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Nebraska Advertiser from Brownville, Nebraska • Page 2

Brownville, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Glttocrltscr JOHN'L BR07TNY1LLE, TilUK? DAY, IIAP-CIl 7, 1SC7. a State In tlio Union. Last Friday Netratha was declared a State in the ly Proclamation of the President, Gen. Thayer having arrived oa Thursday delivered to the President the esccnt, cfilcially signed, cf the Stale to the cenditien demanded by Congress. Thus Nebraska brcame the thirty-seventh Stale in the Union-, despite the horl cf disappointed hunters" of "unauthorized' legislation, "usurpation," against the State Legislature.

The whole proceeding cf has been and provident to the people of Ke- Iraika, and their gratitude due to the rs who voted fcr our admission. Closely allied to cur admission is the judicious disposal cf -the Public Institutions for the establishment cf which the General Government has 'made fuch generous donations. These should never hs located to gratify secticnal prejudice cr partizan spirit, but an eye to the welfare and 'prorpcrity of the whole Territory anl the Institutions; some should be centrally located, because cf easy access and protection needed, ciher3 need not such location, because their great benefit would draw ail they would get anyhow; thus, who would de-rire to live near to cr send a member cf the'farnily cr a relative totlu Penitentiary, end who would not desire to do these Very acts in the case cf a State University? The Institutions which will foster and build themselves up need not a central location, but the reverse i3 the case with those cf an opposite character. Now that Nebraska is a State these matters should be speedily settled so that valuable lands msy be secured for the tUUU lilt I kUilUiJ Vil kUVOV u.j- unions, for which purpose we, doubt not, Gov. Eutlcr.Qi his wisdom, wHl convene the State Legislature within three months from the date of cur admission.

Reconstruction EUi Passed Orcr llic Veto. The Rcccnttruction Bill passed by Congress and sent to the President about the was retud with a veto, and re passed over the veto cn the 2d. We will give the bill next wfefc. The most notable feature cf the pas-cage cf this bill was the strong grounds taken for its passage first, and then over the veto, by Reverdy Johnson, the ablest leader the Democracy have. This indicates great chances for the success of ihis plan of Reconstruction, which, if the plan is not thwarted by Executive interference or negligence, will result in a complete restoration of the Southern States ere the next Presidential election.

River Improvements. Io the proceedings cf Congress we notice that millions of dollars are being appropriated for river improvements in various sections of the United States; jef, nci one dollar io improve the navigation cflhe river It is strange that a river of such great and growing importance and so difficult cf navigation thould so entirely escape the nutice of Congress. It certainly is not because no accidents occur cn it; within 150 miles of this city, last season, no less than four boats were partially or totally destroyed by snags And this is net a very snaggy secticn, cither Taking this river alto-getherand the list cf accidents will compare favorably with any stream in the tvcrld. This is cot said in a spirit cf rride, but rejrret at the total of the interests cf the great West. Through this channel more is to day being done to swell the coffers cf Sam, than through any other.

Miners and immigrants are crowding nearly every river town cn their way to the rich gold and agricultural fields aud ncrthwest cf the Missouri. These mines and plains are rich and large enough to support and enrich the denizens cf the ever-crowded East and Europe too. The land is given away and the rani glistens with the precious dust. Yet, is not this lavish display tantalizing when coupled the many d3tgers which besit the seeker, not the least cf which is the danger cf a trip cn the Missouri In proportion, settlers on, and emigrants by, this river, pay.lhs expense cf clearing ether streams. cf obstructions, and still must pay a heavy tariff and endang-cr life and limb vpon their own, the most and dargerous stream ia the v.crid.

Viiy. it I 2id, do sot river men this? because the risk in charging tariffs one Ire i per eater ths dan- rr-L rr, ft; r. cr Kr lu It is tb: hardy, daring cirrv their life V. 1 to up err.rire in the vvesl, that ruffe r. Iany of the most tkr.iJ ani peer art repelled ly the con the trip.

Are net these great interests io warrant Ccsgress in prcndir.g- inag 1 cats for the Missouri It seems to us'suHl-cient. No c.Ler stream? so much coed cleanicg out, as no ether is io fituated ca to Iring a richer return. Yivh a united eifertcf the press along- tha river, end the Congressional deleja- lien from Slates find Territories along its it can te acccmpLshed. Let have such effort. 'flic Tenure cr Oficc EM Wis passed ever the President's Veto on the 2d.

