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The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1' a a m- 'i i i 1 i 1 r'l i ,1 rut urn NEWjS AND OBSlER. The New and W'WW A I 4 TV 1 1 i lY ii ADVEETISINO BATE3J I I I I I A NX ill I II II I I II II IV NX. II I 1 1 ll 1 II I 1 II i t'f Mea i -f m- y.Lh av Hmn pn rh ii One Sqnars (one iaeh) one day Ashe, 0 atling A Proprietors. Published Dsilyexcept Monday) and Weekly. ,1 BjLTKS OV SUBSCRIPTION IlC A-DYANCB Dally, one Tear; mail 00 three 2 2 JL 1 ff i -U--L 1 -IL JJ.J 1LU IL IL ilJ.lL U0 I fear 1 aix months.

3 live r- w---. 1 1 I 1 1 I i three '1 75 Weekly, one year, 1. 00 i vor. XVHt" RALEIGH, K. O.r SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1880l six months.

00 Ten conies, one vear. mail postpaid IK ftrt NO 158., may be made at the office of TUB I Obbxkveb, east side Fsysttsvills I block- below tha Ysrboroeak Hoose, 1- N. i 1 a vv No name entered without payment, and no paper sent aiier exjurauon oi tune paid for. nr MISCELLANEOUS. scnooLBooksJ MISCELLANEOUS The Qnlj Direct Line -v 8TATE SCHOOL BCXCT.

r- in -m -t- a board of trade rooms tbla forenoon, at which a committee waa apbointed to consider the reduction of wages In view of the present of print cloths. It it probable that the result will be a general reduction of ten per cent. 1 -1 North Carolina Alive and NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE By Telegraph! Vldo Awakei v- -c a. a. K00N EEPOETS.

incorporated MISCELLANEOUS. IT 5 Staf of Hortt CaicIIzi1 1 0 DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. W.H.&R. TUCKER; -i it ii YOUR ATTENTION IS SPECIALLY I INVITED TO OUR STOCK OF i 1 I J- 1 Hamburg and Nainsook Assets aseoie ie OHce SinL Pa bile Iastne: The Cotton Crop. -I" i 1 ePtember H.The2?f publishes special telegraphic reports from eiKhtj oentrai poioU in the cotton districts of i OLD TIME AND REVISED BOOKS Surplus to Policy IftkMers, 17894 at 'TI ST.

VTttT Ct -Ait That connect) via MdREHKAO City with HAVE HAD THEIR DAW las.Aa.r.u.. KVB ERIC, IKSTON, Lahramqk, f. if. Cutneron, If. K.

A nderaon, W. IT. Hick. Caft: Vr. B.

KENDRICK, GVw. ilyW lce-iVaMfaai. laaa. MlSBiauirjni. TAnnMu i.

boro and KALKian and all points on the A. A. K. fl. Rkllnwul XI.l I.

r.wvlln. 4'jr anrfi TVerw. J. A. BEAGASSA, 16 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, BALOUII, Jf.C- Confectioner, CAHDY MANUFACTURER, 1 AKD PROPRIETOR OF kiiu aii'iui lr.

E. Jturke IIayn0Qi, the condition of the oatton crop op to Ueptem-. ber 10, Jten days later than the monthly re. itallroad. Pro.

K. B. Smith, 1 5 The only HOME Life insurance ComJ pany In North Carolina. One of the most North Carolina Demands the EDGINGS INSERTINGS .1, uuiton cxcBange. Dummaryt Louislaoa Eighteen returns from sixteen parishes The weather, with the exception of -hJwo parishes, is reported oofsTorabie oa ac ceunt of too much rail 1 only one patlaU i reports the weather better (ban last week: three parishes report the condition unchanged from last week, and changed for the worso tod the crop tery uofcvonbla compared Newest and Best, Books for anticessiui uompaniea 'or ae In the United States.

