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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 16

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAKD TIUBU1, SATURDAY ZVLUUIQ, NOTICE TO CREDITORS, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Fsfste of John EInclalr. deceased. Nolle Is hereby -alven by the under- killed Ftaef Nils 8. Nelson, dec Notice la hereby a I van hv tha nr.iii.

Signed executor the entats of I o. r.Son. ceceased. to tha and all persona having elaima aaa'r at tl r. v.

a ia'r at tl-e tkVt IXTSISS ITETTCa. PX.TMODTB CR KOC Ear BBJUtBS ta a GIRL H.l OF PASTOR iS FOUTJD an doctor about Ay tr Cherry Pectoral for cou -ba, iTO i coLis.croup.bronchJtlt. Thoansdiof families 4V KJ aiWITg teep in thd house. Tha approval of mmJlcim. Docfar, prated CanaUsa ticm Peit a with ti I I months I i hta nolic tht mmn irr a-a Unfrocked Minister 'Gave- Child to Cotton Planter in Louisiana.

NEW TORK. Dm. II Flnretta Wha-try, ths child helrees of Ilempitud, L. an wno in npni sinjiea who nir ywior, rtbf P-V- Jer Knod Cook. then rector Bt anra'a hitr-K In that I.ine? wkonaaaBaa WATCH CONTRACTED DISORDERS fjf flf ATTrD what form of trouble ar Mrasknoss' mat sv, kll 1 A XTilV nfCErtTAIe.LV Is to yooe advantage to consult as haaee treat auaa VBV I.

miuIm. anrf thmuoMt aelentlflO math- edt are certain to effect PIRPICT and a PERMANENT CURE case that we undertake. Our (nstftutfen la most perfect- dqUppfaT for tK. trutaunt at a.v i nw -rats laaam ta aaa a Oon't Ce Misted By CH EHPCU RE "Baits" jrow are ufrifna from any eeivATf DdtTASE. tixt yooyrith to fjet WELL, you muit AVOID MUSEUM DOCTORS or ELECTRICITY FAKIRS, a yould AVOID CERT MM DEATH.

IT Is an vndonlsble fact that seven out of ton of tho eases of wealt- 1 1 temt from $omo neglect $4 or btdly treated cate ot eonorrotieo. Unlove THE BEST TREATMENT la. given aa aoon aa tho trouble Is discovered, that ehronto condition known aa glaat I certain to anaua. Thla means WASTE, followed by LOST MANHOOD, end then none of tho great vital functions are sver quits satisfactorily performsd. If you come to us we will treat you In a way that will promptly CURE tne trouble and restore you to full manly STRENGTH and VIGOR.

HTA tfE WE positively guarantee to euro Acute er Chronic I 1 lVCi ill ll Gonorrhoea. Gleet and Discharges In SEVEN I and wa will wait for aur fee, THESE AILMENTS ar tha stumbling blocks of tha profession and men era trssted for years without success. Ws make BwjrearMjijra Oil 17 cures are positive, complete, thorough and permanent a by our methods the real and only cause of the functional NESS la totally removed. The knowledge gained by cloae study and tion In thaueanda af eaaaa anahlea ua ta treat accordingly, and In yesrs ws hsvs not failed In a eingl Instancs to se-comollsh the desired results. WE CAN POSITIVELY CURE YOU, make you STRONG and VIGOROUS.


DEEP-SEATED DISEASE. Write If you cannot call. Our ayatem of homo treatment Is always CERTAIN snd most successful. All corre tpondence sacredly confident I aL Examination and Advice Absolutely Free of Charge and Strictly Private. HOURS: A M.


to I P. M. THE UI1ITED PIIYSICI1IIS trail SURGEONS 517 23rd St. San Francisco Office 719 Van Nest Avenue. HOLD-UP Outlaw Slain With Crowbar in Outbreak on Section House.

uvnnowiSM. Waah. Doe. II. Twa Hamad Millar and Carroll, ontarad a ac tion bouao laat nlht which waa oocupioa by aovan Italians and ordarad tham to hold up thalr hands.

Tha hold-apa than brfaa ahooUn. Tbo llallana attack ad tha outlaws with tools. Aftar killing Miller, a crownar waa onr uirousn bis head and aa aza stuck la his body sraral time and his eyas war dug out. William Carroll, tha otaor man, waa also wounded, but sunrlvsd until of-Hears from tha city arrrrod. whan all war taken to prlaoa.

Thro Italians war wounded, but aona aarlously. TO BE CASHIER OP UNION NATIONAL BANK Varl T. Jordan, who haa bean tnanaswr and caahlar of tha 8aua Clara Valley Csnk tor number ol yen, hu in- darl hla mitnauon to accept a Msltlon as crush tar 0t VJn" National Bank ofS Oakland, and ha wUl enter upon 1-1 nw dutletlmmedlttely. Ex-Town Treaa-urer Albert llarrla and Gaorgd Hamilton surreal hlrn In fha Panta Clara bn. GOSiSTIPATIOH tV avar ty yaara 1 aaid with ettaate iaa- n4 avtmi thli list 1 k(4 to ta to fa tm lr from ik.t lkl moral t.

Vaa 9 if mai mt aaa aaa la aakalt at.uBrtt B. f. riaaat. fiaaaoka. IIL Palatable.

