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The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas • Page 1

Wichita, Kansas
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MAXWELL IS FOUND DEAD sniico HE EXPIRED ASLEEP III CHAIR his braves killed while stealing a horse from the post. Mr. Mathewson floored the chief and gave him a severe beating. Satanta's followers, who had been driven from the house at the point of a revolver, were then forced to carry their defeated chief back to camp. For this humiliating defeat, Satanta swore revenge.

Hearing of this and deeming it better to settle the matter once for all, Mr. Mathewson rode out alone on the prairie in search of his enemy. Satanta, learing of the pursuit, and deeming discretion the better part of valor, fled and did not return for more than a year. When he returned he entered into a treaty with Mr. Mathewson, giving him a number of FOR MORE TROOPS He Must Maintain a Column of Communication 100 Miles Long.

San Antonio, 21. General Funston today asked the War Department for additional troops to be used in the campaign against Villa. He did not state the number but explained he wanted an adequate force of infantry and cavalry to protect the line of communication, already more than 100 miles-long. He received no further news from General Pershing. AEROPLANE LOST IN OLD MEXICO Two Flying Machines That Went Search for Villa High Winds the Cause.

to Columbus, X. March 21. Two aeroplanes of the First Sguadron have been lost in flight en route from here for the front in Mexico. Captain 13. D.

Foulois, in command of the squad ron, today reported their failure to arrive and said their whereabouts was not known. Six machines arrived safely. Exceedingly high winds have made army airmen's tasks hazardous. Columbus, X. Hureh 21, by wire less from field army.

An aeroplane, one of six to arrive today, was partially wrecked in a fifty-foot fall. The pilot, Lieutenant T. S. liowen, was In jured, but not fatally. Lieutenant Bowen sustained broken nose and other slight injuries.

Lieutenant Iiowen was attempting to take the air under difficulties. The wind was high and showed a tendency to whirl. Several attempts of the aviators to fly had been frustrated previously by the wind conditions. Finully Bowen went up, but when fifty feet in the air his plane took a (lit) and plunged almost straight to the ground. 10 Days Full Pay to Those Who Would Go St.

Louis, March 21. The South western Telegraph Or Telephone Company has notified the Businessmen's League of St. Louis that it will allow 10 days at full pay to its employes who are members of the Xutlonal lluard, for atte. dunce at the encampment thin yenr uddition to the tegular vacation. The concession applies to employes in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas In case of war, company officials declare thai any employes label to the colors would be provided with positions on their return at a rate of pay eciial to that they vvci.j receh lug when called.

The B. Nugent and Brother Dry Goods Company also has assured the league that employes will lie granted leave of absence on pay. FIRE BURNS COTTON Hobart, Marc 21. Fire, known origin, which started hi 12:15 this afternoon, destroyed Interstate Compress Company's tin-re at the plant aid 7. Dot) hales of cotton, entailing 'i I iss of A high wine) and lac id water made fighting of the fire im-! ssible.

IN FIT OF DESPONDENCY ircensboro, X. Patterson, for mor Southern Railroad March I). C. rdmaster of the here. In a fit of despondency early today shot killed his lfi-ycar-old daughter two other children, age tl and 7 probably fatally wounded a son 11.

lie then shot and killed hiiiis a nd and and II yell. GAS KILLS TWO Sprintci H1, Aln-h 21. Ui. frrn an nvi'ii in th kitrhrn nl-jniTdtif? thfir nIiM-pin rmm. tin hr' lHt ni-ht Jhhhh Wil ikfi.

'Jtt a pi nir mm -cMHiit tailor, and (tin wj. ohi. Tli'ir hmiifH wf-n found hy thrir POM SHOOTER IS ARRESTED Great Lend. Kar Long. Who Is B'r: of Hubert Loc krh after a nlKbt of ei; hotel Bt Panne Man John se, of the murder at IlolHinut'cn ls am nrrcMe, in Pela v.

WEATHER-FORECAST KANSAS and cooler tonight; lay partly cloudy and ooler. Tonight rain, cooler In wet Portion; Wednesday rain and cooler. OUR DAILY CARTOONET IN TENNESSEE STATE Xashylle, Match 21. The extra session of the Tennessee legislature met today on the call of Governor T. C.