Uaa already laaued thre thopaand pollclea. All of Us funds Invested at home among Her Schools. FREIGHT AS LOW AS BY ANY OTIIEU LIKE. w. wnU fuvj'iv.

an loases paiQ promptly and in Oaah. Tlataa aa 1a. 1 if ExcelsiorBakery 18 10e. TIrketa for $1. i Delivered every morning at your door fresh and warm.

Krh (Inn ftwt I Ana anil Vmilta ilwin kanl nn OUR IMPORTATIONS JUST RE- i 'V JJBAJt gives me psar i inforaa you that i Holnes HeaCLars ail have been adopted fur uae la 3 V. flohoola of tMa State. 1 tlrstrclaaa Company, Has THREE dollara wimi last year, two pansoes report sprout' log from seed; hree, army wormij eight, boll worma dolnv nonslriitraKia riami 1 ivi yrjr AJVM.A.ROI iiaitwitiea, Agenu wanted in every county In the 8Ute to work for Oils moat exoeQentand firmly esUblUhed home Institution. For UKIVKP DIRECTLY ST.IAL, periabeai pae, tusti four, tot, A Plh reporu the damage at kX) per oont i two. lUt one.


Itlcrchstnti nnrt fhlppora ITATK XORslAL KCBOOL AY, RNAlitK UH TO OFFER THE aa. a tM I lVWrVf IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD i 8upt, of Pulliq iKtn 'n' yvl Latest Novelties 1 vlolqitjr of these roads will Una it to their Interest to til by this route, lloats onllili Una leave Nrw Yohk regularly every Thursday at 8 o'clock p. 111.. fVnm -iMftP Si Vaafc l)lua a saaaait I va aa am ai ifimuiii twits tese. HEADK113 AND SPKLLT: i htUNVittrtfilllAlajtia, KottMCAnoiiVAr, tab.M P0' whlrd of crop, and Two JiT cklnrhM been consider ab 7 interfered wtth by nln.

Labor IiiuN floleot and working well In tea pertshes and scarce in four, The avenge yield la '700 poundi per tort. In Dumber of psrlibes ill (ho tatvej cS thiootiooi In other! they uti? 7 lh; hM el JtfOriSlCt 4 0)1 i A MlsaiMlppUTweotyeven return! from In all but eight, and draught eottntin! report the eon dliion improved from lut W( and ten 'changed for worse. I The general condition is rjrATN rprmai.ri!iiooL, hi IWI tuijo' leavo MoaKitRAb City every Tuesday at Wo clock a. m.i ii Connecting at New York end Fall River, Ooston, Provldsnoe and all polnU North and West, and by Hteamer at Newbern wili Norfolk, ftalUtuoro and Phhadel-- ine Appieton Kaansra. KNTiitllBK.

RIM, have been used i by the i teafhei HOLMKS'1 ytatrllAoa, 1IOLMKV hrooro Raaoaa, itOLMKa'1 Fovbtk RaADKa, U0LMC3 BrgbttV uurum ma 'aat nu sesstons or tne ior msl Mnllnrkt. ami hiva vluan nll fafltlnn. Wa 1n nnf kaalta a 5 VnflltuM ivvwivmw as wws wsw a.K sVaMlls the ltesders HEARTILY, and believe the fanii ani FflTtn 'UwCwjIilalj Xertuaeu, UetBtUiav ferCuiesk vfeihosi -fc'k Nerrou Eeassesi Edglnzs and Insertlngs, MATCHED. I All la KaUrely JTew PattterM Xflceto i '-J W. II.

2s R. 8. TUCKER. John T. Morrlco, uiua ana iijups suggestea in tneae entrualed to this line will be handled with care and delivered with promptness and all damages occurring, when proved, paid! i .14.