Verily, this Congress has redeemed itself nobly in its last hours, and the delay which teemed so disastrous during the fore part cf the session, noihirg mere than calm deliberation and wiss statesmanship. No bill has been rushed through, all have been well deliberated upen and matured ere their pas CcIoniCa Has failed to pnss over the Veto. It would be hollow mockery for us to condole with them in their misfortuae. Democrats Esrganlns Aray tee Public Buildings. From recent expressions in the News, cf Nebraska City, and Herald, Omaha, no sane person can help but perceive that an understanding or bargain has been arringed between Otoe and Doughs county, for mutual protection and chi I This mutual protection plan was undoubtedly the canse of the trouble in the Legislature.

A correspondent from Omaha, to the Press, ciiizen of Ne-braska City, says "The political influence existing at thft Capital has been sufficiently powerful, to secure the North Platte country a much larger representation in proportion to its population, than the Southern part of the Territory was allowed. The combioa-tions which have been from time to time effected, have enabled the northern section to maintain an apportionment so un just that a bill to remedy the wrong was lately introduced iiaio Legislative Council, passed, and sent to the House for concurrence. The parties became evenly divided by reason of the recreancy of the entire delegation cf Democratic representatives from Otoe county, who SOLD THEIR BIRTH RIGHT FOR AN IMAGINARY BENEFIT IN THE LO-CATION OF THE PROPOSED AG-RICULTURAL COLLEGE IN THEIR COUNTY." This was evidently the price cf the Otoe delegation for assisting to disfranchise tht South Platte We have other corroborative evidence that this bargain was affect by Morton and Miller, and that they are setting their pegs to accomplish the sale If we are not mistaken a "circumstance" will slightly interfere with this arrangement. Omaha, it would seem, bad secured a sufficient bounty for her participaiion in row to intimidate members and disfranchise the most densely populated portion of Nebraska, but no, here the News IVe are in favor, therefore, of fixing the seal cf the State Government AT OMAHA FOR AT LEAST TEN OR FIFTEEN YEARS TO COME." Again, the News asks the Tress you in favor, as the News is, of allowing the Capitol to remain at Omaha for some years to come, in order to secure the location of the Slate University at Nebraska City?" This is the case as it now stands. The Omahcmedans get the Capital and an unfair proportion ia representation its pay has already been received, barrenihe Capitol I Otce is yet waiting for her share cf the plunder Now, the question is, will jthe Legislature consent to debase itself to the level of partizan infarnyof these schemers in iniquity Will they reward and perpetuate the outrage This is an attempt to rob South Platte cf her heritage as well as ber representation There is but cr.e institution that should he located at Nebraska Cay, the saving in trans-pcrticn cf its inmates would te sufficient inducement to located the Penitentiaiy at that place, in addition to the moral Evasion it uight exercise ever Morton So Co.

yisn. If you want too see a real flunkey, go look at the editor cf the Rulo Register. In his issue he copies and endorses the falsehoods and slurs cf thedisfranchisjrs cf Richardson county and South, Platte. The only extract he gives is the follow irg from the Omaha Herald The occasion cf this row is lodged in the action cf the responsible minority, who sought to force the passage of aa chnczious Apportionment bill by bringing the House lo a dead lock and blocking legislation under the false rulings cf Ex-Speaker, Chapin," Poor, deluded, partizan, toad To eedcrsa as a bill which proposed to give a fair apportionment to his own section; and endcrse because cf partizan prejudice Otoo in having two Senators on 1.200 vctes, while Richard-son county polls 1,000 voles for only one. "Called.

Cap t. Pollock, of Ersvrii-ville. called upon U3 list even-in He reports the land otiice in that city in full blast, wiih Capt. Bedford and Jamison maticn. -vufc.