Rye toinvestigate the conduct of Judge Jesse Kdglngton, judge of Division Xo. 1, Criminal Court of Shelby County, and Z. X. Estes, attorney-general of Shelby County. It is tha first such extra session held since 1S93.

The legislature meets with four vacancies in each body, the majority of these vacancies being In the delegation from Memphis, the home of the two officials involved. Judge Kdgington declared he had committed no wrong and asked "only that they give me a fair and impartial consideration and a square deal." VILLA LED FORCE News cx Outcome of the Clash Is Awaited With Interest. Victory for Rebel Would Give Him a Chance to Escape. BULLETIN Washington. March 21.

President Wilson and Ills cabinet today decided to accept a proposal for a protoc ol between tho I'nlted States and the de-facto government of Mexico for cooperation in the pursuit of (Jencral Villa and his outlaws. BULLETIN San Antonio, March 21 Failure to hear from ilcnetal Pershing sharpened the Interest of Ihose at llcn-eral Funston's lieadcinarters, but did not arouse any anxiety. It was pointed out that the cavalry detachments last night reported moving along three tlulls south of Cusaa (iraiides were out of communication oilier than that maintained by the men of the signal corps, and that (leiicral Pershing him self probably would not receive the reports of those III command until alter ccnsiclcra ble delay. Ili'ownsville, March 21. Tho ourt-iiiarlial of Licnleiiant 10.

Mort, fourth field artillery, charged ith dis obeying orders by lending American troops Into Mexico last January to ifKciie two comrades captured by Mexicans, began today at regimental headquarters. The trial may last a week. Slicing efforts have been made by civilians to have the charges chopped. 101 Paso, March 21. The si bool has been closed at Falicns, a border town thirty miles to Hie ens! of 101 Paso, and all American civilians have been rcciicHtcd to leave by American military a utboi 11 ies, according to telephone messages received here today by II.

D. ('amp. Falcons school trustee. Fabeiis is opposite I he Mexican village of lupo. American troops have arrived there and (he ot -f ic crs now are unaltered in the residences of citl.ens.

Would Join Zapata. Millings, March 21. Villa Is trying to reach and cross the Sierra Maclre mountains In an effort to Join forces with the rob I leadd operating In Southern Mexico, ac cording to an opinion expressed today by Dr. S. C.

Arnold, hie snik i lor Villa In r.H4-l'il.', who has arrived here from Ma.atlan, BY HIS FRIENDS On Qualif ication That They Have to Give to the Colonel Any Rato. CliicaLo, Mined 21- The subcommittee on arrangements of the IJepub-llcan national eotntinitee a lloiirnecl today without taking io lion on the election of a temporary chairman for the national convent ion here riexl The siiheoininit te will meet again at the call of the chair about the middle of April. ive names were prominent ly be oi the committee. Tbev Wen- Iteplesell- tative James It. Miuiii of Illinois; Senator Warren Harding of (duo; P.

Knox of Pennsvlvaiiia Former bo er-nor Herbert S. Iladley of Missouri, and Nicholas Murray president of Columbia ltinetit, New York. None was believed to have had the support of nil the committee when the session beyan. A tendency to eliminate those regarded as presidential aspirants was said to prevail among the corhmitt men and this was roi.aide1 us militating against the i ban i of the selection falling on loinier ilovc-tnor Iladley, who ranks as a favorite sou. ConKiisMiian It was out.

pronounc stalwart and is disfavor With th Weill, all HiIfliLe forces aml with 1 1 leaders of the 1,1 1 ah ,11 movement. Karly In the ported that opinion was t. to ling nrd Senator Harding and bis tion seems chairman Hilles nf! the tie Sent a ins three absent ineiliherH of the tntl'ee, fed Stanley. Laos ledr in loi us. Tic i Dura in.

North fit-n-Miill of thir opinion on 'ioll of I' iI rarklin Murphi said "the icM of tt Kem to ttiir.K that Ch.nd erct i jcl not be e)e -I if he AGAINST CARRANZA ere com- i ON PACIFIC NEW SERVICE TO ELDORADO AND M'PHERSON IT STARTS ON MONDAY LEAVES HERE" 7:10 A. M. AND RETURNS AT 4:1 5 P. M. Better Connections With Many Towns Will Be the Result of the New Train.