I EXTRA REAW21 FOR ADVA! CLASSES. Jfor full Information aa to-Freight, 1 apply "to So Broad Cnsr rayettevllle mm Davie BtreeU, MALEIOJT, N. I OIALKK IK ALL KINDS or V'; FURWTURR, roadway, or Pier S4 East River, a. n. asttirkwh HOLMES' AC ADEMic Oa Bixt: -g- GROCERIES.

i i j-umapxb. Muirwava ioiioweu, wjn prouuee in telltgont and expressive realera. The selections are goodthe PHONICS SIMPLE AND TIIOROUOH and the SPKLLINO exercises adcjirable. (Mlgned) JULIUS TOMLINSON, Instructor In English. JOHN E.

DUGQKR, Teacher of Reading and Phonics, i B. W. HATCHER, Teacher of Phonics, Arith me tlo and Ana lytical Orthography. J. if.

Teacher of ReadiiJhd Phonics. boi as rsvorsDie as at tbla lima last year. The army worm is reported in ten( boll worm! in four countiesi rustlnfourj shedding In seveot proutlngof bolls in eleven) rot In four. Tho damage is ten per cent In ooi twenty-flvo per cent, in one and fifty per cent in one couotv.k Picking ii very backward in ten ccuntlei in oomrquence of heavy raloi Labor safflcfent In all but three counties. The average yield per-acre 'hi flOOpounda.

The Pteb 7 been good. The returns from Terat show the weather generally favorable, and the plant is fruiting and ODenlnsr'walL Th tmnAiiinm k. anpennienaeni, tuueigu, n.v. S. IX.

GRAY, Agent, Newbern, C. STRQNAGH MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, Et. theltrgest GE0QRAJniE3. Ooptombor 0th 1 880. J.

BEOOKriELD. A. VT. Lt'DOLV. CHINA XALAOE i' frl 7V -of- i WewCrsa Carollsus Wheledntlsi Ble.

Hew Crap Kstra raniMllan and da. burgb lia Head Oatmeal. i Thurber's Selected Noilbern Oatmeal, in MAURlTS Fiijr IM oomArar, MAURY'S Woaxn wa Liyb Iw, MaauAtorQ'oaArr MAURY'S PHTSICALQrOGBAr: MAURY' Wall Mafs, Selcf Beta i F. II, Ilcai it's brutllioro. DuiK ana o-pouna paoKagee Fine Fresh Crack en and Cakea.

JUMN UKUUKMtLU 6 Posltl ve Care-ITIlhont i MeOlclaei. th--lir'JrYrJr1 100" Jnrniture In oitJi conaiaUng of Walnut D. C3, Suites, I OotUga Suites, Parlor noltes, Bedsteads, Bureaai, i Vr'aihiUnds, 1 Tablae, Lounges, Tin Kafee, Cribs, Cradles, VhaMdt; 1 PRIMER, SPELLER OR SIXTH i HfiXUein Pi KV KHii A 11 X. I A Mint Drops, Pinarore Drops. Lemon and ili BOUOIE8.

Patented it) i 0RKAT HAVING TO PUPILS. i 1 two.dlsiricta report tweoty.uve per cent, dimsge Ubor gen mlfr4i iearo. Thi average yield ii oso pouodi per acre. The boll worm dlMppcared from leveral oouatlea. Alabama Hitums from Ua jpolati la Ala i wP no ai favxabla last week.

Wprmi are reported if flv 0D ttportt teo, another iMr1 Laamaga, Picking eligbtly backward. Labor ti iuOclnt In Avei fewoe In three coucUe. average yield 4 Is BOO pounds per acre. 1 GRAMMAR iia i win cure any 0Me in tour dayi or CHARLOTTE, N. C.

FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS, No. fl will An pa Ha mn.1 LIm Vanilla Drops. Jlutter Hootch Cakes, Ginger Snape, Chooolate Arrow Root firead.Cream lingers, Maooaroons, extra cboloe Milk and Mods Crackers, Mason's- Lunob Milk od Rtitter Crackers, Corn Starob Animal aad Bird Craokera. fottzs Airs cAmrzs keati. IIOLM EST FlBBT Lxaaoxa tx ba no matter of how long i No Aaiiaamia itnaaa mKkI iv- Chairs.