To S. R. Jimison, Receiver, we nr2 indebted for thj -following list cf Lands Entered in tk Nemaha 7 this city, from Feb. IC.h to March 1st: Cash Entric Hcmestead entries Scrip entries, Warrant entries, Total, 2,7 acres 4.C00.C0 acres 459.00 acres 7.403.S3 acres An Honest Admission. We learn that during the debute in the Territorial House cf Representatives upon a till to disfranchise in Nebraska all who had been in the rebel service, Harvey denounced the bill as infamous, and Child protested because, as he said, "it would disfranchise two thirds of the Democratic Party We commend this soothing admission to Democrats generally, that they may see themselves as others see 'em." "The "mad itch'1 is reported to be cn the increase near Brownviile, Nebraska, and many caitle have been killed by it." TJjis is the most startling and the newest news that we've heard for sometime, and the only account be can give for the above is we saw in the St.

Joe Herald. There is not the slightest foundation in truth for such a report. We admit the grasshopper, but deny the "Mad itch." Mn. Editor Will you permit me through your columns to a few words in self-defence; In your paper cf 23th February a short notice of what you please to call the strangest portion of the proceedings of what you style the Siate Legislature. Whether the budy of men referred to were a State Legislature or not, they refused to do so at.d didnt take an oath to support the State Constitution.

You seem to consider, it remarkable that a member would vote against the indefinite postponement of a bill and then cn its final passage refuse to vote for or against it. This may be somewhat strange net more strange than was the bill itself, which, if anything, was only a Legislative act which proposed to alter the Constitution of xh'Q. State of Nebraska without having been requested to 4o any such thing by any number cf the people of Nebraska. Your article says if any of our members were instructed that I was that man. On this I have only to say that instead of being instructed upon thi3 subject previous to or at the time oLtho election, I tad no: so much as heard thitt it was proposed or expected that the.

Siate wouiaii? ri-quirei in any respect to alter or amend the State Constitution for Nebraska, for. I had understood and do yet understand the Constitution to provide for its own amendment in a manner that would absolutely prohibit the unauthorized Legislature from any such action. You rightly state that opposed the adoption cf the Constitution, in your las', because of the distinction it made on account of color, and that I took no pains This, perhaps, is unfortunate for me, hut it is nevertheless true, that I never felt ashamed of any principle that I believed was right, therefore, have always acted openly and without reserve. You say you think I ook particular pains "to spread." You maybe right about this, I will not dispute with you about it, am free to admit that I expressed my views frankly but then my effort at the spread was not so eminently successful as yours, John, when you "spread" clear over the Traitorous Andy Johnson and the Loyal Majority in Congress both within a few days, during lani summer, and then that magic "spread." cf yours when you "spread" clear over from the most rabbid opponent of.

negro suffrage at the time cf the formation of the State Constitution, to the most blatant advocate cf the policy to force negro suffrage upon the people by a body of men entirely unauthorized by the people to any such thing. These are evidences of great proficiency ia the act of lut whether its exercise in such unrestrained quantities ia a quality calculated to. fit a man for a safe leader cf the great Republican party tf Nemaha County, or not, is questioned by many whose respectable standing in the party extends back to its first formation. Yoa say you cannot imagine why I should "dodge" a vote to sustain the principles upon which my political faith has seemed so firmly fixed. My political faith has seemed to me to be firmly fixed for many years that the whole people should be the sole judges as to the Constitution and Laws that shall govern them, and, as 1 am not as famous fcr "spreading" my political faith as some experts in the business, I have not.

been able "to iV. that a Ler- islature uninstructed and net elected for any such purpose has the right to alter cr amend a State Constitution, and fasten it. upon the, people without their consent. pernap, should have voted against the till anyhow, and most certainly would have done so bid their any hope cf dffeating it. And, lest you misapprehend views, I want to say to you that I did oppose the acceptance cf the conditions imposed by Congress, and would have defeated it if it Lid beta in mv power, unless the question could have been referred Xzzi to the people for thcr i to dscide -whether they preferred to cens i with lbs condition cr stay cut.

WM. DAILY. Ihi above is Maj. Daily's reply to cur 2 cf xii wec-lr. We are sorry that he has taken our remarks as so personal as to him in trying to "spread" it cn us so thick.

We have never been or desired to be a "leader cf the great Republican Party of Nemaha County." The Republican party is lead by "principles not men." We have been guided in our course by the dictates cf princi- pies which we deemed would bring the "greatest good to the greatest number. We never bitterly opposed negro suffer-age, ncr ever loved the negro to much as to make his good the base cf our political faith and works, but preferred and advocated colonization and when Congress give negro suffrage in the Territories, we opposed the unnecessary step to re-affirm it by an expensive election, or lose the benefit cf State, which we deeme 1 more importance than a wil derness cf riegro3. We stood by Johnson when we thought he was- a loyal man and conscien-ciously laboring for the good of the Union. During all this time he was defended by several now able Republicans, and ethers were deprecating (he split which the President has since voluntarily made. That we were mistaken, only proves that we are human.

