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The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas • Page 1

The Wichita Eaglei
Wichita, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mi imwiBlwKfa- -n smj. i wm iiMriilrti yssssssssssn i iT71 (v V-z-j w-r 62 Uilf WICHITA, KANSAS, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 3 1886. WHOLE NO. 639 VOL. rf'-" X-' V.

NO. 13. i of If is- ll riTr 1 President Cleveland and Miss Frances Folsom United In Holy Wedlock. The Marriage Rites, Solemn Invocations and Gratulations Being Pronounced In the Historie Bine Boom, In the Presence of a Select Coterie of Friends. The Groom's Outfit, the Bride's Trousseau and the Guests' Toilettes.

The President With His Bride Slyly Slip Away for a Pleasure Tour. THE FIRST LADY. In Quest of her Liege, Miss Frantic Folsom Trails him to the 'White House.Accompanied by her Ma. WAsmxGToy, Juno 2. Other weddings there have been at the white house, eight in all.

but never before today has the highaet dignitary in the land bowed his head within its historical walls to receive tho blessing of tho church on his union in the holy bond of matrimony. From tho very dawn of the wedding day the city seemed alive to the approaching event. The day opened with a gray and threatening cWy, but as it advanced the clouds lifted and tho sun came ont warm and bright. Large numbers of people hovered about the whito house crounda and loitered through tho park urine the afternoon and until six o'clock tho crowd had swollon to several hundred. Suddenly tho strains of the wedding march flowed through the open windows and thcro was a general exclamation from the outside crowd that tho service had begun; then there came a tantalizing hush within the walls which was soon ended by tho strains from tho bridal chorus and it was thcroby known that tho ceremony was over.

One by jono the lights sprang up and tho great burners on the portico cast their ef-lulgence over tho pavements. Tho scene resembled a summer night's festival and the crowd gave itself up to tho enjoyment of the delightful music Washington, Juno 2. Miss Folsom arrived eafo in Washington shortly utter 3:30 o'clock this morning and wa3 met by Col. Lamont. There were many persons in tho depot when the train arrived.

Tho train was composed of four cars and President Roberts' private car. Tho latter was occupied by Miss Folsom and party. Miss Folsom was dressed in black andworoa wrap of tho same color to protect her from tho morninc air, a stylish hat, trimmed with white and black ribbons and black kid gloves. She is of medium size. Ilcr manner is shy and restless.

She was escorted by Colonel Iiamont to a carriage and was driven direct to the whito house with Mrs. Folsom, who looked a little tired, and Mrs. Rogers of Syracuse. Conductor It. Mitchell, who was in charge of tho train, said that tho journoy was quiet and dovoiJ of interest.

There was a slight misty rain falling when the train arrived. Lator on tho clouds broke away and tho prospect now is for fino weather. Whilo tho whito houso is entirely closed to visitors today and tho usual afternoon reception by tho president omitted, insido all was bustle and confusion in preparation for tho wedding. Several express wagons wero unloaded of numerous packages of various sizes at tho main entrance, which wero at onco removed from sight. Somo wero addressed to the president, somo to Miss Folsom, somo to Col.

Lamont, and one to Mrs. Grover Cleveland. Most of them were undoubtedly wedding presents. 7:25 p. m.

Tho president and Miss Folsom havo just been married. About 0:30 o'clock tho wedding guests began to arrive, their carriages rolling up to tho main door of tho mansion through the groat iron gates on Pennsylvania avenue. The first arrival was Secretary Lamar, at lie was closely followed by the Rov. Dr. Sunderland and wife, and during tho next few minutes thcro camo in quick succession P36tmaster General Vilas and wife, Mr.

Wilson S. Bissel, Secretary and Mrs. Endicott, Secretary Itayard, Secretary and Mrs. Whitney, and Secretary Manning and his wife. Romoving their wraps in tho state dining room, all the quests proceeded to tho blue room, where they were received by Miss Rose Clovoland.

For a few minutes the guests chatted gaily, but tho conversation was quickly suspended at 7:13, when tho selected orchestra from tho Marino band, stationed in the corridor, struck up the familiar strains of tho wedding march from Mendelssohn, "'Mid Summer Night's Dream." Tho following is a complete list ot those present: Mrs. Folsom. mother of tho bride; Rev. William Cleveland, tho president's brother; Miss Cleveland, Mrs. Iloyt, tho president' sisters; Thomas F.

Dayard, secretary of state, Miss Bayard; Daniel Manning, secretary ot tho treasury, Mrs. Manning; William Endicott, secretary or war, Mrs. Endicott; William Whitney, secretary of tho navy, Mrs. Whitney; Wm. A.

Vilas, postmaster general, Mrs. L. Q. C. Lamar, secretary of interior; Daniel S.

Lamont, private secretary of the president, Mrs. Lamont, Benjamin Folsom, of Buffalo, X. Mr. and Mrs. ltogers, of Seneca Falls, X.

Mrs. Codman and Miss Huddleston, or Detroit, Mr. and Miss Harmon, of Boston, relatives of the bride. Miss Nelson, of New York, Mr. W.

S. Bissel, of Buffalo, the president's former law partner, Dr. and Mrs. Byron Sunderland. Attorney Genoral Garland, although in- Titod.

was not present. All eyes wero turned to the doorway to catch tho first glimpse of the coming bride and groom. Starting from the western corridor on the upper floor, the president came slowly down the western staircase with his bride leaning on his orm. They were unac companied, even tho bride's mother await ing her with the other gucsis. Passing through tho central corridor, the bride and groom entered the blue room and took a position near the southern wall, which was completely hiddrn from tight by a mass of wedding palms, tropical grasses and an endless variety of the choicest flowers.