BikaW HOI.UkJV liifni.tiif flaiwwi nr nil ef unrf.kBiiAil 1. Zl UOLMES' IIurroBT or raa UaiTr 1 And many other gooda, which will be sold cheap tor cash. Now la your time to eev ear bargalna. I octWW produee dyspepsia by destroying the coat ing of -the stomaoh, ii ADOPTED FOR FIVE YEARS BY THE HTATK BOARD OF H. C.

Ananass uetorni from arknau 1 ssviai iiw m- i 1 aBlaJ Sa4aMSMBSBr i.i.iaul53c?nlA1 of the about REFRWERATpRS, 1 i ICE CREAM FREEZERS, I WATER COOLERS. O-ockery Cut-. Jcry, Looking laises Wood and Will or-Yf are, euid or mailed on receipt of arloeiTih u-uiirusioi crop wiu ce made; in eastern used la the pa bile and Private thronahont tha Atata. HnnS aahrv' LThe Weekly Mining For further partloulara send for tfrcuian ot Introduced the booka can get 1 Basiad Turkey and Chlpken.Brawn, Lunch Xeogua, Roast BeefJ Potted Turkey, 3ame Duck, Chicken. Beef and Cooked Corned Beef and Tongue, Anglo-American Packing Co.

'a i Corned Beef, in B-lb. i-. i rv: and 14-lb cana. nrAa good the beet, at lower flgv-ee. FANCY GROCERIES.

Adepts tor Five. Yri. bjr riflytwe Cecisillea la Ueeraia. iuuy.jf- terms on appueatloa 3 1 Mi Jtott SelUtla Jottraal of fig John street, New -ib hMWl tt w. aAA V1- nLe ouer aow rewara lor case they crop 01 iwo-tnirds of a bale to the acre( la western Arkansu there is "Vb damif9 being about twenty JTf 0Pfl damage- from worms in 01 tn Hotwith" cent of last year.

1 In southern Tennessee there has been some nKeass acreage, and the crop will show aalizhl Increase in nmrfni Bad la the Ccratry; a I irvm TTvt firm 1- IIoaie Fnrnbhlnf dSoods dener-' fl IB I iiuin iiinuuiiiu a Quick, safe and sure cure. Il may O-deodSm UUili LriUlUiaiCKllJlL -Aiexla Oodlllot'a Mushrooms, let choice: Boneleaa 8ardtniiaTPrnar.vt eanstH mnsa. Prints tl follaat and fairest report of xninlng matUra la the form of specral cor- lAltA I tard. Queen Ohvea, Sardines, Prunes and ffi easilr' the Sy. a week.

fi2 a days mide. CosUv outfli rr I irow, eyerj mate) ana Tern- vitva vu, tjroaae a uiackweU'a armouth Bloatara. Walnnt anrl MuthwiAin irewrr Address' MMcyGoolIs Majolica am Truk A Co i complalntof drought in western Ueorria. The prop, despite the worms aadmst. is the beat Chow Chow, PlccallUL Gherkina i and nov 28-dAW I.

lorseverai year. Labor la scarce and ex- jaixeucaaesv' i i j. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GENUINE IMPORTED EDAM AH CIRCULATION, 0,500. In Florida the crrm la twn mU Terms PUU and tS antfit frJ Adopted by the city of Augusta, July 10, leaO, after a thorough examiination nd discusaton of -the merits of several aeries.

i For Xurtber-teamonials, Aa, apply to W.P. HIX, Columbia, a Agent for D. AppketOQ: Publishers, aog 17 THE BONANZA FOK BOk: AGENTS is selling oar srcENBiiK Ulwtrp book, OF Cen. Hancock aw A friend. Hoir.

J. W. -Fon- resarJ HAtr Sfcj'il dwBefrotn the late cyclone is i.rr roruana. juatne ,:1 nt JOT t3 it nov so-axw-iy Price, 5 Cents. i $3.00 a Year.

i (i.iii i i- IWtjbla. and sacks Paitapaoo and Orange L. Gildenleere, Pk. 1: Caa Tactory JTroresserer ureek AT A SACRIFICE, Addreaa. WlfEtTT.V vrTVTxrn vpwo ITuBieUia.