Poaaet. Taata Sad. PaQoaa, 8kaa, a'aaa at Grip. 1M, ls. iiiiit old la ik- Tka fasatn tablat tens QUO, laarsataad ta tare ar year awaey bark.

b. USUAL SALE, TEI CILUOI EOUS SAVE AVOID PAIN urn Mucus raw mt ackaewladged to be th easiest ana twt pdinleM txtneion tn OakUnd. until do. at wa nav deckled to make our tst gets of testa for Sloa BET OF TEETH It 2K GOLD CROWNS gold nuUNoa Yt PILVOl FILUNOS Id BR1DUEWORK No charaa for extracting whoa tosth are ordered. A written guarantee for II years with all work.

DENTAL PARLORS 1155', WASHINGTON ST. CHICHESTER'S PILLS Wv 1 ag DIAMOND BBAJIK A rilia la VI4 waicW I umirf alcfc Blue glbaoa. Take a ataee. Ha afaaae ltH.1B BaVAnlt IIXS. yen kaawa at Srrt.

Staat. Alaayt kdltbta SOli BY CKLGGISIS EiIfiYnKLRE Nature's owa mm remedy for the raju venation of weak. whether loat ey laa'tscretlotia dtsessd dlealnatioa. Car aU Wasttna Waakneaa. 8allty la-omnia and Nerroua Uabtllty.

tl boa eantalnlna month's treatment. Bent pre raid sn receipt of price Prapared only Aldlna Laboratariaa. 14 Liaalnatoa Maw York. Treat Iaa fro. Bold la Oakland and Baa Fraaeiac only by OWL PRUU Off.

TO r.l WAt TOMQ tU Clay Oakiaad. Cat. Pear Btrt Aftat aavtaf aaSarad fraa a nrem eatfarba far aeaaral eteeta wtraaot featas akla a (at say taiter, I was ai atsed ta easaalt yaa. I 44 a aad tb retslt was tktt Is ataUdy eaed swat anae taar w-aa iraai waaL I tBaref'wa raeaai ji.d ya aa a sfcr'fsl Mr atria la Ike traanaaat af aweaaa batdarkai ttaaaS repeated eaiaa varraiaearaiy rear, CUA. Wat NOR.

WEAK MEN D. HALLt KEIXTiaCKATOI aU I la 14 bears. Tea will teal aa rmatateaiaat rraw tha drat Soaa. bave aa aiavb aoaMear I traatmaut that wa reuld aafaly afst riTB reward for say vsaa caaao car. This eerret raenaaf kalarras Bhrankea Otfaaa, nrw lm put racy, Varlrerala.

Pramilara aiat. Strlctara. Kldaaya. Last Maahoad. ratna la ta trlaa and all at bat terrible wsat lea edarta af errors yoatk er tl yet bottle; tkre battlea Uuaraoteed ta rare ai; eutahle cat.

Try it. Arts like mmfe. Cttl ar addraaa HALLS al Knit A l.9iiil.ia. aaa praadway. Oakiaad.

Cat. OSkr Boon, a m. USs st.l Buodays. I a. 1 f.

a. PEESUN NERVE ESSENCE RCSTOKU VTTAUTT Uava cured ihowaaada af oaaaa af Nervous Dolallty aad laaoaukks. They iar to bra la, treagUira ctrevlatlea. aaaka dlgeatiaa perfect and Impart a vagneiio vigor to tha whole betog. AU drains audi Ueet lopped permanently.

11. per bos; hdaaa, guarantead I cur or refund neney, tl. MalUd sealed. Book free. PV.relaa Med.

fib area treat. Phil, gerahta. Said by Owl Drag Co Oakiaad aad aaa Freaa Every a) Iaa aad Skeaid kaaw aboat tua at.darfal MARVEL Whirling Spray 1 aiaai eyrta-r. keev at ret cvt Tra- teat. It ciremre yww arnrratM-X, aa eaar.oi sar iaa -A L.

ar-tt SO sea amra fet aiea. tl voa tnl aanlaaiars aV lit. ViMaWta UAwi. Bt 1 1 CO. Uri Md auaaa.

SAW iaJLa. Osgood Broa. Serearth and Broadway. ei li C3 AK tl WSfcL ll BVAs I raVf AJfot aa'a hlklan I dlackartaa.laaaaBatiu Oaaraa4 VI rntlia. at alcarati.

BM tt airirwa. atftll Mtakru mwt (wufka PAiMiaM .4 ttaJL pfitt' trim I atwieesa aaa aw aaui a. at ar aetaoaeaa. tiK'tUTLI, 1 aVald by IrasTtat srat ba alai arayeat JJ5'aa a4a pllT I alaayaars kalora I atafraaearaial loffarrt saioid mhtrr with tafratl Tsanki j-' Th Bowels X. canbv csTHairne 1 BP aw I aV4A.4a lk I mw Signed administrator of the estate of John Elncialr, deceased, to the creditor of and all persone hating elaima against in saio aaceasao.

to esnioit inem wita the necessary vouchers within ten months after the first publication of this notice to the aatd administrator at the late reeldenc ef aaid deceased. 1214 Alameda avenue. Alameda which said late residence the undersigned lects as th r'ex of troeinse la all mat-tare connected with aaid estate af John Sinclair, deceased. NORMAN FpfCTUtrR. Administrator ef th estate of Bla- ciaJr, aecease-L J.

A. AI.I.F.? and ft. tLrTTRWW Attya. for Admlalatrator, PortsrvUla, Tu- aare tai. Dated.


ETC. tn ths Superior Court of tho County of Alameda. 6 tat of California. In th matter of the estate of CXaaTJDE HENRT COLE, deceased. Notice of time eet for proving will eta.