The Missouri Pacific will run an OH Special between Wichita and Eldorado and Mcpherson, beginning next Monday. The train will be N'os. 734 and It will leave Wichita every day except Sunday at 7:10 o'clock a. arriving al lOhlorado at a. m.

and at rive nt Mc l'herson at 11:05 a. -m. Letiii'tiing, it will leave JIc Pherson at 12:20 p. lOhlorado at 3:10 and arrive Wichita at 4:15 p. m.

This is in reality an extension of the service on I lie Mc Pherson run, the train crew slaying overnight in Wichita instead of lOldorado as heretofore. This affords the best connection with MePherson that this city has ever had and it also gives the best service to Llndsborg. One can leave Wichita at 7:10 o'clock in the and arrive at Llndsborg at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He can also leave Llndsborg nt 11:30 in. and reach Wichita uf 4:10 p.

m. A Benefit to Many. Tills new train will not only be a good thing for persons who wish to visit the oil fields, but It will give the people living along the line an opportunity to conie to Wichita in the afternoon, spend an hour and three-quarters In shopping, visit the theater. If (l ey desire to do so, and leave for home on Hie 10:30 p. m.

train, (leorgi II. Fleishman, secretary of the Commerce Committee, Is credited with being largely responsible for this new train. After consulting with the inerchiints, oil men lend traveling men, In found that the proposition pleased them exactly and with the influence of the Commerce Committee and the Traffic back of him, ho began visiting C. K. 1'otliwell.

A. II. Webb and other Missouri Pacific officials persistently that they finally decided It would bit a good thing. In-(Idciitally, the Missouri Pacific ex- I ts to make a nice thing out of the development of the lOhlorado oil field. whic its officials believe extends well up along the Mi l'lieison branch.

The company has recently put. In four sidings in the vieiiiily of lOhlorado to enable it to load oii for shipment. Other Trains Unchanged. This new train on the Missouri Pa- Hie ill not interfere In any way with I he running of Hie regular passenger tram that leaves here for lOhlorado at o'c loc every morning and returns at In the cvenliig. A niioiiucemeiit is also made that the Missouri Pacific has arr'inged for a illici connection with lib Hill, Mo mid ofher Cenlriil and Soul hweslern Missouri points, via FI.

Scott. The service has stopped at Ft. Scott here tofore, but now the train which leaves In re ut 111:30 ut night connec ts with a liain at Yates Cemer which arrives at lola at 7 4 the next morning, Ft. Scott at 9:10 ami ltic Hill at 10:20 a. in.

The new train between Wichita and Pherson will add to the Missouri Pacific's pa roll In this city. This pay roll lor the months of November, De- mber and the ipilet winter months, nggreuiited GEORGE HOPKINS PLACED ON TRIAL Lawton Man Accused of instigating Murder of His Father. Law onveiied Man 21. District here to try eli ac riiurilc II. cli of his fathc ifged with the A.

T. Hopkins, tuber 7 last, it of the defense Ice II I lit Id" NoV motion on the A to itiasli the Jurv panel, on the grounds that It had been illegally drawn, was ovciruled by Jud-'e Cham Jones. The regular panel of eighty men was ex-I ausied lii an attempt to secure a Jury, acl ordered a special VI till ol few 111 -fiv to report to the ooil Tcied.iv morning at 9 o'clock. Mot ot the ilisijuahfied on the fiounds of having fixed opinions as to he intuit or Innocence of the defendant. It is expected the Jury will tie Si-cured before Tuesday night.

Tom Col the negro, who confessed to having muidcred Hopkins at the institution of Ceotge Hopkins, for a cnsidct aion. is to b' the star witness for the state. Coley pleaded glllitV til lust iiofic murder and whs sentenced i to life t.tltl ill the petiiientiarv The court bou-e was filled Monday wii'i spectators mid the case Is being fr wrh much interest. HE IS 80, BRIDE 39; TOWN GREETS THEM Cornet Band Turni Out to VJeranada Mr. and Mrs.