The crystal chandalier poured a flood of mellow radiance upon the scene and the color of the massive banks of tcarlotbcgc-njas and royal jacquiminot roses, mingled jrith the blue and silver tint ot the frescoed walla and ceiling, gaTe a warm and gloaing tone to the whole brilliant interior. The delicate ivory shades or tho bride's wedding gown round an exquisite setting in tho masses or crimson roses. Immediately beyond was tho president, in full evening dress with turn down collar, whito lawn necktie and whito enameled studs. A silence fell upon tho assemblage as Drl Sunderland stepped forward to his position fronting the wedding pair, with Rev. William Cleveland, the president's brother, at his left hand.

In a distinct tone of voico and with a deliberate utterance the doctor began the simple and beautiful wedding service as follows: "Forasmuch as we aro assembled together to observe the holy rites of marriage, it is needful that wo seek the blessing of the great God our Father, whose institution it is and therefore I beseech you now to follow with reverent hearts in prayer to Him. Almighty and everlasting God, tho father of our spirits; the framer of our bodies.the giver of every good and perfect gift, Thou who canst see tho end from tho beginning, who knowest what is best for children and hast appointed the holy riteof marriagotobe observed throughout all generations; regard now, wo beseech Thee, Thy servant, our chief magistrate; endow him plenteously with Thy grace and fill him with wisdom to walk in Thy ordinances. Bo very nigh to him in tho midst or his many cares and grave responsibilities, day by day. May Thy law direct him and Tby strength uphold him and be Thou forever his sun and shield. And bo graciouslv pleased to look down upon this Thy daughter even as Thou didst favor the chosen Rebecca and many noblo women that have adorned tho world.

May sho indeed be a precious boon or God to her husband, to cheer and help him continually; a woman gifted with tho beauty or the Lord and shedding the sneet influences or Christian life upon tho nation in whoso sight she is to dwell. Wilt Thou approve what we. Thy servant, come to do in Thy name by Thy authority and under the laws or tho land in which wo live, and assist them, this man and woman, wro aro to be united in the bonds of holy wedlock according to the instruction of Thy word. Mercifully bo pleased, Almighty God, to vouchsafe to each of them Tby grace, that thoy may well and truly weih tho unfailing vows which they aro now about to make to each other in tho presence of the company and beforo Thee, and that they may be enabled Lercafter at all times to live together in tho solemnization or this union with joy unspeakable and fill! or glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Addressing tho company tho doctor said: "Jlsmaga is honorable among all men, in that a man shall leave his father and mother and shall clcavo unto his wifo and they twain shall bo one creature. It was confessed by patriarch and priest, prophet and apostle. It was confirmed by tho teachings and adorned with tho presence of the Redeemer and has been honored by the faithful keeping or all good men and women since tho world began. It is not, therefore, to bo undertaken lightly or unadvisably, but soberly, and in tho fear of God. Into this holy estato this man and this woman como now to enter.

If any now can show just cause why they may not bo lawfully united in marriage let him now speak or elso hereafter forovcr hold his pcaco. To tho brido and groom. "If you desire to bo united in marriago you will signify the same by joining your right hands, (tho groom and brido joined hands.) "Grover," said tho minister, "do you tako this woman whom you hold by tho hand to bo your lawful, wedded wire; to live together after God's ordinance in tho holy estate or wedlock, do you promise to lovo her, cherish, comfort and keep her in sickness and in health; in joy and in sorrow, and forsaking all others keep you only unto her so long as you both shall The groom (firmly) "I do." Doctor Sunderlfbd: "Francos, do you take this man whom you hold by tho hand to bo your lawful wedded husband; to live together after God's ordinanco in tho holv slato or wedlock; do you promiso to lovo him, honor, contort and keep him in sickness and health, in joy and sorrow, and forsaking all others keep you only unto him so long as you both shall live!" Tho brido responded in a low but clear voice, "I do." Doctor Sunderland: (solemnly) "Forasmuch as Grover and Frances bavo hero agreed and covenanted to livo together after God's ordinanco in the holy stato or wedlock, and confirmed the samo by giving and taking a wedding ring, now, theretore, in tho presenco or this company, in the name or tho Father and tho Son and tho Iloly Ghost, I pronounce and declare that they aro husband and wire, and what God hath joined together let no man put asunder. Tho Rov. Dr.

Cleveland then pronounced tho following benediction: God, tho Father; God, the Son, and God, tho Holy Ghost, bless, preserve and keep you; the Lord mercifully fill you with all temporal and spiritual blessings and grant that ou may so live together in this world that in tho world to como you my havo lif cveriasting. Amen. At tho conclusion of the ceremony, Mrs. Folscm, showing traces of great emotion, was tho first to tender her congratulations to tho newly married pair. Sho was followed by Miss Cleveland, tho Rey.

Mr. Cleveland and tho other relatives and friends in turn. Whilo tho congratulations were in progress, the band, undor tho leadership of Profcsor Sousa, performed tho bridal chorus and march from Copenhagen, and to this music the president and his wife led tho way into the statelv east room. The adornments of this noble hall were in keeping with its majestic proportions, and its ample space and brilliant illuminations afforded an opportunity for a fitting display of the ladies toilets. The bride wore an enchanting wedding dress of ivory satin, simply garnished on tha high corsage with India muslin, crossed in Grecian folds and carried in exquisite falls of simplicity over the petticoat.

