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Evening Standard du lieu suivant : London, Greater London, England • 5

Evening Standardi
London, Greater London, England
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EVENING STANDAKD AND ST JAMES'S GAZETTE 5 THE LATEST MILLS BOOH LITERATURE The GLOBE says: One has almost come to gard Alessrs Mills tSc Boon as the publishers of the unexpected Alike in fiction and in more serious works they introduce us to writers of exceptional ability and to subjects of uncommon interest with a facility which has induced the reviewer to open any book bearing their name with a sense of pieasurablb AUtf 24 1810 A NEW WRITER OF GENIUS THE LATEST MILLS BOON GENERAL LITERATURE Reviews of A Parson's MILLS SUMMER FICTION ii enjoying remarkable succeas No library subscribe can afford to miss reading at least eight of the present list Some Press notices are here given MARGARET RUTLAND Hy THOMAS COBB Author of Tiie Angor of Crown 8vo 6s ia a fine Yorkshire Post Dundee Courier admirable plot" Daily Chronicle excellent blend of the surface and the Obserrer aud pleasantly Dailu Mail of Mr best and most ambitious Morning Trader I A WYLIE I A WYLIE I A WYLIE I A WYLIE I A WYLIE I A WYLIE I A WYLIE I A WYLIE I A WYLIE MILLS BOON arc delighted that confirming their high opinion the great ability of I A work has immediately been recognised THE PEOPLE was published on June 15th within two months of publication six large editions have been called for and the seventh edition is in preparation No first novel since Mills other brilliant success by Stevens (THE VEIL) has been received with such enthusiasm by the press and the public TWO MEN AND GWENDA By MABEL BABNBS-GRUNUY Author of on Her Owu" Crown 8vo 6a Novel of laughter and tears both sparkle and thought character scenery and society as well as the deeper emotions are touched with a sure hand iu short tho author has produced a successful Scotsman has life and it has character It is also Morning Leader THE GLEN By MARY STUART BOYD Author of Her Besettiny Man in the Wood" Crown 8vo 6s well writteu Times pleasant Morning Pst attractive Country Lite THE PILGRIMAGE OF A FOOL By BUCKKOSE Author of A Golden Straw Gs unusual and notable Morning Leader WRITTEN IN THE RAIN By JOHN TREVENA Author of Cr 8vo 6s tales are very Manchester Guardian a light and graceful touch Mr Ditchflold is always keen to impart a literary flavour to his descriptions and now and again to tell a witty story or a piquant episode There are many reasons why Mr new book shou'd bo read and re-read Its charming ami sy mpa'hctic pictures are not by any means the least of Us Daily Graphic Reveals the existence of a number of old survivals of the past a number which comes as a delightful surprise even to those who have interested themselves iu these old merry-makings" Evening Standard Will bring considerable pleasure to those whose love of literature is coupled with a relish for the attractions of rural Daily News A pleasant record of sympathetic observation" Scotsman Livers of the leisurely essay will here find a book after their own Daily Telegraph THE PLEASANCE By If Ditch- fikld A F8A FUSL HiitS Author of Old-Time Parson" ire With 27 Illustrations Dsiny 8vo 10s 6d net Ready MY GERMAN YEAR By I A Wytik Author of The People With 2 Illustrations in Colour and 18 from Photographs Daiuy 8vo 10s 6d net Ready FORTY YEARS OF A LIFE By Sr Claude Chsupioh Da Ckkspigny Bart With 16 Illustrations Demy 8vo 10s 6J net RAMBLES WITH AN AMERICAN By Christian Tkarls With 21 II lustrations 10s 6d net Ready YVETTE GUILBERT: STRUGGLES AND VICTORIES By Yvette Guilbert and Hakold Simpson Profusely Illustrated with Caricatures Portraits Facsimiles of Letters he Demy 8vo Ids 6d net Sept THE ROMANCE OF THE OXFORD COLLEGES By Francis Grihblk With 17 illustrations 6s Ready HOME LIFE IN IRELAND By Robert Lynd Illustrated from Photographs Tnird and Popular Edition with a New Preface Crown 8vo 6s Ready LETTERS OF A MODERN GOLFER TO HIS GRANDFATHER Henry Leacu 6s Ready THE GERMAN SPY SYSTEM IN FRANCE Translated from the Preach of Pail