Buffalo, H. T.

alv. tor towa of Graham, and eear the Tale tea (th any eg Asgast, ber father, tee be Is tee sM. sad abe sstetv pnaic ang Uaore where er las anereeai ceesec, ii newer a happy saen, rarely a successful ene. Pee-ssnsni is a duti'auite force ia ssra't Kves, just at is, liisisi is a Coastiec-bve agcrjcy Sear cteci. LBWAI.LFW.

K. a. ear line. For terms apply to D. M.

Walker. Graham, H. i ae brothers. Bnt her father wee Id vii wttn tne anoonnf. Both colored.

TerreU te the atep-fsthtr Of McLaia's wife and the kiltinf is the reealt a Uasily row. This is a time when the news editor for once thinks he le a bir-i rer maa than the sportlnf Pope Plus, who died lat week. sot resent the lose It evee If be were was bariea in hum oaiuraay eveninr at sunset. The eardinaU FOR REST. Flve-rooss koaee SUBSCBIBB FOR TFTB GLKAX.

young aad strong enough to de ee. Be hee never adopted ear eustome sad kt doebtleas much displeased that his Jamaica ha etopped the ezporte-rtoa of eagar, eiaimlng that the entire crop le needed for home of the Church, la nnmber, will-. for rent. Apply to ILM A xaAK IN In a few days to elect hi AS. K.

WILSOlf. KBS. successor. Orsnaia, W..

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