The orange-blossom garniture, commencing upon the veil in a superb coronet issuene, and continued throughout tho costume with artistic skill. Her veil of tulle, about five yards in length, completely enveloped her, falling to the edge of the petticoat in front and extending the entire length of her full court train. She wore no jewelry except an engagement ring, containing two diamonds, ancl a plain gold wedding ring, which had been placed on her finger before she descended the staircase. Mrs. Folsom wore a superb dress of violet satin, with garnature in white faille, with chrystalized violet drops in pendants everywhere.

Miss Cleveland worn an cxQuisitc combination of Nilegreen and cameo pink duchess satin, with silver ornaments, low corsage garnished with pink roses, short sleeves, demilesgth glove in light tan. She carried a fan of pink curlew feathers. Mrs. ITewitt, the president' sister, wore a dainty costume entraice ot China crepe, ia robin's-egg blue, most effectually garnhured with rare old lace. Her flowers were La France rose.

Mi Bayard wa becocuarly attired ia black tull, in keeping with deep mourning which Ehe has worn since her mother's death. Mrs. Manning's dress was of white satin, flounced across the front with duchess lace trimming, finished with low neck and elbow sleeves; diamond ornaments. Mrs. Endicott wore satin with silver and whito sapphire, draped in black chantilla lace; diamond ornaments.

Mrs. Whitney wore a bodice of velvet with whito satin and trelles skirt, trimmed with violets; diamond ornaments. Mrs. Vilas' dress was light blue silk, long train strewn with daisies, front of crystal and point lace and pearl trimming, low neck and elbow sleeves. Mrs.

Lamont wore an ivory tinted satin dress, demi-train, with a panel of crystal and point lace and pearls on the left side of tho skirt, and square neck corsage, edged with crystal and jet fringe, elbow sleeves and a beautiful corsage bo que of Jacqueminot roses. Mrs. Rogers, cousin of the bride, was dressed in a costume of delicato cameo pink with brocaded front-Mrs. Codman, a relative of the bride, wore a whito satin dress, en train, with black lace draperies- Mrs. Harmon woro a train dress of light orange.

Miss Nelson woro a handsome costume of corn colored satin with overdress of whito antique Iase cut pompadour and low cor sage and el be. sleeves. Her flowors were Jacqueminot roses. Mrs. Huddleston was dressed in pink silk with blue trimmings.

Mrs. Sunderland's dress was gray satin trimmed with lace, long train, square neck and elbow sleeves. The decorations of the executive mansion tonight wero of an elaborate character and in tho laneuage of one or tho oldest em ployes, "it never presented a handsomer appearance." Other cities contributed their choice plants and flowers to lend their beauty and rragranco to the scene. Of course, the blue room, where tho ceremony was tho principal attention or the decoration, which was certainly well done. It was transformed into veritable bower or bcanty, a stately group or tropical plants extending along the entire Eouth end or tho room, concealing tho windows and south doorway, and rising to within a Tow feet of tho ceiling.

Tho hearth under tho cast mantel was a floral arrangement representing a cheerful, blazing firo Tho west mantel sustained a solid bank of roses in which none but the choicest were used, commencing with delicate pink at tho ends and growing darker and richer toward tho center, where thcro was interwoven a monogram, Over tho mail, entrance from tho corridor was a beautiful floral scroll in which tho memo Pluribus Unum" was interwoven in immortelles. Tho decorations of the private dining room whero the wedding collation was served wero also of elaborato character. Tho main tablo decoration was a full rigged masted ship displaying the word "Hymen." Tho cast room and the red and green parlors wero decorated in tho style usual at receptions and stato dinners. The cast room presented a particularly grand appearance. From tho cist room tho company proceeded, after a season of promenading and conversation, to tho family dining room or tho mansion, whero tho wedding supper was served.

After tho guests proceeded to tho dining room thero was no formal order observed. In the supper room a collation was served and tho guests sat at the small tables or slowly promenaded as they discussed tho menu and chatted over tho event of tho evening. The elegantly designed souvenirs or the satin boxes, containing dainty pieces or tho tho bridal cake and each one bearing the hand-painted monogram wero received with great admiration, whilo tho orchestra was playing ono or its happiest selections and tho guests wero gathered about tho tables; tho brido quietly slipped away to her room and changed her wedding dress ror a heavy gray silk trayeling dress. Sho then returned to the company and was soon afterward joined by tho president, who had in the meantime changed his dress suit ror a traveling costume. This was about 8.30 o'clock and the president and his brido said a hasty "good bye" to their friends and left tho houso through a privato exit from tho red room into the south ground.

A closed carriage awaited them and they entered and tho horses started off. A shower of rico was thrown on the carriage and their friends waived them a final "God speed" from tho rear porch. It was expected that tho president would try to slip away unobserved, and in order to prevent this a number of newspaper men stationed themselves near tho southwest entrance to tho grounds with carriage to follow tho president in caso he should make his exit by that gate. This was reported to the president, so ho instructed his driver to go out of tho grounds by another and almost unused route, and in that way hoaertcd tho reporters altogether. His carriage, was driven direct to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad station whero a special train was in waiting to tako the president and his brido to Deer park.

They wero escorted through tho station and into tho car provided for them without attracting attention and at 9 o'clock the train started off to its destination. The president and his bride were wholly unaccompanied on this journey. They will probably remain at Deer park about a'week which lime thev will oecunr a small I oottago which has not been opened ror the Eeasuu. The guests began to leave the Whito Houso soon after tho president's departure. The crowd of curious sight-seers remained at the mansion until preparations were made to close it for the night.

The wedding presents wero manT, but they were not accepted, nor will a list furnished. This is in deference to the wishes or the president. The groom's gift to his bride was a handsome diamond of a single string of diamonds. The presents from the cabinet officers and their wives wero mostly articles of jewelry, although there were several beautiful presents of silver-ware. Just as the wedding ceremony began a presidential salute was fired by a battery of artillery near the river and the chime of bells of tho Metropolitan M.