Timothy HarricW. he. ('. rch St. A irg turned it ar.d.

by the a cornet har I TittH-'bv Ierri k. e.w-h.ty. lo-Uy from a to'. if th hlui h.s bri ie. irfu VVa, thirty-, -f ff ai er.y.

ho fiftv vesrr- ws b-rO I H. e. ei.tiy ref i 1 -f his tarriv al tfce ir-n. fi'l i HEART DISEASE CAUSED HER DEATH EARLY TODAY MR. MAXWELL IS AWAY SHE HAD SUFFERED FROM A WEAK HEART Sister-in-law Had Spent Night With Her but Went Home at 6 o'Clock This Morning.

Mrs. Ada! S. Maxwell, wife of Dr. R. C.

Maxwell, dentist, was found dead in bed this morning at 10 'eloek at the Maxwell home, 2'20 East Murdot'k Avenue. Heart lisrase was the cause of death. Dr. Maxwell is in Kansas City attending the convention of den tists. lie was telegraphed that his wife was seriously ill and to come home at once.

It was thought best not to make known him news of his wife's death until relatives could tell him on his arrival in the city. It was baby Hugh, the 3-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell who, running to the bedroom window in his nlghtidothes, attracted the parents of Dr. Maxwell, Mr.

and Mrs. Maxwell, S03 North Lawrence Avenue. It was wondered why the mother had not dressed the baby as her usual custom instead of allowing him to run about In his night clothes. No Answer to Telephone. Miss Lola Maxwell, sister of Dr.

Maxwell, who had slept in the Maxwell home over night, going home about ti o'clock this morning, tried to telephone Mrs. Maxwell. When there was no response, Clyde Maxwell, a brother, forced his way Into the home, which won locked, and. on going to the iced room of ills. Maxwell found her seemingly peacefully sleeping in bed.

11 Is hfllevrd that death must have come shortly after Mrs. Maxwell retired last night, as appearances of the bed Indi cated no restless sleeping or moving about, Mrs. Maxwell was born In Huffalo, July fi, JS85. With her Parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. VV. Slckner, and family, she came to Wichita when about five years old. She wan a graduate of the Wic hita High school of the dam of r04. Later Maxwell taught violin In the conservatory of her father.

She was marrlec.1 to Dr. Maxwell about seven years ago. She Was Very Popular. Mrs. Maxwell was loved by bet many friends for her charming personality.

She was devoted mother and wife. Iler Interests In church work were cenlered in the First Presbyterian Church, where she was a member. Mrs. Maxwell's violin music has heeii a rare treat on numerous programs of leading clubs and musical societies of the city. She will be greatly missed for her share In Wlchtta's musical world.

Mrs. Maxwell Is survived by her husband. Dr. R. Maxwell, and baby son.

Hugh: Mr. unci Mrs. W. A. Sicklier, parents, of Los Angeles, one brother, Paul Sicklier, of this city; and four sisters, Mrs.

Ruth Slckner-oiney. of Los Angeles, Mrs. Richard Lellef of San Diego, Miss Laura Sic klier of Long Reach and Miss Olive Siekner of Los Angeles. The body Is In charge of the filll rnclertakiiu; 'otnpany. No arrangc-trcnts will be made for the funeral until word has been received from rela-' iv s.

Maxwell bad been troubled with heart disease for several years. Her ihsl' iun staled a year ago, however, lhat he believed she was rrpi. Ftela-nves can think of no other cause of the death, as she hud seemed ijiiuhuhI-Iv well for some time. DRIVE VILLA INTO ANOTHER SCRAP LI Paso, March Kraru Isc Villa and bis band of outlaws have been forced Into another battle with the troops near Imk Cruces. This information nme an a report by wlre-les today to the t'ntted State army station at ''olumbus, N.

arid it was fur'her s.d I that American troops bad lion tl spat hed to I-as Cruces to aid in the flchting. The fight ma; at Iis Cruces follow-jrg the engagement at N'amaqulpa yea-urdav- Indicate, that the Carranza tcccpcc are pressing villa hnrd In his flight northward alor.g tb Santa Maria 1 1 and that the outlaw may ocn he to s'and ancl give hatUe to ihe Arn-rian now mov tng south- The A rii'-n''ri and the le facto (tov -i trncnt ir s.r-s are traw ipg the cordon the elusive Villa an a few oav army officer I wit! t- kr.own whether Vt'la is to lis fate in battle or ba'f IMs 'a a aa rrful escape the fi rra Madre. A aerie of rtine.r.e I if" la ar th ipateii. Tte a werecit aome-w I T- rcrth of Cavm (Jrardes and Car rsnz.i ofM br hit- "h-, -t i of NarraTi'pa hat'! In i i i i I. i i-J It, Is lis co f- CNI CF THE PIONEERS OF THE MIDDLE WEST A FIRST SETTLER HER FAMOUS AMONG THE EARLY DAY HUNTERS Colonel Mathewson's Name Is Linked Inseparably With the Growth of the Southwest.