Notice la hereby given that a petition for th probate of the will of Claude Henry Cole, deceased, and for the Issuance) to D. Cornelius of letters testa mentary thereon, har been filed tn thla Court, and that Monday, th tth day of January. A. V. 1908.

at Id o'clock a. roof said day. at the Courtroom ot Department No. 4 of said Court, at the Court House la the City of Oakland, la $ld Countr ot Aiametfa, aas been set tor tVia nartvc et aaid oeVttton ana proving aaid will, when and where any person Interested may appear anj contest the same. Dated December ttth, 19AT.

JOHN P. COOK. Clerk. A. A.

ROOF.RB. Deputy Clerk. OfBSO.V H'OOLNKH, Attorney for Prtltionar. lSSlfa Broadway, Oakland. CaL LADIES' RELIEF SOCIETY.

Notice at Annual MseA(ne Ttt annual Taaettngj of th LaUUee Wallet Society for tit etoctloa of etnoor and direct org for the ensuing year will be held at (he home. 191 Forty-fifth streak, on Thursday, January ISO, at IS o'clock a. m. JFSSIB CAMTBELL Corresponding Secretary. L.

B. 8. O. Dec. th.


In tha matter of th Estate of Gio vanni Batttsts Mlchell. deceased. Notice of time set for proving win and application for letters of administration with will annesed. Notice le hereby given fiat a petition for the probate of the will of Giovanni Battlsta Mich ell. deceased, and for the lea nance to Marie Mtrhell of letters ef administration with will annexed haa been filed In Kile court, anj that Friday, the Id day of January.

A. 1XI. at 14 o'clock a. m. or said day, at the courtroom of Department No.

4 of aaid court, at the Court House In the City of Oak-Inntl in County of A lime, la. has been et tor the hearing of said petition, wnen nd where any person Interested may appear and contest the same, and show cane ir any fhev have wny aaid petition noun not tve grantea. uaieu ueremher hot. JOHS P. COOK Clerk.

By A. ROGERS, Deputy Clerk. AI.VA Atomey tor Petitioner. NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR PROVING WILL. ETC.

In th Superior Court of the County ot Aismeda. Ptate of California. In the matter of the estate ot Elisabeth Ktinorn. deceased. Notice of time aet for srovlns win.

etc Notice ta hereby riven thst a petition for the probate of the will of Elisabeth Kltborn. -leceaaed. and for the Issuance to John Clauesen of letters testamentary thereon hea been filed in this court and that Monday, the Sth day of January, a. r-k tana ta A.M i-iwt. ii.j.

at the Court Room of Department No. 4 or aaid court, at the court House in trie City of Oakland In said County of Ala. meda, hits been set for the hearing of salil petition and proving said win. when and where any person Interested may appear ana contest tne snme. jjated uecemner it.

iu7. JOHN COOKT. Clerk. By A. A.

ROOKR3. Deputy Clerk. Wlckes 8-haarIs A Powell. Attor- neye for petitioner. 9C7 Broadway, Oak land.

Calif NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR PROVING WILL AND FOR APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. tn the Superior Court of the Btata of California, la and for tne county of Alameda. In the matter of tho cststo of MARIUB ATHENOLR. deceased. Probate DepL No.

4. Notice of time set for proving will and for eppllcatlon for letters testamentary. Notice Is hereby slven thst Fridav. the 10th day of January. A.

D. 190k. at ten clock a. m. of that day, and the Courtroom of Department No.

4 of aaid Superior Court, at the Court House In ths City of Oaklsnd. County of Alameda. State of California, have been appointed ae the time and place for proving the will 01 said MAKIUS ATHRMJUK, deceased. nd for hearing the appucstlon of ROBTNF. ATHENOm and JOSEPH ATHENOvR for the Issuance to them of letters testamentary thereon.

(SEAL.) JOHN P. COOK. Clerk. By A. A.

ROOKRR. Deputy Clerk. Dated December llth, A. D. 190T.


State of California. In th matter of th estate of Charles E. Mason, deceased. Notice of time eet ror proving will. end application for letters of administration with will annexed.

Notlos Is herthy given, thst a petition for the probate of the will ef Charles E. aiason. necsaaea, ana ror tne issuance to Mav Florence Mason of let ere ot administration with the will annexed. haa been filed In thla Court, and that Monday, the 80th day ef December. A.

D. 1907. at 19 o'clock A. M. of said day.

st the Courtroom of Department No. 4. of said court, at ths Court House In the City of Oaklsnd. In the County of has been eet for the hearing ef said petition, a hen snd where sny person Interested may appear and eon-test ths same, and ahow cause If any they here why said petition should not be granted. Dated DecctnoeT is.

iwji. JOHN P. COOK. Clerkt By A. A.

ROGERS, Deputy Clerk. DCDLET KINBKI.U Attorney for Petitioner. a1 Broadway. Oakland. CaL NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR PROVING WILL, ETC.

In ths Superior Court of tho County of Alameda, Ft te of isuromia. In the matter of the estate of Bernhardt Koeppe. deceased. Notice of time eet for proving will, etc Kntica Is herebv given that a oetltlon for the probate of the will of Bernhardt Koeppe. deceased, and for the Issuance to August KaJeer of letters 'testamentary thereon, has been fllej In this Court, and that Monday, the (th day of January, A.