E. church pealed forth the Mendelssohn wedding march, and the other churches joined ia the happy salute. Th he centlemen present at the wedding were not fortunate enough to receive a salute from the bride, who confined her kiss to the ladies. Otherwise the ceremony was orthodox in form. The executive mansion will be open tomorrow and photographers have alreitdv received permission to perpet uate pictorially the elaborate decoration of the interior.

The arrangement for tb day' event were under tho control and personal management of Colonel Lamont and they worked so smoothly and satisfactorily as to cam for him universal commendation and compliment. As Canada Wishes. 2f rw Yost, June 2. A Montreal special says: There is a very indepeedast spirit manifested by Canadians in the discossion of the fishery question. They claim that this matter will be settled as Canada wast it, or not at all.

Said Hon. Peter member of parliament and ex-minister of marine and fisherie today: "It will not be a England says, but a Canada with." The Doings of Congress and Departments Briefly Told. Two Families of Seven Persons Murdered In the Territory. The Spinal Column of Our Dominican Neighbors Slightly Elevated. The Lobor Congresses at Cleveland and Pittsburg anil Their Doings.

Prom the Lowest Price for Years the Wheat Market Takes a Rebound. Weather Report, June 3, I a. m. Indications for Kansas and Missouri are: Fair weather; slightly variable winds; stationary temperature. Killed by Lightning.

Sptclal Plspatch to the Dally Eagle. Arkansas City, Juno 2. A man named Robinson wasTfilled by lightning yesterday in the southern part of Finney county. A heavy rain prevailed here last night. Fully four inches of water fell.

El Dorado Excerpts. El Dorado, June 2. It has been raining steadily for tho last twenty-four hours. The wheat harvest commenced in this valley yesterday; the average is small but somo largo yields are reported. Tho young corn is in better condition than has been for years.

The Southwestern Trotting association postponed the race until tomorrow on account of the rain. WASHINGTON NEWS. on" for the smisas. Washington; June 2. It is undeitood that Secretary and Sirs.

Manning will leave Washington Saturday altcrnoon for Hot Snrines. where thov will nrobablv remain about a month. CAPITAL EXCKRVT3. Tho house committee on Pacific railroads agreed to report favorably Representative Dorsey's bill authorizing tho Union Pacific Railway company tc construct branch lines. The president approved tho act amending act granting right of way for a railroad telegraph lino through tho lands or the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations or Indians to tho St.

Louis and San Francisco Railroad company. Tho following circular, signed by Commissioner Sparks and approved by Secretary Lamar, was issued today: To Registers and Receivers of the United States land office Tho repeal pre-emption, timber culture and desert land laws being now sub jects under consideration by congresJ, all applications vj cuwsr izuius uuuoi aro hereby suspended from and after, thU date till tho first day or August, 188C You are hereby directed to receive no filjnes or new applications Tor entry under said laws during said time. dROWlNd SERIOUS. Representative Boutello received a telegram today from Eastport to tho effect that tho dominion collectors of customs threaten to seize American boats if thoy buy herring from the fUh weirs on provincial shores to be used for canning in the United States. A large business of this kind has been car-riend on at Eastport and vicinity, nearly all tho fish being brought from tho provincial weirs.

Tho American boatmen aro afraid to continue the traffic and a largo number or peoplo on both sides or tho lino are affoctad. Mr. Boutello and Senator Halo this afternoon called on Secretary Bayard, who promised to take immediate steps to ascertain tho facts of this report of the denial of ordinary privileges of commerce; but he remarked that diplomatic negotiations on this subject must bo conducted through tho British home government and they aro ncccsarily slow. A REVERSAL. Comptroller Durham, of the the treasury department, has rendered a decision in which bo holds that under the act of Juno 10, 18S0, tho double minimum excess paid for lands should bo returned to tho original purchaser and not to tho transferee, where tho transfer was mado after the passage of the act.

This decision reverses that of Comptroller Lawrence, his predecessor. srXTEXrTH AMENDMENT. Senator Cullum introduced in the senate a joint resolution proposing the following! amendment to me consuiuuon: Art. XVI, Section 1: Tho only Institution or contract or marriago within the United States, or any place subject to their juris diction, snail oo mat oi me union in raw-risen of ono man with one woman, and big amy or polygamy is forever prohibited, any law, custom, form or ceremony, civil or religious, to tho contrary notwithstanding. Sec.

2. Xo stato shall ps any law or allow any custom, form or ceremony of marriage except in obedience to and conformable with the institution or marriage as herein deflnod and established, but otherwise the regulation within each state of mir-riaco and divorce, and civil and criminal jurisdiction over tho subjects, shall belong to tho several states as heretofore, Sec. 3. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. confirmations.

I toasters J. B. Fugate. Xewton, Ks F. M.

Reamer. Dodge City, Ks F. E. Martin, Lamed, E. M.

Lock wood, Burlington, R.J.Tnckcrhaw, Lebanon, J. Sherman, ilonroo City. Ma; J. E. Watson, Fulton, G.

Buckner, Carthage, Mo. Jonh B. Scott, Indian agent for tho Choc-taws; F. C. Armstrong, Indian inspector.

FORTV-NINTH CONGRESS. Senate. Washington, June 2. In the senate today, after routine busine, the Northern Pacific forfeiture bill was informally ltid aside to permit Mr. Brown to address the senate on the bankruptcy bill.