The question with regard to Mr Daily's course cannot be enriched by any comparison to our missteps or errors cf judgement. We hope all will give the letter a careful perusal, and may theyrfind there an answer to our question of last week. For the Advertsior, giver News. St. Joe.

Fib. 27ih, '67. The Steamer Lacy got up steam yesterday and towed the tteamer St. Joseph down to the Packet Landing where she is to receive another tubular boiler, this makes three of these boilers she 'will haye. each containing 21 dpt.

G. C. Waddell formerly of the gay Denver, will command her the coming season Mr. Barrow? will have charge of the Office, with Harry Seip, Assistant, all of Denver fame. The G.

H. Lacy will be the first boat to load. She will be ready to leav3 about the 5th of March. She will be a fast boat this season, her wheels having been enlarged the past winter. The painters are at work painting her up.

The Colorado and St. Joseph will also be out in new colors. Capt. Baily, the Night of the Missouri, and fcrrrjiiJ? the Su Jcseph. will command the steamer Marcella the coming- season in the Missouri riviSr.

Written for the Advertiser. Peru. Feb. 19th. '67.

JIr. Fditor Permit me to say a few words about our Seminary at Peru. Through the persevering efforts cf the -officers of the School the building- was made tenable for the Winter, and seven or eight rooms were so far finished, that teachers and students could occupy them. During the present term of school eighteen persons have lived iu the building, and most of the time have been iite comfortable. The school has numbered 60 students, nearly all young Jadies and gentlemen.

The school, in the main, has passed eff very pleasantly thus far. The great object of the teachers has been not to please any one in particular but to teach a good thorough school and that they do this their work amply proves. We believe, as far as we know, entire satisfaction has been given as regards their methods of instruction, and no reasonable person ought to find fault with the regulations of the school. Of course, disobedient or indolent students do notlove regulations that cause them trouble, but we are cot solicitous ubout pleasing such. We are determined that the Peru Sera nary shall not be out done by any other school.

The next Terra will commence Wednesday, April 4th, and continue twelve weeks. for ihe term 85.00 in common branches. Rooms for about twenty students will be fined up by the commencement cf the term. Board in the building will be S3 per week, room rent S5 per term. Parents wishing to send their children here another term will do well to engage rooms scon.

Great care is taken to watch over the moral character of students sent here, and everythiny that would tend to demoralize is carefully avoided. It is our intention to make the school a safe, pleasant home to all who may attend; and while a student attends faithfully to hii studies he will find good, warm frjends ia his teachers. J. F. Nzai Demcresfs Monthly.

lagazlne for March is cn cur Table. Upward ni Onward," is the motto of the enter prising editors cf this periodical. Every. volume and indetd every number shows an improvement over the one preceedipg it-; until it i3 beepming one cf the very best journals cf fashion. Th8 last and beauty with which is is got-, ten up is unequalled in the United States.

The amount cf reading matter contained in each number i3 greatly increased over former and the selections are excellent. Proceeainss cf Eemnlia Ccnu-ty AsrIC3lturl Faihview School Housn, Feb. 11th, 157. Meeting1 cpened by calling George Bryant to the Chair, and F. E.

Allen Secretary. By reqest, 5. W. Kennedy stated the object cf the meeting to be the forming of a County Agricultural Society under or according to the law of Nebraska. On motion, the law on forming a County Board was read.

Messrs. Brush, Creascn and Kennedy were appointed a Committee to say what shall constitute a member. Committee reported, report rejected. On motion, a Committee of five were appointed to draft a Constitution for the Society, consisting cf Messrs. Coleman, Brush, Creascn, Kennedy and Peck.

On Messrs, "San and Bryant were added to the Committee. Committee reported a Constitution, which, after beiDg amended, was adopted. On motion, Messrs. Peck, Allen and Coleman were appointed todraft Ey-Law3 and report at the next regular meeting. On motion, an election for permanent officers was then had, resulting as follows: President, Win.