1). Iius. at iv CHKB aw m. or earn qay, at the Courtroom of Department No. 4 of said Court, at the Covrt House In ths Citv of Oaklsnd.

tn said county or Ala meda. has been set for the hearing of said petition snd proving said will, a hen snd where sny person interested may ap pear and contest tne me. Dated December K. 107. JOHN COOK.

Clerk. Rt TV. It. FROWNINO. Deputy Clerk.

HARRIS A HE? St. lilt Claus Sprsckals Bids-. Baa Tan cjsco. in. NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR PROVING WILL.

ETC. tn the 8s perl or Court of tho County ef Stat ef California. In the matter of the estate at Leopold rauneoer. oec-aawa. Notice of time set for proving will, eta Notice Is hereby given, tnat a petition for the probate of the will of Leopold Frsuneder.

decenned. and for the issuance to Sophie Fra ineJer ef letters testamentary thereunder has bean f.ied In this court, and that Monday, ths SOth day ef December. A. D. 1M7.

at 14 o'clock A m. of said day at tha courtroom of Department of No. 4, of stld court, at the Court House la the City or unsisnj. in ani i loumy oi Aiame ia, haa keen aet for the riearlne of aaiil re. titlon and proving aaid alii, when and where any person interested may sppei an, content tne same.

Dec ruber It JOHN P. fontr. County Py W. If. Prownlrg.

Iti uty Or. tjrav A -r pcUOjcer. ffraeprlas WL 7aa. Kalaae Ww. tt.

Mar. reclite (new) iia. tl feci lie ssw IT Kalaer Wa. II re, 4 Kronprtnt It Cscllle lSKsieer WW. II.

Alas. SI rtrtx-gcsFw riisryern gxarics 10 A. At. Part arses a. Iaa t.trw fUrbaraeee Fb- Rooo Ja.

l'How fl4'lts Jaa. rvRaela ffa. Baalow Jaa. SOiBoelow Mar. irtprTT.aaaaxa gzsTtcm.

BlttltTlt-MAM ra 43RNOA. AT It A. M. CuFxtUia AT 6lakALTAB FOB ALOISES E. La las IS.

ta p. Iraoa Jia. II P. IreaO SS Prladrk-fe Jaa. mrrtedrlcb liar.

1 E. Albert ft. S.K. Lolas Mar. 14 eomlta ees, MarU derates tleyd Travalrrt' OVsshs Bead AU Over the WerU.

Araarl Ua WerU Teas EAST AMD WIJI tt. i loTp express tnra araelllaa HtTilae Alaiaadrla. aTEBitAM MSUllF A-NKAJI jLATAoTf I.INB BTsrsarn Seaea via llayle as fie tevaa L0AL BOrMANIAN si AIL STEAMS) Csastssia rnnittaMatili fmrnt Aieaasdrts BOBERT CAI KIXa. O. A.

9. 160 Pawag wsaxy sse aesaaiDi at. sraacia BotaL DEPARTURES and ARRIVAL OMLflfD rralas are gas tesrrles ssd Jear StXTSaWTH rTmsfrr rtATtoi Oa aad Aftsr aeer A WOT. t-Att EickBoaa, Saa Fable, MaoH, Radee. Per Costs.

Btelelt. Sotaa. Dtva. San areata. Roaa.tlla, ratea- MeS BlnS, Rrdillof, Itnoet Ponenalr, Elm Ira.

Vaearflla. Ramsey tavta, WaoSlaaS, OeavtU. Catalog. Tehama Tsllejo. rallttngs, Martlses.

Coarnrd. Daavllle. gas Baaios MTt-RlckMei. Part Casta, Bealrta. galsun.

gaerameato. Trorkee. Ben. Sparks. Hassa.

rfcnrrhtu. Ulna, Tsaopab. BoldSetd J-aws. Feeler a SS Port Casta. Msrttaea.

Cnrawall. Antlnra, Prroa. Trary, Lathm. (BtorktMl. Modeats.

Marred. Madera. TUaHa. Por-ternila. Pakeradeld 'JTa Atlantic Ei press Saersaente.

Trarkee. Reaa. Base. Wlnae aiarva. Battle Moaatata.

Ogaea. Bait Lake City tettla Pteg. Rlrbiaood. Saa Pable. Pinole.

Rndee, Tslleje Jaaetlea tetata Orarlaad United Oedea. Ckey-ene. (revert. Oct tha. nicaa Salt Lake City.

Dearer. Kts-ass City. Dee Moloea. Chlcaga ieS4a Loa Aagelee Paeacaff-r Rl-b-sietrt. Port Coats.

Pyroa. Md-destn. Freeno. RakertBeld, Lee Sweatee ItaafnrS Vl-alla sad Sootaara Catttorata antata Vat-le)n. Mare 1laad.

htpa Bontb itSp PnriUr4 Frpreas Rfrkatead. Part Oarta. BenlHa. Bateaa. Da-vta.

Beddtae. Baaata Bprtaga. Aiblands, Portland 4ts Rlrkaod. Plaole. Port Coat a.

Bratrta. Botaaa. wiwtra. Taea-vtll. Winters, IMm.

Berre-Bteafo Psrlf. Wiwdiand. Ta-Sor. Taba Cite. Marraatlle.

Pa. Iniau. Oravflla PreeD Pasarnrer Crockett. Pert Coat A. WarHaes.

Corn will. Aatlnra. Breatwond. Bvraa. Trary.

Latere. Modesto. Tor-WVlteread, Bereada, Madera, Tallalo. Tarna" Baata' Baa'a! Rape. Bt.