Mr. Brown said that of the GO.000.000 people in the United State not 10,000.000 desired the bill; it was desired by brokers bankers, railways, etc; it was a good bill for those but a bad bill for the remainder of the people. The Northern Pacific forfeiture bill then resumed. The question pending wu Mr. Van Wyck's proposed amendment providing for the forfeiture not of the lands of the Walla Walla branch alone but of the land appertaining to such branches of road a shali not have been completed at the time of the pase of this act.

Mr. Call said it is the conviction and de-termininatioa of cur people that all no-earned grant be forfeited. Some thirty million acre of the grant to the Northern Pacific company that have not been earned should be forfeited. At 2 o'clock unfinished busises. the rail road land taxation bill, was placed before the senate.

Mr. Dolph and Mr. Plumb supported the The senate adopted as amendment proposed by Mr. Plumb on behalf of the cora-mittea oe public lands, providing for the repayment, in proper cases, of the cost of sorveving to purchasers' lands. Ht'.

Erart submitted an amendment to exclude nnsttrrejed l-ids, which wa agreed tc. Mr. Hear' amendmest. heretofore submitted was thee brought up for cosudertv-tioo. It provide that not more than 640 acre of land told under the provisions of this act, shall be purchased by any one person, or shall hereafter be acquired or owned or add in trust fcraar oca perscs.

and any title or interest acvuired in violation thereof shall be forfeited to the United States without any act or entry or process whatever. After debate, and without action upon tho amendment, tho senate went into executive session, and soon adjourned. House. Mr. Wilson, of West Virginia, from tho committee on appropriations, reported back the District of Columbia appropriation bill with the senate amendment thereto, with tho recommendation that some of the amend ments be concurred and others nenconcurred in.

The recommendation was agreed to. Mr. Adams, of New York, and McComas were appointed conTeres. Mr. O'Neil, from the committee on labor, reported a bill to legalize the incorporation of trades unions.

House calendar. The house then went into committee or the whole on the oleomanrerine bill. Mr. Willbourne, or Texas, opposed the bill. He said it could not be found in the history of tho republic a more serious precedent than would be established by it.

Mr. O'Farrall, of Virginia, said it wa not a proposition to build up one honest industry at the expense or another honest industry, but to build up honest industry with honest industry. On motion or Mr. Beach, or New York, an amendment was adopted inserting the word "knowingly" in the clause imposing a penalty upop every person who purchases or receives for sale oleomargerine from tho manufacturer who had not paid the special tax. Mr.

Holman, of Indians, spoke in it favor. Tho object of the bill incidentally advised the repeal or the tobacco but maintained that oleomargerino was a proper subject or taxation. Mr. McKenna favored the bill and Mr. Lawler opposed it-Mr.

Bayne, or Pennsylvania, said that there was nothing in tho bill which would prevent the poor man from buying oleomargerino without tho payment of any tax if he went to tho manufacturer and purchased that which was not produced in imitation or butter. Mr. Scott, or Pennsylvania, entered bis protest against tho resolution or the trades assemblies or western Pennsylvania, presented yesterday by Messrs. Negley and Curtin. beinir resrarded as representing the sentiment or the wage workers or the state ot Pennsylvania.

Tho telegram presontea misrepresented tho wago workers or Pennsylvania. It did not speak their true sentiments and convictions-Mr. Henley sustained ths) bill. a Mr. McMillen, or Tennessee, moved to strike out tbo clauso which provides that hlf th fines and penalties imposed by this act shall go to tho informer.

Tho houso would not do itself justice if it enacted such an obnoxious piece of legislation. Tho motion was agreed to to j-j. In accordance with an arrangement made this afternoon tho committee rose and re-norled the bill to tha house, tho under standing being that a vote should bo taken tomorrow and that an opportunity should be civen to allow members to pats upon tno question of reducing tho rate of tax imposed. Adjourned. Via Kansas City.

Kansas Citt, June 2. Tho Missiisippi and Missouri Valley Hardware Dealers' association adjourned this ovening, after two days' secret session, having elected tho following officers for tho ensuing year: President, W. Hackutt, St. Paul; vice-president, W. H.

Hall. Kansas City: treasurer, V. Friend, Omaha; secretary, George S. Farewell, St. Paul.

Tho business of the convention included a discussion of railroad rates and raeaurts for resisting encroachment or Chicago and St. Louis upon the territory claimed by tho association. The next meeting will bo held at Burlington, in Jnnc, 1877. A Kinsley, special says: During a thunder storm today four men in front or a store and two in the building were struck by lightning. Nono wero fatally hurt.

At Carthage, Dr. Brooks, or St. LouU is arranging a great temperance camp meeting. A movement is on foot to secure tbe attendanco orSam Jones. The recent rains caused a washout on tho Missouri Pacific railroad seventy-two miles west or St.

Louis. Tho passenger train du from tho cast at 3.30 this morning arrived hero ten hours late. The damage will be repaired by tomorrow. The approaches to the bridgo across tho Rio Grande river at Albuquerque, N. on tho T.

S. F. railroad, were washed out last nipjht. The California business or tin road will therefore be sent over tho D. R.

G. road tor threo or four days until tho bridge is repaired. Let None Cihcaoo, Juno 0. Tho grand jury today returned thirty-four indictments against the anarchists. It is stated that fivo additional persons have been indicted for complicity in tbo Hay Market massacre, and that additional charges have been preforred against those already under arrest.

Milwaukee. Juno 2. Tho grand jury Investigating the recent bloody riots, returned sealed Indictments, In no cases are the names or the parties mado public. Seven arrest were made, this afternoon. It is reported that tbe active executive board of the Knights of Labor havo been indicted.

Throo members of tho board wero among tbo arrests today. Another arrest in connection with- the recent riots was mado this afternoon at the instance or tho grand jurv, making eight today. The deputy sherifl is stilHn the field, and the prospects are that tho jail will not hold tho number or additional agitators by tonight. Unfinished Plea. St.