"William Mathewson who was on the site oi Wichita beiore any other white man of which there is liny record, died at his home, 1047 North Market Street, at 1:10 o'clock this afternoon in his eighty-seventh year. With him at the time was the brother of the late Mrs. Mathew son, who died on the twenty-ninth of January of this year Otha Johnson, a student. The extreme heat of the day probably aided death. It had case of asthma in the cause of aggravated the from which Mr.

Mathewson has been suffering for some years and which had grown worse about ten days ago. Death Came in His Chair. Mr. Mathewson was sitting in his easy hair when he died. Mr.

Johnson had been sitting near him, and so calm was the end of this pioneer's life that Mr. Johnson scarcely observed it. That Mr. Mathewson had a premoni (ion his approaching death, there is no doubt. Sunday he called Airs.

Rosa Mathewson, his daughter-in-law, to his fcid and said: "Kosa, I am not long for this I feel that death is near." And the daughter-in-law said to him: "Daddy, don't talk that way; don't give up." "Ab, Kosa," he said, "I am not giving up; but you know that the old must die." Called the Relatives. When Otha Johnson realized that Mr. Mathewson was dead he telephoned for the daughter, Mrs. George Murray, and for tire daughter-in-law Mrs. Rosa Mathewson.

They immediately has tened to the home. I. W. Gill has taken charge of the body and the funeral will be under the direction of the Odd Fellows of which Col. Mathewson was a member for great many years Rnd of which he was the founder In this valley.

William A. Mathewson, commonly failed Fred, the only son of Colonel ilathewson, is away irom home and the family Is trying to reach him by telegraph at Kansas City. The other child Is Lucy E. Murray, jirife of George Murray of 324 Indiana venue. The latter has two children frrho are the only grandchildren of the deceased.

He Wn a Pioneer. William Mathewson, who was known far and wide as Buffalo Bill, was a tvatlve of Boone county, N. his birthplace being located In the town of Triangle. He was of Scottish parent-ge, his grandfather being one of three brothers who came to this country In the Eighteenth century and settled in Connecticut. William Mathewson Was born January 21, 1880, being the seventh of e'ght children.

When a child his Inclinations were for the wild, roving life cf a hunter. Remaining at home after Ms father's death and his mother's second marriage, he attended country schools until he was 10 years old. At the age of 13 he went into the lumber regions of Steuben county, X. and there and In western Pennsylvania was employed In the lumber and mill 1 uslnoss a part of each year until was 18 years old. In the fall of each year, in company with other hunters, he went on long hunting expeditions in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Canada.

He Became a Fur Hunter. In 1 4 he embraced the opportunity offered him by the Fur Company, with headquarters at Fort Kenton, and went west with a patty of men. The party passed through Montana. Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming, trading with the Indians, finding them friendly associating with thorn lor two It was in this expedition that Mathewson acquired his first knowledge of Indian warfare. After nearly two years.

Mathewson loin, a party under the leader-ship of the fatuous Kit Carson. They tne to the head of the Arkansas in traversing the footnilis of itie P.oeky an 1 linn through the country re Denver now sends and a here Vas then no sign of human habitation In l.v.2. Mr entered the employ of the St. Drain Trading Post Ht the foot of the Rocky Mountains This post furnished supplies foi all of the settlements in Kastern Co.

crad After a year with this trading post, h-determined to establish Mailing posts if his own some-whet, near the ient-r of Kansas on I Santa Fe Trail audi aflrnsr.l no a l.t Mtt known thr.c.iihout the West; the V-na of the Arkansas Liver. This post was maintained I him for ten y-ars and it was whie! llvii.e here thut the most remariVat O. C'is of h's career ere accomplished Encountr Wcth White Bear. Here, in HS1 be bad a jw-rsona! encounter with Satanta 'White P.earl. ho in bis time was the lest ar.d tntt powerful Kiowa Indian chiefs.