Swan, Vice Presidents, B. F. Mclninch and J. W. Brush, Secretary, F.

E. Allen assistant E. Perk. Treasurer, S. W.

Kennedy. W. Bryant gave notice that at the next meeting he would offer an amendment' defining the number necessary for a quorum to transact business. 1 S. W.

Kennedy gave notice to emend or change the Constitution for admitting members. On motion, adjourned. F. E. ALLEN, Sec.

London School House, Feb. 19th. 1SG7. Association met pursuant to adjournment. President in the Chair.

Minutes read and approved. Constitution read. Committee on By-Laws reported. By-Laws as read were adopted. Oa motion, it wa3 agreed that our regular March meeting be held in Brownviile, at 1 o'clock, P.

SI. Messrs. Coleman, Brush, Creadon, W. Bryant and Peck, were appointed a Committee to solicit new members. J.

Coleman was appointed a committee to procure a room for the next meeting of the Association at Brownviile. Messrs. Peck, Kickerson ard Coleman were appointed a committee "to. ra; is the CoD3iitutic9 Peck gave notice that at our next meeting he would offer changes or amendments to the Constitution. WM.

SWAN, Pees. F. E. Allen, Sec. IlCartbnrn.

So called from a gnawing pain and heat about the region of the stomach, accompanied with nausea, and the belching of a thin watery acidulous liquid, especially in the morning, are the common symptoms. To rid yourself of this troubiesom complaint, avoid articles of food that easily undergo fermentation, take Rotack's Stomach Biltors three times a day, in water, and adher to a dry diet far a short time, and you will find yourself cured. Attachnasnt Eotics, Lntber D. Roblson Before R. V.

Hoshg, 1. of vs. kJrowovil le, 'cwaaa Coun.y, Cbrles Keeswater. Nebraska. Onthe23tli day of February A.

D. 1337, said jus-tico issueJ an der of attachment ia the above action for tbe sum of $16 42. l.UTMKSD. Plaintiff. Brownviile, March 7 tn, 1SS7 "WOOD'S" in a rai Pycr.60,W0 manufaetured nod row in oso in this couafy and Europa.

These world renowned machine? were arnrded the rtprie, Ton Pounds Sttriin at the Grea' Qua drienni! Trial nt I'lymouth, la.if,b and at the Great National Field Trial, Auhart N. in J- iT. U'H h9 Fir Preiuium Tlio PBIZE LIOVER VThile it retains ail tho which ha nade it so uninersal a favoritJ, ij iiaproT ed Hy the addition of STEEL LINED GUARDS, EV PITMAN STRONGER KNIVES, SPKINGSEAT, ADJUSTACL2 FOLDING SHOE, Makiag it a perfect macbiDe. The I ten draft, the moat durable, and at the same titne the timple and best cutticg maceine in the world. The Self-Raker Kepcater qustly called tke Victor of every and is eonstruetsd on tae principles The new Mowing Attachment givej general satisfaction and makes of the most coaveaicnt combined Eeapers known, and we fully warrint it.

Tho HAITI) XIA2IE X1EAPEH, Is at thejame time the cheapest and the best of its kink ever It cuts a swarth fitrefcet wiJe ia Reaping, and four and a-bftlf in Mowicg. As a wor it i3 the best Folding Bar Mac-bin in use. Th erne with which it is managed, and ib cbangir frocu Mower to Reaper, or ie-terta, will at once recocnecd it Manufaclured by tie T7ALTES A. WOOD HqtfIes Keajirj MucWes Ccr.pasj, HocsiCai Pall3ir.T. GENERAL SALESROOMS, 40 Street, Y.

206 Lake Street, Chicago. rcr.zicN crncz 77 Upper Thanes Street, London. ou 22-1 10 Ail- Tnk- tTT.rn-'- cf aa act cf tba Territorial rovti lv.vTa.r 1. 1.,., t-e Ll-e cf Terrrial jtr.ust Ffcni 1st. 1357, and all Tfirrar.isr.2t preato-l ceasa li draw iuiereat fir -1st lo.ana will be si 1 after iUUata litezwt oa to Jicasry lit.