Louis, June 2. Mr. Fauntleroy continued his unfinished plea of last night for thoderendantinthe Malwell murder case this morning. Maxwell bears up well under ia tn fwi1 anil vtfh InA PI- ception of increase ia his nenrousnesi and cviueni axixieiTa uw yjFTnj maienmiiy trace tov vyvnm ui ciukj. Ho watches the jurors carefully and itMnn siint in favrtr i TifA.

tented by his counsel ho scans their Jface for its effect, and when no is prefa me swAtif irtti hlrlr criminal, hn irarche critically for an expression or sympathy and leniency, iir. raunueroy win oe uuuwiu by the counsel who have not already spoken, and tbe conclusion or tho trial is not expected till tomorrow. There is a good deal or betting on the verdict in the pool rooms, in irA utan pirpn an acquittal. Money is freely offered and taken on "no veraicv or a nuns jurj- The World Moves On. CniCAGO.

June 2. The railuro or Edv was announced on the stock exchange this morning. Liabilities small. Tbe failure had no effect on tbe market. A special from Peoria, III, says: It has been ascertained that J.

Finley Hoke, the lite book-keeper of the Merchants bank or city, has made away with SSO.000 the bank's money. Hoke, as book-keeper, had nothing to do with the handling or the bank's money and must have taken immense sums from the packages or counters or drawers, and so doctored the books that they would correspond. A News' Peoria special lavs: It hj been ascertained that Hoke shortage to the Merchants National bank Is tht $75,000 was taken by Hoke when it was known by tbe bank. Ouaiia. June Soloman Bro, leather and saddlerv jobbers, have failed.

Liabilities, 'assets, H.O0O. Labor Congress. Jane 2. The only bn-ceu transacted by the Knight of Labor this morning, given to tha public, wa th election of three assistants, to be member of the executive board. They wer: Jerry S.

Quinn, New York, bookbinder; William H. Mulle, Richmond, Va, publisher of a labor paper, and Hugh Conway, Cincinnati, shoe ca man, formerly shoemaker. rrrrssco, Jux 2- The AmaJcamaled tteel asd iron workers net this Dorrbr at th usual hour. The most important bosi- bss was the reading of a letter Iroa urasc Master Workman Powdertr, of the KoishJ cf Labor, asking that tha sesrbers of the society join that orgaeixatios is a body. rrsr.deat jurua ssatea isa mwr had been placed la the hand of a committee for consideration and that he had ievital Master Workman Powderfy to visit tbe city and address the aoocatioa.

He beSeved the invitation would be accepted. Couldn't Stand th Ccf. HcrnsroTox, Pa. Sssa 2. AH the soft coal miners la ike Broad Top coal region struck yesterday morning, except those ia tba Boot Harrowhiil sic, owig toaredactionfrcsa60to0eectatoE- Two Families Murdered.

CoJTEmiLr, June 2. Dr. George W. Pvle, his wife, two children and a hired man were left for dead in their homo at Carr's ranch, twenty mites southwest ct here in the Cherokee nation, Sunday night. Mrs.

Pyle and the hired man were still alive when found by tho neighbors, though unconscious. They will probably die. The fiendish work was done with an ax. Upon the same farm, about a half mile from where Pyle lived, a widow woman and her son wero found killed in their house on the night of tho l'ylo murder. They were also killed with an ax.

There is no ciuie assigned for the murders and no duo to tha perpetrators Extreme Penalty. New York, June 2. Herr Johann Most, the anarchist, was today sentenced to the penitentiary lor one year anu nnea jow. His associate, Braunschweig, got nine months and fined 5250. Scenick was sent to the penitentiary for nine was not fined.

Recorder Smyth, in sentencing Most, ex pressed deep regret that tbe law did not permit him to impose a heavier sentence on his crime. He said that ho deserved the punishment awarded to capital offences, and also told him that he was the greatest scoundrel he had ever s-ecn at tbo bar. Theatrical Data. Leavenworth, Juno 2. Tho Grand opera bouse of this city was sold today to L.

M. Crawford, or Topeka, who will "at once assume charge or it and run it in the future. The purchase or tho house by Mr. Crawford secures for him a circuit of the majority of the opera houses in Kansu over which he haspcrsontl control, eithar leasing or owning all the balance, and he can now book companies for from six to twelve weeks, bis circuit reaching from Leavenworth to Denver and El Paso, Texas. Another Cut.

Chicago, Juno 2. Tho Rock Island railroad, this morning, mado another cut in their rate to St. Paul, reducing tho figures from $7 to I25. This ill make the St. Paul and Northwestern first-class rato to Omaha, SJ.23.

Milwaukee, Juno 2. A circular letter, Usued by General Passenger Agent Carpenter, or tho Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, announces tho intention of that road to meet all cuts in rates. The Siberian Safe. Chicago, June 2.

A Daily News special from Montreal says: Tho Alfens received a telegram this morning announcing that the Siberian had arrived at St. Johns, N. 11. She had been eight days in a fog, and was surrounded by ico. Tho gulf is reported as being ono continuous field or ice.

Track Laying Commenced. Chaxute, Juno 2. Track lajir.g commenced hero today on tho Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas riay. It is undcrtood that tho road.wben completed lrom Chanuto to Lexington, will bo turned over to tho Southern Kansas. The Crew Saved.

Roundout, N. Juno 2. Tho steamer Jacob Leonard, tho Schuyler line or Albany tow boats, sunk this morning about six miles south or hero. Tbe stern and pilot houso aro out or water. It is believed that tho crew reached shore.