Lanoiu Crowu 8vo 5 net (A'spt KINGS AND QUEENS OF FRANCE A conoise Hittory of France By Mildred Cahnbut Illustrated Crown 8vo 3s6d THE BISHOP OF HEREFORD says I venture to commend this book as one which deserves to be welcomed by mothers and teachers It is bright simple and natural in Ready THE LADY COMPANION By Four-INCH Illustrated Crown 8vo 2s 6d net Ready THE COMPANION By and Henry Fauman and Others Illust ated Crown 8vo 2s 6J net Ready THE STORY OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY By Miss Tkoutbeck Author of Westminster (Little Guides) Illustrated Popular Edition Crown 8vo Is net Ready THE NURSERY NURSES COMPANION Compiled by Honnou Morten Author of Crown 8vo paper boards Is net cloth Is 6d net Ready WAGNER AT HOME Fully translated from the French ot Judith Gautier by Effib Dcnrkith Mass ie With 9 Illustrations Demy 8vo 10s 6d net A MANUAL FOR NURSES By Wklham MRC8 (Charing Cross Hospital Crown 8vo 3s 6d net Ready THE ENEMY OF WOMAN By WINIFRED GRAHAM Author of Cr 8ro Gs A powerful Anti-Suffrage novel one who reads Enemy of Woman is like1 to find it dull There is not a slow or insipid paragraph from first to the characters are pplendidly delineated the action is strong throng lout but the nook will certainly cot pleaie the suffragettes and shows up the darker side of the militant crusade in a style that leaves nothing whatever to be Western Mail It is a roal pleasure to be able to say of a new novelist that with his first novel ho has achieved if not greatness the next best thing the right to be reckoned among the best of his contemporaries In Mr Wylie has given us a work inspirod by sincerity of thought and purpose and written with a roal gift for suggesting and for deftly weaving the intricate web of a fine Globe remarkable Observer A remarkable Suiter Daily New A Wylie has made in Rajah's a very noticeable addition to the excellent fiction written by those who havo heard East to some World The People is the host Indian novel that we have read since the Face of the It is powerful and thrilling yet throughout there is a restraint and grasp of the situation that suggest the practised hand rather than that of the novice Mr Wylie must write other novels which we hope it will be our good fortune to Daily Chronicle one of the best and certainly one of the most entertaining stories of Indian life published for some time Rajah's Poople ia a remarkable first Liverpool Daily Pott "If you have not read People (Mills Boon) by I A Wylie you should do so at the earliest opportunity It is the very best Indian story I have read for years and years Its power is quite extraordinary while its plot is thrilling In the extreme The publishers call it novel of and it is certainly one of the finest romances I have come across this season It is a distinct addition to the notable novels written bround our groat Indian Empire far Taller REBECCA DREW By EDITH DART Crown 8vo 6s is no way of telling whether this is one of the many that Messrs Mills and have introduced to the public If it is it is one in which to feel much hope The book Ins quality and treats a limited subject with a largeness of outlook and a lack of tho catchpenny emotions that give it distinction The whole thing is more suggesuou than fact But it is a large suggestion It rouses It interests it touches the Daily Yews THE GIRL FROM HIS TOWN By MARIE VAN VORST Author of 6s Worth Times Van large circle of admir rs will have no reason to be disappointed with her latest effort Told with real A7 1 ccastlt Chroni fe THE HONOURABLE DEREK By A WOOD-SEYS (Paul Cuahing) Crown 8vo 6s amusing Daily writer has a very pretty Rail Ma'l Gazette dialogue The oa ersatiou of his characters i spirited and Scotsman Mills A Boon hope you will make I A Wylie's acquaintance Immediately The most brilliant debut of many years THE FINEST FICTION 08 each THERE IS ALWAYS A NEW Mills Boon Novel THE RAJAH'S PEOPLE MARGARET RUTLAND THE HONOURABLE DEREK TWO MEN AND GWENDA THE GIRL FROM HIS TOWN REBECCA DREW THE ENEMY OF WOMAN THE GLEN I A Wylie Thomas Cobh A Wood-Seys Mabel Baraes-Grundy Marie van Vors Edith Dar