Heleas. Csliatnga, Mtrttoes, Pantflle. Baa Raama Baater Rtpreas Pert Coats. Vtvrna. Bt-x-kton.

Qatt. Barraaiente, Cotfas. Trarkea Bore. Bene, Derhy. (Wed ase aasy C.Ses 49y lerts 15s isasi UA4a a wertat.

Haw, irallnei. Pat-Vt Uountata. PalWsde. Carlta. Bike, rohre.

Montr lla. ftedee Bait take City. Paebio Dearer. Passes City. Bt.

Cat- eaca Owl Uinlfed Port Coat a. Kew-ataa. Ina psnns. gerntaa. Prea-ao.

Talara, Bakerifteld. Los Aa- D4aoWMle. Marl leland. Port Coat. Bealda.

galena. Baeraaieate Thins aad Jinaa Pst Mall Port floats. BenMa. Pnlsna. Bse-raaieeta.

Trnrke, Pens. Cobra. Ofden. Chevenne. Penver, Eaa-se City.

Orasha. Cklraea TASp iaday Only ftreee. Blrhooad. P1ioe. BoSea.

Tallelo. Crerkett. Pert Costa. Martinet 7p Oregos Eipreaa Port Coat a Be nlrla. Sntann.

Barranaeato. Tie-eota. Wkeatland. Marytvtlla. Orldlev.

pises. Chic, riua. Tehama, Bd Blot. Phssta Bprtosa. Fertlaad 1:14 tttsT a -est ftilrr iTtTrr.

btab bioaowat.i Pas teeedr. Lareass. nsyws-d. Oeot. Nile.

Irrlsgtea, Mil- -bites. Baa Joas Ceaneeta at Baa Joee wttb tka Coaster nttrey. Pajara. Caetr. vine.

Ballaas, Pass Roble Rit Pprfngs. fie f.els Oblmpa. arf. Biota Barbara. Lea Aaealra Dal Manta.

Meaterey, Pacta ftreve tooipae Kllee. Pleat a tea. fjieiaiw. Al'smoat. Carley.

Midway. Lathm. Stockton. Trary. Mew-smb.

to Panes, Hns Ft loa. Herman. Hanfard. TisaJla. Pertae- vllle.

BakeraSetd SrSaa g-JSa Atrarsdo. Kewerk. Ceatarrtlla. Alttea. Agaew, Ba Jaae.

Csms-bell. Oatoa. Alas. Wright. laarai Coaaects at Baata Clara with Paa tela OMaee pae-aeneer Holllster.

Tree Plaos ral. Pel Moat. Moatarey. Pari Sr Orara Kllee. Plesasstoa.

flier biiw. es Btorktn. Ledl. Gait. F'k Orev.

Sarramaato. Be4 Btng Oakdale, Oilaeae. Jaaeetawa, Poaora. Taniomae. Anc-la IOp Pa Lean'm.

Loreean. Raywsrd, Deeats. Miles, Irvtngtoa. Mil-pltaa. Wars Bprlnsa.

Baa Joaa Mt. Bdea. Altarada. Mewart. Araaw, Saata Clare.

Saa Jnae Connects at Bs gna with TM Moate Btoreaa OUroy, Tre Pino Wstanaville. Baata Cmi fsatrorllle. Pet Moot. Moaterey. Parlfle Orove J8p Baa Leaadra.

Lerenas. Hayward. Perot o. Kile. Irvlnaioa.

Bae Ja. WatsoavtHe. Baata Cms, Pel Moat. Moaterey. PadAe Orove Coaneets at J.w with Bna-aet bUpreaa Bt Paaa, Baa Aa-tonln.

Kaw Orteaae, WahlDgtoa. D. C. Few Terk, fhieace sad Bt. Laala Special leeear for Raaaaa City.

St. 1oUi. ChkatSalinaa. Paas Potles Rot Bpiing. Bast Mar- Jrarlta.

Baa Lola Obl.oa. Ootda-ape. Barf. Bants Parbsrs. Vesture.

Oiaard. Barhaak. Lee As- eesp raas gale SSy Kllea. Pnanl. Fleiaaatoa.

tlver-Sora. AltanwHit. Mldwav. Tracy. Lsthroo.

Btorktoa. Lodl. (Ar-rlre via Wart lees at Stxtsealk- street depot -a La1ro. Ierenee. Rtywsrd.

Pecata. Klias. gaaaL Pleaaaatea. lit wore IJIt-Ht. Kde.

aewan. ceBtervm. Baata Cars. Baa Jaa. Loa Ratoa.

Wrtcbt I44f 1:16 Ba Lendro. Larevt-v nayward, Decate. Biles. Irrlsgtea. Mil- pit.

Baa Joe ra Leaatn. Loraaao. Haywars. pecota. Kllea.

Baa Joes feaaerta at ga Joa with Los Aasele Pry re as Baa )nae. Btrtvat. BaUnea. Peso Robles Hot Springs. Raafa Br-kara.

Las Aseelea. El Paaa. Baa Antonio. Houston, Pew Orleans. Waahlaa-taa.

Mew Tarfe laapoe S4Bg Srsap tioatera ira'a. perereevs eaty" Ba Joa ad way statlae eyrgaa MTCKXXJf PACiriO BTEAVXB aXaTTCa. (Oakiaad Harbor ferry) a le oos.ii-en IX I (, a.W- to ot'. e.aus. a a Waloat Oro.a.