Great Demonstration-. Jnno 2. There was a great demonstrtion hero todav anil tonight at tho grand army reunion in connection with tho opining or tho new hall. Gen. Logan, Gin.

Shermhn, Commander Burdett and Senator Harrison wero present. General Rains. Medicine Lodge, Juno 2. A bountUul rain is reported from Comanche and Clark counties. During tho past threo days a general rain has visited every portion or Barber county, and today and Saturday night a good rain Ml.

Nine a Day's Work. Pittsburg, June 2. Tho striko of the stone cutters and stone masons of Allegba-noy county for eight hours has been settled on'a nine-hour ba'is at the old wages. Work will be resumed tomorrow. Favor an Advance.

Cleveland, Juno 2- Tho National Association or Stono Manufacturers is convened here. Tho members aro unanimously in ravor or advancing the price or stone. Life for Life. San Francisco, Juno 2. Dr.

J. Milton Browers. convicted of noisoninc hi wife in order to obtain $15,000 insurance on her lire was sentenced this ovening to be hanged. Mark of Respect. New Vokk, Juno 2.

Mayor Grace today ordered the flags on tbo City Hall to be placed at Lalf-mat in respect for tho memory of John Kelly. Prominent Kansan Dead. Kansas Citt, June 2. A Lawrence special says: Hon. J.

H. Ruhner. a prominent citizen of that place, is dead. FINANCE ANU UUMMERCE. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH.

New York Market. Ton. June 2 Money On call easy at 2 tt 3 pe e0-prtme mercaaUle paper at 44CS Sterllnr exchange dull at St t'li ior B) day. SI OK demand. Governments yulet and lirra.

State Bonds loll and ateadr. Itallroad bond more aetlte. The total sale of stocks were share. D. s.3-pr-ceau D.

9. U. S. 4 ir cenM I1 CJ. S.

6-per-cntt of 1 ktlaoun 6 bond 11X Chicago a Alton JJJ Chicago, Burlington A Qalncy Lackavrana 131S Lake bhor atlonri Padac VX Northwestern i leading Bock Island Colon Pacific VTabh Western Cnio.1 US Chicago unin ace Produce. Cmctu). Jane 2. There wa an eJ feeling In wheat the rt hslf hour of trading to-lay. Inly delivery torching 74S'c.

within a fraction ef lhelowet tgor at which the option old In many year. From that moment good baying In and before the elo of trading late la th afternoon a bsl! moveruat tad Uen Inaugurated which carried everything before It and produced somethlnz akin to fale among tbe small bear trader The scramble to porch wh: became jen.r.J, and the ceni during th lt hairhonrof tra4icg Is the affraooii wa unlike anjthln wittsd before In many month aad the ball with exdted men ia aa endeavor Veernr trad oa which margin h-t been exhaaited The mornpUja from the prolonged Uar market wm to toddee asd pronounced that It occasioned no alarm among many of th bear traders, but wheaaa advaae of 2e per bahI from 1 egar had occurred sad price up, many them became frantic bwyer. and maurUIly added to th feeling et bwyascy. Ia It aflernoea Jalydellrerxtcoched T.lit, an a.Sia of te from the lower rrle at tbe SBJralrg. and clod for the day at 77K The dreae of sarly2.V buiheU la the vtaitle nyjAj wa of the treg ball arnxrtu, Vot the advance wa attrTiHrted to estlrvly apart from the Testa of the market.

Cora aid ou Improved slightly dorltg tb tmlos bat Cttthed rravtalvx tbrwd a (light lsprwt eatrst. rjoxr Suady and tra- w.iii rasxt. Jsae. 7TV73V. cloxd Itsvi July.

ioJ 7: Atra, U4 77Vj So. I. rpnsg. nonusai Corr ale raaiM; Caah. UKi Jese, Vs Jaly.

cia-i ss'ftV. clo4 3t Pita MTi' ralg-d Cab. Jsae. 2Vt Jtly. dI Xi clodi Sya dsll: Xo.

2. Cc BarleT-OtUjSo I33e, rori-e3 raxrl Caah S3S J3. Sitf eV 13. ciovl iiSi J3JJ. an m'w do-! Lard- raagedt cava and (3 CKft Bi-exr7.

eUtrr, $. u. u.j ftVsssssss! AJTUXOON BOAU Wheat strong- aoJ higher; Jcly Cora alj Wi-OaUJnlyKV. Pork-Jaly 45 Lard-July St. Leait Orain and Produce.

St. Louis. Jane 2. Flonr teadv hot cnehsnieJ. i Wheat strong sad higher.

The mark ft opened easy and Xgta'e lower but soon recovered and advanced sharply ISlS'c nJ closed strong higher than Tettenlay. Sale racged Xo. i red cash 768T8V; Jane. closing July. TtIIV, doting T6V: Aurcst, 73M677.V, closing September T9V.

Cora very dull a- steady, clclng about Testerdy'ilSgcre; Xo.S mixed cub. 31; Jane, closing JuIv.xiV&B: Aogiut. closing JJ.i September, 31SV. dosing 3I.S'. OaU Tery doll and easier; Xo.

mixed cab, Jolrik Ere weak; lS" asked. Barley Xo market. Batter Jail and er; crrunery. 1(513; dairy. 11613.

Eggt nrm.Se. Vorlt wek, 60. 73. Cecelpts whsst, 10.W); corn el.WO; ots, AVTSJUIOOX BOAKS Wheat firm nd lower. Other marktU unchanged.

City Grain and Picduce. Kmu Citt. one i. Tbe DaIIv Indicator repi.n wheal rreeibU 1.W0; shipments Is store. market Heady: No.