Seat on triAl fraimtita dolt I Jloptlns UalTemity, Baltlr ItaMlvlMia.Lr4JkfMiVal1AM a June 27 BaoW September ILU'rhe cteW lory -of Smith with the stock of lls and machinery, was bamed this morn- aogl0-3ia. MnrraySWNew York City. -jvi. wur. xatw to Trade.

Car load each Bolted Meat, Maraball'a Salt. and Mixed ATTENTION OF TRADE la called to our stock Roasted and Green poffee. White and Yellow Sugars, Jta, AJ4IEL F. BEATT N- large a of iavorv and hearts inn aalhaaW hhoKa-' PWifnaanr .1 li W- vrer 3ujw A. lamoer-yard dBMed to extent of fS.OOO ot's safe ifi 1 -j.

--sir JifE)ICAL COLLBQE. OF yptaiNlA 'H-kBfcltmondiT have received frpm 4he best scholaF batlonkl "minds of the eountrr. 1- haw nf iaiial tattita aa a! jwm Smith Wicks era Insored is the Merchants um. ww mto uiuiruf at a amsui margin on .1 i-; I 4 Cigars. Smiking and Chewing Tobaccos Jbscniar ftessloa Henna Uctoh 1.

and nnn. anther ot Natipnal famex-. yuck. fta iw)OBa8D by Hacck, pnjr Ceadeta and Prase da Jaw priced, jmj, enaaly taking like wildfire et Agents are book be Q1 'ai particulars, ad- Ua. t- AQSliaw-liir, aryeompleta rreparation for sue a 't tinues sink months.

Intermediate Frsmina- litoylLiTiir amnf. tuM' li; 'tha TTnIaai aioosi oi ana ana Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos. 0 maayrwher ha, seeeUed Ida PfcuDe tions on the -Elementaipy Branches; at the close of FIRST Session jFmal Examination' on the' Practical Branches at the fcad ftfjSwpojftf saar 8103. ElGHTKBH MONTHS' CofctBGtAJS IlT-v Baily-' examinasJoesj and rctt- Hi Ac, which we are offer In if at small profit sa k' an i a ounE fMjwe a uua, Denial inni in iMra. 13 mBW, uuoa.

miy lour iecrares.a aaj. Anipie op. portpnWer for 'Clinical siadyi And PracGcal 1 Onr all-Havana (Dead Shot) 5-cent Clar. only all-Havana 6-oent t3gr in the market. Cardinal Cigarettes neweet and beat.

Acknowledged by eminent Phyeiefas aad tM DUblia' to ha ha nVI.V BDii a Auxaaoaia, Beptember v-bapenan, a prominent lawyer Of this city. W. bed thta morning, with a Ptevoi in bis hand and a ballet to hU head. 1 Niw Yom, Beptember 11 -Er OmI. $1 15 PEU BOTTLE I Resaedv for laalrla m.tii.c.

t. announcement iof -iHjciiIar- ad- For announcement jo Sj fctf-al I A PaaltlTsi tnr AIT. Tiil.i. sla. "4 LYJTZtt icjuii sueamona; rf.

SDHffiAMlH er ana 4jnaarj xrouaiea Dot tt "Hasy 3O.00Q1 iai Thirtv a dare ted tesinraad Naguistie stuij. the new and endowed: John i JiUwnriry atfttht fbr a fit ssaa for i T3rtek, the 'appointment was eonfemi Qildersieeve, after wide eohierence, tzl his solieitatioa kia work oi attracts Untioiu 'HeValao the presiding oi -American. Ehilogicsi Aasoaiationf 1 Prof. GUderalaeVt's Latin bookj duet bf thte order of ability and trsiaJng. Embodyln't: the best resol studies in Latin they a elsar and practical tn teethed.