Tardea. Coart-" Had. gacraaent. Presi Bas PranHan aaath Bad Parr Boildiog S-OOf Suaday ax rapt ad. aanday atilv.

ANNUAL MEETING. FIRST OOXORnATIOVAl. ClfCRCH. iM nii, i ai. The snnual meeting of fns First Con CTegat1nai Chitrc.t r-f CHk an Califor-

wiil be t.ti.t in the rl. corner of Tnlrteenth and It lirttK lkUmL on TS lrs 1 evecirkaT. January necessary vouchers within nnr after the firet pub.icatlon of to tne aAta executor at the offlre of Dinkelsplel A -vt. i Claus Ppreckels Puldlng, Ban Iran- eweo. auiornia, wmcn SAX ofTlr the undersigned Selects ss bis place ot business In all matters connected with said eetate of Nile L.

8. Nelson, d-ceaeed PATRICK EDWARD NELflON. Fseoutor of th estate ef Nils I Nr son, deceased. Date. Oakland, Decemher im DINKELSPIKLi A BCilLRSIKUER.

Attorneys for Fxecutor. ao-PK daua Bpreckels Eaa Francisco. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THB UNION NATIONAL BANK OF OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, Notice la hereby given to all whont tt may concern that the annual meeting et the eharehotdera of the Calon National Bank of Oakland. California, will be held at ths office of said Bank, on ths northwest corner of Brosdwey snd TweitH 1 street, ta the Citv of Oakland. County ef Alameda, fttate of California, on Tuesday, the 14th day ef January, lies, at ten o'clock a.

for the purpoee of the election of Directors for the ensuing Tar, the considering and Bering upon the prttpotltlon ot Inereaalng tho carl tit stock of aaid aorootatton. of amattdlna ta Article of Aaaoelatlcn aad Ry-Lawa. and af further considering and acting Bpoa such other propotltlona and buei neee as ma be necessary or, proper. Dated December leth. lnr.

C. aV PA1ATER. President of the TTnlon National Bank ml Oakland. CBllornla. anf fey CKAFS.

lemtan snd Caih1r ot the UnloB National Bank ef OakUnd. California. BAN FRANCISCO BAVtNQB UihlON, iV. TT. Mnjdr Callfnrrl Mn4 Uont- sTomary Baa Fractaoo.

th halt year ecdlng Dacemee llat, JI07, dlrMen.1 haa heen declared, at tho per annum of four and one-tenth (4 t-iei par rent on term dapoatt and three and" three-fourthe (lA) per cent on ordinary dertolts. free of, Fsyehle oa snd after Thursday, January d. los. Depositors aa entitled to draw thstr dividends at gny time during tho succeeding half year. A dividend not drawn will of lded to the depcalt account, be- coma a part thee rot and aara divided from January 1st.


It! California Pan FranHeco, For the half year ending December It. 1997.. a dividend has been declared si the rate of three snd eight-tenths SI-IS) per cent per snnum on all deposits, free of taxes, parable on an sfter Thursdav. Jsnnarv I. 10I.

Dlvl. dende not called for are ad. led ta snd bear the same rate of Interest ss the principal from Januarr 1. lint. aF.QRGPi TOVRNT.

Bcrtry. DIVIDEND NOTICE. WEST OAKLAND BANK A TRUST CO, Oakland. Cal. For the aU months ending December II.

107. a dividend haa been declared on Savings Deposits at the rat ot four (41 Jer cent per snnum, payable on and after anuarr Id. Dividends not cal lei for win be added to and bear the eame rate of Interest as the principal from January Id. 1901. O.


THB OAKLAND BANK OF SAVINGS. Oaklsnd: Cat. For 'ths sis months ending December II. 107. a dividend has been declared at th rat of FOUR (4) per eent per annum on eating deposits, payable oa) and after January 1901.

Dividends not called for are sddsd to and bear ths sama rate of Interest as ths principal frons January 1, 18. J. T. PTTTKRTON. Cs shier.

DIVIDEND NOTICE. THB UNION 8AVTN08 BANS. Oaklsnd. Cal. For the els months ending December list.

HOT. a dividend haa been declared at the rats of four per cent (4) per snnum on sll savings depoatta, payable on and after January td. 1901. Dividends not railed for will be added to and beat the eame rate of Interest ee the principal. A.


Cal. For th sis months ending December II. 19ffl, a dividend has been derlered ea Barings Deposits st the rate of four (fY) 5er cent per annum, payable on and after anuarr Ind. laid. Dlvldenda not called for will be added to and bear the eame rate of Interest aa the principal trees January 2nd.


CFNTRAL BANK Of Oe.Kie.nd. Cal. Vne tha all months nrtlne TW.mV.i II. 11T. a has been declarej at the rate of FOUR I4a.) per cent par annum on savings deposits, nevable on and after January llrtl DIvMends tt called for are added to and bear the earns rata or latereat as tne principal frora January t.

1901 r. uaklbton. Cashier. DIVDEND NOTICE. SECURITY RANK A TRUST CO.

Oakland. Cal. For tb els moo tha ending DecamKaa II. 1107. a dividend hes been declared oa Savings Deposits st ths rate of four (' Kr cent per snnum.

payable oa and after nuary Id. l0t. Dlvldenda not called for will ae added to end bear thd same rate of Interest aa ths principal flora January Id. 1S. CHAS.