Is 3. A.i:OU::iZn. Tsr. Oaialia, Fetruirj, 2Jta li 2-ct Taiea op by the tor. Hvidj ia the 7th cf Fstmarj, Jw, One red and wtite scsc'ile i Stear witti anderr-n out cf left car, anierc? 'n 2 yew old tvi3 prin tlitk.5w.

jii.aut. Feb. 7ialSS7 22-5t-pd Taken up by the living two anl a batf laiieV N.rt'a West tl' Brcwnvuls Nemaha C.unty,, ens red bifer, supposed ta ta ere jear lJ.Bt, bu'i t.f tail while, crop and uadsrbit oa tba ear, cut ib. left other uiark cr braa-la pjrceinble. Feb lStT 22 pd T.

ii. EDW AIiD.3. iicklei. Caa Fruits cf ar. i Oysfr r.t IiitO'rf.

DK. VHITTIEB, IO.MtK LOL'IS ician! ii a i OXGER BY YEAItS LOCATED IN ST. 5 than an? other invato D.3Paje I hy- i eician; is a rcsair granaaie ci uiiicu, curt-s Syphilis ir. aiiits Strkt ure, Orchitis, Diabetes, bl.iiJer cd I'rianry Syjbilitb a-Tsctioua of tha throat, skia cr tjcaes. Thousand saSu'rin? exposures api ia jon'i oj.k-turer ear3, prcdaein go-3 cf t'-3 fit win ejects lilot.

ht's. bciity weakaa-sa, r.i to socioty.isdiili.;!!, ccnstipiti.ja, drjiJ cU'a--ture event, toss of aad havi.i bn ourii. He can fei to r.y o'l residents for past success and pre-cat a.Iio cany pbys-iciansbere r.nd ek-seiicro. Cciupjicj a boio house of twelve ccapetent a.s? physicians; tboe lai'. personal attaatioo aay rtiiaia la the Medicina eye ry where by mail cr express.

His aa lkxpositioa Diseases, clearJy tUjineating; ail the con may be badinsea'eJ letter en eiope IV. cents. Ladie's Circular, embracing all chronis csnti. Addro.s3 St. Loui.

Mo. A fricLdtr tati costs nothing m--d erats cur--s guariiritej.l. O.n.j.Dir St. street, square suth oi tho Hotel. Feb.

15 It SUER1FI SALE. Under and by vi't uo of cert sin writ of venditioni e-rpn3, ii -ued by the t-lerji of the DUtriet Court of Netn Countv, and to me directed, I wiliotTtT I'r tj.a at tubiij auction, On SaturJiiy, the day of March. A. D. 1 SC7 at ore o'cb ck in the af ertiinn d.y, at the front er.rr.incts of Mo-Phi'rso ii'a Hall in tho City of Hmfnvi ile, (itbfii iho we tbe last term of said tistri-H Co.irt wn hold th -following -joribd 1 Is arid ten-'Uin's itinto in Nciiiah County, NJ.r.

i The North Et irter. Township tiiren 15 East ft certain Jud iier -cf. r-j obtained in tba listri -t of 2 ta i n-ty, "with th 'theieon, cl and orcrinc cojt, in of a Jicj O'Fel' ar I Evan 1 ar: i tece-ments'aariL been and ty ire tbe property cf ju; i O'iki'; Terns of salOjCasa hnp WM. U. GLASnOW FbriJcf County.

By BrownTiile, February 21, 1SG7, Dried Fetiches, Apples, liiaokberriei, Cherr's at SWAN EliO'S STRAY NOTICES. Taken up by the subscriber, living1 in 01 on -Hoc it townshir. Ncmab Connty, on tbe Ut d-y cf January, 18o7. one tjo year old Heifer, a crop o'J of each ear, eo other braud3, ccicr white vith "everil brown epoU. Itf-5t-pd JAS E.

MEAL. Snow Thy Destiny. E. 7. Thornton-, tLe great EaiV.s Clairvojuut and PsychoisetrJcian wLo has Jt --i the scient)i2c claeses cf the OiJ World, has Uor locate-I herself at Il.iuv.n, Madaiae TUorn-tcn possess sixh womierful powers of cch1 sight, 3 to enable her to Irrpart of the greatest importance to the single or carries of either bcx.