K-atan'a. with a small and of warriors, entered the pot and announced his Inter tcon to t.iK the life of Mr. Math- I TALLMADCE WELL PRODUCES AT 3,250 FEET SAME AS IN ALBERTI DRILLERS CO DEEPER ON TO SAND THE New Field Is on Line Between Ok lahoma and Kansas and Is Close to the Elackwell Production. Special to The Beacon: South Haven, March 21. Oil vein sand was found in the Tallmadge well five miles southeast of here at 5 a.

in. today at a depth of feet Several barrels of oil were removed and it proves to be the same as in the Albertl field. Are Going Deeper. The drillers did not stop but won! right on for the deeper sand which is expected to be found soon. This is the first oil to be foun 1 In Sumner County, Kan.

The Tallmadge well Is east of Hun-newel! and a mile north of the Oklahoma state line and is north of the Ulackwell field. RUSSIANS DRIVE AUSTRIANS AWAY On the Dniester River Along Buko-wina Border They Have Been Successful. London, March 21. Austrian forces, operating northwest of Uscieczko on the Dniester river near the liukowina holder were forced by the pressure of the Russians to evacuate the bridgehead fortifications and to abandon their transports. Under cover of night they succeeded in reaching the Ann trian advance posts northwest of Zale Szczyky north of Czernowltz, according to the Austrian statement issued today.

The official statement pays tribute of admiration to the bravery of Austrian troops who gave way only, owing to the superior strength of the Russians' attacking force. It adds that the only means left to Austrians to i ptiiie wat to break though the Russian positions at Useleczko and this they did with complete success. Into Persian Capital. London. March 21.

A Reuter dispatch from Teheran says that Russian forces entered Ispahan, the old capital of Persia, on March LI. Ispahan Is one of the important cities of Persia, with a population of some R0.000. It Is 218 miles southeast of Teheran. The foregoing dispatch indicates a Russian movement further to the south than has been reported hitherto. Russian forces ufter the capture of llama-clan advanced southwest towards Ker-manshah.

In the direction of the Turkish frontier. The army now reported at Ispahan, Is evidently striking southward from the main Russian forces In the direc tion of the Persian gulf. Copenhagen, March 21, via Louden A dispatc to the Politiken from Berlin says that a great concentration of Russian troops Is occurring in Southern Poland. It is supposed that the Russians are preparing an attack on the line from Czartorysk to Kovel. DISCORD ATTENDS REPUBLICAN MEETS Two Conventions Held in Sixth District Fourth Unin-structed.

Oklahoma City, March 21. Three Republican congressional district conventions were held Monday, J. J. Me-firaw, candidate for Republican national committeeman, sec uring the Indorsement of the Eighth District convention held at Eiid. The Fourth congressional district convention at will Fend unillSt ructed delegates, and the Sixth Distric convention re- nulled in a split.

Supporters of both nd Harris of Wagoner hot elected delegates. The Kighth District convention wa ld at Knid; the Fourth District convention at Shawnee, and the Sixth at Reno. In the Fourth Distric convention the sup orters of James Harris mustered sixty-seven votes anci the sepporters of J. J. McGraw numbered ty-fou r.

Kids Go to School Carrying Revolvers folumbus. N. Matc 21. When the little brick school house at Colum-hus whs opened for cusses for the f.t.-t time sinc the ruid. number 'if boys catne to school carry- ig revolvers.

Onlv about 2u per cnt the nrohe.l pupils appeared A man. who asked the number of 1 h.ol said that miil- HLThoMti h.i inform! (on arne pot to newspaper men curtail the luxuries March II. Further restric- its the importation of luxuries re kxSbv at a metinir of 5e privy council. King OorE s.trned ro. i ima'ion prohibiting th bring- -f nif't'in les, muse at, ts sur a p'riier jinn's, phonotra phs and spirit ar.d ot'er rTr re drink Ph the c.p'cn cf Ptar.

ar.d rum. a his best horses. From that time on Mr. Mathewson was known in every Indian camp on the plains as Sinpah Ziblah, "The Long-Bearded Dangerous White Man." It was about this time that William Mathewson earned his title of Buffalo Bill by killing buffalo for the settlers and leading hunting parties all over the country In the chase of the buffalo. He Earned Hie Title.