A. SMITH. Cashier. MEETING NOTICE. Th regular 'snnual meeting af tha stockholders of the Central Bank of Oakland.

California, will be held at the offices of the corporation, northaaa 11 B'oadway. In Oakland. Tuesday. January 14. D.

for tha alert Inn comer itia ana coaawsy. i auroraia. on iu at l-M clock p. directors for the cireciera tor tne enstung year and for the transaction of such other business as may come oeiore tnr meeting. J.


Oakland. CaL The annual meeting of the stockholders of THB UNION SAVINGS flANfcC of Oakland. California will ba held st tha banking rooms, northeast corns of Thirteenth street snd Broadway, CaL. on Tuesday. January 14th, lswa.

at I o'clock p. m. A. E. H.

CRAMER. Cashier. ANNUAL MEETING. THE OAKLAND RANK OF BAYTNOB, Oakland. Cat Til annual meeting of the Btockhol-ta era of The Oakland Bank of Bavlnee, Oakland.

California, alii be held at the office of the corporation, northeast corner of Broadway and Twelfth streets, Oakland. on Monday, January IL lJui. at three o'clock p. m. HENRT ROT.KHd.

Presljent BANK OF GERMANY. For the term ending Dec list. 198T, a dividend has been declared at the rate of FOL'R per cent per annum on ail aavlass deposits, pay a bis on and after January Ind. Dlvldenda not ealiaj for wii be added te and bear tiie aame rate of Interest as the pr1nrlre.L T. H.

SCHL'LZE. AssL Cashier. ANNUAL MEETING. The -regular annual meeting of tha-Mocntala View Cemetery Association wii ha held tn th parlors Of the entr-1 Bank. Bortheast cornet of urtnt snd BroaJway, Oakland.

California, Ve-needsy. January ith. at I p. m. C.

8. MF.LVIN. Fecretary. NOTICE. THR UNDFKSION having tear sentenced In this county to life laipr' ton.

tnent for grand larceny, tnten-te for rf it tea yt-rs. AUiilcil Aj.u.i i i. Dr. Graft land town, baa been found. Phe ae been living on cotton plantation In Ixiulsiana, where aha waa deserted by t'nnkt, who "gave" har to Ua owner.

Baniuel T. Wright, chief clerk In tae office of Kifttu County's Surrogate, hag received a letter elgned O. Jonas," dated from Emdan. Lav, and postmarked haw VerJa. The letter la aa follow: "Dear fllrr I saw In a Dawn pa par you war Inquiring for girl named Ploretta Whaley, who bad been anna etnce laat spring.

I bar girl living with ma by that nam. flhe haa been har sine ArrtL ItOT. do not know her age. wut she should be about 11 or II years at Sow, oho may ho o)der. i "A tnaa by th -nam of Cook brotifrVvl her har.

11a said tt waa tits etepehlYd and that bar motbar bad dial and toat was tint able to lake cart ot kr. lla gave har to ma. and 1 am adv-JIng bar to achool to educate hr. She fcems to wait nleaaad Uh bar home. FTl Mid aha thought aa much of us as aha did ef liar own pr' After th elopement laat soring Cook wit unfrocked by Blahop Burgage xA dismissed.

Mlaa Whalar la December became betr-eaaea to mora than 5000. which had been Mt to hot 1 her taMr, wbo die. laat aprtn. LAW 0RIP3 MAN WHO DESERTS HIS FAMILY IUCHMOND. t)e.

tl. Mike Clanrey. who dasartad hla faintly and toft thm la destitute circumstance to tubnlat on pub-lie charity, waa glvsn twanty days la tha city Jail by Judgs Kennon. Qarvsy told tha Judgs would go work kind husband to hid wlfd and take ao4 car of th children If bo would lt Mm oft tiro, and It mar thai th judge will do bo. Tha erring huaband than rv his wife aa ordar aa tha Baata Fa for tnonay dud htm.

Waltor Clinton, a negro. Waa found snugly each ad In a bos car In tbo 8aata Fa yard by a Btata poll cam an: Llks-wlso tbo aal of th said boa car waa Broksn, which In Itsatf constitutes a felony. But tha negro was Jet off with a plain m1dmanv cham. to which ho plead guilty and waa nttnrad to a tarm of alnoty daya In Jail. Than fed wad told that antaoa would Va auapndd to Ird mtnut.

dnd It Wi wltd bd wouU town bofor th asplraUoa of tha CITIZENS TO MEET TO SELECT SCHOOL SITE FXMHURflT, Poo. 11. Th -ho" Trustodd of tha new Highland School dIMrtct of Elrnhumt havo decided to rail a tnaaa meeting on January atn ir tha purpoao of selertlng a location for tha new achool. and to declda on the beat way of raising necessary funds for the erection of the school. i HUGE DAM IN WALKER VALLEY GIVES WAY BANTA nOSA.

Dec. II. Tha daro. SO feet hlgli, constructed by W. W.

Van Arsdale on hla place In Walker Valley, which mtili a lake coTerlng soma fifteen arres. went out last night Ith a The lake had been a lock with flh and was to have been one of the attractive features of the Van Jtrsdale place. AGED GERMAN SUCCUMBS IN CHRISTMAS STORM HEDDIXO. Iec. 3 -Tha body of ri'orae Milter, a lrman eared (7.

waa o.ind thla morning half a mile from Cen-tervllle. lie nrrlshed I'hrlatmaa night riming a atorm. Miller atarted home from (Vnteryilie In tha afternoon, and it It thought he sought ahelter under a rnansanlta buah off tha trail, lay down thrre to rest and died. The family waa aara from horn and he was not missed. The body aaa found accidentally this morning by Tana aimmona.

wno waa out hunting. Peace Refgns in Amafeur Circles NEW TORK. ree. feac naa at i i i. In.