In a state of trance, she very foaonre of the person you are toniiriT, ko i by the'aiJ of sn instruiaeut of intense power, knern a the r.sychou-otrope, guarantees to proituce a picture of tUg future huj-bscd" or wife of the appiicarjt, together wttli date of marriage, position In lire. ieaJing traita of character, 4tc. Thi is no Luaibu, as thousaJs of testimonials can assert. She ill rea.l when desircl a certifled written guarantee that the picture is 'bat it purport to be. By enclosing a emii: lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition and coir) pi ex ion, and enclosing fifty centi aud envelope a lUrsssed to yoarself, yo'i wiil recelre the picture and desired information by returj wail.

All communications eacrelly conSdes'-ional. Aiiirea in confidence, ITadams E. F. Thobstox, lebiOly Hudson, X. T.

CRISPR COMA. Oh she was beautii'nl and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils noft, em-xinel, Enchained the very heart and mind. CRISrEH COMA, For Curling the Hair of either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heary Massive CurU Py osinsttiU article Lidie and em beau ti: "them-elves a tlousar.d i.A 1. It-sdiO article in the w-rid tit wLi curl anl a. t'ne lime til a appi ii The Ci i-pi'r Coai uot only curls it fcair, tut invit, r-a'es.

ti 1 ii i bt-ihiy aid ri i ib? -t the kind ever t- tbe Ai I'ae Cu per Cviua will be ent al.r acl. r--a, ist.icd tuu si-paid for $1 Ajdrem all ordr io W. CL UK Gr.eaii ti, feb 20 li No 3 Wei e'te b.i eei, jyitu Beparator Capilli. Throw aw ay year fr yonr i.w:fn e.jour w. rrtr-j tive of n.f.-rt, a'ld -t aiU Ciiine fced.

come yoiit.nul, cjaie n.y u-i fir, Aud ieji'e your ri ti ar REPARATOR CAIII.I.I, nr whatever cause it i hae i'i rcni ttr-r tlr t. IjC-. it ta iu It wm ear-J to crow nrt ria rc hi ir tr ai to eithi wc s. or Leir cM i.e.,.: in fr.L, io "-l- i i i (, U7 loi" 3 i irp a-i th cf I ix U.S "i e. xfei li are v.

vi. s-: u-e ceum: fr-n 4 II certaii. is f.i ul iiir- '-r i s.Jvrt..-J f.r tfcebiir tr-dT- entirely 3 ju n.zy bjv t-cau away iu ttieir Tj we would tryth-U-rararor it will ct you notLiuz it cpio our Ifyour Druztst J.ej iiot ka? hh.i jj.n,- we wl, forward it ist i ti t. br wittj a reca.ft f. jr tbe uxmey.

wLici wnl te retu-et y-u on ayiw-tijn, providing caUre ja not riven. Addres. i'. CLARK. CO Cheroots, 90 CO ly ho 3 W'eit fayetee it-i Syracuse Brcoxs, Salt, Axei.

Powjer. hbnt Lead at SVJLN liROIJJEii'S KLIIDOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT LL'CLIU I th Great Diurciie. nZIJfSOLD'a CONCrSTSATED EXTRACT It th Grnat flood Purifier. Both are prepared accord in 3 to rules of Pharmacy and Chem'uiry, and are the moat active thatcaa ce made. GET THE BEST inn 1 1 1 CFliLDLlEr.

Ts now truly aoknowiedd a supcriar preparation for ail diseases inciient to infants ani chiMrea EYERY EODY SPEAKS la exalted term of commen jation of itstraTy w-irj-derful eS'ects and rceiiciml Tirtaes, cud dj-lirhted with its use. Ur Price, Ooly 23 cent3 per Eotrde.J22 IVe pared oa 1 7 tba Uraftoa iledlcine Company, St. Soli by IIOLLADAY Jaa. 1st. Cm Crowarille, tb.

-1 1 sff tj TILL 1 i- 03 u. i 1 P.t ar t. -t tire 5V-. r.r, ev-7 ar.J Jiiil A UTYt j- lk wavy ct 1.7 t-y tfce iahi- ot Prii j'V 1 in: 7 ri, a An 3 cr i-: a 1. 1 i turn cr a it 1 If 't i a 7 i i e.f.i.-.f flit u-ei ly te 0 )' a.j i y.c-..