THE jPRIMCrj, Haaals Planers. onee holds the intti. i a-enuine not -fi10 9f Oenulne Holmsn's Pads' $2. WriVLSetti -T ailed' HOLM AN PAD COMPANY. a a 5 avasBraa sv VUiU le lying very ill at.

fire Island, and It Han aai.i i i ISiii. SwtkyaMU. Ckak. frared cannot recoverl to sell 'the I ilpfv4 at i a i if OFFICIAL TlFRTy: i Read tho Record -V i fit aavad mv B. Tjtkt' fUlrmsi IW'D J.

HABDIN, Grocer. ffSCHfJOLROOMS 4o.Spcialtv Septeabee Includinir the Lift. ir. n.J rlt la the raniadv that will mm iha wKwniutca ati ciock this atom ng25-deedAw3m New York. Claw track Cc.

I lege aBf JIiTdson Blverj InstKuie, AT CLAVEBACK, NKW YORK. ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFITL and largest boarding schools fn the wif Jrf aPW0fcrouMy tbftSoU lege. College Coarse tor Women. many diseases peculiar to women." AfotA-r'sMaffagine. --( Km atvv.

tMmtm mtmA tenn 1 Palar A yer eraa-alram in. rt flnnr.batnntAn 'Vsm Air c. i "MvwKiM Faxiac TTAmai anl atlaiei fTeit-veav'e. RMaWaat XTIGHT BEFOBTS. Outfit.

doraements from some of the highest va wvni vj aw j-a wasa, Strips, thin and well trimmed; best brands n. i Far ipplles; CloaeStove. nanil. an. IWanutU UWBispdj meaicutaient in tne country York World.

1 Ti Ui. .4 aej) and Latin antiinr. FRE; Fourteen Inatrnntora Tjn A.JL-t. "No BemedT heretofore diaoovered ean U.1J 1 11 1 -t TTV the rBmwl av.i..':":1 )A wealthy Court hers to day a notion for a SontbsimptDn i minhiuu i with thetniraaa In be held tor one moment In comparison with It'C. A.

Money, DJ D.t Washing-to. D. CL -A teacher in pne ot the lesau. Of the Co tin tnr i New York' City, offers to pay all (be ax-150 a year eaeb. for fifty dfes from the South.

This $150 will include Board anri TnltlAn lw a Jl." Old Apple Brandy for Brkcdvlns Peaches: Sale by DrvgUta la all Paris of the 'MOKnwu oruuv luwreuii; xine I A DIES AVn BWDti 1 wa oooK, writes have just Anlsked the Primer. 1 israndiea, Whiskies, Wines, Ales, Ac, Ac mw iiw ig in- case oi james nomas De-JarBette, tor the mnrder of bia sister, waa overruled. The case will go to the Cowrt of Appeals on a lengthy of exceptions oC the ruling! of the lower court. It is alleged that one of the Jurors was incompetent because of mental aberration during the trial? After the UKXionfof anew trial In the case of DeJaraette was overruled this morntog. the eowrteen-teaoed the Driaooer THE NEW, FOOD 0, p08t1Lfo'Lour Price li8f College Courses, French, German, Latin and Greek and Piano all in catalogue for 40Q a year.

For catalogues and full particulars aadreaa Rev. ik The Lunch Milk Biscuit, Try lt and Take no Other. you to UitDER BY Ma ti the best way, and aee the any ktod. of Merchandise we keep for sale at sudJis- ward. tottZUStt ffiL larger vocabulary; their text-book has for them a arfnj a-m T.

ii THE BEST OF PL.AIS CRACKERS, 15 rlTH SM. l-t ls III nT 11 5 i aug34-dAwlm Preslifent. mw a a- an l. i i IIOCUE8TEB, IV Y. scab xuwDons, rrinees '-An If rea neatH i ii TO 'r'o00.