2 red. casj. 37 asked; Jnne.33 bid. 47 aiked; Jnljr. 3abU; Angnt.3S&W,.-0.

Ssoftcasb, bid. atked. Corn Kecelpts 19.0; shipments IJ.tW; tn store KJ.IU); steadr; Xo. cash June. 26V; Jnly 26 blJ.

ft a.ked; Xo 2 white cash, US Md, 2J asked. OaU Nominal Eye Nominal. Haj Dull and wrak; iancr ma'l balled, t6 3u; large, S6 00. Eggs weaker at tc. Butter lull, weak; choice creamery.

23; Cue dairy. I13. Chicago Live Sloe. Cmcii.o Jane 1. Cattle lleeelpu,; shipment.

1.71-0; market alow, belt grade Heady; (hipping steera 9Maii H. 2543 oi; and feeders. i 6i-tl 70; cowa, ball and mixed, SI 7Si3 75; balk. Si toT tt; through Tea, liacaralOSiocluwer; cousat-d teer, 2 3 I to grass eteers. corn-red.

S3 "3d 4 M. Hoga KeceipU. 2. shipments. market 1o- and lower; ronith and mixed.

S3 7044 50, packing and ihlpilng. S3 1KJ81 IS; light, S3 2i; iklp. Si 3J3 40. heep KeceipU, 23t; menu, market etcady; natives, 30. at.

Louia Live Stock. St. Loci. June 2 Cattle llecelpts, 14(0; BO. market firm on good graas K-raicatll'.

oilier grades oulei; expuit S3 3u3 ft); Inlr to ko-hI SI SSSJ 23; common, 73; e.irn-Ie.1 Texan, SSUW34 Hi; traii-W TrJ ana. Si21tt4 Ui; con and hrifrm. 2103 ti; ktockera and feeders, S3 2324 ft). Hoga rccelpta ihipmenta. SOJ; market active and steady: bnlrhera ami bt ahlp-plng, SI u34 13; mixed packing, S3 KniJI uu; light, S3 S3l On.

market Sicily; Si 3Til to Kacaat Cltv Live Slot. KaxaCity. Jan 2. Cattle IlecelpU. shipment.

UP); market alow fur choice: ehoico to fancy. SI 93U3 to. fair to good. SI to4 uu common to medium, SI atockera ami feeders. S3 2131 cowa.

2 was 40. ling Receipts. 14 4S7; tly good to choice S3 703W; common to medium, S3 40tfS U. Sheep Receipt SCI: shipment. 23R; steady; good to choice SI Jo: common to medium, SI 3X32 23 WIICHTA MARKETS.

Heavy Drivers Medium work Ponies, broke Ponies, wild l'onlfs, Indian 12:150 N'kl( 2ik 2i 40 3 3343 73 3UK43.VI I (tt 73 im 17SWJ23 cattli. Tlutcher' eteera fat cow and heifer Shipping ateera MCLI. 11 hand. 4 to 7 year old 14 hand. 4 to 7 year 13 to 18 hands.

4 to 7 yeara IIO.1. Sh! ping hoga Stock hoga Oraln. Milling wheat Shipping wheat, lower grade. allied Corn White Corn Oat KedTexaado Produce. Xtt3 3 7MIKO Mia70 2iti3 a 23 23 InstO 13Si3 2 (Kill 23 .2 Uatai 121.

II 10 e-U 1 330 2 73 230 2 r. turn e.i 70 Irilh Potato Kggt Batter Chee Onion Apple Cbfekens, per dozen 8. C. Ham B.C. Bk.

Bacon Bacon aides I. 8. Side Bbouldrr Corn meal rionr, high patent Flour, patent Flour. XXXX Flour XXX Cnopfd Hran Sbortt THE REVOLUTION ClothingHouse WILL AT 102 DOUGLAS AVENUE. Citizen liink Hull-ling, Thursday, May 27th.

Look out for revolution in prices J. A. STEDMAN Genera! Insurance Agent. Fire, Tornado, Life and Accident orricz lao ipocglas xrxyrct. OvT tars.

Orsg tr. Lariat AgEic? I F. STAFFORD, DtXLEEI!" Guns, Pistols and Ammunition Hmcttu rt.l riilHran Money At lowest rates and ready for borrowers AT ONCE S. W. COOPER, THE BOSTON STORE HOLDS THE LEAD.

Tide Turned Our "Way. HAVE JUST CONTRACTED EOR 5000 yds Unbleached Muslin, Full yard wide, heavy round thread, which will placed on sale Saturday morning', June 5, To Continue Until Sold, at the extreme Low Price of 4 3-4 Cents Per Yard, Never before sold for lohs than 7 1-2 cents. 2500ydsHsl)ressOinohams At 6 3-4 cents, never known to be less than 12 1-2c. Come Early. This is a Rare more than WALLENSTEIN I COIIN, TIRELESS AND RESTLESS PHILADELPHIA STORE Cor.

DOUGLAS AVE and MARKET ST. Special Ottering! We shall place on sale Saturday morning: 4 pieces Black silk Rhadzirner at 97c, actual worth 1.75. pieces of surah silk in brown, black and blue at Ooc; actual worth, $1. 6 pieces Black silk brocades at (Joe; actual worth, $1. 42 pieces English doublcfold Ginghams and seersnekers at 7c.

(The Ginghams are slightly damaged, but arc made to sell at 25 cents. 52 dozen silk Taffeta Gloves in black and the new shades of mauve and tan, all sizes, 35c: regular price of these is 75c. Shall offer these bargains for a few days only. A. KATZ.

Opportunity and will not last that day. WORKERS FOR TRADF. 1 3gStfijgggiigg -4- CSSSsi.

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