Winifred Graham re Boyd JEHANNE OF THE GOLDEN LIPS Francra Kao wlet-Zoster EDWIN and GREW The COURT of WILLIAM III With many illustrations from prints and pictures Demy 8vo net authors have steered most dexterously betweeu the solidity of history and the irresponsibility of Court biography Their book oonsists of a number of character studies done with oaro and distinction it is a welcome change from the mass of literature whose only function is to revive the gossip and acaudal oentred round throne It is a series of portraits of the men and women whose lives were spent iu makiug Timet Sophie Cole John Trcveaa Buckros Horace N-wte Mrs CS de Crespigny Maurice Leblanc Lady Troubridge Robert Barr Slephcn Chaim -re Vaughan -Sawyer Claire de Prats Urquhart O' Kane BLUE GREY MAGIC WRITTEN IN THE RAIN THE PILGRIMAGE OF A FOOL THE SINS OF THE CHILDREN THE VALLEY OF ACHOR 813 BODY AND SOUL THE SWORD MAKER THE VANISHING SMUGGLER SPORT OF GODS THE EDUCATION OF JACQUELINE THE ISLAND OF SOULS WITH POISON AND SWORD MILLS BOON have also just issued by I A Wylie a brilliant book on German life and character entitled MY GERMAN YEAR with 2 Illustrations in Colour and 18 from Photographs demy 8vo 10s 6d ret This fascinating volume was published three weeks ago and since publication has been noticed by all the leading organs as one of the Drightest books of recent years Tho Weitminstar Gazette has reviewed MY GERMAN YEAR as vivid attractive and really informing volume I wise well-informed and very readable with sorno delightful fresh information and shrewd criticisms" Also saying close MY GERMAN YEAR with a feeling of gratitude for very good entertainment all through and with a sense that though on a good many minor points the writer Is led by her enthusiasm to see matters in a far too roseate light she has used her brain and her eyes to good purpose during her Oerman Year' and has written a hook which suffers In no way by the fact that the last few year have seen the publication in this country of several volumes on the same The Evening Standard (also a lengthy notice) have seldom read a mors Interesting book than MY OERMAN YEAR Miss word ara often bitter to he taste still more bitter very often is what sha leavas unsaid iho obvious inferences she hands on to us to draw but it Is all plxtreinsly salutary and should bs rsad by ovary householder in the land" The Daily Neifi reviewed MY GERMAN YEAR hook will form some contribution towards a better linaer-tanding betweon us and our frtsndly Ths Daily Chronicle described ths author as a lady of flngular Industry and acuteness" and many othar papers have found MY OERMAN YEAR a really interesting and delightful book MILLS SHILLING NOVELS SPARROWS: The Story of an Unprotected Girl HoraceWCNi wte THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN JACK Max Pemberton MARY 4 Winifred Graham ARCY OF THE GUARDS Shipman (Tho Novel of the at the St James's Theatre) THE VEIL I Stevens CUMNER SON Gilbert Parker DEWARE OF THE DOG Bailile Reynold THE DOLLAR PRINCESS Harold Simpson ARSENE LUPIN Edgar Jep3on and Maurice Leblanc PETER PAN Drennan FOR CHURCH AND CHIEFTAIN May Wynne TALES OF KINO FIDO Storer Clouston WEE MACGREEGOR Bell PROOFS BEFORE PULPING Barry Pain THOMAS HENRY Pett Ridge THE DIARY OF A BABY Barry Pain NEW EDUCATIONAL A FIRST SCHOOL CHEMISTRY Oldham A 2s 0d A PRACTICAL COURSE IN FIRST YEAR PHYSICS Beat null FC3 Is PRACTICAL MATHEMATICS Hauuison ARCS Is 3d (Is Gd with answers) PREPARATORY ARITHMETIC Boon A Is A PUBLIC SCHOOL ARITHMETIC Boon BA 33 0d A RURAL ARITHMETIC INCLUDING HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS 1KAKIM A 1 UtJMPHUKYS Is A NEW SCHOOL GEOMETRY Kupkkt Dkakik MA Is FIRST LATIN UNSEEN BOOK Williamson BA 0dnet SECOND LATIN UNSEEN BOOK Williamson BA lsnet FIRST FRENCH UNSEEN BOOK 1 Shiuvk MA 0dnet SECOND FRENCH UNSEEN BOOK SsmiVE MA Is net THE STORY OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY An HUtorioal Header for Jun lots By Tmovthiccic With a Preface by 0 Gem me Illustrated is MILLS BOON Limited 49 Rupert Street.

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