MEDICINE ug5 I noK vi.v-ui ana ae- for Cash down. tail, The Capadura cfear, InTOTICK I V.1 I TTTILL BE SOLD AT ATTriTtr WILL BE SOLD I VI Ska. I I 1 a. Mmnfarr. UieMfore, a mors vivid interest ia It; ar It have keen MmWai 1 AUC1ION.

AT t6" D8 tol lot Wy VVi the Court House door, In Raieieb on We baT IL 2 13 pkckaWnr SATURDAY. October 9. isft 5 notions, which cannot ba a a 'pttiT fi iv A ,7 .1 jvaieign, on SATURDAY, October 9, 1880. at 12 o'clock And 4ieRiJ 1 mm 8AODtiMviLU, Tana September it The body of a tt, Laprbde, an aged Ucbe-. the monv ror twice The best 5 cent Cigar in tha world.

tub nuFpuKcric, ui uuv iAi i ill Liiarirw nr Kaieii. a. .1 Land For Bale. A TRACT OF, LAND, containing: aDoot Ova Thousahd Acbks, is for sale oa good It la on Crabtree Creek, about one mile from the. North Carolina Railroad, and two miles from Morrisville.

The land la excellent, much of it bottom. Time will be ion good security. For 1 ''-SBWSB V. rat uxhb, waa loonn In Jn. TiiiS liATLN GRAMMAR fi 41 '-j mu.

uw imu mm 1 1 from hie hoeaa. Thm waa a Ti. Is markfid it P.hi- ''ovator iVt HOUGHTON A DUTTON ed on the weatj by street, south by Jones street (extended), west of Raieieh aald Railroad and north by Lane 8trt Said tot Ilea Juft wtf Regular New York Price $1.25 per Bottle a.o .7 uoastlrations 1 1 through hie heart and bis throat cut. i He bad bene mlaalna ainm laal VriHu T. I.

niiu jus srri purnaMiiia i fcgical arrangement of materiajaal 'a tyr' Phy that pleasaatly aids ths eyi Its rsos ton. Vila 1 ueoOCtionsHof i vio.w per uaae oi one "i'lj-r- doxen A Tv Lnrmi nr uiainnivu TIO ADVERTISER -Send JL. V. JUINJSH, cts. for ifitf kod eoarenieat it.

nitiomL rnloa anTl 'BJB7I1U JUJ A our 100 pase Mmnhlat. ail 1 i i ui luicn BBs. an i lannm as wa a a ti li Jaly29-dtf j. -Cary, N.a sbbbbb -sb saaaaa. i i sb oka odii.

sb. lies nnn C7 uuKe as iimsDoro street, land conuins UIMA UMJkafiA.a. I I tA aitroa fisla I. I Ultiwr AnTArtiainc pbinted and its traaaUtians masbatitat The Pabt Qaeetloa la iriiiq riuiiuignB DoweTcudxT IZ HOwellaco.TS A MAMia tTfaaiiaal AT ONCE TO Y. Lj, LlTTLB Rornr Aar Rnn.H'1l CU VT AUWU aell the lives of THB 3: Delleved that tha nmmaMl anum.iftiBni ir restore to permanent aaaldiihJl JiJWi't, 1 aroceries and Provision of every descrip-r Flour, Meats, Syrups, Choice Butter.

Fine Teas, Sugars, Ac, Ac. 4- our next President and JpoBvalesenit, CknsmaptiTejnOTa I ZZZTiJ axone AlexaaJ worked. KervunaS ii I nosx ImecestinsraerrssiTa. ahlflAIr HINSDALE ADEVEREUX sey-im, i conslitutkw is defeated. An official coot iAttorneyi ues.

uak uuuiL and oeossai? to determine it. Fickle in ApSTth ffij?" Malt or Tt- I treatelln a manner to mala It aXZTl For the Oampiign. -II' PRICES Honm HI ENGLISH. CaraaioMl Ma igned lv7.ihTeomi.fsSr.S I drill In Latin Syntax 1 aLBete73r nPHE WEEKf.Y RTTsr n.u. 1 II MALT, BITTERS COMPANY liaoe ta Grammar, ead VoealwlarvT Thousands are vittlnir far tha tJvAv r.