Amateur ihletle Union and the International rikatltig I'nlon. terms or aarwrneni un.irr Mhlch each union racornlsra the otar In a branc ot aport having ba n.iar thla aarreement the In- -national fkatln I'nlon la to control i sn.l roller sk.ttlng In America and i Amateur Atrtloilf I'nlon la to re- it. Ind ixnamna. On the other hand, the union Irtle Vnlon aa In control of all other Isamoe amateur athletics and rec-oemtrta all Ha rullnae. dlaquaJiflcatlona ami suspensiona.

t'v tnia aa 1 a n.ntl Vol. the eontroversy. w.iloh has lasted lor a er. nas seen wiurj. Reliance Band To Give Dance What nromlses to ba one of the Moat enjoyable dances of the seaeon will be glyen New Year's eve.

December II the Reliance Club Pavilion, Twenty-fourth street and Oakland avanue. by the Reliance Band. Thl will ba an all night affair and refreshments will be provided. Tha sis and airiness of the gymnasium make It exceptionally pleasant tor dancing and the floor to all that could 1 desired. Tha money derived from event will be expended In purchas-i uniforms and music for the band v.

hirh, under the direction of R. la fat developing Into a clever musical organization. Tremble and Heal To Fight Shortly PAN ntOO. Deo. II Saa Plega Sght fins are showing considerable Interest In the Keal-Tremble fight, which takes place If re the night -of December Id.

Neal rrcma to bo tho favorite In the betting. although the Ioa Angeles man Is not without backing. Both are clever light er and about five years ago 'ought a drew in San Fraacisoa. -a- How Diphtheria Is Contracted. nna cftan bears tbo expression.

"MV Cr.ikl caught a saver cold which developed l.ito Mheria," when the truth was nt trie cold had aimrir left the lit a nartlcuiarly uceptll I to th waa- i ri: t'TM. When Chamber-Inn's t'oua-h Retneiiy la given It yulcklr I I Honest Treatment "Yon Pay for Besnlts Only" I Never Disappoint My Patlsntsi I Fulfil Every Prom I as and Never Hold Out because WEAK observa recoonlxe the exact rcauirementa and Guns Hopes. FREE MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 476 TRttmNTH STRUT OAKLAND, CAL False $l-Complete VARICOCELE 1 cur Varlcoeel without naln. operation or llrature. soreness, swell) ria and congestion of the dilated velna quickly van tan.

Somlnal loeee ar rhrcked. tn wasted organs ar developed and Itaiity of peifect manhood the warmth, vigor and VII speedily return. PPOtaTATtTl I this dlaeasa without riVUO 1 1 1 1 13 eum; or dilating. My cure removes every obstruction front the urinary passage, allays Inflammation stops every discharge, reduces the prostate aland, cltense and heals th bladder and kidneys. Invigorate the weakened organs and restores heilth and aoundnesa te every part ef the body fefflicted by the disease.

CVDI4I1 1Q If Too bave sore throat mueona I a alltalaJ patchea, pimple, copper colored spots, sores and ulcers, bona palna. falling hair or any symptoms of this disease. In either primary, secondary or tertiary stagea. consult tne aad be forever rid of IL My treatment eleaneea and eradicates every taint of poison end every Impurity ot the blood and system. All danger ot transmission or recurreve Is removed.

Why take mineral poison for years when I can give yon a permanent cure without th use ot these injurious remedies Consult tne at once. WF Ak MCNMf cure for lost manhool romives sll the Ill-effects ef for-Vf frarv lviL.tvmr gbusea and esceaaee. atopa night Icoiee and drains, makes th nerves strong and steady, enriches the blood. In vigors th pel to organs, and most important of all. restores the waated power rf manhood.

Avoid temporary stimulant. Seek a las Una; care; I give a permanent res to ratios to perfect and ee capiat manhood. DD1VATP or cuto or chronic, such as Oon-riUVrtlCt gJU3LJJIJJ orrhoea. Dischargee, Fiequency of Urinat-Ine Pain and Burning: also naw Bores and Ulcers. 8 welling; all throe stages cuted quickly and secretly to stay cured.

IDF cured where many other doctors hsvs failed. I use ao 1 tiV I UtVLs knife. No pain. No detention from business. I glvg Immediate relief.

I also cur to stay cured Hydrocele. Rupture. Piles. Kidney. Bladder and Prostatic affection.

Ecsems, Peoria eta and all Chronic Diseases. SJLTDtTF If unable to call, giving fult description of your ease In your own tilllt words. My home treatment la the moat successful known to medical science. All correspondence la confidential. Hours: I a.

m. It ax. I te I p. m. Sunday, 1 a.

m. to 1 a. m. Consultatloci aad advice tree. DR.



RECENT CASES CURED IN A PEW DAYS. SEND FOR FREE BOOK. 1 Call er Write Dr. Hall's Medical lastituts. Ercsdwsr (Upstzln) OAKLAND.

Hours, I a. m. to I p. m. SUNDAYS.

s. m. ta tl at. cum the t-oid and leasers the danger ef -hthrria or any other r'fnt disea b-t 4 otitf arted. For aal bv Oej ooj Proa, 'n at liroadsray and Lilb and Waaa- ti'tuU.

uta. at cixt. a jOAP.nMv. 1 er atara-a, afar i Mre.ef aaa a taaaaJa. I.

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