On the morning of July 2u. 1.SC4, a band of 1,500 Indians, gaudy in war paint and feathers, surrounded the Mathewson post. There was no delay in the first attack and less in the re-' treat. The new fangled guns in the hands of skilled marksmen dealt out death to the Indians and their horses. For three days, the Indians skulked about the post but they were always forced to retreat quickly when coming within range of the deadly and certain fire of the breach-loading rifles.

Long after this fight had become history and peace reigned between the Indians and Mr. Mathewson, the Indian chiefs tried to learn from iilm how many men he had in his post during the fight. Mr. Mathewson smiled and said that he (Continued on Page Thirteen.) LOVE FEAST FOR THE REPUBLICANS Elrick Cole Made Chairman and Earl Ritcher Is Assistant Secretary. 'We Have Come to Our Senses Gladly," Says Mr.

Cole. Topeka, March 21. 'With every county in the state represented by delegates, Kansas, Republicans in their state convention here today spoke and acted harmony. The first action of the convention. which indicated the "getting together" of the progressive and conservative wings of the party, was the election by acclamation of L'lrick Cole of Great Bend, as temporary chairman.

Drew McLaughlin of Hiawatha, was elected temporary secretary and Earl Richter of Wichita, was named assistant sec retary. As soon as the temporary or ganization was elected it was made permanent. Chairman Cole predicted a single alignment in the Republican partv which would bring a victory in the next election. Came to Senses. The Republican party of Kansas is made up thinking men and women and they want to set to work to rectify this mistake," he said.

"lerein Kansas we are glad to have come back to our senses and elected a Republican governor and a Republican United States senator. I know the Republi cans of Kansas will support the party's nomination for president and will send delegates to the convention in Chicago who will vote for the right candidate." I "Re It resolved, that the Republican party was a premature resolution Introduced by James Challis of Atchi son, which was adopted unanimously. Committee on Resolutions, The committee on resolutions named by Chairman Cole follows: Herbert Cava net's, Chanute; W. Reeder. Troy; 11.

Ransom. Kansa City; K. Crecr. Winfieid: W. S.

Roup, Burlington; Fay X. Seaton Manhattan; Lee Meadows. Lincoln: Frank Price, Ashland; J. A. Frazier.

Newt The Rules Committee. The rules committee r. irne follows: J. (J. Slonecker.

Toj.eka; A. L. Perry. Doniphan; T. T.

Kelley. Hugh T. Powell, Independence; Carr, Cottonwood ails: hort, Concordia: J. II. Wolan.

n-j ato; 1 1. S. Rogers, l.arncii; i i man. Lldorado. On the credential: J.

M. Rhodes, Mi. onim hall: I A. IViii- crev, Jac kson: At. Wvan-i.

M. lam aiu .1 1 ster tte; J. S. Ollniore Wi! Leat hern Council Gro. Schmidt.

Junction ily; II Havs; J. S. Williams. P.u-i -asure, Wellinc'ori. Many Women Tne r.

Women rieiciiates to the convention were fairly prominent, there i.rm eighteen, according the credentials' committee's rt. (Me deh-E 1 1 ion. that from S'evens countv, was ou- trolled by a woman. It was pointed out. there were oniy tnco deo-ir.

and Ihev were Mr. and Mrs Smith of Hugoton. Kv erv co- coral district the Thud lifth bad at bust or.e tl rflel ordire to the report. nicftlllVr ALL ES PROiVIIbL TO BACK BELGIUM No Pace Wdl Be Cons'derfd thou' th Sanct on of the Brave Nation. 21.

Tie have pr- rm-d l.f'.x: i invit'd to part! pa'e in the pea' he 4 iT.z i. Vi: tY THE: MOTHS a 1 mated." am, added that be ci I hirsk Colore o. I i s'c a -is. or.od red tie f.rtn.riv ii a "ht lepers wtrteri hv I Ib'tr'i ei eit Indi a at t) vv ripe a carols ia'e. fie las sewr ii rro jj hit iec-l ho fl 1 St I a t-l set a a .9 for i 1 1 ct r.v "1l because of the death of one of ji.

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