ChioaoO. SeDtrmher (Ioth tea 0 WHW oontains steel nortraita nf tha n.n4.... (septs jar.f,rrrarn-- i OLWE OIL! i I-" I' iTanoesoonl's Best SaLid Oil, imported In tin cans, and -bottled by myself direct froBs the Custom Bouse; iinquestlonably mmiin. mnA nn i it. wai renominated for Congress by the Reict and other full-paire ensrravlnffa.i Extra I 4i.

in I ducementa orTered to those sMeotins terri Oak Wood Sawed and Split to Order at $3.60 per lord. RiaDlxO. Pa Hentemhtr 1. Lit BOBceaoie lor Ita wsU-aTadad mm can be cured only by a chansre of the nartv tory! irow. Docqlass 55 W.

5th st. Weekly -State Jonl FOR A tdioms, and adaptation Jacobs wu aomioated for Congrese to-diiv in power, THE SUN earnestly WnWta t.u.ui)Heii mi uuanty. 2 E. J. HARDIN.

augSr tf. i'- a iae ivcpuonciDi oi loe eiguio atrie ii wuwwHnsi oi US MB The title, matarai a- July 31-daw-lm pUSE AND LOT 1 wiU aell the house and tot where DOW! live, am th. s.n.k In order that all thoaa wh, ..,1 AavaUia Kpldamle! XHE YADKIM VALLEY flEVS .4 to Order with our purpoee may moat emclentiv Plae Wood Sawed and Split at $3.00 per Cord. LATOi Pbikkb, lxmo, 1M unn, iv. 1 i' Wiini.nWi HnlMnhw 11 one of tha tfljt -ia i MIIT1C -la The ii.

operaie wile us, wewlUaendTftB Wmk Pieterln the SuteJ aa I fTIlr OBJuauB.lxme.XM and Hrwood atresia. The bouse la two llvnl knuri flaalth Hr K'au. aifvb1.i.. st4 "care rally aeleoted fev I i KbadBb, 12mo, 182 uoecriDers.iDoati nald. for wd tv-fl AlJ good as new, and WBarSuwaauSa Jama three aontbs.

AddreaT iU, De angnHB Wlork City, metal, ngriff Burl'eXffd Mm ion. with amnle Hiani contains ijaeven rooms. Double kitohen and well oHgood water tn BoMary outhouses and garden. The property i fu one block of Peaoe Institute, and-tbe beatBeigkborhood la the clty.j I ain determined to sell, and will Lumber and briok In anyqoantity. Prices low.

Ordera Iafk at. Tr-'TT? IVofaAesl 'IF(y, ni AT ONLY 1.00 PER ASNUM. Tofv. i- AB who subscribe now will get it one year for only 50 oenta. Clobs of three only ifi ceou each.

Address, L- "TUB NErs, Jone29-Sm- Mb. Airy, N. C. an epidemie of dengue prevails at Cbarlest S. 0.

Dengue also prevails at INew OrleLi. 11 ii j. Bedaetloa of Prtoaa ef pPriatai. I i i l.l-1:!lt!j:: Fall Rivbb, Mass, September tneeling of maaafacturera raa heid! tie will be sniH vith r-iliTt ne. outfit rail's Grocery Store, Fey ette vll le Street" Or at mv nlaM rif himlnuu.

$20 AY at homo. Sam TO WMhlngton Hand Prea." Size of Platan i L. "ftC $5 give some one a eood banrain. i jp trlbutora. PorYrr." Ial die- auc7-lua.

i Or u. K. MTTLE. an vtvuifll SB BBS BIB BSBSBSB I i .1 john spelma.nL I Gen. Aomt ae7-tf HJiIb, N.iCj li! i -yy-yh fl '-I 7 M'; i 1 1 1 June 2-tf J.

I. YVHITAKER, I. lxi''r i vo' ort'And; nov 20-dAwly i.

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