Pilatiry in esi i-; pr-, -ti To y.ur as.d to ti grc u- 3 Tlai s- Is ties fi-r a'. i i i.j7 By tliD n.3S cf CH jICTELL.A H'S WHITE LIQUIl Fr.r Ttnprovinif a-vi ih Tbe -l a.i i.H i w. sin p- i to fit t. loiii-j i.i n. li Tji I i'iii les, i ii an 1 nil niifni ii ps ur 'be toe tki.t I .0 (' p.

i 'r art c. t.u lue i an-! .1 a- c.i- 4 t' SlOt. I'i. I ye-i', a i.fii- i of.iy "i icu i. So'n ty Jer, ty I- FFLICTlD! SUFFEB ITO TTtenby tie n-e of Ell.

LLZ i cat be cured s'i t. a I 0. Tte ast jai.jtr.nt hu-c? "ej -t ti, a'uable sie-Iicine for Vh; i-l ard Oer.eral a-t Kuergy, tvncy or try ije -e yonriGl renters iti art ir. prerarti-'" eer diovere-i. It will renicve a nervous iri, citement, iL.capjci:y cr ji orr, cvntuilyn, 'ciUti of feir k.c.

It will tt.e et.e, ree beaitb of these wt tava vtetrovf ty cess ort) Toun? v. te 1:0 i and 'r--r-'it ta- lay -r tl.o Jiiixir, and A Perfe C-r-a -stante. PtUi, J. t' or' 's tr.t One ti ttle ia to a curs in ry cns. tbe 1 ero.jr t-M cr.r t'reiir! i'v ll'e ilu'irrl 5:.

I c.e to c. are 3 able extrnc tr. -r 1. 1: er nauseate toi.uiii or rt No cbanpe cf is recc dues a-y cf its 1 tire to any a ir esi ci-j-e a-i I (... fi.

vt oa rpceu. cf i--1 A.d-j-. '-i SZZJijS, iiJI i. -3 ly itu-er r-s Free to Everybody. A Largo 8 Circclr, rr.f.-.n greate-t itr.pot tan-e t.

Ci It teacuo tow tie de-pted No yjur; lj.jy or taii Ai Ires, au-1 reoewe a cv: r- by Ad i. J. I' tV. fcbC3 Vondcrful but iTADAliE ESMIXGIO.V iha J-r-. and c.r-x.

cUirT.jyant you are to Ui a mentor wf, 4 guiraniee to produce a ffoctai li.e-it of ti imure tu.Lar;d i -1 1 Uta of lojjijj i ttr, -711 i oui Mi' er can a- o. cnh.r o( 1 C't. a-. I will reietve deii-e I iof 1. o.

-t Tr. Ycun riin to her coitrT 7. ale. 4 ars niontb in Ite Ur ia pUc2 a 31-e, v.ft const ietbn of i-11. -teal iu.ry-i!;rce itJ te-n, IV i' a.

I.e pljUilr to. I tdr.i Tli it 7.j C-SlAri ALI .1. I 1 1.. -iy't i.i cu tu -t ji ii 1 1. 11 1 tire -j is 1 1 a- i 'Ti I.

rc "I jrr-1 It $1. tent ty or feb 3 Wri! p-i 7 Anenjrj ASTROLOGY. pi? AT THE WONL IZ7L i fcrfi i. r-. r.

stores ...5 was. fr-i'i Ctitastrojbe, cr of ic, ive '-cv -3'- 'j 1 Sie bricks ti 1. 1. 1 ir'--'- uiaiioa rorrf io5'; or s'i i,;'?, yoa tie ta KUst quuSei io ar lat J's ir-cessfai ca 3 e-: aa! 1' ery a.y j-n a ce-s as i ery and iv ct' i-e tri ai.d Frrra we tars taa: overu.u. ir r.jra U.e 5xd stir ia at t--' i'i.

9 -f 1. raa'et d- i si cu vi' ilU yoa er tie aa orv jr: ari-y. C-r- a and ail -r. c- C.ta-.-:e Ua sj'ev iir.j 1 A fail i ar wr.l aiiw err-j ar.i j.i euc' ce.iit cf aN.Te a.eati,: T' i --1 t54.l;tAif,.l, r'' trcyel. t.e rj.iih Uiail 1 'i Tr" A t-eii, "tr rr ft 0..

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